Fighting Illicit Trade in Tobacco Products
Fighting Illicit Trade in Tobacco Products September 2018 Visit | Fighting Illicit Tobacco Trade Contents Overview ................................................................. 3 Understanding illicit tobacco trade ................... 4 Combatting illicit tobacco trade ......................... 7 Conclusion ............................................................16 2 Fighting Illicit Tobacco Trade Overview Philip Morris International (PMI) is committed to combatting the illicit trade in tobacco products; from the criminal networks that smuggle cigarettes across borders, to illegal operations in poorly monitored free trade zones. These activities have severe consequences for governments, legitimate businesses, and people around the world. We aim to eradicate the illicit tobacco effective licensing regimes, enhanced trade by collaborating on a comprehensive tracking and tracing systems, strong strategy that channels all of our efforts. know-your-customer guidelines, and strict Meaningful partnerships are required, labelling requirements. We also illustrate and bring together the knowledge and the ways stakeholders can unite efforts. experiences of all relevant key stakeholders, For the campaign against illicit tobacco including policymakers at the national trade to be effective, the rules cannot be level, international organizations, law just theoretical. They require enforcement. enforcement authorities, and the legitimate National governments should sign up to tobacco industry. international agreements and treaties, and As a responsible corporate citizen, rigorously and meaningfully implement PMI supports public, private and non- their requirements. governmental initiatives to combat illegal As a business, we have long led the fight tobacco operations and other related against the illicit tobacco trade. No industry, crimes. We hope to work with as many allies however, can win this fight on its own; we as possible to implement impactful solutions need to harmonize and enhance efforts.
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