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Durham E-Theses Maximus the Confessor & the Trinity - The Early Works LOPEZ, ERIC,LEIGH How to cite: LOPEZ, ERIC,LEIGH (2014) Maximus the Confessor & the Trinity - The Early Works, Durham theses, Durham University. Available at Durham E-Theses Online: http://etheses.dur.ac.uk/11192/ Use policy The full-text may be used and/or reproduced, and given to third parties in any format or medium, without prior permission or charge, for personal research or study, educational, or not-for-prot purposes provided that: • a full bibliographic reference is made to the original source • a link is made to the metadata record in Durham E-Theses • the full-text is not changed in any way The full-text must not be sold in any format or medium without the formal permission of the copyright holders. Please consult the full Durham E-Theses policy for further details. Academic Support Oce, Durham University, University Oce, Old Elvet, Durham DH1 3HP e-mail: [email protected] Tel: +44 0191 334 6107 http://etheses.dur.ac.uk 1 ABSTRACT Eric Leigh Lopez Maximus the Confessor & the Trinity – The Early Works In this study, I will argue that Maximus the Confessor’s (580-662 CE) engagement with the ascetic concerns and the theological controversies of the sixth and seventh century helped develop his early works toward a unique and distinctively Trinitarian articulation of Christian life and post-Chalcedonian theology. In the Liber asceticus, Maximus illustrates the Trinity as the beginning, means and end of Christian life, highlighting baptism, the Spirit’s appropriation of Son’s activities to the baptized, how the incarnate Son serves as the example of love and interweaves Trinitarian prayer into the dialogue’s appeal for mercy. Using the Liber as a baseline (Ch. 1), Chapter 2 places his Trinitarian grammar for Christian life in its ascetic context demonstrating areas of continuity but also its unique contribution. The subsequent chapters then track this grammar’s development by analyzing the increased complexity, sparked by his engagement with various concerns and controversies, displayed in Capita caritate (Ch. 3), Quaestiones et dubia and Epistula 2 (Ch.4). The last section of Ch.4 provides a context for his engagement of pro-Chalcedonian theology and its development in Opusculum 13. In the Capita, Maximus’ engagement with Origenism underscores the irreducible difference between God and creation yet also how they are sustained, preserved and deified through participation. His engagement with demonstrates the necessity of joining θεωρία and πρᾶξις, giving an early glimpse of union and distinction in his Trinitarian theology. Finally, what was only illustrated in the Liber, is made explicit through a robust explanation of contemplation and prayer. In Quaestiones, Maximus begins to fix his terminology for the stages of ascent. Additionally, while continuing to engage with Origenism, he introduces more technical language for the incarnation, utilizes the Logos/λόγοι doctrine for ascent and applies the λόγος/τρόπος distinction for the Trinity. Then, in Ep. 2, he integrates these new features from Quaestiones into his description of ascent and the incarnation. Finally, in Op. 13, Maximus departs from his earlier concern for ascent yet, like his other early works, reveals engagement with a specific controversy – miaphysitism. 2 MAXIMUS THE CONFESSOR & THE TRINITY –THE EARLY WORKS ERIC LEIGH LOPEZ SUBMITTED FOR THE QUALIFICATION OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY THE DEPARTMENT OF THEOLOGY & RELIGION DURHAM UNIVERSITY 2014 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS Abstract ........................................................................................................................................... 1 Title Page ........................................................................................................................................ 2 Table of Contents ......................................................................................................................... 3 List of Illustrations ...................................................................................................................... 6 List of Abbreviations .................................................................................................................. 7 Declaration ..................................................................................................................................... 8 Statement of Copyright ............................................................................................................. 9 Acknowledgements .................................................................................................................... 10 Dedication ...................................................................................................................................... 11 Introduction ................................................................................................................................... 12 Justification of Research ...................................................................................................... 13 Method of Study ...................................................................................................................... 20 Chapter 1 Summary ............................................................................................................... 2 5 Chapter 2 Summary ............................................................................................................... 2 5 Chapter 3 Summary ............................................................................................................... 25 Chapter 4 Summary ............................................................................................................... 2 6 Challenges in Maximus’ Writing ....................................................................................... 2 8 Chapter 1: Maximus’ Trinitarian Grammar for Christian Life in the Liber Asceticus .......................................................................................................................................... 3 7 §1.1 Overview of Liber Asceticus ....................................................................................... 40 §1.1.2 The Trinity as Beginning and Means of Christian Life & Divine Appropriation ...................................................................................................................... 50 §1.1.3 Incarnate Son as End or Goal of Christian Life .......................................... 5 4 §1.1.4 The Power of Christ, the Fruit of the Spirit – The Importance of Ascent for the Manifestation of the Presence of the Triune God ..................... 61 §1.1.5 Plea for Triune Mercy – Illustration of Trinitarian Prayer ................... 70 Conclusion ................................................................................................................................. 74 Chapter 2: Ascetic Context of Maximus’ Trinitarian Grammar for Christian Life ..................................................................................................................................................... 7 7 §2.1 Ascetic Context of Maximus' Early Life ................................................................ 7 9 §2.2 Evagrius of Pontus ........................................................................................................ 8 1 §2.2.1 Ἀπάθεια & Love ..................................................................................................... 82 §2.2.2 Knowledge of God ................................................................................................. 8 5 §2.2.3 Trinity in Ascetic Life & More on the Knowledge of God ...................... 8 8 §2.3 Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite .......................................................................... 96 §2.3.1 Ἀπάθεια .................................................................................................................... 98 §2.3.2 Knowledge of God – Language, Knowledge & Prayer ............................. 100 §2.3.3 Love & the Language of Desire ........................................................................ 103 §2.3.4 Trinity in Christian life ....................................................................................... 10 4 §2.4 Macarian Connections ................................................................................................. 10 6 §2.4.1 Love & Ἀπάθεια ..................................................................................................... 109 §2.4.1 Knowledge of God ................................................................................................. 109 §2.4.1 Activity of Divine Persons ................................................................................. 110 §2.5 Diadochus of Photikē ................................................................................................... 1 11 §2.6 Mark the Monk ............................................................................................................... 1 17 4 §2.6.1 Ἀπάθεια, Love & the Doctrine of God ............................................................ 1 18 §2.6.2 Trinity in Christian Life ...................................................................................... 1 19 §2.6.3 Knowledge of God & the Activity of the Spirit ........................................... 1 22 §2.7 Ascetic Literature in the Mid-Fifth & Sixth Century ........................................ 1 27 §2.8