President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports Council Members And
List of Members 5/17/06 2:55 PM Page 64 The President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports 50 Years Promoting Health and Fitness PRESIDENT’S COUNCIL ON PHYSICAL FITNESS AND SPORTS COUNCILMEMBERS AND EXECUTIVES (July 1956 - May 2006) Administration: Dwight D. Eisenhower W. Willard Wirtz, Secretary of Labor July 16, 1956: President’s Council on Youth Fitness Luther Hodges, Secretary of Commerce Established John Conner, Secretary of Commerce Richard M. Nixon, Vice President, Chairman (1956-57) Robert Kennedy, Attorney General Fred Seaton, Secretary of the Interior, Chairman Robert Weaver, House and Home Finance (1957-58) Administration Ezra Benson, Secretary of Agriculture Charles (Bud) Wilkinson, Consultant to the President on James Mitchell, Secretary of Labor Physical Fitness Herbert Brownell, Jr., Attorney General Richard (“Dick”) Snider, Council Administrator Neil McElroy, Secretary of Defense Marion Folsom, Secretary of Health, Education & Welfare Administration: Lyndon B. Johnson Arthur Fleming, Secretary of Health, Education & Council renamed President’s Council on Physical Fitness Welfare and Sports Lewis Strauss, Secretary of Commerce Anthony Celebrezze, Secretary of Health, Education & Frederick Mueller, Secretary of Commerce Welfare, Chairman (1963-67) Albert Cole, House and Home Finance Administration Vice President Hubert H. Humphrey, Chairman (1968) Shane McCarthy, Executive Director and Consultant to the President Orville Freeman, Secretary of Agriculture Administration: John F. Kennedy W. Willard Wirtz, Secretary of Labor
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