University of South Florida Scholar Commons Integrative Biology Books Integrative Biology 1846 Catalogue Raisonné of the Families, Genera and Species of the Class of Echinoderms: A translation of Agassiz, Louis, Desor, E. 1846. Catalogue raisonné des familles des genres et des espèces de la Classe de Echinodermes. Annales des sciences naturelles Jean Louis Rodolphe Agassiz Pierre Jean Édouard Desor John Lawrence University of South Florida,
[email protected] Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Agassiz, L. & E. Desor (2020). Catalogue Raisonné of the Families, Genera and Species of the Class of Echinoderms: A translation of Agassiz, Louis, Desor, E. 1846. Catalogue raisonné des familles des genres et des espèces de la Classe de Echinodermes. Annales des sciences naturelles, volume 6, series 3, p. 305-374 (J. M. Lawrence, Trans.). Herizos Press, Tampa. This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Integrative Biology at Scholar Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Integrative Biology Books by an authorized administrator of Scholar Commons. For more information, please contact
[email protected]. ANNALES SCIENCl~S NATURELLl~S I\ zooLOr.11;. I..\ IIOT\\IQIE. r.'.\ ,. \TO" IF. ET L \ Pll\ l\lOLOI, 11' un11· \ nEFS llES m:n: n~:r."F.S. ET 1.'111.STOlll1' nr:<. , (HIPS 011,. \ ,rs(s •osslJ.ES: )'111 H I.\ ZOOLOl:IE ET porn r. \ 1-IOT \ \(()I F. P\K 1111 . .,n . RROXGXI\.RT f.T .,. Dl:( ·.usxr.. ZOO LOG 1E . PARIS. \I C:TO H )L\S~O \ . 'II H ,;.T l \ r;,, \\ \ \lf~ 1•ni-" LP.