Foreign Fisheries

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Foreign Fisheries 0 (._,. 111 . Government of Canada Gouvernernent du Canada I+ Fisheries and Oceans Peches et Oceans RECEIVED MnV ;>9 1979 1 0 Ref. No.,;('// FISH HABITAT DFO li lllll~~~~ lill rnll~l li ~~(ll li iil q ue MANAGEMENT BRANCH 12021041 FOREIGN FISHERIES E~STERN BLOC LANDINGS,, SELECTED SPECIES,, 1971-77 PREPARED BY: RAZIUDDIN M. SIDDIQUI STATISTICS, INTELLIGENCE & INDUSTRY MONITORING ECONOMIC POLICY BRANCH DEPARTMENT OF FISHERIES AND OCEANS NT ARIO HD 9464 . C32 S5 no . l D ·: . ' ' . " 1 . ..._ . .... ..'.'.'. /\ "J Vl...l:..\NS B~liLlO i'HE(JuE PECHES ET OCEANS F 0 R E I G N F I S H E R I E S EASTERN BLOC LANDINGS., SELECTED SPECIES., 1971-77 NOVEMBER 1979 PREPARED BY: RAZZIUDDIN M, SIDDIQUI STATISTICS., -INTELLIGENCE & fNDUSTRY MONITORING ECONOMIC POLICY BRANCH DEPARTMENT OF FISHERIES AND OCEANS OTTAWA., ONTARfO TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Introduction . 1 Eastern Bloc 2 Albania 3 Bulgaria 4 Czechoslovakia . 4 Germany Dem. Rep. 4 Hungary 5 Poland . 5 Romania 6 U.S.S.R. 6 Conclusion 7 APPENDIX Nominal Catch, Selected Species, 1971-77 Table 1. Bulgaria Table 2. Germany Dem. Rep. Table 3. Poland Table 4. Romania Table 5. U.S.S.R. INTRODUCTION This review describes the pattern and level of landings during the period 1971 through 1977 in the eight Eastern Bloc countries. It is hoped that the kriowledqP of fishery landings in the past will orove useful in identifying potential opportunities for the Canadian · fishing industry. The U.S.S.R. is the second most important harvester (after Japan) of fish and shellfish in the world. Besides, the U.S.S.R., some seven countries are covered in this Review. Among these Bulgaria, East Germany, Poland and Romania are the more important harvesters. The landings of marine fish in Albania are extremely small while the catch in Czechoslovakia and Hungary consists entirely of freshwater fish. For this reason, the 11 Review 11 focusses on catches in the five major harvesting countries in the Eastern Bloc. As there is a wide range of species of fish and shellfish, it was felt that in order to provide a more complete supply picture, given the possibility of substitution, the species with landings of 1,000 metric tons or over in any given year during the period under review (1971-77) must be included. However, the selected species in the U.S.S.R. represent landings of 5,000 metric tons or over. This adjustment was necessary due on.rtly to the very larqe nuP.lber of species which are harvested by the U.S.S.R. and in part to its huge landings. The tables in the appendix provide more detailed information on catches for mn.jor selected species. - 2 - EASTERN BLOC In 1977, the total nominal fisheries catch by the Eastern Bloc countries amounted to 10.6 million metric tons compared to 7.9 million metric tons in 1971. However, aggregate landings in 1977 were lower by 8 percent compared with 1976 when s~ · landings amounted to 11.5 million metric tons. Most of the reduction was caused by a decline in the Russian catch during 1977 . Among the countries of the Eastern Bloc, the U.S.S.R. is by far the most important harvester of fish. In 1977, despite a substantial reduction in its catch, the U.S.S.R. accounted for 88 percent of the Bloc's total nominal . .. eaten ~ Poland .occupied second place'. Its snare in the .Bloc's total nominal catch ~as 6 percent. Germany was in third place accounting for about 2 percent of the nominal catch. Bulgarian and Romanian share in the total nominal catch was over 1 percent each. Tne other three countries Albania, Czechoslavakia and Hungary combined accounted for about one half of one percent of Eastern Bloc's total nominal catch. I!~L' l. ~OMrn8~ C8ICti i tJ' COl!tlIBY. EMI~Btl ~ Lnc JQZh 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 (METRIC TONS) Albania 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 Bulgaria 101,400 111 ,000 102,200 118 ,675 158, 113 167,097 138' 132 Czechoslovakia 13,900 15,200 15,400 15,855 16,940 17,364 18.,2~ - Germany Dem. Rep. 338,100 335,600 364,600 363,200 376, 186 279,405 209,391 Hungary 25,800 28,900 29, 100 30, 159 30,788 31,855 . 34 ,661 Poland 517,600 544,000 579,600 678,954 800,737 750,027 664,676 Romania 67,800 84,400 101 , 900 129 ,305 136,624 127 '197 150 '~01 U.S.S.R. 7,337,000 7,756,900 8,618,700 9,235,594 9,935,606 10,133,670 9,352,204 TOTAL CATCH 8,405,600 8,880,000 9,815,500 10,575,742 11 ,458,994 11 ,510 ,615 10,572,031 - 3 - During 1977, the catch of selected species (landings of 5,000 m.t. for the U.S.S.R. and landings of 1,000 m.t. for other countries) in the Eastern Bloc totalled 9.9 million metric tons compared with 7.9 million metric tons in 1971. However, the catch of selected species declined by 1.2 million tons between 1976 and 1977, mainly reflecting reduced landings in the U.S.S.R. In 1977, the selected species accounted for over 93 percent of the total nominal catch as against 94 percent in 1971 and nearly 97 percent in 1976. Among the Eastern Bloc countries, Romania was the only country to register a small increase which amounted to about 20,000 metric tons during 1977. The catch in Czechoslovakia and Hungary consisted mostly of carps and trouts. The catch in the "tWo afore-mentioned countries is relatively small to have any effect on the aggregate catch of the Eastern Bloc. TABLE 2. NOMINAL CATCH 2 SELECTED SPECIES, EASTERN BLOC, 1971-77 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 (METRIC TONS) Albania :· . - . Bulgaria 84,400 87' 100 88,800 93,104 148 ,658 161 ,609 128,512 Czechoslovakia Germany D.R. 317,300 323,200 340,600 357,038 368,379 272,002 201, 726 Hungary Poland 472 ,500 -507,700 561,800 658, 1.31 773,026 730,021 643,287 Romania 59,400 78,800 97,200 124,411 132,559 123,217 143 ,594 U.S.S.R. 6,990,400 7,396,500 8,342,200 8,892,246 9,599,393 9,732,257 8,762,760 ' TOTAL CATCH 7,924,000 8,393,300 9,430,600 10, 124,930 11,022,015 11 , 109 '106 9,879,879 ALBA~IA Albania's total nominal catch, which consists of marine fishes, is estimated at 4,000 metric tons for each year during the period under review .. However, data are .not ava,ilable on individual srecies. - 4 - BULGARIA Bulgaria's catch of the selected species in 1977 amounted to over 128,000 metric tons, 93 percent of its total nominal catch. Cape horse mackerel, European pilchard, cape hake, jack & horse .mackere1s - and sprat were the five most important species. The combined catch of these five species was 98,000 metric tons, nearly 71 percent of the total nominal catch. Common carp, capelin, chub mackerel, Atlantic mackerel and short-finned squid were the other important species. The combined landings of these species amounted to over 25,000 metric tons or 18 perceht of the total nominal catch. In surrmary these ten species accounted for about 90 percent of the Bulgarian catch. CZECHOSLOVAKIA Czechoslovakia's catch consists of freshwater fish. In 1977, its total nominal catch amounted to 18,200 metric tons compared with 15,200 metric tons in 1971. The landings of cormion carp alone amounted to nearly 15,000 metric tons during 1977. The remainder were trout and other freshwater fish. GERMAN DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC In 1977, Germany's landings of selected species were over 202,000 metric tons, 96 percent of its total nominal catch. The five most important species were Atlantic herring, Atlantic redffsh, Atlantic cod, sprat and European pilchard. The combined catch of these five species amounted to over 13l~OOO m~tric tons, 6~ p~rcent ' 6f the total nominal catch. - 5 - The catch of jack~ horse, Greenland halibut, pollack, common carp and Atlantic mackerel totalled over 50,000 metric tons, 24 percent of the total nominal catch. In all, these ten species accounted for 87 percent of the total nominal catch. HUNGARY In 1977, Hungary's catch of freshwater fish amounted to nearly 35,000 metric tons as against 29,000 metric tons during 1971. The breakdown by species is not available. POLAND Among the Eastern Bloc countries, Poland is the second most important harvester of fisheries. In 1977 its catch of selected species amounted to over 643,000 metric tons, 97 percent of the total nominal catch. Its catch of the five most imrortant species, European pilchard, cape horse mackerel, Atlantic herring, Atlantic cod and sprat amounted to 371 ,000 metric tons, 56 percent of the total nominal catch. Sardinellas, cape hake, North vPacific hake, Atlantic mackerel and common carp were some of the other more important species. The combined landings of these species totalled over 133,000 metric tons, 20 percent of the total nominal catch. The aggregate landings of pollack, jack & horse mackerels, silver scabbardfish, South African pilchard and Antarctic cod were in excess of 55,000 metric tons, over 8 percent of the total nominal catch. The 15 species combined accounted for nearly 85 percent of Poland's total nominal catch in 1977. - 6 - ROMANIA Romania's catch of selected species amounted to nearly 144,000 metric tons, 95 percent of its total nominal catch.
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