Index to Volume 64
Index to Volume 64 Justine Carson Page references in bold text indicate major treatments of a topic. Italic t, f, or n indicates tables, figures, or notes. A Literacy Competency Standards Abbott, A., 163, 171t–173t for Higher Education, 547, 550 Aboriginal peoples, 380n ACRL (Association of College and Academic freedom Research Libraries) Standards of China, 566–567 Information Literacy, 459 University of Illinois, 520 ACT UP Los Angeles Records, 763–764 Academic librarians. See also Librarians Activist digital archives, 360–383. See affective labor, 645–666 also Archives and archiving emotional and affective labors, ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act), 659–662 471 Academic libraries. See also Libraries Adam, Amina, 136–160 African, 117–118 Adaptive preferences, 209–210 antiracist social justice, 246–284 Administrative progressivism, 541, hiring and recruiting, 264–266 552–553 racism in library spaces, 255–261 Adorno, Theodor, 585, 596, 599 racism in reference services, 269– Advocacy 276 compared to marketing and public resisting racial paradigms, 276–278 relations, 616–617 Spanish, 313–314, 313t, 314t as diversity lever, 434 staff racial diversity, 261–269 focus of activities, 628–630 Access, 463 intended audience, 626–628 disability justice, 468–491 intended purpose, 632–633 framework of collective access, methods, 630–632 481–487 as professional activity, 624–626 intersectional approach, 484 service and professional identity, physical, 486–487 615–640 ACRL (Association of College and training for, 616–617 Research Libraries), 264–269 Affect ACRL (Association of College and definition, 758 Research Libraries). Information of hatred, 757–758 LIBRARY TRENDS, Vol. 64, No. 4, pp. 795–820 (Index covers 64:1-4) © 2016 The Board of Trustees, University of Illinois 796 library trends/spring 2016 Affect theory, 758 contribution to achieving MDGs, Affective labor.
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