Supplementary Materials
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2018, 15, 2042 1 of 4 Supplementary Materials S1) Re-parametrization of log-Laplace distribution The three-parameter log-Laplace distribution, LL(δ ,,ab) of relative risk, μ , is given by the probability density function b−1 μ ,0<<μ δ 1 ab δ f ()μ = . δ ab+ a+1 δ , μ ≥ δ μ 1−τ τ Let b = and a = . Hence, the probability density function of LL( μ ,,τσ) can be re- σ σ τ written as b μ ,0<<=μ δ exp(μ ) 1 ab δ f ()μ = ya+ b δ a μδ≥= μ ,exp() μ 1 ab exp(b (log(μμ )−< )), log( μμ ) = μ ab+ exp(a (μμ−≥ log( ))), log( μμ ) 1 ab exp(−−b| log(μμ ) |), log( μμ ) < = μ ab+ exp(−−a|μμ log( ) |), log( μμ ) ≥ μμ− −−τ | log( )τ | μμ < exp (1 ) , log( ) τ 1(1)ττ− σ = μσ μμ− −≥τμμ| log( )τ | exp , log( )τ . σ S2) Bayesian quantile estimation Let Yi be the continuous response variable i and Xi be the corresponding vector of covariates with the first element equals one. At a given quantile levelτ ∈(0,1) , the τ th conditional quantile T i i = β τ QY(|X ) τ of y given X is then QYτ (|iiXX ) ii ()where τ iiis the th conditional quantile and β τ i ()is a vector of quantile coefficients. Contrary to the mean regression generally aiming to minimize the squared loss function, the quantile regression links to a special class of check or loss τ βˆ τ function. The th conditional quantile can be estimated by any solution, i (), such that ββˆ τ =−ρ T τ ρ =−<τ iiii() argmini τ (Y X ()) where τ ()zz ( Iz ( 0))is the quantile loss function given in (1) and I(.) is the indicator function.
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