SEPTEMBER 2007 This Is My Story
FACEBOOKING THE CHURCH PARISH NEWS NOT A CHURCH? INTOLERANCE The unoffi cial face of the same-sex blessing debate, PAGE 3 New life in Stoney Creek, PAGE 10 Niagara speaks, PAGE 12 What do you love to hate? PAGE 15 A section of the Anglican Journal Getting to know our Bishop-Elect An interview with Michael Bird as representatives of Christ him- Lambeth Conference, hosted by the self, responsible for the unity of the Archbishop of Canterbury. whole church, (and) guardians of Sacramentally, only bishops the true faith." (This Is Our Faith, may confi rm and ordain, bless Ian Stuchberry, Anglican Book oils of chrism and anointing, and Centre, Toronto; 1990) participate in the consecration of The "job description" of an other bishops. Anglican bishop today, particu- In addition to selecting, or- FRAN DARLINGTON larly for a Diocesan Bishop, seems daining and appointing parish HONORARY ST. JAMES, GUELPH almost limitless in its duties and clergy, the bishop is responsible for "Bishop"—what does the word demands! "The Parish Question their pastoral care. In this Diocese really mean? The words "bishop" or Box," a booklet published in 1947 of Niagara, clergy are fortunate to "bishops" appear only four times in by the Church of England in Can- have bishops who minister gener- the Bible, in Paul's letters to the Phil- ada, as we were then, says the ously to their priests and deacons ippians, Timothy and Titus, indicat- bishop is "to administer the affairs in that way. ing that the order of bishop arose of the Diocese, both spiritual and very early in the church's history.
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