The Devotional Service of Prahlada Maharaja
Çré Mohini Ekadäsé Issue no:135 4th May 2020 THE DEVOTIONAL SERVICE OF PRAHLADA MAHARAJA THREE INVISIBLE RESIDENCES THE DEVotioNAL SERVICE OF Srila Narada Muni PRAHLADA MAHARAJA Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakura THE NATURE OF A PURE DEVotEE His Divine Grace THE MOST GLORioUS PERSON IN THE WORLD A.C.Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura THE CHARACTERIStiCS OF AN UNALLOYED DEVotEE Srila Narottam Das Thakura Circulaton 29, 665 Issue no 135, Page — 2 nityaà bhägavata-sevayä THREE INVISIBLE RESIDENCES is the source of that impersonal Brahman. Lord Srila Narada Muni Krishna is the origin of the transcendental bliss which great saintly persons perpetually seek., The principles of religion by which one can tru- Yet He, the Supreme Person, is your most dear ly understand the Supreme Personality of God- friend and well-wisher and is intimately related head are called bhägavata-dharma. Therefore, to you as the son of your maternal uncle. Indeed, this narration, which explains with these princi- He is always like your body and soul. Although ples, properly describes actual transcendence. He is worshipable, He acts as your servant and One who hears and chants this narration about sometimes as your spiritual master. Exalted per- the omnipotence of the Supreme Personality of sons like Lord Shiva and Lord Brahma can not Godhead, Visnu, is certainly liberated from ma- properly describe the Supreme Personality of terial bondage. Prahlada Maharaja was the best Godhead, Krishna. May the Lord, who is always among exalted devotees. Anyone who hears this worshiped as the protector of all devotees by narration concerning the activities of Prahlada great saints who observe vows of silence, med- Maharaja, the killing of Hiranyakashipu, and itation, devotional service and renunciation, be the activities of the Supreme Personality of God- pleased with us.
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