>C. i -v^- . , i ’■■ X ... '.. V , 'V ■.'■V..' ,:.■■■ ...... y ' r , . .1 • i .. MONDAV, m ay 14, 19M PAGE SIXTEEN ATtraxe Daily Net Preas Sun ^anril|(0t(r Svraing H$(ralb F«r tha Week |M M Tha Weather May It, IWi FerMaat H V. s. WMther liareaa world la hero to atay. Tha homo ia Arthur L. Nichols, 26 Delmoftt Tha JToly Family Mothera CTrcle Delivers Sermon hart to atay. The diespsr queatioh 12,094 . OooMkmal nUa late tonight; Lmv St., is today celebrating, his 80th. will meet Wednesday night at 8 1 la what kind of a home will wc se-M. IVedneeday eloady, amo- About Town anniversary with the Hartford Nar o'ptbck at the home of Mrs. Walter | I On Pa^l Home , have," thq, minister aaid.. i Register Now for Member •( this Aadlt •tonal rata ending ,1a taw, tioukl Bank and Trust Co. He is a ,I)oll Jr., 180 Porter St. A rummage | "In the ideal home, all will ahare . Oareaa OrcsOatlMi moler la aftemooa. blgh la^2a A teugbtcr. Paula LouiK. waa clerk In the Audit Department. skle will be held. " i the necessary work. Home chores Matu;heiter~—A City of Village Charm 66a. bom at Ilartfortl Hospital May. 4 I Plays in World are a blessing,” the Rev. Mr. Neub- YWCA PLAY SCHOOL to Mr. and Mra. Kenneth Jackson. Manchester High School/ stu Manchester Lodge, No._73. A. F. M Garden SU The nsatemal grand and A, M.. will hold a special com-; — r . v„- ert continued. “Too much do we as MARY JAYNE CRANDEIX, Director dents who were selected aa town • "In the Intimate bonds of family I pgrjfitu indiige and ‘pamper our ■ (SIXTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN,, TUESDAY, MAY 15, 195$ ' :t parents are Mr.
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