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COMMENT 2 immediately admired it,” he says. “We met in April ART AND 2013 and spent a couple of hours discussing his work, Cumbrian culture, Herdwick sheep and Cherchbi. Right COMMERCE then we decided to work on a project about Herdwicks. “The creation of the book falls in line with the I guess most people who get into photography know Cherchbi approach,” he continues. “We consider both it will probably earn them less than going into law the aesthetic and relevance of all aspects of the design or finance. That’s why we try to put the focus onto and of the raw materials. We like design style that commissions in Image – but the interesting ones, the ones appears initially very simple, yet encourages detailed that make the bold decision to pursue a creative career examination. Our bags generate this type of comment, still feel worth it. This issue of Image has some cracking and the book is doing the same.” examples, not least of which come from the cover star Elsewhere this issue we look at other clever ways to and AOP member Nick Meek. His portfolio includes get enough money to make creative work, with a feature ads shot for global clients such as American Airlines, on using crowdfunding to publish books, for example, Puma, Sony and VW, but his ads take their cue from or at how photojournalists are using Instagram to his beautifully coloured, often wryly funny personal market themselves; we also have a chat with Brian David work. He’s “against taking it all incredibly seriously”, he Stevens about a personal project, Notting Hill Sound says; he likes to “have a little bit of fun with it”.
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