Commercial Standards Monthly, S
COMMERCIALfAAR 2 7 1933 STANDARDS vV^ , ,v\ V' ^MONTHLY A Review of Progress in Commercial Standardisation and Simplification I’hotoKraphiMl l>y Army Air Corps AIRPLANE VIEW OF BUREAU OF STANDARDS (LOOKING SOUTH) ISSUED BY THE BUREAU OF STANDARDS OF THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE, WASHINGTON, D. C., U. S. A. Vol. 9, No. 9 March, 1933 For sale by the Superinten Jcnt of Documents, W'ashington, D, C. $1.00 annually ($1.60 lorcign i ; single copy, 1 0 cents U. S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE BUREAU OF STANDARDS ROY D. CHAPIN, Secretary LYMAN J. BRIGGS, Acting Director COMMERCIAL STANDARDS MONTHLY, S. F. Tillman, Editor The Commercial Standardization Group A. S. McAllister, Assistant Director DIVISION OF SIMPLIFIED PRACTICE DIVISION OF SPECIFICATIONS Edwin W. Ely A. S. 'McAllister The division of simplified pradlice cooperates with indus- The duties of the division of specifications are to promote trial and commercial groups to reduce wa^te, usually through and facilitate the use and unification of specifications. In eliminating unnecessary variety of product, method, or doing so it carries on activities involving cooperation with practice. Its fundfion is to bring together all parties inter- technical societies; trade associations; Federal, State, and ested in a projedt of this charadter, and to coordinate their municipal Government specifications making and using work in developing a simplified pradtice recommendation. agencies; producers, distributors, and consumers; and teSting Such work includes surveys of current pradtice, formula- and research laboratories. It ascertains the standardization tion of a simplified pradtice program, and presentation of and specifications promoting activities of the associations that program for adtion by a general conference representing and societies, and brings to their attention the work being all interests.
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