A WORLD OF FLIGHT SIMULATION INSIDE! VOLUME 16 ISSUE 1 JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2012 RING OF FIre T HE TOU JOURNEY HREATS Up IN ALASKA! REAL VS VIRTUAL - Helicopter Flying in North Queensland PREPAR3D GETS UpDATED! - What’s New in Version 1.2 GENERAL AvIATION FLIGHT ADVENTURES - Exploring Light Aircraft Flying Styles REVIEWS • SAITEK CESSNA FLIGHT CONTROLS • WILCO PHENOM-100 • OrBX FTX MOORABBIN MIKE RAY TEACHES...HEAVY JET EMERGENCY DESCENTS FLIGHT SIM ROUND TABLE...THE PANEL ANSWERS ROUND ROBIN AdVENTURES...PORTER AIRLINES DAILY ROUTE PLUS! THE LATEST NEWS AND NEW RELEASES... ALL THIS AND MORE IN THE WORLD’S #1 FLIGHT SIMULATION MAGAZINE CPM. V16I1 From the EDITOR WELCOME TO THE JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2012 ISSUE First up, I would like to wish everyone a very happy new year and trust that 2012 will bring you lots of joy, happiness and prosperity, and many flight sim goodies too! This issue we are taking the quality stance over quantity with many of our articles. This means that while there are less articles in number, each of these articles explore the subjects in much more detail, to give you a better understanding of the product reviewed, the flight concept being explained or of the story being told. You should, after reading this issue’s articles, have a better concept and understanding of the topic under the spotlight. The big news just recently announced regards Microsoft’s upcoming FLIGHT title. It appears that Microsoft is going the way of “iTunes” with their software model. They will release FLIGHT as a free download containing only Hawaiian scenery and one aircraft. If you want more, you will need to pay extra and download the extra items via their own store. It is unclear, however, how long it will take for extra areas or aircraft to become available, how much it will cost, and whether third party developers will be able to contribute their products, and if so, whether they will be offered a fair price for their products to be available on the “FLIGHT” store. How successful this approach will be for Microsoft is yet to be seen, although many long-term flight simmers and existing third party developers are very skeptical as to its potential success. The other major release in recent weeks has been X-Plane 10, and although there was a hiccup in the production which requires the user to Publisher: download corrected installer files for the boxed disk version, I have also noticed in recent days that • Robert Ferraro more and more X-Plane 10 websites are starting to pop up, offering add-on products, downloads Editor: Dean Bielanowski and more. To me this indicates that the X-Plane 10 simulator is expected to grow and take on a larger • share of the market, and it may well do so given the recent Microsoft FLIGHT delivery method news. • Editorial Assistant: Roger Curtiss Whichever way it goes, one thing is for sure, 2012 will be an interesting year for flight simulation!. • Layout & Design: Tony Liatos - Rectifier Graphics Enjoy this issue of Computer Pilot Magazine, and keep the blue side up! Contributors In This Issue: Dean Bielanowski, Harold Zimmer, • Doug Horton, Al Pelletier, Gene Davis, Roger Curtiss, John Lattanzio, David Smith, Chuck Bodeen, Bill Stack, Mike Ray. Subscription Managers: Australia: Dean Bielanowski • USA: Mark Jakubowski Editorial Submissions: Please address editorial matter Dean Bielanowski • to The Editor at [email protected] or to the office Editor closest to you listed at the bottom of this page. Advertising Inquiries: PC Aviator Inc. • Phone: 843-716-1616. Email: [email protected] • Website: www.computerpilot.com • General E-Mail: [email protected] Supplement US Distribution: Ingram Periodicals, International your reading in Computer Pilot Magazine • Periodical Distributors, Media Solutions by visiting the Computer Pilot web site at www.computerpilot.com Disclaimer: Any information, advice, maps, charts, tables As well as features for first time visitors, the web site is • and other information published in this magazine is exclusively designed with our readers in mind. for use with PC flight simulations. The publisher does not accept any liability for any accident or incident arising from any For subscribers information conveyed or implied in this publication. • Renew your subscriptions on-line Copyright: © Copyright 2012 The PC Aviator Pty Ltd • Notify us of address changes • Incorporating PC Aviator Inc. All rights reserved. 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Phone: 1-800-664-0033 It will enhance your reading of Computer Pilot Magazine. • Other International Subscriptions Asia/Pacific Region: Ph: +61-7-3149-3096 Rest Of The World: Ph: +1-843-716-1616 or visit www.computerpilot.com ISSN: 1324-7336 • Published by: PC Aviator – The Flight Simulation Company Australian Office: The PC Aviator Pty Ltd • PO Box 109 Rochedale South, QLD, 4123 Ph: 07 3149 3096 U.S. Office: PC Aviator Inc http://www.computerpilot.com • 1485 Colts Neck Road, LORIS, SC 29569-6775 Ph: 843-716-1616 Fax: 1-843-716-1619 Publications Mail Agreement #: 40720082 Customer #: 7056038 * Recommended Retail Price only Return Undeliverable Canadian Addresses to: 1 PC Aviator, inc., PO BOX 296, Loris, SC 29569, U.S.A. I Computer Pilot is an international magazine, proudly published in Australia. Printed in the United States of America. 16 Computer Pilot Volume 16 Issue 1, January/February 2012 (ISSN 1324-7336) is published bi-monthly by V 12PC Aviator, inc., 1485 Colts Neck Road, Loris, SC 29569-6775. CPM. V16I1 Periodicals postage is paid at Loris, SC and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to 1485 Colts Neck Road, Loris, SC 29569 CONTENTS 18 CONTENTSCONTENTS 14 N EWS AND NEW RELEASES All THE latest neWS anD neW releases since our last issue. M Axi REVIEWS 30. Wilco PHenom-100 Business Jet 36. Orbx FTX Moorabbin Airport 44. SaiteK ProFliGHT Cessna FliGHT Controls 18 RinG of Fire Tour – Part III WE STARTED THE TOUR IN SEATTLE AND HAVE WORKED OUR WAY NORTH, TO JUNEAU, ALASKA. THE SURROUNdiNG AREA OF JUNEAU IS WELL WORTH ExpLORING, AND MANY HOURS CAN BE HAD fiNdiNG NEW GLACIERS OR VALLEYS TO FLY OVER. WE wiLL, HOWEVER, BE TRAVELLING TO YAKUTAT, THEN ONTO ANCHORAGE, AND fiNALLY,W ESTWARD ALONG THE ALEUTIAN ISLANDS OF ALASKA TO OUR NEXT STOP AND END OF LEG 3, DUTCH HARBOR, PADU. 30 25 FliGHT Sim RounD Table THIS ISSUE WE ASK THE PANEL ABOUT THE MOST USEFUL piECE OF INFORMATION THEY HAVE RECEIVED TO HELP IMPROVE THEIR FLigHT SIM ExpERIENCE, AND WHAT piECE OF INFORMATION THEY MigHT giVE NEW FLigHT SIM USERS TO HELP THEM ALONG IN THEIR JOURNEY. PLUS THEP ANEL RESPONDS wiTH THEIR PREFERRED FLigHT SIM CONTROL SETUP AND CONfigURATIONS AND giVE OpiNIONS ON THE ONGOING LifESPAN OF FSX, X-PLANE AND OTHER SIMULATORS. 52 PREPAR3D UpdATED We previouslY revieWED LocKHeeD Martin’S Prepar3D proDuct, anD version 1.2 Has noW been releaseD, to proviDE stuDent, private, anD professional pilots an immersive fliGHT simulation traininG environment. DouG Horton looKS at WHat’S been ADDED anD fixeD in THis latest version upDate. 58 General Aviation FliGHT ADventures 2011 THIS ARTICLE ExpLORES SOME INTERESTING VARIATIONS OF GENERAL AVIATION AIRPLANE FLYING, INCLUdiNG COMBINED VFR AND IFR FLigHTS, FLYING THROUGH A LARGE SYSTEM OF LigHT AND MODERATE RAIN, FLYING IN A ZONE OF TEMPERATURE INVERSION, AND EMERGENCY REAdiNESS PLANNING RELATED TO SEEING LOWER THAN NORMAL ENgiNE OIL PRESSURE DURING A FLigHT. 65 B UILdiNG THE TERRAFUgiA TRANSITION IN X-PLANE “IT’S A plane!” “IT’S A car!” “IT’S A flYinG car!” “IT’S A roaDable aircraft!” HoWever You looK at it, it is THE onlY automobile expecteD to be manufactureD in THE state of MassacHusetts anD at THE same time 72 accepteD BY THE FAA as A liGHT sport aircraft. CHucK BODeen explores builDinG THis flYinG car in THE X-Plane simulator. 72 Helicopter flYinG in Far NortH QueenslanD: Real versus Virtual “HOLidAYING RECENTLY IN FAR NORTH QUEENSLAND MY wifE MAUREEN AND I SHOUTED OUR GOOD FRIEND JOANNE HER fiRST EVER FLigHT IN A HELICOPTER. WE FLEW FROM THE SUGAR CANE TOWN OF MOSSMAN RigHT ALONG THE MOSSMAN RiVER AND UP INTO THE GORGE ITSELF.” LATER THE FLigHT WAS RECREATED IN FLigHT SiMULATOR TO SEE HOW THE REAL ExpERIENCE STACKED UP AGAINST A VIRTUAL ONE. 79 FliGHT ADventure - ROGer Curtiss Let us saY You Have betWeen 8000 anD 11,500 relativelY SHort-ranGE aircraft THat neeD to be transporteD A Distance of nearlY 5000 nm anD time is of THE essence. WHat is THE most efficient anD expeDient WAY to Get it Done? Well, from 1942-1945 THE ansWer Was ALSIB, THE AlasKA- Siberia air route of THE LenD-Lease ProGram. 86 R OUND ROBIN AdVENTURE For THis ADventure, WE Will flY A turboprop DasH-8-400 on A reGular Porter Airlines DailY route. Porter Airlines is baseD in Toronto, CanaDA anD operates out of THE Toronto/BillY BisHop CitY Airport (formallY KnoWN as Toronto/CitY Center Airport, WHicH WE Will use for THis article). 92. MIKE RAY – EmerGencY Descents 86 LET’S SAY YOU ARE CRUISING ALONG AT ALTITUDE IN YOUR MiCROSOFT FLigHT SiMULATOR WORLD, MINDLESSLY WATCHING THE CLOUDS GOING BY AS YOU ENJOY LOOKING AT YOUR FAVORITE AIRLINER.
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