FRIDAY, MAY 23, 1952 i r ^ y -’iw t e 'aiQHTEEN ifflanrl|pkpr lEnftitas IStralb Average Daily Net Press Ran For the Week Ending 'Ths Wrnthor Mr. and Mra. Thomaa Berran May 17. 1B5X Foreonet of V. 8. Weather m of Bangor, Maine, former Pearl mtXowiii.™ - are -” -vlaltlnr *- friend* in town. At vreaent they 16,555 Tonight cloudy wltli ahewere,. - <j«md X M- P oL Cm II England, Mktng-thete—Mndquartara. NEW: Mcmiier of the. Audit Jowest-tempernbienJii- low M'*c «r Niitmeg For«*t No. U«, Tall, with Mr. and Mra. ThoinM Dun­ Bureau of drenlatlon* Sunday cloudy with ekowar*. O dara o f^ b a n o h , ha* called a bar, Phoenix atreet, Vernon. They ^ v ^ h e ater—iA City of Villtfge Charm meetlne to be held a t the Wa*h- attended the meeting of-Mancha**, iagtanlocial Club at B o’clock thi* ter Orange Wedneaday evening, - •vetnag. All member* o( Nutmeg ^ HANDBAGS VOL. LXXI, NO. 201 (Claaaifled AdverHalng on Png* 10) F^reatNo. 11< who are not attend* Member* of Sunact Rebekah MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, MAY 24. 1952 (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE FIViS CENXS, Ingth* convention In Atlantic - City lAd King David, lodge* will Join |n are eordlally invited'to attend. a aervlce a t the North MethodlH Simulated bamboo pique / I Church Bunday. They will meet In Mia* Joyce- Weth'erell of IS front of the church a t 10:45. plaaticR, linen finish fab* Spring atreet 1* vacationing In fie, imported /atr'aifts. T h ir d K o je Mexico City vlaltlng her coualn. Rev. HarryrAnderaon of South White and colors, ^ UN Loses 12 Planes Mr*. A. .Flore*, the former Doro- Woodatock, formerly In.the mla- . thy .n«aM.,B«loca.ratumtog.home, .aion,field In. Africa... *h*,.trilH .upend. W m * H m «,.‘n the“jralptr of the covenantint'-<?bn'‘~ P O W R i o t Roaa, Calif. She la makfiig the trip gregatiohaf CKuixlT Sunday morn­ by ^pian* and plana to be away a ing at U a. m. month. Is Revealed The Cyp Club of the Center .98 Mr. and Mra. Henry Bradley of Church will meet thl* SiMday at , Seoul, Korea, May 24—<A*)| Vernon atreet will have gueat* 6:45 p. m. for, a picnic at the home —The Allies struck the Koje Island, Korea, May 24 from Rhode laland and Hartford of Peggy Carter. 165 Boulder road. Aiiti-Riflgway Riot — (/P) —News of a third at a picnic at their home Sunday. There will be recreation and elec­ Plus Tax greatest air blow of the bloody riot by Red prisoners Badminton, croquet, horaeahoea tion of officer*. Member* are Korean war at the Reds of war on violence-torn Koje and a baaeball gam* will be played aaked to bring the|r own box Thursday and Friday, against during the day. lunchea.' island came to light today. a sobering picture of increas-; South Korean sources said four ing plane losses. The weekly] ----- ^ — — —— — — j " -- Sunact Circle of Peat Noble Mia* Marlon Ander*on, daughter Korean guards and t hree North Ko- Oranda will meet Monday evening of Mr. and Mr*. Gu«taf Anderion plane loss count gave thej ■van Communist prisoners were Elected M oderator Sciciitifit C harg^l In th# director* room of Odd Fel* of 357 Adam* atreet, who ha* been $ 1.95 VALUE— CREST CRAFT Communists 12 kills and U. S.l killed an(( 57 Reds wounded in the J Four Hurt|_ -J A sks ..More Iowa Hall. Mra. Etta Loveland, uprising April 10. * atudying llluitratlon at the Ve*per airmen four. j ... Aaaoolated Press correspondent tha4ieeless..-wUl.b»'_,,awl.et*(|, hy -Oeorge -Sohool. of. Art ,-in- Boaton ...... • "Thn' Fifth Air -Force—tkfly^t- Mra. Marlon Btraugham Mr*. Eth- William Jordan obtained the story i for three year*, received a diploma showed the week ended Friday j from South Korean witnesses al- In Hartford • el Strong,.Mr*. Evelyn Sword* and today for having *iiccea*fully com* •GENUINE LEATHER wa* one of the wor*t—If not the G u a r a ir t^ B Mlaa Florence Taylor. Entertain­ ., moat a week. ago but ai;my censorsi pteM tha couraea at the «chooL ■worst—air week* for the Allies In Tokyo withheld U until today. i I.Z.. ment will b< furiilahed by Mra, work by her I* included In the #lnce -the .war„atartcd...23. month* ■•• Ruth Beckwith.-...... eludenf exhlbHtOn-'nOW oh V14W at ego. .......Kxpiai'ni D e la 'r'" " ..... T" Stores-Fire A U. S. Eighth Army spokesman i lit Gontrai JUlM„HdlQfiL 1.. BILLFOLDS — —-On-the-CTcdlt nide,-4- public during the summer. with change pure* and pas* case. Asaortad color*. said UN pilot* destroyed 460 build. Ing on the riot "because the Eighth.; Hartford, May 24. (YPI—Four Ing* and damaged 163 In their con- firemen were allghtly Injured In Bonn, Germany, May 2i«- - Mambec* .Jif-tha-Aiuntlcan.-La: .4 Army Investigation of the Incident ,i4^jrr-;Last m inute J^raiu;h-:4n).-. r - - - T 0 Y 8 - thtuott*" -two-day — attack—-which- ha*-not-■been ■voinplrte(t.’*"-Amett-t It'ttff«*.:ai*m'- '»ram" *m el‘TitoM ^ glon are reminded to meet In front paralysed Red industries near the can ofriclaig here refused to com­ i jectinn.s onagRed thre«-pow8)‘ Vbr th* KlddlM of the W. P. Qulih Funeral Home North Korean capital -of Pyong­ ment. : building blaze early thi* morning at 7:30 tonlitht to pay reaper.fa to '.that'took until daybreak to bring, talks here today oii comple­ yang. Sen. A. S. Mike Monroney (D.. i under control. - . tion of the Allied-West dei’- IrHiHr Drug Stores Oeorge Booth, who was a member . For the first time In the war. Okla.), indicated in Washington a of the poit. EACH—Plus Tax I The fire broke out In either man peace contract. Lnrg* AaaortnfiMit Communist* MIGs grabbed a flve- Senate subcommittee msy investi­ ! the cellar or flrat floor of the brick to-four edge In aeriat dogfights. gate censorship delay of Jorden’s A conference of Big Three for­ - and frame building at 866 to 872 eign mlnlatcr* waa bald up- A Donald Krauae of 111 Benton .The I^fth Air Force announced, dispatch. iMaln street. All five stores In the' atreet e hi I * ted In the a rmy hour white France’s Robert Schu- the loss of three F-86 Sabre* and He said the commIUee "would building Were considerably dam- man received laat-mlnute Inatrue- Wedneaday at New Haven and ha* two F-84 Thunderjet* In the air certainly like to take a look” lit age<l either from fire, smoke or been sent to Fort Deveni, Ma««. tlona from Paria by telephone. He against only four confirmed MIG the delayed dispatch. He added In­ water,',.and the ceiling of the flrat Wa* reported to have recetv^ the kills. It wa* a-sharp 'reversal vestigation might show good rea­ floor collapsed. French cabinet’s views on Ui* New piayei't' night will be held *.MANCI«m R from th e' usual top-heavy Allied son for delaying the story. Hparks Soar 50 Fret phrasing of the proposed B riuS- at the duplicate bridge game to­ score., , Ninety Communist prisoner* The blaze after Starting in the American guarantee against West night at Tinker Hall at 8:15. All The other seven UN losses were and one U. S. noldler were kilied- lower part of the building, accord­ Germany breaking out of th* lig-- new players a* well aS^the regu­ mostly to Red anti-aircraft fire. in earlier Koje riots—Feh. 18 and ing to Fire Chief Henry G. Thom­ nation European Defenae Com­ lar player* are welcome Winner* Two Navy 1,-osHes ' ' March 13. The Army released cor­ as, mushroomed across Ihe first munity (EDO, • linkup' closely In last week'* game* were Mr*. The figures didn’t take into ac­ respondents stories on these abort- floor celling and ate tta way to the allied with the peace contract. Robert Lathrop and Mr*. Joseph count naval plane losses. Rescue ly after they occuried. * third floor. In about an hour and Insist on Guarantee you McVeigh. Haul Down Flag's 10 minute* after starting It was -METAU flights Indicated there were at Allied, sources here said tilt 0 ——» least two - bringing the lo.ss total Red POWa today .hauled down shouting up through the skylight, French were -Inaiating this guar- IT 11. of the 17. North Korean and sending sparks 50 feet in the ftif i O M m r At It* fl3»l meeting,of the to. a t least 14. Airmen said it , all <u(lqe be MreiMrihened bofejM U w son St. Bridget's Mothers Circle appeared to point to' growlhg Cpm- Chinese Odmmtinlst flags they had nkF a'Fhtti’fh hf Jiily dts|)t'ayi win'consent to'»rgh-Th* peace eon- elected the following officer*: Mra munlst skill and power In the air flown deflantly over their ' comi There 1* no automatic Are con­ iTfiCt with West Gerinahy-^tenta- Stephanie. Johnson, leader; Mr*. and on the ground. Steel-helmeted police use force to qlilet a demonstrator during pounds forymionths. trol s.vstem In any part of the .ioseph W. Weinberg, a scirntlst tlvely scheduled Monday. ,, Communist-led riots protesting the forthcoming arrival of Gen. Mat­ Two companies of British Oom- Dr, Hermann Nelson Morse, of building and Chief Thomas de­ who helped drsclop the atom Ruth Aceto, secretary; Mr*. Lil­ Every \J. S. combat unit of the thew B. Ridgivay in Paris. (NBA Radlo-Telrphoto).
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