Georgia Southern University Digital Commons@Georgia Southern Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues) Bulloch County Historical Newspapers 6-9-1949 Bulloch Times (Statesboro News-Statesboro Eagle) Notes Condition varies. Some pages missing or in poor condition. Originals provided for filming by the publisher. Gift of tS atesboro Herald and the Bulloch County Historical Society. Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.georgiasouthern.edu/bulloch-news- issues Recommended Citation "Bulloch Times (Statesboro News-Statesboro Eagle)" (1949). Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues). 2499. https://digitalcommons.georgiasouthern.edu/bulloch-news-issues/2499 This newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Bulloch County Historical Newspapers at Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. It has been accepted for inclusion in Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues) by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. For more information, please contact [email protected]. JlULLOCB 'rIMES AND STATI!:S80RO NL.vs THURSDAY, JUNE 2, 1949 I BACKWARD LOOK I The True Memorial TEN YEARS AGO Frolll Bulloeh 18 AN UNWRITTEN BUT ELU· Times, June 8 1939 A. P. Kendrick, former citizen of S QUENT STORY OF ALL THAT died on May 14th at his h tates?oro, Hampton, Va., after a brief (STATESBORO NEW8-8TATESBORO EAGLE) IS BEST IN LIFE. ili';!�:n Announcement made that Herbert reflect �6 BllIlocb TIm., lltabltabed 18l1li Our ,\.ork helps to B. Kennedy has been named national CoIIIolldatecl olulIIII7 l". 111" medical State.boro N.� Eatahll.hed 11101 PRE-NUPTIAL PARTIES spirit which prompts you to erect director of til.! Woodmen of I the World Life Stataaboro "I., Bltabll.bed 1817-CouoUatad O-bar 8.1_ reverenee Insurance , of- Mrs. C. B. Math",ws nnd Mr'S. E. L. the stone as an act of ' Society fices m Omaha Neb " Personal at a and devotion . • • Our experieDC6 Purely Barnes were hostesses lovely First open �otton' blooms of the the week end at St. Simons. I is at aervi�. season Ken, spent bridge party and handkerchief shower your were brought to the Times of- Statesboro Pilots ' Miss Bell Ellis. of Register, is fice last Thu",day-JUDe 1. Ten . vis- Wodnesday afternoon of last week in years Retain Robert of Oglethorpe, the first , Fourth Place English, awhile with her sister, Mrs. ago bloom wa8' brought in 0U 5terl spending, who ' I of Miss etC b M. honor Betty McLemore, THAYER COMPANY Statuboro ited Saturday .with i1i� aunb, �rs. of the nyu. who I"'Jt week John Everett. MONUMENt Kerne.,' �otl, become the bride of Robert Chi-solm Ada�:lre were M. Holland. ,., A Local 'SIDee 11122 32!���nft� 'I- recorded as tied for "r of is Industry Two ' tourth of :r.hss Nancy Mercer, Camilla, , Mrs. E. ·M. Mount, In a beautiful ceremony taking place Mr. and JOHN M. THA Le I� . plale In the O,eechee have I th'e week with Misses Elaine YEa, Proprietor Ro�:l.!t League, visitors here spending at the Statesboro are business last Bap­ . j Ga inesville, evening 41i W.lt Main Street PHONE 439 G•• mo"ed up one are ' pe,-today and Berta Sue West. Statel£!oro, In��:i:sboro�dJl86nr� A aI EIV-C,.10'n they were invited to the , were for a few days. tist church Guests hO!!ured by recoraitlon III UI8 ,untted tor the place. R.ln bist and K J. and (1apr-tf) night Lt. Com. A. M. Gulledge, of Mr. Register where mapaille ..... ..n- will be the I Mr�, home Mrs. Mathews, yellow oCollege utataadlng count., , Mr. 'and Mrs. T. L. 'announce �f Raymo,!d Haran prevented a ,ame here, the the Hagan lora on • Tonl,ht S. the week end Jerry and Nell, spent the II« aamp1l8,n I Charleston, C., spent daughters, ' lil;"'s and white hydrangeas form­ 4-H Club president for next l>iIots the birth of a son, Thomas Logan Jr., day Brannen and II(rs. Frank In the trial oJ the _ Lon- play the Thomson team here. week end at Savannah Beach. qalut IMAtlL,''IfI' there, with his family decorations. Individual MR. AND MRS. GODBEE .va:a, the retlults of an election h at the Bulloch Hos­ ed exquisite :,ue Lanier. cbaraed with c:ompllcltt ,....11. TO per year,: and tomorrow those will Mc- and May 25, County ,��:�.es night team. Mr. and Mrs. Tom McGee, of btl... Donald Lundberg son, 10 the cakes iced in 'green and em­ HOSTS AT BRIDGE I �Iaylng of Charle. 1.. Dalllrh�, Snturday the count., COUJIcll, ..... pital. M"". Was Mi�s wedding Mrs. Jake Smith and Oi b., pia., in Statfiboro. are the week with of N. are her Hagan formerly MiifS Maxnnn Donough, spending Alan, Ithica, Y., visiting were A was transferred from SCI'8oren count., lut . with white lilies served lovely evening party given mond I, the pre,ldent of tie Catherine Lanier. bossed HEAD R retiring . honored Miss at a Bulloch ' McLemore de- (jUTE 301 H. Howell. and Mrs. R. J. Brown. Foy county rendered a bill her father, Henry parents, Mr. and minted • Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. John Gold- wee�, Brooklet 4-H Club and haa 'Served" • ••• with ice cream gingoar ale, against Screven for costa Mr. and Mrs. Rex Hodge'S and son, Hobson Donaldson IightfiJ1 informal party Friday after- $1,122.72 .J.. Mr. and AI.Allred - ' • Do-an --"dentIl'...,... Mr�. Mr. and Mrs. Bernon Gay announce cherries and roasted n"ts. Beautiful bee entertaining with bridge at their In the case: presIdent of the LeefieId c Iub - WISE TO attended the horse races in noon at the hor&e of Mrs. Smith. The I FOLLOW' 'Eddie, in Athens with their spent Sunday the birth of a Emma Kate, on a silver on Church street, where a va­ �ocial events: Mr. and Mr•. Clark Of HoMter Which three term8. He Mia, afternoon. daughter, handkerchiefs arranged Group succeedl! 1m , 1 Glennville Thursday student at the Univer- rooms were attractive, with gladioli. h.ome Willcox alld Mrs. A. have reo son, a summer Temples . Balfll, James; at the Hos­ McLe­ of flowers . May 28th, Bulloch County were to Miss Promotes Tobaeeo Trail Creasy, of Nevils. ImIlL - and presented dee­ Mr. and Mrs. Jim Denmark tray Individual cakes and assorted party rlet� fo�"d tumed�from New YorIs where the., 'm' POINTERS sity.' Mrs. was Miss Refreshments consisted serve -�th also . the pital. Gay formerly more, and she was the treclpient &trended the World's Elected to W'.�Raymond' I . children, Ann and Donna, spent were served with �ratlons. �f J.l'alr.-Stanle." I' and M V F A sandwiches punch. Alfred Dorman waa named ThII TimeI Elde Garaldina lee cream E. Watera on of the Mr. and presi- were y,Application Of gal.' Collins, of Metter. of a of from her host­ I in ginger ale, •• late starting In September, week end with relatives in' Waynes- :s',' piece crystal . was a of di sometime In M',1SS0UM anarde • •• • Mis'S given piece .individual J, N. ..... I dent of the Tobacco Trail Association Pest Controls Will spen mg Franklin a recent McL:more cakes and For score M�s. Waters, graduated a. vlce-nreJP, Make 01'0. esses. Mrs. Paul Jr., candy.. high Brannen, Nevils, girls' .. b from son eh00I e ndllana, wereh hcC iIS conducti109 meet- Mr, and Mrs. E. B. Rushing Jr., of silver in her pattern. Those attending FrIday night tht Wil S at th meeting of that orgaization For Improved Co II with Mc­ won a tea nditiollll will arrive to- . honors Miss, prizes J.oc Trapnell o dent; .Heyward Moml, Stillon, .� Miss Sally Ser;on bride, shared .. Mys. f Law, Athens, announce the birth of a daugh­ were Miss McLemore Mis Frieda held laat week in N. C. Mr. to lOgS. two Fen­ I a Atlanl,t.. ••. DUD, From time to tllIl'e day from Mercer University Lemore and was presented towel and Mr. 'Ti'apll'ail received boys' vtce-prest ent: Boots 'Be""rIJj your health de- Remer Proctor of Atlanta, spent Jane at the Gernant Miss Jakie M'18S Dorman wlll .8rv8 spend' Jr., ter, May 25, Athens . , W, for the 1949-50 T. E. Dale, a 'UPSh: s TWENTY YEARS AGO. partment to sometime with h I' mother, Mrs. ton bowls. For high score in bridg.., h'avmg k"tI. For cut \""orth McDoU- Register, ...cretary; Bobb., Thompson, attempts place before the Re- Beasle"'j, last week with his father, Judge General Hospital. Mrs. Rushing was Vera Bell, Mrs. Bing Philips, Mrs. From 1929 year. He succeeds A. A. WIl- wa� won won BaIlOCII Tim.... JUlie 8, Rutfin, people of Bulloch S'rson. box of chocolate candy by ,::ald crystal mints. Guests were, Leefeld, treasurer; San Ta.,lor, county thoughts or mer Proctor, and Mr. and Mrs. Josh the. former Mh;s J'aan Orner, of C"own Sam Rice, Mrs. Hinton Booth, MI's. Miss ltuth McDougald lett ThUl'1!. son, N. C, D. Worth JOfD8r Rock Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Bennett and fOI' Iowa salad Mr. and Mrs. Joo Mr. and y and Mr. alld Ml's. K. D, recommendatiOIlJl Mi�3 Helen Rowse; Trapnell, . tal, reporter, concerning timely T. Nesmith. Ind. Earl Miss Rita Foilis and Mrs. New York, Wa'Bhington, At- Mount of Waycross, were Point, Serson, daY.for N {l., d fI' health daughter, Patricia, set went to Mrs. Albett Braswell, and Mrs. Worth McDougald, Mr. and Mrs. Wilde and Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Bra� SUbjects. All 'Buch recom- and • • • • I . 1\Ir. and Mrs. A. F. Shulier chil- E. W. Barnes. us enn . visitors with Mr. Mrs. L. 188 a on Who 8 been t Ruf-· Knameed'1,rstGlvlce.enn.
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