"Rip Her to Shreds": Women's Musk According to a Butch-Femme Aesthetic
"Rip Her to Shreds": Women's Musk According to a Butch-Femme Aesthetic Judith A, Peraino "Rip Her to Shreds" is the tide of a song recorded in 1977 by the rock group Blondie; a song in which the female singer cat tily criticizes another woman. It begins with the female "speak er" addressing other members of her clique by calling attention to a woman who obviously stands outside the group. The lis tener likewise becomes a member of the clique, forced to par ticipate tacitly in the act of criticism. Every stanza of merciless defamation is articulated by a group of voices who shout a cho rus of agreement, enticing the listener to join the fray. (spoken! Hey, psf pst, here she comes !lOW. Ah, you know her, would YOIl look ollhlll hair, Yah, YOIl know her, check out Ihose shoes, A version of this paper was read at the conference "Feminist Theory and Music: Toward a Common Language," Minneapolis, MN, June 1991. If) 20 Peraino Rip Her to Shreds She looked like she stepped out in the middle of somebody's cruise. She looks like the Su nday comics, She thinks she's Brenda Starr, Her nose·job is real atomic, All she needs is an old knife scar. CHORUS: (group) 00, she's so dull, (solo) come on rip her to shreds, (group) She's so dull, (solo) come on rip her to shreds.! In contrast to the backstabbing female which the Blondie song presents, so-called "women's music" emphasizes solidarity and affection between women, and reserves its critical barbs for men and patriarchal society.
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