Report on Teacher Education Needs Analysis Bulgaria

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Report on Teacher Education Needs Analysis Bulgaria EUCIM - TE * European Core Curriculum for Mainstreamed Second Language Teacher Education Report on Teacher Education Needs Analysis Bulgaria Sofia University Table of Contents 0. A FEW INTRODUCTORY WORDS 2 1. STATISTICAL DATA 2 2. SURVEY OF THE EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM 5 3. SURVEY OF PRE‐ AND IN‐SERVICE TEACHER TRAINING 11 4. DOCUMENT REVIEW 13 5. ESTIMATED VALUE OF SECOND LANGUAGE LEARNING 15 6. OVERVIEW OF THE CURRENT MAIN PROBLEMS/ OBSTACLES IN EDUCATION AND TEACHER EDUCATION 21 7. GOOD PRACTICES 24 8. CONCLUSIONS 27 9. RESOURCES 29 1 0. A FEW INTRODUCTORY WORDS - The National language, Bulgarian – a South Slavonic language, is spoken throughout the country by almost 100% of the population. By constitution it is the official language of administration, public relations and services, and instruction in schools. Other languages used in the country are Turkish and Romany. There are ethnical minorities speaking other languages as their mother tongue. These are Gypsies (they speak Romany and some Bulgarian), Turks (they speak Turkish and some Bulgarian), Jews (they speak Modern Hebrew and Bulgarian) and Armenians (they speak Armenian and Bulgarian). - The language of instruction is the official language – Bulgarian. Beside this in the foreign language schools (called “Language high schools”) the instruction in different subjects is carried out in the corresponding language (for example‐English, German, French, Spanish, and Russian). - There are no special second language reading programs in Bulgarian for emigrants. But for Roma children and for children who do not speak Bulgarian well, there are additional classes. - Minorities can study their mother tongue at public schools in the form of free elective instruction. 1. STATISTICAL DATA The Bulgarian educational system is centralized. The Ministry of Education and Science is a specialized body of the Council of Ministers charged with determining and implementing a unified government policy in the field of education and science. In the Republic Bulgaria, since the ratification of the Geneva Convention relating to the status of the refugees in 1992 till early 2008, the State Agency for Refugees and its predecessor The National Bureau for territorial Asylum and Refugees have: - granted status to 1, 441 people, including 333 children; - issued reasoned refusal for granted status to 4, 679 people - granted humanitarian protection to 3, 944 people, including 773 children In 1993‐2008, claims for granting protection in the Republic of Bulgaria have been lodged by 16 000 aliens. According to 2004 total number of learners in Bulgarian schools is 1 007 305. Total number of schools is 3192, and total number of teachers is 79700. For last years total number of closed school is 172. 2 There are schools with pupils with Roma origin and pupils with Turkish language as L1 and we hope that these schools might be affected by the European Core curriculum. The1 pupils with Roma origin constitute approximately 10% of the 6‐18 year‐old children in school; approximately 7‐10% of Roma children in that age group do not attend school. Most of these children are bilingual, given that those who speak Romany language and Turkish are more than those who speak Romany language and Bulgarian. Some Roma, especially those in the northwest parts of the country, seldom speak Romany language even among themselves. With the exception of Smoljan and Blagoevgrad regions, where the figures are smaller, everywhere Roma pupils comprise 10‐15% of children attending elementary school (1‐4 grade); around 10% of pupils in elementary school (4‐8 grade); and around 1% of those who attend secondary school (8‐12 grade). Roma receive most of their education in elementary schools (1‐8 grades). The research results show that part of the girls leave school in 5‐6th grade, while most of the boys somehow complete 7th grade. After leaving school the girls get married, and boys enter the "business" ‐ collect scraps, deal in the neighborhood; the most nimble become the apprentices of the regional bosses. In the cities most of the children attend professional training in specially designed classes, usually in Roma schools. In most cases those who finish 8th grade have a chance to continue their education. However, in the villages, the 8th grade is the highest level a Roma student can achieve. Immigrating to a city in order to continue education is a very rare phenomenon; even when this happens; completing high school is even less possible, mainly because of financial difficulties. (The desire to get education provides unfortunate examples: runaways, attempts for suicide, marriages, and selfless family commitments: all a result of a pursuit for a higher level of education). Most Roma complete their education in a Vocational Secondary Schools (VSS); around 500 graduates from Secondary Schools (SEC) or from high schools without specialized profile; around 50 graduates from language schools and departments. 1 This Information on the situation of the Roma in Bulgarian schools is quoted from . 3 Map 1: Bulgaria Districts Map: Approximate percentage of Roma students aged 6‐18 ( Between2 50% and 100% of the students are Roma coming from purely Roma villages, neighborhoods, and ghettos in the cities (this is common in more than 60 elementary, 350 primary, and 9 secondary schools in the country, particularly in Shumen, Stara Zagora, Sliven, Pazardjik; also in the ghettos of Stolipinovo in Plovdiv; Fakulteta, Tatarli, Filipovzi in Sofia; Tokaito in Pazardjik; Lozenetz in Stara Zagora; Charodeika in Russe; and others). Attracted by the financial aid and shelter offered by the government, physically and mentally healthy Roma children study in programs for mentally challenged and handicapped students (this is the case in almost all of the 85 relief schools, where more than 50% of the pupils are Roma, the only exception being the region of Smoljan where the number goes down to 20%). In general girls leave school upon turning twelve, while boys study until turning fourteen (the trend holds everywhere). Out of 100 Roma in the first grade, only five ‐ three girls and two boys ‐ have a slim chance to graduate from secondary school, and only 10% of those who finish secondary school receive a university degree (especially if they live in Sofia, Plovdiv, Shumen, Stara Zagora, Sliven, Varna, Lom, Provadia). 2 This information on the situation of the Roma in Bulgarian schools is quoted from 4 It is not uncommon for a fourth grader to be illiterate; or for thirteen year old boys and girls in the first grade to move to so called institutions for abandoned children (a total of 35,000 children live in such institutions in the country, out of these more than 60% are Roma); teenagers leave school to give birth and raise children, to prostitute, to turn homeless (the trend holds everywhere). Second group learners are students with Turkish as L1. They speak Turkish in home for communication with parents. These learners speak Bulgarian only in school ‐ in classes According to 2002/2003 the number of these students is 25 000, the number of schools with such kind of students is 420, and the number of teachers, who teach Turkish as mother tongue is 588. So we hope that these schools might be affected by the European Core curriculum too. 2. SURVEY OF THE EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM Education population and language of instruction3 In 2006/07 school/academic year, the number of learners of compulsory school age and of those enrolled in all types of schools (6 – 15 years including) was 634 780. The number of children aged 6 who have embarked on 1st school grade was 4 420. The percentage of population aged between 0‐29 years that undergoes education and/or training within the system of education and training amounted to 52.7 %. The official language of instruction is Bulgarian. Educational system – Description of structure - Pre‐primary education In Bulgaria kindergartens (detska gradina) and schools are public, municipal or private, depending on the type of their funding. In Bulgaria, the early education and care is delivered at two levels: • 0‐3 years of age (nursery school) • 3‐6 years (kindergarten) Pre‐primary education is considered to be the first level of the school system and caters for children aged between 3 and 6. - Compulsory education Compulsory education refers to all children aged between 7 (or 6 at the discretion of their parents) to 16. Children complete their compulsory education in upper secondary schools. 3 This information on the Bulgarian educational system is a quote from . 5 General Educational institutions: kindergartens, primary schools (1st to 4th grade), lower secondary schools 5th to 8th grade), basic schools (1st to 8th grade), general upper secondary schools (9th to 12th grade), upper secondary schools of specialized studies profile (8th or 9th to 12th grade), general secondary schools (1st to 12th grade). 11th and 12th grades of secondary education can be defined as post compulsory secondary education. According to the National Program of School and the Pre‐school Education Development and Preparation (2006‐2015), it is envisaged that the education structure will be implemented during 2008/09 school year. Only since then, the secondary education will be officially provided in two stages at school, with the second stage encompassing the so‐called post‐secondary education in 11th and 12th grade. The changes will come into effect not earlier than September 2008. Phases: Начално училище/Natchalno uchilishte (primary school) 4 years; 1st to 4th grade Основно училище/Osnovno uchilishte (basic school) 8 years; 1st to 8th grade Гимназия/Gimnazija (Upper secondary education) 4 years; 9th to 12th grade СОУ/Sredno obshtoobrazovatelno uchilishte (General secondary school) 12 years; 1st to 12th grade Профилирани гимназии/Profilirani gimnazii (Upper schools of specialized studies profile) 8th ‐ or 9th ‐‐ to 12th ‐ grade - Class size/student grouping Groups and classes are mixed of boys and girls of the same age.
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