■ r r Government cures Saturday's game m" Crystal City's gas problem changed to 7:30 p.m. See page 3 The Da See page 4

Volume 76, Number 17 Texas Christian University, Fort Worth, Texas 76129 Thursday, September 29, 1977 Man, 39, charged, held in Scarf Strangled case

By DAVID BENNETT attacker as having thick lips, though, his knowledge had never had any said she had not talked with Bob Neeb. Staff Writer so we couldn't be positive of the connection with the University. director of Residental Living and William Ross Singleton, 39, is being identification;" Patterson said. Dean of Students Elizabeth Proffer Housing, about the situation. Neeb held in Tarrant County Jail in lieu of After a composite drawing of the said Wednesday that the University was unavailable for comment $20,000 bond on the charge of burglary strangler had been printed in local would continue the stepped-up of a motor vehicle with intent to newspapers, Patterson said a citizen security initiated when the attacks "1 feel it is a good idea for people to commit kidnapping in connection with in the TCU area called police and said first started. "We want to get a better keep up their guards just for general the attacks of three coeds during a Singleton could be the attacker. appraisal of the security on campus purposes." she said "I don't want five-day span Tuesday, the two coeds picked before we discontinue the foot patrol." people to distrust each other, but 1 do think they should be cautious." Singleton, the man police believe to Singleton's mug-shot from a series of she said be the "TCU Scarf Strangler" was five, Patterson said Singleton was Two additional men were hired from • Three confirmed attacks believed to arrested Tueday after two TCU coeds arrested and the girls positively Bailey Security Service and a TCU have been committed by the "scarf identified him from Fort Worth Police identified him in a line-up as the man Security Officer was placed on full- strangler" were reported in a week's mug-shots as the man they believe they believed to be their attacker. time foot patrol when the attacks span attacked them Singleton was arrested at his home began Tarrant County Sheriff Lon Evans in the near Southside of Fort Worth. Individual dormitories will probably Patterson said currently the police said Singleton is currently serving a Patterson said Singleton had never determine whether to keep locking intend to hold Singleton on only the one 10-year probated sentence after being lived in the TCU area and to the best of their doors- early. Proffer said. She charge convicted of burglary of a habitation on Oct 27, 1976, in Judge Charles Lindsey's court Campus to host conference Fort Worth Police Lt. A.M Pat- terson said in that burglary Singleton was caught tearing apart women's under garments. Literacy concerns TCU Sheriff Evans, after speaking with Brenda Buckner. Singleton's Communications at the University of probation officer, said "His mother By JACKIE BORROW campus to aid in the promotion of Texas, Austin died when he was very young and he Staff Writer literacy''" "Does the English cried all the time. His father had him Complaints that TCU students The conference will open with Department's conception of good Corbett. Lloyd-Jones and Danielson put in the Austin State School, which cannot write and speak correctly have writing differ from that of other he escaped from in 1958." led to the formation of a conference on meeting with English Department units?" faculty to discuss the problems of the state of literacy to be held on The second day of the conference Evans said Intelligence Quotient campus Oct. 20-21. writing on campus and some plans for will feature a presentation by Gary Tests, (IQ tests) had shown programs and solutions "We have had complaints from Tate, TCU English Department, on Singleton's IQ to be around 73 to 74 members of the School of Business, In a second session that day various "What alternatives (other programs The average IQ is 100. the Department of Physics, Brite departments will present their con- and practices, other organizational "He also spent 17 years in Rusk Divinity School and the Sociology cerns and proposals about freshman patterns, other standards of per- State Hospital after attacking a girl in Department about students' writing composition and problems related to formance) are available?" Austin." Evans added. * and speaking skills," said Karl writing and speaking. Snyder, acting dean of the English Walter Bortz, Dean of Admissions, Vice Chancellor H Lawrence Wilsey Exclusive Daily Skiff photo by Jane Blalock Department and moderator for the will speak on "Are we admitting and Brewer will attend the presen- Motions were being prepared by the two-day conference. students who are less well-prepared tations, and discussion-and-answer Alleged strangler District Attorney's Office late Wed The purpose of the two-day con- than formerly''" Andrea Miracle and periods concerning: "Is the Univer- nesday for revocation of Singleton's ference is to determine speaking and Marjorie Lewis, English, will present sity serious in its concern about William Ross Singleton. 39, was transferred from Fort Worth City Jail to I arrant probation 1,164 writing problems of TCU students and "Does writing actually get done literacy'", "Is the University ready to County Jail Wednesday morning after being charged with burglary of a. motor decide what it expects of students who 1,116 Patterson said Det. R.L Muffins of set plans for programs and solutions to outside of freshman composition and vehicle with Intent to commit kidnapping In connection with three attacks on docs the quality count?" graduate, and if so, how will the 981 Homicide Division had fell Singleton these problems, coeds. Singleton was arrested Tuesday afternoon after two of the three coeds Other topics for presentation the University make that Decision?", 860 was the alleged attacker since the "The state of literacy in the country identified him a police line-up. Singleton is shown here leaving the Fort Worth "What happens if the general 798 early stages of the investigation. generates behavior ranging from first day of the conference include City Jail. "Does advanced placement exempt University decides on an approach to 601 "None of the girls had identified the marked unease to predictions of early students with language problems?" the teaching of writing and the English 581 deterioration in society," said Dr. Jim "What is not getting done on the Department decides on another?" 430 Corder, acting dean of AddRan 395* College of Arts and Sciences. "Those who notice and think about the state of 320 House urges security emphasis literacy have been more vocal and Utility cost to exceed 286 224 more influential in the last five By GWEN BAUMANN Diane Delaney. Vice-President of results to the House and make 201 ' years,'' Corder said. They are Assistant News Editor Programming, said, "In the four recommendations for alternatives responsible for what is called the 189 University's budget figure years I have been here no bylaws have which will be studied by Student Af- ."back to the basics" movement that is 106 changed and certain committees fairs Lee Ann Newberry was the The "scarf strangler" may have widespread in schools at all levels. B) BitOC K AKKRS "A difference of $100,000 or $200,000 81 have been dissolved .1 also think submittor been caught, but that doesn't mean "Literacy is one of those words Contributing Editor against a $28 million budget will not be 46 A bill to eliminate the one dollar fee emphasis on campus security should this (the revision) allows for a little people tend ot define for themselves," a financial problem we could not 31 control by the Programming Council for stadium parking on home football stop. Such was the statement in Snyde r said. "Many people can read Although the University has "under- handle. It is more in the line of a 27 game dates was submitted by Bryan Tuesday's House meeting when on the whole. It cleans up some areas and write but are not literate. budgeted" for its utility bills this fiscal routine adjustment." Wilsey said. 16 Jones. Also sent to Student Affairs, the President Mike Veitenhemier an- that are unresolved or questionable." "Literacy is beyond reading, year, Executive Vice Chancellor H A portion of the budget has been left bill would permit students with TCU writing and correct grammar usage." Lawrence Wilsey said large rate in- unallocated allowing for adjustments nounced the creation of a Security The revision also eliminated non- parking permits to park free. The message must be clear, Snyder creases will not cause fees or tuition such as the unexpected utility costs, he committee. existing committees including Steve Green submitted a bill to said and housing rates to increase. said Headed by legislative assistant CESCO, a service committee; the reinstate guaranteed tuition for en- The Journalism Department is also "Our hope is that we will have off- Davis McCown, Veitenheimer said, "I Fashion Council and the Spirit The University paid out $967,511 for tering freshmen. Another option concerned about freshmen who are not gas, electricity and water for the 1976- setting income from other sources to don't think the apprehension of the Committee, formerly associated with called for a flat full-time rate All trained in grammar, punctuation and 77 school year. Before these figures make up the difference," Wilsey said. strangler at all justifies our letting up the cheerleaders extra hours would be free of charge. usage, Dr Elden Rawlings, chairman, were available, the current budget The University is in the 'enviable on protection." McCown added the Homecoming and Parents Weekend Academic Affairs will handle this. said. estimates, were made-; the budget for position" of being both consumer and committee needed "to study the were added as full-time committees. Vice Chancellor Thomas Brewer has Veitenheimer announced last 1977-78 allows only $966,000. producer of energy, he explained problem and recall the bill originating suggested the development of a Under the new code any Council semester's bills to increase the ac- "Since such a great portion of our the committee (which was introduced remedial program in writing and Wisley said this year's bills will member with two unexcused absences tivity fee for part-time students and to endowment income derives from our to the House last semester) was language "certainly exceed," the budget figure from meetings may be released. The extend pass-no credit option dates oil and gas holdings, as the oil price written before this semester's event The conference will feature outside Vice-President will also coordinate would come before committees next A proposed 27 percent increase in goes up, so does our endowment in- occurred." consultants, including Edward Cor- Howdy Week activities over the week. bett, editor of College Composition and electricity rates,' proposed by Texas come," he said. Electric Service Co. (TESCOi. would In other action, the House passed a summer. He also asked for students in- Communication, Dr Richard Lloyd- However, Wisley said the increased "impact substantially on our electric bill revising the Programming Three bills were sent to committees terested in joining the Programming Jones, chairman of English at the oil and gas dividends do not make up bill" Wilsey said. Council's bylaws. Submitted by Uie for study. A bill for the investigation of Council Evaluating Committee to see University of Iowa and a participant in for the larger utility bills and would Council, the bill gives it the power to the ID. Meal Ticket Policy calling for him. Four students will make up the the National Assessment of However, even that large an in fall far short if the TESCO proposal is veto any committee spending it feels is a committee to investigate the committee, one of which is required to Educational Progress and Dr. Wayne crease would not affect students in adopted by the Public Utilties Com- impractical. reasoning of the new policy, relay the be a dorm president. Danielson, head of the School of increased costs, he said. mission. Senate holds all-night session over gas prices

By JOHN LENGEL Unlike earlier talkathons, where senators could steal away for several hours of The aim of the two senators is to stall for time while pushing their proposal to Associated Press Writer uninterrupted sleep, this filibuster was being waged with votes instead of words. continue federal control of natural gas prices with as low a price as possible WASHINGTON—The Senate struggled yesterdsly to break a deadlock on Nearly all of the senators had been present, at least from time to time, during Oil and gas industry lobbyists and sympathetic senators want an end to con- natural gas pricing after holding its first all-night session since the epic battle the night. trols. They think they will prevail if they can sweep away the parlimentary tangle over the 1964 Civil Rights Act. Sens. James Abourezk, DSD., and Howard Metzenbaum, D-Ohio, leaders of the and put their proposal to a vote. Sleepy-eyed lawmakers shuttled to and from the Senate floor for a seemingly stalling action, called for repeated rollcall votes, forcing legislators to engage in In a preliminary test shortly after midnight, the Senate refused by a vote of 47 endless chain of minor votes. Except for a breakfast break this morning, the the arduous task of taking up separately some 500 amendments to the bill to 40 to table the latest deregulation proposa 1 managed by Sens. Lloyd Bentsen, D- Senate had been in continuous session for 27 hours as of noon As the morning wore on, senators primed themselves with coffee and shuffled Texas, and James Pearson, R-Kan Senate Democratic Leader Robert C. Byrd has been unsuccessful in attempts to back and forth between the Senate floor and nearby rooms where cots were set Carter says he will veto any plan that lifts federal controls break the filibuster led by two senators who want to block a vote on an industry- up. But few caught much sleep Deregulation proponents claim the controls have kept the price of gas ar- supported plan to lift price controls from natural gas. "This is barbaric," grumbled Senate Republican Leader Howard Baker of tificially low, discouraging development of new supplies. But Carter contends "We've had about enough of this foolishness," Byrd declared at dawn. But by Tennessee. "These cots are useless with these votes coming up every 15 that the controls are needed to protect consumers from soaring gas bills. . mid-day there was no sign that the West Virginia Democrat was making headway minutes." in steering the Senate toward a final vote. In Austin, Gov Dolph Briscoe said Wednesday the U.S. Senate is on the right Byrd said failure to act on the gas-pricing bill jeopardizes passage of Carter's track in moving toward deregulation of gas prices, but President Carter is dead One natural gas amendment unrelated to the filibuster was approved 74 to 18. entire energy package. He added that the President is likely to call Congress back Sponsored by Sen. Bennett Johnston, D-La , it would allow utilities and industries wrong in threatening a veto. into session if it adjourns without reaching a decision. Carter's energy bill, as passed by the House, preserves price regulation but at to sell natural gas at high prices to make it economically possible for them to Even though the Senate voted earlier in the week to limit each senator's switch to crude oil expected in large amounts from Alaska's North Slope. higher levels than now Senators, in preliminary votes, have opted for gradual speaking time to one hour apiece for the remainder of the debate, the tactic failed deregulation. The Senate faced a decision on whether to vote to replace President Carter's to deter either Metzenbaum or Abourezk. The president has announced he would veto an energy bill sent to his desk plan for continued price controls with a deregulation plan favored by the industry. They just switched tactics, stopped talking and began demanding votes. without some provision for continued natural gas price ceilings. September 29, 1977 Opinion Page 2 'David Sugimoto lord of the Flies' hides in snack bar

I almost hate to do this Food Ser- Services played thier cards right, they vices has come under a multitude of might persuade Raid's advertising tirades in the short time that school agency to film a commercial down has been in session this fall. Most of there on location. If they can do that them were legitimate, though I do we might be able to bet Melba toast for seem to vaguely recall one which was free, as is the case in most not. I think it had something to do with restaurants. rice in the salt shakers, or at least something of that degree of A third possibility would be to significance. remove all those plastic, artificial I feel I must register this complaint plants and replace them with Venus and perhaps Food Services and ARA Fly Traps. Venus Fly Traps are not can be left alone for the remainder of very expensive, and in the spirit of fair the semester. play, it docs give those flies a sporting I have a certain aversion to flies, chance. Biology classes would have an especially when I am attempting to excellent opportunity to study in- put food in my mouth. Perhaps I'm sectivorious plants at close range. being unreasonable, but I have noticed They require no electricity and emit an overabundance of them in the no fluorocarbon propellants — en- snack bar. vironmentally safe in all respects. At the start of the year I thought The eradication strategies they would eventually all die out. How illustrated here are but a few of many long can one generation of flies live? 1 ways that Food Services could-eope was wrong. with the problem. Being so responsive The snack bar's population of flies to the student's needs. I know they will has not decreased one modicum in attack this problem with full thrust. over a month. This leads me to believe one thing They are breeding down David Sugimoto, a senior economics there 'and any student who has had a major, will be writing a column for the high school biology course or has lived Skiff this fall. on a farm can tell you where flies breed, but I won't go into that). Many a time down there I would have felt more comfortable with a pair of binoculars and a copy of Ttyt^aily Racing Form, talking with Elucien Laurin and Ron Turcotte about the Suspect arrested field in the fourth race. I take that back — a six million dollar racehorse would never be subjected to that much irritation. The fly problem seems to be eter- nal until some sort of remedial action Caution still wise policy is taken to terminate it. Since the problem has been defined, we can now Fort Worth police have arrested a man they believe to be the — Report immediately suspicious persons. launch into • a discussion of possible "TCU Scarf Strangler."" Campus security stepped up its patrols and began locking the solutions. But the campus community should not let down its guard doors in the women's dorms early. And the University hired an The installation of an electronic trap simply because a suspect is behind bars. The suspect may indeed outside security service to aid the campus police that attracts flies with a light and not be the "Strangler." Or if he is, there is always the possibility The additional security personnel hired by the University electrocutes them as they make that some other individual on this campus might have similar during the crisis should be either retained or efforts should be contact with a mesh screen would be thoughts of doing injury to others. made to enlarge TCU Security. both effective and entertaining. ■ It is unfortunately human nature to react to a problem rather And the extra patrols made by campus police when the However, these are probably not than try to prevent it. Before the "Strangler" came along, the "Strangler" was still attacking women whould become standard cheap and the cost control accountants campus community was asking for trouble. procedure. for ARA and Food Services might But once threatened, the TCU community put on its armor and A police force's success or failure cannot be measured with become unduly appalled at such an expenditure I would hate to see the lessened the chance of an attack. statistics. But one thing is certain — the more patrolmen out on price of those packages of Melba Men's dorms offered escort service for women at night. Women the campus, the safer the campus will be. toast escalate to eight cents apiece began walking in groups, for safety in numbers Everyone can sleep easier now the "TCU Strangler" is Women were advised by the Housing and Residential Living believed to be behind bars. But students should not let this Another possible solution would be staff or preventative measures coeds should take so they do not knowledge create a false sense of security. TCU is not immune to equip snack bar employes with gas invite attack. These measures should still be followed: from the dangers of the "real world." It is conceivable, even masks and "jungle-tested" Yard Guard. On Sunday, when the snack — Do not go outside at night alone. probable that the likes of the "TCU Scarf Strangler" will bur is closed, a major gas eradication — Keep doors, windows and screens locked at all times. terrorize this campus again. program could be deployed If Food Barry Morris Dorm invaded by U.S. military forces

; The hallway in the Sadler basement extremely well—by living in the RAs' Another example of military might tighter quarters than in years rooms to those who request them. As it :is quiet Gone are colorful posters very own rooms. was the recent incident of a previous. The ROTC offices may not stands, the University stands to gain depicting the glory of battle, the military commander who noticed an have been the roomiest in the world, an additional $135 per student who : Eventually, as construction crews comradery of khaki clad, All- quit their incessant pounding, some uncomplementary sign in the window but, with a little carpet in the old of- lives alone—why deny students the American boys and girls, studying students decided that a private room of a resident which read "Junk fices, the administration could have privilege? ;their infantry manuals The "new" wasn't worth the hassle But for some ROTC." Thejiall director was in a (1) saved on an exhorbitant ;ROTC has packed its gear and invaded upperclass students who had been bind, trying to decide whether to keep remodeling fee, (2) been prepared for a new installation: Pete Wright hoping this year would feature the on good terms with the military by the 135 students who "took the FOR SALE • Dormitory peace and quiet of their own "place," forcing the residents to remove the Residential Living and Housing office the struggle goes on. sign, or protecting the resident's right by surprise" by signing up for a Pointer pups 12 weeks old. Subject j Just a few years earlier, the Housing of freedom of expression dormitory, (3) had room for expansion to register Liver or tan spots. Call ; Office began boasting of their new Pete Wright Dorm has been the The hassle continues. The brand with a few empty dorm rooms and (4) Steve Bivins 307. "high" occupancy rate. This was the ideal location for these single rooms had enough space to give private :same year the entire first floor of But, as the first floor was quickly new doors which partition off the ■ Foster Hall was beseiged by Housing converted into ROTC battle stations ROTC program are closed to traffic at ;and Psychological Testing. and storage spots for assorted living night, eliminating passageway in the We're building a reputation in the men's luxuries, private rooms went out the dorm Other evidence of ROTC in- I This year, the tune is the same one. window as the dorm filled quickly filtration is the number of file cabinets clothing business, not resting on one. and uniform boxes stored up in Pete :in the September 7 Skiff, Housing The remodeling is nearly complete Wright's attic. Residents aren't Men's and Ladies traditional clo(liiii<: V* furnishings. ■boasted a 90 percent occupancy, which downstairs Residents are still gaping allowed to store their possessions on ;forced residents who had requested at the spacious rooms (formed by the fourth floor, according to housing yrivate rooms to live with other knocking out walls of former rat R*Ballen^er regulations. residents who had requested private holes), a comfortable lounge (with rooms It permitted some lucky seats that don't fall apart) and car- All in all, the movement of the ROTC students to get to know their RAs peting in every office. program to the dorm may have been a bust The administration has cramped 7 Pete Wright residents into much 5110 Camp Bowie Blvd. Next to the Carriage House he Skiff a' —Free BEvERages For Chicks, Friday, & Assoclatrd Press Every Sunday, Monday AND Wednesday- Cindy Ruc.l.y Saturday Nite Edl.or Dan Dorse h James Balls OPEN 11 A.M. Advertising Manal.r Faculty Advisor SANDWICHES TO 2:00 AM FREE DRUNKS Carol Holowlnskl. Managing Editor Rita Miller. News Editor Ham Sklp Hnilandsworlh. Aaat. Managing Editor Gwen Baumann. Asat News Editor POOL & Ed Ttmnu. Associate Editor Brock Akers. Contributing Editor Summer JOMph Polashl. Asat Associate Editor Frank Redder Entertainment sausage TORNADO David Bennett. Sports Editor Brenda Chambers. Photography 83.00 Men Dr. Eaaen Rawllnga - Chairman Chuck Ault. Astt Sports Editor Roast Beef FOOSBALL The Daily Skiff, student newspaper at Texas Christian University, is Pastrami 82.00 Women published Tuesday through Friday during class weeks except review week, i CQM*t*£l 7 Days A Week 2-7 finals week and summer terms Views expressed are those of the students Live Bands r*a?llW(iTON ^j involved and do not necessarily reflect administrative policies of the at University. Third Class postage paid at Fort Worth, Texas Subscription price Wednesday-Friday-Saturday vocJwoRIil HAPPY HOUR 2-7 IS. The Daily Skiff welcomes any letters and maintains the right to edit for SB*} grammar, spelling and community standards. Student IDs must be presented «^Sr- i907 CAMP BOWIE i!>H/|Ki/IM •long with submitted material. 6399 CAMP BOWIE 731-3561 Dr- mursaay, septemper ai, 1977 THE DAILY SKIFFsnirr Moorer sees Soviet threat if canal relinquished - By LAWRENCE L. KNL'TSON "There exists the potential danger for giving this U.S. advantage to a man who surprised that if this treaty is ratified in its present form to see a Soviet and-or Associated Press Writer might allow or might be persuaded that it was in his best interest to allow Soviet Cuban presence quickly established in the country of Panama." WASHINGTON—The Panama Canal could fall under the influence of the Soviet power or influence to prevail by proxy over the canal, in much the same manner Moorer said such a presence would seriously complicate any rights the United Union if the Senate ratifies a treaty relinqdi&hing control to the Republic of as happened in Cuba," said Moorer. States believes it has under the treaty to defend the canal or maintain priority Panama, a former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff told Congress yesterday "I was convinced as chairman of the joint chiefs—and I remain convinced access to it. "It is vital to U.S. interests to retain complete ownership and control of the today—that if the Soviet Union ever gained even proxy sovereignty and control Moorer's testimony came a day after Air Force Gen George S. Brown, the canal," retired Adm Thomas II. Moorer, told the House International Relations over the U.S. Canal Zone and canal . . . U.S. security as well as U.S. prosperity current chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, told a Senate "panel that the treaty Committee in testimony directly at odds with that given by the nation's current would be placed in serious jeopardy." assures the United Slates every right it needs to maintain the perpetual neutrality top military leadership. Moorer said Panama is allied with the Communist regime of Fidel Castro in of the canal. Cuba and asserted that the main reason that the Soviet Union provides heavy Referring to the regime of Cien. Omar Torrijos, the Panamanian chief of state, support to Cuba is its interest in the canal. Brown and Defense Secretary Harold Brown also stressed that there will be a Moorer said there is a potential threat to U.S. national security interests in giving far more dangerous military threat to the security of the canal if the treaty is control of the canal to a "leftist-oriented" government. "We have in fact a Torrijos-Castro-Moscow axis," he said. " . . Do not be rejected than if it is ratified. Exxon accused of foreign bribes Uii On,'* On Ut THE HOLDER OF THIS CARD IS ENTITLED TO CHOICE Of- A FRl-'E By MICHAEL DOAN FROSTY DRAW, OR HALF PRICE Associated Press Writer SHOWDOWN ! WASHINGTON—Exxon, the world's Expires largest corporation, also holds the SHOWDOWN Oct. 13 record for payoffs to foreign officials, government investigators say. "The Amusement Bar" . The Securities and Exchange "M°J 490" Camp Bowie "32-0124 Commission said in a civil complaint Tuesday that the Exxon Corp. paid at least $56.5 million to foreign govern- ments, most of it to Italian officials. Previously, the $38 million by the Lockheed Corp. was the largest total to come out of the government's four- year investigation of bribes paid overseas by American companies. Exxon, while not admitting any guilt, agreed to a permanent in- ^tretc. junction barring it from violating securities laws. There is no U.S. law prohibiting bribery of foreign officials The SEC complaint charged Exxon with failing to disclose the payoffs in its regular l bmuls statements, which are required by the A salute to l In l>i?I securities laws. The TCI) Jazz Ensemble number 1, winner of the 19T7 Stan Kenton's Malagucna ami a version of Barbara So far about 360 companies have Wichita .la/; Festival, will present their debut concert in Streisand's Evergreen plus other big band charts including reported paying off foreign officials. front of the Student Center at 12 noon, Friday. Sept. 30. ■A trubute to the Big Bands of the :(0's and 40's. The band is The SEC has taken 32 firms to court Launching the Parent's Day activates will be such tunes as directed by Curt Wilson. Assistant Director of Bands. Most of the bribes have been to get government contracts or to speed up action on contracts, and are illegal in Federal funds pay city's gas bill many of the countries involved The SEC said Exxon made payoffs CRYSTAL CITY, Tex. (API— The "'-•The surrounding towns of Uvalde, The unpaid bills were amassed as in at least 15 countries Some $55.2 Useyof more than $300,000 in federal Del Rio and Carrizo Springs also had 924-7333 cr 924-7S51 Lo-Vaca tried to pass through to the million was allegedly channeled funds to bail out a South Texas city refused to pay the higher rates but had city-owned gas utility increased costs through Italy by Esso Italiana, from that would not pay its gas bill has placed the disputed funds in escrow. of gas production with the approval of 1963 until at least 1972. upset officials in cities that also the Texas Railroad Commission. In Carrizo Springs paid its bill after the founded themselves facing unforeseen three years, the rates went from 36 Friday shutdown. Exxon had maintained the gas price hikes. cents k>$2 per thousand cubic feel, but Uvalde City Mgr. Jack Caffall payments were legal political con- But Crystal City Mayor Francis™ the city insisted on paying only at the believes his town should also be tributions. but'the-SEC charged much Benavides, a migrant worker like old rate considered for federal aid. of the money went to political parties many other workers, says he still and government officials to influence FUSE T - SHIRTS thinks his improverished town of 8,000 governmental decisions. is justified in accepting federal aid to NEW CAR SURVEY (S4.95 value) At least half the money, il said, was get the gas supplies restored and buy Owners of 76-77 American made sub-compact and sub-compact wagons 1 With each haircut through Saturday, October 1 electric appliances for its residents in spent by VincenzoCazzaniga, who was purchased new receive$15 for your opinion. If interested, call Southwest fired as president of the Italian sub- 2. With each appointment mack' through Saturday, October 1 for a the meantime. later date. (You wilt receive your t-shirt with your haircut.) Research. 292-8428 or evenings & weekend No. 924-3746. sidiary in 1971. The SEC said top-level "They give a lot of foreign aid to Camaros and Gremlins included. places like Israel. At least now it will management knew about these stay in the country," he said. payments, which were allegedly TOISTUDCHTI oniY channeled through 40 unrecorded bank Lo-Vaca Gathering Co. shut down u accounts or overdraft accounts Crystal City's gas supply last Friday COP IN A CAN" after the courts ended a 30-month The protective device that's second only to having a cop around will be dispute ruling that Lo-Vaca had the displayed and sold at the Bookstore all day Friday. September 30. right to shut off the valves for non- payment of past bills totaling $800,000. A MOST EFFECTIVE PROTECTIVE DEVICE' This ad when presented in person or by order is worth TUESDAY, OCTOBER 4th Students to run $1.00 THE RETURN OF towards purchase price Mail orders from Penny Gleghorn, Rt.3, Wills Point, chapel service Texas 75169 VINCE VANCE Te VALIANTS This year's Parents Weekend Celebration Service, scheduled for PLUS A NEW FALL SCHEDULE 9:30 a.m. Sunday at the Robert Can- Chapel, will have a new twist—it will SUN & M0N - DISCO in our cozy and elegant "Chandelier Room" be an entirely student-run service. < Room Highlighting the service will be TUES - Nostalgia Night Live Entertainment theater-religion major Craig Return of "Vince Vance and the Valiants" McElvain's sermon, "Run the Race." Also "King Cobra" formerly "Phil Alpha The service will also feature the and the Mystics" gospel singing group "Voices United" and "Joy," the Wesley Foundation WED - Ladies Night singing group THURS - Dance Contest over SIOO 00 in Cash & Prizes Kyle Allen and Jim Agee will sing "Jubilee," and "Somewhere over the FRI & SAT - See where the foxes play Rainbow," while Terri Wolf will play the piano for the service. Calvin \ CDEC Beverages Rolarch, music director, will lead the rncB s 930 hymns. Sund») through rhunda) Danny Kasper, Tisa Fitzhugh and Jeff Mott will present the scripture NO COVER Sunday through rhursda) readings and prayers. For Unescorted Ladies or College Identification The student-presented Parents After Drink Spet ial Weekend service was the creation of Tku pohr\ iWun l.uihilirUimiwnt \ipht Julie Bates and Marcie Smeck, Parent's Weekend Chairperson. "This service will be a good time for ^l^I^gOl^ parents and students to worship together. We are hoping that many students, as well as the parents, will attend," Smeck said. Following the service, coffee and donuts will be served in the chapel cloisters. FAST CASH PAWN SHOP 1814 W. Berry - 923-8141 NO COVER 10 blocks East of campus Unescorted Ladies CONFIDENTIAL LOANS ON diversity Friday & Sat. Night ANYTHING OF VALUE DRESS A*CCORDINGL Y Jewelry, stereos, TV's, tape recorders, musical instruments, cameras. Open8am-6pm, Mon-Sat. THE DAILY SKIFF Thursday, September 29,1977 Mayor Beame proclaims Arkansos-TCU game 'Babe' comes home rescheduled due to heat % v^Ji for 50th anniversary Saturday's football game between Horned Frogs has been rescheduled the Arkansas Razorbacks and the TCI By WILL (iRIMSLKY from 4 p.m to 7:30 p.m , due to un- AP Special Correspondent seasonably hot weather, TCU officials Many years ago a nameless old dray horse outlived his usefulness and was announced Wednesday. shipped to the slaughterhouse where his hooves were turned into gelatin and Dr H. Lawrence Wilsey," executive slivers of his skin were dispatched to Chicopee, Mass vice-chancellor of TCU, made the At Chicopee, the tough hide was cut into two pieces of leather and sewn around change after confering with Arkansas twine tightly wound over a rubber core center. and TCU officials. A was born. "Because of the uncertainty of a Friday, Sept. 30, 1927, exactly 50 years ago this Friday, Bill Dinneen, break in this unseasonably hot behind home plate, plucked that ball from the pocket tof his blue jacket and weather and the worry about players' handed it to catcher Muddy Ruel of the Washington Senators. Ruel lobbed it to a and fans' well-being and comfort, we big left-handed pitcher named Tom Zachary, who then served it to a pot-bellied feel that it is imperative that we man with pipestem legs named . change the time of the game," said Wham! Coach Dry... TCU Athletic Director Frank Win- Bat came against ball and the ball soared lazily into the right field bleachers of ...the heat got to him degger Yankee Stadium — home run No. 60 for the Babe, a milestone in baseball history. There have been transcendant events which provide unforgettable moments — Charles Lindbergh's landing in Paris, the stock market crash, the death of The Best Selling Novel Is Now Franklin D. Roosevelt, VJ Day, the Kennedy assassination, the first walk on the A Triumphant New Film. In sports, oldtimers clock their memories by Ihe ball that Babe Ruth Aggie MVP hit for No. 60. At mid-day Tuesday, New York Mayor Abraham Beame stood under a . may decide huge portrait of Martin Van Buren in the Blue Room at City Hall and read TCU freshman safety Mirk LaMiart demomtratet the proper way of tackling a from a parchment proclaiming SWC title ballcarrier in last week's game against USC. Allan Roberts (rightl is about to put Friday, Sept 30, 1977 as "Babe Ruth his "two-cents worth" In. Photo by David Bennett By DENNE H. FREEMAN Day." AP Sports Writer "I moved from Manhattan lv., "., It 'was a safety blitz in September NEW CLUB Brooklyn when I was 21," the little, that probably will help write the final I ! lame-duck mayor said. "I became an chapter in December on the Southwest avid Dodger fan but 1.never ceased to Conference football championship. be a Babe Ruth fan. He was the Junior Carl Grulich blazed into the ! TEXAS PEANUT ! greatest sports hero in baseball." Texas Tech backfield from his position Hall of Famer Monte Irvin, now an as Texas A&M's free safety to nail aide to Baseball Commissioner Bowie quarterback Rodney Allison last Kuhn. said he never would lose those Saturday. They both went down in a ZEPHYR boyhood visions of the Babe circling tangle and Allison suffered a broken the bases after one of his towering bone in his left leg. 5115 Well view shots. "I just contained him, wrapped him "He had a perfect home run stroke," around the waist while he was Irvin recalled "He lofted the ball, twisting," said Grulich. "The weight / block North of South Loop giving it a tremendously high of my body landed on his foot at an trajectory. What impressed me, a bug- " angle ..it was a freak thing." 820 and McCart. eyed llyear-old, more than anything Grulich added, "I'm sorry it hap- was how such spindly legs could pened but it wasn't even a hard support so massive a man." tackle." | Featuring Free Love 5 nights a week. | A reporter stayed around to learn The 6-foot-l, 200-pounder from Bibi Andersson -Kathleen Quinlan'Sylvia Sidney that the ball was caught by a 40-year- Richardson Pearce made 13 solo Marline Bartlett - Lorraine Gary -Signe Has*o Bring this ad for free drink old fan named Joe Forner. who lived tackles, seven assists, tipped three Susan Tyrrell -Diane Varsi at 1937 First Avenue, Manhattan. passes and sacked the quarterback i.f.uii.rftodrtmRoger Corman & Daniel H Blatt The fan later rushed to the dressing two times for minus 37 yards in AftM's pr<>du—i^s..,-\ 10% off y Radio Controlled for Fastest Delivery! with ID Good only at this store ■fifi "FORT WORTH'S KING OF LIVE ROCK & ROLL''

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