Floor Show Highlights Dc Semi-Form
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FLOOR SHOW HIGHLIGHTS DC SEMI-FORM, PROFITS FROM DSG DANCE AT SCOTTISH RITE TEMPLE WILL GO TO CAMPUS RED CROSS MIT Profits derived from Delta Sigma Gcannsass7 annual winter semi-formal dance, to be held Saturday night at the Scottish Rite Temple, will be given to the Red Cross, it was announced today. At press time there was still uncertainty as to whether it would be possible to have their fraternity sweehecrrt, Linda Dctrnell, on hand as guest of honor for the evening. Ed Kin- caid, program chairman, announces that an answer to a tele- ircm2 sent Kiss Darnell is still pending, but should reach him VOL. XXXI §AN JOSE, CALIFORNIA, FRIDAY, MARCH 5, 1943 Number 95 soon. Last word heard from the famous star was that she is No! Pleasy Yank scheduled to go on a 44-city tour, but there is still uncertainty Anything But alto the date of her leaving. In That freshmen Celtbrate Tonight At the event that she should be able Distract, side step, bend Nippy to make the social event, she an- PEV Cutters Will backward over knee, and wham- nounced that she would be delight- bol And Jap soldier loses more Lyric Theater-Forlast_Party__ ed "to wear out two pair of shoes Be Reported Next than face and wishes he had com- 10 Lig (lancing with her loving fraternity mitted hari-karl ininutes be- brothers." Week - - Pitman fore. Of Quarter; Dance Begins At 8 A question concerning the legal- "Beginning of the end" came for You might have guessed itthe Tonight, freshmen will celebrate their last class party of PEV cutters yesterday. The ity of the affair has arisen among col- PEV boys have begun their dirty the quarter with a combined stag dance at the Student Union al of an lege faculty war council announced tactics in a big way. The boys various fraternities because and a theater party at the Lyric. agreement in interfraternity meet- it had found 19 reservists with un- are really enjoying it, and before The dance will start at 8 p. m. and will be to ing last quarter that no social fra- satisfactory attendance records, this war is over, the Honorable free of charge. ternity should sponsor a dance this and will report them to their Hirohito is going to receive some At 11 o'clock all students attending will go to the Lyric to view quarter. This statement, however, branches of service next week. nasty reports from the front. a special four-unit show. The theater will have freshmen only, was not to be found in the inter- No names were announced, but the idea of waiting until 11 p.m. fraternity minutes, and with this Dean of Men Paul M. Pitman says being that the regular show will as a basis, the interfraternity those concerned will be notified by have ended. Any sophomores or council pledged a 100 per cent sup- telephone immediately. Each will npperclassmen attending the party tor port of the benefit dance, said have an opportunity to justify his had better be prepared to have ,er, Kincaid. record, bringing out any unknown some hair-clipping done to their iv- Unique entertainment has been factors influencing his number of heads, says John Jamison, presi- on- planned for the affair. The pro- cuts. dent of the class. de, For V-1 and V-7 naval reservists, gram will include the DSG quar- The colossal show will include the reporting of PEV cutters is re- tet, Barbara Trelease, a chorus of -l'he Tumbleweed Trail," with the quired by the government, and in masculine strip-tease dancers, ac- William Boyd; "Blamed for a a the case of other reservists, the companied by special orchestra- Blonde," starring Leon Errol; iith Miss college has adopted a procedure of Z. tions arranged by Boss Stone. "Love in Gloom," with Henry Jets gay- its own. isrelease sink several Y8ungman, and the next to last can- -.bliVirrvb-rold the Army and Mar" ninety songs in Beatrice"Ray stYle. edition of the serial "Jungle Girl." in Her numbers will include "Jack"--Ines we're ping to report the men, Joyce Maxwell has donated her ved- and "Strike Up the Band." The who cut as not being in good lailieitollection of -dance records all -man chorus will dance to a standing, and though they don't re- to the affair and also her phono- are number entitled, "Petty Pink quire it, they think it's a swell graph. Music will be both hot and i in Petty." idea," the dean said. sweet, to suit everyone's taste. San Bids are still on sale in the Con- According to all reserve pro- Games will be played and special troller's office. Student body card grams, men not in good standing dances indulged in, so the fresh- holders may purchase them there with the college automatically lose men can have a better chance to ossi- or from any fraternity member to- all deferment. get acquainted with each other. 3 as day. In the event that they fall If a student has an excuse for Refreshments will be sold at the ning to get one, they may still buy one PEV cuts, he should write it out dance, and peanuts will be vended at the door. Price of the dance is legibly and fully, and leave it in up and down the aisles at the $1.50 per couple. the dean of men's office for con- Lyric. Although the dance is semi- sideration by the faculty war coun- Price of the show is 25 cents. formal, tuxedos are appropriate. cil. Immediate action on this is absolutely essential, stressed Dean Tickets may be purchased from Pitman. Notification will go to any of the Freshmen council mem- at the door. Barbara Allen the armed services by the middle Pictured above are, left to right, Bob Gager, Barbara Tre- bers or may be bought of next week. lease, Eddie Kincaid, and (kneeling) Dick Morton, who will take Newly Elected part in the floor show at the DSG dance tomorrow night. Victory Book AWA President ANNUAL DRIVE Campaign Ends Student Council TICKET SALE FOR The disappointing on - campus Results of the Wednesday else- FOR RED CROSS Victory Book campaign ends today tion for next year's AWA officers CoidTsPO1t On SENIOR BANQUET with' the possibility of a total of revealed Barbara AlteiTh be in- WILLOPEN HERE 300 books contributed by Sparta's coming president, with Audrey Plans are under way for this Suffrage MONDAY 2000_ students. _ Backenstoe to act as vice-president, year's Red Cross drive, with Mil- ST-ARTS Slogan of the campaign, whi-th ton Rendahl of the Social In cooperation with the March AWA President Jeannette Abbott Science Tickets for the Senior banquet -has been under way since Febru- department. and Joe Talbot, of Youth movement in Washing- worth keeping announced yesterday. sen- to be held March 18 at the Sainte ary 3, is "A book ior Student council member, in ton, D.C., the student council will is a book worth giving." Jeannette Rankin will act as re- Claire hotel will go on sale Mon- charge of the drive on the campus. conduct a poll on-campus Monday The Spartan effort is a part of cording secretary, and Marlyn Last year the quota for Santa to get student opinion on the cam- day, according to Chairman John a nation-wide drive to provide Wilson is to be corresponding sec- Clara county was $50,000, of paign that is being carried on to Kain. The banquet will be held in readable books in good condition retary in the fall. Treasurer will which students and faculty mem- give citizens between the ages of honor of the March graduates. to men in uniform. be Janet Anthes. bers at State raised $1200. This 18-21 the right of suffrage. Boxes where books may be left of 87 co- Those seniors graduating in Chosen from a group year, with the war causing in- A ballot will be printed in Mon- are located in the new library, in who, June, and those who will be in eds were 16 women last week creased demands on the Red Cross, day morning's Spartan Daily. Stu- the reserve book room, in front coun- upon election into the AWA the county quota has been raised dents are asked to cut out this the service before graduation in of the Morris Dailey auditorium, eligible cil, automatically became to $125,000. ballot, fill it in, and place it in June must buy tickets. The price and outside of the Publications of- candidacy Wednesday. for officer Services rendered by this neces- the ballot boxes placed on top of As $1.35. "I would urge seniors to fice. The above council members were sary organisation include Disaster the Daily boxes. purchase tickets as soon as it is thus chosen by AWA members Relief, Civilian War Aid, Foreign Some of the arguments for and possible. It is imperative that we Wednesday. War Relief, and services to men against this movement are: (1) know how many are going to at- ATTENTION, ERC Also selected from the council In the armed forces and to their Youth of this age is better in- tend," announced Chairman Kain. The first in a series of three were the following chairmen: his- families. formed and educated today than March graduates will ,be guests articles by Boyd Haight, Spar- torian, Maureen De Smet; custo- Work done by members of the ever before. They will make more at the banquet, and although they tan Daily Service Reporter, dian,_Jiavell Abbott; chapel, Phyl- campus unit falls into the last intelligent voters than the mass of will be admitted free of charge, will spear in the Spartan Daily lis Hackman; udent ITifkin, Jane category.