Debtors to Balance

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Debtors to Balance > v, , \\ Albert H. Huntington, Jr. 6621 Gordon .Avtnue Falli Church, V«. 22046 ttA/r'ttdffvO U40U-,'y /\A>W(A?AsiAfr(jMW' -+ v Ao? f- JFW /~rns\/'iAM<i<i<tt/ 0y\ \ I, u <J 3. To oMU<J~ I 0 57 v — / * J-.fa C uwyjziis/ / 'c'a Lremmaw MATNUtOtTlON •M rfMN C« aiO NMM UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT Memorandum A/AID, Mr. C. Tyler Wood : Hay 4, 1972 : . PPC/SR, Albert H. Huntington', Jr. SUBJECT: Information You Requested on U.S. Assistance to Germany During FY 1946-1952, Germany's Membership in OEEC, EPU, etc. Enclosed are extra copies of the FY 1970 "Green Book" for Governor Harriman, and the FY 1971 preliminary release. We have the complete FY 1971 book in typing now. I have set up a special table showing U.S. aid to Germany by year and program durin? FY 1946-1952, and enclose it. Germany is one of the more complicated situations because of the early postwar relief and GARIOA programs, a part of which were retroactively converted from grant to loan. The Berlin aspect also adds a complication; the notes on the Berlin page in the "Green Book" were reviewed (and amended) by Eleanor Dulles, who handled the Berlin desk in State for several years. Hastily, on other points of interest on which you .wanted help if we could get it in a hurry: 1. A Marshall Flan table is attached, showing Germany in relation to the total and to other recipients. All of these Marshall Plan loans to Germany have long since been repaid. 2. Germany's Ihdt year of assistance from EGA/MSA (as distinct from .minor deobligations and adjustments) and other than Berlin, was in FY 1954. 3. Berlin received separately identified aid from MSA/FOA/ICA beginning in FY 1954, and continuing through FY 1961. The cumulative total, all grant, of such separate aid, was $119.0 million. 4. Germany got no Ex-Im Bank leans until FY 1956, and in that year got only $2.3 million. 5. The first military assistance for Germany was recorded in . FY 1956 also after the period with which you are concerned. Buy V.S. Savings Bonds "Regularly en tit Payroll Savings Plan - 2 - 6. Germany became a full member of OEEC on October 31, 1949. Before that date, officials of the occupying powers represented the three western cones of.Germany* The U.S. and Canada incidentally were never "members", but became "associates" in June 1950. 7. The European Payments Union Agreement was signed by the 18 OEEC member countries on September 19 9 1950, but was made retroactive to July 1 of that year. I attach a xerox copy...... of Pages 143-145, re EPU's first year, from Harry Price's useful book on The Marshall Plan and Its Meaning; also Pages 120-127 from the sane book, on EPU's formation (Governor Harriman is mentioned).r, 8. Also enclosed a xerox copy of a story we did in our PAB Report on EPU as of March 31, 1951. This covers the first, nine months of EPU operations, and on Page 10 provides data on cumulative positions of member countries as of that date. This I have uncovered in the time since our telephone conversation. We can go on from here i,f you wish us to look into other aspects. Attachments o . cr _j <••< . 'C&> 0V cr • O '"-+: Of-'-.^f. ,•: •-.-J»^Vl' ^<TrV> FV 1 QBHHBi Gwraiy (Fri**l RtpiMfe) >°ff^QL^gA^ *^ *^^"^ 3 M tu.a. n.t»i r»r« - trillion •/ o.u«n) ** AJL* o. ?5vt^Oh.<lAIkoJX/VVA-«3U* U.S. OVMSEAS LOANS AND CHANTS - NET OBLIGATIONS AND LOAN AUTHORIZATIONS nrer- TOTAL MCNTS MIT.MI NAliRtLl MITItL LESS •EP«f. PLM SUM ITT FIIEEII AllltUICE UT PEIIII T«T»L PMOSMMI iiLirr INTEKST PEIIO fEIIII ACT MENTS fEIIII II7O MM) 1170 INTEREST „«.,.- II«-IK2 IIS3-IM1 IM2 IM3 IM4 IMS IM* IM7 IN* IMI 1970 A.I.I. Ml ntKCEMM UEHIU - TlTM..... .............. 1.390.6 . 1.472.4 1.177.9 lorn* . .. ..... .... 216.9 - - 216.9 294.5 - 1,173.7 81.8 - - 1,255.5 l,235!5 FOM FOI KACE - TOTAL................................... ILJL 121.9 u SL2 — =— — =— —— =— 140.3 140.3 Till* 1 - T.t.l — ................... — .. — . REPAYABLE IH U.S. [DUAKS - LOANS.................... '» PAtMLE IN FOREIGN CURRBCT - Planned for Country us* A (1.2) <;> <;> •;> ':' ':' <;> <;> ':' (1.2) ffcofloair OtirclpBae'if fjr*Nff. i...... , ..... - - OfJbfr G^nlt **.t **iu*j* IK.***- i 121.9 SLL —=— — =— — =— 140.3 140.3 BCRGDCY RELIEF. ECON. OEV. 4 HOR.D FCOO PROGRAM.... 3.4 3.4 3.4 MDUftTART RELIEF AGENCIES............................ - 17.5 118.5 0.7 0.2 - 136.9 136.9 HTMT-IIMIT IMI LOM-TEM LOMS... .................... IZU. a]a 22*6. OTIEI U.S. ECOMNIC PtOttAMt.... ......................... 1.344.4 1.083.7 JU ^ 2.428.4 1.190.5 1.237.9 PEACE CORPS.......................................... OTlfR A* 1,344.4 1.083.7 0.3 - - - - - - - - - 2.42874 1.19075 1.237.9 ram ECOMNIC.. ...... ............................. l^LJL 206,3 SL1 fl.1 0 — = — —- — 1.497.8 2.5 8.8 1.259.5 1,497.8 -238.3 Lot ........................................... 615.9 617.9 2.3 - 12.1 728.5* 1,873.9* 204.0 0.7 - 2,807.3 2,807.3 . NIL! TUT AUISTMCE MMUN - (Ckf. to FAA A**-) £%..... ^ 893. S SUi SLl JU. m ^ — — „ 900.8 mi '". 898.5 1.5 0.4 0.3 0.1 900.8 900.8. '•' (0.2) (0.2) ^ (0.2) <;' <;> <;' (;J (;} OTMI HI II HIT (J1ISTMCF IUITI. ,. .. ... 50.7 50.7 50.7 CtfMT-INPMT IMI MILITilT LMM..... ................... 9S1.5 951.5 T6TU NILIUIT.. ..................................... 949.2 JUi SLL 1.144.4 a.491.1 SL& SU3. JU. JL4 — — = — 5-018.3 1,497.8 3.520.5 615.9 617.9 2.3 2.5 12.1 8.8 1.259.5 1.497.8 -238.3 728.5 1,873.9 1,153.2 2.2 0.6 0.3 0.1 - 3,758.8 3.751.8 A/ Rapraianta Civilian Suppllaa, $2,205.7 •lllloi i; Surplua Proparty Cradltc, $216.9 •llllon; and IMUA and Poat-UBMA. $5.7 allllon. t/ On Fabruwry 27, 1953, It vaa agraad that $1 b Llllon of rba grant* of Civilian Suppllaa and of tha R 1949 Narahall Plan aid would ba convartad to a loaa. Tbla $1 billion loan htt cal yaarailVM-1950 rather than balng aatarad In R 1953, and grant* bava baan raducaj accordingly. £/ Annual data rapraaant dallvarlaa; total throu)|h 1970 la tha cuaulatlva prograa. 146 Best Available Document *l Hilii i i i i 1 II 1 Illl Illlll III 1 III s I ll I I I III 32 5i fore 11 to a 5 . at o Q hi S hi «O il U ^ 11 isl i Jl Ihi* I sss i * •5u SK *•01 o g *.. a <n <H i i 5*3§ |R !• «5 5 :s--?s. • .2 «4 P4 « iii8« ! i I"-' „•: i tlmlSO.OOO. eivedtu raa*ere ! II* ss' ! 0.8. ECONOMIC ASSISTANCE 10 SOT FEDERAL REPUBLIC OP It FISCAL tEi*. 1946-1952 OJilllona of Dollara) Poet-Var laliaf Fariod Hai-anall Man Fcrtod Total PROGRAM 1*46-1952 Total 1946 1947 1948 Total 1949 1950 1951 1952 TOTAL ECOKOfilC ASSISTANCE 3.836.2 1.344.4 195.8 298.3 850.3 2.491.8 1.257.6 733.4 393.1 107.6 European Recovar* ?roBr«pi (BCA/MSA) 1.390.6 . • —— =•; 1.390.6 290.0 402.5 loaaa 216.9 • • 216.9 joo'og^ « Cranta 1,173.7 aft • m • 1.173.7 406.0 290.0 402.3 75.1 Food for Peace (Predaeaaeor ProoraM^ ir,S ——— I" ——=- -M - ———=- ——f- • — =- Oonatiooa to Voluntary Relief Aganeiaa 17.5 a* • m Othcf UfiS. Econoaic Program 2.428.1 1.344.4 195.8 298.3 850.3 1.083.7 651.6 443.4 CARIOA Creat§2' 1.405.5 722.8 192.7 297.1 232.3 682.7 *0%;* af.4 -a ihl CARIGA/C06 LoaaaS' aoo.o^ 399.0 • • 399.0 401.0 247.0 154.0 . Surplua Property Cradita 216.9 216.9 • - 216.9 • - - • • UNRRA and Post-UHSRA Greats 5.7 5.7 3.1 0.5 2.1 • • • • • (Loan Total-All Item Above) (1.233.8) (615.9) (-) (-) (615.9) (617.9) (447.0) (154.0) (•> (U.9) (G?ant Total-All Xtaaa Above} (2.602.4) (721.5) (195.8) (298.3) (234.4) (1.873.9) (810.6) (579.4) (393.1) (90.7) GENERAL SOIZS; KaK obligatiooa baaia; a ious figura in any pariod indieataa daobligationa fro* prior pregraMa ia axeaaa of aaw obligatiooa dcsisg that pariod. Includaa approxiaataly $1.1 billion in aid to Barlia during thia pariod. vbich racaivad aubatantial banafita fro* D.S. aaaiataaea to the Federal Republic under a variety of post-World War XX prograM CAUQft, thk Blockade aad Stoekpila Prograu. sad varieoa ccuat«r» part and U.S.«awned foraign currency prograaa. Civilian Supplioa under CABIOA, Covernaent and Relief in Occupied Areaa; COG Credit Offaata to Cranta. On February 27. 1953. it v« agreed that $1 billion la granta at Civilian Supp'liaa. aad of Pt 1969 Marshall Plan aid would be cee« vartad to a loan. Tola $1 billion baa bean diatributad over the yaara 1948-1950, aad granta bave baaa radocad accordingly. SOUBCBt "O.S. Ovaraasa Laaaa and Cranta". aad related work papera. om«e ef ftatiatiaa and Raporta for rrofraa aad Policy Coordiaati^: Agaacy for Intarnatiooal Davalejeast Hay 3. 1972 "MARSHALL PLAN" OBLIGATIONS FOR ECONOMIC ASSISTAKCE UNDER THE EUROPEAN^RECOVERY PROGRAM April 3.
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