Federalism in Marine Fisheries Governance in Indonesia: an Analysis of the Stakeholders’ Perceptions

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Federalism in Marine Fisheries Governance in Indonesia: an Analysis of the Stakeholders’ Perceptions University of Rhode Island DigitalCommons@URI Open Access Dissertations 2019 FEDERALISM IN MARINE FISHERIES GOVERNANCE IN INDONESIA: AN ANALYSIS OF THE STAKEHOLDERS’ PERCEPTIONS Fery Sutyawan University of Rhode Island, [email protected] Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.uri.edu/oa_diss Recommended Citation Sutyawan, Fery, "FEDERALISM IN MARINE FISHERIES GOVERNANCE IN INDONESIA: AN ANALYSIS OF THE STAKEHOLDERS’ PERCEPTIONS" (2019). Open Access Dissertations. Paper 891. https://digitalcommons.uri.edu/oa_diss/891 This Dissertation is brought to you for free and open access by DigitalCommons@URI. It has been accepted for inclusion in Open Access Dissertations by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@URI. For more information, please contact [email protected]. FEDERALISM IN MARINE FISHERIES GOVERNANCE IN INDONESIA: AN ANALYSIS OF THE STAKEHOLDERS’ PERCEPTIONS BY FERY SUTYAWAN A DISSERTATION SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY IN MARINE AFFAIRS UNIVERSITY OF RHODE ISLAND 2019 DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY DISSERTATION OF FERY SUTYAWAN APPROVED: Dissertation Committee: Major Professor Seth Macinko Richard Burroughs Carlos Garcia-Quijano Brian Crawford Nasser H. Zawia DEAN OF THE GRADUATE SCHOOL UNIVERSITY OF RHODE ISLAND 2019 Abstract This paper analyzes the policy impacts generated by three interconnected regulations that were authorized in the 2014-2015 period pertinent to Indonesian marine fisheries governance. In addition, it also develops policy alternatives and investigates the stakeholders’ attitudes towards these policies. Employing the mixed-method research approach with the case study research design, this paper explains the impacts caused by the increased fishing fee tariff on the national fisheries revenues, the composition of the Nationally Registered Fishing Vessels (NRFV), and the Fishing Operational Costs (FOC). The latter, the contribution of the increased fishing fee tariff to the FOC, was derived from an analysis conducted on 1,108 samples of medium-scale commercial fishing vessels (60-200 GT) based in the Nizam Zachman Oceanic Fishing Port, the largest industrial-scale fishing base in Indonesia. In regard to the revocation of regency/municipality authority and their maritime jurisdiction, several policy impacts are summarized, encompassing relicensing issues for the small-scale commercial fishing boats (5-30 GT), job reassignment, and irrelevancy of related existing law. This paper also conducts an assessment of the establishment of a Fisheries Management Commission in Indonesia Fisheries Management Areas (FMC-IFMA), a newly established regional fisheries institution. The assessment focuses on the legal basis, tasks and functions, and membership apportionment. Investigation of the stakeholders’ attitudes also employs a mixed-method research approach. Collected responses from a survey on 446 respondents of Indonesian marine fisheries stakeholders are merged with the summary of 19 in-depth interviews. In addition, the findings garnered from field observation are also included. As a result, the magnitude and distribution of attitudes from nine types of stakeholders are portrayed, including supporting arguments. In conclusion, this paper argues that the authorized policies generate various impacts and several potential problems. Several findings also emerge from the investigation of the stakeholders’ attitudes regarding these policies. Finally, this paper proposes several recommendations. These encompass reinforcement of the legal basis for FMC-IFMA establishment, including more engagement of non-governmental stakeholders in the commission, and an amendment of the formula for the Revenue Sharing Fund (RSF) from the fisheries sector by implementing a proportional distribution based on exploitation levels and registered fishing fleet size in each IFMA. Keyword: commercial marine fisheries management, fishing licensing policy, regional fisheries governance, fisheries co-management Acknowledgements There are too many names to be mentioned when I have to express my gratitude to all who have been giving me support to complete this study. My deepest appreciation goes to my advisor, Dr. Seth Macinko who has been guiding me patiently and making this paper much better. The research committee; Dr. Richard Burroughs, Dr. Brian Crawford, Dr. Carlos Garcia- Quijano, and Dr. Austin Humphries with their valuable inputs for improving this study. Dr. Michael Rice for his willingness to Chair my dissertation defense. I would like to thank the Faculty and fellow students at the Marine Affairs Department for their support during my study. To my Indonesian comrades who have been sharing both the joy and sadness during our ‘adventure’ in the smallest yet beautiful state in the US, particularly during the long and winding winter nights of New England. To Dr. Gellwynn Yusuf and the CTI-Coremap Team for providing this great opportunity for us. This paper is dedicated to the special ones, my beloved wife, Dewi Driyayuni Yitnasih Utami and our son, Haickal Caesar Saintya, who, once again, have to sacrifice a lot to make my wildest dream come true. The ego has landed. iv Table of Contents Abstract ....................................................................................................................... ii Acknowledgements ....................................................................................................... iv Table of Contents ............................................................................................................v List of Tables............................................................................................................... viii List of Figures ............................................................................................................... ix List of Appendices ........................................................................................................ xi CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................1 CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW ........................................................................5 II.1. Fisheries Management and Fisheries Governance ............................................. 5 II.2. Fishing Fees as a Type of Limited Entry Regime in Marine Fisheries Management .............................................................................................................. 6 II.3. Fishing Fee as a portion of the Operational Costs of Commercial Fishery ........................................................................................................................ 7 II.4. Distributing the National Revenues from the Natural Resource Rent ............... 8 II.5. Fisheries Co-Management ................................................................................ 10 II.6. Federalism as marine fisheries co-management .............................................. 12 II.7. Stakeholders’ Attitudes ..................................................................................... 14 CHAPTER III METHODOLOGY ..............................................................................16 III.1. Research Design ............................................................................................... 16 III.2. Location and Time of the Study ....................................................................... 17 III.3. Data Collection ................................................................................................. 18 III.3.1. Types of Data............................................................................................. 18 III.3.2. Primary Data ............................................................................................. 19 III.3.3. Secondary Data ......................................................................................... 22 III.4. Sampling Design and Strategy .......................................................................... 24 III.5. The Respondents .............................................................................................. 27 III.6. Data Processing and Data Analysis ................................................................. 30 III.6.1. Estimating the Impact of Increased Fishing Fee on the Fishing Operational Costs ..................................................................................................................... 31 III.6.1.4. Data Analysis .......................................................................................... 37 III.6.2. Investigating the stakeholders’ attitudes ................................................. 38 CHAPTER IV INDONESIA MARINE FISHERIES MANAGEMENT ....................41 v IV.1. Brief Overview on Indonesia Marine Fisheries ................................................ 41 IV.2. Decentralized Marine Fisheries Management ................................................. 43 IV.3. Indonesia Fisheries Management Area (IFMA) ............................................... 44 IV.4. Indonesia Marine Fisheries Management ....................................................... 48 IV.5. Indonesia’s Fishing Fees ................................................................................... 52 CHAPTER V POLICY ANALYSIS ON THE INCREASED FISHING FEE ...............................................................................................................55 V.1. Impact on the National Revenues from the Fishery Sector.............................
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