Burghley House St George’S Hill, Surrey
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BURGHLEY HOUSE ST GEORGE’S HILL, SURREY BURGHLEY HOUSE CAMP END ROAD, ST GEORGE’S HILL, WEYBRIDGE, SURREY BURGHLEY HOUSE CAMPA spectacular END ROAD, vision ST GEORGE’S HILL, WEYBRIDGE, SURREY CAMP END ROAD, ST GEORGE’S HILL, WEYBRIDGE, SURREY BURGHLEY• Impressive reception hall, drawing room, HOUSE dining room, family room, library/study, kitchen/breakfast room, utility room, BURGHLEYA spectacular vision HOUSE CAMPA2 cloakrooms,spectacular END ROAD, boiler vision ST room. GEORGE’S HILL, WEYBRIDGE, SURREY CAMP END ROAD, ST GEORGE’S HILL, WEYBRIDGE, SURREY • Fabulous master bedroom suite with an extensive dressing room, 2 ensuite bathrooms and balcony. 6 further bedroom suites. • Impressive reception hall, drawing room, dining room, family room, library/study, kitchen/breakfast room, utility room, BURGHLEY• Impressive reception hall, drawing room, HOUSE dining room, family room, library/study, kitchen/breakfast room, utility room, BURGHLEY• A2Impressive cloakrooms,spectacular reception boiler vision room.hall, drawing room, HOUSE dining room, family room, library/study, kitchen/breakfast room, utility room, BURGHLEYA2 cloakrooms,spectacular boiler vision room. HOUSE CAMP• AStunning2 cloakrooms,spectacular END leisure ROAD, boiler complex vision ST room. GEORGE’S with media HILL, room, WEYBRIDGE,bar area, contemporary SURREY 1,000 bottle wine store, gymnasium area, CAMPchanging END facilities, ROAD, sauna, ST GEORGE’S steam room HILL, and WEYBRIDGE,infinity pool with SURREY spa bath. • Fabulous master bedroom suite with an extensive dressing room, 2 ensuite bathrooms and balcony. • Fabulous master bedroom suite with an extensive dressing room, 2 ensuite bathrooms and balcony. • 6Fabulous further bedroommaster bedroom suites. suite with an extensive dressing room, 2 ensuite bathrooms and balcony. 6 further bedroom suites. • ImpressiveTriple garage reception with studio hall, apartment drawing room, above. dining Magnificent room, family entertaining room, library/study,terraces. kitchen/breakfast room, utility room, BURGHLEY• Impressive reception hall, drawing room, HOUSE dining room, family room, library/study, kitchen/breakfast room, utility room, • A2Impressive cloakrooms,spectacular reception boiler vision room.hall, drawing room, dining room, family room, library/study, kitchen/breakfast room, utility room, • AStunning2 cloakrooms,spectacular leisure boiler complex vision room. with media room, bar area, contemporary 1,000 bottle wine store, gymnasium area, CAMP• A2Stunning cloakrooms,spectacular END leisure ROAD, boiler complex vision ST room. GEORGE’S with media HILL, room, WEYBRIDGE,bar area, contemporary SURREY 1,000 bottle wine store, gymnasium area, •CAMPchangingLandscapedStunning END leisurefacilities, ROAD, secluded complex sauna, ST gardens GEORGE’S withsteam media and room grounds.HILL, room, and WEYBRIDGE,infinitybar area, pool contemporary with SURREY spa bath. 1,000 bottle wine store, gymnasium area, changing facilities, sauna, steam room and infinity pool with spa bath. • Fabulous master bedroom suite with an extensive dressing room, 2 ensuite bathrooms and balcony. • 6Fabulous further bedroommaster bedroom suites. suite with an extensive dressing room, 2 ensuite bathrooms and balcony. • Triple6 further garage bedroom with studiosuites. apartment above. Magnificent entertaining terraces. •ForImpressive6Triple Salefurther garage Freehold bedroom reception with studiosuites. hall, apartment drawing room, above. dining Magnificent room, family entertaining room, library/study,terraces. kitchen/breakfast room, utility room, BURGHLEY• ImpressiveTriple garage reception with studio hall, apartment drawing room, above. HOUSE dining Magnificent room, family entertaining room, library/study,terraces. kitchen/breakfast room, utility room, • A2Impressive cloakrooms,spectacular reception boiler vision room.hall, drawing room, dining room, family room, library/study, kitchen/breakfast room, utility room, • AStunning2 cloakrooms,spectacular leisure boiler complex vision room. with media room, bar area, contemporary 1,000 bottle wine store, gymnasium area, CAMP• Stunning2Landscaped cloakrooms, END leisure ROAD, secluded boiler complex ST room. gardens GEORGE’S with media and grounds.HILL, room, WEYBRIDGE,bar area, contemporary SURREY 1,000 bottle wine store, gymnasium area, •ApproximatechangingLandscapedStunning leisurefacilities, gross secluded complex internalsauna, gardens withsteam area media and12,540 room grounds. room, and sq infinityftbar (1,165 area, pool contemporarysq with m) spa bath. 1,000 bottle wine store, gymnasium area, • Fabulouschanging masterfacilities, bedroom sauna, steam suite withroom an and extensive infinity pooldressing with room,spa bath. 2 ensuite bathrooms and balcony. • Fabulous master bedroom suite with an extensive dressing room, 2 ensuite bathrooms and balcony. • 6Fabulous further bedroommaster bedroom suites. suite with an extensive dressing room, 2 ensuite bathrooms and balcony. •ForIn6Triple all Salefurther about garage Freehold bedroom 1.32 with acres studiosuites. (0.52 apartment hectares) above. Magnificent entertaining terraces. For• 6Triple Salefurther garage Freehold bedroom with studiosuites. apartment above. Magnificent entertaining terraces. •ForImpressiveTriple Sale garage Freehold reception with studio hall, apartment drawing room, above. dining Magnificent room, family entertaining room, library/study,terraces. kitchen/breakfast room, utility room, 2 cloakrooms, boiler room. • AStunning2 cloakrooms,spectacular leisure boiler complex vision room. with Knightmedia Frank room, LLP bar area, contemporary 1,000 bottleKnight Frank wine LLP store, gymnasium area, •ApproximateLandscapedStunning leisure gross secluded complex internal gardens with area media and12,540 grounds. room, sq ftbar (1,165 area, contemporarysq m) 1,000 bottle wine store, gymnasium area, •ApproximatechangingStunning leisurefacilities, gross complex internalsauna, withsteam area 55media 12,540Baker room Street,room, and sq London infinityftbar (1,165 area, W1U pool 8AN contemporarysq with m) spa bath. 1,000 bottleThe Old winePost House, store, High gymnasium Street, Esher, area,Surrey KT10 9QA •ApproximatechangingLandscaped facilities, gross secluded internalsauna, gardens steam area and12,540 room grounds. and sq infinityft (1,165 pool sq with m) spa bath. changing facilities, sauna, steamTel: +44room (0)20 and 7629 infinity 8171 Fax: pool +44 with (0)20 7491spa 0854bath. Tel: +44 (0)1372 464496 Fax: +44 (0)1372 469193 • Fabulous master bedroom suite with an extensive dressing room, 2 ensuite bathrooms and balcony. In all about 1.32 acres (0.52 hectares)[email protected] [email protected] For•In6Triple all Salefurther about garage Freehold bedroom 1.32 with acres studiosuites. (0.52 apartment hectares) above. Magnificent entertaining terraces. •ForInTriple all Sale about garage Freehold 1.32 with acres studio (0.52 apartment hectares)www.knightfrank.com above. Magnificent entertaining terraces. •ForImpressiveTriple Sale garage Freehold reception with studio hall, apartment drawing room, above. dining Magnificent room, family entertaining room, library/study,terraces. kitchen/breakfast room, utility room, Knight Frank LLP Knight Frank LLP • Stunning2 cloakrooms, leisure boiler complex room. with KnightSavills,media FrankWeybridge room, LLP bar area, contemporary 1,000 bottleKnight Frank wine LLP store, gymnasium area, •ApproximateLandscapedStunning leisure gross secluded complex internal gardens with area 55Knightmedia and 12,540Baker Frank grounds. Street,room, LLP sq London ftbar (1,165 area, W1U 8AN contemporarysq m) 1,000 bottleTheKnight Old Frank winePost LLPHouse, store, High gymnasium Street, Esher, area,Surrey KT10 9QA Approximate• Landscaped gross secluded internal gardens area55107 and 12,540Baker Queens grounds. Street, Rd, sq LondonWeybridge, ft (1,165 W1U Surrey 8AN sq KT13m) 9UJ The Old Post House, High Street, Esher, Surrey KT10 9QA Approximate• changingLandscaped facilities, gross secluded internalsauna, gardens steam areaTel:55 and 12,540Baker +44room grounds.(0)20 Street, and 7629sq London infinityft 8171 (1,165 W1UFax: pool +448AN sq with (0)20 m) 7491spa 0854bath. Tel:The +44Old Post(0)1372 House, 464496 High Fax: Street, +44 Esher,(0)1372 Surrey 469193 KT10 9QA Tel: +44 (0)20(0)1932 7629 838000 8171 Fax: +44 (0)20 7491 0854 Tel: +44 (0)1372 464496 Fax: +44 (0)1372 469193 • Fabulous master bedroom [email protected]: with+44 (0)20 an 7629extensive 8171 Fax: dressing +44 (0)20 room, 7491 0854 2 [email protected]: bathrooms +44 (0)1372 464496and balcony. Fax: +44 (0)1372 469193 In all about 1.32 acres (0.52 hectares)[email protected] [email protected] InFor6 all Salefurther about Freehold bedroom 1.32 acres suites. (0.52 hectares)[email protected] [email protected] •ForInTriple all Sale about garage Freehold 1.32 with acres studio (0.52 apartment hectares)www.knightfrank.com above. Magnificent entertaining terraces. For Sale Freehold www.knightfrank.com KnightSavills, FrankWeybridge LLP Knight Frank LLP KnightSavills, FrankWeybridge LLP Knight Frank LLP Approximate• Stunning leisure gross complex internal with area Knight55107Savills,media 12,540Baker Queens FrankWeybridge Street,room, Rd,LLP sq LondonWeybridge, ftbar (1,165 area, W1U Surrey 8AN contemporarysq KT13m) 9UJ 1,000 bottleKnightThe Old Frank winePost LLPHouse, store, High gymnasium Street, Esher, area,Surrey