TABLE of CONTENTS 1. Cover Letter 2. Land Use Permit Application 3
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TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Cover Letter 2. Land Use Permit Application 3. Project Description Appendix A – Letters of Support Appendix B – Emergency Response/Spill Plan Appendix C – NTS Maps (1:250,000 Scale) 4. Maintenance Activities List 5. Maps and Ice/Winter Road Information 6. Borrow Pit/Quarry Pit Sketches 7. Borrow/Quarry Pit, Granular Stockpiles, Temporary Construction/Work Camp and Water Extraction Locations Summary Sheets GNWT Department of Transportation Land Use Permit Application Public Highway Operations and Maintenance Mackenzie Highway (NWT No. 1) – km 260 to km 800 And Public Access Roads DEH CHO REGION (Fort Simpson Region GNWT DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION LAND USE PERMIT APPLICATION Operations and Maintenance of NWT Public Highways And Other Transportation Infrastructure DEH CHO REGION (FORT SIMPSON REGION) Mackenzie Highway (NWT No. 1) km 260 To km 800 Submitted to the MACKENZIE Valley Land and Water Board APRIL 2009 Northwesto Territories Transportation April 06, 2009 Ms. Tyree Mullaney Regulatory Officer Mackenzie Valley Land & Water Board 7th Floor - 4910 50th Avenue P.O. Box 2130 Yellowknife, N.w.T., X1A2P6 RE: LAND USE PERMIT APPLICATION Operations and Maintenance of NWT Public Highways and other Transportation Infrastructure - Deh Cho Region Mackenzie Highway (NWT No.1) km 260 to km 800 Please find fifty-two (52) copies of our complete Land Use Permit Application for the ongoing operations and maintenance of our Public Highway System and other transportation infrastructure in the Deh Cho Region (Fort Simpson Region) which includes the following highways, mads and airports/airstrips; Mackenzie Highway - km 260 to km 800, Trout Lake Winter Road, Jean Marie River Access Road, Boots Access Road, Four Mile Access Road, Fort Simpson Access Road, Mackenzie Valley Winter Road (km 690 to km 800) and the Wrigley, Trout Lake, Jean Marie River, and Fort Simpson •.6,irports. We are requesting an initial five (5) year Land Use Permit for the purpose of carrying out the Department of Transportation's ongoing operations and maintenance of our highway system as described in the Public Highways Act and our Airports/Airstripsand access to sand and gravel for other GNWT or local community requirements in the Deh Cho Region. The GNWT Department of Transportation previously held a Land Use Permit, N2001 E0063, to carry out these activities, which has since expired. All activities to be undertaken by this Land Use Permit Application are the same as those undertaken previously and there will be no noticeable difference in our ongoing operations and maintenance activities.· We have included all the appropriate documentation, including the required mapping, and a copy of our HMMS Maintenance Standards in relation to all of the activities identified in our permit application. ... I 2 Government of the Northwest Territories, P.O. Box 1320, Yellowknife, NT Canada X1A 2L9 ® ... 2 ... In the reporting structure for the proposed undertaking and future field activities, there will be two primary contacts for the Department; Rod Gunderson for the ongoing Operations and Maintenance activities in the region and myself, Manager of Technical Services for our Highways Division at the Headquarters/Corporate level. Each will be responsible for management of their inherent activities, however, the main point of contact will remain with myself at Headquarters. We have addressed all issues that were identified by yourself during the initial review of our Permit Application submission, NovemberlDecember 2008, and trust that you will find that all is in order. Should you require additional information, please contact me by email at Larry_Purcka or by phone at (867) 873-7647 or (867) 765-8412 (cell). Yours Sincerely, Larry Purcka Manager Technical Services Highway & Marine Division Department of Transportation cc Rod Gunderson, District Superintendent, Highway Operations, Transportation, Fort Simpson C;.,\(,;.;..e_n.z.ie_ :< ~~ ~ Mackenzie VaDey Land and Water Board 7th Floor - 4910 50th Avenue P.O. Box 2130 YELLOWKNIFE NT XIA 2P6 Phone (867) 669-0506 FAX (867) 873-6610 Application for: New Land Use Permit X Amendment D to Fax number: 867-695-3029 1. Appli cant's name and mailing address: Telephone number: 867-695-2478 695-3022 De partment of Tra nsportation Cell 867-445-7342 Government of the Northwest Te.'ritOio ies clo PO Box 86 Global Star Sat 403-997-5758 Fort Sim pson, NWT U.oidium Sat 88 11 651495803 XOEONO Res idence 867-695-3322 Attention: Rod Gunderson 2. Head office address: Fax number: 867-873-0288 Department of T ra nsportation Government of the Nort hwest Territories PO Box 1320 Yellowknife, N\ VT Telephone number: 867-873-7647 XIA 2L9 Cell 867-765-8412 Attention: Larry Purcka Radiotelephone: 3. Other personnel (subcontractor, contractors, company sta ff etc.) See attached list of Transportation contacts list a nd Transportation contl"actor's list TOTAL: (Number of persons on site) 4. Eligibi lity: (Refer to section 18 of the Mackenzie Valley Land Use Regulations) a)( i) a)( ii ) a)(iii) !illiL b)(i i) 5. a) Sununary of operation (Describe purpose, nature and location of all activities.) The 'Operation' will consist of the following: - The continuous and ongoing operation and maintenance of the existing NWT Public Highway system within the permit area along the Mackenzie Highway between kilometre 260 (Axe Handle Creek) and kilometre 800 (Mackenzie Valley Winter Road) which includes Community Access Roads for Fort Simpson, Jean Marie River, Trout Lake, Willow Lake River Settlement, \Vrigley, as listed under the Highways Act as Commissions Land for the Gov't of the NWT, and includes highway and airpOl·t infrastructure: (Le. roadway embankment and bridge and culvert maintenance and replacement, \Vinter Roads and Ice Bridge const.·uction and maintenance, airstrip surfacing and Marine (Ferry) Services and operations). All maintenance and operations will be undertaken following the Standards for Highway maintenance as outline in the Highway Maintenance Management System Manual, normal construction practices and in accordance with the various regulatory agencies, as applicable; - The Permit area will be two (2) kilometres in width, one (1) kilometre on each side of the existing public highway/roadway centerline through the entire length of the permit area including access roadsj - To develop and obtain granular borrow materials, common materials, blast rock, rip-rap, clay, sand and gravel, from ; areas outside the existing 60 metre wide Public Highway corridor through applications to INAC for Quarrying Permits; - To place and maintain granular stockpiles at existing or approved quarry sites for the pUl"pose of ongoing maintenance and operations of the public highn'ay system within the permit area; - To place temporary construction/work camps at existing quarry or previously developed sites within the permit area for the purpose of carrying out maintenance and operations of the roadways within the permit area j - To temporarily store maintenance and operations equipment at the various existing quarry or other previously developed sites within the permit area while carrying out these activities in the areaj - To access water sources, as approved, for the ongoing maintenance and operations of the public highway system within the permit area; and - To have right of access and priority status within one kilometre (1000 metres) left and .·ight ofthe roadway center line ofthe highway corridor for the purpose of quarry pit development and drainage channel construction. b) Please indicate if a camp is to be set up. (Please provide details on a separate page, if necessary.) - The placement of temporary construction/work camps will be required to carry out temporary constructionlroadway improvement activities with regards to the ongoing operation and maintenance ofthe public highway system within the permit area (i.e. gravel production, granular resurfacing, chipseal ovel'lays, culvert maintenance and replacement, embankment widening and improvements, winter road const.·uction and maintenance, ice bridge construction and maintenance, drainage improvements, right-of-way maintenance). These temporary construction/work camps will be set up in existing or previously developed quarry areas (See attached mapping). 6. Summary of potential environmental and resource impacts (describe the effects of the proposed land-use operation on land, water, flora & fauna and related socio-economic impacts). Use separate page if necessary.) - See attached Project Description 7. Proposed restoration plan (please use a separate page if necessary). - See attached Project Description 8. Other rights, licenses or pennits related to this pennit application (Inineral rights, timber pennits, water licenses, etc.) - As in the 'Description of Undertaking' - All public roads within the Permit area as identified in the Public Highways Act which includes; all-weather roads, seasonal winter roads, ice bridges and community access roads and community Airports/Airstrips. ~IR~o~a~d~s'~' ____-=I s~t~ru~'s~t~o ~re~alP~io~n~e~er~ed~ro~a~d~?-lN~O!-__________~ H~as~th~e~r~ou~t~e~~~n~I~a~id~o~u~t ~o~r~w~o~u~nd~tru~th~e~d~?~N~/~A~ ______~1 9. Proposed disposal methods. a) Garbage: c) Brush & trees: All ga"age will be taken to the local Land Fill sites As per requirements as listed under the conditions of the ie Ft. Simpson, Jean Marie, Wrigley, etc. permit; salvage or disposed of by burning, etc. b) Sewage (Sanitary & Grey Water): d) Overburden (Organic soi ls, waste material, etc.);