Alumni News Letter
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UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY '^T UKBANA^CHAMPAIGN Digitized by tine Internet Arciiive in 2009 witii funding from CARLI: Consortium of Academic and Researcii Libraries in Illinois p*^ NUMBER yi 197U ews Letteri^exxer j^--^^ Jbe Vniversity of JUinois LIBRARY SCHOOL ASSOCIATION UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY SCHOOL ASSOCIATION Annual Meeting Wednesday, July 10, 197^1 Cocktail Reception The Tower Suite of the Time & Life Building in Rockefeller Center Cash bar, no tickets are necessary Uk DMry flf the SEP 12 VJM University ot iiin<"S at ujUww CtMnKwmi UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY SCHOOL ASSOCIATION OFFICERS, 1973-7''^ Executive Board President: Mrs. Virginia Parker, Port Washington Public Library, Port Washington, New York IIO5O First Vice-President: Edwin S. Holmgren, 8 East ^i^Oth Street, New York, New York IOOI6 Second Vice-President: Mrs. Rosalie C. Amer, Cosumnes River College Library, 8U0I Center Parkway, Sacramento, California 95823 Secretary-Treasurer: John M. Littlewood, Documents Librarian, Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, Illinois 618OI Director, 1971-7*^: Ellen Steininger, Librarian, Marsteller Incorporated, 1 East Wacher Drive, Chicago, Illinois 6060I Director, 1973-76: Madeline C. Yourman, I60 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, New York 11201 Director, 1973-7'+: Mrs. Mata-Marie Johnson, 2l80 Windsor Way, Reno, Nevada 89503 Advisory Ccamnittee for Endowment Funds Robert F. Delzell, Director of Personnel, Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, Illinois 618OI Robert W. Oram, Associate University librarian. Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, Illinois 618OI Editor, News Letter Martha Landis, Reference Librarian, Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, Illinois 6I8OI MINUTES OF THE 1973 ANNUAL MEETING On Wednesday evening, June 27, 1973, 58 alumni and guests met in the Americana West Room of the Frontier Hotel in Las Vegas. Those present gathered for a dinner which was interspersed with entertainment and various parts of the business meeting. The President, Mrs. Mata-Marie Johnson, presided over the evening. She introduced those at the head table and asked the diners present to stand according to their geographical area of the country. Two friends of the President performed for the group, displaying their vocal, instrumentSLL, and dance talents. The minutes of the 1972 annual meeting as printed in News Letter number 90 were approved. Several of the nominees for officers for the fcoming year were selected from those attending the dinner. Officers elected were: President: Mrs. Virginia Parker First Vice-President: Edwin S. Holmgren Second Vice-President: Mrs. Rosalie C. Amer Director: Mrs. Madeline C. Yourman Dr. Herbert Goldhor, Director of the Graduate School of Library Science announced that the Robert B. Downs award was being given to Alex P. Allain, chairman of the Freedom to Read Foundation. William D. North, counsel for ALA, graciously accepted the award in the absence of Mr. Allain and reported that the monetary part of the award wovild go to the Freedom to Read Foundation. Mr. Downs was introduced and he indicated that he had been busy since his "retirement". He reported he was working on a biography of Horace Mann, wovdd be teaching at the University of Illinois d\iring the summer term, and would be a visiting professor at Toronto next year. Mr. Goldhor indicated that 90 percent of those students receiving Master's degrees were getting jobs. Letters of greeting to retired faculty of the Graduate School of Library Science were sent. There being bo further business, the meeting was adjoiirned. Respectfully submitted, John M. LittlewDOd Secretary-Treas\irer TREASURER'S REPORT 1 Jiay 1972 - 30 June 1973 Balance Broxxght Forward, July 1, 1972 $ 2,836.62 Income Dividends and interest $ 661.82 AnnusiL dues 317.00 Life membership payments 660.00 Gifts 70.00 Total receipts 1.708.82 Disbursements Payment to U. of I. Fovmdation $ 730.00 Addressing and mailing Nevs Letter 160.7'^ Bank charges 3.00 Illinois Not for Profit filing fee 2.00 Annual meeting expenses 21^ Total disbursements 9U8.99 Balance. June 30, 1973 $ 3,596.U5 Assets. J\me 30, I973 Investments Citizens Building Association $ 2,6U3.00 American Telephone and Telegraph (198 shares at 5I I/8, 6/29/73) 10,122.75 American Telephone and Telegraph debentures 200.00 Total investments $12,965.75 Cash balance, 6/30/73 3.596.1^5 Total assets $16,562.20 Liabilities None Total Liabilities. June 30. 1973 None Respectfully submitted, John M. Littlewood Secretary-Treasurer TO FORMER STUDENTS AND FRIENDS OF ROSE PHELPS: I am sure that all of you will be saddened to know that Rose Rielps is seriously ill of cancer. She had planned to attend my retirement festivities but wrote that she had to go to the hospital instead. While there she called me and I learned how serious her illness was. Knowing that I would be out of the country teaching for two years in Tehran, Iran, I flew out to Phoenix to see her for three days. She was then back in the heeilth center of the Orsuige- wood Baptist Retirement Center where she and May Smith shsure en apartment. That is also where her sister, Mrs. Alice Culver lives. Rose was strong enough for me to visit her for short periods several times a day. She had wanted to send a taped message to all of you to be shared at the Alumni meeting in New York. However, this has turned out to be too great an effort for her. She is failing rapidly. She is very proud of the things each of you are accomplishing and hopes that your leadership will help to keep the profession moving forward in the years to come. She sends her love and greet- ings to all of you. I am sure she wovild be glad to hear from you. Miss Rose Rielps c/o Mrs. Alice Culver Sincerely, 7550 North l6th Street Apt. 215-9 Alice Lohrer Rioenix, Arizona 8502O Professor Bnerita WINDSOR LECTURES IN LIBRARIANSHIP The 197^^ Windsor Lectures were given on May 3 and h. Uie fovir lectures were presented in honor of Alice Lohrer, Professor of Library Science, who will retire from the facvilty in August 197*^. Dr. Harold Lancour, Dean Qneritus, University of Pittsburgh Graduate School of Library and Information Sciences, gave the first two lectures: "The Role of Americans in Library Education Abroad" and "Trends in Librarianship in Developing Countries". The final two lectures, "Desirable Personal Qualities in School Library Personnel" and "The Future as Depicted in Children's Books Today", were given by Dr. Peggy A. Sullivan, Executive Secretary of the Library Education Division of the American Library Association. The Riineas L, Windsor Lectures are given each year in memory of Mr. Windsor, who was Director of the University of Illinois Library and Library School from 1909-I9U0. PUBLICATIONS OF THE SCHOOL Since the last issue of the News Letter, the serial publications listed below have appeared: Library Trends Vol\nne 21, Number h (April 1973). Systems Design and Analysis for Libraries, edited by F. Wilfred Lancaster. Volume 22, Number 1 (July 1973). Analysis of Bibliographies, edited by H.R. Simon. Volxane 22, Nianber 2 (October 1973). Research in the Fields of Reading and Comm\inications , edited by Alice Lohrer. Volume 22, Number 3 (January 197*+). Eval\iation of Library Service, edited by S.R. Reed. Volume 22, Nvmiber h (April 197^). Science Materials for Yoting People, edited by George S. Bonn. Occasional Papers Number 106 (May 1973). A Guide to Selected Microform Series emd Their Indexes, by Peter Olevnik, Number 107 (July 1973). A Selected Bibliography on the Aging, and the Role of the Library in Serving Them, by Mollie Kramer. Number 108 (September 1973). A Report on Library Networks, by Donald D. Hendricks. Number 109 (November 1973). Information for Science and Technology, by Scott Adams. Nxmber 110 (December 1973). U.S. Prison Library Services and Their Theoretical Bases, by Rhea J. Rubin. Ntmiber 111 (December 1973). United States Information Service Libraries, by Jody Sussman. Number 112 (March 197^). CILA: A New Approach to Problems in the Acquisition of Latin Americam Library Materials, by John S. Clouston. N\miber 113 (May 197*^). A Selected Bibliography of Music Librarian- ship, by Don Hii3J.ips. NEWS OF THE CLASSES 1221 Avis M. Pillsbury reports that she retired in 1972 and has enjoyed traveling to Greece, Turkey, smd Israel and visiting many 8u:cheological sites. Florence Blackburn Thome retired at the close of 1967. Since then she has been busy cataloging private libraries in the vicinity of her home, Jacksonville, Illinois. She is now engaged part-time at indexing for two of the organizations to which she belongs. She reports that she is especially happy at her post-retirement work because, for the first time in her life, she is able to work for others instead of working entirely for herself. Since Mrs. Thome will become 85 in mid-September, she is thinking of slowing down a bit and spending more time in travel. 1928 Lena B. Nofcier is retired and living in Venice, Florida. 1221 James A. Still received an honory degree (Litt. D.) from Berea College, May 2?, 1973. 1932 Margaret Neeld Coons retired from Yale University Library in Jxme 1971 and is now living in Sajita Barbara, California. 1223 Hazelle M. Anderson has been an assistant professor of Library Science at Illinois State University since i960 and retired in August 1973. 1217 D. Genevieve Dixon retired in August 1973 after 20 years as director of the Texas Woman's University School of Library Science. Mary Lo\iise Neumann has retired after 21 years as director of Libraries, National College of Education, Evanston. • 1938 Estrilla Daniels retired July 15, 1973 after 29 years at the Reed Memorial Library, Ravenna, Ohio.