Chapter 23: Substituted Hydrocarbons and Their Reactions
736-773_Ch23-866418 5/9/06 3:37 PM Page 736 CHAPTER 23 Substituted Hydrocarbons and Their Reactions Chemistry 2.b, 2.d, 2.h, 3.a, 3.g, 8.c, 10.a, 10.b, 10.e I&E 1.b, 1.c, 1.j What You’ll Learn ▲ You will recognize the names and structures of several important organic functional groups. ▲ You will classify reactions of organic substances as sub- stitution, addition, elimina- tion, oxidation-reduction, or condensation and predict products of these reactions. ▲ You will relate the struc- tures of synthetic polymers to their properties. Why It’s Important Whether you are removing a sandwich from plastic wrap, taking an aspirin, or shooting baskets, you’re using organic materials made of substituted hydrocarbons. These com- pounds are in turn made of molecules whose atoms include carbon, hydrogen, and other elements. Visit the Chemistry Web site at to find links about substituted hydrocarbons and their reactions. The spooled threads shown in the photo are made from large organ- ic molecules called polymers. 736 Chapter 23 736-773_Ch23-866418 5/9/06 3:37 PM Page 737 DISCOVERY LAB Making Slime Chemistry 10.b n addition to carbon and hydrogen, most organic substances con- Itain other elements that give the substances unique properties. In this lab, you will work with an organic substance consisting of long carbon chains to which many ϪOH groups are bonded. How will the properties of this substance change when these groups react to form bonds called crosslinks between the chains? Safety Precautions Do not allow solutions or product to contact eyes or exposed skin.
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