182 Sources Summer 2009 World Wide Web: www.dalecurd.com rectory, an extensive web site, annual con- Dale Curd, Counselor, Director, The ference and quarterly magazine, Company. Men’s Program/Men’s Issues Expert, Co-author of Courage to Succeed. Winner of Co-Host, Guy Talk, Newstalk 1010 the Entrepreneur of the Year Award, 2009 – CFRB, Author of The Shrink is in, Oakville. www.beer.com World Wide Web: Phone: (416) 409-9700 www.companyofwomen.ca E-mail:
[email protected] Anne Day, Founder Phone: (905) 338-1771 Drake International FAX: (905) 338-3018 320 Bay St., Ste. 1400, D E-mail:
[email protected] Toronto, ON M5H 4A6 Drake’s operating philosophy is based on the principle that organizations achieve the Debt Freedom Canada highest level of performance when they are staffed with the right people, working with Financial Services the right skills, knowledge and behaviors, 5500 North Service Rd., Ste. 101, using the best processes and technology- Burlington, ON L7L 6W6 driven solutions, over an extended period of Debt Freedom Canada is a Canadian com- time. 191 New Toronto St., pany founded specifically to help middle- Our unique suite of innovative staffing and Toronto, ON M8V 2E7 income families regain control of their finan- HR consulting solutions can be customized Daily Bread Food Bank is a non-profit, cial futures. Its purpose is to educate Cana- for any organization to generate Exponential charitable organization that is fighting to end dians on how to manage their personal debt Impact™ by improving performance, pro- hunger in our communities. Last year, over load in a business-like manner and to offer ductivity, recruiting, retention, organiza- 950,000 people across the GTA relied on proactive solutions to the ultimate elimina- tional culture and leadership while improv- food banks.