Minutes of the Meeting of the Council held on WEDNESDAY 10 MAY 2017 at West Dean College

Councillors Present: Cllrs Cochrane, Goacher, Kendall, Odin, Pearmaine, Mrs Pearmaine, Slade

In attendance: HL O'Callaghan, Clerk to the Council Cty Cllr Potter,

1. Election of Chairman On the proposal of Cllr Cochrane, seconded by Cllr Pearmaine, it was RESOLVED that Cllr Odin be elected Chairman of the Council for the forthcoming year. Cllr Odin then signed the Declaration of Office.

2. Election of Vice Chairman On the proposal of Kendall, seconded by Cllr Cochrane, it was RESOLVED that Cllr Mrs Slade be elected Vice Chairman of the Council for the forthcoming year. Cllr Mrs Slade then signed the Declaration of Office.

3. Apologies for Absence Apologies received in advance from Cllrs Corbett & Rice, County Cllr Hunt and Alex Barron

4. Code of Conduct (i) Declarations of Interests - None (ii) Dispensations - None

5. Minutes On a proposal by Cllr Kendall seconded by Cllr Goacher it was RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting on 8 March 2017 be approved. They were duly signed as a correct record.

6. County Councillor Hunt submitted the following report Firstly, I would like to thank all those who supported me in the recent County Council elections, and I look forward to working with you all over the next four years. However I would like to assure you all that, whoever you supported, I will continue to represent all of the residents in my division.

I must apologise that at the last meeting a query was raised in regard to the broadband supply in Hylters Lane. I did pass on the enquiry but I do not appear to have received an answer – and due to being very busy electioneering, it slipped through the net. I am now on the case and will definitely get an answer.

Talking about Hylters Lane, I am pleased that at last they have repaired the large damaged edge area by the bend. However, I am not happy with the finish of the end nearest the Chilgrove Road and I have reported this to Highways.

Lastly, just to remind you that Operation Watershed is running again this year, so if you have any further flood relief work you would like to carry out I suggest you apply earlier rather than later.

Finally, at the last meeting there was talk about having a defibrillator by the shop. I did suggest that you could apply for funding through our Community Infrastructure Fund (CIF) The next meeting of the County Local Committee is 27th June, so applications ideally need to be in by Friday 26th May.

Thank you very much, and I look forward to seeing you all at the next meeting.

7. District Councillor Potter reported the following on matters affecting this Parish The District Council has seen some changes during the past year. A panel of members and 2 other appointed members of the Public, considered the District Ward boundaries with a view to reducing the number of Council Members, from 48 down to 36. Ideally each elected Member should have about 2,600 electors in their Ward. For us, this has been achieved by including Westhampnett in to the Ward, and, because so much of this area is within Country, the enlarged Ward will from 2019 be known as the Goodwood Ward. , which was currently joined to Westhampnett will amalgamate with . The consultation on improvements to the A27 took place last year and once any prospect of a Northern Route was kicked into touch by the South Downs NPA , I personally thought that the options brought forward by Highways were reasonable and had the agenda been adhered to, we may have been a little closer to some action. However, some folk could not wait for further consultation on the preferred Option 2, and wrote to the Minister for Transport and H E asking for a fresh approach! Subsequently it now looks as the opportunity has been lost for another few years. Meanwhile Planning Consents continue to be granted with no regard for the infrastructure, the roads are so crowded now, schools are at capacity with only 1 'Free School' under construction, my Doctor's Surgery will not accept any new registrations, others are nearing full capacity and the Waste Water Treatment authority is struggling to cope with the ever increasing capacities. Thankfully, our great St Richards Hospital appears to be coping! Looking around at some of these recent housing developments, there is very little being built these days for less than £500K and are becoming more unaffordable and difficult to sell! I'd like to think that maybe this could be the answer to the ridiculous size of the developments proposed. Currently, consultation is taking place to redevelop the Southern Gateway into . This area comprises the old Boys High School, the Police Station, the Bus Garage and Station, the old Gas Works site where the PO sorting office is and the Law Courts, a massive area but!! To date there has been no consideration given to a bridge over the Railway ! How stupid is that? For the first time in 7 years the Council has raised the annual precept by the maximum allowed without a referendum which means a £5 p.a. Increase for a Band D tax payer and, to compensate for further cuts in funding by Central Government, car parking charges are to be raised by a small amount. Here I must say, that when considering any increases, comparisons are made with other local Authorities and Chichester is among the cheapest throughout the South of England. Charging for parking until 8pm has met with some derision but this will be re-examined if there is a detrimental effect on the City's night time economy. And now, on street parking charges may be paid using a smart phone App 'mipermit' The call for a snap General Election came as a bit of a surprise, but I'm sure there is good reason. The Chichester Conservative Assc. elected a replacement Candidate for Andrew Tyrie who announced his retirement from Politics after 20 years as our MP. The first ever female Candidate for Chichester, she is Mrs. Gillian Keegan, she lives in Petwoth and has been a Councillor for the past 3 years, winning a by-Election for Rogate, and then defending it at the local elections in 2015. I have found her to be very diligent and with experience in several walks of life and I think a good choice. The Lavant Valley Partnership Forum continues, now with 3 meetings each year and there have been some interesting and varied presentations. Also, the District Council meeting with the Parishes still remains very popular and well attended. The recent one on April 5th saw a presentation by a Chief Inspector and the re-deployment of available PCSO's was not too well received!! I fear that crime will rise in the District. An Overview and Scrutiny Committee were told earlier in the year that reported crime in had risen by 11% over last year, Jan '16 to Dec '16. The change in the deployment of PCSO's began in September last year! Finally, I'd like to thank you for inviting me to your meeting/s and listening to my reports. I hope they have proved useful.

8. Election of Committees On the proposal of Cllr Cochrane, seconded by Cllr Kendall, it was RESOLVED as set out below: Cemetery: Cllrs Mrs Slade and Goacher Traffic Action: All Councillors Planning: All Councillors (Chair: Cllr Corbett)

9. Appointment of Representatives to Outside Bodies On the proposal of Cllr Slade, seconded by Cllr Brodie, it was RESOLVED as set out below:

Emergency Planning: Cllr Odin Lavant Valley Forum: Cllr Kendall South Chichester CLC Committee: Cllr Corbett SDNPA: Cllr Odin Tree Warden: Cllr Odin WSALC: Cllrs Goacher and Pearmaine CDALC: Cllr Goacher All Parishes Meeting (@CDC): Cllr Goacher

10. Asset Register On the proposal of Cllr Kendall and seconded by Cllr Brodie, it was RESOLVED that the Asset Register be approved. Appendix 1

11. Traffic Action Committee, including Community Speedwatch and SID Council made reference to the incomplete filling of damaged tarmac in Chilgrove Park Road and Hylters Lane and noted that this was unacceptable. It was acknowledged that this had already been highlighted by District Cllr Potter and is in hand.

Council raised concern over additional “commercial” traffic to the new stove store at the bottom of Hylters Lane South. Council raised the question of whether this was a planning issue and whether Highways had been consulted. Cllr Goacher asked whether Highways may consider putting mirrors on the blind bend. District Cllr Potter responded that Highways had no concerns. Council RESOLVED to keep an eye on this.

12. Planning Committee In the absence of Cllr Corbett, Clerk reported that with reference to Planning Application: SDNP/17/01380/FUL West Dean Stores The Council had submitted comments to support this application.

Cllr Odin mentioned that the question of HGV permission for Crowsall Farm had once again come up, this had been previously turned down by the estate.

13. Winter Management Plan Cllr Odin asked this to be placed on the agenda for the next meeting

14. Defibrillator Cllr Brodie reported that he had been in touch with 2 bodies regarding the defibrillator, CIF and the Sussex Heart Foundation. Cllr Brodie reported that he had started the application with Sussex Heart Foundation who will cover the cost and insurance of the defibrillator but not the maintenance. Cllr Brodie reported that pads would need to be replaced every 3 years and the battery every 4 years. In the absence of Ian Graham Council decided to put this item on the agenda for the next meeting.

15. Signs for Binderton (NHB Monies) Cllr Slade reported that although this is underway difficulties have been faced finalising the 3 boundaries. After debate amongst Council it was agreed the 3 boundaries for Binderton and location of the signs are to be as follows:

1. On the A286 opposite Binderton Lane junction 2. At the junction of Binderton Lane and B2141 3. On the A286 at the end of the Binderton Straight just before the houses begin.

Cllr Slade asked the Clerk to put together a purchase order agreement which can then be sent out to start the work.

16. Finance

a) Receipts and Payments 8 March – 10 May 2017 On a proposal by Cllr Mrs Pearmaine, seconded by Cllr Goacher the receipts and payments, previously circulated, were unanimously APPROVED and any receipts noted. These are attached to and form part of these minutes. Appendix 2.

b) Bank Reconciliation On a proposal by Cllr Kendall and seconded by Cllr Brodie, the Bank Reconciliation up to 9 May 2017 was approved – Appendix 3. In line with good practice, Cllr Odin inspected Barclays Bank statement Sheet 001 and initialled the corresponding balance.

c) Accounts 2016-17 On a proposal by Cllr Cochrane, seconded by Cllr Brodie the accounts for 2016-17, previously circulated, were unanimously APPROVED - Appendix 4

d) Audit Report 2017 On a proposal by Cllr Cochrance and seconded by Cllr Brodie it was RESOLVED to accept the Internal Audit report presented to Council. Clerk to action updating the contact details for the Santander Account

e) Annual Return Section 1 On a proposal by Cllr Kendall, seconded by Cllr Goacher it was RESOLVED that Section 1 (Annual Governance Statement) of the 2016/17 Annual Return be approved. Appendix 5

f) Annual Return Section 2 On a proposal by Cllr Kendall, seconded by Cllr Goacher it was RESOLVED that Section 2 (Accounting Statements) of the 2016/17 Annual Return be approved. Appendix 6

17. Update on Website Clerk reported that quotes had been sought to revamp the website, make it easier for parishioners to navigate and bring it into line with transparency requirements moving forward. Quote 1: £520 (no transfer of data or input) Quote 2: £100 (includes transfer of existing files to new website and creation of archive section)

It was explained to Council that the variation in price is due to Jeff Martin already possessing the files for the West Dean website

Council unanimously RESOLVED that Jeff Martin (Quote 2) be instructed to update the website

18. Annual Meeting of Electors 2017 On a proposal by Cllr Cochrane seconded by Cllr Kendall it was RESOLVED that the minutes of the annual meeting of electors held on 8 March 2017 be approved. They were duly signed as a correct record.

19. Chairman’s Report No report

20. Correspondence Nothing to note. Cllr Kendall to chase up Community Right to Bid correspondence to pass to Clerk

21. Date of Next Meeting – Wednesday 12 July 2017 at 7.30pm

22. Any matters arising not on the Agenda Cllr Goacher reported on a loose tile in the Cemetery which had been reported by Cllr Corbett. Council agreed that this was a matter for the estate and the agents would be notified.

Cllr Goacher reported that over the last 2 months we have been approached by various people regarding the cemetery. The latest communication is from a lady who would like to place a headstone on her brothers grave. Clerk informed the Council that there is a cost involved for this and it was agreed that Clerk will update the policies regarding the cemetery and inform the lady of the charges and cemetery policies

Cllr Cochrane reported that the noticeboard at Chilgrove is falling apart. Council reported that they were under the impression that the Estate were undertaking to repair this and will bring it up with Ian Graham at the next meeting.

23. Exclusion of Press and Public

24. Council to discuss payment of overtime (training) hours for Clerk or provision of time in lieu Clerk reported that due to attending several meeting as part of her initial training namely the New Clerks training day, Finance training, Cemetery training, she has worked an additional 21 hours from January to date. This equates to £247.17 in overtime payments or time in lieu. On a proposal by Cllr Pearmaine and seconded by Cllr Slade Council RESOLVED to make the overtime payment to Clerk

Chairman thanked everyone for their attendance and closed the meeting.

The meeting finished at 8.20pm

Appendix 1

Year first Original Current Insurance Item Location Description owned Cost Valuation £ £ Adjacent A286 and Cemetery Lane, West Cemetery Dean Land Registered as belonging to Parish Council. Open cemetery. Unknown nil 1.00

Lychgate Main entrance to Cemetery, Cemetery Lane Early C20 Lychgate erected by James family in memory of Evelyn James. Built around 1930. Renovated - Spring 2012. Unknown 12012.00 Est. Joe Thompson May 2011 Cemetery Wall and Stone Seats Main entrance to Cemetery, Cemetery Lane Splays with bench seats and inscription. Adjacent to Lychgate, Cemetery Lane. Renovation - Spring 2012. Unknown Unknown 19437.60 Quote 27/05/11 Concept Southern Builders Leases Recreation Ground, West Dean Leased from Edward James Foundation @ £40 pa (6 year lease expires 28/09/2014) 1974 n/a Playground Recreation Ground, West Dean Cleared, not to be replaced. Spring 2013. n/a n/a Dog Bin By middle lampost near river, West Dean Dog refuse bin. 2013 420.00 418.00 Installed August 2013 by CDC Notice Board West Dean Stores forecourt Wooden noticeboard 2009 600 867.88 Notice Board Chilgrove Wooden noticeboard - restored 2012 but not worth insuring. Unknown Unknown Public Seat West Dean Cemetery Pine seat with plaque dedicated to Bet Bushell. Funded by W.I. and Parish Council. 2009 150.00 Wooden bus shelter On A286 outside gates of West Dean GardensTo be repaired 2012/2013. Unknown Unknown AGM 18/05/2011 Wooden bus shelter The Dean Ale and Cider House, West Dean To be repaired 2012/2013. Unknown Unknown Not insured as below insurance excess of £250 Staple Ash Fingerpost Staple Ash Crossroads Re-built by Parish Council Summer 2013. WSCC agreed to PC ownership 08/01/2014 (Min. 82.13(f)) 2013 1,145.00 1145.00 Dell Laptop Computer Clerk's Home Purchased June 2009. 2009 550.00 618.62 Street Lighting A286 and West Dean village Street Lighting under PFI contract with WSCC, which includes annual insurance. All 11 columns replaced Spring 2013. Unknown Unknown PFI Contract w/f 01/04/2010 Finger Posts Hylters Lane 2 new posts on highway, installed and owned by PC. Summer 2014 N/A 2,800.00 2800.00

Appendix 2



DATE £ REF PAYER DESCRIPTION 11/04/2017 6000.00 N00084 CDC 1st Part of Precept 6,000.00


DATE £ CHEQUE PAYEE DESCRIPTION 08/05/2017 303.18 101306 HL O'Callaghan Clerk's Net salary – March 08/05/2017 90 101307 HL O'Callaghan Mileage 08/05/2017 10.00 101308 Chi Payroll Services Payroll - March 08/05/2017 200.00 101309 HL O'Callaghan Replacement Laptop 08/05/2017 10.00 101308 Chi Payroll Services Payroll - April 08/05/2017 36.00 101310 HL O'Callaghan Working from Home x2 08/05/2017 306.02 101311 HL O'Callaghan Clerk's Net salary – April 08/05/2017 38.00 101312 SLCC Annual Membership 08/05/2017 180.00 101313 Rachel Hall Internal Audit Fee 08/05/2017 364.42 101314 CDC Dog Bin Emptying 2016/17


Appendix 3


RECEIPTS & PAYMENTS Balance brought forward as at 31/03/2017 £22,039.70

Add Total Receipts 6,000.00

Less Total Payments (20.00)

TOTAL £28,019.70

BANK Barclays as @ 28/04/2017 22,018.81 Santander 6,000.89

Less unpresented cheques 0.00

Plus Uncleared Deposits 0

TOTAL £28,019.70

Appendix 4 WEST DEAN PARISH COUNCIL 2016-17 Original Item Budget Final * Balance b/f 28,541.46 28,541.46

VAT Income 3,500.00 Precept 10,555.00 10,555.00 Council Tax Support Grant 171.51 171.51 Cemetery Income 4.5 100 Interest Income Grants - Events 250 Miscellaneous Income 1543.00 14,231.01 12,619.51

Clerk's Salary 4100 3,674.27 Clerk's Home/Office 216 313.6 Clerk's Travel and Expenses 150 261.19 Computer 400 Stationery 100 55.74 Postage 50 62.6 Publicity 60 45 Other Admin 200 438.5 Grants including Section 137 500 Audit Fees 350 350 Insurance 416.22 436.25 Room Hire 100 Recreation Ground 1,000.00 20.00 Traffic Group 250 70 Cemetery 2,000.00 2,726.15 Churchyard 400.00 400 Table Tombs 500 Street Lights 500 505.65 Noticeboard 100 Bin Emptying 300 300.04 Salt Bins Subscriptions 200 146.92 Op. Watershed 6,145.00 Neighbourhood Plan 1,000.00 Events 1,062.40 VAT Exp 3,500.00 2,127.96 16,392.22 19,141.27 Balance c/f 26,380.25 22,019.70 *Note This includes £4,000 of residual funds from a former Social Club. In the current year 16-17, £1,062.40 (less a CDC grant of £250) was used


RECEIPTS & PAYMENTS Balance brought forward as at 30/12/2016 £28,541.46

Add Total Receipts 12,619.51

Less Total Payments (19,141.27)

TOTAL £22,019.70

BANK Barclays as @ 29/03/2017 16,038.81 Santander 6,000.89

Less unpresented cheques 1011297 -20.00

Plus Uncleared Deposits 0

TOTAL £22,019.70

Appendix 5