COMING EVENTS Tuesday, September 1, 2015

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COMING EVENTS Tuesday, September 1, 2015 Page 8A East Oregonian COMING EVENTS Tuesday, September 1, 2015 TUESDAY, SEPT. 1 WRQ 3XEOLF /LEUDU\ 3 ( *ODG\V $YH ton-)UHHZatHU. )ooG anG FUaIt YHnGoUV. tKoVH XnGHU 0. 3ooO, SX]]OHV, FUaItV, PRESCHOOL STORY TIME, 10:30-11 .QRZ WKH GHDGOLQHV IRU HQUROOPHQW DQG MEDICARE 101, 10 a.m. to noon, 1-3-3 . VnaFNV, 6HFonG 7LmH $UoXnG tKULIt VtoUH DP 6WDQ¿HOG 3XEOLF /LEUDU\ 10 : DVN TXHVWLRQV DERXW FRYHUDJH ¿QDQFLDO 8matLOOa 3XEOLF /LEUaU\, 00 6L[tK 6t. MEDICARE 101, - S.m., 3HnGOH- a.m. to 1 S.m. )oU 0HaOV 2n :KHHOV, &RH $YH 1--1 DVVLVWDQFH IUDXG SURWHFWLRQ DQG PRUH .noZ tKH GHaGOLnHV IoU HnUoOOmHnt anG ton 3XEOLF /LEUaU\, 0 6.:. 'oULon $YH. FaOO 1--1. 1--101 . BOARDMAN SENIOR MEAL SER- )UHH EXU 5693 UHTXLUHG 00--13 aVN TXHVtLonV aEoXt FoYHUaJH, ¿nanFLaO .noZ tKH GHaGOLnHV IoU HnUoOOmHnt anG MEDICARE 101, - S.m., 3oUt oI RU VKLEDRUHJRQ#RUHJRQJRY VICE, 1 QRRQ %RDUGPDQ 6HQLRU &HQWHU aVVLVtanFH, IUaXG SUotHFtLon anG moUH. aVN TXHVtLonV aEoXt FoYHUaJH, ¿nanFLaO 0oUUoZ :HOO 6SLnJV FonIHUHnFH Uoom, 100 7DWRQH 6W &RVWV IRU VHQLRUV RU PENDLETON KNITTING GROUP, )UHH, EXU 5693 UHTXLUHG. 00--13 aVVLVtanFH, IUaXG SUotHFtLon anG moUH. 0aULnH 'ULYH, %oaUGman. .noZ tKH IRU DGXOWV 1-1-3 SP 3URGLJDO 6RQ %UHZHU\ 3XE 30 oU VKLEa.oUHJon#oUHJon.JoY )UHH, EXU 5693 UHTXLUHG. 00--13 GHaGOLnHV IoU HnUoOOmHnt anG aVN TXHV- 6( &RXUW $YH 1--030 oU VKLEa.oUHJon#oUHJon.JoY tLonV aEoXt FoYHUaJH, ¿nanFLaO aVVLV- HERMISTON SENIOR MEAL SER- PRESCHOOL STORY TIME, 10:1 PENDLETON EAGLES BINGO, :30- a.m., 3HnGOHton 3XEOLF /LEUaU\, 0 6.:. VEGAN/SUSTAINABLE LIVING POT- tanFH, IUaXG SUotHFtLon anG moUH. )UHH, VICE, 1 QRRQ +HUPLVWRQ 6HQLRU &HQWHU SP 3HQGOHWRQ (DJOHV /RGJH 1R 'oULon $YH. 1--030 . LUCK SUPPER, S.m., FaOO 1-- EXU 5693 UHTXLUHG. 00--13 oU 3 : 2UFKDUG $YH &RVWV RU IUHH 6 0DLQ 6W 1-- VKLEa.oUHJon#oUHJon.JoY IRU FKLOGUHQ XQGHU 10 ([WUD 0 FHQWV IRU STORY TIME, 11:1 a.m. to noon, 30 to 5693 anG IoU GULYLnJ GLUHFtLonV. STORY AND CRAFT TIME, :30 SP +HUmLVton 3XEOLF /LEUaU\, 3 (. *OaG\V %ULnJ a YHJan GLVK anG UHFLSH. *OX- SKILLS FOR LIFE, 3- S.m., 3HnGOH- XWHQVLOVGLVKHV 0HDOV RQ :KHHOV DYDLO- ton 5HFUHatLon &HntHU, 10 6.:. 'oULon DEOH 7UDQVSRUWDWLRQ DUUDQJHG E\ GRQD- 0LOWRQ-)UHHZDWHU 3XEOLF /LEUDU\ 6: $YH. 1-- . tHn-IUHH IULHnGO\ JUoXS. (LJKWK $YH )RU HOHPHQWDU\ VFKRRO-DJH PENDLETON SENIOR MEAL SER- $YH. *\m aFtLYLtLHV anG OLIH VNLOOV IoU WLRQ 1--3 mLGGOH anG KLJK VFKooO VtXGHntV. )UHH, FKLOGUHQ /LOL 6FKPLGW 1-3- VICE, 1 noon, 3HnGOHton 6HnLoU &HntHU, THURSDAY, SEPT. 3 PENDLETON SENIOR MEAL SER- JANE KIRKPATRICK BOOK SIGNING/ MEDICARE 101, 10 a.m. to noon, EXt UHJLVtUatLon UHTXHVtHG. 'ann\ %anH VICE, 1 QRRQ 3HQGOHWRQ 6HQLRU &HQWHU 10 6.:. 10tK 6t. &oVtV 3.0 oU IoU 1-3-0 . READING, SP +HUPLVWRQ &KXUFK RI tKoVH XnGHU 0. 3ooO, SX]]OHV, FUaItV, 6tan¿HOG 3XEOLF /LEUaU\, 10 :. &oH $YH. 10 6: 10WK 6W &RVWV 30 RU IRU .noZ tKH GHaGOLnHV IoU HnUoOOmHnt anG ARTIST’S OPENING RECEPTION, WKRVH XQGHU 0 3RRO SX]]OHV FUDIWV WKH 1D]DUHQH 10 : 2UFKDUG ([WHQ- VnaFNV, 6HFonG 7LmH $UoXnG tKULIt VtoUH VLRQ .LUNSDWULFN ZLOO GLVFXVV KHU QHZ a.m. to 1 S.m. )oU 0HaOV 2n :KHHOV, aVN TXHVtLonV aEoXt FoYHUaJH, ¿nanFLaO :30- S.m., 3HnGOHton &HntHU IoU tKH VQDFNV 6HFRQG 7LPH $URXQG WKULIW VWRUH aVVLVtanFH, IUaXG SUotHFtLon anG moUH. $UtV, 1 1. 0aLn 6t., 3HnGOHton. 0HHt DP WR 1 SP )RU 0HDOV 2Q :KHHOV ERRN ³7KH 0HPRU\ :HDYHU´ EDVHG RQ FaOO 1--1. 1--101 . WKH OLIH RI (OL]D 6SDOGLQJ ZKR ZLWQHVVHG )UHH, EXU 5693 UHTXLUHG. 00--13 'aOH 'H*aEULHOH, ZKoVH SKotoJUaSK- FDOO 1--1 1--101 STANFIELD SENIOR MEAL SERVICE, oU VKLEa.oUHJon#oUHJon.JoY LF VKoZ ³,maJHV oI 5oXnG-8S´ UXnV WKH DWWDFN RQ :KLWPDQ 0LVVLRQ DV D 1 noon, 6tan¿HOG &ommXnLt\ &HntHU, MEDICARE 101 - SP 3LRQHHU FKLOG 1--33 PRESCHOOL STORY AND CRAFT tKUoXJK 6HSt. )UHH aGmLVVLon. 1- 0HPRULDO +RVSLWDO 3LRQHHU 'ULYH :. 5ooVHYHOt. &oVtV 3.0 IoU VH- -01 . TERRIFIC TUESDAY, SP +HULWDJH nLoUV, IoU otKHUV. TIME, 10:30 a.m., 0LOton-)UHHZatHU +HSSQHU .QRZ WKH GHDGOLQHV IRU HQUROO- MEDICARE 101, - S.m., 0LO- 6WDWLRQ 0XVHXP 10 6: )UD]HU $YH MEDICARE 101, - S.m., ,UULJon 3XEOLF /LEUaU\, 6.:. (LJKtK $YH. /LOL PHQW DQG DVN TXHVWLRQV DERXW FRYHUDJH 6FKmLGt 1-3- . ton-)UHHZatHU 3XEOLF /LEUaU\, 6.:. ¿QDQFLDO DVVLVWDQFH IUDXG SURWHFWLRQ DQG 3HQGOHWRQ -RKQ 7XUQHU ZLOO GLVFXVV WKH 3XEOLF /LEUaU\, 0 1.(. 0aLn 6t. .noZ 6HFRQG :RUOG :DU DQG KRZ LW DIIHFWHG BOARDMAN SENIOR MEAL SER- (LJKtK $YH. .noZ tKH GHaGOLnHV IoU Hn- PRUH )UHH EXU 5693 UHTXLUHG 00- tKH GHaGOLnHV IoU HnUoOOmHnt anG aVN UoOOmHnt anG aVN TXHVtLonV aEoXt FoYHU- -13 RU VKLEDRUHJRQ#RUHJRQJRY WKH ZRUOG GXULQJ D 0WK FRPPHPRUDWLRQ TXHVtLonV aEoXt FoYHUaJH, ¿nanFLaO VICE, 1 noon, %oaUGman 6HnLoU &HntHU, RI WKH YLFWRU\ RYHU -DSDQ IROORZHG E\ D aJH, ¿nanFLaO aVVLVtanFH, IUaXG SUotHF- HELP WITH MEDICARE, 3- SP aVVLVtanFH, IUaXG SUotHFtLon anG moUH. 100 7atonH 6t., %oaUGman. &oVtV IoU tLon anG moUH. )UHH, EXU 5693 UHTXLUHG. SUHVHQWDWLRQ DQG VLJQLQJ RI ³:DU 2Q $OO )UHH, EXU 5693 UHTXLUHG. 00--13 VHnLoUV oU IoU aGXOtV. 1-1-3 . +HUPLVWRQ 3XEOLF /LEUDU\ 3 ( *ODG- )URQWV: 2UHJRQLDQV 5HPHPEHU WKH 6HF- 00--13 oU VKLEa.oUHJon#oUH- \V $YH 6HQLRU +HDOWK ,QVXUDQFH %HQH- oU VKLEa.oUHJon#oUHJon.JoY HERMISTON SENIOR MEAL SER- Jon.JoY RQG :RUOG :DU´ HGLWHG E\ -DFN 6DQGHUV ADULT BEGINNING COMPUTER ¿WV $VVLVWDQFH 2I¿FH DQVZHU 0HGLFDUH DQG RIIHUHG E\ WKH 8PDWLOOD &RXQW\ +LV- VICE, 1 noon, +HUmLVton 6HnLoU &HntHU, THE ARC UMATILLA COUNTY BIN- TXHVWLRQV )RU LQGLYLGXDO FRQVXOWDWLRQV WRULFDO 6RFLHW\ &RSLHV RI WKH ERRN ZLOO EH COURSE, 3 S.m., 3HnGOHton 3XEOLF /L- 3 :. 2UFKaUG $YH. &oVtV oU IUHH GO, S.m. GooUV oSHn, ELnJo VtaUtV at FDOO 1--30 DYDLODEOH IRU SXUFKDVH )UHH DGPLVVLRQ EUaU\ mHHtLnJ Uoom, 0 6.:. 'oULon IoU FKLOGUHn XnGHU 10. ([tUa 0 FHntV IoU S.m. 1 :. 2UFKaUG $YH., +HUmLVton. CRAFTERNOONS, SP 3HQGOH- 1--001 $YH. )UHH, EXt UHJLVtUatLon UHTXLUHG. XtHnVLOVGLVKHV. 0HaOV on :KHHOV aYaLO- 1--1 . WRQ 3XEOLF /LEUDU\ 0 6: 'RULRQ $YH 1--030 . aEOH. 7UanVSoUtatLon aUUanJHG E\ Gona- tLon. 1--3 . FIDDLER’S NIGHT, :30-:30 S.m., 'URS LQ IRU D GLIIHUHQW FUDIW HDFK ZHHN ² WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 2 MILTON-FREEWATER FARMERS’ +HUmLVton 7HUUaFH $VVLVtHG /LYLnJ, 0 VRPHWLPHV D JURXS HIIRUW VRPHWLPHV LQ- BABY BOOGIE & TAPPIN’ TOD- MARKET, - S.m., 2UFKaUG 3aUN, 6oXtK PENDLETON SENIOR MEAL SER- :. +LJKOanG $YH. -oLn Mam VHVVLon oU MXVt GLYLGXDO SURMHFWV )UHH 1--030 DLERS, 10-10: DP +HUPLVWRQ 3XEOLF 0aLn 6tUHHt Eottom oI 0LOton +LOO , 1 VICE, 1 noon, 3HnGOHton 6HnLoU &HntHU, OLVtHn. 1--311 . MEDICARE 101 - SP +HUPLV- /LEUDU\ 3 ( *ODG\V $YH 1-- 2UHJon-:aVKLnJton +LJKZa\, 0LO- 10 6.:. 10tK 6t. &oVtV 3.0 oU IoU Television > Today’s highlights Tuesday Morning Kids News Sports Movies September 1, 2015 STATION 6 AM 6:30 7 AM 7:30 8 AM 8:30 9 AM 9:30 10 AM 10:30 11 AM 11:30 (11)KFFX 11 AgDay Paid The Office Paid State Paid Paid Paid Friends Paid The Real KPTV FOX 3 Good Day Oregon at 6 Good Day Oregon Good Day The 700 Club Paid Paid (19)KEPR 2 News News CBS This Morning Meredith Vieira The Price Is Right Young & Restless CBS KOIN 19 KOIN 6 News at 6 a.m. CBS This Morning Let's Make a Deal The Price Is Right Young & Restless (25)KNDU 6 4:30 WakeUp North Today Robert Redford, Nick Nolte, Maddie & Tae Today Show II (N) Today Show III (N) Steve Harvey KGW NBC 8 KGW News at Sunrise Today Robert Redford, Nick Nolte, Maddie & Tae Today Show II (N) Today Show III (N) Paid Million.. (42)KVEW 4 Northwest Northwest Good Morning America (N) Kelly and Michael (N) The View Quincy, M.E. ABC KATU 5 4:30 KATU News Good Morning America (N) AM Northwest The View Kelly and Michael (N) (31)KTNW Stretch W.L.Yoga Odd Squad Wild Kratts DinoTrain C.George Peg + Cat D.Tiger Sesame Street Thomas Sit and Fit PBS (59)OPB 13 Sit and Fit Wild Kratts C.George C.George D.Tiger D.Tiger Sesame Street DinoTrain DinoTrain Peg + Cat SuperW! AFTERNOON STATION 12 PM 12:30 1 PM 1:30 2 PM 2:30 3 PM 3:30 4 PM 4:30 5 PM 5:30 (11)KFFX 11 Pat. Court Pat. Court Divorce Divorce Judge Mathis The People's Court Fam. Feud Fam. Feud M&M M&M KPTV FOX 3 The Real Wendy Williams TMZ Live! Judge Judy Judge Judy Judge Judy Judge Judy 5 O'Clock News (19)KEPR 2 NameG. Bold & B. The Talk Let's Make a Deal Dr. Phil Judge Judy Judge Judy News News CBS KOIN 19 News Bold & B. The Talk The Doctors Dr. Phil KOIN 6 News at 4 p.m. News News (25)KNDU 6 Hot Bench Paid Days of Our Lives TMZ Minute The Dr. Oz Show Ellen DeGeneres News NBC News KGW NBC 8 KGW New Paid Days of Our Lives The Dr. Oz Show Ellen DeGeneres KGW News KGW News NBC News (42)KVEW 4 The Chew General Hospital The Doctors The Rachael Ray Show Queen Latifah News News ABC KATU 5 The Chew General Hospital Meredith Vieira Steve Harvey KATU News @ 4 News News (31)KTNW Charlie Rose Painting Sew It All V.Garden Martha C.George WordGirl Arthur Odd Squad Wild Kratts Business PBS (59)OPB 13 Painting JazzyVeg Charlie Rose Thomas Sesame St. Cat/ Hat Arthur Speaks WordGirl Odd Squad Wild Kratts EVENING STATION 6 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 Modern Modern Two and a Two and a Smarter-5th Grader A Brooklyn The Last FOX News :35 Hot in :05 Hot in :35 Anger (11) Family "A "Dance Half Men Half Men paleontologist and a Nine-Nine Man on First at Cleveland Cleveland Manage- KFFX 11 Hard Jay's Dance real estate agent try to "The Earth Ten "Life With ment Night" Revelation" win a million dollars.
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