Volume One: Boredom

Light: (reading the rules in the ) "The human whose name is written in this note shall die." Talk about sick. Why's everybody into this crap anyway? Like those dumb chain letters that say you'll get cancer if you don't pass them on.

Ryuk: Why're you so suprised to see me? I'm Ryuk, the shinigami who dropped that notebook. The way you were acting just now, I can tell you know it isn't just any old notebook...right?

Light: Why did you choose me? Ryuk: (laughs) Don't flatter yourself. All I did was drop the notebook, that's all. You thought I chose you? Cuz' you're so smart or something? It just happened to land somewhere around here and you just happened to pick it up. That's why I wrote the instructions in English-It's the most popular languge in your world. Light: Then why did you drop it?! Don't tell me it was by mistake after you went and wrote all those instructions. Ryuk: Why did I drop it? Because I was bored, that's why.

Light: Start looking around you and all you see are people the world would be better off without.

Light: I've killed two people...me...what do I do...get..rid of this evil thing...no...I was actually doing a service, killing him(re:Kurou Otoharada)But what about the second guy...? That wasn't worth the death penalty what he did...no wait...This is what I've been thinking all along-The world is a rotten mess. It really needs to be cleaned up. I...with this notebook, I can actually do it...the question is...do I have the guts...?

Light: I'm using the death note...to change the world!

Light: Even a fool is going to notice that somebody is bumping off the bad guys. I'm going to make the world know I'm here...that somebody is passing righteous judgement on them! And then nobody will commit crimes anymore. The world will start to become a better place. And while people who obviously deserve to be punished are dying of heart attacks...I'll gradually be killing off immoral people and people who harass others, through illness and accidents. Even that will eventually be noticed by the idiot masses. They'll realize they'll die if they don't change their ways...I'll make this a world inhabited only by people I decide are good! Ryuk: You do something like that, the only one left with a bad personality will be you... Light: What are you talking about, Ryuk? I'm a serious, straight-A student...a model teenager and I..will reign over a new world!

Soichiro: Nobody knows 's real name or whereabouts, or even what he looks like. But he can solve any case, no matter what is is. I suppose you could call him a sleuth...no-well anyway..nobody knows who he is...but he has solved countless unsolved cases so far. You might say he's our trump card..our ace in the hole...something like that...

Light: (reading a website that labels him Kira) Kira...I don't like how it obviously comes from 'killer,' but that's what people all over the world already know me as.

Light: Say we have a discussion in class...there's no way the subject would be "Is it alright to kill someone evil?" But let's say that was the subject. Everyone would act all virtuous and say, "No, it's wrong to kill anybody." And of course, that would be the proper response. People need to maintain that kind of facade in public. L: (after Light has killed a decoy L) This was an experiment to test a hunch I had, but I never really thought...Kira...you can actually kill people without direct contact...so..my hunch was right...I could believe it until I saw it with my own eyes, but you can...you'd have to, of course. It didn't make sense otherwise...Listen to me, Kira. If you just killed Lind. L. Tailor, the man you saw on your TV, he was a condemned criminal scheduled to die today, at this hour. That wasn't me. His arrest and conviction were kept secret from the media, and went unreported even on the internet. Even you had no way of knowing about him, it seems...But I, L, do in fact exist. So, come on! Kill me if you can!

Light: Whoever touches the Death Note can see you right, Ryuk? Ever since I heard that, I've been keeping it on me...but walking around with this thing is even more dangerous...until now, I thought if anyone in my family saw it, I could explain it by saying I've been keeping notes on the kira case, to practice becoming a detective...even without this headache, I'm walking on a tightrope here...if I blow it... Kira...will have to kill his own family.

Rules: The human whose name is written in this note shall die.

This note shall not take effect unless the writer has the person's face in their mind when writing his/her name. Therefore, people sharing the same name will not be affected.

If the cause of death is written within 40 seconds of writing the person's name, it will happen. If the cause of death is not specified the person will simply die of a heart attack.

After writing the cause of death, details of the death should be written in the next 6 minutes and 40 seconds.

This note shall become the property of the human world, once it touches the ground of (arrives in) the human world.

The owner of the note can recognize the image and voice of its original owner, i.e. a god of death.

The human who uses this note can neither go to Heaven nor Hell.

If the time of death is written within 40 seconds after writing the cause of death as a heart attack, the time of death can be manipulated, and the time can go into effect within 40 seconds after writing the name.

The human who touches the Death Note can recognize the image and voice of its original owner, a god of death, even if the human is not the owner of the note.

Light Yagami (Kira)

"This world is Rotten. Rotten people should be killed off to cleanse this world." (1)

"He was someone who deserved to Die." (1)

"I'm going to change the world." (1)

"I am Justice!" (2)

"Those who oppose God are Evil!" (2) "Wow, this is the first time ever since my birth that I want to hit a girl" (31)

"I will erase him." (4)

"L, Do you know? Shinigami only eat apples." (8)

"The real battle starts now." (10)

"She has to be eliminated." (13)

"I am Kira." (14)

"Looks are all that count."

"I'll take a potato chip...and EAT it!"

"I'll make you trust me. And when you've told me everything I need to know, I'll kill you." (19)

"You can't ever win if you're always on the defensive, to win, you have to attack." (20)

"I've never considered finding that notebook & gaining that power a misfortune." (22)

"The thing I hate the most is to trample on other people's good will." (37)

"After I caught the current Kira, after that...I would become a Kira murderer? Do you see me as such a human being?" (45)

"For murderers, there is no good or evil. I know that" (47)

"Is he talking to himself...?" (51)

"I won... just as planned." (53)

"In every world, the God's always make the rules. You will fall before my fake rules, and for the sin of going against the new world's God, die." (55)

"Long time no see, Ryuk." (56)

"Rem, I didn't think you would go so far." (57)

"I am going to be the god of the new world." (58)

"There are a lot of stupid people out there." (59)

"I'll kill him." (66)

"I feel the adrenaline coming on." (66)

"I must protect my fledging Utopia." (68)

"If I play my cards right, I can work this to my advantage" (68)

"But you know the saying 'playing with fire, and you're bound to get burned.' I'll make you regret underestimating L...underestimating me. " (68) "I'll need to appear full of confidence if I'm to take advantage of him." (68)

"In your eyes lies all happiness for this new world." (68)

"In the end, L is indeed the greatest detective on earth..." (68)

"Our battle will be concluded, and I will begin my reign from the summit of victory!" (89)

"Don't make me repeat myself." (95)

"This is my win, Near"

"Just as I thought. Without L this is to easy"

"Damn Kira!"

"Sorry to catch you so unmotivated but could you come over here for a sec?"

* "SHIT!" o Last word before death.

[edit] L

"So, come on! Kill me if you can!" (Vol. 1

"Justice will, without fail, prevail." (2)

"I think right now, we're even in how we're closed the distance between us." (10)

"Let's value our lives." (11)

"I just can't stand it when someone's cell phone rings when I'm talking." (11)

"Kira is childish and he hates losing... I'm also childish and hate losing." (11)

"Let's show him...that the good guys always win." (11)

"In the end I'll win."

"This isn't divine judgement, it's the work of some childish killer who's playing at divine retribution, that's all." (18)

"He who moves first always wins." (20)

"I just can't sit any other way than this. If I sit the way other people do, my reasoning ability drops by 40%." (21)

"Risking your life and doing something that could easily rob you of your life are exact opposites." (23)

"I don't like his style... it's not like Kira at all." (25)

"God of Death?! You...You expect me to accept that such things exist?!" (27)

"I'm... a pervert??" (34) "Amane's obsessive love toward is just about all we've figured out." (36)

"Light, can you please make Misa-san be quiet." (37)

"Will you be eating that cake?...say what you want, but I will be taking the cake." (38)

"Why are you staring at me? Are you annoyed that I am the only one who has cake?" (38)

"If you use your head, you won't get fat even if you eat sweets." (38)

"By trying too hard, we put ourselves at a greater risk. Don't you think so?" (38)

"That hurts." (38)

"I was playing cynical back then." (39)

"I haven't said anything about letting them commit murder...yet..." (39)

"I'll fall in love with you?" (45)

"My number of friends has increased yet again." (45)

"...I know that line is a bunch of Bull..." (46)

"It proves that he is becoming rather desperate." (50)

"What an idiot." (52)

"Light Yagami... I wasn't wrong, but... (I suppose I've lost...)" (58)

"That would be convincing if I didn't already know you were Kira."

"One for One"

"The bells are very loud today"

"You look so mad. I thought you might want some cake too."

[edit] Soichiro Yagami

"I will not succumb to evil."

"The real evil is the power to kill people." (22)

"No...anything obtained by killing people can never bring true happiness." (22)

"I have a responsiblity as a parent and as the chief of police." (36)

"Murderers should go to hell!"

"Light...I trust you." (72)

[edit] Matsuda

"You guys hit at the same time. Just call this one a draw." (45) "Why are you looking at me? It's not me." (61)

"Light-kun what do you mean? In Layman's terms..." (62)

"W-what? Is this the matter of winning or losing?" (78)

[edit] Ryuk

"Humans are so...interesting..." (1)

"I feel like I'm watching a sitcom."

"That was worth an academy award, Light." (9)

"Humans are hilarious." (10)

"For me... apples [are] like cigarettes and liquor for humans. If I'm deprived I go into withdrawals." (16)

"Apples taste so much better indoors." (18)

"As a rule they say humans haunted by a shinigami have nothing but misfortune." (22)

"Hey, all it did was go around in a full circle." (54)

"Sorry, But... believe it or not I'm a male too..." (56)

"Like hell you do." (56)

"Apples in the human world are... How do you say it? Juicy."

"Hehe. A disaster-struck family playing a happy-homey family...this is funny." (60)

"Well see, it's rather complicated at the moment." (60)

"You don't let up on the eye thing, do you?" (68)

"Heh. Are those the eyes of a man in love?" (68)

"What? I'm going to be possessed by such a poor imbecile?" (71)

"I don't want to be asked." (78)

"I can understand them, because they exchange that money with tons of apples." (80)

"You're using the word 'destiny' for a woman again, Light. You always use a one patterned approach for women." (87)



"I hate evil & love justice. I do not consider the police as my enemies, but my allies against evil." (23) "I can't go on in a world without Light." (45)

"If it's for Light, I can die without regrets." (45)

"What do you mean I use my sexual charm!?" (46)

"You can't buy peace or love with money" (80)

"I don't even use the internet ..." (46)

"Does Ryuusaki-san really swing that way?"

"Eating sweets makes you fat"

[edit] Near

"If you cannot win at the game, if you cannot solve the puzzle, you are just another loser." (61)

"L the second! Pleased to Meet'cha." (63)

"I'm the head of the SPK...let's see...N!" (63)

"And that's precisely why it's so convenient don't you think?!" (63)

"Things are getting interesting now." (64)

"Nope. It's over! Looks like you're beaten, L." (64)

"You let them take it from right under your nose." (65)

"It's not whether it's feasible or not - it's what I'm doing." (65)

"I don't feel like doing that, L." (66)

"You, who've taken on his name, have managed - well, nothing." (66)

"I believe I'm being as clear as possible here." (66)

"He became a murderer the moment he killed the pilot." (67)

"...It was on purpose. He was taunting me, so to speak." (67)

"To , it's like playing a videogame against me, I think. 'See who gets to Kira, the last boss, first." (67)

"I don't know what to say. Now, I think it's just best to observe closely " (71)

"I won't skip!" (75)

"� Lester, people in supervising positions in investigation are supposed to give too much of their opinion and if they are wrong saying � sorry � should be enough." (75)

"We will be removed. All because of that Chicken-shit President� No, far from Chicken-shit, less than Chicken-shit president." (75) "Don't make me repeat the same thing many times." (77)

"Which of us will get Kira first...it's a race!" (77)

"Making such a dick-sucker a spokesman..." (77)

"What an obvious lie he is telling." (79)

"For me and Mello, L has been the only person we adore, and the only person who deserves our respect." (82)

"You said she's smart, but it only means she got high marks, and she's actually a stupid woman" (86)

"Does she understand what she's doing, this stupid woman?" (88)

"To kill me, a potential avenger." (89)

"I've wanted to make him taste his own pathetic failure with all my heart." (90)

"No. You're just a mass murderer."

[edit] Mello

"I'll live my own way" (61)

"In the end there is no greater motivation than revenge" (64)

"If anything other than the chopper comes within a 2 mile radius of the spot, you're both dead." (64)

"He's terribly reasonable, this new L." (64)

"So, how about you tell me right now whom you'd like me to kill, and how, I'll treat'cha to it." (67)

"No kidding. So you've got no choice but to listen to us." (67)

"Near, you say clever things" (77)

"I'm not your tool to solve a puzzle!" (77)

"Which of us will get Kira first...it's a race!" (77)

"Our goal is the same, I'll wait for you there." (77)

"It's my turn to use you." (79)

[edit] Matt

* Don't you have a bunch of questions to ask me? What's the point in firing- o Comment: a moment before getting shot.

[edit] Rem

"Humans are such ugly creatures." (37)

"Light Yagami might be as pure as Misa... he was not using the death note for himself, but rather he was using the notebook in order to better humanity as a whole." (47)

"Light...he can even kill a shinigami, he has surpassed us." (58)

[edit] Dialogue

"Light: What was it?

L: Nothing. Just another of Matsuda's unimportant idiocies.

Light: Well, Matsuda does have that natural ignorance...

Matsuda: Those two know that we can hear them, right?" (38)

"Misa: Light, won't you sleep with me?

Light: ...Why are you saying that Misa?

Misa: I know, after we catch Kira, right? Don't be shy Light.

L: Please don't be shy, Light-kun.

Light: I'm not being shy.

L: Don't be serious about it either." (48)

"Light: Then I suppose that when I meet with Misa, it will have to be outside of here.

L: Huh, you want to meet her?." (55)

"Light: Misa, I want you to know my feelings. I don't want you to shorten your life by doing the deal, I don't want to manipulate you like that. I'd rather live a lasting life with you in our ideal world.

Misa (tearing): Light.

Ryuk (thinking): Like hell you do.

Misa (hugs): I'm so glad!

Ryuk (thinking): All this girl does is hug..." (56)

"Mello (after Shidou takes the notebook): The notebook flew by itself.

?: It can't be.

?: It's a notebook that kill a human. It's no suprise if it's alive." (70)

"Light: Near, try to escape from that place now.

Near: How dare you say that, when you are Kira. Light: W-what... Why are you still saying such a thing?..." (80)

Matsuda: "I wonder, is it about ten million dollars?

Ryuk: How many apples could I buy with that?" (80)

Near: "Thank you for your useful information. You two may go back now.

Aizawa: You heard that much and just say 'go back'"

Near (pouting): And so I thanked you for your useful information..." (80)

Near: "Lester could you come back one more time to command the center in New York?" (he's currently in Japan)

Lester: One more time?"

Near: I'm also going to Japan"

Lester: So during that time you want me to come to New York and stay watch?"

Near: No"

Lester: Then why do you want me in New York?"

Near: I've never experienced the first class procedures of riding a plane alone, so I want you to come back so we can go together." (89)

Near: "What is it, L?

Light: Misa Amane and Mogi are missing.

Near: Yes. We have abducted them.

Light: Near... for what reason?

Near: For insurance." (95)

"Giovanni: If there are shinigami, I might die, right?

Near: Yes.

Giovanni: ...

Near: If you are scared, I'll ask Lester to go.

Lester: ..."

"Misa: Namikawa's pretty good. Considering his looks, I was expecting that.

L: No, that was a screw-up by Yagami-kun.