______________________________________________________________________________ Ympäristöhistoria Finnish Journal of Environmental History (YFJEH) _____________________________ Ympäristöhistoria Finnish Journal of Environmental History (YFJEH) is a new peer referee journal, published in the Internet by IEHG. YFJEH brings together scientists and practitioners from a wide scope of disciplines to examine relationships between the environment and human actions over time from the history to the future(s). Our languages are Finnish and English. Editors: Dr.Petri S. Juuti (editor-in-chief) Editorial Board: Dr.Tapio S. Katko Dr.Riikka P.Rajala Dr Carol Fort (Flinders University Australia) Contacts:
[email protected] Professor Johannes Haarhoff (University of Johannesburg, South Africa) Home page: www.uta.fi/finnishenvironmentalhistory Professor Timo Myllyntaus (University of Turku, Finland) Layout: Lari Wennström Dr Ezekiel Nyangeri (University of Nairobi, Kenya) ISSN-L 1799-6953 Dr Harri Mäki (IEHG, Finland) ISSN 1799-6953 Professor Johann Tempelhoff (North-West University, South Africa) Adjunct Professor Heikki Vuorinen (University of Helsinki, Finland) Professor Zheng Xiao Yun (Yunnan academy of Social Sciences of China) Front page: Photo: Petri Juuti, 2005. Ympäristöhistoria Finnish Journal of Environmental History 3/2012 ______________________________________________________________________________ Contents _____________________________ Pääkirjoitus / Editorial 4 Toni Jaatinen, Tapio Katko, Sanna Pynnönen & Joni Vihanta Focus and Change