CURRICULUM- VITAE Name Dr. Vinit Kumar Correspondence Address Assistant Professor Institute of Environmental Science Bundelkhand University, Jhansi-284128 Mobile No. +919451170407 E-mail:
[email protected] Date of Birth 10/12/1976 Nationality Indian Marital Status Married Educational Qualifications: Level Degree Institute/ Year Subject(s) Fellowshi Class/ Rank/ University p/ Divi- Medal/ with Scholar- sion/ Award major field ship Grade/ Marks Graduation B.Sc. C.C.S. Uni. 1996 Zoology, - 1st Div. Meerut Botany, Chem. 63.2% Masters M.Sc. Do 1998 Economic - 1st Div. Botany, Plant 69.7% Breeding, Bio Chem. Etc. Ph.D* Do 2004 Botany - - PG Diploma Env. & IGNOU Dec ,2009 Agriculture & - I st Div. - Sustaina New Environ., NRM, 64.2% ble Dev. Delhi etc. PG Diploma Disaster IGNOU, Dec.2012 Natural ,Man- - 68.2% - Manage New Made disaster ment Delhi Etc. NET ASRB June Economic - - - - (ICAR) 2004 Botany * Date of Registration of Ph. D 21st November, 1998 Ph.D. Topic- Studies on the efficacy of Azospirillum brasilense and Bacillus polymixa on fixing nitrogen, solubilizing phosphate and their effects on growth and yield of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) * Date of Viva-voce/completion of Ph. D 12th November, 2003/ 15th February, 2004 Employment Record & Experience (Starting from the present position) Designation Pay Scale/ Nature of Organization Institution & Period Pay Band work Place of posting (From-To) Assistant 15600- Bundelkhand Teaching & 12/02/2005 to Professor 39100 University, Jhansi (UP) Research till date (AGP- Jhansi 7000 ) Research 11500+ 13/05/2003 to NBPGR (ICAR) Associate HRA Research New Delhi 11/02/2005 NATP (PB) Guiding Research to the Students Registered for Ph.