CONCORDIA THEOLOGICAL QUARTERLY Concordia Theological Quarterly, a continuation of The Springfielder, is a theological journal of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, published for its ministerium by the faculty of Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne, Indiana. Its website is at ctq/ index.html. Editor: David P. Scaer Associate Editors: Douglas McC. L. Judisch Lawrence R. Rast Jr. Book Review Editor: William C. Weinrich Members of the Editorial Committee: Charles A. Gieschen, Richard T. Nuffer, Timothy C. J. Quill, Dean 0. Wenthe Editorial Assistant: Kim Hosier The Faculty: James G. Bollhagen Richard E. Muller Randall A. Schroeder Eugene W. Bunkowske Richard T. Nuffer Klaus Detlev Schulz Carl C. Fickenscher II John T. Pless William C. Weinrich Daniel L. Gard Timothy C. J. Quill Dean 0. Wenthe Charles A. Gieschen Lawrence R. Rast Jr. Roland Ziegler Douglas McC. L. Judisch Richard C. Resch Harold H. Zietlow Arthur A. Just Jr. Robert V. Roethemeyer Melvin L. Zilz Cameron A. MacKenzie Douglas L. Rutt Emeriti in Residence: Walter A. Maier John W. Saleska Eugene F. A. Klug Walter A. Maier III David P. Scaer Daniel G. Reuning Kurt E. Marquart Peter J. Scaer Raymond E. Surburg Concordia Theological Quarterly is indexed in Religion Index One: Periodicals and abstracted in Old Testament Abstracts and New Testament Abstracts. CTQ is also indexed in the ATLA Religion Database, published by the American Theological Library Associatioon, 250 S. Wacker Drive, 16th Floor, Chicago, Illinois 60606, E-mail:
[email protected], WWW: Manuscripts should conform to the Chicago Manual of Style and are subject to peer review and editorial modification.