St. George’s Anglican Church Vestry Annual Reports 2018 St. GeorGe’S AnGlicAn church Annual Vestry Report SUNDAY FEBRUARY 4, 2018 St. George’s Anglican Church Vestry Annual Reports 2017 St. George’s Anglican Church (Est. 1792) 83 Church Street St. Catharines, Ontario L2R 3C7 Office Phone: 905 682 9232 Office E-mail:
[email protected] Martha Tatarnic:
[email protected] Scott McLeod:
[email protected] Website: Office Hours Monday to Friday: 8am to 4pm Rector: The Rev. Canon Martha Tatarnic Associate Priest: The Rev. Scott McLeod Director of Social Justice & Outreach: The Rev. Canon Dr. Michael Mondloch Bishop in Residence: The Rt. Rev. Walter Asbil Honorary Assistant: Archdeacon Marion Vincett Honorary Assistant: The Rev. Canon Paul Brillinger Ecumenical Honourary Assistant: The Rev. Dr. Doreen McFarlane Administrative Assistant: Linda Telega Treasurer: Jim Jenter Organist & Choirmaster: John Butler Youth Music & Ministry Development Director: Mari Shantz Children’s Ministry & Youth Ministry: Tanya Schleich Rector’s Warden: Corwin Cambray People’s Warden: Marilyn Pettit Deputy Rector’s Warden: George Novis Deputy People’s Warden: Neil Culp Deputy Rector’s Warden: MJ Schmidt Deputy People’s Warden: Sharon Cruttenden Page 2 St. George’s Anglican Church Vestry Annual Reports 2017 Agenda for the 226th Session of St. George’s Vestry Sunday February 4, 2018 1. Call to Order and Opening Prayer 2. Appointment of Vestry Clerk: Resolution #1 3. Establishment of Eligible Voting Members as per Canon 4.1 4. Remembering the Departed of St. George’s 5. Financial Statements for the 2017 6. Parish Budget for the year 2018 A) Presentation B) Discussion C) Resolution #2 7.