Administrative Case No. I-757-422/2012 Judicial Proceedings No
Administrative case No. I-757-422/2012 Judicial proceedings No. 3-62-3-00115-2011-5 Category of procedural decision: 2.3.1; 2.6; 2.7; 74. (S) KAUNAS REGIONAL ADMINISTRATIVE COURT J U D G E M E N T ON BEHALF OF THE REPUBLIC OF LITHUANIA 5 July 2012 Kaunas the Panel of Judges of the Kaunas Regional Administrative Court consisting of Judges Janina Vitunskienė (Chairman and Rapporteur), Daina Kukalienė and Jolanta Medvedevienė, Secretary Anželika Kuicaitė, in the presence of the representatives of the Claimant, the association Rudaminos Bendruomenė, namely, Chair R. C., R. V. and Attorney-at-Law Ramunė Dulevičienė, the representative of the Defendant, the Alytus Regional Environmental Protection Department, Dalė Amšiejienė, the representative of the third parties concerned UAB SWECO Lietuva and UAB SWECO International A. V., the representatives of the third party concerned Litgrid AB, namely, R.Č., Attorney-at-Law Nijolė Vaičiūnaitė and Attorney-at- Law Vitoldas Kumpa, the representatives of the third party concerned LitPol Link Sp. Z. o. o., namely, Attorney-at-Law Nijolė Vaičiūnaitė and J. N., the representative of the third party concerned, the Lazdijai District Municipality Administration Kęstutis Jasiulevičius, and the representatives of the third party concerned, the Alytus Territorial Division of the Department of Cultural Heritage under the Ministry of Culture, Alius Baranauskas and Dalia Lungevičienė, in the absence of the representatives of the following third parties concerned: the Marijampolė Municipality Administration, the Kalvarija
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