MIDHILA SHAJU C A R D I A C T E C H N O L O G I S T C O N T A C T M E A T P R O F I L E Komaramkudiyil(H), I'm a self-motivated para medical graduate who has Maikave(p.o) Thamarassery, Calicut(dist.), Kerala, India,673573 extensive knowledge in performing as a cardiac technologist.
[email protected] S U M M A R Y O F S K I L L S
[email protected] N O N - I N V A S I V E T E C H N O L O G Y 9645538204 Knowledge of cardaiac diseases( adult & paediatric) & cardiac arrhythmias . Acquiring clinical patient information including cardiac related physical findings. 9645538204 Trained to perform adult transthorasic echocardiography. Midhiilla Shajjuu Qualification includes 2D-ECHO, M- mode, continuous & Pulsed wave Doppler, Color flow Doppler, Tissue doppler imaging. Application of recent advances such as AFI, 2D speckle tracking, strain rate. Assisted transesophageal echo , paediatric & neonatal echocardiography. Report preparation. P R O F E S S I O N A L S U M M A R Y Performing and interpretation of ECG, Holter monitoring, Ambulatory BP monitor & treadmill test. TRAINED AS CATHLAB INVASIVE TECHNOLOGY TECHNOLOGIST & Knowledge of ECG's & hemodynamic monitors. ECHOCARDIOGRAPHER Provided direct assistance to physicians & patients during diagnostic & DEDICATED TO CARE CARDIAC PATIENTS interventional procedures in cathlab including peripheral & cerebrovascular procedures. Inventory managements & maintain ETO materials. LANGUAGE SKILLS Acquiring data & hemodynamic pressure during the procedure. EQUIPMENTS HANDLED ENGILSH, MALAYALAM, HINDI, - ECHO