Solutions of L\'Evy-Driven Sdes with Unbounded Coefficients As Feller
Solutions of L´evy-driven SDEs with unbounded coefficients as Feller processes Franziska K¨uhn∗ Abstract Rd Rd×k Let (Lt)t≥0 be a k-dimensional L´evyprocess and σ ∶ → a continuous function such that the L´evy-driven stochastic differential equation (SDE) dXt = σ(Xt−) dLt;X0 ∼ µ has a unique weak solution. We show that the solution is a Feller process whose domain of the generator contains the smooth functions with compact support if, and only if, the L´evy measure ν of the driving L´evyprocess (Lt)t≥0 satisfies k SxS→∞ ν({y ∈ R ; Sσ(x)y + xS < r}) ÐÐÐ→ 0: This generalizes a result by Schilling & Schnurr [14] which states that the solution to the SDE has this property if σ is bounded. Keywords: Feller process, stochastic differential equation, unbounded coefficients. MSC 2010: Primary: 60J35. Secondary: 60H10, 60G51, 60J25, 60J75, 60G44. 1 Introduction Feller processes are a natural generalization of L´evyprocesses. They behave locally like L´evy processes, but { in contrast to L´evyprocesses { Feller processes are, in general, not homo- geneous in space. Although there are several techniques to prove existence results for Feller processes, many of them are restricted to Feller processes with bounded coefficients, i. e. they assume that the symbol is uniformly bounded with respect to the space variable x; see [2,3] for a survey on known results. In fact, there are only few Feller processes with unbounded coefficients which are well studied, including affine processes and the generalized Ornstein{ Uhlenbeck process, cf. [3, Example 1.3f),i)] and the references therein.
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