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Source Guides source guides National Library quentin tarantino 16 + Source Guide contents IMPORTANT NOTE . .i GENERAL INFORMATION . .ii APPROACHES TO RESEARCH, by Samantha Bakhurst . .iii INTRODUCTION . .1 BOOKS . .2 JOURNAL ARTICLES . .5 PRESS ARTICLES . .8 WEBSITES . .9 FILMOGRAPHY . .10 Compiled by: Victoria Crabbe Nicola Clarke Design/Layout: Ian O’Sullivan Project Manager: David Sharp © BFI NATIONAL LIBRARY 21 Stephen Street London W1P 2LN 2004 16+ MEDIA STUDIES INFORMATION GUIDE STATEMENT “Candidates should note that examiners have copies of this guide and will not give credit for mere reproduction of the information it contains. Candidates are reminded that all research sources must be credited”. BFI National Library i accessing research materials BFI NATIONAL copies of articles Local bookshops LIBRARY Some of the books mentioned in If you are unable to visit the the bibliography will be in print library or would like materials All the materials referred to in this and your bookshop should be able referred to in this guide sent to to order items for you. guide are available for consulta- you, the BFI Information Service tion at the BFI National Library. If can supply copies of articles via its you wish to visit the reading room The British Library Newspaper Research Services. Research is Library of the library and do not already charged at a range of hourly rates, hold membership, you will need to with a minimum charge for half The Newspaper Library will have take out a one-day, five-day or an hour’s research – full details of annual pass. Full details of access all the newspaper items referred services and charges can be found to in this guide. Contact the to the library and charges can be at: found at: library first if you wish to visit. 16+ students under the age of 18 w w w. b f i . o rg . u k / f i l m t v i n f o / s e r v i c e s / will need to make an appoint- re s e a rch . h t m l ment. For queries about article copying The British Library Newspaper BFI National Library Reading or other research, please contact Room Opening Hours: Library Information Services at the above Colindale Avenue address or telephone number, or London Monday post your enquiry online at: 10.30am - 5.30pm NW9 5HE Tuesday Tel. 020 7412 7353 w w w. b f i . o rg . u k / f i l m t v i n f o / s e r v i c e s / Email: [email protected] 10.30am - 8.00pm a s k Wednesday 1.00pm - 8.00pm Thursday #newsBL 10.30am - 8.00pm OTHER SOURCES Friday 10.30am - 5.30pm Your local library If you are visiting the library from Local libraries should have access a distance or are planning to visit to the inter-library loan system for as a group, it is advisable to con- requesting items they do not hold tact the Reading Room librarian in and they may have copies of advance (tel. 020 7957 4824, or MONTHLY FILM BULLETIN and email [email protected]). SIGHT AND SOUND. Some recent newspaper items may be held by your local reference library. Larger BFI National Library libraries will hold other relevant British Film Institute materials and should offer inter- 21 Stephen Street net access. London W1T 1LN Tel. 020 7255 1444 Your nearest college/university Universities may allow access to outside students, though you may The library’s nearest underground not be able to borrow books or stations are Tottenham Court Road journals. Ask your reference and Goodge Street. For a map of librarian, who should be able to the area please see: assist by locating the nearest col- lege library holding suitable mate- rial. The BFI Film and Television visiting Handbook lists libraries with signif- icant media collections. Your school library BFI National Library ii approaches to research by Samantha Bakhurst ranging from the passive con- research. Some of these will be sumption of values and ideas to generally available (in public Why do research? the use of media texts in a critical libraries for example); others such and independent way. Any discus- as press releases and trade press sion about censorship, for exam- may only be available through spe- You cannot simply rely on your ple, will be extremely shallow if cialist libraries. existing knowledge when you have no knowledge of these approaching essays in Media different perspectives. Secondary - online sources: Online Studies. Although you will have sources are also mainly secondary. some understanding of the area Some knowledge of the work of You will need to be able to make being explored, it is not enough to theorists in the area: You need to comparisons between sources if enable you to examine the area in demonstrate that you have read you intend quoting online infor- depth. If you were asked to write different theorists, exploring the mation, and to be wary of the dif- about the people in your street in relevant issues and investigating ferences between fact and opin- detail, you might have some exist- the area thoroughly in order to ions. Don’t necessarily assume ing information about names, develop your own opinion based something is a fact because some- faces, relationships, issues and on acquired knowledge and under- one on a website says it is. Some activities but this knowledge standing. websites will be “official” but many would not offer you details such as will not be, so you need to think every single one of their names, Information relevant to all key about the authority of a site when who knows who, who gets on with concept areas: You should, after assessing the information found whom, how people earn a living, research, be able to discuss all key on it. The structure of a website what has happened to them in the concept areas as they relate to address (URL) can indicate the past and so on. This extra informa- that specific subject area. These site’s origin and status, for exam- tion could change your opinions are the codes and conventions, ple, .ac or .edu indicate an aca- quite dramatically. Without it, representation, institutions and demic or educational institution, therefore, your written profile audience. .gov a government body, .org a would end up being quite shallow non-profit organisation, .co or and possibly incorrect. The same is .com a commercial organisation. true of your understanding of Types Of Research Websites sometimes disappear or media texts, issues and institu- shift location - make sure you can tions. quote a URL reference for a site, Primary: This is first-hand and perhaps keep a note of the Before researching any area, it is research. In other words, it relies last date that you checked it. useful to be clear about what out- on you constructing and conduct- comes you are hoping to achieve. ing surveys, setting up interviews Other Media: When considering Research is never a waste of time, with key people in the media one area of the media or one par- even when it doesn’t directly industry or keeping a diary or log ticular product or type of product, relate to the essay you are prepar- of data (known as quantitative it is very important that you com- ing. The information may be rele- information) on things such as, for pare it with others which are simi- vant to another area of the syl- example, what activities women lar. You will need to be able to labus, be it practical work or sim- are shown doing in advertise- refer to these comparisons in ply a different essay. Also, the pic- ments over one week of television some detail so it is not enough to ture you are building up of how an viewing. Unless you are equipped simply watch a film. You will need area works will strengthen your to conduct extensive research, to read a little about that film, understanding of the subject as a have access to relevant people in make notes, concentrate on one or whole. So what outcomes are you the media industry or are thor- two scenes which seem particular- hoping to achieve with your ough in the up-keep of your diary ly relevant and write all of this research? or log, this type of research can be information up so that you can demanding, complex and some- refer to it when you need to. A broad overview of the area you times difficult to use. Having said are researching: This includes its that, if you are preparing for an History and development: Having history, institutions, conventions extended essay, then it is exactly an understanding of the history and relationship to the audience. this type of research which, if well and development of the media Research into these aspects offers used, will make your work distinc- text which you are researching will you an understanding of how your tive and impressive. provide a firm foundation and area has developed and the influ- context for contemporary analysis. ences that have shaped it. Secondary - printed sources: This There is a difference between gen- is where you will be investigating erally accepted facts and how the- An awareness of different debates information gathered by other orists use these facts. which may exist around the area people in books, newspapers, mag- of study: There are a range of azines, on radio and television.
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