United States Patent (19) 11 Patent Number: 4,560,260 Trumball (45) Date of Patent: Ck" Dec
United States Patent (19) 11 Patent Number: 4,560,260 Trumball (45) Date of Patent: ck" Dec. 24, 1985 (54) MOTION PICTURE SYSTEM OTHER PUBLICATIONS 75) Inventor: plas Trumball, Santa Monica, "Home Movies' By Lenny Lipton, Super 8 Filmaker, 2. May/Jun. 1974. 73) Assignee: Showscan Film Corporation, Marina "New Movie Technology", By G. Christian Hill, The Del Ray, Calif. Wall Street Journal, Sep. 14, 1983. sk ANSI Standard PH22, 196-1978. * Notice: The portion of the term of this patent “From Reel To Reel", By Richard Harrington, Wash subsequent to Oct. 16, 2001 has been ington Post, Feb. 25, 1984. disclaimed. “Through The Lens Of The Beholder", By Richard 21 Appl. No.: 659,266 Harrington, Washington Post, Mar. 11, 1984. 22 Filed: Oct. 10, 1984 Attorney,Primary Examiner-RusselAgent, or Firm-Freilich, E. Adams Hornbaker, Rosen & Related U.S. Application Data Fernandez (63) Continuation of Ser. No. 412,040, Aug. 26, 1982, Pat. 57 ABSTRACT No. 477160, and a continuation-in-part of Ser. No. A method is described for producing and projecting a 885,901,E.E.S.S.N. Mar. 13, 1978, abandoned, whichg. is a con- graphingtheater quality and then entertainment projecting motion the motion picture, picture by photo on a abandoned,626,965, Oct. which 29, 1975, is a continuation-in-partabandoned of Ser. No. screen, which creates an unusually vivid- impressiona of - we sawws a 1 realism. The film frames have a resolution of over 40 5ll Int. C. .............................................. GO3B 21/32 line pairs per milimeter, and each frame has an area of at 52 U.S.
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