Palestine. Disturbances in May, 1921. Reports of the Commission Of
^sssaBomma^ma^am ^ f PALESTINE. DISTURBANCES IN MAY, 1921. Reports of the Commission of Inquiry WITH Correspondence Relating Thereto. Fresented to Parliament by Com7nand of His Majesty, October, 1921. LONDON: PUBLISHED BY HIS MAJESTY'S STATIONERY OFFICE. To be purchased through any Bookseller or directly from H.M. STATIONERY OFFICE at the following addresses: Imperial Housk, Kinosway, London, W.C. 2, and 23, Abingdon Street, London, S.W.I: 37, Peter Street, Manchester; 1, St, Andrew's Crescent, Cardiff; 2 <, Forth Street, Edinburgh ; or from BASON & SON, Ltd., 40 & 41, Lower Sackville Street, Dublin. 1921. Price One Shilling Net, [Cmd. 1540.] I N LIST OF PAPERSi PALESTINE. DISTURBANCES IN MAY, 1921. Reports of the Commission of Inquiry with Correspondence relating thereto. No. 1 TERMS OF REFERENCE. A. I APPOINT His Honour Sir Thomas Haycraft, Chief Justice of Palestine, Mr. H. C. Luke, Assistant Governor of Jerusalem, and Mr. Stubbs, of the Legal Department, to be a Commission to inquire into the recent disturbances in the town and neighbourhood of Jaffa, and to report thereon > And I appoint Sir Thomas Haycraft to be the Chairman, and Aref Pasha Dejani El Daoudi, Elias Eff. Mushabbeck and Dr. Eliash to be assessors to the Commission. The Commission shall have all the powers specified in Article 2 of the Commission of Inquiries Ordinance, 1921. HERBERT SAMUEL, High Commissioner for Palestine. 7th May, 1921. (B C-82) Wt. 17098-761 1500/90 11/21 H & S, Ltd. * B. I DIRECT the Commission of Inquiry, appointed by Order dated the 7th of May to inquire into and report upon the recent disturbances in the town and neighbourhood of Jaffa, to extend their inquiries and report further upon recent disturbances which have taken place in any part of the District of Jaffa or elsewhere in Palestine.
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