St.Michael the Archangel

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St.Michael the Archangel ST. MICHAEL THE ARCHANGEL CATHOLIC CHURCH Consecrated to the Pierced Hearts of Jesus and Mary JULY 14, 2019 • FIFTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Hearing Assistance Update service. It will begin at 7 pm. It’s for those who desire By now, the system should have been ordered. It’s any kind of healing to happen in their own lives or in supposed to arrive in about 2 - 3 weeks. It would then the lives of their loved ones. It’s about physical healing, need to be installed and calibrated for the church. As it emotional healing, spiritual healing: and even healing currently stands, the system would help 4 parishioners over those things that we might not even know needed per Mass to receive hearing assistance. If the system healing. It is calling upon the mercy of the Lord. While works and there’s a need for more receivers, we will we submit everything under the will of our Heavenly certainly look at purchasing more. The cost of the Father, He does desire to break through with the system thus far was $1800. miraculous. Sometimes in His mercy, He grants precisely what we seek; other times, also in His mercy, He blesses us through ways that are not so obvious. MSP Update Let us not think that we “bother” our Lord with our requests nor think that we are beyond His mercy. After having gone through the Parish Visioning Day on th Maybe you have grown weary in asking? Then come June 30 , input has also been gathered from the online and just ask the Lord to receive all that He wants you surveys distributed through Flocknote. This weekend, receive that evening. parishioners, who were not able to attend the June 30th PVD or were not able to fill out the electronic forms, will Before that, there will be an opportunity to offer prayers be given an opportunity to provide their input through of reparation to Our Lord Jesus, truly present in the paper surveys. Blessed Sacrament. The Holy Hour of Reparation will begin at 6 pm. One of the biggest obstacles that we This week our Parish Visioning Team will begin the can find ourselves contending with is our ego. This lack process of aligning the parish mission, vision and of humility before God acts as a hindrance to the mercy priorities with Unleash the Gospel. We will hear from of God. And sometimes we are not aware of it. We may the Archbishop and be encouraged to create goals to have good intentions and think all is well; yet, give us a road map of how we expect the ideas from underneath it all, there is our ego, our pride, still pulling each Synod Proposition to flourish. the strings and barring us from receiving the graces of God to its fullest. So, if you are able, please join us for the Holy Hour of Reparation, that we may pray that our Vacation Bible Adventures Lord Jesus find consolation in our prayers and offer From Monday to Thursday, our children will take part in reparation for ourselves and for others. VBA. This year’s theme is “Roar! Life is wild. God is As we prepare for the Healing Service, please offer a good.” It’s about exploring the goodness of God and novena to St. Anne, the mother of Mary and the building up bold faith to help them through life! In your grandmother of Jesus. The novena starts this kindness, remember them and all the volunteers in Wednesday, July 17th. If you have access online, your prayers. please pray this version of the novena: http:// Healing Service / Holy Hour of Reparation anne.html. On Friday, July 26th, we will have our next healing For those unable to access the internet, please offer these prayers from the 17th to the 26th: continued... 502 WEST FRONT STREET • MONROE, MICHIGAN 48161 • [email protected] • 734-241-8645 Mission: Inspiring discipleship of Jesus through faith, prayer, and service. Vision: Fearless Disciples, Formed by the Word, Filled with the Heart of Jesus. Glorious St. Anne, filled with compassion for those SUSAN’S CORNER who invoke you, with love for those who suffer, heavily laden with the weight of my troubles, I kneel at your Love of God and Neighbor feet and humbly beg you to take my present need “You shall love the Lord, your God, with all your under your special protection: heart, with all your being, with all your strength, Through your intercession, may our Blessed Lord and with all your mind, and your neighbor as Jesus grace us with His mercy on our healing service yourself.” - Luke 10:27 at St. Michael the Archangel on July 26th. May your These words were spoken by a scholar of the law to voice, O Jesus, reach the hearts of those whom you Jesus. He was quoting the Old Testament Law of desire to heal, and may they be found under the Leviticus and Deuteronomy (Leviticus 19:18, protective mantle of Our Lady that they might not suffer Deuteronomy 6:5, 10:12). Jesus commended him for difficulty in coming. May hardened hearts crumble speaking these words. But then the scholar asked before the glory of the Holy Spirit. May healing be Jesus, “And who is my neighbor?” Jesus responded by given to all, according to your ineffable and impeccable telling him the familiar story of the Good Samaritan. wisdom. The story of the Good Samaritan is one that should Vouchsafe to recommend it to your daughter, the wake us up to some not-so-pleasant truths about love Blessed Virgin Mary, and lay it before the throne of of neighbor, or the lack thereof. First, a priest and a Jesus. Cease not to intercede for me until my request Levite walked by the beaten and suffering man on the is granted. Above all, obtain for me the grace to one side of the road and ignored him, passing on the day meet God face to face, with you and Mary and all opposite side of the road. Then the Samaritan walked the angels and saints, praising Him through all eternity. by, was filled with compassion, and went out of his way Amen. to help the man. O Good Saint Anne, so justly called the mother of the The conclusion is obvious. We should be like the Good infirm, the cure for those who suffer from disease, look Samaritan who showed mercy to the man in need. On kindly upon the sick for whom I pray. an intellectual level it is easy to conclude this Alleviate their sufferings; cause them to sanctify their fact. However, in practice, it is not always the case. sufferings by patience and complete submission to the It’s interesting that Jesus used a priest in the story as Divine Will; finally deign to obtain health for them and the first person to walk on the opposite side of the with it the firm resolution to honor Jesus, Mary, and road. One thing this tells us is that too often we seek a yourself by the faithful performance of duties. so-called “exterior holiness” while, in truth, we lack But, merciful Saint Anne, I ask you above all for the authentic “interior holiness.” The priest can be seen as salvation of my soul, rather than bodily health, for I am a symbol of those who claim to be Christian on the convinced that this fleeting life is given us solely to surface but fail to live their holiness in their assure us a better one. I cannot obtain that better life actions. Without living true love of neighbor, we are without the help of God's graces. I earnestly beg them frauds and do not live up to our sacred calling. of you for the sick and for myself, especially the petition for which I am making in this novena: Reflect, today, upon the difference between exterior and interior holiness. The ideal is that your inner life is (State your personal intention here) so completely consumed by the love of God that it :through the merits of our Lord Jesus Christ, through overflows into your exterior actions. If your love of God the intercession of His Immaculate Mother, and is not fully alive within the depths of your heart, there is through your efficacious and powerful mediation, I no way that you can, in fact, be truly holy. pray. Amen. Lord, help me to authentically love You with my whole Our Father: heart, mind, soul and strength. Help me to have such Hail Mary: an honest love for You that it also overflows into my love for others. May Your precious gift of holiness Glory Be to the Father: permeate my life and enable me to love You and Pray for us, Saint Anne! others in a total way. Jesus, I trust in You. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ. series/ordinary-time-weeks-1-17/fifteenth-week-in-ordinary In Jesus through Mary, -time Fr. Phil FEAST DAY PLANNING HAS BEGUN! If you have any suggestions or are interested in helping in any way, please contact the parish office. Email [email protected] or call 734-241-8645 to give your name and contact information. Come join the fun! All are welcome! HEALTH MINISTRY It’s that time of the year for our annual parish blood drive, to be held Thursday, July 25th from 12:30 to 6:30 pm in gym at St.
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