Odonatologica 34(4): 335-378 December I, 2005 Nehalennia speciosa (Charpentier, 1840) in Europe: a case of a vanishing relict (Zygoptera: Coenagrionidae) R. Bernard¹ and H. Wildermuth² 1 Department of General Zoology, Adam Mickiewicz University, Umultowska 89, PO-61-614 Poznan. Poland; -
[email protected] institute of Zoology, University of Zurich, Switzerland. Correspondence address: Haltbergstrasse 43, CH-8630 Riiti, Switzerland; -
[email protected] Received January 21, 2005 / Reviewed and Accepted March 3, 2005 Based all available the former and distribution in is on data, present Europe pre- sented and critically analysed. The sp. is extinct or has only survived atsingle or small clustered and isolated localities in many parts of the western borderlands of its former Eurasian area that extended from Belgiumto Japan. It is continuously declining, es- pecially W and S of the line runningthrough the Baltic States, N and E Poland and S Belarus. The attached basic data from Asia reveal incomplete knowledge, but prob- indicate better situation in the of the The main of ably a eastern part range. aspects the ecology and biology are outlined and discussed. Special attention is paid to the elements in the of the i.e. its habitat helpful understanding deepregress sp., to on a microscale well its The level of and macro- and as as to life-strategy. high stenotopy the highly specialized habitat-related behaviour, resulting in successful use of a nar- vulnerable in face of row niche, are emphasized. These aspects make the sp. the high in Limited abilities the anthropogenic pressure Europe. dispersal augment danger of local extinction.