Connally EDITORIALS Postpones

Fortieth Year - No. 12 , Durham, N. C. » |-3HIFriday, January 7, 1944 Wartime Student Council May Replace SGA Text Of Proposed Council Plan Student Leaders Illness Causes Postponement Of Senator Propose Modified '.udent Council that lee presented tt, U.-e Sludent Gouernmen u TIO mentis final. If accepted at nil, it icill probably be greatly 'Duration' Council Tom Connally's Scheduled Duke Address o remind many student-.- that student government is still open erest, and hope ihul tliis is iff gii:e yon. food for thought.—J.M.I One of the most drastic Senator Tom Connally of i declare itself is s for the duratioi steps in the history of Duke Texas, one of the most influ­ student government was in ential members of Congress BOS Plans council to be composed of the I prosgress today as student through his position as chair­ leaders awaited SGA action man of the Senate Foreign January Relations Committee, on the proposed Wartime and Civ Student Council. been forced to postpone his Thai ised of the following men scheduled address here this Elections lean Manchester. Sean Herring. g Student Council. Presi The plan, submitted by the month due to unexpected ill- dent of YMCA. President of Men'sp Editor of the Chronicle CHRONICLE for consideration by President of ODK. the SGA, was born in the face . That students desiring membership on the I il must present a petilion a of deadening student apathy to­ Connally ssipected ti id July freshmen before the electoral board for an Interview ward the Student Government definite new date s. . That the Student Council, due tu rhiiuaisss ,.-, Association which seasoned ob­ . That, at the conclusion of the war, the Stro •ecture Series. servers feared would result in adline for turning its the Men's Student Government AssoclatSoi The Texas Senator will be the this month's scheduled elections charts is January 19, Bcond important Washington resulting in a farce. gurc to address a Duke audienc cording to B d Herring, Complete text of the Cftronicie w shortly s FAC Prom To Feature Choice Forms will shortly utad to all January and July Two main features of the plan 'iis; on December 2. freshmen for listing of their are; 1) student representation Of Freshman Beauty Queen by Navy, Marine, or civilian

sving inveigled Sammy Flet- and his fiftssn piece band .s • ,.- , S'ills Is t, offered ticket- Radio Show i prsaidents tives by an electoral board (im­ nanagers. Ten highest met posed of five student leaders and liiitiisnatically be elected t ISSlSJ.IlsUsd Meeting lonorary lsaadershlp (rater ighspot da. Elections to the Council would, while the remaining 20 wil ram, FAC dance under this plan, be similar lo n October be- siosen by the active mem ials last night expressed ci Ihss system ol Publications Board ence tliat tickets would go Is Planned elections which has worked so for United States ,ip. tha dldfire when placed on First joint meeting for men tor many years. Stu- Players Choose Thriller ext Monday and Tuesday and women interests in work­ s. .is ,:,-s.,ii.i:: .,,./ s is,si ,.. ' Frsishman ing on "Campus Time," propos­ ' Counc Bail, Sati ed Duke weekly radio show, will h-Connally Act, For Next Production issibly retire to ina be held Sunday afternoon at 4:30 in the Little Theater of Duke Players' Director Pop While the leadersh West Duke building on East "It is to be understood," said West promises a real "blood Dr. Markee Joins is been relieved of : Charles Markham, speaking for and thunder" mystery in the irmal functions under V-12, lale talent turned Out lasl the CHRONICLE, "that the plan is /mnasium from 8 purely a wartime measure and next Players' production, election will be recognition of nday night and results wert Hospital Faculty Two bunded and y gratifying, Curtiss Paul, co that the regular SGA will be re­ "The Ninth Guest", scheduled freshmen who have h fully jjai-tleipated In extra- like number of fik ' >w with Heler instated automatically at the to hit Page Auditorium stage Dr. Joseph E. Market has been rieulars despite present unli the Union lindk-r h the a conclusion of the war. With the in late March. appointed professor of anatomy ing circumstances, other BO! isement Monday I d Tuesday talent of the coeds on Sunday, campus split up as it is into four Tryouts tor the new produc­ and head of the anatomy depart­ " sisils isointed out. ', at $1.25 it is hoped that several tentative major groups—NROTC, Appren­ tice Seamen, Marines, and civili- tion will be held Tuesday, Wed­ ment at Duke Hospital, Points will be awarded on i. Attached programs wili be worked out. rtually impossible to nesday, and Thursday in the Lit­ Dr. Markee graduated from basis of participation in athletics, tickets will be ballots t "Campus Time," presents tle Theater of West Duke Build­ last year for thirteen weeks, will hold tl i [cc the University of Chicago and cai ing Irom 7:30 to 9:45 p.m. a wide range YMCA Leaders probably feature a variety pro- All "C" average students, not received his Ph.D. in Anatomy ill Iss- nominated. which all ft nated who would be well enough including coed freshmen, are in 1929. He did medical work published in the CHRONICLE Ballots may be placed ii Attend Student s talci. vill be . Idem known by the entire student eligible lor Darts in the play. there taking preclinical courses sill be posted on campus. DX in the Dope Shop befor body to justify an election." The Players have selected this and introductory courses in med- SGA leaders were reportssily mystery drama in response to aminees have b(?en placed Church Mission ; the plan isplay in the haberdashery w He taught as professor Broadhead Opens play will approach lis, dow. The Beauty Quee ' .ssociation, which came into be- natomy at Stanford with a y New Recital Series ing will climax the in meeting. Information on time of ig only after the biggest stu- t the Carnegie Institute of i Notice ission of the Church which was the half-hour program may be ent uprising in the history of The 1944 s of Org , Re ryology at Johns Hopkins, In accordance sld from Dec. 28 until Jan. 3 known on Sunday, Paul said. sie university, might nevsir be sals i the Duke Uni uling, there wi be absolutely ie summer of 1942 Marki^ • Wooster, Ohio. Two years ago a combined einstated after the war. Others M graduated in Februar; Chapel will begin Sunday aver­ io decorations, except sxslored The delegates from Duke wfsre quiz and variety program was oubted whether _the Student isi ting professor of anatomj sion February 6, Edward Hall ights. Dance offi ials stated t John Powell, YMCA President, held wesekly in between Quad­ iovernment Council could—le- roadhead, University Organist, heir' records and fill in dipli tlsc : m for v. Fred Doty, Vice President of the rangle pictures on Wednesday ally—declare itself inactive. No na cards in the Administers inounced last week. sial affair YMCA, who represented the nights, cmceed by Lieutsaiant ion Building, office 108, in The recitals had been tempo- Methodist group; Bob Wolfe, now in the Solomons. 3rd Dr. Markee irily discontinued bepause of Last year campus wits Harvey nediately. FAC members will receive fn George W. Jones, President of One thing is certain, however. the Christmas the Divinity School student bo- Buliock and Gil Moss, aided hy Don Liftman and Doris Laving­ . new plan, even if this one is shosc students who expect •• has been planned to r who represented the Inter- ot accepted, must be formulat­ nary Movement; James Al- ton, actors of Duke Players' ie graduated at the end ot tl have been h the fifty-odd members wl ed. The old SGA, planned for a Knight also of the Divinity fame, built up a sizeable radio been didi gently carryir an student body, just could Wolf Will Lead and Miss Agnes High- audience over WDNC with ie organization's functios "Campus Time." •e adapted to the vastly dif- Year's First Sing lace of unusual difficultie snted ths The method of translating Sunday Evening Christian attlturra into vocations Former Editor John Carr id of affecting a practical post- Tom Wolf, V-12 apprentii seaman, plans to launch the IB' riong the many problems dis- Wins Commission In Navy series of Sunday sings with ga issed. Definite plans were array of campus jive, corned ill hav k for : Indoctrina Schuyler, N, Y. Carr, always the unpredicta­ ble, pullssd his most amazing itunt this past month. Entering the army as a buck private on December 17th, he returned lo the campus for a brief visit as. an ensign in the Navy, after his r s Sunday sings, baritone commission came bs.-lat.s.. Groshossg, broadway ace, through. Now a commissioned e on hsand to sing several officer. Carr will receive his bas­ ic naval training at Schuyler be­ • this literary Sorority fore being ordered to active duty J Oil l"i,s I. Eddii Will Initiate Soon with the engineering corps of the

theater, to bring a set of his most Chi Delta Phi's largest pledge s the firs recent slides of novelty songs slass in years will he initiated editorship of th< and popular lyrics. nto the Zeta chapter of the local Tiie sing will be held in the Glee Club Broadcasts In New York Soon shapter next Tuesday night at well as Alpha Tau auditorium of the Woman's Col­ six in the Alpha Chi Omega 1 fraternity. lege as usual. Forty picked men from the responses from all sxirners of th oom of Mordecai House. ne of the slrongssist en's Glee Club will leave icii lias backers of tho DukEngineer and, Ill return Sunday. world. Graduates in the service Girls who will bo initialed are editor before gaining the top po­ •xt week for New York City, _ by the ; Duke club has Doreen Walker, Bobbie Luessen- along with present editor A! French Honorary overseas who cherished fon sition. His Junior year he served Rountree, did most of the work here for the eighth time Duke Club for the public will be fea­ iy the Columbia Plnky Hudgins, Helen memories nf having sunt In th as CHRONICLE columnist, appear­ towards establishing the maga­ Gleemen will sing over a natlon- tured in the broadcast—"John­ Wade, Joyce Dean, Bobbie Holds Open House Glee Club when In Duke ser ing twice weekly with his "Soap zine in its pr^ent high place. ide CBS hookup, singing this ny The One", a patriotic num­ Taeusch, Snow Etheridge, Ra­ coni; si 11. iss-. ,ry messages izat box" on the editorial page. _ Final open house btsfore the sar from ls45 to 2 o'clock Sal- ber which will take up a large s New York' has sh el J leister. part of the program. The singers Alaskn London and Pearl Har­ During his three and a hall first initiation of the year will One of the few college glee a tradition. Ever Nancy Lee sLaws, Ges will also present a negro spiri­ year stay here Carr achieved he held by Tau Psi Omega, hon­ ubs which is still active, the 's New York trip bor. Law School Prints Collins, and Trixie Gross. every honor that could possibly orary French fraternity, on Tues- like club will broadcast in the tual, for which the club is fa­ mous. As usual their thiane song Since the absence of tet This group was pledged last befall a Duke undergraduate. A Articles On-Taxes 7:30 in the President's [teen minutes immediately pre­ will be "Dear Old Duke," Johnny Alexander, president 11. Tho chapter is active on member of Phi Beta Kappa and club rs ceding the opera, although on an- Combining detailed exposition the Glee Club who 1-sft a £ campus. Professors on campus Omicron Delta Kappa, he was Guests of the fraternity will nthsT network, It is expects The forty select Glee Club of the provisions of the excess days ago to be inducted Into the _ "c to the club on literary president of Delta Epsilon Sig­ include men who have made ac­ that WDNC, tiie local radio sta­ members will not travel together profits tax taw with appraisal of Army, Vice-President Jock Mc­ topics of timely intesrrsst. ma, honorary engineering lead­ ceptable averages in their tsours- tion, will relay the broadcast, bus as in peacetime. its economic effects. Law and Cormick has been officiating Recently a new Chi Delta Phi ership fraternity. He was also a es of French at Duke, and who which will also be radioed by C.MlSSIII mbers Cuss miiiii'iiry Problems, the the organization. Alexander I hapter has been install^ at member of Pi Mu Epsilon, Beta are interested in speaking will leave Thursday lisliit. Duke Law School quarterly, lias Frensdi. he University of North Caro­ Omega Sigma, Phi Eta Sigma, Just published a symposium of r thi? club. lina. and Sigma Pi Sigma honorary i Icvi-n articles on "Kxcesw Profits Friday. January 7, 194H Page Two THE Beginning () I The End Letters to the Chronicle We round 1943 is over, but it has left its mark. For in that ful year Duke University underwent its greatest change Do It NOW! othing to do. X ... 1 am sending it to since its inception. For six months, now, Duke has been a Naval college, peopled by men of the Navy and the The in the sunset, Semi the Chronicle Homes' Marine Corps, as well as the civilians of its past. In the pastels of even-tide; And this is the picture ul Duke as she starts afresh A Duke serviceman is strolling in the year 1944. With his buddy by his side . . . Perhaps we've disliked things here We see a troubled campus. Duke's huge V-12 Corps MAIL TODAY And we cussed them all for sure; is not yet certain whether they are students in uniform And we've argued with the faculty or apprentice seamen assigned to duty in Durham, N. C. Till it was all they could endure. They argue whether we should have more or less disci­ But when we think of comradeship, HOWARD TERRY Business Manager pline. Most of the newcomers are not happy at Duke. Date They write Freshman English essays entitled, "Why I Man for man, and deed for deed, There's none better anywhertf. . . THE DUKE CHRONICLE Want Immediate Active Duty." They don't like Duke We shan't forget Dear Old Duke Box 4698; Duke Station, coeds because they are "stuok-up." Because the coeds battlefield or s Durham, N. C. do not give each and everyone of them the "eye" as they ssell ti ; had. Enclosed is remittance for: pass on the campus, they take this as a sign of innate • $1.50 for Subscription— conceit. Social functions, therefore, are at an all-time E. Mintz. (To Marine trainee Mintz, happy thanks for your poetic JANUARY THROUGH MAY. low—when Ihey should be more numerous and more ~ :ch a poem as yours would usually appear only Please send THE CHRONICLE well-attended than ever. n our sister publication, lhe Archive. We prim it here, not Name The civilians, meanwhile, pusshed around and held so much for its poetic tsalue, but for the fact that you are the almost in contempt by the uniformed part of the campus, Marine who has liked Duke enouah to torite its about il. (PlesAse Prssu Plainly] is indeed a messnorabie euent.—Ed.) have in their turn thrown up a wall of reserve. Watch­ Sports Department: Street Dear Editor o ing the V-12 men get free board, tuition, and fifty dol­ o long ago I went to a basketball game in the Gym City and State lars a month while living under almost the same rules ; school. I can't remember the exact game, but that's (i.e. 3 days for Cliristmas, no free cuts, etc.) has been portant. At this particular game \ a bitter dose for civilians to swssllow. ,. Ther >ut tl Coesds, for their part, seem to have about given up clear sky this person steals e ball from oppon- ssst. dribbles down the floor and the score was UIM. AS S the ghost for good. Only the sacred few are dating. Many ; I saw him start down the floor I jumped up from my s who would have been dated up for weeks in normal ui yelled just sis loud as I could, "Yea . , . ," The guy to times, do not even know one Duke man. Climax of the Lay Aft ght looked up and very sarcastically says, "Yea who!" whole matter was the Women's Pan-Hellenic dance ad me there 'cause I didn't know the guy's name nor which fell through bs=cause—the coeds clsaimed—they siyone around me. My complaint is simply tins: wily c didn't know enough boys to ask. ie Sports Department publish pictures of the first ten t ;nd of the war in Europe students can get to know our plays Looking over the campus situation we find it a dark .vith the defeat of the Germat 11 Id ss: >t of us s one, but not hopeless. Duke is still undergoing the pains irmies and the destruction o jestions. You well russ of a drastic transition. Her old students have not yet ac­ she Nazi system. They sa; numbers of the boys too can identify when tl •u sports editors. . . . customed themselves to attending their university as le things in i on the floor. How about tl small comforts tl Jack Regan apprentice seamen. The transfers torn from the college tently take f An Interested Sports Follower. of their original choice, have never been able to take 'ednesday night's game.—ES»»™' „ We'll wager il won't be long before a slight case of sabotage ri date or end of sets in on the Engineers' sign oner East's dopey shoppe. Ad­ n on chub-a-lug mires! sire shedding tears over J. AlesrandCT's departure for Camp Croft, S. C. . . .Mr. and Mrs. Bishop, especially. Seems are costSy w Pf° , .r. 0* re' ill be prohibited funny seeing Bob and Sammy Cantt in the bleachers instead throo[ of on the hardusood and bench—respectively. Big Boy Hart­ ostmaster Walk- ley's doing a gram), job is-iili the. Jayvees. . . .but the overtime -asSSsSS.'-*- sis through. Won- beat the Varsity out of a>iciory at New York last week. What • Varga girl has does Bill Wright do usilJs himself between aames? T'is said clothes make the man. . . .for proof see Johnny Carr—eh Yuonne? The Choice spent three de-lovely days in Toledo visiting with you gues who(ver). Pete Finn better slip Russ a mickey before King gets any For Roselle&ialeDi6Gsl days. . . .and we do mean Dirk Arrowsmitli. Newsome two­ somes—May House and her Bill (which? why, Snltger, of course 1, Sue Bowmall and Joe Waters (stamped for approval), Winkie Lewis with George McGinnis (yes. yes, yes), Al Rob­ ertson and Ann Smoiil (well, at least for the time being). Peg Business Offitsse—06 Union. Fisher and Don Ralph, and on into the night. •oivntown Editorial and Business Officse—124 West Parrish They weren't done up in red ribbon, but Ihey were Christ­ Street, Telephone J-B591. mas surprises when Holly Veal uisited Snowie in Kentuclc Ond Printed by the Christian Printing Companv. Reprint Rights Fred Hockenjosh returned to Sarah sCheek. Sue Hurley played granted when credit line is given. hostess to Jim Green. Then Henry Crane came back to med Subscriptions should be addresssed to Box 469B Duke Sta- school and Shirley Spencer beams, but brother Frank's popu­ War rails keep Long Distanre lines busy larity manes minus the car. ... 'I'luit'i why your call muy be delayed. Friday, January 7, 1944

'llie Athletic Department am It will be necessary (or all stud Is eir atlileti.s boohs with them i'Jje Jbukt. JBL QTljrjcmitlje Side Lines nlssion to all home bitsketball TSO^=) SPORTS By R. M. Johnston

Free Throws Weekend Features Contests In Three Sports Again Duke has lost an important basketball game that they could have won if they hay made even 50% of their tree throws. We refer to the extra period game Matmen Invade Swimming Team Duke Pagers Play played against Long Island University in Madison 21 Devils Square Garden New Year's night that Duke lost. 5&-S7. Tar Heel Campus Bill Wright Leads The Devils lost by two points in the overtime. During Begins Schedule Leathernecks the course of the game, they made only five free throws, For First Match Make "All' while missing nine. If only one of these had been made Blue Devil Scorers Against Carolina Tomorrow Night during the regular period of play, it would have been ler postponements thwarted Tomorrow afternoon a sick- holding o£ their opening t and cold basket- the margin of victory. By ART JAFFEY sss-riddled Blue Devil tank Selections li twice. Coach Harvey Pot- Currently setting the pace in squad will lake to the water in Statistics prove, however, that the Devils have a Blue Devil grapplers will thss ssssvcrest defeats in dividual scoring with 138 first meet of the season nd White court history good average on their charity tosses. They have finally and definitely raise the inst the ever-powerful Uni- irtain on the 1843-44 wrestling points In eleven games played ednesday. night, will en- just heen missing them at the wrong times. By far for Coach Jerry Ger­ sity of North Carolina Blue making 66 free throws out of an attempted 101, tbe •ason sSaturday night, January Dolphins. The meet is schss^duled at 8 p.m. when they move ard's Blue Devil basketball team, tinging in rank" from All- Duke team has averayed (i5..'{\ , These statistics in­ Bill Wright states that he pre­ to start al 3 p.m. in (he pool in . Chapel Hill to engage the Tar the Old Gym. to All-America. Three clude only seven games, the ligures on three of the fers baseball to basketball and Heels- Although most of the top men Dukesters—Preston, Milner, and games played away nol being available. s his ambition to play pro- Gantt—were on the first teams Fos" the past several days co: n the team will lake part in the tioni petition has been going on ial baseball after the dura- sading A11-America selec- Scoreboard losing to the Norfolk Naval each of the eight weight di sf the war—despite his abil- ip form because of recent ill- witb their teammates run- Many complaints have been heard around campus re­ station two nights ago by a ns to determine starters ( ) play basketball in sensa­ ess. Woody Venable, outstand- on second and third na­ i score, Duke exhibited lit­ cently about the lack of knowledge by the students of s coming match. So tar, sta tional style. .g dist tional honor teams. who the players on the cage squad are. In past seasons ; berths have heen clinched tle if any of the form which it top shape following L.I.U. in New the scoreboards in the Indoor Stadium have always been ss oi the divisions, and the i Wright, a marine transfer Pat Preston, called by many e of the hardest hitting Duke York last weekend. The Blue used, giving the name and number of every player on ining three were decided om the University of Tennes­ the pool for several ds • intra squad matches too h see, has been playing basketball ?kles of all time, placed on the floor, "ill Adams will I t Norfolk. 1 for publication. since he was fifteen years old. ven teams. He was the only Although il is difficult to obtain information, on ayer from the South to receive Herbert Stender, Marine He gives full credit to his high Dukes. In additi e coveted AP All- visiting teams early enough to have their names 12er, captured the squad positi school coach, Mr. Bible he i i first ready for a game, we feel that there is no reason e 121-P 111,1 (|iv Knoxville, Tennessee, no scam INS All-Ame why the home team has not heen put up. The same Bobby S of last lieutenant in the Army and Southern seam on Central Press All-Amer­ players are on the floor in game after game, and the Corps, for developing him ica, was honorable mention or inference meet, will represent sketball player and giving Athletic Association should he able to at least put UP All-America, first team AT r, who establish- uke in the 128-pouni" the technique and f their names and numbers on lhe scoreboard so that Stroupe captured second place All-Southern, and UP All-South- Blue Devil fans would be able lo know who is who mentals which be relics ui ; Garden, again honors in the Confi present. In the three on the floor. st season. He is expected to Bill Milner, Duke's slashing Wright played basketball in high rve as the standby for the guard, placed on the following Grapplers teams: honorable mentioi Wright, obviously off his game, Tomorrow wrestling coaeh Harvey Potter will present All-America, AP All-, i only five markers. Un- Dick Weil, who has had previ- and the Sporting Nc sh Gerard can reshuffle the 1943 edition of the Blue Devil wrestling team in its is wrestling experience ai AftCT leaving high school, i; first is us: si to insure better offen- opening match. Although the absence of Weddie Huff­ hadyside Prep school in Pitta- Wright entered Tennessee. It pace the V-12 strengthened teai , the Blue Devils man, the most outstanding man on the team for a period jrg. bowled over his opponent was at Ihis time that the Vols' Tops among the returning 1* tral Prei York Sun All-America, and sem headi of three years, will be felt. Coach Potter says that this , win starling honors in the 145- coach, John Mauer, changed termen is Captain Denny Hai 'shipping in a i Wright's position from forward BILL WRIGHT mond who set a national inte and Stripes (official Army i year's squad is, as a whole, much stronger and better to guard. In tho short time Is collegiate record in the back­ paper) All-America; first teams avy, ssss is Stroupe. The Flying Lt balanced than those of past seasons. Runner up in the played at Tennessee, he won tv. stroke two years ago and whoU P All-Southern, and AP All- In the 165-pound section Walt the Cherry Point 121 pound class in the Southern Conference last year, varsity letters and earned fi won both the backstroke and 220 Southern. ;ott, who has been the leading are known, are h himself a place on the third teas yard freestyle at the 1943 Bobby Stroup is expected to be one of the top men on snlender -for the squad in Duke Cagers Have Big Bob Gantt led the Duke of the All-Southeastern Confe boys in number by placing on al the squad this season. vision most ul the season, binations in this ence selections, Eleven More Games Chatter Buddy Crone, conference squads: Bill Stem's Wright considers Ticco of Kei national junior A. A. U. diving .i 11 A Following tomorrow nigh Last Wednesday night another of Duke's old cage tucky the best player he hi champ, will again put on a good contest with the Cherry Poi stars returned. Eddie Shokes came back with ihe played against while at Tenne show on the springboard. Thi Marine Air Station, Coach Jer Norfolk Navy team. . . . After 4fi consecutive de­ see. The Mehen brothers, Bern season, however, he will not g orable mention, second teai unopposed. Dick Bronson an feats the University of Chicago finally won a bas­ and Dick, were teammates i and INS All-Amerias, Central Wright at Tennessee at the sarr Hood will perform for "the Blu Press All-America tliird team ketball game . . . ex-Dukester Jack Coleman has led footballer time that Bernie made Al Devils in this department. second team on UP All-South been going strong on the Great Lakes Navy quintet. be next Thursday night in ths There are five top-notch scor­ American in the Pic Magazine Ken Saturday and Fred Hen ern, third team on AP All-ers on their squad. They are: Starters in the 138-, 155- and Indoor Stadium, with the Klch . . . The DePaul Blue Demons of Chicago are one of nlghausen will match their skill Southern, received honorable Cpl. Neal Moser (St. Joseph's 175-pound divisions are still in mond Air Base five furnishini the top cage teams this season, having won 12 Giving full credit to Coach and speed in the breaststroke mention on the Sporting Nei ''' points; 1st Lt. Bob straight games. . . . An American Army officer has doubt. Competition in the 136 is Gerard for co-ordinating players against that of Carolina's George All-America, and was rated by between Bill' Stanhope and W, A victory over the Marines U.K.C 122: ! :. Georg various schools Whitner, who doubles UP by the Sporting News readers as "" Mingle (Butler University), s won the East India lawn tennis singles competition Lira, Navy and civilian respec­ Saturday night would give outfit, Wright believes that Duke swimming in the freestyle dis- most versatile player in the 2nd Lt. Carl Kaiser (St. Mary's for the last two years. . . . Art Vann, Blue Devil tively. R. M. Sinskey and Patrick Blue Devils a .500 average plays an entirely different brand tion, receiving votes for i College), 60; and Pfe. Bill Van- gridder of past seasons, is now a homhadier with are grappling for the 155-divi- their efforts in the current c of basketball than Tennessee, tackle, guard and back. Bredakolfl (Princeton), 43. All Hank Hasnes and the Army Air Corps. . . . Ken Boehm, Intramural "Duke," Wright says, "gives full Tom Davis, Buddy Luper sand ul whiuh ^ST'siss In indicate i.lssit li-ll s, shows five wins and six delt individual high point winner for two years, is now . M. ' empliasis on an offensive, fast Benny Cittadino were placed on the Leathernecks can -fly in overseas with the Navy. the 175 breaking game, while at Tennes­ Bill 1 'ight i presei all All-Southern first teams and This year's Carolina squad h see a defensive game with set team in point production received honorable mention on weaker than usual, not having a plays is stressed-Both styles of with 138 points. Gordon Carver AP and UP All-America. Also in single returning varsity letter- play are all right with mt is close on his heels with 136. the upper brackets was Jim My­ Gene Bledsoe has accounted for CASH PRITCHARD-BRIGHT & COMPANY man in its ranks. Coach Chuck He claims that North ers, who played such an out- Quinlan has a large squad of 50. sanding game at Georgia Tech. for All 1 lina Naval Pre-Flight has been Hotel Building men, but none of them have e the best The schedule for the remain­ He received AP -sand UP All- Used Books Duke has played. As for the der of the season follows: ROOK EXCHANGE fore. About half of them have game against Long Island Uni Jan. 8.—Cherry Point Marines, placed on all All-Southern and had high school versity at Madison Square Gar Here. All-State teams. Featuring Arrow Shirts den last week, Wright think: Jan. 13.—Richmond Air Base. Others to be honored inclu The mainstays that most of the Blue Devils Here. hea Long, Bulldog Williams, Ji Washington were greatly fatigurf toward thi Jan. 15.—Norfolk Naval Air Sta- Copely, Bob Nanni, "Bea •l of grapplers I lulled end of the game, Knotts, Fletcher Wall, Lloyd Duke •ith nsilh f the rs is for Jan, 18.—University of North Blount, George Balitsarls, squad last winter. Having such L.T.U.'ss in the game. Carolina. Here. "Spook" Murphy, Bo Saerinty, Beauty Shop a large squad, however, no ser Jan. 22.—Norfolk Navy Train­ Buddy Palmer, Herman Smith 128 Market St. tions have yet been made ing Station. There. and "Chief" McCain. match this Saturday night Jan. 26.—Norfolk Navy Train­ Phone J-8241 This has been the most fruitful Chapel Hill. ing Station. Here. Shampoo and Set $1.00 Jan. 28.—Naval Academy, An­ season ever for TJuke on the One of the most interesting -stay Permanents $5.00 up napolis, Md. honor selections, and as yet all matches of the evening should be Cold Waves $15.00 up between Duke's Chief McCain ever after the war," Wright ss Feb. 1.—N. C. State College. and the Tar Heel heavyw. Baseball has attracted Wri There. At present L. L. Hooper has the since his high school days, Feb. 4.—South Carolina. Here. LOOK YOUR BEST call for that spot, but he has high school Wright hit a ten Feb. 5.—University of North .550, but was prevented fi Carolina. There. developing himself in college Feb. 12—N. C. State College. DID YOU KNOW? Here. Results Through Jan. 1: ball. However, he played in ths That you ean still get the fastest Laundry and Dry outfield on the Knoxville ama Duke 38^ Chapel HIU Pre-Flight teur team which won the stati Cleaning Service in Durham at the championship in American Le "// its from Ray's gion competition. If he is per­ Duke 40, Milligan 46. mitted to stay at Duke another Duke 50, Hampden-Sydney 35. Duke University Laundry semester, Wright will have Duke 52, Columbia Air Base 33. Its Guaranteed." E. P, Hayes, Manager first opportunity to play under Duke 49, Camp Butner 41. REMEMBER JOE COLLEGE? expert guidance—that ol Coach Duke 46, Charleston Coast RAY'S Inc. Jack Coombs. Guard 52. Duke 42. Fort Bragg 40. Wright is a member of Sigma Duke 35, Chapel Hill Pre-Flight There've been some changes made since this guy Watches—Diamo nds Nu social fraternity, and his fav 48. Quadrangle graced a graudstand—but Arrows are still top Jewelry orite diversion from sports is Duke 57, Long Island Universi­ favorites for shirts 1 dancing. Oh yes, Wright says ty 5B. (Extra period) that he has been dating on East Duke 28, Naval Air Station 61. presents Campus. Who can blame h Arrow Shirts have the incomparable Arrow Saturday, Jan. H collar which lies smooth and comfortably on your neck, tiie Mitoga figure-fit construction, and the AIR FORCE Sanforized label guaranteeing fabric shrinkage WINTER fetauring less than 1%. In khaki, white, and fancy. 82.24, up. John Garfield . Remodeled See your Arrow dealer today! and Gig Voung Cleaning, Pressing ARROW Wednesday, Jan. 12 SWING SHIFT MAISIE featuring

For the Complete ARROW Line Ann Sot he in FOLLOW TIIE ZUCKERMAPTS Belk-Leggett James Craig Dept. Store Performance at MILLER-BISHOP COMPANY 9 East Chapel Hill Street (:45, 5:45 and 7:45 p.n "Where Duke Men Meet" 318 Main Street THE DUKE CHRONICLE Friday, Januassry 7, 1944 Commodore Club Lays Plans Ropp Is Authority Ballet Russe To Appear In Page For Future Dances, Dinners for the occsasion. Capt. Clay hsas On Naval Strategy granted the battalion spisscial For Seventh Time January 24 rities for the coming 0100 liberty for that evening. the lialf dozen civilian*- The club will provide bus trans­ sssholars in the United States which include an Ark portation for those attending the who have interested themselves dance, a second USO Renowned Troupe dance. in the held of naval strategy, e, a country club form­ Movie, Magic Show The eleven senior first class­ Dr. Theodore Ropp, Assistant al, and a stag dinner in honor of Will Not Be Part warn men of the unit who will receive Professor of History at Duke Highlight Xmas newly commissioned graduates. stripes at the end University, has found that his The Canteen dance in the Ark (• first si .i specially,, originally academic, A turkey dinner, free movie, of tl for January 13 and has become a practical contribu­ Of Season Series and magic show, highlighted the commissions under the he same pattern as tion to the training of navy of- Christmas celebrations which Duke NROTC program, will be the original Canteen dance earl- Page Auditorium, took place on West Campus dur- the guests of honor at a stag ban­ in the semester. The senior troupe of the Ballt holidays for the quet on Monday, February 14. He is one of the few civilian Monte Carlo will re The affair will take place either instructors of a course in naval [2i> ii rs of the ROTC. in the Union ball room or at the strategy given in any V-12 Col­ Washington Duke hotel. Featured e of their The YMCA decorated the W Dnd offi-campus tisa lege Training institution in the banquet will be an ad- lets. Campus Union and held oj dance will be held at the Morris entire country. s the graduating class by house after the free movie "H St. USO with the date yet to be While spending ten years of This fifth co nee; Captain A. T. Clay. The batta- is to be presented py Land," sponsored by study and research in the field dance will take " 'B time present tho the six originally scheduled Army Finance School. A twe of naval history and strategy place at the Hope Valley country eleven new ensigns with a grad- events for which foot C Dr. Ropp never thought that one lub on Friday, February 4 from iting gilt of one pair of ensign's day he would teach the subject were sold. Since season tickets liar Insignia, thus inaugurating do not include this performance, to men in uniform, youngsters lis are seeking the Camp tradition expected to continue all seats in the house are on sale. whose interest would be some- Butner band, well known to ith succeeding classes of ing other than scholastic. PROFESSOR ROPP Accompanying the ballet ROTC graduating class. students, to provide music The recognition Dr. Ropp has troupe, which includes such Blond Offers New tudent noted artists as Alexandra Dani lova, Igor Youskevitch, and Fred Inducement For Letters From Graduates Overseas erick Franklin, will be the com n the subject in an pany's own symphony orchestri Blood Donations Describe Realities Of Modern War imposrtant collaborative volume, 'Makers of Modran Strategy: company By PIHKS HUDGINS Military Thought from Machia­ nibilc today, the Ballet Russe She's blond, streamlined likf Duke is now in its third ye velli to Hitler," edited by Ed­ Campus will essmt three numbers cho- a Powers model, and holds thi [ war, but we on campus km ward Mead Earle. This new from their most popular bal- bottle, brother, while you glvl ery little of what the horrors work received a thrs^s-page re­ By Don Marion lots recent years. The first will and give until the blod in thi •ar entail. For the past fi hands—as the view in the Decsmibs^- issue of old classic "Etude" to thi bottle touches the pint mark. lonths letters from former Du The Infantry Journal, and Walt­ of Bach; the That's just the beginning. Af- students now on active du er Lippman recently devoted an i Hu.-isi feel weak fi eas have ben pouring in entire column to it. viih ;. i plot tak- ai s .-Lsiitlor Herring's office. They show e have been spending the ; The army and navy have each i Jap-held China; the spaper story oi learning to destroy and kill, purchased 5,000 copies for use third a very populs ss re el c s like, won't be a complete wast in officer candidate schools, Wssst let called "Rodeo," or "Courting begins to flow. Point, Annapolis, and other At Burnt Ranch" dealing with ealize how fortunate we are. schools. the very limely problem very sick patismt and The first was written from The chapter by Dr. Ropp is on Godlike manne blood is the right tiype, it is Continental Doctrines of Sea The first year the b North Africa. "It's a funny feel- >ower." In the new book Dr. o the Ropp deals particularly with the estal; Bea digger pumped into the dying i takes a lot more than just plain Andrews resolve ti a Ballet was engaged to per- '" he patient has the of the French, German, Much Of Normal College Life That extra something sociable towards Page Auditorium. The of $25 or promises, tbat d I Sssl iss I. He- spaugh neighbors; . House was sold out completely, he will send another blood i has to be then need ick of the German at­ and since then the same ballet issible. Just in Remained In '43 Despite War be built, agined I could be so reserved tempt to both World War I and thinksng tl during a continuous bombing at­ World War n by unrestricted of ihss company has i is temporarily unifor By WILK e U. S. Army, which was Maw by popular reques embarrassed or was born on the 1 prove by winning tack, staving off planes, torpe- your officers outfit, see vtm ii2ed at Duke and staffed The Ballet HUE strong side of the railroad and Hitler's Straaten. . . . Along with the war related activities, largely by Duke physicians and others OISI- eongrats to Kitty gaged upon its charity ward it anythinj ing completely demolished. general idea that sea power, a: pects of norma! college life were urses. The unit is now in Eng- Thresadgill and Ruth Moulton secutive tour of the American only costs him $10. of the- irld hi;, olTc such, can be defeated by ai on their new rings and Ginny continent. Although originally maintained at Duke University . The . Pcatsts sunt Mar-fsjiC Stark on The blod that is given doesn't during 1943, a review of the The year brought death to four college Another writes, "We all know Most German ideas, Dr. Hop] go to save a dying soldier or year reveals. Osis- vo'.f for the week Hossss ifs arrival in the United Stales umibers of the Duke faculty: slap a tool of war is o his tiands. full well that you at home can't points out, go back, to some ex Students in sailor uniforms Dr. Frank C, Brown, Dr. Frank that he makes it wo conceive of what it's like. It's tent, in the success of the Con Lis sti-ibble for being such a the ballet company has been In­ brother or sweetheart. It stays edited the 'campus papers and «ett. Dr. Beit Cunningham, lusive. Our British friends have well that you can't. . . . It's just federate ship "Alabama" in des good gal . . . runner-up, Jean- fused with outstanding artists of ie Duke Hospital to help magazines and the Glee Club not id Dr. Francis Hasbrouck. ieen in combat for several years troying Union commerce in thi Best wishes for 3 happy and all i " patients. The Blood Bank only survived but turned out Tabulating the university's nd the Germans for many more, r's school and almost right Civil War, and to the successe ographers and painterE .. that originally design^ by Dr. good harmony in a mixture of •ns and daughters in service, •et we are better than they at after that 1 went overseas. That of such ships as the "Constitu the Ballet Russe has b Deryl Hart for the surgical di- uniforms and civics. Plays and ie alumni iffice lists*! more than heir own game. ... we will is that for a year I've had the War of 1812. established Amer slon of the hospital. In order musical comedies also selected 3,500 Duke men and women in s/in because by that lack of edu- 5 years in which I had fun and blood to be sent overseas it their talent from the uniformed uniform. There have been 42 sation in the opposing forces elasxation . . . beyond that 5 ist be dehydrated. Duke does r Bonds and Stamps ranks and went on as usual. deaths of alumni in service, and days I've had every day s Med School Grads : have the dehydrating equip- they did Co-eds had to serve as com- a number are reported missing. nt that is needed. All plasm; ible production capacities, the mencement marshals, and the Established on the campus grees of unpleasantness/' Earn Commissions that h i llCl'ft I! foi macity and ruggedness of university union went all out during the summer was the Ar­ fighting men, and the general Another boy on sea - duty Commissions were given bj for cafeteria service with the my Fiscai School, operated in " lity of our nation to mi writi>s, "For 'the past tiaee it is out of date, and both the army and navy recently diner, freshman or dean, clean- connection with the Army Fi­ need for all-out effort. I weeks the duty has been may not be uss^J. The blcsod is to a majority of the graduating Directors of the Navy V-12 nance School, which observed that phrase sounds hollos hours per day every day; I sleep mly good for 10 days and then class of Duke University Medical training program are insist! its first anniversary at Duk a us in the fight whenever 1 have any chance i changed into plasma. School. that the academic side be stre wherever I happen to be, i Duke filled its Red Cross Operating on a 12-month bas­ Graduates who were attending ed over the purely military, putes, strikes, rationing, etc. school under the Army Spccial- uota for blood plasma last June sailors and marines not only is, and with many overlapping ind since that time has not been terms and schedules, the un" We have a standing joke in this This show is spectacular and the ized Training Program or tht took courses in naval strategy outfit that sprang up the results of the efforts everyo Navy V-12 Progrsam received assigned another quota. The and histosry but in Greek sity had its largest enrollment Bank is ready at any time the in history, as high as 5,500 s' to invade Sicily putting forth are more than commissions and were placed on ture, Shakespeare, and other red what » inactive duty until their intern­ Red Cross gives a quota to fill cultural subjects. dents at one time studying ship is completed. Army grad­ . A quota consists of 600 units; various schools and colleges. . lere are 250 cc. in a unit. this has made many adjustments uates were commissioned first Public lectures, art exhibits, Yesterday blood was drawn necessary, but the problems have lieutenants and navy men musical concerts, and athletic om 25 donors in the afternooi been met successfully and tin contests were scheduled NEW POSTER CALLS WOMEN TO lone. The Bank has been a bil new year is faced with conn- al. Even though a student thinks iccisis from its beginning thrs!e he may be in the China Sea SERVE IN U.S. COAST GUARD BUY WAS BONDS year, there's no reason why he should not be interested some of the things for which Tickets For Blind AT YOUR FAVORITE THEATRE! ing to fight, it is ci The Univer Pianist's Concert CENTER many of its a Go On Sale Soon Tickets for blind pianist Ale Last Times Saturday Templeton's January 31 concei BETTY GRABLE in here will be placed on sale ness week by Student Forum, spot Lovely New All "Sweet Rosie O'Grady"

Sun.-Mon.-Tues. Wendell Willkie started thi Wool Sweaters RANDOLPH SCOTT ii public aspeist of Duke's year with an address an Jan. 17 be- 1. Just the thing for wear these cold winter days. "Corvette K-225" West Campus sale will begin Wednesday and Friday at s . Viscount I Sloppy Joe and Cardigan styles in all the popular Wed.-Thur.-Fri.-Sat. and on Thursday at 4:30 p j the of c DOROTHY LAMOUR s will be $ 1.75, and In Technicolor in on December 7. Meanwhle poets,

"Ridin' High" singesrs, and war correspondents ind since firth, Templeton had appeared before campus a "child prodigy" as pianist diences with a stimulating v and (Ximpossy. He first compost ety of programs and discussii ie age of four and a year New Arrivals CAROLINA One new building was added was the solo pianist and lo the university's " physical uctor of the Children' musrmmi plant during the yrar, the p of Cardiff, Wales. He later In Skirts home for nurses. At the i ded the Royal Acaden viMniJ time the drive leading to c and the Royal College of m 2. All wool skirts in solids "Sweet Rosie 0'(»rady" home was widened, fully paved Music. and side walked. After touring England, France, and plaids. Featuring the Tuesday-Wednesday The fall brought Holland and Germany, Temple­ new pleated front and "Hi Diddle Diddle" Ice to the 65th General Hospital ton came to the United States 1B36. He has appeared on nui back styles. vith Adolphe Menjou-—Martha Scott erous important radio programs, ( ,1 ' !' H Largest Stock of and has given many "straight" Ihur.-Fri.-Sat. BOOKS recitals, in addition to appear­ mdeiised Version "Tech v ances with major orchestras. Sn Ihe Carolinas ticular Naval base or 3.98 to 9.95 BOOK EXCHANGE r Bonds and Stamps the Navy RIALTO d they will be sent t >mpletely Sunday-Monday Sportswear Second Floor DUKE UNIVERSITY UNIONS or 8PARS." whisst etl at all Navy Recr "Islaud Of Missing Men" EAST CAMPUS WEST CAMPUS ork a SPAR or WAVsS and Offices of Navs with John Howard—Helen Gilbert Owned and Operated for the Tuesday Only Belk-Leggett Co. Convenience of All Students WELCOME DUKE STTOEsNTS The Mystery oi tbe 13th Guest' ANY SUGGESTION FOR IMPROVEMENT IN Durliam's Shopping Center with Helen Parrish—Dick Purcell MARILYN'S SHOE SHOP SERVICE AND MEALS APPRECIATED 207 West Main St.