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Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues) Bulloch County Historical Newspapers

6-9-1949 Bulloch Times (Statesboro News-Statesboro Eagle)

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Recommended Citation "Bulloch Times (Statesboro News-Statesboro Eagle)" (1949). Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues). 2499.

This newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Bulloch County Historical Newspapers at Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. It has been accepted for inclusion in Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues) by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. For more information, please contact [email protected]. JlULLOCB 'rIMES AND STATI!:S80RO NL.vs THURSDAY, JUNE 2, 1949 I BACKWARD LOOK I The True Memorial TEN YEARS AGO Frolll Bulloeh 18 AN UNWRITTEN BUT ELU· Times, June 8 1939 A. P. Kendrick, former citizen of S QUENT STORY OF ALL THAT died on May 14th at his h tates?oro, Hampton, Va., after a brief (STATESBORO NEW8-8TATESBORO EAGLE) IS BEST IN LIFE. ili';!�:n Announcement made that Herbert reflect �6 BllIlocb TIm., lltabltabed 18l1li Our ,\.ork helps to B. Kennedy has been named national CoIIIolldatecl olulIIII7 l". 111" medical State.boro N.� Eatahll.hed 11101 PRE-NUPTIAL PARTIES spirit which prompts you to erect director of til.! Woodmen of I the World Life Stataaboro "I., Bltabll.bed 1817-CouoUatad O-bar 8.1_ reverenee Insurance , of- Mrs. C. B. Math",ws nnd Mr'S. E. L. the stone as an act of ' Society fices m Omaha Neb " Personal at a and devotion . • • Our experieDC6 Purely Barnes were hostesses lovely First open �otton' blooms of the the week end at St. Simons. I is at aervi�. season Ken, spent bridge party and handkerchief shower your were brought to the Times of- Statesboro Pilots ' Miss Bell Ellis. of Register, is fice last Thu",day-JUDe 1. Ten . vis- Wodnesday afternoon of last week in years Retain Robert of Oglethorpe, the first , Fourth Place English, awhile with her sister, Mrs. ago bloom wa8' brought in 0U 5terl spending, who ' I of Miss etC b M. honor Betty McLemore, THAYER COMPANY Statuboro ited Saturday .with i1i� aunb, �rs. of the nyu. who I"'Jt week John Everett. MONUMENt Kerne.,' �otl, become the bride of Robert Chi-solm Ada�:lre were M. Holland. ,., A Local 'SIDee 11122 32!���nft� 'I- recorded as tied for "r of is Industry Two ' tourth of :r.hss Nancy Mercer, Camilla, , Mrs. E. ·M. Mount, In a beautiful ceremony taking place Mr. and JOHN M. THA Le I� . plale In the O,eechee have I th'e week with Misses Elaine YEa, Proprietor Ro�:l.!t League, visitors here spending at the Statesboro are business last Bap­ . j Ga inesville, evening 41i Main Street PHONE 439 G•• mo"ed up one are ' pe,-today and Berta Sue West. Statel£!oro, In��:i:sboro�dJl86nr� A aI EIV-C,.10'n they were invited to the , were for a few days. tist church Guests hO!!ured by recoraitlon III UI8 ,untted tor the place. R.ln bist and K J. and (1apr-tf) night Lt. Com. A. M. Gulledge, of Mr. Register where mapaille ...... n- will be the I Mr�, home Mrs. Mathews, yellow oCollege utataadlng count., , Mr. 'and Mrs. T. L. 'announce �f Raymo,!d Haran prevented a ,ame here, the the Hagan lora on • Tonl,ht S. the week end Jerry and Nell, spent the II« aamp1l8,n I Charleston, C., spent daughters, ' lil;"'s and white hydrangeas form­ 4-H Club president for next l>iIots the birth of a son, Thomas Logan Jr., day Brannen and II(rs. Frank In the trial oJ the _ Lon- play the Thomson team here. week end at Savannah Beach. . qalut IMAtlL,''IfI' there, with his family decorations. Individual MR. AND MRS. GODBEE .va:a, the retlults of an election h at the Bulloch Hos­ ed exquisite :,ue Lanier. cbaraed with c:ompllcltt ,....11. TO per year,: and tomorrow those will Mc- and May 25, County ,��:�.es night team. Mr. and Mrs. Tom McGee, of btl... Donald Lundberg son, 10 the cakes iced in 'green and em­ HOSTS AT BRIDGE I �Iaylng of Charle. 1.. Dalllrh�, Snturday the count., COUJIcll, ..... pital. M"". Was Mi�s wedding Mrs. Jake Smith and Oi b., pia., in Statfiboro. are the week with of N. are her Hagan formerly MiifS Maxnnn Donough, spending Alan, Ithica, Y., visiting were A was transferred from SCI'8oren count., lut . with white lilies served lovely evening party given mond I, the pre,ldent of tie Catherine Lanier. bossed HEAD R retiring . honored Miss at a Bulloch ' McLemore de- (jUTE 301 H. Howell. and Mrs. R. J. Brown. Foy county rendered a bill her father, Henry parents, Mr. and minted • Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. John Gold- wee�, Brooklet 4-H Club and haa 'Served" • ••• with ice cream gingoar ale, against Screven for costa Mr. and Mrs. Rex Hodge'S and son, Hobson Donaldson IightfiJ1 informal party Friday after- $1,122.72 .J.. Mr. and AI.Allred - ' • Do-an --"dentIl'...,... Mr�. Mr. and Mrs. Bernon Gay announce cherries and roasted n"ts. Beautiful bee entertaining with bridge at their In the case: presIdent of the LeefieId c Iub - WISE TO attended the horse races in noon at the hor&e of Mrs. Smith. The I FOLLOW' 'Eddie, in Athens with their spent Sunday the birth of a Emma Kate, on a silver on Church street, where a va­ �ocial events: Mr. and Mr•. Clark Of HoMter Which three term8. He Mia, afternoon. daughter, handkerchiefs arranged Group succeedl! 1m , 1 Glennville Thursday student at the Univer- rooms were attractive, with gladioli. h.ome Willcox alld Mrs. A. have reo son, a summer Temples . Balfll, James; at the Hos­ McLe­ of flowers . May 28th, Bulloch County were to Miss Promotes Tobaeeo Trail Creasy, of Nevils. ImIlL - and presented dee­ Mr. and Mrs. Jim Denmark tray Individual cakes and assorted party rlet� fo�"d tumed�from New YorIs where the., 'm' POINTERS sity.' Mrs. was Miss Refreshments consisted serve -�th also . the pital. Gay formerly more, and she was the treclpient &trended the World's Elected to W'.�Raymond' I . children, Ann and Donna, spent were served with �ratlons. �f J.l'alr.-Stanle." I' and M V F A sandwiches punch. Alfred Dorman waa named ThII TimeI Elde Garaldina lee cream E. Watera on of the Mr. and presi- were y,Application Of gal.' Collins, of Metter. of a of from her host­ I in ginger ale, •• late starting In September, week end with relatives in' Waynes- :s',' piece crystal . was a of di sometime In M',1SS0UM anarde • •• • Mis'S given piece .individual J, N...... I dent of the Tobacco Trail Association Pest Controls Will spen mg Franklin a recent McL:more cakes and For score M�s. Waters, graduated a. vlce-nreJP, Make 01'0. esses. Mrs. Paul Jr., candy.. high Brannen, Nevils, girls' .. b from son eh00I e ndllana, wereh hcC iIS conducti109 meet- Mr, and Mrs. E. B. Rushing Jr., of silver in her pattern. Those attending FrIday night tht Wil S at th meeting of that orgaization For Improved Co II with Mc­ won a tea nditiollll will arrive to- . honors Miss, prizes J.oc Trapnell o dent; .Heyward Moml, Stillon, .� Miss Sally Ser;on bride, shared .. Mys. f Law, Athens, announce the birth of a daugh­ were Miss McLemore Mis Frieda held laat week in N. C. Mr. to lOgS. two Fen­ I a Atlanl,t.. ••. DUD, From time to tllIl'e day from Mercer University Lemore and was presented towel and Mr. 'Ti'apll'ail received boys' vtce-prest ent: Boots 'Be""rIJj your health de- Remer Proctor of Atlanta, spent Jane at the Gernant Miss Jakie M'18S Dorman wlll .8rv8 spend' Jr., ter, May 25, Athens . , W, for the 1949-50 T. E. Dale, a 'UPSh: s TWENTY YEARS AGO. partment to sometime with h I' mother, Mrs. ton bowls. For high score in bridg.., h'avmg k"tI. For cut \""orth McDoU- Register, ...cretary; Bobb., Thompson, attempts place before the Re- Beasle"'j, last week with his father, Judge General Hospital. Mrs. Rushing was Vera Bell, Mrs. Bing Philips, Mrs. From 1929 year. He succeeds A. A. WIl- wa� won won BaIlOCII Tim.... JUlie 8, Rutfin, people of Bulloch S'rson. box of chocolate candy by ,::ald crystal mints. Guests were, Leefeld, treasurer; San Ta.,lor, county thoughts or mer Proctor, and Mr. and Mrs. Josh the. former Mh;s J'aan Orner, of C"own Sam Rice, Mrs. Hinton Booth, MI's. Miss ltuth McDougald lett ThUl'1!. son, N. C, D. Worth JOfD8r Rock Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Bennett and fOI' Iowa salad Mr. and Mrs. Joo Mr. and y and Mr. alld Ml's. K. D, recommendatiOIlJl Mi�3 Helen Rowse; Trapnell, . tal, reporter, concerning timely T. Nesmith. Ind. Earl Miss Rita Foilis and Mrs. New York, Wa'Bhington, At- Mount of Waycross, were Point, Serson, daY.for N {l., d fI' health daughter, Patricia, set went to Mrs. Albett Braswell, and Mrs. Worth McDougald, Mr. and Mrs. Wilde and Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Bra� SUbjects. All 'Buch recom- and • • • • I . 1\Ir. and Mrs. A. F. Shulier chil- E. W. Barnes. us enn . visitors with Mr. Mrs. L. 188 a on Who 8 been t Ruf-· Knameed'1,rstGlvlce.enn.. mend are recent �nd Mr. and of .the Dryad salt and pep­ Zach' Smith', 'Mr.' and Mrs. Lamor lanMUc CMltyriand CCle""land.ooper, Ohiha0' nen advIsors.. atlons ,*,,,,,d on looal or of ware Sun- Mrsl Hugh Edenfield, floating prize, ',presl'de'nt: Savannah, guests A on aft­ dren, lovely courtesy Saturday uttending BI'IJnau College, Gainesville ville second vice-pl'ellident' and John Seligman. to Miss McLemore. Mrs. Mr. and Mr's. E. W, and named,Por·1 state-wide facts of proven authentlc- a Trapnell Barnes, Beverly of her Mr. and Mrs. Athinta, announce the birth of pers, went will visit relatives In befor� Raymond par"nts, 'arnoon was the with C - I Mrs. Rex Hodges .. nd Mrs. Frank day seated tea given Ilacon Thomas Wilson,..,N C secretary Rebecca at. Mrs. A. S. Kelly and Mr. and Mrs. Inman Jr., Miss home. delega"'s for the county 4-ft ity. daughter, Dianne, May 28, O. L. McLemore, Foy returning ' voting a few Henry Lanier, Mrs. J. E. Mrs. D. L. Thomas re.sorer. Hodges and son, Conner, spent Guardia, to t" e heaI Atlanta. Lou Carmich... 1 called fo.r Virginia, Miss Lila and Georgia Nonnal summer school clb'u s all dlstnct and state meeto- Th th department wishes at and Mrs. the Mi.s Mary Durden, Brady at, ' S. C. Alien Sr, Georgia Baptist I . Mrs, Percy Hospital, week at Savan- Miss Guardia enter­ The exeeutlve . I the past and Genevieve op.n , June 11' atteDdanee comml'ttee for next days during were Mi•• Monday , and Hazel wi 11 th·IS partIcular time to lind of Savannah, Mrs. Edenfi'ald was formerly Mis tea. Others playing bridge Remer BI'ady Jr. tnga for the year, emphasize Edgell' children, on ave­ of 600 is " I Beach. ut their expected. nllh ' home Kennedy • year will be Mr. Rulfin " chairman' taining • • • as the DDT re.ldual were of Mr. and Mrs. of Claxton. Frieda Mrs. Julian Hodges, Miss was serve 'Bong leader. malaria Mrs. Harold Balcom have guests Sunday Myrtis Creech, Gernant, Martha who l!ray and . . Mr. nue. Effective decorations were used A'ITEND CONVENTION C J Gasque, Florence, S. C.;, N. P. control D. Alien. Sam Miss Miriam Mincey, , Ilraduated from Shorte" Co lege Tues- I Bulloch 4-H clubs will be program Is available t0 aII in aft.r Jesse Mrs. Rice, Donaldsonl county to th�ir home . rctrned Tampa about th.. rooms where twenty-five Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Johnson left dur­ wal met In her Smoak Jr., S. and W.· Curtis Lane day, Atlanta b., Bamberg, C., tn ,that.residents of Bulloch The Waters and Barbara Brun- Mrs. the distrIct lIt'I!etlq county. Madelyn Miss Jakie Upshaw, represented - pro. the of her sis- I STATESBORO WOMAN'S Robert and motor home graduation informal conversation. the end St. er, ' will C • nn .... '11e. attending guests enjoyed ing week for Louis, Mo" the., Keel',d G'-nnvl • son the week end at Register and Mrs. George Hitt. broth., h'ere tn July by Melva Creal¥ In th gram, although primaril., Intneded to lIfiss Lanier. spent CLUB INSTALLS OFFICERS the Iatter part of the week. tel', Dorothy Featuring the conversation were IHId to attend the United States Whole­ ' t d on aft­ biscuit BOOA, control the malaria haa as guests of Mrs. Grant Tillman a[Jd A party Thursdny J. yeast bread and making: mosquitos , Miss Irma delightful ,Th ' Miss Joy Wilhite, Spears, The Statesboro Woman's Club held and sale Grocers convention. ,I<' S'Ion 0 ra se or' a ._ Albert interesting experiences regarding They were' BergeAnn°wiunlclementorganII.,Ie mbaderanchthatof M.r- et JJroluPdv�oooatfthe... , Ddunllvert",mg a.el C I' proven elfectiv. In Tillman. ernoon was given by Mrs. I BeasIey, cannIng; H reaosy � very controlling, Ann Woods and Miss Charlotte Mi�s s-.tty current sea­ Miss the last meeting of the weddings and, honeymoons told by the joined in St. Louia Mr. and Mrs. chants Mercantile of Wash- U S 301 durl th comin on Donaldson by �gency Il ,, food and but not flie. and Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Brown and at her hom" yea�, preparation; Majorie Floyd eradicating, other formed a the Bra�well D. C." W88 K..tchum party spending son Thursday afternoon, at which time various Ml'II, Waldo nod who have been vi'sit­ ington. ('ftlat tweut., ye81'!l to I g""sts. Floyd Alfred Dormall, with ' f for were about $2000 .,": newspaper In bouaehold Insecta. There h.'S been a wcek end at Savannah Beach. small son, Bill, will leave Sunday street. MagnoUas placed Berll'8 not Iinee heell Johnny Liadsey public ape.k1ng; officers .for the next year were in­ rendered a vocal as of Mr. a 8 an Miss Marie Woods' ing in Dayton, Ohio, guests ha,a dverti'lnl' d $6800', foror road hago' rom.) alps. JauI Aki I n f •• Tid great amount of work Mr. and Mrs. Fr'ank Denmark, of Tulsa, Okla., where they will spend the rooms where guests played bridge.' ns, oreatljl: W'I experimental were: Chas. . installed President, Mrs. duet Mrs. Gilbert and Mrs. Noah and in Vince�­ Gas w.r In _t The other of the ia to be we, wa� accompanied by Berry Statllal1oro price. part budll'8t IIveltock on whether or not file. Im- were visitors here for the two week with A dessert was served. Crystal Jr., judglllll: lIary Wilde, develop' Savannah, relative�. down to cen.. for a ..__ tem to the recreation C'.:mter. Office!'s Woods also and Ed Bier­ 14 aln,le ren on ..a Cone, pianist. Miss sang nes, Ind., with Mr. Mrs. da."'used to pa., ta.I exis ...... I,nB III mllll unIor rI' t Ie W It., to DDT and much more haa week end and attended the commence- Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Ukkleborg and the gift to the honor"". A potted plant then rlCOB went bacoOk t 2 j gl sa., revue; installed were: Mrs. Chares I President, a,lovely solo. A spoon in the Butter­ hans. Mr. ,and MI'•. Bierhans accom­ and �or m&p.. S 226,000 mapa ' In ment exercises at Teachers College. and Leslie of Rieh- score was received by Mrs. llilt time III montha that cents-,all sta- om,e Blackbum, senior rtrl.. it.,la rewe, bee1I "'rltten mail., publications Mr, Mrs, Long, Mrs. Loron for high "�he E. Cone; vice-president, was th.. to Miss Mc­ the to St. Louis. aame were dlitributed la'St There we", of Buenos Mrs. cup pattern gift panied been ..llIng at the y.ear. June.Edenfield III ,nThe t"'t8_ us of DDT Miss Ellen Schwal'7.weiss, mond were guests Sunday of Lester Brannen for low Cur­ I?onnan ,�av8 and mufftn making' preu , 8lQ18r·l' Hill, Jr.; • • • • ' Durden; second vice-president, M.... her hostesses. Mi�s Gen- p ceo a·: Lemore from tlri°ns 16 000 ma s dl tributed from State contesta matel and Argentirra, is spending some- Arthur Bunce. Lane was an apron,\ and Tbe judgel of the.e varloua practical, Indlcares that Aires, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. tis given BETA SIGMA PHI FISH FRY Georgia Normal School closed to- YDe'-f Sara secretary, James was Bssisted Miss her Miss Martha Hodg-es; 'avieve Guardia by b'oro aIPSone. Mias of fiies time with cousin, Dr. and Mrs. M. S. Pittman are 'nome-made fudge 'Os f1oati!lg prize The Beta Phi en­ flnt class IIlcliJded ..Ix, : were Mrs, Max LockWood, apecles may develop. ' Sigma sorority �e,ree P. Collins; treasurer, Mrs. Ell Pree­ Lee Floyd, Miss Ann Evans Is8' Waltar of the 10. Mr. and Mrs. Juliw. Virginia ;ay; Miss Aldred, preSIdent n Wood• •11 ht reaI.tance Moses, and Mrs. won Mrs. Hitt. Other LounaU Bell, Wa:vuesboro; lotte IC:etehurn and M' An Ir to the Inaectlclde' visiting in Chicago with Mr. and by George tertainOrning next year's Mr. DeLoach out the for­ . Commissioner of announ,*,ments pointed 'short cah:e was served wjth variety. h a me'" ber 0f the ro- s�rnwberry Rec key. S e IS' Acquired iastruetional comm;'sion estimate. fund. William died at �he outstan,dlng property. work. Mis. Sue Snipes, estry an out­ Kelley Thursday Education tea. jfu-s. D�nuld Lundber'g, Tennis, Physical Home, aor.. PERMANENT FINISH MUSLIN the home of his son-in-law, J. H. Penquin·, cently by the Barnes Funeral New To of Bulloch coullty, prosid- will allow a total of six million of-town Registration supervisor pl'es�nt'�d'an �fter4, Gray, at Clito; in April Keily's Clubs.' She wss an, hono,r gl'lldu!'te the alterations have made it even land to be prote�tlOll gue�t,'\Vas_ " ed I ..ter and explained tlte p,rogram of forest given for ' And TISSUE GINGHAMS dinner cup and saucer, and bl:idge friends celebrated his lOIst birthday. sch00.I Next ,Wednesday '7 m h'Igh more Begin visit- Distri'Ct foresters ,are , ;,', attractive. Miss Maude White, this ... of year.' .<'1 Automobile Co. E. ' "authorized that the day. Hoke Brunson won crya­ ! Statesboro (J. Mr. and Anno�ncement is Mrs. • Lane, daughter of 'announced wa� with 89c Yard prizes D. Averitt and W. Betty A. formal opening will be teacher of Bulloch county, handling details of the program a Donehoo, Percy of prOVIded for iag salt ..nd peppers for' hi'gh".core'; Mrs: E. S. Route S"StatesbOl'O, for registration VOOOI"fI, where the ,fal M. Hagins) plkn erection of building Lane, later, which will give opportunity dis�ussed some of the county oflHlcials in area. went the enacted raw, will present and for 'cllt " under recently lot court ' , '49-model., of Statesboro bachelor hand-paint�d ashtray strictly the ,of' , facing \vill recnd. attend the short talks )Dade by J. drC, Fleming, is a wr.o cOlled for on the 'farm of T. B. Moore, near science in education. She, too, Miss .Evelyn Rogers, Hines­ the THE FAIR R. 1. Rahn and SOil, Tommy, of MINKOVITZ & SONS been in Bulloch her ticke� attended STORE H., Enal; had living gladuate of the Statesbora High Friday, ·,and ",eceived her orchid nnd then - visited M,'., C. M. fo" twenty years under show, .. BEST ville, Rushing p,".t FOR VALUES FINEST QUALITY Statesboro's Largest Department Store c�unty I Schoo.I her thanks for ' " , . ever:(thing. Miss EIClIll Rushing during the ;vcck 8118umed 'Ia",e: __ phoned end, THURSDAY, JUNE'9: 1949 BULLOCH 'tiMES AND STATESBORO NEM

I made and kept for himself, I THURSDAv. JUNE 9, 1949 Henry Grady's Vision BULLOCH TDIES AND STATESBORO NEWli Other than the ."New South" ad­ TWO Nearer Realization dress, his r.u�l)st fn'molls utterance is perhaps his historic commentary on OPIN .01 ITS ..1ST To BROS. (By GUS BERND, Historical Re­ Minister ALDRED a typicul old-time PULASKI NEWS search Aissistant, Georgia Depart­ Pickens county fu­ SUMMII SEASON _---I------.!.visiting which words he Conduct Bible Course WE ARE MOVING! QUALITY MEATS AND GROCERIES ment of State.) neral, uttered by way of . Mrs. Bruce Davis spent several advocating greater use of South­ Rev. Michael A. Guido, staff evan- 24th was observed in Georgia May .u�m�r "oj07 the ••me lux,u·lou. days in Buckhead last week. LOCA­ FRESH VEGETABLES e,l'I1 produobs in the South. Before of Bible Chi- OUR NEW ,. r••I1I1'.,. I gelist Moody institute, ON JUNE 1 WE WILL MOVE TO as Henry Grady Day and the 99th THIS lb. prev'ousl, w...... yo".lIIe IIIrs. Tom Thain, of Metter, visited the Bay Stute Club in Boston not long' OPEN' will at the Leefield Bap- OF SAVAN­ onl, to "ialton. Thrill to •• WILL cage, speak w,in,ter the eI em or Ihi. THE RESIDENCE ON THE CORNER of the birth of the 1)-", Trupnells and Patricks last Fri­ TION, MIRACLE 59c anniversary great. before his death in 1889, he told this tist church beginning Jun" 15 and DATE FOR A WHIP Quarts I.�dsc�pc�. spacious botel of tomorrow. EnJo)' tbe NAH AND ZETTEROWER AVENUES. orator and who was born at story: .... : buried in afternoon. prophet They him the ("lIi.tnc ..• IJOcial continuing through June 26, at 8:00 day LATER supcrb acllville., •••po...... rnD.pln. and Granulated midst of a L. and Dr. WILL BE ANNOUNCED Soap in He up cut -.:cnl beach ... and a full and at a. m. Mrs. H. Trapnell FORMAL OPENING Athens, Ga., 18W. grew marbl� .quarrY; they rouod or an Ihe reerea,lon. p, m. week days 11:30 Mrs. J. Z. Patrick visited in States­ ARE WELCOME AT ANY TIME. PERK 25c about Athens and the University of through solid marble to his thai Oaylona Ocuch will provide ,hi. and 8:00 p. m, Sundays. A special BUT VISITORS Large pkg. m'lke lummr., dOl and a c o e ce et s, boro dtemoon. . GeOlogia, where he graduated -in 1868, grave; yet little tombstone' they racial. children'. ttmulemeat., el� TOMORROW! children's service beginning at 7:30 Sunday Flavored 12 Oz. Bottle and Mrs. Jack Williams, of Maple . . and his life him to be an out­ put above him from 'Vermont. will be led Mrs. Mr. proved \yas '-� a•• p. m. week days by ooll.flew Uable by wee", or of Mr. buried 'liM in' A.PQ��U'tDt. �oDlh, were week-end guests LOG CABIN 27c sta�ding product �f that advantageous They the' heart :of a SCHon. For Guido. Pavo, Barnes Funeral Home SYRrUP "'scrvollonA, write J.",.. J. M...... ,. S. L. Williams. environment. before Grady bee pine forest, and yet the pine coffin Will Open Mr. Guido and his wif'e have become and Mrs. HOME 465 Long Statesboro's Newest Enterprise TELEPHONE 467 Finest DAILY Anderson and Stokely'S came a on the Atlanta Wfts from Cincinnati. their Mr. and Mrs. Julian grea.t editor imported They '.OM , .known to thousands through PIR of North Main . P.RSON Tomorrow at Corner visited Mr. an� can 23c it was evident that buried him within touch of an iron $2.50 which' feature Miss Ruby Lanier FRUIT COCKTAIL No.1 Constitution, nvungeliatic meetings, Double Streets. A. near Lyons, last there was something special about mine, and yet the nails in hil� coffin Octu,.."C� and Parrish music and visual il1ustration. He is Mrs. J. Gmdner, tOc and INCLUDING MAINE SARDINES can him. up through childhood the iron in the shovel that dug a leader and baritone Sunday. Growing gifted song his CONIIN.NTAL IAIAK'AIT Mrs. Homer Brimson, of Woodcliff, in the atmosphere of the ante-bel­ grave were imported from Pitts­ and soloist DS well 8S ,an energetic evan- Northside her GEORGIA Lb. 33c Ralel!! 10 Conventlo • Grocery several days with HONEY jar' lum slavery South, and coming up burg. They buried him beside the with a message especially for is spending S�ecial gelist best 4DI.SfAO.Un ILVD. illus- IIIr. and Mrs. E. S. Wopds, to manhood during the disastrous re­ 'sheejJ-grazing country on tho young people. Mrs. Guido's parents, Green Tipped California and the wool Store have and IIIrs. Bill Lewis. construction peHod when many of his earth, yet in the coffin DAYTONA BEA�II F Drug truted lessons for youngsters ASPARAGUS tin 33c Williams left last Sat­ picnic fellow Southerners were blinded from bands und the coffin bands themselves w. D. FRANKLIN, Proprietor been popular with both children and Mrs. Linton to the states of Wash­ the future by tears shed over were brought from the North. The adults. She uses magic demonsbra- urduy on a trip W�lch's 8 oz. cans seeing nod several other the Lost Cause, young Grady looked South didn't furnish a thing for that tions and dramatic chemical object ington, California TOMATO JUICE 2 for 19c will be about four forward while the funeral but the corpse and the hole CHOICE NEW UNE OF DRUGS lessons to drive spiritual prin-' places. She gone continuously \1t in the Brannen Sr. hom� same time appreciating what was fine ground. They put him away Under Supervision of Dr. Grover C. ciples, weeks. Webster's of Fort and about the Old South. and the clods rattled down on his cof­ Louise Goff, - Before his conversion in his home 1IIi"" Emma PEACH PRESERVES Lb: jar 19c glorious FOR'SALE THIS WEEK ONLY this week- with ------�------He was of well-rounded inballect with fin, and they buried him in a New town of Lorain, Ohio, Guido was a Yalley, is spendini York before Guaranteed for Roaches I a noble sense of and it" was coat and a Boston of shoes LOI"e Goff, Fully values, pail' GROCERIES AND FR�H MEATS dance band leader and music teacher. her mother, 1111'S. und u SPECIAL school at the Uni­ 49c his VIS'O" that enabled Geor- pair of breeches. from Chicngo SPECIAL SPECIAL With Aaron Allen as Chief Butcher When he decided to enter Christian entering summer KILL-KO K. O. pint superb him the and a shirt from Cincinnati, in Athens. to become after Empire leaving . service he began his preparation at versity of Georgia gia Critic Quality Flour, 25 lbs. $1.75 Lb. 49c him to in Mrs. Buel Trapnell an- FANCY DRESSED FRYERS State of the South and'that stamped nothing carry into the next This a not a blended flour. Moody Bible ,Institute, graduating Mr. and ------is pure flour, Quatanteed to him of the DRINKS birth of a daught'ar, him as here foremost prophet country satisfaction or' back. as associate the perhaps your money COLD nounce . SANDWICHES AND 1933, Later he served Prices for Fresh Eggs :vorld remi�ld Ilt Strickland's We Pay. Highest und most heralded son in his In which he lived and for which he Bernelle in Charge in two Southern churches, both Diane on !lillY 28th, widely With Pennington pastor I Also Chicks and of all Kinds of IIIrs. fought for four years, but the chill of I Baby Plenty in- in Griffln. Tmpnell time. of . which exhibited remarkable Hospital, Lines of "The New South," blood in velns and the IllUI'I'OW in CRITIC FEEDS. All Skilled in Their was the former Kathryne Grobe, Grady's speech, QUALITY crease in membership. " his bones ... he entered and Mr. Trapnell is the delivered before the New England So­ We we sell to be the best After' a period as pastor Flint, lIIich., guarantee everything , PORTAL NEWS And because there was a I AND Mrs, H. L. Trapnell, ciety in New York city on the night of largely can WE INVITE YOUR PATRONAGE evangelistic work, and has since spent son of Mr. and money buy. .hiS who was 3 Woodfin a December is the thing that Henry Grady I the nation as A. D. Milford and Mark Wilson 21,. 1886,. Tobacco Poison of all Kinds. In and see us. SATISFACTION several years touri'ng of Pulaski. Twine, Come GUARANTEE Gardner Patrick and W...1 achieved for him national fame. He Georgiou who loved Georgia and gave IIIrs. in song leader and spaker. IIIr. and were business visitors Hinesville THANK YOU who a in the life of Geor­ the state and the nation advice, -- Valerie lind Gardner, had been leader good - A STRICTLY CASH CONCERN children, Monday. since his at a time such things as that kind of Georgia have resided in Montevideo, Ur'8.guuy, . ) � Ml·s. Jimmy lIIarsh is visiting her gia youth. Spoken ;&:�:'D more. are thr.., when animosities still existed funeral will be no There America, for the past parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mellie Smith, deep Mallard's Feed ,Store ,South the to the states to OPPORnJNlTV between North and· South, Grady's many memorials to Grady, but THE HOME OF FEEDS years, have returned in Savannah. CRITIC QUALITY this week to electrified his Yankee audi­ best lind most la,.ting is the use of and Store live. They will arrive KN'OCKS HERE Miss Jo Ann Trapnell, of Sylvania, speech Northside Drug his counsel the results thereof, Grocery and ence its firm for understand­ mid visit his father, DI'. J. Z. Patr'ick, spent Sunday with ""I' parents, Mr. by plea H. L. of the of the South. W. D. FRAN'RLlN, Proprietor IIIrs. Patrick and IIIr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Rex Trapnell. ing problems his Southern mes­ MIDDLEGROUND NEWS STREETS Trupnell. ANTIQUES FOR SALE-Large game Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hendrix and Grady smoothly put NORTH MAIN AND PARRISH ma­ table $65.00; solid across without a At Savannah Saw :Works­ refinished, Niki and Ann, spent the sage hurting single The table, $50.00; rna- daughters, Miss Smith and Junior BBl'­ hogany gate-leg heart a soul. Per- Joyce SALE OR RENT end at Yellow Bluff. or damning single --FOR 110gany chest at half former price; week Is Good When Are.DulI! famous of this bel' enjoyed the sing Sunday at Daisy. Business Things beautiful "Gone with the Wind" Miss Rose Davis, who itas been haps the most passage of the Blackburn her Woodward circles Baptist dwelling in to four a South of Mrs. F,. G. surprised 'One large sev�m Ianmps, from $15.00 $75.00; Mr. and Mrs. Rex Trapnell, address is: "There was f J well located in ".eh, visiting W.M.U. held a joint meeting at the good condition and luster ft:Uit bowls, $4.00 'and secession-that South is husabnd with a birthday dinner Sun­ BROOKLEt' NhlVS ,la-in. u left for 'Atlanta Wednesday. .: slavery Mr. Pulpwood Man: , oriental the town of Brooklet. and a brand new at their the entire church Monday afternoon. Mrs. rug_,9x12 a South of union and day home, family 'YE OLDE WAGON Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Woods' and dead. There is rela­ FRED T. LANIER, real bargain. Don't get fretted with those duD saws. The Mr•. R. P. Mikell is visiting the thank is joining In the occasion. Floyd Akins, president, presided WHEEL, Antiques 2'"' miles south­ Millard Griffith visited freedom-that South, G�d, Gal Mr. and Mrs. Savannah Saw Works wID put them In ftrst-el888 In Charleaton, S. C., this week. and conducted the devotional. Statesboro, east Statesboro on Savannah highway. Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Akins and tive. . relatives in 'Augusta Sunday. living, breathing, growing every for Lawn Mowers reeondltloned. • • • • (2jl1n4tc) I" Mrs. N. shape you. Any. Warnock visited rela- (jun9-juI27) (12jun4t) sentiments were taken Claudane and Edweina Akin'S, Mr•. R. H. Mrs. C. Miller the hour." These that is to we the - C" LUD- Dr. and spent supposed cut, guarantee METHODIST LAYMEN WANTED Ear corn. J. B. Glenn Hodges and Mrs. thing in Ashburn Saturday and Sun- from 'a speech by Benjamin Akins, th'ea Ga. (9junltp) week end with their daughter, Mrs. by Grady best of service. to you. . TO CONDUCT SERVICES LUM, B,r.ooklet, a fish Sat­ H. delivered in New York many Fay Laster enjoyed supper clay. FOR llENT-Garage apartment at Blackman,' and Mr. Blackman, in Hill, Layman'. Day will be' observed at it is believed that urdlly night at the river. For further Infonnation contaet Rev. and Mrs. H. B. Loftin have 302 Savannah avenue. Call phone Ga. -years ealier; liut Washington, and relatives .the Brooklet lIIethodist church Sun­ 323. (9junltP) the utterance. In Mr. and Mrs. Barnard smith returned from a visit with Miss Barbara Newton and D. E. Gradyl re-ph�ased wa­ Jarrell and Johnny, day, June 12, at 11:30 a. m. The FOR SALE-SO-gallon table-tOp the "New South" a subtle children, Janice, L E. at In Rome. N of are spending speeoh, FLAKE, Community Grocery heataer, do Ie element.: W. D. ewton, MaY"'ville, dinner services will be in charge of R. P. t�r to General Sherman .and his enjoyed the birthday Sunday lS"North Zettel'Ower Avenue Rev. and Mrs. 1.. C. Wimberly and (JOLLEY. (9junltc) sometime with their grandparents, r"ferenc� a at the hom-a of Mrs. Robert Smith, Mikell, charge la.y leader, and me.� of Atlanta brought much ap- chlld",m have returned from a visit FOR RENT-Cool ront bedroom with Mr. and Mrs. David Newton. burning 'STA1ESBORO, GA. delivered J: L. for Mrs: Smith's father, Clay- �ago ·wlll be by. Judge 7 East Grady; tele- use, liS did the lines, "Above all, given In Whigham. adjoinng bath, �. and Mrs. Edgtar Hook.o!, of pIa RenfrOe. The public is cor-dially in­ phone 545-L. (9Jun1tc) know that hate acWeved in 01. St. Louisvill", visited his mother, Mrsl �e wif and Mrs. Joe Waters, - �Ii�(�,�!(!1!9�rn!a�!4!t!!�!!!!!!!!!!������!!�!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!� MI'. to in tWs service. FOR SALE-Oil range, goo LOST Between Residence Extension 1.50. the future of th" South, and often You experience·-that power­ weck afternoon. Forward-Control Chau;. are .upplied con­ in the traffic each one is a think agree that University dwri·ng the day State'Sboro, May 28, small bag Rural Lin'e 1.00 1.50 ful, eager engine will put you any plnce special delight-we you'll derbilt monufa'duren. the seriousness of the. IlS Q Cadillat is worth its in mindl arti­ emphasized ••• almost as you price P(lQce oj by Inony reputabl. taining assorted fishing tackle, This petition has been assigned for quickly end. leader, etc.; ;:;uit� the Public negro on which he freely �::J�hewj:�is��:cU�y Why not' move up to CadiUac when summer ficial flies, spinners, hearing before Ceorgi.. question r,ou I?urchaao those attending MELTON. (2t) in ad­ the velvet...,rt your next car-and enjoy this great·mentDJ ut1sfaction Amoag oble reward. HOME;R Servicu Commission on June 15, 1949, a view that was far You will know that big, hr.dr"ulic expoundea can arc Mrs. can to a or a .snail's which only the "Standard or the World" bring youl at colleges on Main or 111- at 9:30 o'clock 0:. m. in room 234, brakes setde you down stop pace .·session y,arious LOST-Possibly SOllth vance of that held by most Southem­ Annie of at .. Roberlson, Miss man Saturday State Capitol Atlant.a, Georgia, IIIrs. John,A street, last. w�ek, In he ad­ rim: which time all intere'Sted will 'ars of his till\e. ec.nomiC'S, IIIrs. J. F. Spence, pail' glasses, ftesh colored plastIC parties Laurie McElveen, ex­ industrialism for suitable reward for return to PEGGY be afforded the oppertul1ity of vocated considerable C Proctor, Shelton Mikell, Mra. JoHn .. BURKE, 115 Inman street. (2juntfc) pressing their views. the South 'and has been criticized by Mrs. A. O. Watts two or This notice is published in accord­ �tty Upchureh, my place some been a for STRAYED-From with tlra of the a� having spokesman Nina McElveen. red male Duroc ance requirements and Miss tbroo weeks ago absentee un­ Pubric Service Commission. big busines'3 nnd ow'nel"Ship. • • • • around 125 p01mds, Georgin hog weighing in reward for BROOKLET TELEPHONE CO., He also favo'red a diversification HONORED MEDIUM-DIITY CAB AND CHASSIS WITH! !'LATFORM BODY marked; will pay 'Suitable MISS Rt. 2, By Perry Summ�rlin. .". ElIMON Oth.r return. J. P. the Southern ngl"icultUl'DJ econumy. Mod.I 380B-137·Inch _bo.., Ma.imum G.V.W. B.BOO lb. THOMPSON,. Miss Nelle (2Jun4tp) (2iun2t) afternoon o¥ollohle to J6J-indt wMe,boJ. lb. G.V.W. Statesboro. run fer office, 'Wednesday opfiotlGi of exIra cart,. ",odell up a"d J6,000 Often u"ged to public .0. luxe equipment meat displllY HOUSE FOR SALE-New residence, of Savannah and Brooklet, FOR SALE-Pour-foot consistently refused to do so. Simon, con­ foyl' "ooms and bath, lot 60 by 100 Grady married to Morris UNLIMITED case and unit complete, perfect who was recently feet, paved street .and sidewalk; fi­ He seemed to feel that a journalist 'CHEVRGL'ET TRUCKS FOR TRANSPORTATIO� pair Dayton �omputing scalesi Woodcock 'Motor was the hon­ dition; for two-thirds of .... Company of Savannah, low nanced selling pri a for Wayman, Nationsl C!l'3h regIster; vvery $hould IInevel" became candidate T. GHAS. E. CONE REALTY CO., INC. at a bridge party given me at once. S: WATERS, he oree lovely 11rice; sec any political office"-a J'esol\'tion I 108 Ave. ':"':\1 Ga. (9junltp) (26mayltp) 're'le�hcr� by Mrs. J. H. Wyatt. Dwring the Frank'in Chellro'e.t CO., 'nc. Brooklet, afternoon the group sho\Oer-ad the 60 EAST MAIN STREET STATESBORO, GA. bride with a basket of lovely linen. CITY DRUG CO. The Blanche Bradley and the Ann W. H. ELLIS DRUG CO. . TIlt. Al'fD,8TATBBBORCI OWl _ THURSDAY, JUNE 911949 8nu� , STATESBORO NEWS '. BULLOcH TIMES AND _---- . RUSHING-HART CONVENTION FObI'!. .------�"--- Mr·. and Nrs. Theron Kelly RU'Sh- Mrs. E. C. Rerlster will arrive F,'- in reality the driving; the machine; Here's The Dow� lng, of Register, announce the en- day from NoHolk, VL, for a short It .Low THEATRE Statesboro machine was driving the girl-but In visit with her Mrs. J. S. .BULLOCH TIMES From HIckory Grove gagement of their daughter, Dorothy-IA'M'END mother, difficult to recognize the REGISTER, GA. was sort of IREGISTER Frances, to R'ax Hart, 80n of Mr. and Kenan. Mro. Regl.ter, wbo IB prell­ old-time vaudeville was .tUtor AND You know, Week Days, 7:30 two shows. .. IIRB. ARTB'OR TtJRND, difference. .. Churches Mrs. J. A. Hart. The wedding will take lIent of tbe Quota Club, i>a enroute te stuff-the of the acts _ NEWS great variety the for the THE ST.ATE..�HORO there came and Thumday place June 26 at the home of Houston, Texas, twentY-lee- As we walked on past, Sit Wednesd�y IEDRIiIA packen 'em m-you-would through GCOtJbj club. af- Part of the Forest" bride-elect's parents. Miss Rushinr is ond national convention of the Editor-Owner. realization that In everyday "Anothe.r STA'I'ESBORO Methodist Church - D. B. TURNER, the the "trained seals" to ...., the Jug- •••• the Fredick March • • • • a graduate of Statesboro High School hfe It is often that ap- Jaeksos, Pastor. BECOMES Mise Joy Wilhite spent the week . A. fnirs of gler or your favorite magician, or the NOW SHOWING Rev. C. Today Your Pharmacist RUSHING-WYNN MISS McLEMORE NEEDAM LEE REUNION misun- � and the Paris Savan- SUBSCRIPTION ,2.00 PER YEAR forces are No service. end in Dublin With her Mr. 'Beauty School, parent controlling but mC'St tuneful fiddler. But as and Saturday 11:30 a. m., a Few Facts BRIDE OF MR. CHISOLM pareny, r-eunlon yokel, Friday Yours" Drops In a beautiful and Impressive dou- I The Needam Lee family see Dream Is school. )( nah, She now Dot's Deauty what we Border" "My a. m., Sunday Mrs. T. A. Wilhite. operates derstood. Often enough were more "North of the 10:15 matter Marcb time went on and there About.... Mi... Rush- Miss McLemore, only will out with • b8lket ft� second-class with Doris Day, Jack Carlson,Frankie Youth Fellowship. ble ring ceremony r,tary Betty and. on North MaID sheet. Mr. Hart ring again big Entered not but effect. Curwood 7:00 p. m., � Orville daugh-IMcLe- Gllbert McLemore of Atjanta, Shop at States­ In the open is cause, "trained fewer tune- James Pittman. tel' of Mr. and Mrs. Jr., at the postoifice and more seals," Carle and Adolph Menjou Dr. M. S. GLUTAMIC ACID of Mr. and Mrs. C. Du- dinner under the ble oaks at' the 23, 1905, 8:00 p, m., lng, daughter the gr...duated f1'lim Brooklet High School. Act of Con­ Starts at 9.24 10:15 a. and "That the and "k is weei<"with his grand- Ga., under the ful and more and more just 3:00, 5:08, 7:16, school at m., intelligence o.f ol1""ding bora, was parsued, acts, Sunday � ..Rushing, became home of Mn. Piety Lee Forbea (Uro. as ,:,o�ert And the philosophy m. , beh,,'fior, or irell Mr. and He served four years In the army, .. oi March 3, 1879. "Nat�S�itY" Yout'h p. retal\ded,/chi'I_I"" p�t parents, Mrs. O. L. McLe- gre on the rUUCOII\; efforts at untuneful music son of -Mr. and Mrs. E. of rS: Brook­ that girl June 11 F�l1ow.l�ip. a� Z:OO dren It. Ro� L�:o V'���iile, J. W. five milel from • be [m; Edwin'Wynn, �is�l::': Southweot we recognized why Saturday, may strikingly more. spending two years in the Forbes), calls it-vaudevilll! � aft- in an ceremony taking in motion without -alley music, I Sunday Tim Holt in ureh proved with Glutamic Acid' J. Wynn Sr., of Portal, Saturday C., impressive June 12. Mn. ForbaB remained Ch the.,bdde""'of�or�,��aie,}�'l. at Mr. Chari,. and Pacific. He was with the 593rd Am- let, Sunday, bicycle June and Mrs. Amber" Saddle" IS Columbia the ee Wednesday evening, 1, Howard Hurt? WI1S feU, into the doldl'Dms. Monotony "FlI«tver "Brothers IIl'The Baptist' rellorted by "Ie June 4, ,at 6 o'clock, at pia of .the late Needam Who Is anywhere. That bicycle school l emoon, church, E.mneel'8. ia the daughter getting .. �. Unive:rsity's the Fi",t Baptist Staloesb!>ro. sana, of Dothan, Ala., arc spending phiblous e' turn- technicolor) Starts 9:27 10;15 '!- pl. NeurolOgical .' near States- did it-intelleat· lagged-the' (Ill 1:45; 4:19, 6�53: $undar � 'Union church Jacksonvvtlle, ',' All r-elativel the the air-It 'IIPon . . I service, s.ptiat Dr. C. M. Coalson, of •••• aDd ,Jane 'Lee., of I Institute. - .1. TODAY IS close to tbe suspended-In reste,� yhlc'h . a t'Ion. I' ,', Sunday; study sin- ed Wesleyan to spend the sum- tucky, as a Without foun'd of " � Love smilax. A large was pended -we are :toed with fifteen years D�n Dutyea strip.�' m. to Health ••• Uaelt Averitt, of Statesboro, sang "I edged with hal" Members at the reunion committee. which presented up -. 7<00 Sunday. of Foeter. of • feature " P.B.Y.F. at p. Key lif" chalrrtjan �, "'_--l t�e of �,e ' men that way-men "BecaUt!e.'1 To strains centered the beck with her parenl!l, Mr. and Mrs. Step�en of we've seen and "" Thee" and the, gle palm merl • .; •• of the attitude And the same I mu- the class wbo received' of sympOSIum progrlam.-spendlDg - 80rt the of - oppearance; who' ��te�j!���� � Fletcher Cowart of ;!:.ohengrins Ma�ch loft. program wl'dding Zetterower. graduati'lg and ,;�. ������ ,\,111111• Willie hair-line concep­ with capacity do catch '1 an�v���si�:::'t�� '" Wedcl,ing )'., . LUNCHEON' as to the spending. Now, you on, should entered .on the arm of. rendered MI11. d,ploml\S and ,>iII public echool LOVELY graduates S�'�:�j�id�J2 friend and Visitor lovely bride �s by Jones ar- .enter around, but would and eV bridA&lE. NEAT Tampa u!h- a coronet of seed pearls. .' to mur.h worse-well, Morgan liE" rmgs. The ' How M.ethodi�t with the .. that which belongs a' ""sslons wedding -'''01 � . 'ell himsel1 Witt Mrs . 'of�the groom, for depending South Georgia 11 rs. A�n' who, 'ahio, lighted' the candles, ,. atrand of pearls, gift 'j ...n man be sort at variable element, Conferen� Ie.". e.s, of ," ....J!9 otbenl. The newspaper ma,y Colum­ and June.16-16,' ' Jam... Rush- and carried tu:ide's ro,!"s of whICh convened yeBterday �t Wednesilay Mrs. Cummmg, Pl\IllilCtejlCb were Craig Marsh and apouquet • attitudes , MIs,es whIte V whims and • Thutsdr.�, 1 With a \1 uPQQ upon the "Hurricane' P?I .Agas,'I and stephanotis centered • .:::::;; er. 't"o to accept .l,luslness Rev. all of brother of bride. 'O S permitted bus. Both they the pastor, Ouida Smith and Betty Griley, ing, thl' •. ,lIIc- t' a,!d throat. Mr n' S A half centurY Sheet C. D. with '1 extent parties: Statesboro Mrs. orchid purple as '0 �he contracting be there Wells, The bride's mathaI', falee representation tool C. A. Jackson plan to Savannah and Mr. and M>s. of mother of the brid", ,,:a. a docu- wore black With a corsage Lemore, 'Alft Simple . rendered. Are theae ago in Bulloch county Jr.,. '. Rushing, of the service Sunday. Metal Shop and J I of in dusty rose �repe 'I"'th the venture could thl'Ough CQMPLETE CREAMERY ,Donald, Marlon, Billy white carnations. With a corsage gowned ment to I f.llo�lng­ an corsage. as upright 1 entitling th� SALE HUGH STSICKLAND Mt� Q. Sr., which she wore attitudes accepted WIll be m Columbus durmg EQUIPMENT FOR carnatlO,\s, .. Wynn orchl� upon ers who Wells. pink ,J. the smother, from the ordinary Oak' & HiU Sts. black also. Mn. Chisolm, groom r. be procured Zach Phone 33S-1i. ----- mother of the groom, wore " 'Dr. Sufficient for slze Dairy. --- and are Mrs. Johnson, any --- to We the ...k cere- in blue crepe' Is it Issible for anybody of for the license. i � following the was dr""sed dusty perm payment $1.50 leader Half Price. Immediately There was S. who is tbe lay Delmas Rushing an orchid eorsage. - himself? and quan­ BullOch Boys Mr. and Mrs. cheat even have known of some riglit good Henderso�, J. WANTED-Oorn oats, allY County many the cere­ .wlves W. M. E. FECHTEL. J. L. entertained ,Immediately following Refreslwd in an old­ '\ of the enttre conference; see me before you sell. cousins of the bride, .. written obtained under thIS re-, 139 SW, Atlanta 3 tity: Sr and Mrs. McLemore -Shop a little paragr ph been Forsytth St, at their Mr. .enter- having Ga. Attend Camp an iDformal reception many we loc81 Sunday superin­ SIMON, BFooklet, (26may2tc) Forestey with at album which came Adams, overlaid tained with a beautiful receptJrn style autograph Modernism along, s�hool home. The table was gimel and: s b�ide's Savannah avenue. A of our long-ago tack on tendent, and the ,pastor family. B'III Groover and Henry Smith,j lace tabl� cloth ""n- the", home on treasured m the days found he could y ,with a beautiful the ordiaary motif of and white for the in­ be read by Bish-. Statesbolo 4-H Club, a tbree�tiered cake color IIreen were invited to for recording: AppOintments �Il members of th" teJed with wedding In which friend.. an additional charge rooms was c�mpO'Sed Sun­ at with a living their and Arthur J. Moore In Columbus representing Bvlloch county topped minia.ture b�ide a.nd �nd di�ing blas- their ideals and sign document after the marriage, op are I eltmr Side With vi maldenhalf fern, magnoha scribe the will week. groom, lIanked on bTlde'. stands at approximately noon, and camp thiS and white gladioli. The 0ll'C which of wives without day GROCERY SALE! the state foresby white in silver hold- soms names. paragraph raised price 34c tapers that tb(l ONLY were I burning With a handsome over state-wide net­ clubosters dec- 'Sable was covered years value. broadcast a 100 Georgia rooms of the home were fresh even in these long to their be Some ers. The cut-work out in the least adding roses haad-mude lace stations. Laura Wallrer with pink a'.'d �Ioth tells u. work of radio -and- ALL ITIMS! a free camp at j orated throughout sQmebody PRICES REDUCED ON given and was centered read- And today-well, white gladioli. The pnnch 'tables W1�h.the thre�-tlered Wll1 be no serviee in the local fOI outstanding i and mlnl8ture bnde and are two or There Park near Waycross, on cake WIth fees for , ' was served the tOPJred Bnd the fixed permit NuGRAPE . from which lJunch own self be true; A eerv­ 10 B'III y encircled a. the base with "To thine un- church nert morrung. the year. of tlow'2rs. groom end that much for even Sunday club work durmg lawn hod arrangements as the three times flowers and fern. Sus­ will follow night at a. the cown- Mrs. Delmas small white It daY'"thou Will be h"l� on Sunday night removal to our new quar­ were nam"d the hostess, false to anyone. Now comes that CROWNS In p�eparation for and Henry AS'Sisting table a large canst not be ins[l'ected partners. were Mrs. pended above the .was Marvin S. Pittman Rushmg, m entertaininll stream'ars an mevit- which tIme Dr. representabves. floweret bell. Satlll student to medical exnrnmatlOn-nnd on Savannah avenue we are ty's Mrs. Julian Hddges, Mrs. white for a ters July 1st, the Jack Wynn, corner Is it permiSSible church and radio WI'11 be un""r exteRded to each matrimony. Will speak to the Th cI usersb t Mrs. G. R Bowen, fro.. the bell able increase in cost of 'EVERYBODY'S ese, J. H Strickland, terminated In an exammatIon? in order to reduce our from the Row- of the table where they cheat audience. giving special prices of foresters Mrs. H. H. Godbee, Mies Regis _ supervision with we won-'lice1 the Mra. Min- in bows caugbt ?ranIN.bla;;soms. Just way of eomment, WEARING SerVice, ell, Mrs. George St1licklaud, by stock to the lowest possible limit. Agricultural E�tenslOn Bowen Silver candelabr'8 WIth white tapers 10m be and nie Lee Newton, Mrs. J. R. that new regulation FIRST'BAPTIST V. P. f3. rtment of Forestry the table appointment. der if ef-! State Dcpa Allen Lanier. Miss Ramona completeil . and Mrs. omes Action? levenoo 'EM fresh. Most af home and white Whence C fective except as u producer? CLOSE FRIDAY NIGHT in our stock is clean and Service. the bride's book. Elsewhere in the pink .: TO Everything th" U. S. For.l'stry Nesmith kept dec- a medical Misses were used and magnohas for . . in and served gladIOli street Somebody Will get paid thiS week will be The girls who LJTTLE up the Commencement exeT'CJSeS for the their tllne the table. JUST A way else Will be Merle Dean Godbee, Nell ·orat..d punch is ond somebody Take Your but one day will Jan Brown, Mm. E. A. our there' cerbficate, School WIll be around the camp , Jean Guests were IIreeted by as we walle ior mail, Baptist Vacation Bible J. C. WATERS GROCERY & MARKET Bowen Boots Beasley, Betty fee. For ref e and M... offers a recording Okefenokee wJidh'fe ug Burnsed. Ann Smith and Mrs. Joe Walion, estubhshment which probably get held .June 10, at 7 34 EAST MAIN STREET in tlte and Levita a bU�l1less there's I Fnday D1ght, 3?, N Crowns Beasley Glenn JDtroduced them to who cannot puss-w..ll, I uGrape th'a swamp Nesmith, IIened Jennings vaTiet of trink- those auditorIUm. At thiS The in big Fowen and Judy an assorted y m the church area. day spent compased of the for sale . which can be (9jun2tc) the recelvin, line, a state line . the camp. mints. to theIr ... to a of of the as always 'lime the .chool Will h e on display and Money IS aIways hlghhght chose' 01 party and mot}rers varymg in magnitude those For traveling Mrs. WynD wedding ets, a few and Morris Mc· affairs. cl'osMed in hours, will show accessoriee, 'bride &lid iJ'Oom. Mrs. handicraft and �------m every-day notebooks, suit white with white importance because a of Mrs. Charlie Jee Math- . be wh� what the trimmed in Lemore and are sought to stopped 'their parents and friends the Panama hat being \ ews wer� at the room door, measure line. these tw. waa dining show wiRdow can l'lde across the j students have done during brown Her conale tHe, In the disease I NUGRAPE veilm!,. room were as. a. week of the .chool. The enrollment is her bouquet. After a· 'and presiding in the dmlng advertiSing space ' orchid from (.mce I Ruth Sewell and Mrs. Cliff Brad- of publiCIty made a stand- 168 at The pas�"r is serv- to Loan on Farms Tennessee Mr. and Mn. Mrs. deemed de- Since health IS to 00 pre",!,nt. Money ·Improved honeymoon in I. not I of the school and has I home of Mr. ·Iey. The bride'll book was lrept by in this publication soon mil' as pnnclpul will 00 at the of measurement, how may BO'ITLING CO. BY ONE OF THE MOST RELIABLE LOAN Wynn andl Mrs. Jack Av­ . establishment I ard I Mrs. Hitt and' antil e name of t}re a wllhng and capable faculty. J. Portal, Se'Pr: George Blrable, th CD af very Mrs. C. ,Wynn, �f .. a cert'lII te AMERICA. course and indiVidual mov- tIm" com. when invited to COMPANIES IN will be connetted eriU. The ice made pubhc) IS a the Parents and friends a,,, Statesboro, Ga. tembe", wher' both Bhoald not be at decorated in' gree. and white, or will be de- atteud these services Fnday R.idsvil)e school cakes, a bi- intelligence MADE ON SHORT NOTICE With the High mechanism which portrays ch�ract�r cl",,\ng LOANS were served Mrs. Bill MIS'S at 7:30 a clock. Your Shirt I by K"ith, ing ReidSVIlle Ga.' munded? Wh.... IS thiS progressive eveDing and Get , MISS action. It ap- I' •••• Maxann Mrs. Jake Smith, constant I Fay. cycle In Low Rate of Interest, Terms movelllent leadmil' us to? Prompt Service, Easy Liz Mitis Edna Neville and an almost life-sized' STATESBORO �OTARY Smith, the machine is 'and No Examinatioll Fee. : Punch was -_------; , NIGHT Mn. Gene L. Hodg�s. of a lovely young of PLANS LADIES' cardboard snape In the meantime the beginDing served by Mis",,", �irgmia Lee Floyd, I Club WI 11 G'ane- have The Statesboro Rotary Ann Evans, Jackie Zetterower, astride th-e home-maklDg and 'child-ralsmg 1_�' FRED T. LANIER, gracefully - Groover, A woman, sitting m' � SUE'S I annual ladie.' night Friday Guardia Jelln car- SWift That May day hold its viev� a�d wmdow. The face kept puce. Georgia of mUSIc was .endered by m the I ) �tate;lboro, program bicycle our at the Forest HeighW the fir�t-born entered - (tomorrow) Mrs. Waldo Floyd, the limbs are jointed 1895 when KINDERGARTEN. Mrs. Bing Phihps, ries a smile; A. Bowen, ch·alTm an Mrs Mathews came at call and Country Club. W. Mrs. Gilbert Oone, Jack Averitt, and the feet are hOm

AND I:ITATESBORO NEWS THUR�DAY, JUNE 9,1949 BULLOcH TIMES i MIYln. DI.llnl In Stature LEEFIELD NEWS I SlY' AnthropololY Curator Highway Department . and Bertje Mae Barnes NEVILS Record Work Among the linguistic family of June Joyner !Attention Farmers Doing the who evolved the most visited in Savannah and Tybee during State De- Dad Maya. Rachel Dean a few The Georgia Highway Anderson I Remember spent civiliza­ advanced of new world the -week end. under> administration Of with Mr. and W. W. Strick- partment thO' tions before the arrival of Euro­ days �rl!. I Mr. and Mrs. Mack Perkins. of Herman and the Gevernor: Talmadge peans, there has been a progres- land in Statesboro. visited Mr. and Mrs, Leon is do­ sive the Pembroke, Harn and children. directorship of James L. Gillis decline In stature. Today will 'have a Sweet Potato Cur- M�. and' Mrs. Ed the Perkins Sunday. I a record amount of road construe­ Mayan-speaking peoples of of Savannah, spent the week end with ing Guatemalan Highlands, who retain Ted Tucker and Bobby Allen are tion and to in­ Father's Day Plant Operat­ You Mr. and Mrs. Josh Martin. maintenance, according much of the language and many Mr. and Mrs, Milton and Grading week visiting Findley ing Arlie Futch and formation made public this by . Belps Mr. and Mrs. of the customs of their ancestors, That lit Shiloh thi·. week. i,1 The,Feell with the department. are Indians, spent Sunday June 19th among the shortest this fall. " daughter, Arleta, IIfr. and Mr., Darvin Conley were ing , From with fifty-nine fewer em- Comparison with prehistoric skel­ Living Mr. and Mrs. Chancey Futch. "Todny etal have Sunday of her parents. Mr. a Gooll and than -on the da·y Governor material shows that they guests Make Mr. and, Mr1l, K. C. Wilkerson ploY"'"l!' lost about five centimeters, nearly and Mrs. A, J. Turner. week was inaugurated. the do­ Ll'EStOtl children. of Valdosta, spent the Talmadge two inches. , L. Horne. is' recuperating from anll is a amount of ij. POULT.Y end with Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Lanier. partment doing ,',co�d Indications This is one of the a recent illness at the home of his and work and maintenance," said Mr. and Mrs. Therrell Turner road from measurements of more than son, Wilbur Horne, in Savannah. the Mr. Gillis, 200 living Guatemalans of Mayan daughter, of Savannah, spent Jane and Yvonne of Sa-, Ne- is -achieved notwith- stock in the west of the Central Parker, week end with IIfr. and Mrs. Buie "This being are their we are out vannah, visiting uncle, RI! ------There's Extra Value in of the fact that having American republic, just carried Every Bllg Ever­ smith, standing by Dr. T. Dale Stewart Smith­ F. Anderson, and other relatives here. of supervision Best for These Important R.easons Mr, and Mrs. Billie Futch. to provide eng.neerlng sonian Institution curator �f physi­ Dianne McGowan a few days worth of roud spent viaited the week for nearly $25,000.0000 cal Statesboro, during anthropology. in State.bora with her I. CHOICE INGREDiENTS: feeds are made es now under construction." last week .Ever-Best from higb t Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Watel"'J of end with There are four main ingredients all elements essential to t groups Mrs. Maude McGowan. quality conlammgI healthy as main- grandmother. , Records reveal thut insofar Mayans, each speak­ sturdy growth. and family. �hese hi�hland and Mrs. Franklin concerned Mr. Harry Lee. Mrs, Eddie of Sa- t"nance is the department ing a different dialect. Two years 2, EXPERT BLENDING, Feeds by EVER-BEST are carefully Mr.. and Kemp, and Ginny Lee and Misses Frances, with of L Car- done marc in the lust five months ago Dr. Stewart made extensive blended by spectahst� years experience in producing scien­ vannah, and Mr. and Mrs. C. has Baked In A Bed Of Riceland Rice- physical measurements of the Ruth and Earl L"" visited relatives tlflcally balanced rnuons for poultry and livestock. spent I,contractsunder the Talmadge administrntion Frankfurters Fluffy tee and children. of Register. Cakchiquel Indians. This year he 3. GUARANTEED FRESH: All ingredients in EVER-BEST are in the' five years in Savannah Sunday. with Mr. and Mrs. J. Lawson than was done past, visited the isolated village of Sa- absolutely fresh. Prompt deliveries mean that you receive your Sunday Mrs. Porter Davis has returned previous administrations, lorna north of the Cuchu- EVER·BEST feeds at the peak at their goodness. Anderson. under high HAD EXPERIENCE IN the from the Bulloch County Hospital. IF YOU HAVE Tillman and In a "true picture" of Bake matanes mountains where more 4. ECONOMICAL: Shipped direct; no middleman's profit and low Mr, and' Mrs. Juliah giving Frankfurters last Mr. Gillis than 100 people where she spent several days distributior cost-e-savings passed on to you in the form of higher Mr. and MIt!. L. situation in the department. Marn-speaktng ' son. of Statesboro; Ieee, office were studied, At the end of his week for treatment. ELECTRI­ quality John B. that on the day he took SELLING FURNITPRE AND C. Nesmith and Mr. and �rs. said he obtained similar measure- Milton and Riceland Rice' trip Mr. and Mrs. Findley the week were persons receiving With Anderson and son enjoyed there 2.218 ments of members of the Quiche HOUSEWIVES but Linda Sue Findley. of Shiloh, visited LIKE on the high department checks. tribe at· Clara west Lake end at· Thompson's pasture monthly Santa ' A which combines two of" Mrs. F. Tuck- NEED JOB, Cver-rBeJt EVER·BEST were on Here's a main dish h'ar Mr. and E. CAL APPLIANCES, A�D now 2,159 persons "quick-and-easy" Atitlan. parents, coast. that only foods-frankfurters and Rleeland the week end. DRESS·PRINT BAGS a reduction of fifty-nine America's most popular The low stature was a common er, dut'ing IS SHIPPED the payroll. administration sauce that will win you compli­ characteristic of these people, he Friends will be giad to know that WRITE }.�ER-BEs·r Ieede arc ,hipped in His since the Talmadge Rice-with a new piquant . CAN uueueuve, ccuon, dreee-nrtnt Hunter Survives � DIRECT TO YOU: He is due to • a IS doi well after " reports. .suspects It M W GI di oing �RODUCE, b::1:1J which mean important ... took office. ments galore! [5.",:' '� (or bouee-wlre. Ideal tor some unfavorable factor in the en- tune the Winter now under Rice In this diab a at the Bulloch Most Severe addition to the work sure to use Rlceland preparing major I.(nil orders are filled and shipped drC38cH, apron. and eounueee In Be genuine vironment which has become pro- op�ratlon rice recom­ lost week. other ulE�rul Items. 1949. Gillis said that there would Riceland Rice 1& the perfect-cooklng I County Hospital t'� day following receipt. Delivered Westfir. Ore .• M·ay 21. way, Mr, because during the past two cen- no,!nced H. and Mis'. Erma worth of Federal for best results with all rtee turies. The decline cannot be at- Mrs. I. Beasley ,:.:opaid to your nearest freight of­ Dear Mr. Turner: soon be $36,000,000 mended by cooking experts returned from economi­ the coldest under construction in more than 200 di1ferent, dellcioua.· IN tributed to general' economic con- Dean IBeasle,Y have Box 23 ,�-:t. Prompt, convenient. After coming out of paid highwaY'S recipes. You can serve It in VALUES QUALITY P.o·. • OUTSTNDING 10 ditions. The Mayas Savannah dnd Port Wlentworth ' ".1 ..;ay buy. we are enjoying present-day winter in fifty years the state. ways. . . -. arc at least as well nourished, VISited relatives for II weather-still stuted that the de­ of Ricelancl PRICE ARE WAITING where good health and good The dir..ctor So don't use a Bubstltute brand In place genuine AND as their an- .they GA. clothed, and housed STATESBORO, Ore. of rice and few They were accompanied of snow on the mountains. is in dire need competent feature this cooking cestors. days. lots partment Rice. Most grocers now perfect- will Price lilt .nll valuable poultrT in can FOR YOU home by Yvonne Sawall. who ..t is noted for its climate spring draftsmen. doesn't have Rlceland Rice. he eas1lJr rahlinc handbook mailed to )'ou gon If your grocer yet lots ------­ weeks with them. on of below. streams have be spend two fret! receipt COIII)on and summer. The Then all your rice dlshea will perfect. No ob:llR',,�loll. No lut!e;.mrm will get It for you. as this is summer Off c..n flll name 'lol! -of lakes, MEN'S PAJAMAS, in light "Bue " p�ys II. JUllt in JOllr and of fish and For Blind IUltlrnl. Factory see the 'deer Franklurtel'1l ,$2.98 In Yields DULERSHIPS the salmon season. You Riceland Rice Piquant With weight Improved Crop looks Opens at Bainbridge on the mountains and it feeding to moderate ovm.. The little man with the butterfly AVAILABLE'" for for blind people Rlceland Rice fat and bake In a will be lots of venison Oppcrtunitiee 8 r.UJl8 cooked - : ��(����������; there a �EVE�rt.iiESt�FEED�;MiLLS like tor 25 to SO mlnut.ea.. SUMMER washable .$3.98 net has long been a caricature workers in 11 manu­ 850 degrees ROBES, �r-:·ntable. e xclu e Ive • Atlanta Ga. earn a living as tat 530 Mean .st., N: W., .. this season. I and family 1 'ablespoona six dellclollll ..rv­ - folks make fugitive from a comic strip meant l' r f;1t nEST denler­ : : the for This wUl , T'1C!a�e lend mc---wlthout COlt or oblhrallon-your tree , specially designed anton .'\ll pre available In which it! 165 facturing plant 1 chopped • sleeves man's funny bone along , drove to Portland. only· tablespeon Ing8. MEN'S SPORT short to. pr�v.oke 'nrcHII for eetab­ booklet 011 poultry raising, "Featbertng the Nest lar state SHIRTS, .':llny , at the Georgia With about absentminded : Profits," tnetude your complete price niL as At- them are provided This .... calla 'for cooke« lakes TOK��PHEN'E 'tshet} operator. of 4110 a almost as large 2 tablespoon. vtnegar clpe , miles; city whizh ., , and , . . $1.98 ,tortll, Kener.! blind at Bainbridge. Rlceland Rtce. Thl. perf_­ at $2.98 professors. Ilrocery : Memot,al Park factory for 2 brown RUgal" .... _ __ . .. visited __ ... _ ... _. .. tl.lbleapoons IlorcH I\ud fooli IIturCIi. NAME ._.�_._ lanta. We " : ' with twen­ rice ts quick arad euy tD But collectors" are aro started operations cooking "hug irnpor­ E"er-Ue8t feeds , soldiers of World recently lemon juice · of 1 the graves t.o.bleapoon - tender with - anl , _ ADDRESS .. --'___. .___ cook dellcloualy . and tant men in our economic hlah Quality l,rOOI1C18 : styled by Regal $2.00 $1.50 setup to see persons enroi:',d. TIES, alld 'He wlJt'ly Ullt'd IW : Wars I and II, Was surprised ty-six ) cup cataup white individual graInL. reveals more to us - flulfy their science Iho'lthlHll 01' established the ...... _ _.. was _ .. ... _. _ ...... by _ .. : CITY _ ._STATE beautiful cemetery, also lots This,factory 1 meat .tock or confJomme Here'. how: I than how many a spider has �IB'H� tUlltomen. For (ullln­ : what a l'UP C ...... MEN'S legs under la TROUSERS, light weight forhUilion, fill In the I have Livestock : there. Talmadge administration Worce.terahlre or that it c�n regenerate a lost ap­ poultry 0 0 of Georgia's sons resting 1 ��bleapoon atluctiC!.1 CUU(lm, ami : the • To Cook Rlcelancl...,." PPt,%. ,' activated by , to a son , at ·$4.95 $10.95 Indluflle your hdp,rcllt I om interested in dealership 0 : has a leg�S­ nSt1ce pendage. : My o!cleat brother. John. lI�rfected ,and of Rtceland Rice, 1 teaapooo In • dealer.hll' - " � - "' � and ul- cup · its seEsion. Insects, often called man's great­ lature a� JanuBIY 1 tell8poon aalt and 2 of water In .. buried there. for of aalt cupe MEN'S est attack cultivated will employment cover with .. LOAFERS, "Trampeze." competitors, .. that the' provide frAnkfurters and and Mrs, Lester I also learned from hist�ry tjmately o! large .aucepan Mr. . plants and livestock, destroy and J. Shunlan. over a bot was a native 200 ""rsons, Add tight-fitting lid. Bet DDTt�Su.lph'ur first of Portland bliqd Melt fat In a sklUeL contaminate food and cloth­ ·�5% and Stevens. mayor blind cotton �tdrei! Stevens Judy who is flame until It bOlla vlgorolUlly_ MEN'S SOCKS, nylon, rayon, STILSON NEWS Terrell. (In!nn and cook until the onion Ing,-and are the princip'al carriers' Mrs. C. M, Graham will Georgian. Supt."Vaughn ·the heat aa low .. Mr. and the for the present frequently. Then reduce , said stirring , plant !. at . . .. 55c of of and the Hines Log yellow, $1.00, 65c, disease plants. ahimals, week end in Athens attend- ·1 ·am mailing you and almmer for 14 mID­ Joan Jones. of Eastman. i. visiting spend the mops. brooms. Add _nlnp and .tock (or. poulble man. see that are big would' .",anufacture whlcb time of their son, which can they consomme or utea mo..... d.urInr Allie Bnd the graduation yO)! The work­ ('UP of canned - other such' as Stetson But there's the bee her cousins, Faye 111enda lng will note In mattresses. be abeorl1ed,. Numerous items honey among ul'D'Q'5TI�G,:;SU[PRUR will receive aawmill You beef extract and water wU1 \1 MontrO'OO Graham who operators. \himself..mop,�elids,and hour. make It with th� the beneficial insects tbat pollinate Harden. 40 cents an the rice dellciolUlly ten­ Jantzen Sun this mammoth cougar that ers wilflbe paid and aimmer covered for making Swank Jewelry, their of. Plant his B.S. in agricultural engi· tills Log the �ater), tbe Hats, plant. and ,prove Mr. and Mrs. JolUl Rogen. degree will lell our. pwducts on, the rice In der. Remove the lid. permit ce'1aln wh"re we I minutes. Place . of Geor- killed a half mile from "We. lilt"!" Jantzen Swim worth In othet way•. with 'Mr. neering from the University was will to rice Iteam to the delllrell Suits, Trunks, Shirts, City, Fla., spent Monday market. but also seH ih. bottom of a ahaIIow greaaed � dry �INE�OF:"'I'MSEbICIDES geT.eral. COMPLRE' be aC· live. wID know between will and the graIna To the difference Mrs. J. I. Newman. sia ·Saturday. They 'Supt. Terrell �.....,role. Pour the sauce over IL c\lJ18(etency and Room Shoes. ,nd come back state d�part;"ents"" Belts Bed Insects losses MIss Iris We we would .. and AlW11J8 Shorts, the causing great Savan- their niece. thought received an the frankturte1'll on top. be parate flulry. Miss Mattie Ruth Scott. of companied by it "We have Arrange are beneficial and summer, but said. already UlIe Rlceland RIce, for beet re­ and those which Teachers College. to Statesboro this the frankfurters If you pre· is spensing her vacation with her Lee. of Georgia worth of mattresses Spilt We will be to assist in to methods for eradlc'aUon ·nah. be one or two order $5.000 BUlts. glad you making develop' now looks like it will !for r.r. Brush them With melted the Mr. and Mrs. John Scott. State !If pests w,hile parents. we make the to be usea at the Milledgeville selections. pr�tecting �he more summers before your othera the of the entomolo­ John R. Burkett and Million tentative I. Job Mr. and Mrs. Twenty-Five and have on hand To Cook,f Tender I FlufFy r . HO'Spital, Ricelalld Rice II Eaey gist. John Eddie ana" Donald, left trip. addition." sons, Palnt find order'S for $2.000 worth ill Vehicles Need,. Enclo...d you will postoffice More than 265,000 Insect specl. for Germany after visiting six buildings at To the beat raults with Monday for the Times, We ar" The plant occupies get mens pinned or mounted on slides June l...LThere are t_nty- money orde'!' and all rille recipe•• ·East,Georgia;·�anut Mr., E. J. Reid.. Chicago. U'Sed as a gov- 11m! recipe €ompany her mother, at the Colorado &. M, the' paper. though Bsinblidge formerly RIce, It'. A. College vehicles in the United always glad to Ket t... IlUre to UN Rlceiand STA.TESBORO, GA. Mr. and Thomas R. Goodrich five inillion the war. experiment station rep­ old but still ernment aviation base during deliclollll rice probably a new it is .. week or �en days 1M moat Texas; which' are In need of n resent 15 cent of the and of States has b... in- worl,d's of only per daughter.' Bea'umont, worth $39.000 .. _ In the heart the to Sam Small, news from home. Equipment 'l'Own found in the state. Dr. for a visit with job, according thus America. species will arrive Saturday paint stalled and the total investment rice belt of of Builders Give our regards to all. .."a�t)' George M. List, chief entomolo­ Mr. and Mm. DeMe advertising manager the choice, perfect-cooklng her parents. far is (.n,y First that the HUNTER SUDDATH. $64.000. RIce· Shop Henry'S gist, reports. however. Chicago. hav.e rk� are packed tn Brown. Products; workers will oppor- rratna . collection is the Box 234, Westfir. pregon. The blind probably largest re- Small 18",'- Mrs. John have an intervrew ytsterday. rentals rang- paekagea. Mr. and Rogers In - homes at in the intermountain region. tunities to get rice Ia quick and aft,r vis- the'more than 88. '",11 qll&llty to Plant Fla .• estimated that. of month in apart- turned City. fl<,m $15 to $2511 to cook. RlceJand RIce ing - CARD OF THANKS the Vets Soon a '.r.�)' To General Public vehicles in' Georma a t t !Notice I Mrs. 1;1. B, Newmlln' millio.. registered are located d'Jacen tender with itiqg his sisters. he' ments which (,,,,Jr. dllloiollllly I am now associated with C. H. Zitl­ this method of express­ "Every Smoker Fire Hazard" at er at least per cent Permits May [ take Bnd Mrs. W. J. Shumen. u'!d United States. eighty Get Life . in Statesboro, I "",tt's barber shop thank. Dr. White­ sin""r. to The discarding of lighted cigars. at- a total of 17,000 ha\1'� hud latest technicai schooling on ing my Atlanta, June 4 (GPiI).-An "�':t:rr�r!n'::d��tu= Bulloch Coun­ and tobacco th�.:e�a��c�����ins so­ side and the nurses at cigarettes, lighted Jones and .free broom manufac- b..lbf-(Iooktnl'.wonderfuUy-4ell· barbering. I'm publicly re�:�e:n�e'�'rs, Lymnn �::s;";:���:;ob:ryec::St o!:;n;it�v:; tractively designed permanent feet and the �d.ern to lhe friends for the from without for square . ...••• _A"·_ed rIce-and at eeo- business and support in ty H0'3pitai and pipes regard to ist;ued to t',0 be t-- 'Iettmg your children huve ,eturned Eastman. nine years old. driver's license soon will be is th e hI's· cards nnd all kind deeds dur­ flammable material which be turing department ..,tooIRlceJandRlcr e'StabHsh Rowers. may , - �prtc to . permanently myself M . L de '�rdcr and Mrs. Small, ac.ording and rnattress recent illness at the en after Mr. of this adds uP." says war ve.,rans, The ...... a ""rvln... In the barber field. Will appreciate ing my hospital. sel fire has given to the visiting "All Georgia mop -- only o nt Hall opened. -----.....-"'------. ar· a a I ------'------be showered ,,�th many Mrs. J . L of these the state d t nd 'all business, }l&y they expression that "every smoker is ami and I the fact that the majority to state officials. Bearing will be opeDe nex. I "to Martin. M.'·, are partmenta ------AULBERT NESM[TH, blessings, a fire hazard." Every smoker than �wo years old of the gover· o'f th.. woeh 1 plant MRS. J. L. LAMB. den and family. vehicles more seal and the signature formal opening I should exercise reasonable care in L "wman and . the '(l2jun2tp) . N card Mr. and Mrs. J . I I'n need of a paint l'ob to protect ..� laminated, billfold-llize held June 27\h . nor, . will be to from ---- r7gard sparks lighted Newn1an. will and also to add Miss Leona owner's will a me...age of appreciatloD cigars, cigarettes, or pipes and to daughter. inves:tment. ""fry of their son, value of For Salel the of such articles. It is attend the graduation to the re ....ale from the state of Georgia. NO TRESPASSING Imme,diate disposal that from the Univenity d?llar� of a Bale orth:a�:�t notice generally admitted that the ordi­ Inman Newman. In th� event Once a veteran gets this perManent This Is to give public _I ABOUT HAMPSHIRE PULLETS, re- on the PURE BRED "NEW is a fire who will �I��e won't have to Gobhar landing Ogeec�ee nary cigarette greater.' of Georgia Saturday. In. free driver's license, he the t g ., hazard than is a or be­ 1.,sm. t " river is respassln_ .,Be t the privat�.proper:ty; •••• EACH 'Finest cigar pipe, his B.S. degree in journa d d h given pat -. A,s soon a. per TWELVE WEEKS OLD $1.00 ceive This �maJl renew it year. IS fOlbldden. if is laid down after .al every the land being of Day- manufacture of it upon Ian mg are <;ause .it MI's. U: JiI. Grant, In the Ilte'tS I 8 cord>! . boats at the ad�d. IJghted, It will continue to Mr. and mendous surge tat patra COnlp. I. Ions having usually sev- be It'. them, are that could s. � to remOVQ Fla .• spending automobile enamel type bum unti1 it is consumed, where­ tona Beach; ' . WIll Issue the permanent llcenses. requ;,,,d RALPH E. MOORE �n, . Mrs. W. . With near pro'f 1 veterans This May 2� 1.949. as, under the same conditions a' with hes mother. owner"l'Pphed easlo�a It is not necessary for the LANIER. days J. F. PREETORIUS STREET. PHONE 294·L lighted cigar or pipe will "go o�t." Mr. Shuman. They Builders Products reeogl11Z- headquarters WILLIAMS, ... Champion 4-door ledan J. Shuman. and Tes ults to to the sta\" patrol C. G. . Cleaning go �tudeba" I Mrs. Grant's .' 1 monthI and mail W. R. MOORE. have been joined by ed thiS need and stand in liD.. They may I �======��======! of - Miss R09ll1yn TIllotson. �s�;� ag�. Fastest Service Quirwa Studied by UNFAO daughter. ��Qed et·�y8���ta�ro"dth���UP(�����:: of the Pavo ename�I�con ammg .]'leat'IOn I who is a member new uutomoblle the app Pavo, • papers Some say it's spinach. Some say has the toget�er Wit? d 8 chemiOllI ....ieh hceDse to the De- �chool faculty. pure alky. blanks for dMv�r·. It as well be or wheat, . might oats, er- bond Harden ent a perfect ., 969 East Mrs. J. L. .,f formmg . PUbl'IC Safety. Best Price or barley. But it is quinoa and tlie Mr. and faculty p!\T'III"n,t 0< Covers '.' � worl.. on the street. W • R . Anderson aad Raymond Hool...... ""� _v. Jackson II h" con- been found In a purse WOqla41 wi' p",ac "IS I • • •• Alabama and Mississippi endorsed with - liaRd of edueatlDn, alone H� sermlJlla -In next 1 C!lbdUll" -stale':!ioro Statesboro Pilot! _, . . e YBAII8" the, h lei. - school su- 1'B1ltl'Y AGq agr�ment, Womack, Bulloch county Sunday af 11,30 and 8 Both ..,,*es Jane 1919' Porter Was ington, D. C., Place Pr_ Balloch Tim... 12, Taylor, sail -rlntendent The bookmobile will be broadca.t. Reach Third . will , 'schOllI yol_ 'L e- HIlI'h trt'adulltes �o Willcox haa receIved a nead 0f th e fruIt and vegetable d"'" • Mrs. John be uaed for demonstration PIJrposes d has been set b the ar- , Movmg ay y Rained out several tlmee dunng b!er and' are accepted by the Untt,ell that her son ' Clark, has of the American Fann Bu. telegram partment m I conference as June 22 and 23, next the State.boro Pilots have made ... Air Foree will have opo rived from overseas Wilson dl- . week, Stat many reau FederatIOn ' and Stili GeorgIa; were 'Mrs. BII,y SImmons, district ylce- Rev. Jack- Flrot sea Island blooms Wednesday and Thursday. little change In their league .tand- portunltles to continue their edue•• I cotto,) rector of of the Georgia 'l'imes office Mon- orgamzatlon announces that thIS eounty pr...ented at the chairman, son ha'S not stated on which of these Jog, exoept to climlr :l'rom !ouJ'th tlon, Sgt. WUson, local &.noy and at. Col- attended the . were at AgrIcultural Farm Bu."..u, Albany took the lead in day; grown and district r,alslOg' he Will move. to with Ii of .619. I hall . days place third, ratin, force recrultin, representative lege. meetIng. funds for bookmobile. the J. addl-, Assi(plments of oth..r mimsters who Fourth In the .core Is Jesup (.600), announced. E. D. Holland, representing Includ-ad in the agreement reached t�s In. a to In all actIVIties I has Issued tIon partlclpatmg have served In th.. Include a that Cone U. C. V , terrItory who held Statel!boro to tie for The Air Force Is pilicing emphulti S. Camp Mobile and Alb Is In States- at In any Mrs. Simmoll'S WIll call for reumon to be held of this program, Rev L. E. WIlliams returns to the several Tonight'" educational he .... ?earlngs not eli- !rank Ipr days. upon standard&, a pecans . boro on July 4th. prOViSIon whereby over ",II district group meet- preSide ,Waycro"" dlstTlct as superintendent, on the local field Will be WIth becauae so much It. wqrk session Judge . . . game plamed, 9f After a one-day for shipment under the pro- I glble Ings for thIS district during the y.reek. Hutchinson returns to AI. CIty court Rev J. B Wrightsvillfr-weather permItting. calls for hIghly dltvelQped akill. &pel Remer Proctor adjourned posal by Virtue of failure to meet farmers could back to Rev. G N Rainey above • The In· Monday so get to dersgate"Savannah; average htlemgence. quahty speCIficatIOns may lie so'd!J theIr fann work returna to' CaI ro, EdwI n C arrutit re· telhgence lind educational level of of the season wlthm the nut produclDg' First watermelons processors the Ilt MOTIF SELECTED turns to pastorate WhItfield, TEACHERS COLLEGE the average Air Force recruit, hi to market Tuesday area of the five southeastern state, were brought to the Bht.b� Savannah, Carlton Carruth returns added, IS at a reoord peak in the hi.. D C Hod!!,es, fanner of said. 14 Wmgate Rev Leland Moore IS as- dIstrict; largest ones weIghed Edison, and tory of large mlhtal'Y orgamzations. Te'B tImony