*•“*» 83706

.^.AUOAKIl-IHEJJSS.QKlNA-_JluUSiiacavour.jllt jha_Wiac! WA (UPI)—America's Irlum- scorchcd-bottom first with u Mission Control In Ho)jston Hiree cosnu)nauts .liinu 30 when Apollo. 15 also featured the pliant Apollo 15 oiplorors trcmcmious splnsh. but It {U\ld Apollo lS/)iit (he ocean at tlielr Soyuz-spacecraft cabin first use. of a moon car, which splashed tloOT safely but wlUi a .st^jyed upright. 21,fl miles |)er hour instead.'ftf ■aildilenly deprtssurlzed 'return* cftrrled Scott and Irwin 17.4 kethJarrlntf‘Jolt.ln-thE-PtfdUc--..^TTils-ls.Apollo..l5.’:.r«dioed thBlplMnnciLJ9_n!4)J>,J)ciN>usc_ luK from a record ‘ 24-dav -miles alun|t-tiio-{aiotlUlll-o( Uu>— Sjiturday, cndlni' a 12-dny Scolt while the ICndcavour was one of the 64-root-wldi* chutes spaceflJjihl. ancient Apennine Mountains,' journey to the moon acclaimcd still bobbluK. "Kverybody's in was not fully deployed anil it ’Hie splashdown and success­ Uu* fl'-Ht ouUl'ii* :r by-sdenllst9-a8-‘-u»jj)roccden*—j{otHl-sliapcJl smacked'down rij'ht or\ Us ful recovery Wrapjwjd up the .en reached the Kndeavour, lK>b- l«nde(f only ',fi.32 miles off million extrnvaf'anza which set of a luniir iiiodiite, to survey a completely abovc—Uio- sp^jco- bini{_ In - sun'er hour. dinary scientific yield" j'eolo- are to take place next year — atmospliere and headed toiyard Ttiey K«ve him an “okny" Helicopters from (he Okituiwa I’ists had »dd It promised. A(>ollo Ki In March and Apollo ■5h>n imH thp frOLMnan L«ave a lifted the astronauts one-bv'-t‘r - but |«eolo}»lcal Ihiwaiian Island of Oahu. tlmmbs-up signal to show the fronj titeir floatlnji spacecran pre'viiuis Aixiiin ml«flinmrnTr inves(i|;ators at (he Houston “ Stand by for a hard world they were aH rij'ht. and flew them to (ho carrier total' titne o/t the moon f»|)ace Center were ecstatic at Impact," the recovery ship 'Hie faulty middle parachute flll'iit deck. hours, 55 minutes), linio A|M)11^ 15*s achlevtmi?Dts, and Okinawa radioed astronauLn allowed the ICtuleavour to drop Hie entire . drama was explorlnc the lunar surface ( in ,tiiey said so even Ix'fore the David II. Scdtt,'James II. Irwin faster , and almost straiuht observe

Mafj'ic Valley^s llonu* Ninvtipaper


S V tflsit bid Spray N ational to ApoUo cretv sales rodeo final ' SUN VALLBY (UPI) - 11>e "That's like Sun Valley, tJirco Apollo 15 astronauts and Jitn," tlie coimnunicator in their fnmillos have l)fcn invited Houston remarked, ■WIN KAIJii - Ttlo GooillnK to Sun Valley next winter. Jansa’ telegram said, "Mrs. The----Invilatjon----and—Jnns.vBnd'the-staff-joln-me'ln- J^ujLly_w«(KLconlroUrnccJms— ' violated stiito and federal laws set con^ratulations were in a cont^ratulatint; you and Colonel by selling pesticide in an un* teleurnm sent by William Scolt and Major Worden on your marked container, according to. Janss, chalnnnn of the Iwnrd most successful journey to the nyllllTHMIIXKU second, and Handy Koehn, AI Miller, pesticide investigator for' Sun...... Valley Co., " ■Inc., as soon moon. We were Utrilled lo learn TImes-Ncws Writer Dodge City, Kan„ and Kim wlUj tlic Idaho Department of FILER-T»»o National High Beridickson, Fallon, Nov.. lied as the crowmenjbers were U reminded you of Sun Valley. Agdculturo and Dr. C. Cueto, of ■3arciy~nVifflrd“ tJic-a(rtrnft- School Hodeo at Filer winds up for third and iourtli. ‘in hopes you would.llklT!w~iK(rEnvironmemflr rrotcction— »-t^p-lO-contostiinla— Iiat0backzz.tldln6; Hart carrier Okinawa. •- t . show vour tviro colleaguog .Agency's pesticide regulation nio Invlliition was prompted* . In each eventsnts bailie It put for_ l y j a ^ Thormopolls, Wyo., exactly what you meant, thoufenncbpofTtellara'ifTtellara*-inT>rfteaf-firsfr^— Wendell---GUmwjw- by Lt. Col. James D'. Irwin's tuld-Ukfl-you-and-Mrs^Ir C rotviti^nf first comment on the moon a ^v-h«w-dfftwn—WcBttierf<»rdr coiidrAiul- Colonel and Mrs. Scott'. I CINDV HAGEN, 11, liuEt capnclly crowds durlriK tho Inal Iton Lynch, Uwrnnco, Kan., weok>-^go when ho made Worden and your eight children Hint many dealers and weed portormanccs, liaa Uilrd. reference to tlie Idaho ski to be dur gucsM the week of Jan. resort. S J u u t h .I l™ f n r “v M r a S ‘hc WIZ NaUonalHIgh boon doclarcd a rcaoundlna Saddle hronc riding: Jolui 10,1972, when Sun ValleyJ holds T “ W ■<"**" . Micccas by.alUnvolvcd. KlnK, Sliorldan, Wyo., Ural; Irwin «ild. "Oh boy, it’s Its annual reunion. I look for- beautiful QutJiccc . . . remimU .. .ill- '“I* conloilanls. Dodo Givens, Arapahoo, Wyo., waJiHo hearing fron» you..Until ™ , I, I Ncld« Robtaon, II, Hcdlo, La. dctcrmlniK) by combined scorca Bccond,nnd M arkin , Goodlnii, mo of Sun Valley.” Uien welcome homo." Seconds. later, ho described '*”>'■ **'” * « “ “ >1W. , Die moon dust as "llko about six LI. Col. and Mrs. Irwin vlslM K ^ r l n g ot wa. (Ir.l runner-up H«De arounds, will be«ln compiling Calf roillnu; Paul Hughea, inches 'dooTOrf^BnftTnntcrial;''' a in J / a llo y - ln 4 J c c o m b iu v J M 7 . _ 3 ; ^ 7 „ ^ / & Valley, at 2 p.n>. OIney Springs, Colo.,/irsl! Bob Ore., wa. cho.cn .cconS run-- -TITo |Si‘-pcr(or,;,aHc^-sllOw-Watldn,^ Kim, C»lo., second^^ ^yono (ound selling pe.allcldL. ^ will begin'at l:30p.ii>. Today Is anB Jim Smeenk, Newell, S.D., naniuimurkcdconUilncr-or e|,„,o ncverly Konkcl. "oll-Idaho” day. Uilrd. *■ ^ •■bulknBoutVaaltlsconrjmonly „ ^olo., as Mlai Uio rodeo, which has con- Steer wrestling: Dan Klnsel, cnlled - can liave Ills llccnsc conccnlallty. testants from 24 states par- Cotulla.TeXMflrst; Dick Bauch, taken away. ____!______^______Plane, pickup, tlclpatlng,b only eight students Council Bluffs, Iowa, second, According to Miller, Uie fact' sri^allor Ilian last year's rodeo, and Joe Sagers, Gooding, thirdi ' Umt 27 cattle died in Gooding Bride, despite un ouibrcrt o/ ~ Boya cotr~cuttingr~Micfeflel- County less than two weeks ago V en ezuelan , oquln o ■ on- Mo’wery, Mesii. A rh ., first; piitjm pm m de^^^ *makes'thc-practice-of~“ bulking* _____(^bphalom yelills which caused O a i g Itittenliouse, Woo;dward, out" extremely serious. He said- many siudenta to come toTKo” Okla., second, and Lonnie DATTLE MOUNTAIN, Nev.' Schwinn said his invesHButlon ho anticipates Uiafn bearing cyclist rodeo wiUioulUieli^own mounts. -Asliley, A da, Okla., third. (UPI) — Tlie wreckage of a Indicates tlw. piano crasljed will bo called to look Into the Several Ida}u) entries will be’ Pole bonding: Kathy Wloland, stolen twin • engine plane, eltljcr late Tuesday or early matter. Anotlier alternative, he • J ■ In thoiinnlsrunlcss'thoy wcrc -Hattinger.N.D,TflratrJill Jana.- 1125,000 wortl»\)f marijuana and Wednesday morning. Ho said. Is... for...... the sliito to Uiku lll|IJLl!*0C l moved down by contestants Wood, S.D., second, and ' participating in tlio last per- Rebecca Fuchs, Berthoud, a pickup truck were broughtbelieves Uie aircraft was at* direct legal action. “ hero and are being held as templing to land on Uie dry lake JERO M E-A young husband formance of Uio second go- Colo., Uilrd. evidence, Lander County either to refuel or to unload Itp According to Oscar Arslein, of one day was cltcd for Inat- Slieriff George Schwinn said cargo of marijuana. . • Idaho commlaaloncr of Icnllvo driving and his. bride . Wa'14 Walla, W aJi., first; Janet Saturday. FBI agents said the $50,000 agrlculiuro, Iho "bulking out" aliffcro'd minor Injuries In a '".°u Ellenahurg, W^ash., Schwinn said ho was con- aircraft was reported stolen In practlcd Is agalnat both the old single cor accident on ■ In- lUchflold, who was fifth In bull ^ n d , and Sandl Capehart, tinulng his Investigation Into Iho Ml. Vernon, Wasli., Friday, two and new state lows. teratiito Highway 80 while n riding after- Saturday af- Prlnevllle, Ore., third. Twin Falls bicyclist •»'''?o"n's show; Helen Porke, Breakaway roping: Shelly crash of « Cessna 310 and the days after tho crash, e s c a p o d Drifting down discovery of ten 50-kllo sacks of The . plane Is registered to Dr.-Cuoto told tho Times- |„ „ „|,onplng Malta, who waa third In cow Haskins. River Palla, Wise., il.«f "Kii11/lnr»' nll»" . -.ii 'i n_i *' • 'cutting; Joo Sagera, Gooding, first; Shannon Maddox, Red' morijuartn on a;dry lake bed Hilton Hobbs, •co*owncr of Nows that "b u lk in g out cenler accident Saturday, Uilrd In, steer w rtsUlng, and m ond, O re., second, an d Jill • Ti ; Hobbs Air Taxi Socvlco In Ucno, viglfltes the federal InsecUclde, reported Jiimos -iSTimiiinmd-miidiilinlMiino ttan « p„, Mark Uo, Gooding, Uilrd In Rugg, Meppner, Ore., third. said he was not yet prepared to Hobbs told FBI agenU a friend rodonUcldo and fungicide oqt. cJ,arlos McRile, 21, Brigham mtle .frodi recovery ship USS Okinawa. Third ebute failed to saddle bronc. Girls cow cutting: Jen ask for arrest warrants. . of his had taken Uio airplane to open, but tpeed of fall iocreaiied oaly sJx feei per lecoad. There Miller Is invesugating the Leaders, after tho nine BarUett, Herrtlston, Ore., and andBui-oauof Washington and was planning to ^ Teresa McRea IS, were WM bo hotard to aitrouButi liulde. (UPI) Tlio FBI. FAA performance, are: Cindy Hagen,' East Grand Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs fly It to eattlc belonging to Martin 'Bull rldlngi Don Gay, Forki, MinS., tied for flrat and

K'lt't'ntt'Tet'-r'^llS r^';t'lTjer™“rSrte'; Me.,u,.c, t4 lira.; Grady second, and Helen P,rk,, about.15 minutes after_ being * 2 r i " " ; X ; ; ; ' J „ ‘7J[;";__Grcm llllm T~3nlpHW agency will have jurisdiction in ■ Schwinn said' M'o marijuana sprayedunr>nun/1 u/UViwith an nInrUslock nnrnvspray ^ .7"".. . . Uie case. arm or discovered in the plck-up obtained from the Qpodlng „„„mlng' „ ' , • 1 1 ,#i swerved to' miss oncoming Afl agent in Uie Las Vegas „ a s stuck in tho County weed.control,office. overturned — F B I office said he was "not aure Uio edge of Uio dry Perrine bridge WO have any jurisdiction yet.' 'sahala aald ije was sold the Jjter going out of control Hra. Tlie FBI would enter the case ' ‘ ■spray, which w is taken from a when it is establlslied that there One of Jiis deputies had been large drum, and sold to him In Benedict s Iloapltol for minor flails foe has boon Interstate tran--guarding Uie wreckage and the an unmarked Jus. ' “*5 “"•* '*'™ "I"""®''- ______~A--^6uUnnUqUB saidl^O- gQVdi-hmcnt~i5pdrtaUon‘of B-stalch-airt»lane.-truck=:aijico--JVodne^uy_jnt>ri ______At Uie Lynwooil Sliopplng gains priority VloUiainose armored column'^ldlcrj! wer^'kiiidd and’-^ the agent safd] ' "— , ning. ’’ ------TCiratinned on ------eenter-fii^ w ln F alls, IViutf: lilt stiff .Confimunlflt re.slslanco wounded In the armored-column Hilhnon, 14, ,was riding his Department-of Transportation w ill be announced on M onday In in liiuddy ricc fields of fight, in wbIcK 59 Communists bicycle across Uio parking lot announced Friday That tho Washington, Jordan’s office ' souUieaatern Cambodia and died. Tliopolumn. accompanied when a, car driven by Georgina Perrine Memorial Bridge will said. called In a battalion of Infantry by roconnalyanco patrols, ran Drop gold standard^ Dlano M anners, 35, entered Uie be replaced under a program The Inclusion of tho Tw(n b help In a 10-hour batUe, tho into Uto Conununlst force Frl- lot. for rtyilaclng unsafe bridges. Falls bridge under tho Saigon...... ^ military comman,d re- day m orning 12 miles northeast Hillman, who told officers ho ' 'WhenitwlUbereplacedlmot repUcetrient program foHowod “ — porM Salurdayr— ^---- ^------of Ncak Luong,-tho.Hlghway-l — # — “ wdJilMklfigtohl^ right; collided known, 0 state bridge Inventory by the The day long batUo was Uie-ferry-crosslng on tho Mekong ress men propose wfUi the approaching vehlple. Idaho Department of Highways. biggest bi a HorlcS Qf"clashofr~Wivor.------; • He suffered cuts arid bruises 1 The office of Sen.. Len B. PrMay ijtH-fiMttrday In which In Vlwllan^rmlllUryta ry ssources— AVAflHWGTON (UPI) —A—seven- the i ^ r r i l s t e d - * # ^ — ry-d means of acmevlhg a more IReuss said thc"’ifnlled SUilos’ Valloy M em orial HosplU.. "iiatenenr----- j j .... . — slain. menTlroops baicke'd by artillery miitee nrp8pAriBDi>pArtB rftpfhiny rftpfhirm VffptlahflVffptlnnfl International International exchange exchanno and ^ d “TheUnilted '‘Thellnilted hearing hearing held held by by . nrioneUry- «U ls that- could relected Saturday a Soviet money hM not yet 1 ^ «p- comefrorojiUtelUghwaylun^. CAHEV — More Uian 40 rten alstf said governmont troops payments ^ald in a leilgtny Mr, Heuss (Hep. Hflfiry S.”* uneiuiy; \ •------—*------i l veyow were fighting a'range fire which; retook’ a poslUbn ^Ight.mlleA report that Uie Jnternallonal- Reuss, D-Wls.^ the subcoF^lt*. tionaltional mo monetaiV flyatem and nucieai'arnuillmltaUonconfe^'state.Hl^way.Eni{ln«r EUtai, h ^e ^,i^U t!^^^^ p w « m had burn^ an esUmated 3,000 from Pak Q ong'that nad been Monetary R u n d , ( IM F ) s h o u l d ...... tee chalhtum), did not reflect ‘ cause other nations to UUrge e n c e and repealed lt« caU for ^ •*“ ..f'"'!"' bridge, had to acres 13 mires south of Carey lost on May 16. put. pressure on parUclpaUng or develop any. wide bedy-a(— defUitlonary^pollcies .uponripon. the-T|.sirurilon ^-all-nuolM i'-W feth».alr,^eM ld.piw re.li.-qualllyL_u^ late Saturday, Bureau of Land ' The South Vietnamese members to adopt exchange congresalonal opinion/' the United Statas.. weapons. , • noUilng drflnlti^ In .terms of aervlceabllUy, safety and money," MaUm uid. ‘eienUality for piiliUc _ M an agem ent flf-e officials spokesmcri in Saigon said'the rates that would wlpe< out the Treasury said. ' , “Beginning in the late 1950a Mathes laid the Perrine Since Uwa tralUc s m a i ttve reported. Cambodian.batUe began when U.S. ’balance of payments TheTreaSuryaald-nodlacus- when U.S. deficits suddenlj r r P A n . * Interagency crews ffbm the Uie armored troops opened up ' deficiUi.f alona ace planned or antldp/tM exjianded: thU country has y L iu H iv . Brldgf replacement project had hrMie ha> been reitricMd tp been given first prlorltjr In loaiii under » tom: Prtor'to"] Sawtooth NaUonal Fcfrest were Communlsla. hidden In "If Uie fund does faU to meet oyer exchange rate>allgnments .bitroduced a number of ad'hoc Idaho, and a priority''at U » top that Ume ttwbridft h n l l)e« LlghUng, Its responsibility the United at the IMF *‘or elsewhere." measured 'intended to cure (he Uie flight. lYie blase apparently wlUi mortars, rockkt grenaHesi'*^li^MniiyTiaven5^fiaice'bul' "lh“Uie , , or near the top", for the Nor- afwn to general h l f ^ a y lM d i , Buukcus t a r t s *fromiiudi iiBMMiiHB lightning awwu* aboul 6w atiuJiiiiiiivautomatic luics,rifles, anu and tiiai.iiuic machine to take tinllateral acUon-to go said,' *v “a, uiuMik^tai ,s^ong tradeavuuii m and _ ~ T H w m ( i t a t e r ------liicluJlng thtqe aba p.m, Saturday In roagh terrain guns bllizing, lUsted iO hours off'fold .'.."the reilart said. ,_paymertti '^rformanci! m uit - 31ie pOT,»»ld Jiuihw li^;ldeil*iiej;c»p*atyoJtt#Wil*«^^ .which hampered fireflghteri. untlj ddsk. This proposal was one of, rest on • h^alttiy, honlnfliUoiu- .rtJfcrmaUon on. which brtflgea tOaQgiM rttP.’l t '• ' r

. ’■ ' ,'u', ' J S ^ e n . . .

Gary Montzner and Vic

(Continued from P. 1)' medBlisl, IA.'(J.k .) Fred flnfj- Hut Ihoy hold Uio cifjars Control Hjxtkcsiiuitj John lliloy A..«a Kmvro„„,o„ " '"IBIS’S It was the first time a w prhn^lrH nf. rnrnnmifi, pn|sH HP'* »»'U'intll thf m w imlil,______™ __„,_,_jjrt(i„att««lwUtt.(U)latioiuci m anned ApoUo com m and mo- C alif., helped Scott.-Irwin .and was Bafcly on the carrier's it was Uio first tinio n to keep the Aim)11o c .x'alculated /'ntiM.hifp.I theMw. astronauts nclrnnniitq lamL. Innd, WllCOCk hurrying ll\tO C O U ft; englncersrJtLjjouston had n phnir jllftq._____;______lh.rec.puradmtes-CoUiipacd.lDtQ— |wirachut«-colIa|MwdXl£nf{lncefs~*Ki-fl.U2 jnilos froin-U»elr-tarnot.— -yy— . . John Barth counting •' iles^uiit II h l s ^ i f t ends. . . immediate explanation, w e t »io astronautrdld'no| lijtvo Ufo ocean around the com m and nt tlui Houston Space Ccntor At 5:01 p.m . lODT, one of t!io .ApoUo spacecraft is designed to to follow the quaranHnoproco-, ahlp, . its oncc white shlos wanted io find out wiiiit went froj;men looked in the pndea- . non Wyatt making sccidentit . 1land ._.i safely on two parachutes, durcs.impo.scd’ on previou-s scorciicd black and brown, by wronji. ’ ■ vour’s hatch at tile astronoutsl ,^confession" j . . l, Olan , ,, Genn , even though Uie Im poct is moon lahdinK crows bccaiwe tho ,&,DOO-doKroe hoat of re- /( Uu.-wian , R«ajiolnj{, tu(( I'ot a n '^ )k a y ''n lH n from tijem ^ harder. ...sclcntisLs...... concluded'tliero...... was...... entry. ‘ vlow»!(Iviewed the roui'.hrou|jh cnilcm! of AtwlioA|)ollo and uavogave aa.tliutnb.s-up tliutnb.s-up slimuisignal to ,, j _ ‘ But by 5;27 p.m . RD T, two ihroat from unknown mooti Al 4:50 p.m. 0.111^ the , ijj15. Iti, ^,,3was ,h„JowI;i«shadowing the jjrlmonrimo sliow they were in gootl .sha r”n'!*."*w”E°Sad^ big white helicopters Oarrylny .Okinawa’.H hellcoptors or«anism.s. flew WA'* recovery ship and about'two ■ .Tlien ho motioned for to Nevada after vtslt to Id a h o . ^ Uio astronauts had set down on over the ij,p command A|K)11o ship crownien and miles behlml it when Iho sevoiid helicopter to como in , ^ y — ^ the Okinaw a’s deck and a 21- stcppod on tlio O kinaw a's dock dropiMjd a life raft iKJslde it. In spacecTaft snwicked Into tlio and drop a raft for the three •M urjo ric^um m ern eld m aking snow cones . . . Dr. Howard m em ber Navy Band struck up to end tJieir 2954u)ur, 12 rniniito. a fuw m ore m inutes rctovtjry space explorers to get Int6. "O ff Wo Go Into the W ild Blue jUj^ht, tiio traditional cii(iir.s Bwlimnprs Wi!r(? iumoifu'. l«to Uonk making chang< 'V on «r/'-ln4>onorortho-«irm i noiini' uio end of a .succe.s.sful Uiu ocean to recover the school rodeoconct n sta n d . . Force,crow. nii'iit were broken out In pjirachutea and help tlio a.stro- Chinese physicist Wiliha Champlin making . That was 41 minutes after Mission Control in Hoti.ston.- ' mmts disembark, hamburgers .. . Joe Classman splashdown, • K„c«h flight controller also “We would like to recover filing tlmo cards -for rodeo Swimmers led by,an Olympic ijmkc out a small-American Ujo.se paraclmtes," Ml.s.sion contestants .. . Sue and Brucc Bllllngton enjoying rodeo . . . •-t’ visits Hong Kong O ieryl Arm.strang waiting on SrOlSrVTIIWOKTNTVTTUiM) prlnHple of conservalion of customcra.'.-.-.— lUu" Riggins” • —A Clilnejie-borfi nuclear pliyKl- p^irlty;------'— ------John . Blayo, and Dennis Reds draw d.Ht who won a, N oImjI IVize '‘a o .ii! friend.‘i in Amerlcji are Almqulst serving ’ hat cakes -'Hfler-bccomlnR-nn'^Ampricnn^reportcdto'hnveTJaid'YnnK'tolti—durlng-YMGA-breakfaSl cnxtpffsrts^ citizen wa.s rc(tortcd liy a lloni' Uiem recently hi.s mother w nl Koiiert Stradloy, Kimberly, Korii! new.Hpa|)er SiiturdliV to critically ill In I’eklni:, and lie talking about womon's have ijone .secretly to Peklni'. wa.s very woirijtd alw ut liur," liberation . .. Judge James M. fresh plan Colleaiiue.s said It wa.s likely Uie new.spa|)er said, Cunninghmn bringing paper buzzed Into clerk’s office . . . ^irK , ■ • HyliniltVdPreNK luterimtionai that he had. gone but -not "B u t our .'ioiirce.s .sjiy his ^cloak^iul^uggctitripxould-bii—inctcnionJmvinU-Xroublc-pladng^', - ...... II ...... 1 I ., .1 .. JohnT»I||| L' S. Toll, president of tlie connected witij Pre.sident'Nix-call to Salt Ijiko City . . . and bloc announced Siiturday a Poland, Cyecliosiovakia a n d '’cj,,,,,) Saturday on tlie f|r«t ^'^^venilty of New York on's coming vi.sil to Coverheard, liina." ‘"riiosc high school m aster plan for economic Mongolia. Viigoslavla al.so jit- nnniversary of the Middle ICast l>r«nch liere, ajiid he wouldn't Toll ompluKsized that liekids could m ake som e of the Integration aim ed at “ achioving tended tlie mueting iind agreed cease-fire tiie Israeli m ilitary •'mrpri.sed If Yang Oien-nlng not say "for a fact" thatprofe.sHlonal Yang cowboys look like ultimate victory In tho econom- to participate in the plan, at coumiand’.said, ilie announce- 'vere in Mainland Cliina but wa.s In China. He is expectedhigh school to kids." Iccom potltlon w ltlic a pltali.sirt." -least In som6 respect.s. TnH.s Knid tho o^'»rfH||ht—‘^f>n___thaUdanii-iiUcUcfUiercJmt-rctmui-btci^tlils-ijmntli^'oll.______:_____:______.'Hie l5-to-20 year plan I.** «nid. ' • jiUtuted a violation of the the with the announced who Is al.so a profe.sHor of ' ).r- » ba.sed on voluntary cooi>oratlon M ajor elements in the plan:' cease-fire • purjMise of vi.sltlng Europe. phy.sics and is dc!i«il)od a.s a V ^ > W ICHOW and joint planning among-tijo Cooperation among tlic na- -n,„ i,,r„cli cojntJi'and said it I" Honi' Kong, the Star, an close friend of Yang.'said Yang ' eight Soviet bloc allies. But it tlons In making their individual reiwrted the Incident to the nniJllsli-liinguage tjjblold new.s- had done much in the pa.stBy Unitedwith I^css JntemsUonal falls far short of “int6gration" five-year economic plans and U.N. truce sur)ervlslon st^iff in i»‘per.''Hald It-i ailna sources other scientists to help proipote'Hio word “ robot" Is derived a.s emlMKliod in^such western coordjnatjon of those plans to jeru.salem. It did not announce hml rc|>orted the vl.sit by Yang., international under.standlngfrom the Czech word “ robota," models-as the European Com-...... benefit...... tho...... ' overall * bloc' ’ cc- ‘ whether tlie planes were fired who sliared...... Uie 1057 Nrilwil with trips and other cntlciivors. meaning "work." mon M arket. , onomy. Niethcr Ta.^s nor oUicr on when they flew over the Prize for'physics wUh another It al.so falls iihort of Uie publications miide clear to wliat Israeli positions In Uie canal's Cliinese-born naturalized Amer­ tightly cenlrallzed piachino Uie extent Utls would l)c a precise central sector. ic a n , Lee T sung-dao, for_ a Soviets originally cam paigned division of !al>or am ong the Israel has reported .Ifi such discovery connected with /Uie for In lOflfl. Diplomatic sources COMECON countries, an unrwo- ;ineo- in Moscow and East Euro|>ean ular Idea among nations like Uiey l)egan ApHI 2fl capitals said Romania, the Rotniinia. 'Pie cea.se-flre agreem ent that y T F group TWIH FALLS CEMETERY »U.unchc.,l opponent ol Soviet 1 slopped tho shooting along the y Li~cnnnl lnst‘AiiR77c)tptrcd Mnrch— ------— ^ - A D U L T - .« « « .« , which were net de(lne,l.. 7 but a do facto truce has ■* ul lim e I equnls. y ; called thin "n new form'of remnined in effect. TWIN FAI1 S — Five Tlie agreement.on "socialLst olannlni'” _ brae!Gaim , Israel-,smlalster . representative,! of the Twin COMPANION SPACES ----economic integration*’ cam o o u t *•' “ without portfolio, .said Sjiturday chapter Teens W ith Perpetual Care o f,n m eellni! of Ule Sovlel-led - H roiid pl.ins ter poolini! „ radio im ervlow u m l a n r ,.n n l» ,illn n ’ tor in a radio itJterview Uhat a ’ ’ R etarded aundl for M ^ u u r E c o ^ sclen Ulc resources and ro. purtlul p„rt|„i scttlcmeiilsettlement of UicUie Middle S r t a X lcnve lodavforSt tolBlnneo (CO (COMECON) M ECO N ) In... .search -...... efforts, ...... such. as . ccol^LJEiM im inicLllM uduM pim lnc-" ’ But/hnro5t7TlnnlJ)nlbTJuly27=^r;‘^ndntom.‘r-fflr-poflce. , . (Siarlnjr;— M rrrrtn“ nttend"tlf(f^ ing-doxv n ' of the canal no longer seems youth’ convention. National Defall.'j were not^ubllshed until —A drive -to bring up the feasbile due to Egypt's ‘‘intrnn- n 90.00 foils to hord landing (eenter) In PociflCi then awaits pickup of nows agency. . capacities of laggat^ly mem- slioidd not close the door on the astronauts rctunicd from 12 day luuar exploration mission. The convention will open ‘or. Wo offer o choice of flat marker, raised COMECON meml>ers are Uio bers, with spccial attention to pos.slhillty: (UPI) . • - . ' Wednesday and conclude Aug- •Soviet Union. Romania. Bulga- Mongolia. Both G allli and the .semioffi­ marker or private abovo-ground burial. 11. cial Cairo newspaper Al Ahram Attending from Twin Falls smid the efforts of U.S. ivill be Mrs. Jq)m Stevens, A.s.sistant Secretary" of State Twin Falls Cemetery Ass’n. Magic Valley Hospitals O b itu aries TO'RCII chapter advl.sor; Maggi Joseph J. Sisco to mediate an Wilson. John Warren, Vickie A.W. " B ill" M odland, Pre». and M gr. agreement were a failure. ^ n ith and I.inda flarroU^ 'lliey W. Archibald _CJV L.S_IOJie ------435'M airrAvertO «'ErTW ihTdilU St. RfMUMliclK _MuBic .Valley-Alciiiorial- w]iri>e am ong 21 delegates lo nUIIL - Wllford S, Ar- Admltled Admitted JE R O M E - Funeral .services Uic convention from Idulio. chlbald, 72, B uH , died Friday at ' „j Top hands Mrs. Robert Kehrcr, Mrs. Mrs. Phil Ebbers, Mrs, Lee Stanley Dollch, and Honald W. Collett, Nora Fallon, Ronald Bates, all Jerome; Mrs, Frank H. bollnRcr, Mrs, PauTSliarrnl, Kuncra. 't'"l 12* d'v Burdctt and James Ilosens, iJnda Savola, Mrs. Dow nalh- '“iirvJas* m^rkT^rtda S ■ nSthS.Sr.^SS both Slloshone, and Mrs, Wayne bun,uun, Marlon Marion Perkins, i-er«ins, Mrs, mrs. -i M m j „„ Anrll 20 1021 at tho " M- Wycoff, first; Mrs. T.T. Ills, Ilnfjermnn. ...Duke...... Wells Wllltuhead,...... Mrs. S r ti.X rii? T,,m,,l7 Grcenlmlgh. ‘ and Mrs. II.D. : "“l>isml«scd------Ronald D rn flv nnd m ™. Guy n. - Twjfj nnrlal ^ be In the M n Fnlta Fitzpatrick, second; Mr. ahTl Hiimona Bryant and Maurice sliearer, all.l'wln Falls: Viola Mrs. L.H. Robinson, third, lived'in Buhl until 1049 when p^iends may call at the IIovc ArmltniiifrboLfJoromoTTVlr.i. PcTfinBiinind JiicR Alley, botli East-west winners: M r. and Clarence Tanaka ond•son, Filer: Mrs. Ilermon Myers, rZnT .oV :^.M r;!r7'i-- cimpe7 tir^ite^noon "anS Mrs. Ixnnie Burns, first; Mr. Shoshone; Tracy Ramsey, Gooding; Mrs. Don Fames, and Mrsi- W .E . Peay, second: WcndclU Rodney Riley, Rich- Ho was a member of tlie LDS '^ S K n l '^ 'o T l W ...... Klmborly: Clifford Taylor and C hurch. Ho la survived b r W.’ - ir? S r Mr».--W.V. W llllum «-and Mra, fioldr and Deborah Connor, Mrs. Robert C. Giguiere, boUi widow, of Buhl; one son, Donald “ '™ F.F. ,Ionsen, third. Juno Scbou, British Columbia. Canada. Hansen: Louis Monnln, Buhl, Archibald, Nampa; four [1 S “Sd’Iie ^ 5 ™ ^ Ma 12 Births and Jeffrey Flowler, Burley. A son was born to M r. and daujihlors, Mrs. Cloo Hepwortb, ” } ™ S a , DlsmlsBcd Burley, Mrs. Erma Pearson, Mrs. Stanley Bolich.’ Mr. Stone was married to S ^ t Kevin Gifford, Kenneth and Mrs. Reah Brown, boUi , ^ Gifford. Mark Helms, Roy Jerome,uLTun.u andaim Mrs.ivirs Wilmaw im u . M ontgom ery. She b o i s e - The Food Ciih(ila .M oinoriai Adams, Mrs. Clarence Burton, Plilllps,’Gooding; one sister, Prcco‘lc'1 l»‘jn 'i'P ro < lu b e rs of Idaho, Inc., wlU we sell! Herman McFjirland. Timothy Admitted As a retailer, we learned long ago that the I .for quality, dependability and scrvico spans Shiriene Rock, Ijin a Kay Driscoll, Jcannine Austin and aS’ '^ut/rd“' s“‘„rs° “s ,r“„£ s;r‘H”o‘,ii"„y"'L,"£'^7'nr. 'daughter, Mrs. Cliarles Kn- good name of. our store means as m uch, or five continents and 100 years. MGA TV's Beale, Lynetta Walker, Mrs. chndren and 18 „reat «rand- l “ t d 'ir L t r 's lZ S I,'!. Perry Diristen.scn and Daren derson and son. Mrs. Robert F. more, than the product's’brand name. Our are wonderfully l.iuilti with valuable fea­ Dlauer, all Burley; Lorln Sch- Jackson and daughter Grace F u n e ral servlcea w ill ho Scpt..l7,-lQ7(Uii.Rlko, Nev...... Frank-E. Mercer, Secretary reputation depends upon how well we up- tures ond terrific good looks; and, bccause m uy, uecio; Mrs. Paul Kenzy, -ahllHneburjfT—Mrs:—„ ------Melvin' - conductc’d'i'uosHay aryDinrat Ho ■was •n-mcmber-of the of the Food Producbrs s«Ul hold^'your’expecfa’nbns’ oTqi.iaiit7, e lia t J il - ' ■"WG"b’uy MGA‘Tvs"raciflry-'airGct."Wlth-tiu ■ Rupert. Whitehead, Mrs. Ricky Cutler Uie LDS Cliaoolln in Huhl wlUt Christian Church, today that agricultural lenders ityandvalucri> built-in middleman'profit, they roptesent OlNtnlKRed and son, Jo Ann Drown, ainvin Bishop Monte Davis officiating ■ and legislators arc being in- remarkable TV values. When.it comes to Mrs. Tommy SmlU> and son, !;«"»: nnd Robert pinai rjtog u-lU bo conducted In throughout the Slate. If it isn't good, we wouldn’t carry it, selection, wo have MGA color TV In 12", Malta; Henry Bortz and Mrs. both Castleford; Tliomas Uio Buhl Cemetery, Friends JJ-,- •;------;------With MGA TV's wo welcomc tho rpsnonsi- 14'', $6”, 18", 19" and 25" diag. mcas. tx'onard Salmon boUi Burlev S tan dlee,. Rogerson; Ja m e s ,r,nv m il nt Hin Al»u>rfcnn. J o»*o?tio, and one sister, w f L '' V screen sizes. So.w/o think wo can fit your andHorlMrtllussVnn Hoyburn’ V/eighall;' Lcivla Peteraon, : tucknrd Funeral Chapel until B master of the Edcn_.Chrlatlin)._n(jrron, „WIUiom- snncl behind nirthfl BerthaM. Wlilte, FhmcesRose j,m Mondnv and u^til noon Masonic Lodge, pa.st Grange stown, Ky. He w.fls also MGATVs w/hen you rOcilize that slnndinc needs , . , no m alter what! A son was born to Mr. and and Neta Gubler, all ' I’uesday. milstor, and pastnoble grand of ..preceded In tnnilirT)jrVne right alongside you is MGA, a member of Como in soon and check out one of our Mrs. George K. Wells, Oakley. Buhl: Ci?nnle Butler.M '■ 1 -■ Odd Follows. At tho tlmo of hla broUior anti tWb‘sisters. Tliose the world’s second iar^’ost manufacturing’ MGA TV's. While you're in front looking Fred A. Hills and Clinton . W . ' I jO W n SC ncl tioalh ho was serving as worthy who wlih may make memorials family, tho Mitsubishi Groui). whose repu- at it, we'll bo standing behind it. . Fleld.H, both Jerome; M ta ■ jEnoM E-W illiam H, (Dill) patron of tho O.E.S. to tho Klmborly, Christian ' Denm ark is obouh twice the Lynn novlB, Murtauah; Mrs. Townsend, M, Jerome, died Ho is survived by his widow, Qmrch. size of Massachu-setLs. • nonal.1 Caatle, Burley and Friday evening In St, Benodlcfs rrever H olm an Kent, Wn.sl., N „„|Sg Home, He wa.l born J3iCCCSUCI£0n color T V ,wllh.a^ — T iiirths - - JulyiBBiv'st-ijurrbugli.'rMni,' SUBSCHII»TION HATDS - Sons-wero born- to M r. and • • v v ' dual porsonalily: with included -THE-TIMtS-NEWS -----Mr».=Pad-SllarMlj-'l'wln Tw in P iilti, Idaho and Mr.. nnd-^Mrs, Reber MlsMurl and-wa. married to Ry Carrier P ir Month G Ifiuloro, H anson, and Mary Wlcliell In lOW In Hewlns, (D a lly X. Sunday) 13.SO dauiihtors to Mr. and Mrs.-Pldl |^„ nvojiod, Oy AAall Ebbers, M r and Mrs, Ronald D. F>«lcl In AUv»nC9 (Dally «. Sunday) I Atonth 13.7S auCollett, itril^fn all Twin F^s“'Falls. ° 3 Month* \7.1i • iW anth* tu.so . ' Vaar ULOl, Mii|l(l<>k.i M .t„.o ri.il_____!!?ilja_survlv4dUiiLU!liilil- ■-- MB;i<0bV«/lp>?onTiccVp)W^r7 r-whef»-«arrl#f-dallv*

■ Jean NoVdmyer, Geaeal Hill IS'„V^“„‘h {T ;?!.a?rT d l"!S ' and Cheryl Auiitlno, all Uupert: ' firia t ln j^ ------Call iruui Larrlerr - iftH l...... Morales aHd dauiihter, all .JoromeCemetor^Frlen^.raay ^ o r >33 0931 , Burley; Rafael Andra.le, DecI,, ' = &tfCM’«Ai>.m.dallvor FUNERAL (□HAPEL bafora lOa.m.on Sundayi , and Sharon Harrison, lleyburn. ^ ADpiSOtvi AVENUE EAST TWIN FALLS, IDAHO PH O N E 7i:i-0»3) -V a lle y B r i e f s Puneral Services g ' PHONE 733-‘1900 ' ... Or uttour toll'traanumbafi ei C^uaie i’ ...... ; • nUni.EY-Funeral services = TWIN KALW — Women o( (or Carl Henry Tegan,. 68, = BuhlC«t(l«lo'rd S4)'4 tho Moose will hold a formal nurloy, will bo conductod at J = meotlnKTuesdayatBiSOp.m.ln p .„ , . Monday In tho Jos ' Paul D. Reyijoldi' ^ • •J'ctit\os C. Roynoldi FII«r-Rootf-»on'Hoilitlfl«’ 3}«S379 ■ SERVICE COMPANY WandAtt-Jffroma tho Mo6so,,llomo; A family pjvne Memorial Chanel ______imcn>Lof-/HDil.cia£f-NfP^.^ I . . ------ii)r-^cnlrimdwimmi;iR17artyTTlll-^rsliop-t)oloir^t5koKTrarBr-= = 128 2nd Ave. No. TWiFn=ALlS bo plonnod durinu tho m e o tln u .' «||| be In View VI Cemetery. ---- =

V • ^ • Sunday^ Auou»t B, 19/' TlmesNews. Twin P fllls . Idaho 3 D o w nto Wn ~}ob-bid

'I’WIN 'l'-AIjliJ— A n imimront-—and-wef^^Uicnuid^^iexccUqnt.— M5a.AD2.A5.—mUl—Mlllt?IL_(lt»n-\AviUKuvtf H c him ce tortfvifw lh f nifty the vnriniw pot;{lgnfliifJh‘'-j w bUl of for Phnse by theprojl-ct jircljitect and city .structlon Co.', IJotso, IC p .lB l.W . bids during the coming week, work. IfaM Jppafent low bUldur 'I'wo of U)o Twin Fall.'t Urban iitanui'ur and ondinevr. Potcrson Hald In audition to M ilar aald. was asked Friday to pri}paru Uonowal i>w]oot w iu received fcltlinond U. Peterson, at/ lw in«,close to estlnmte.i, the I jih I year's first pim.so of'tbo su d i a RvbnluW pending. Ji' -Frlday-afknioiin.irmU-NclbDn_i‘lillese._indlc»t|nis_Jhc_iyoJt»d._invQlvintr^ni‘W_3trccta_rcv icw^oLliis.bld______..._ , Construotlon Co.. 'Pwin Falls, lOnKlnecrs, Planners, said tbo (in n s auljinltt4Hl-bl«l»ly-c«ni-. jm d lamlw’HplnH represented d - Milar wild Iw iloubla any H ic bid wa.s or\b of tlireo apparent low bid Is w ithin one to |>utillvo offers. ' cost of |-Il2,000, Peterson xaid. •{Mivlni', willi.'be done tf\i.s year submitted at Uk.> bid (tpenln^ twoporcontof his c.stiniaU'Son City ManaKer Jean Milar said Neilsca and Miller Construction U*cjiu.sp of die latoncM of the City Hall. All tlwoo were clojio , Die project. ' ' thucbniUu'week w illb u .si>eHl in Co., now two separate coin- Koason and the tim e expected to Othur )>i(b> in(^hi(li!(l (ialey ruviuwini; tlie bids will) the luinles'did the 1970 wprk. ll{)th In; roqiiiriKl for l(x.'atiti^ and C onfitructiun C o., Boise, soveti ai;<;ncli‘s Involved in the submitted bid.s Friday.— ■ ’ burylnt’ tlw utility lines. Assoun »cc(md phase of tlw proi;ram . M ilar said Jt is still, hoped the {wouress schel-t>k»-att4dtw!t^Mlli>r..!miil. AllL'iiaL-im2______...... ___ _J>ro|MT(VQvvni^swlilboadvlsetl robbery Friday In which Run* O All three construction com- Within one week the low of wlui^ can be uxjuscted In the, man orderrd teller Ido Whl(- / ^ ^ Hf on c la y Itanies.KulMnittini' l>asic bids bidder mast fiu'ui.^b’ the city way of oKcavation and alfey Icmurn (» fill cloth money Rack. C | 1 1 ^ 1 O ^ Ii!iti‘cint{ Khot ;ind wounded when Uv« Count’ll CoiiuniUec on 'I'witt Fall.4 Clty-County airport for pliim binj; and eloctricjil he attem pted to n in /or h«h>.__ Kcftloj;y will decldo In tnhl- will l>o /•losed (» all aircraft. in-^tajlutitai.^.______FOR A UNIQUE cKcnpcd wlTb $5,000. S o plrm W r wlititlior to roconi* 'ilje ’closure*will remain in . 'Hiis year's wtirk involves Comicctlcut- Statu Polleriod, Uie Idaho.power, Co., Mountiiin ^ i - a tto rn ( 7 jierteral. Closure to all aircraft Is Boll Telephone Co., In Ilut Attorney Ooneral W. necessary...... as...... M'oiulay^ crew.s tennountiiin G as Co., Cable Anthony Park — who orii;inally ikJK IkJijln f remavini: asphalt in an flO ■■ Vision, ' 'Local Improvcmont prfifwsed the sini;le-Jt|!ency onn- foot wide center section of the D is tric t, - U rban' R en ow al { 1 U^l.h MnMi -c«pt-prtorto-th«rl«»l-sefision*of— nmwnyi— ------—*------A*{cncy aiid-City-of Twin Falla \1' 111 SOUTHPARK AVE. thclei'ifilaturo — arjjued for the Hui'hes Air W est. fllKhts ahdbff Street Parking Assn. All iiew’ an e n c y a n d a i’al«lHt .j(IVlilK ‘ sfi.speiYded •s e rv ic e 'fr o m the his office enforcenjont respon- field last week wheri riicon- sibilities. struction b£i;a'n. with I’rade "W e're not .sclenti.sts," Park chanKc.s at the we.st L*nd of'the BACK-TO-SCHOOL SPECIALS said. "W e're not exiwrts in the main runway, hi* said. Rogers to back field of environm ent. W e’re attorneysi." FOR BRIQHT STUDENTS Park sai»> I I t ' II Health oniooiiout crctary of State William P. •n.L. afcond plun liii» (IruWi. chnrKoa ot liluh Irfnaon ‘‘"'I ^ AHOAUD ,USS OKINAW A ^lo ge ta - ja llL iiQ . tp ..the .U nH cd. ..(rorur onrwsltlni. from lnill.i. oullnwcdllio Awumi Uiiljuo. ' ^>^!•towHr^l•puhlle-lH‘ ^^Ull:------(UPI)==ArSmnct^cngoing"twifr~ Nations Monday to expre.w which (eels tho root of t}ic CivI wiir broke out March 257 Further, he said, the Depart- built 100 nilles from tJie K|)ace support for U.N. aid to East problem lies witli Pakistfln and Rahman has been accu.sed of m ent of.H ealth is often asked Center in Houstftn and lend- Pakl.stan, ,U .S. officials said Uuit Kovernmont ou«hl to tako fostcrin}' sccea.slon and \a now .to help on environm ental pro- loosed to th^ lUissians in 10t4r Saturday. ’ correctivc steps, 'I'ho Indian imprisoned In West Pakistan. Jectjf,' adding " I t ’s really s i l l y ...... ' ...... Sccrctary General U llu m t Ls f'ovcrnmcnt also diisllkos the Ho is cxpcctod to stand trial In to ask your regulatory agency proposing two planiLof;_dlroi:t_uppearaiu;e-oUboinH-oquatcd— tliC-nQflC_futur(Un-secrel„hy, a to lK» buddy-buddy wjlh_lhe.se_ U.N; help for l^ast Pakistan with__Paki.stani i>ovornrncnt military court. -t)copl{2___ Uicy-tc____tryinj’ ~’'(o and the thousands of refuRoe.s tlirouKh tfie atniloninB of U .I^ 'nje~lll>Use“ v o ie d 'fi'fo w ^ la ;^ who are contlnulni; to stream representatives on tho Indian ano to cut off all U.S. economic -Tk., ,,, . .^ddfl^f-lhflrltnnlar ...... ftn i 'Hjc first plan. M ilch has U jS. • nof»ers' .support, officials Pakistani KovcrnmOnt. II jc support, calls for sen()ln« relief .qaid, will lie djrectcd mainly admjnLstratlon has cut off cxporLs to East Pjikistan whore towards tlio' first plan an d he future m ilitary aid to Paklstim. Ujey would try to make will announce a U.S. contrlbu- efficient use of available rcsour- tion of $1 m illion to set up an ces.to fccd-liic.Eaal-Paklalanl-JntcrnutionoL-tcam of relief • population, ai’onts for E ast Pakistan, Ttio 'IIjc second, a more con- United Notions is considering --- trovflrslnl -plnn; calls for~scndlnB' between- too and' 200~ stationint; U.N. rejiro.sentativos such agents. alon}{ both sides of the Indiaq-, . According to India's figures East Pakistiini liorder. llieir 7,070,780 East Pakistanis have mission would be to assist the fled to In dia bocausc of_Uie _ ■'refugees and eventually cncou- disruption in Easl PakisUih. vrage them to return to- East noRcra will leave for New' York Sunday niijht and return Tuesday morning. . 'Ilie strife In Pakistan grow out of demands by East ^ F - c h u r e h Pakistjin for greater autonomy anil control over its ccoaomy. In December, Uie Aw am l burglary Lcuguo— of— Kastr—Pakifitan, - headed by Mujibur Ilahman, ' probed .won SB per cent of the vote in an election for a constituent TWIN FALI^ — Police were nssombly that President Mo- InvestigatlnR ft burglary at the hammed Vahyrf Klmn had LDS Church, GOO Harrison St., ordered to write a Comtitutlon. Saturday. Officers said the only item.s taken appeared to be two trophies from the church trophy case, two chairs from the women's rest room and two -----hyi Dougina Egbert notified of- flccrs Frlday afternoon after he found the door open and papers and otlier items scattered about the church. Officers said It a p p ^ r e d the front door liad been lif t unlatched aji no forced entry was indicated. • Papers and envelopes were sciittered about Die m ain hall and the rooms appeared to have lieen ransacked, officers said. Multiple

TF man, 20

TWIN FALLS - Urry Allen Ijmford, 20, Twin Falls, was In ...... c u s tO (ir a iu^av^lm rH o

WAfiHINGTON — WJion'ncp. )«d been Krotuitlously accused Whether these altackfl were the White House has. lal^ bare to tho telephone that, although Mr. Wilbur n Mllb and Dr. Arthur hv n toHovolJ^rcsid^ntlal oldo person n llv ___ d ire cte d by tildes _hls Irrltatiofi Qver an>'„ Nixon was not Invoivfed, the Burns lunchcd privately at tlw of IrylnK to hoK Uw crcdll for a r^resfdont Nixon Is tiispuletl. uuinner of'ot^tslde criticism — a tta c lT ^ d ~ l)e e n o r d e r ^ ’ by Capitol last wcek.’tlK'se two votilhtiiry reduction of Italian. Wlm^ is certain is that they from press. ConKress, liberal White House staff superior* — ■ Sundfly, August a, .IV/f Al W*it*rgr»n, Publlih®r PHONE 733-0931 IJKldy respoctcd ■ WushinKton slioo. exports., A Aveek later, fajthfully representod the HepubUcans, Democrats or, an admission helping neit^r- fl«uro«-luwi-sai«eUUn«-ncwJn_uiiQtiiec._____ W hite--- LilQUflB_i¥cjddcnLa_viewa_in_prlYafe-iiiflstaeutfly,out8pokenflifurcs_ f^tersqn nor tl>o HaM m ean- OMieUI ciiyM d'Counlv N«wtpao«r ■ ~ M W ib ifo rA u d ir OUf«uorcli^euli»lon«nd Ehrlichman axis In Wills” Purautnt.lo S«ctlon M lOt ld*ho Codt. Thurtd#/ It htr^byf d«ilon»l«d «• >h« day of w«*k on wMch common: within A week, each spokesman responijed to conversation with . key in bis own-admlnlstrailon. All esdnuition. (•gal'nollcM will b« pubilihvd. Pubilihtd dally and Sunday, aMCapt Saturday, at DS'Thfrd SIratt Wm I> luid l>een MHsaulted b ^ the self' cri'ticism of N ixon" economic lie u te n an ts . And th iit ls ' a too often/ the politically un* TwIn'Palli. Idaho. I» 0 I. by Magic Vcllav'Nawtfitaptri, Jnc. Enltrad ai'wcond data mall.mattar April I, dustructivo vindictiveness, of' |X)llcy by Uurns, chairman of disiiuiliyconslstcnt'stralnlnllM) tutored chiefs of the Nixon staff Mr. Nixon has b ^ n eVen ' iVll.aim apoatoM lcaIn Twin fa lls , Idaho. 13901. undar tha act of March 8^ IS^Q. lUclmrd M. Nixon's White Uiu'Federal Htiservo Board, by Nixon administration, per* — H.R. (Hob) Haldmnan, John njore Irritated over Dr. Burns, House, a s s a u ltin i' the b o a rd 's slstin}'titruuKli two and one half liHu-liclunan and. to n lesser unlike Mills a Hepubllcan and Mill.H, chairm an of tlw House cherl.slicd, aiitonoiny as the years. extent, George Sliultz — have an old friend. Connally was Ways and Meuns ’Conunlttee, tuition's central bai]k. M r. Nixon In the privacy of tr a n s fe r r e d P r e s id e n t ia l recently assigned to talk Burns ...... 1 ...... |>elulanco In b an open attack out of criticizing M r, Nikon's luirinitiK Mr. NIxoii (ar moro battered economic gamo plan; Death Penalty SUB-VERSION Uim Itolpinii him. he fa ile d . &'inc« then the . 'Hull has boon (uirllculiirly President has complained Is the deaL...... ^ . — iii» nf tVw» vlrvtir^lve assaults uiiusuiil punislimeiit” proscribed sentence, in IWill. Uut on a sub­ on M flls-m jtM iurns. More ex- stick to contral banking and by the CoiistilpUon, despite sequent appeal, the same court |)orlenccd Wliite House staffers, away frotii economic policy, a numberless precedents? ordered the case to bo retried, I'enerally' in subordinate vexation passed on heatedly by ■' disinissed or the sentence com- |)ositions, have thetnselves been subordinates. Tlio U.S. Supreme Court muy, frequently. offended by botii So It was 'Uuit tlw office of ' nnujii...- Ilinl f|iiraiinn vyilhln the mute court Jiiis skirled the basic. issue judfjinent and the governor t;icks on t)jcm, leaked a story tliat Uic ad- ■while roversinK- many deatli sen­ commuted tho, .sontonce to hfe as 't1w assault on Mills was ----- •shmnlng-ncwa for' Nixon men, tnlr\i«lr«tiQU.inight_tryj9[icitig_ ilie only practical answer. Uie lleservc lk)ju-d urxler White tences on various grounds. trylnj{ to soften liis liosUlUy, a House control. Altljough otljcr Now it has put capital punish­ The death penalty has become ' vital undertaking coiisiifbritig White'House officials later how much legislation goes ment at ilie top of itii docket by unusual simply through non-use. denied Mr. Nixon’s approval, Uirough the Ways and Means setting arnumonts on'four death Mor^ thanUOfl men and women are Klein's office sb^sM^d the lca(l Committee. Tlirco officials — row apponis for Oct. 12. This time cam e d ire c tly f^om - t))o in ileatli rows in 33 stales but no one -Sacrotury-of-Uio-Trcasury-Jolui-. ;iFVes!d^ii:-----:— ^------the court is widely expected to has been executed in more Uian two Connally, White Houne' determine if tlie death penalty-It- ■yeans, lobbyist nichard Cook and 'I1)e few seiLSoncd luintLi a t tl>e While ffoiL<{c know tite im poct of ielf is legal, so far as the U.S. is A great many people are opposed Budget Director SluUtz — had concerned, or if it is to be consigned been quietly reeHtabliahlng such gaino-plnylng Is an- to capital punishment on religious titlietlcal to Mr. Nixon's In­ to limbo, along with past devices of ^ harmonious relalloti.i with or philosophical grounds. Some see Mills. terests. Heavyhanded attacks torture, which may liave been the it as less ci'Uel than the terrible But such cffortii were on M ills -and B urn s only real . target.. of_tlie .coiistitutionfil publicize Uielr critl^lmn, and, suiipenso of years in deatli.cells or demolished by Uie White Hoiwe perluips, froi!7.e tl>cni into ,tlu} ■ prohibition. even imprisonment for life. Others high' command, which in­ terpreted • Mr. Nixon's role of critics. In a ruling last May 1, the court see no practical way out. of the held ttiat jurors may not be |)eevl3linc3s over M llU as a Indeed, as wai made clear at obvious dilemma posed by those signal for action. ''Ilie i>ew tiieir lunelieon last week, disqualified solely because they who repeat capital crimes, and Presidential aide on In- Democrat MllLs and Republican admit to scruples against capital tliey are many, except to destroy ternationnl trode, ex-camera Burns agree Mr. Nixon should punishment. This resulted in the Uiem as one would a mad dog. m anufacturing tycoon Peter G. Iwgln an incomes policy to overruling of several death sen­ Peterson, was ordered to attack control wages and prices, tences, including that of Richard It seems beyond question that all Mills witliout even informing reduce federal spending and —Sppck,-rnnflemncd-Ioii-the—laiia the technicalities, varying in- -lluliiott^BtaUuri;^ -HUmulHte-the-«€onomy-tlvough- MllLs,' who had Jtuit l>ccn tjix relief. Wlicn M ills dined murder of eight student nurses in terpretations, and interminable delays have cau.sed a deep-seated secretly requested by tl»e State privately in Manliattjui recently Chicago. D epartm ent to m w llate trade with- c a ptain s of in d u stry Specrs“T®SVlCtlotntnnds“ but“ -uneasiness-in-tlie-gonoral-publit HllfficultitJS-lnvolvlngTJspttrHitMl' -(tiiMlly-Republloanft^)rli»'(ou];^ Illinois courts now must reconsider tliat the American system 'of tiic European Cotmnon M arket, theifi agreeing and deeply ■ tile sentence and the situation justice isn't getting the job done. was ouU-aged by Peterson's dlsenclujntod wlUi M r. Nixon. accusation of meddliny in No volume of vindictive invites a life term. In ruling tliat a juror’s personal diplomacy.- A flustered retiiliatioii frbni the'Whlte Another murder ease indicates scruples ha«e a fundamental -PetiJ^son-Uujn-told-MllIiuover- -Hoike can cluinge tlmt. __ ,___ how- tlie-wind. has been - blowing. ‘ bearing in capital cases— the James Le Marion confessed cighf* Supreme Court to some degree years figo that he beat to deatli a acknowledges the opihion of the ANDREW TULLY il-publio-as-a-fiiOtor.- was followed by appeal nfler ap- ' II tins be so, w durm r~ m !t~ b u- — ART-BUeHWALD— pcal and in excess of a dozen slays logical to submit the question to a of execution. The l^ifth Circuit vole of the people'.' Personal Service NEW YOUK - Mayor John. Is a daring and unprecedented IJnd.'tay lias to be running for departure, becausc until . WASHINGTON.— Many llirilo “ You never spoke to me. Parsons, I can take care of th« President. He’s turned square, recently only alwut 5 por cont of corporntlons,' ftwnre that the Wluit day did you call?" matter for you." w itli a purse-lipped, Cotton tlie oflay-virtue crowd wound up consumer lias a (’real fear of “Wednesday." “Suppose I have troublo Matlier-liko campaign to drive In celL*]. Arid'Undsay's decision l)eing treated iis’ JiLst anotlier ‘‘Ah, that explains It. You again. How do I call you?" D eficit sin out of Fun City tliat augge.sLs to seek succor from tlio Internal number on a computer, have spoke to the M r. Fred Barklo "Just call the number you lie m ay l>c tlilnkin}' of a IJnd- Revenue Service puts a sliiny ' tried' to 'perbonaliie their who is on duly WedtiCsday. I'm liave and ask for I-Ved Barkle." At first glance, it seemed like bad ■ - Don't be confused. Ills really say-Bllly Graliam ticket in 1072. new coat of pain t on metiiods opernbons. t)io Fred DarkJe works on "B u t w)uit iuippens if 1 get » news; The Nixon administration IJndsay's latest law en­ uucces.sfutly employed to Jail beautifully simple. A friend of mine recently F rida y ." tiiird Fred Barkle? Couldn’t you forcement program, which ' tlio country's Capones a rhoro 40 announced that il wound up the 1971 Under- tlie-^-fuU^ employment ‘ rocelved a letter from his credit - “ You m ean there's more tlian give.m o Homo hint-as-to-when floim cy n lc s 'c la im 'l.i nL'io'hta- ■yonrORo. ' ' card company which said, one Fred Barkle in your' fiscal year on June 30 with a deficit budget” concept adopted as a you’ll be on duty again?” first, contemplates throwing ’llio Undsay administration '‘After receiving complaints organization?" '‘Oh, I couldn't do tlmt. Wc’rc of $23.3 billion. This is tlie second policy by President Nixon last severol law books at lias even unearthed tlio in-' tlmt our customers Imve no one "There Is NO Fred Barkle In : all supposed to bo able to liandle ■largest federal deficit since.World ^ year, federal spending should prostitutes, pimps, smut ped­ Junctive process — or promises to write to personally, we are our, organiri'tion- it's jtist « ! your problcrna.’' ...... - - - -War-lI,-'9linded-only-by-Uie-record-'- -equal the tax-incomo-which-would- dlers and other nssoi'ted ^ i i ' to: PlilIlp‘ ‘A. TjjcovoVaV legul ' luippy to iiiforin you“lTTat M r. name we use so our customers " If I callcHi Fred Barklo on treprcneurs whoise naughty coun.^oI to Pollco Com m issioner - peacetime-deficit^ tim e Is blonco of what might b'o called hll right, call mp a bounder. cerely." jiovernm ent m iglit not be able "n o t yet" for such severe- , tlie nation’s economy operated at a year when there is NOT full an Inelogant Gomorrah. jQlUL.bi.now in his second term A few weeks later my friend, to im p o se w age con tro ls meiwiu-os. full employment throughout the employment, this-is good since it is G om orrah's streobi were cleap, as m ayor and a citizen of Uiis -lp.t:.'urnll him Fflraom^md-ii. -becam e_____wnrkcrs. tliua— Pr>^(?nt_Nixon has alread; ■ttscirlT»n7thcnnTOrid-hnvirbncTr- for- a sumuiant' to UieTCrniBrfiy"l5nir problem. Ho was bclni! billed rc.'itnilnc(l,mlBlil«U-lkon|(nimt rando otlior compromises wlUi -«mtHherrw«reT«eulftn?«<^ftKfr city—might nuirvollini; nt tlie m ayor's iiood- a $2.5-billion surplas." somehbw, not to inflation. (ornpl„„efllRhltedldS.tU,ke. djKOvernmenl. his historic' "conomic “ lleim m e d ln U ily p lo k e d u p th c W lint are President Nixon's philosophy. City tond.1 to bo ot Uie dlrty-neck natiired patience. 0{ courso. It takes some politicians a little phone and Qf\lled Mr, - Barklo. • options? --Uslwwtonhopresenled lonRor to (jot used to a job. , "111, Mr. Barklo — tWa is Dave Tho tinltod Stntca mny ' (Ijniircssn budget for (l«cal'71, "\'P! MR. SPECTATOR ‘ Par.Hons here. It sooms you bocoine 11 second-rutc oconomlc ho pointed w ith prido to n *1.3 suffercd ln v e n W c s . Into tlio At any rate, prostitution has fellows made a little mistake power. For llio first time In tills billion surplus. dobrls-flllod «u Uirs. gone up, up, up since John w iUm iiuim y billu u u and u lu nuuH>^ucharged nivme for»ui contury, thl.4 year WO w ill buy But as tlio year wore on, whnt H ow ever, u n u s a y scores moved Ihto City Ilal.l and A Nickel Is Five Cents a plane ride I didn't take. Could from oUier nations more tlmn wiUi Uie oxponses of govern- PO‘nts for auddonly discover ng docreod that lienc'erortli Uils , you sb-aigliten It ou t?" wo w ill soil to Uiom. m ontsoorlns oven ns yours iinil cnfoi-cemon tactics Uint troubled hamlet would bo WapakoneUi, Ohio,. i6 one of the' UKALLY? “ O f course, D a v e ," \lr. ■For Benerntlons our mlnMltitbllllon-dolliirsiirplus, “[f “ 'V." y,"",™ known m Fun City. I'm suifo few places in the nation — could be Our “ sneaker" at the High Barklo said. "Just give me tho technolouy Ims kopt uu out front boc/no a |20 billion dollclt. oW' l^osUtjll^s not only will be Undiiay did not Inland tliat his tlie only place whore you can still School Rodeo tells us this one. Ray inforniation i\nd I'll tako care of ■but Uiero ■ is■ a now climate ■ of' O l d m uch or Bovernment's “ ■'"“ '*‘1; J » '“ « ’»> ‘ V l " P f proclam ation Iw taken as a iiMike-u-nickel pay plione call. Rostron, tho white halrod_ fellow It." ' ‘ antltoclmology In Uio Unlti Tooscd ouUny derives from ^Ity, Uils slgniil tiuit Uio lid was off. ^'^It^iFnctiinlly 'n -niatlei' of-pride=~—-who-lB=hend-6f=the—Twin Falls- " Well, that's-roallv nice of Statoa, CommorcfL-aii .you; Fred, and I want you to Maurice Stans says tlw with the local. telephone company, Clihmber, must have been getting a —RFflRV*^ ~ know hou' much I apprccifltc obvloua symptom of that jn- munilioftt makors, . , con.itrjjctjon...... - D L n D l U ifU n L li Mr. Spectator was told. That * little worn down;' Uie fact Uiat I have someon(TTd"lltochnology sontlm ohl was workers atid most of tho rest of spokesman stated that no increase He was walking past a con­ tiilk to at your com pany." wlien we groundeil Uio SST. us. is planned. In fact, they hope to be cession stand with RutlTlVliller, the "Tluit's why I'm here, Dave. Further, wohavo-becn fueling ' So now this AdmlnLstratlon, able to maintain the low rate at Times-News reporting, flash, the And you call me any time now and refueling our competition wlilch liad campaigned for* a least until 1981). This would mark a ' other night. The conccasLon stand — youlwju-?" .wltii -American dollars until biilanced budget, Is treading A couple of weeks went by and Europe’s economic growUj ratp red ink rc8ultinfi ft"om the worst fuJI centiii-y of nickel phone ser­ was on-fire — but observjnfr Ray Parsons received anfilhor bUl IsnowflOporcentnhcndofoura, 24 montlui-imbalance since vice. didn’t even see It. About tlial time from tlie credit ______cHir- com nim v ' J npnn’a la Rj ppr_pont-idi«Hdr-__ ^Worid-War-41. —Thoy-^T)U9t-re«lly-bo-bohihd the the .qltett lot loose and UB5TBIltdr“ t“ ^ ■WrltlJ'irin stfoniior langiiaKo.' Becamo .lapaiicso worlicra Wlthln-«nd witliout'tho Ad-'---- -timtts^inMVapakoncfa, you say? wish_they'd quit doing thatr ■Up. Ijnmedinloly;: called his >111 work for loss pay, mlnlstnitlon wo art) Iwarintf u ‘ Maybe so. cxcept that tlie Kverytime lhat siren blows I thilik' friend BiiPklor------Aniorlcnn-buyoni Kot iporo for rising c h o r iin s n iB itliu ld r n r T r '" "SOS’,- Fred, Uils Is Davo tlieir iM iw y In Jap an . So thls-freene. ■ ' ...... western Oliio community also tliey are heading over herb i(to jhe Parsons. In spite ot tlie fact tliat year wo will buy from Japan Sori. George McGovorn, happens to be Uie home town of groundsT)” --- you said you would take ciiro df more Hum wo will sell to Ja|)an openly scoking tlio hot seat tor Neil Armstrong. Remember him? go Ruth asked-.him to turn- ■ tlie matter, I Just 1-ccolvod by $2.5 billion. Iilinsolf, urges "ii selocUve six , nnntlier bill nlwiit my planrf Our prices cannot bo i;om- months freejo on wagos and J J p ’s,thf> first.ggy, to,nut a fw t ftn I around. He did. There was tho fire that old‘moonl right behind him. ^ .lailUimJiq iiii.ttnrlil mnrkct If, nrlcr.i ' "I liavc.no Idea what you're Am erican workers conUnue to Paul Horvoy, though an orcli- And speaking of telephones. Wo . Said Ruth; ."The old.boy can keep talking about, Mr. Parsons." demand more for producing onemy of goyornmont Intrusion iade a long distahoe call recently his cool, even duVing hot "Oh, I'lii sorry. I'd better fill loss. Into private prorogatlvoa. froifroma Pacific Coast tdeplione. .Jn situations,” . ' you In ," and tl|en Parsons So oven m on of t l » con- d u rin g a rocont o d lto rla l Twin Falls if the call is long l procl'oded to tell Darkle the serviitlvo perauaston of Ai-tliur auggcsted trocjing a ll wagos) distance you get the dline back. But VACATION? whole story again. Burns of Uie Fedoral Reserve above '|3 an hour unUI otliors "Well, I'll bo happy to look Board are now advocating some catch tip.______.in-thc-spoLwi.'_weco„caUlne.-fcom— „i-No.vacatiQn-yet?-Wellr.wait-untll— 'Into-itwiiinTroi, .vli. nTTujiTs. ^ r d r m oT ^whgo a n d , prloft - but.- from wlHiin tho Ad- near tho ocean the operator said— September or October. That's the "Whot-happonod-whon-you-rcsirainl.' ministration camo tho whcfl I told her I neyer got that best lim e to go. It's nice alid cool, lolikod into the-ihattor before?" Tho Prosldont .has .tho frightening suggostion that dlmeliack: ^ ' - , tlie resorts, camping places, and Parsons wanted to know. • authority. Months ago, workers, thus restrained, Wight “ In this telephone company your what havc.you arc not crowded, the . "I never looked Into tho t'onyrpjs uutliorlzoii u~wage- strike anyway — against the . m attor,"______pdceJccprn nt Ihf IVp»ldrnl!»-governroent me-l»-noH«tupned. -eont-is-lesi«t«d-(he-highwitys-are-^ "1 spoke to you two weeks ago discretion. I didn't know whal to say (o And )t never was, either! less crowded. Try It! ■ . libout U," But ^rotary of Treasury Uiati do you? , . Sundrty. Augun B-... Tim?*’New», Twin Ffllli. ld«ho-3.’ Times-News —T-i me s - News— Public Fwum Pub lie For urti

Uesearch Asked KdUor, Tlinos-Nows; which tho 1971. LegiH liiture rocall olcL'tlon returned.’ K dilor. Tin»cs-NL'wa:' . tiiey im m ediately asked for and In'W iiho K «lls h «s H«oin r«I.U'd (2) 'Ilio petition did 1 do.n't kiujw^who .wrote the received i? frelBht rate Increase, public questions on tho provide for interim expenses on artielo "railroiul strikes hurt" lliis didn't help anyone but the Icgislatlvo uxporwo Ia su o. I find a voucher’ basis. U miid: in yuur paper of August .1. but railroad. thnt most pcopto do not know “I.ut{lsl«tors shall receive witoever wrote it shuuUl I’et off Tlie ruilroadsv claimed that ubout the diffcronccs l>ctw Hie official bill is inuch more that heJc^ows noltijnK about. why did Uiey n w d a freight fcrences were serlouH enouj'h re.strlctive; It says: “ Members In the first place lie doesn't increase rljjht after they got rid thiit they. Iiud to be either of tho legislature shall bo know Die union tliathe ls.tjilklni! of such a burden? cori'ectod by the 1971. .reimbursed (or actual expenses about. He {‘alls it the I'l’U when 'rije railroads have had the U '^lslature or IcKisliitors would necessarily In cu rred in- at- it is Uie UTU, Uie United protection of ConKresa' until -Wveciriciilly in advance by the lie wiys tiiom en tiiut-work fo r. allowed to strike selectively. We - own personal incomes. 'Hiose Ii>(;lKlnturothHt arc held during the railroad are a bunch of had to strike nationally and then ' ...lnlcriinoxi}iinsca.urc.lncri‘iuilnt*. UiuInterim.between ItigiHlutive- KtiUiKh jn e n .tl wtunds t<>4nw like- from yeAr to year and they lire KessionHi A ll such roim ^ Concresa'would force"U*’ lo“Bo- he Is on tiie railroad payroll. back- to work. The railroads greater in fwth tirnoftnd oat-of- bursomontsto be.madoonly h r W iial ha.'f Ute railroad doftP that ’ would tiofcVcn biiTKain w ilh us ' pocket oxpetuu than many such.expenses w hid i are sub* proves them to In: so jjwkI to the because they knew 'th a t wo IMJoplo realize...... - Ktantiutoeople of Idalu) or any otiuir Could not strike. If they had liio two differences between receipt." sUiteV )n tiie first place tliey. bar^Salned with us perhaps this tlie wordings.. of _ the potition — As a result of the referendum, Jolnwl AMTIlAK and pulled off strike coiUd havel)eorr averted. n^uil'^lhe publll~llu)uj{iil^njy rpe^Miiay^hndlihlleipfltctt ;iiiL~pirflsoiiRer~ii'i\iri!nnri" were voting for — luul the of- enactment of a voucher system *Claud(nDKil’squi2a Uiereby cut off the jobs of m any Glenns Ferry fielal bill arc these; and for tlie monUi of Deccml)er of IhcHf ’•Kelfislt" nien. 'llien ^ I kept fl careful (liary of all (1) lljo petition stated: lei'islutive time and expenses. ‘‘1110 petition in effect will 'ndsm ontli betwcKin tho election re tu rn the Incom e of the and the opening of Uie session is That Feeling legislators to the same dollar one' In which heavy demuuds level a t which It stood when they are m ade on a lejjislator's tim e, Kditor.Tlme.H-News: placed in Harbor House while asked for tho ri^ht to’ set their I -recorded all out-of-pocket > Headini! Miss UcKi Teasley’s Uicirparents wero in jail. Might own salaries and expenses expenses, all travel, and time letter alxtut ovehpoputatlon and not young Miss Toasley's 'fwlUjoiA lim it).' which Involved one-lioU day or usinK Idaho's outstanding concern be bettor . directed Tfie Constitutloned. I would old m a id , ---- talohte M l 2fi:00r ■dottbtedlj*^— bo— p ro ihictive - LcjJislalurc received $25.00 per Now that Representative population Is a rccent, although members of our society, we will day expenses for tho session; Hyde and Senator Kllswortli iu'e- valid, matter of concern, need each ono of them paying JIO.OO per day (BOO per session) on trla) by eJoclion, the key condem^dni! anyone over thtrty* taxQS to support our Increasing Constitutional pay; and $105.00 )int is Utis. 'I1jo referendum for ’ having more tiian two numbers of welfare recipients. per month in lieu oflnterun Kill specifically did NOTHo“ Fam i Ly-Comes-Firs t Mdcciunakiia 4ia-in ucli-acmc---- Umitlng-4amiUfiA_to-tao_ expem;u». Tlie referendum bill what its own petitions called as condemning Uio doctors of children m ay now be necessary, J World War I for not luing totally ifjnorcd the $105.00 in- fo r .- Most men have somelhing of the background . of many but no child born before we terlrn allowanco.-- That ., Vernon F. Rijveiuwroft |H!nlclllin. I'OQllzed our country was allowance did exist in 1007 and it State Representative, which they are very proud. Harold businesses, among them farming. ~ About tiie Kume tim e the overpopulated should ever feel' is this reduced” aIlowanctr'to DIst.‘22-A---- ;------0-Hove-iBBuoh^in-indivlduaLaniUf____ In 105.1 he cleared sagebrush land Vincents wonHlte honor of being ^KUlltv. for existing, as lonp as he 7 oirask lilm-justrwhjtris-topsnirhls — rattdnrnrtTniartnerlnTi-rniijdcri hfe he’ll answ^i' you right bn£k 720-acre farm southeast of Timcs-News contJiined a sinall *oeiety. item about nine fhildron being ' . .- .Mrs. John Burkhart witli “ my family." Hazelton. ii3?=f i s ; daughter and four sons — only one hei believes everyone shoud take an because workers who had A^Com m eni Editor, Times*Nows» is still under the family wing, so to active part in community T * o years ago during a strike ehougli to oat were less likely to speak. TIiS daughter, Julie Alice, programs. He started following this , Kditor, Timfts-Newir.' — imd all the people who are by tho brondcnst industry abandon a strike. lino. W hat more could we want? pattern when In Kimberly and has Juiit ii coinmcnt on a 'rccont . workers Q noted broadcaster The Timos-News editorial graduated from tho Kimberly High letter. In your nuwKpn|H:r conj^ As for statistics, when I was wofi soen m a n n in g a picket line. imjilies tluit U>u strike Itself. Is School this spring and will'attend “ continued it InT w in Falls...... curtiinf! Uio Vincent fam ily. In grado school they told tis U i a f Another reporter waa.aliocked. ^an.ovil and all strikers are Boise University this fall. Tho boys Right now he Is “knee deep" In At first I thought tho pill wns In 15 years or so there would be to see the likes of n nationally mificreanto who should be are all out on their own. Philip high school rodeo as president of really horrible, After reading no coal loft. Latbr they told us known anchor man walking tliat, punlsljed — an d Ujeir fam ilies McRoborls is now associated witti -Uie.Twin Falls.County Fair Board, . that letter I think it is GRICAT Uioro woultl be r\o water left. line and asked him how ho pould' as well. - ‘ — for tljo person who wrote the . Well, the coal la still here and speak on television and radio I would like to inform tlu) his father In operation of the E. W. Ills work will be cut out for him letter. I still drink water. tlie way he doe r and then walk a Tlmes-News writer tliat if tills McRoberts Co. In Twin F alls; Kent again when the County Fair gets’ In 20 yenrs or .so Uiero w ill bo .. Mildred Larsen picket lino. Ilis answer was; '.‘I county receives any federal aldf. A. Hove, DDS-MDS, Is how residing underway in a few.-weeks, _ tio. people like, the letter writer Twin F alls am pnid to say whnt I say but In their welfare they nro In Minneapolis, Minn.; MIchacI S. It was In 1968 Utal he received the — jtj.sc people Jlky tho VlnccntJi obligated to -give welfaro on a this walking o picket line I Hove is with the I.B.M. In San Twin Falls pistinguiiihed Service belleyo In." basis of need. And If strikers are I hope this was Uie cose In an In need ofholp Uioy w ill receive Francisco, and Eric Hove is In­ Award and this was followed by a editorial tho Times-Nows ran it. dustrial sales engineer in charge of listing in Who's Who In the West for H eartening about Uio telepliono worker's ~ I especially enjoyed tlie en­ the Westinghouse office In Butte, 1971. strike. I hope wlwover wrote it ding of tluit editorial. You must Mont. He has been Twin Falls County Editor, Times-Nows: arouso onough interest to get luive needed to CUl tho space. It I want to thitnk you fuir^the people to the polls — no sm all was paid. Mr. Hpve, who is now asjsoclatcd Cancer Society treasurer for 13 Tlio editorial im plied that Umj was that old /alJ back of labor comment which you recenUy undertaking in tho. August strikers would not receive any haters — ^‘Remember Hoffa. ’ • - willi the Twin Falls Bank and Trust years and fk also county treasurer made, editorially, on Iho recall _sun,^lno,__ -______J ____ 1. . type of welfare and quoted a Perhaps we sliould remomber Co. joined that firm in 1053 and for the March of Dimes. He has- movement direotche nevertheless Jumped out roactlon to such crimes against if the treaty should be roUfled senior. Only one boy and one girl past member of the advisory 'yonr old) and disrupt traffic on and fought Uie fire as tw ohlvei • humanity doesn't blind us into by the Senate, "every criminal gain this honor each year. council |0f tho Department • of West Addison when the NaUonal were already burning. She kept. -surrendering.thp.basic-libcrtics---.caM-on-oiuv-coort—dockctfl—i .—JtAWsiaiaafUliat-ha-firstx Ji=fichoaiUHodeorbaft=had=ai -Mveral-othehi-fronr'biirtifci. Kwr' of our~herllago as free m e n .— ~bcisjme8“*autonialle«Uy Iran* ■ Idaho and the Twin Falls area as Idaho. He belongs to the 'Elks teiitaUve date for a year in Tho first duty of bur govern-- landed ajl overh«r but she did .sferayo_ to__An_JnlenjaUonBl. ■publisher of—the Kimberly Ad­ Lodge and Is an actlvc Shriner and advance? ...... - '• mont is to safeguard tho tribunal. O ur SixUi A m endm ent It’s u good thing (he City not get Btung once. Mrs. Ulrich protection of Individual liberties Uiat guarantees ua " a speedy vertiser. When his partner died he member of Twin Falls Knights Fat/iers do not Imve a hand In is Uie wife of Edm und*;UW ch as provided In tho Constitution and public trial by an bnpartlal also took over tho Filer Citizen Templar, Commandary. and the reconstruction of the ~and-he Isa weUknown^eemM- . of Uio United St^ites^ and tlie bill jury of Uie state and district In Record. He sold the Filqr paper Council. Ho is a member of Twlfi Pccrine Bridge J o r .some of some 52 years eiperiepce. ■ of r ig h ts ,‘ by. preserving tho which Uiecrbne shall have been first and then in 1953 tho Kimberly Falla Rotary. . "welcome" Uiat Wollld be. Mrs. Ulrich was Very brave to floverignlty of Uio United S ta le s .' committed" wouW be another . J.N. Moore, Sr. «o and fight a fire like Uiat at publication. - ' , Ho helped lead the.way In ob- —ILthlaitreatv-is ratified, thetir- ha8i(rfipeedom“lost^------H. ...Sliaron.Mooro. V _ rig h t^ a n (^ privlledgos would be , MrsTMaberDoramujJ ■ ^H trw ns^ndconlinues to bo active— — tainingJho.Snfll(tLfitocJRC6Sfl£«U- Infrlngdd; "and American _ ~^o r 6m e "iKKlmbedy-projectsTMdijiisides^. - ^=i-^C enter'— fof-r^-Klmberly. - In —"tEdltor.'s noterWe must point •’wiwst.---— - ^ , “ cllUens colIR lie tried in an therii with his wife Arlene. He was ' establishing-the Industrial area out that like Uie report of - - F iler- “ ’I IntemaUonal court of JusUce. It an officer of the Commercial C luJj;' near 'Ewln"Falls and in convincing Samuel Clement's deaUi, the - can become Uio-supreme-Iaw o f- the 'Chamber of Commerce, the the Kcllwood and Carolina Paper ' .(earing up of the downtown Uie land. THOUGHTS Twin Falls street was blown out To begin with — AmerlcA has Kimberly Booster Club. He was the Box people that Tyln Falla .was a of real proportion, although It .. ... , never b ^ n gulty of genocide,.' first ISposter president. Ho Is a past' good place to setjip'a business. was unfortunate. -As.-to the. Rdltor, Tlmes-News! ‘ whfch Is'dfeflned as "acts L 4. prf.8lricnt nf Mplhnfll.'il mnn,«nrij I onlfinflhanlr hft.gali" j iiK fw ti. T iom m ltle d w ith intent to Jj'.vnv Is tilt' sitit lif (iod. C,<;(1 . publishor aided In the drive for a "proud and happy" to have been fixed and replaced by the Umi< It takes to tear up Mah ' destroy bi whole or bi part, a t)i / i n i , rn w l lu.' tit the temperature dips below 32 the week of th< NaUoiul Hlltl - naUonal, eUinlcal, racial, or community water and sew^r engaged In (he newspaper business (hill. So we /{itfjiii «»itj b«’- , system. With this accomplishod,tHo’ as publisher andi'editor. Anyone In degrees It wlU nitt be opened School Rodeo it must taka « n w roJlSloUtf" gropp;’*: B ut" the, /hr hi'f.’ fio/i huV for ■ ( , " until ne«t sgmmer,‘H the real planning. •• • don^unlst countries have been' ' its. fiotl is Nji;c. ftnW hi' nh« won two national awards as Ad-- the news media, he says, has a very project was not started when 11 With planning o( tUa type It- . guilty e(-genocide (for exam* fibidt"; III ill fifitl. ^ verUser putillshcr. In 1957 ■ nb _Je rio u s _ respgnslblllty. - with ■ was It ixiuld hot .have been tnakes people In the (re*. ' Wi pie t- Russia's slaughter.of 20,000 ■ ■foc’efvcd formal expression pf- dissemination of news.' . ' „ completed and If not started at surrtundln* Twin 'FMtt — ^TT or more Polish officers in the J o h n If!. ' ' • . 1::: appreciation from the Klmberiy, '"Ihey accept this responsibility all then the nmilrBy could' not tremtly anxloui lo come undw ,i; ■ Katyn Forest,and.Uiousands of TltfT urout tranod>—Ilf lifo ill ------.have been used Ihlt comliig (aU our preaent. dty^ oUier acts of genocide.).' 'Chaim'bcr of Commerce for “hlghi when they head a newspaper, a is nut tluit- njurv pjuTish. l)Ut :•!; and winter. There Is « necessltjr • WllhHeiJd"-- -■ The treaty defines genocide that Ihov cojise tn hivu.— standards of -community responr ■ radio station or a TV station," hey behind mort Ihlngs. However, enenileeT -as "causing serious.bodily or SiinwrMil Mjiiiiilinm, llrillfh--A ----- . 5 ib ility „ - - ~BBld7-^heir-rolB-ls-a-seflotui-0|>B!--. - w « - « ll- h a v » - a - r i ^ l- ti):..oiir ”-mwrtal*hanTrto-memberSTjnr (le tiliir anil tlriiimi writor Mr. Hove know^ and understands! and a good newsman kriows-thl^" opinion — (hatrt the reason we group." Under ' this defbiitlon , have Utters to the Editor). / ... — — I----'------...... 6 Tlmo& News. Twiry )daho SunciflV, August B. 1971

I^Sjehool f u n d G l e a n W AKHIN(nXW J lypry - U .S . Uix, -/” y T l'^ Ho, you sue? that hiippon* profession. Superlntinidents lutU K school a p d ’‘this Is a dreadful cojulltion which opportunities for lho.su who are ’lljey are the so-called'extrus in mirc.'il and Incrisisini'. student 'Ninee Juiie 1, 1961; when he - issomothlni; we tmuit confront" we are havini* to live throui|h <|ualified and int4>res(ed to tho eyes of !uime —things that violence. Do you exjK!ct to s»“t) retired. Sutter, who hnB tilled more of thiit this year? ■ - at th? federalJeyel...... whlk'_..we . reallun. .priorities acquire four-years of hiKher Can bo-erlod of. "in'an Inierview w dirU Pn>laff~ 'w e""liave lo • crmV(ri]p“ in” iHn Qr~Whnt~flj;tiri*!;— nrr~>'oii— tht'~vurj'~heart~nf~tndivtd|ml- -*mI j»mhiieMtT—;>ml—Ihi*^—Mint—»it,cf— Writer CralK A. Palm er, brink l)efore we offeritujs will Ix.- outbreaks of ho.stllity and adniinistnitlon cabinet la.st larger, as proj'rams are cul, as 2il to :il and the comnniaity by curtailed as judgm ents are indeed .‘uittje o u tb re a k s, of Deccinbcr, replacing JameiJ K. f.sscntiai services /«rc reduced Jio doinj; Is able to derive applied to drastic biidj'c^tary extriinidy Irregular student Allen J r . Followlnt*, in question nr elim inated, we lose f;mund budget slabili/ation, -^in .some i-oirstraints. lieliavlor. We have I'ot to pass -^U»Ht-<‘‘r't*KtilH»*»tio«-HtUf-h<)Hlilily-^iml- GUNS- letup in t)io scliool flniinclal doesn’t talk about what happens notot necewiarilyneces-'iarily Ijoinilijoini; to be a .Will ' there be full teacher • lensioil that wo j j i ^ a n p thij cmm*oumms*snis crlsKs this school year? to tho children cau);ht In the.se i.'iaster. em ploym ent this year? - — whole idea of searchii^^; for a GUITUS*G01FCUIIS« A. No, I think that wc are crises. W hat alxuil the child (}. Is that one. of the roiinb A. ‘Hiere is not a teacher Irut? way of life in which 'nil SCWMCIUaM(S*TOOlS« Rtill in for iu)mu difficplt.years, {{{•inii.lhrouith sclwol tiow, what ed«es you are tlilkini' nbout KliortJii'.o. We are produciaj'this IKirts of this hind, fa n live JU>d TVCRUOSDUS *1(001)0 Crai|{, .so lonjj. a.s Ihe local does this do to him a decade that we will see Ibis fall? .'year many tlyjusanrls more work toi'elher. The work the PUYl8S»W*TCttS* school system!!, particularly the from now, 20 years from now? A. Yes, however, when you teachers than our' schools . Office of Kducation is advanc ALMOST ANYW ING “ 'bltrclty'.fthoor.sy.'itftni.'rwhorc- ^ArTlie”cJ)II(ns“ what'tlils-l,s enrriniale proi;i-ains~fV~tl)P.T reqtiire or ciin arfonT Tlie li^ln"trrr(ifrnf‘l)rln[!lninilwi»t or VALue tlic financial problems are so all alx)ut. 'lliat's why wo have I'ifted. iind the handicapped, sui plus of teachers will proha- reality in iiiteirration, the ho|k.*s very jjravc, continue to re.st an Office of Rducalinn. I would when you olirnifuite kinderi'ar- hly lirin;; an increased vitality —or lenlslation ori this subject, Sum m oL 555^ heavily on the erwlinj; proiieHy add that we are i'oi/i(! t<> «olve ten and bhysical education ... and [inidiictivity to the teachini; all |Hilnt to a future in which • ’ diero will lie a racial into('ra* _lion-iii-our atlioolH.______(}. Of course, aloni; with ‘Yom Are There^ fb return racial unrest there is the iReP'RIGeRATED COOt POW VOUR COMPORTr problems (jf ilriy's in '.the ' .schools. Wnuit re^iponsiblllty has Home funds th e O ffic e o f R d u c a tio n ft>r as children's TV series increasinj; drui; eflucation ancl what is it doinjj? available Hy KOBEIIT MUSEL aHyfi It ia nlmo; tlio fact It Is Intended to nppeal It will have tjie'.samo anchor who mlKlit also be intefoatecl. kind of excitini;, totally .factual |.;i|!ed in lenniini! nlmut tills luT/ardous to healHnn^saretyT _to-yomm-and-old-altfeo.— x.-----m nn->Wjiller^f> nnkltxujYniUii.'u^--- l l i » _ iu _ n _ h n d y of tlinii|;h| ^py ;.[nry m-.ryi'n.iy uur,u ni (^r:r.'ti r rn'’!‘’'m 1)0 displaced or. to be (iisplJicu ‘ Howyouno'?tvyounK SeniorExcculive ______tlie______'snme tochnlque-Cronkite^...... which .says...... kida arc not I’oinji ...... any am . And it's a part of lw..;t leinliiTs We are trvinMp "Hy Aoverniiicnlal acll'iitf ' •mTnrabltnTmnnnirnT News Producer Bud Benjamin will j'ive the backRround or, to I’ct this", Benjamin said. .hl.story. build nn that theory. Apart \id without ln)usinM or to \w. from that, the issue is mnrc without housing in the im­ funiliinientnlthan mere therapy ' mediate future: —uj-corrective teachin}'. It-has lo BoonJONES sanouDllNCAN JooFLYNN . do with the way our younj} Television Schedttles ' Tona ROBERTS James GREGORY- Sunday. Aug. I. It n 0 — Golf Tournament 10:01 people arc Udnkini;, tho values BOB'S At 7 p.m. on channols 3 nnd II 11 — Look Up and Live - News, Woflttu-r. Sporls they hohl. 1 have to aj^ree with io n s MOBILE T.V. hosiMiinoi;(iis ’M.vvi'r"- iiiuAHixHsoH viNCfNiMcivHrr — «odoo So«cl<»l. Tho Nallonnl High ■ IJiJO .some of them who descrilM.' to School Roc)«o MnAli are tolefAtl- 3 — OitJle Siory -- cns News Jb - - H .iW ilii. Service call .... $ 7 .5 0 TCCHNICOLOR* I from the Twin Fa|li County II — Camera 3 10:10 3 — Gunsmoko me tho c'onditlons of boredom - Movie; "GufjpoiiO" 7sl - «L',ill.es OPEN7DAVSAWEEKI PairoroundsjLriler-wTiieflnftl ...... »:M._ .. _ ...... now. L'ncounttT-in -Ihuir. ovcnit vvHI 100 4S0 conlottAnli (ram 2sl — Movie: "Sipn of Mie Pagjin'’ ...... 7D;‘l f • •NBC'Comcnv'Tnp.u Phono 423-5758 ' itatot compete. II wHI bo 2t), 3. II — Pinpoint llowllno - Movie; '■Qijo Vadls" 10;00 liv e s ...... (voAdcatl live •nd'wid run (or abouf 70 — To De Announced >0:30 ?sl. Jt). 3, 5, II, 7b, n - two hourt and 30 minulot. 5 — AViv'ie - The Six Wives ol Henry VIII We.^tlier, Sports 2 0 0 1 " AT ^ Morning 1:30 . Movie; "Twelve O'Ctock HiQh" 4 - ir Takes a Thiel 1______f.SS Jo — Death Valley D.iys - Atovie; "Snows of KlllitiaiV-' Fiourino -STARTS WEDNESDAY! I:30-4i30-8:15P.M. 3 — Time lor Medilatlon > 3 — Hot Doo --10:30 7:00 5 — AAU Intcrnallonal Champions 10:31 Jsl. 7b, B — Johnny Cnrson • 3, U — Tom and Jerry - ■II— Consultflllpns ICSL Nows.Uoports Jb — Mod Squ.Kl S — Lamp Unto My Pcol 3:00 11:00 3 — Sonny and Chor Fresh, good natured, > "One of the year's 7b — Aoriculluro USA 70, 3. 11 — Rodw Spuclat , News, Weather, Sports 11 — Movie: "The Old Man Who , . 7:J0 4, 70, B — Golf Tournamcol AtlC News Cried Woir' VT I best pictures!" 3, n — pcnclopo-piistop • - 3:00 11:01 10:40 4. 7b — Pallh lor Today . 2sl — Drama Special Conuressloniil Report 5 — Wooon Tr.iln exhilarating fun. . 5,— Lpok Up and U(ve 5 — Mister Kd lt:00- 0 — OiQ Picture -■■JiJO . "Kismet" 4 - New:., W^t.‘nther, Sporis SUHltr «UHR|C* PBonuCI'OI 1:00 5 — Where's Huddles? 11:11 11:30 Js)/ 5 — Scionco in Anriculturp. ______4:00______News ___ ^nuMlvi'.fL'j.n...... ''A MOTOlicfclE IP ki: ■..... 3. 76.1^1— n't'^iunfibaVd • ?il, 7b - Commetil---- - rt. Weather, Sports .• - Dick Cavell 1 8 —•yoAWv*QJMi Movie: "Ride Ihe Man Down" 11:30 11:00 m 2 0 0 1 ' 1:30 4 — AAovio; "Laucjhlno Anno" Jsl — Man lo Woman Jh'- Tauernflclo Choir 13:05 r T ^ a space odyssey 4, B — Coiianoooa Cnis Monday, Aug. 10, l«7l Jsl — Movie; "Rose Mane' 2sl. 7b — NDC News Al 9 p.m. on Channel 7s) — The 13:10 2il — Sacrod Hca^ 2t>, 3, U - CUS No Triumph ol Chrisly Drown. A prolile 5 — Deputy • - — 3t) — Revival Firei 5 My Friond Flicka ol a remarkable writer. Christy's 3 — Cnmora 3 1:00 ' triumph Is one of talent and courage 4,-7t3, B — Dullwlnkic Jsl, 5 — Seven Seas . • over fl staooering handicap. ■ A S— Day of Discovery 70, 3, n - Lassie ccrebral palsy victlhi sinco birih MOUERAnNOS 11 — Herald ot Trulh 7sl — Firino Lme and confined to a wheel ctialr, ttio 3a- ♦ ;ti 7b — Bewitched ' ycarold Irishman has lul^ use of I^FWHENIBAND 2il — From the Calhedral Q — ViewpHml _____ only his loll foot -- which ho usns to VQUNGPHmf «:30 S:30 t/pi*. He has wrillon two crllically Jil - DiblC’ AniwcfS ' Jsl, 5, 70, n — World Of Disney acclaimed novels. Jb - Oral Hoborli - S:30 l2voning 3 - Face ihe Nalion ?sl, S. 7b. ^ — World of Disney «:00 7o, 6, H*-.- Discovery Ajiimn'r-World 3, i — News. Weftlher. Sports 5 — Tflbornaclo Choir Evening 3b, 4 - Truth or Consociuonces lO-.OO' «:00 7b - Ueauly Pnoeant lleviuw Jil — Thii 18 Ihc A/^uwcr ' ?0. 3, 4 ~ F Ul n — Newlywed Game }b — It Is Written 11 -- COS Comedy Playhouse' 11 - My Three Sons 3 — Tabcrriacle Choir 7sl ~ Tennis Special i:30 4 —■ Oral Robnrls 4:30 ' Jsl. S, D — Dlrd'S Eye'Viow .... 5 - KSL Nowi.Hcport ?si, J. Til, t — fleo Skelton ~- . 3U, 3, II .Lucfllo aall. .. . 7b — SkyhawhV 11 — Sonny and Chor 4 — Lot's Make a Deal B — Pink Pantner 7:00 7sl -- MIsleroQors ' n — Faith lor Today 2sl- 7b, U — Oonania 7b -- ilrady (lunch 10:30 70. 4, S - Movie: "Africa •- Texas 7:0C 2sl. & — Film Stylo" 0 - NUC Comody Thcaler 30. 11 ~ Face the Hallon 3 — CHS Comedy Playhouse 7b, 3, 11 — Mayberry 3 - This is th^ Litu . 7:30 Jsl. 4, 5 ~ Newlywed Game . i — Showor Homes 3. n - The, Wives of H wry VIII . 7sl . Whars Now 7b — Hardy Doys 1:00 -- "Tho Noon Cuihnu" • 8 - H H Pgfnsluf 7M -- MoVio: "'Thai Certain 7:10 ' Foiiilno" ■ Jb, 3 — Doris Day ______7b. fl, n — MfcCi Ihc Prnss _1 lI — at Pops ?s1. 4, 5 - Very Good Year ‘ ’ 5tj — Siftl)Ocoach West 7 1 ^ MoVie: "See How Tbtv-«on~- II -• Family Alfair 7si •- liaihA YoUiJ- 3sl, 4 — camera 4 Hcports 5 — Plov{ Hour 7t) — Mission Impossible 11:J0 3 — Hawaii Five 0 . , .1 > >tl *- AAovIo; "Walkino My llaby 4 — Movie; "Merrill's Marauders" hflclc Homo" 5 — Guhlmoke 3 — Look Up and Live 7sl — Masterpioce Thealre 7b. a, 1) — Kiues ar^d AnswLT^ U -- Movie; "Africa - Tokms Slylo" 4, S — Movio: "Soldiers Throe” _ 11 Oonania ' Allirnoon . - »:J0 :__ ■ OiOO 7b - AUC Nows ' » ".noligirtn SpeciJiT-— L l l I -I-—-InsUjl't Jsl --- Nows, Wealher. Spoi 4 - Mftvin--A^fln_flml. C»ii!tl" 7b — Lanceloli t.ink and .Socrul o r i r r - - ^

Com ojO n O ut To SERTIE^ Free Doien Rolls with every Is ISpcrBARM^S®®^ Fresh salads, hof rolls, pies soft drinks byailqbTe OPEN SUNDAY i P.M. lo 1) P.M. CAlLdRPEiR TO-733^:^111 M AUf B O ’S Cate

2,0,82 4th A ve. E. , , T.^vin Falls S»t.ll;IH.II.»,ll. )UlS.(:lor,M.-ll:llMI, Sutldav, Auguil 8. 1971 ' Tlm«i N«wi, Twin Falli,. ld»ho 7

By PEGGY CHUL, one quarter of n million dollars employed 112 peofde and 100 physicians who worked at the Timei News Writer per year he said. Ihls doea not beds were full. C^lng those TBhospUal.Dr. Douglas Stnlth.'. GOODING - It has be«n one o o n s l^ the poMlblllty of In- years U c6« 1630,000 a year or is In charge of the TB out: y^ar since the Idaho Tuber> creasing costs for maintaining 152.250 per month to maintain, patient clinic in Goodbg. culosls and Chest Disease' the hoMtal in the (lAuro^ ho Gradually the number of Hospital dosed and the state is a^d. patients decreased until there Eighty-eight of 100 housing still trying to find a buyer. Since the closure, of the were only 85 on{iloycfl and 22 specialists polled recently felt Ih e city of Gooding has now hospital the. Idaho D e j^rtm e n t beds, occupying Just one floor. Jhat- Interest ‘ ._>inediffth«iwarchr« ndin8W -oi-^H eaH h— has— purohased-fiome-ofthe staff transfw redTiT costs on new homes will not letters to' more than 100 phar- hoM^ol services as needed. As other hospitals, including the drop m uch In thp next five m acoutlcal com panies of July 1, there were 17 tuber* supervising nurse who now yenrs, Inquiring If th^y would be in " culo'sis patients being carod for works at Magic Valley terested in using the facility as at Ihe Edgwllff Hospital .in Memorial. Twin Falls, a laboratory. So far nve replies Spokano. . Staff members were, offered have been received but none has None of these are patients employment In other areas of BRIDGE LESSONS lndloatedf-«-lnlerefll-in-the--»^‘i-w«r«-mov©d-from-the-atalc-l»y»ltb.-i>utJntt»‘^c- no U hospitaL ------Goodinghospitallastyoar.'l'hoso, em pbyed by-the state now.-Dr.- Starting-weeh — i!We-are-«uious-lo-seU*lhe-fivfSepirl3thr state a month to maintain clinics, according to Dr. Dixon, ) Register NOW | it while it stands vacant,” Dr. Iho state maintains six W a C O M E 1 Baginning — lnt«rm«dla(e A Fritz Dixon, Turberculosis clinics throughout the state. . HKHSCHOM. . — Advanced. Duplicole : « Control Division, said. He added locQtod .in Coour . d'Alene, ROOtOPW raPAIlTS f • Clottr^. loiti'uctort - 1 that savings have been sub- Lewiston, Boise, Gooding, 1 Ada Burgett 733-4759 | stantlal since the hospital Pocatello and Idaho Falls. . 7 • See Jawelry • and If no antwer J “dosed: ^Al'^one: tlmo~lho hospital" o'n^J to u v e n ir ------:— ------t o ll 7 3 3 - 5 0 U ;------f ------Even with costs for matn> GARNETS from M EM ENTO S from m any yearn Rpant In the rhU lppInc Islands tainlng the empty hospital and Idaho, nacldacsi t 151 4lh Av«nu«v«nlng | - will be one of thb homes on (he atmual KetchunKSun Valley tour change, actual expenditures I * Call ab«ul toUi dnd ^ -fi-ltlllU U TO KJU . ------ol-horo««-««h«dul«l-froirt-l-to-6'p;m —AugH4-Hoth^NcBly; w

FILER - Fred H. Gilbert, plnce CAHlt prem ium s w ill I'o to a.4 for other «hoop cntrieji. E jjcIj /rw ln Fiills, la JudRo tJiis yenr tlie four cla.H.'te.s which include lirecd will be ju(l}’cd iicpnratoly for tho siiccp dopartmcnt of Uio HompHliiros, Corrlodnlo, and winners awarded rlbl>on.s. ----- TwIJn^IsTSmilyTnlrTSSptnr “Suffolk anu SmrtfTdowrv "IjitVUjjTare'lo'havinio'mor^^^ 11. nnd W. E. McCoy, Buhl. Is Q iam plon ram nnd cham pion Uian one-lialf inch of wrtol nrtd a superintendent. owe will rocelve rosetlcH and sliearliuidnte of GO-OOday.s prior Entrios closo a t G p .m . Aug.- -reserve- chum plon_ram_and_lo-falr tijno Is suKijestcd. 21. Entries nre not limitml 6ut reserve clmmplon owe will be Prenilumswill tjc awarded in no cxliibitor-w lliriw allowed nwarded'purplo riblwns. four places with cliampjuti more two casli premiums Blue ribbon winner of each market lam b (Jverjill hreod.s to iony^n{rclnBsr"JutlRlng-wiil' -breed-will'cotnpete-for-chnm'^ receive TiToscttcr'lirc-AmericBn- startat lO n.m . Sept. 7. An entry ■pl^n. ' Suffolk. Slieep Society will

" Exlilbitora are urged to engn({o market lamb class, lambs nlay trophie.s, open to those ’ pens.from the superintendent be olUier purebred, grade or exlilbltors who are members of and make entries early. crosslwed. Hie same health tlie American Suffolk Sheep First, second, third nnd fourtli requirements apply in Uds class Society. Heat increases use oi water survey TWIN F A L I^ - July's heat Tills yenr’s average daily planned brought almost n 16 per cent consum ption Is a b ou t 10.5 increase In water use. ac- m illion gallons while In 1070 tlie KETCHUM - Flood potential - -1 cording to Clty .MnnaBcr Jean dally average was 0 m illion. ,In on about six miles oLUic.bwcr M llar. 'spite of ’thcT"increased con­ W arm Springs Creek will bo tho - Water consumption during sumption in Ju ly, total water subject of a U.S. Corps of - July was 4i5 million pllons rocolpts for the firs t seven Engineers survey later this more tljan In July of W O rM ilar itionths of 1071 and 1070 are m ontli. , I W e are offeringrfor ■ - •■aaid lh d ncriinselHpnrtlyjluo to approximnlcly the same, Milar — j j j j - -.-Victor—Armacostr-clilof-of- ^^.m ore Induslrial use but mainly flood plain management ser­ It Is the result of hot weatlier. vices for tho anriy ertginecrs. Tho water consumption for Tl\o water consumption for M ay and Juno of 1971 was lower said the study will bo ,cpnducted 2 weeks only July, 1971 was 327 . million on request of Uio Blaine County gallons and for July .103i) It was tlian tho corrcspohdlOR period •Commissioners. 282.5 million gallons. In 1970, he added. Tho survey, involving some h alf dozen surveyor^, will beglq^ at tho mouth of Warm Springs Hearings slated at Ketchum and will proceed to tho. Rod Warrior Crook tributary. on omitted lands Tlie study will Involve only lands privately owned, om itting WASHINGTON (UPI) — the subcommittee, polnlQd out forest service fan3. IIcHriniis are scheduled by the, that based on surveys made Information gained from the Senate PJfcllc Land • Sub- nearly o century ago, many survby will old officials of Uiq. committee In Waslilngton Sept.- persons homestoadod, or planning and zoning commission 30 on proposals to help resolve otherwise obtained tliclr land in future zoning, ho ,snid. _ ' the “omitted lands" problem from Uie’Rovemment 50 and along tlio ‘Snako R iv e r In more years ago, paying taxes i .T?- Ea.slern Idaho. and oUierwlso occupying it Id Two delcgalcs Sen. Frank Church, D-Idaho, good falUi. _ , said Friday the “omitted lands" named in; area .problem was adversely affected . ' by new government surveys BOISE - Gov. Cocll D. An- “ *:^ ^ Q w ln g Uiat soiho land prlvuT drus, following recom- tl*ens''thought they t»weu . mondations of 11 senior-cltlion belonged to the government. f I A ' ofga^zatlons. has appointed 18 Church, who Is chairman ai, tftV G St tit. delegates tq thf) Wlilte House Conference on Aging. Thte isiaurfl^lm ual^ ■ Two M agic. Valley KcsUlont.H IJ.S. bonds have been niimod^olcgates nnd Draw ing will bo attending the conference BOISE Quarterly statistics to bo held.in Washington D.C. In issued by tlie Departm ent of tho FREEHOOK-UP November. Tlwy are Ednu at Filer Treasury credited Idaho Bello Osfund, Twin Falls, and residents with an investment.of -Manuel I.opoz, Burley. -|4T7-TnillionHn^Unlted-9tat«’ '_-c_-SorJos_E^rrSavings::Bon3s7 ~ Mort'than 100 Indian'trlbes ^ a n n e t f during tlie first six m ontlis of once lived In California. 107;l , State Volunteer Chairman F IL E R - The annual sum- • H. Wcsterman Whlllock an-,, mer Red Cross blood drawing ’ nounced. TfirlhffTltcrBreaSrIll-be-held-;— ’n»e-total'^ccounted~for*6®:S’ 11 . m !>, 1 p m Wiul. I'l )h. n WARBERG’S- ' ' ■ nftsday In the American U glon Teton County set the pacep a ^ ior~ rHFTTMOST IN Mm. KNTKKTAINMBNT ^ Hall. the state. wltfT 104 per cent of ' Quota this, year is again 75 goal.accomplished, followed pints, according to Jim Herrett closely by Franklin County yvlth who with Barney Carlson. l9 co- 103 per cent of. goal attained. - chairman for the area drive. l^lftM n other counties topped, < Herrett said at the last statewide aVSrAge, _ In- drawing FHerVnet Its quota lor - eluding; Gooding-91 per cent .^__the-ilrst-Umc,ln.a.nun)bfir-®i_.and.J.eromeJLp«L.cent,__- _ . drawings, and tho blood com- June's statewide investm ent, mlttee itf hoping this draw ing'' In feefies E-KBonds amounted* will be a repeat performance, to 1663,BM. There will be 22 pints of blood .' “ needed as replacements for. Cub -pedple-who- »>;given-Uood- Sinn the l.»t drawing. TTiese cllmbw. but wtien th«y reich >ra Included in lh« 7Si>int mitirlly »r« unable to.climb quoU. mo« trees. . ^ 0 Timos Nows, T»4n Falls. Idaho SiJnday, A uguit 8.

— d r o n e s

VOHK fro tn ’ lls m lM lb ri'lo 'b d F5niS6ffT 'TClot of Am orican companies • m uch of Ujc Hcrospiic’c liulustry , MiUlory drones were used moko drones, particularly little ' Is |{ctlln« Ils.lunips Uieso diiys, first to low tarKetfi to help train onoa for. tarKot'work. More, th« R P y drone buslncjw is flKhtcr pilots to slioot. Ulit sophisticated drones are made today, they nr'c a varlcgotod by Boeing Oo„ Beech Aircraft, _doliu{Jinc...... , . , HPV moims ‘‘rcinuloly pllol- ramIlyornlafi‘Js^lO''oitcnBtv0' ■lJng-Tcrne6-V6ughr7’ 'N orinr6p c WiiH i!qiilp|«(l-;() bo flown by nuuli! p u b lic about tliotn to dyne Hyan HPV project on- radio by « pilot Kitting reveal titeir importance. Klneer, “the conccpt is.iw bold, ' conifortnbly on llio Hround. f V example, it wouhln’t bo and broad, h.n fioriiuin A drone carryitiK a sniull pro* WHY WAIT FOR A BUSY WEEKEND TO DO YOUR FOOD SHOPPING ? trcrioliuN in World War I but It pro|'ramine«l control computer chief lim itation, w a s n ’t a su c c e ss. A.s is e a s y to can do the Job and come home 'nieoretlci ly, an aircraft as blK Koe, Uic drone rt:nlly is a vory safely in all probability. IlPVs as the Bi>einK 747 could bo crown up version of Uio model also are u.sed for combat and launched, flown thousands of airniiino Junior flies by riidio. ob.sorvation in In'dochina w m d miles and landed safely without o\>cr ii .v a ca n t lo t. It dffferjT oven f(ri)m^hurirwtm|H)>vnihd~n~crow-oit}icr^by~-mcnns^r ' fr u n a >{uide< rhU flSilC'(n :tliat it nthfr-m atrrinl 6n-rndio-com*-KaW lIto -tolovlBion or. a -pr®-_ ialpjinsoirio rotiirti“''.'mfely ’ num d...... - - •—— prof'rwftmed computer, aboflrd.

Red Ripe Farm Fresh Saf^ay Superb INTRODUCTORY OFFER! Tomatoes Fancy Fryers Ground Beef California Medium Size U .S.D .A . Inspoclod And Buy Any Size Pacl a carload P3rfoct For Summer Salads U.S.D.A. Graded B At This Low Prico Por Pound ol' Kri'^idaire appliances due by Yucsday, Whole lb. Aiij^iisi lOtli. Ivook at this CiisUtin linporial 3 8 < lb. 3 2 lb. 5 8 jVIodcl ( f ir s l) refi if^ci alo r. iriiid C>*iil Cantaloupes^rjl:JuK iliai Cii(h 33' Fryer Breasts Chunk Bolognaii:' Tl.. Pi. Mb. Golden Bananas \r -Hie..i S i . Jish-Slicks'"'"" need iihccranm king W llli N ult on Top MuHinsr;;,.""”!'’'' Choc." Milk Cuiten 31 3 Ittyar, I'lnih C«k* Skylark Bread l"i't everyday discount prices SkylarkBreatfL" ! W 8 ?.#». l*m«n - Post Cereal K fl,' 46' Hot Dog B o n s S ‘ Coffee Cake Sirau u l Post Cereal 9-ei- 46' Barbecue Buns sih '' Hg. Fruit Turnovers f(uk 18 ' IB-01. Sesame Bunsi‘r:;L Wheaties 56' French Bread . Mb. 38' Post Grape Nuts )S-er' 59^ Doughnut Cruml) L Sugar Patliatl • rkp. Pizza Bread le«r JO 1S-e(. Raisin Bran 52' ,„ .1 8 ' Gelatin Desserts Count Choculcf Cereal V;' 46' Sugar Doughnuts J .ll Wall 3>euni« Fotbagii Glazed Doughnuts .; h 5 ' (A«nlliilil* Only Al SlQXl Wllli Buka Shop S*ctIoni) ’ Crisco Shortening

FROZEN FOODS A t Discount Prices ■ everyday discount prices ltKC.*d09.9.5 Easy Day Spray 14-ai. Famlnin* 3««f. Vegetables Johnson Pledge wir . Can 1.24 My'gU'na Can 1.19 » .i ; 2 9 9 « o 100% Frost'-Ptool. W llli Um on WflK 1.16 You'll novof df)lt03l. |r \iiiir |iri-iMl rcfrittfrulor U ii lt«ii Hefty Garbage Bags Tho Iroozor ;ilono In Sauce ( hu Ploitic 30-(auM J7 d 16 4.7G cu. II. nncl -»ol*era nuiku-il-oo»y Dacornlar lO-oy. ----- M otorOilfe,^;-- ^ ^ 4 8 “^ Pkg. Moot Tondor kiiiipu inoLt mnnif> STP Oil Treatments ..■'c:585' Zee Paper Napkins , . Add-On. lioMi up to 7 dnyc. Stuffed Peppers /Automatic loo Mflkor ■ ._ J - \ Fomily 3M .(«unt * (liny bo irisiiilliii] wlion Fully od|Ufitablo Vet's Dog Food ::'„" 14 ' “ ...... Pn'ck 78 ' yoi; buy or liiter il Uinl sh o lv o s Pqtatoesll-llS;”; bdllur tor yottr buclgiil a(i|Ubl Dpn'cfl to your nooO& Onion Rings;,:;.:""" This Advertisement Effective -Stew-Vegetublfli -Fruit-Juice-Drinks. -SIMIKA^t-VrVW JES OiV lu««rn«^;MlfaiRlAS~ IInrfttSalcway^Dianmrt— — LOWIOIt PRICED In All 0 ( These Towns; Meat Pies p.".' IVIODKLS AS W ELL AS * B o lt 0 * J e r o m 0 B id ck fo o t S I D E B Y S I D E M O D I .I S JBflljiLApple-Pies J ^ :^ 4 5 “ >l>oV*Ho *Po«o»*llb- Id a h o F a lU - WBlW , Bel-air Blueberries 73" Tnlit* advtinlaur of all rt'm aiain|Tiium ^ Ho- ftupart ■ *CalcJw«ll *TwIn FcilU liiM iril ^nMidrU i>f rt■friK«^rolliF^, riinu«>w, ilishWushrrs M laundry apiiliuiicf Tater Treats I:',:,':., X 2 6 ' .Burl«y *Nampc«, *Mtn. Hom« SUPER SAVERS And *.OnlfirIo, Oreqen iiir; SAVIN G S!’ Hi-C fruit Drinks .*V.: 32" . *These StortB Open Sundpy iVounl' Po

D/SPWV/WG SOME of the-fancy anc/ imported- cheeses feaiufed at the new Sau-Cheez House is. Bob Having, who 6lso will be in charge of the Tasty items . . new Sourdough, bofh iocaied in the Cotillion Halle, . Grand opening of the 'Sau-Cheez House was ThurS’ d ay, wUh o p e n in g for The Soiirdough set ykry shortly.

THE DRESSING ROOM d o o r s at Cofnpqtifion ~Limiied-are-not-anly—grmi~eytr^aichors~^cfi^hwsv~~ Ihroe, from left, Richard Ryan, manager, ctod Sharon Eye-catchers . . . Bowden and frank Trinnaman, both employes, but' for anyone who enters the shop. CompeiHion Limited ' is a shop caioring to young men of all ages.

Ups fairs malt . J U i W i L -

a b o u t t h e V a l l e y p e o p l i e

y o u k n o w L i v i n g

— ------S u n d a y r A u o o t f- 8 —1971

ONB OF THE elaborately decorated sfqfions in B G f l U t X / Beauty Spot ts shown by ilie manager, Marg6 / Butterfield, The interior design feafurfit-^varipus _ | ' shades of pink with white. Mr^^uiifirtield 'alto p i U S operates El Margo Beauty Satofi, Twin Falls, and a ____ Safon in Rodawoy Inn/ Boise.

' . ; MANAGER'O f Klddy-Ville. M ri. Paul Pickell, tell, , ' I ' b 'V N Eg df.lht imW/i hulidfna ihjcii noW Wui««'\ sho w s one'ot th9'li3lest''lashlbni 'hr ihe\youngef ' ‘ fiV 7 in (in about how"'the unudwk*^' ; . charge of-' arrango m eptg, ovenlnji ccremony b the Kiret orlKiniited. Visitors attended from Utah . Qirlstian Qi»irdi,.Twin F oUh. AlthouKli we attribute tlie and Nevada.- . ' ' 'HiobridoisUiedaUKiitcrofMr. huine to tiie E arl of Sandwich, nnd Mrs. Gcrold Webster the sandwich actually was Tlie nante dandelion coni«i HldKoway,.-Kimberly. .TIic. ■'Invented, 2,000 years a^o by the: from U)o-French dent de lion bridegroom Is the son of Mr. Kreiit Jewish teacher, IlJibhi . (lion’s tootlij. nnd Mrs. Gernld K. Hlch, ThuI.^ Ilillel. Ills sandwiches were two Ilcv. John B. Sims, fonhcr' pieces of mutzoa filled with Metljodist minister of Kim-' hcrlft, ch’opi>ed nuL*! and apples. performed the douUo b c rly , Ji) hunor-af-tlieJirsLsandwldi.- -rinircerCTnony:— r*-^•— -r— Ute home economists at Uiu The altor was decorated wiUi California Ualsln Advisory a candlc nrch flnnked by two Ik)ard iiave develo{>ed , ii few cnn'delabra (jntwlned willi now Idutis Uiat take tlie !uind* flowers matching the baskets of wicli to tim breakfast table. _niiiod flmnmcr nowors. — ’ntelr-breakfflst-Handwlohes MrsHiflbcrt pcnton, orj»Hnlst^ inakc-creatlve: use uf favorite jind M i's, Garland Ijlbbsrvlolln' iirtakfast foods'and offer a soloist, played the truditionii! • -bccuk-fcoiiubccukfasLboccdoni weddinB music— Both—arc tliat ox|>erta sjiy cauHc.s most friends of the bride.. : I' - : ' '■ peoplo to skip this ,ljn|)ort«nt' bride, jjiven in mnrrlnj{c meal. D/SPUy/NG rifaboni won during the National by her father, wore an orlKinal ’lliO-lUiiain UroiikfaKt Sand­ ------Choorloadors Aaocialion Workshop aro CSisfudonfSj Kown by' nrldallure of silk wich is mjidc wltli raisin bread crganift trimmed with ap- from left, Pohno Main, John Waffon and Vickie spread with marmntadft and -pUques-of-lm|knled-lacc.-X)ic-. ^ i ’ x ' -~Lynch. Jho:girli.competed as song leadors, wii\nij\g cream clieose, lopiujd with juicy Ion(i bisliop sleeves featured fresh .strawberries. , C-.0 m p G T IT IO n :/lonorob/c mon//on ribtonj, Iwo outstanding ribhqns Ince appliqued cuffs oomint' to ' Anotlier i;oolo»d Kwitcli, Imill-in liiil filler to . ctc. Kiiill-in lint Koreen ...... O P E N trap iip;ly l in t ...... H ^ X J S E in Filer today! Icemaker. SLIM-LINE Refrigerator/Freezer Paul Shotlor of Quality Wood, Products U50S clean elo'clrjcTijrTor ovorything in this O u r t o w - ...... mg,-dishwashing, lighting. A builder who T *ric c It] Filer, lovds wAod, h^o has built this 3-bodroom show- placo for his own homo. It has exposed wood V trm lie west of beams, rich cabinptry, a friendly wostorn, IrriVtuLfr Inslullutian o|ill<>iiai ul. uddillonui rout. Jordan' ^ Corner'. . . IUk LLI"fu , fl. fapu*hy— y«»l i<*a Iwo Inrlifg nur- wouJsy'lodtcwen'ywfiW'e, The affect is differ- i r o w n r l o lh r r A w o tilii n o t. I ln iid y lre> E v e r y b o d y ont and delightful. Como see it today! iQHkvr Kuppll^ii lc 0 rrenrVnlR. Full-w idlh crlfip- ft 1300/11050 rn (loo^tL^vlvm't bi|( frrckt'i'. •' - W € M c o m e ■ ...... I ' T ' --i f . 12^00 n 'til 8 p.m. Idaho Pow er Com pany Use Sears Easy Payment P lan !!

-Srars-Trwin-FallH- -SHOP-AT 'Sim jrAhJIJSAVE. 403 Woiil Main SalU/afUon GuaniniAtl or V 'o ur M on e y I t ^ k ^ e a r s FLAM ELESS ELECTRIC LIVING FOR A NEATER, CLEANER WORLD Phone 7;{.1-0821 SEAHS, «0«>0C< *ND CO. Sondfly. August r 1971 Tlm«-New», Twin Fallj, Idaho’ 11 — Pretty h airtakesrcare—" --TWIN-FAI;lJJ---Hntr'BpUts-re»chrrThen-WBHhTM-tiiual7- lUCHFIELU - Guests were and breaks off where it's driest Yoa'll find that the ends will no' vows in double rihg .rites TTtl at^the-ends;-:----— lo nger lo ok dry-aiwTUm p.-'— — Richfield Merryettes Urldge . To help avoid spill ends. Always wait until the hair is JEROME — Janet- Mary Q u b m et this past week at the particularly for those with almost dry before combing or Tucker, daughter of Mrg. hoino of Mrs. Charles MacataA. ^ extra-long hair, try tills. Iksfore brushing It. The hair is more - Jamca B.-Tuckcr and U)c lat« - ___Guest winners were S. J.Piper,-. washing, ..bru8)ui>e_hftir__\mtiL-)lHo!y. to. str?tch when .w eLand - ■Mr, Tuckor, Jerome, was Mrs. Harold Pridmoro and Mrs. the nntiirnl oils arc well* tends’ to brMk more easllyi mA'rrled to Dennis Richard Bruco_Sprpnscn, .;.Mrs,_. U d c ll_ disjributod al(m g.llio lengtJi of causing .split ends. • ► Sawyer, son of M r. and Mrs. Robinson wils thti lonu club the luiir. ')1u‘n apply u crcani or ' Ahd.for thoglrl-on*the'fo,the Donald U. Sawyer, Jerome, In n member winner;' Iw ir c(jndltioni>r to the ends m ini dryer Is.perfect for the double ring ceremony July 25 at wlwro tlie natural oils can not blow>dry hair styles so popular Uio United MoUuklist Church. TWIN KAtj.S - Unity club ' ^ _____ today. .. Ilov. John Garrabrandt . meeting, scheduled for Wed-, pcrfonncdtliocorcmony. Urije nesduy, lui« boon cancelled. gold vases of whlto pompons and uhd calendulas griiced Uio TWIN KAM.S - Hob-. altar, flanked by gold can- bycraftcrs Club will meet at 1 —JAROhYN iw»n??o>r ____d D lflb c fl_ A m b E r_ 4iablctB—o£- vinnd{lO‘l*lbuTy IlJirry" flowers and grocnury woro , l*«rk. placcd In each window and tlio September Engagement pews were tied with ««tln bows ■I-WIN K A M Jl - Tht't Country carrying out Uio brldo'H colors Woiium's Club will meet with of corui. celedon };rcen nnd Mra.~~Hob McCracken for a A ^ e d d i n g revealed ___ fla m c ^ brunch at 0:30 a.m . WodnoBilay. Carson Wong Wfis Hololst, ■TCTNnTRl'J' -5- Mr- aiuFMrs. acTOmpanied by Wayne 0»rey‘. ' TW IN F A i . i i - “•rtio’ om iixn planned^ - (|nnr -|jiy,—Y tib a - C ity rC n Iifrr T he bride w as g iven Iri - Woodmen will rt:nnp.m! Twirj i.‘xi i .-HUii u . ___iiniittunco thcA'ngi>gcuiontj.u»L rrtarrlago Uy MarklialP 'IHiusday'IHiestlay at the homo of Mrs. p ,,„i uf ' fnthcoininK m arriage of th e F Somorvillu, Los Angeles, llay ReynoliLs for a cnokout. All S u i n m e r lifetime friend of her late members arc urgeM5d waislelino, was education suiUi for glrhi at of Idnhi). She will (encb In also accented wiUi inlays of rc> Robj!r_t_?>lii{mt_J.uiilQii-lli£b. t y iit p ll/) Hii.; full l-asluon ’.‘i on a no.Htalgia kick. — ombroldorcd-laee-;-The-full— School are avallaljle at Penneyii Talklngton, a 1%1 graduate of '“ ’I wlieti it conies to pearl sleeves gathered Into wido cuffs and Sears and should l>e pur- Twin Falls Hijth School, has' -HwlnglriK down to the fastened wiUi sm all covered cluuuid,-according to Marilyn- fulfilled a foiir-y(‘ar m llllnry-"“^ ‘‘ ^‘^^*«y‘^'‘* ■'* . buttons. _ ...... ' . ' ----- ' MR. AND 'Mks:aBNN}S'RT'SAWYER Kl.stler, instructor. - obligation with the Air Force, the word. A Juliet cap of penrls hold her ( L o y s o n p )io / o J stationed In Piierlo Hico. He ‘ ‘••iwrts the Culturol'0 Im slll'iol or a .few more ^ groat-grnndmoUicr.Slio carried with a white damask cloth and wasa in cliarce ol Ihi; I’Ht tablo.• sidmonvSjilmon PPark. ark, Foodl-ood Torfor tliothe I., inches to the opera length. Hut TlncndantH In tlie costume Slic carried a nosegay .of belles, lilies of tlie valley and Wyoming and from varions lower |ji!iiii^s. hold a cotton Jewelry field. Chain necklaces Whlto daisies, yellow, pink and cam ellias. Idaho commimities. swab l)enealli them to prevent . ,.nd' with medallions, hreast- — orjinss-^roMii^witli— i*hiio — .SWcelpcua and_xo3Qbuda_i_-Dic_couiilc_laiik_a-wcddlni!— FlI.EH^^'l'hc-Mnroa-eioIr '*^•**•‘*•1^^ rlf'tc-'’7~flhd~ab.slracl~desii(hir strcn m ors c e iilc rc d w itli 11 ' “ rriod out llio colora on the trip to Yellowstone .National will meet a t 2 n m ■lluir'iday at ---- Some have a luinunered gold or corsaRo ol whlto ro.sc.». white ieini!. Quartet tables were Park nnd will realde I" Uic home ol Mrs leas Jones '.S;ill water lends to dry .skin. Iiandwrought look. Others are Oicryl Frbso, Jerome, was centered with chlha CMip.s Pocatello, where the „ni, ^ |,"r>nviaMi5 co’ To keep your skin smooth and in finl.shes that Im itate cthnic mnldofhonor,wiUi,SlloHolnna, contalninR (lower.i. -Vldei;room l.s-nttendlriirIdaho I'lie contest winners ot soft, dry off the .salt water cultures like the Egyptian, tlie • MAIN ENTRANCE Cotillion Hallo — IJW— An(Hil«Sr-«n(l— KstJin------Satinatreniw University, mnJorinB. in Uio recent attendance race will iKjfore exposing yourseU to tlie A/tec. the Spiinl.sli and Greek Twin Falls, Idaho. Wllhem, Denver, scrvlnfi as "'•'ro.s.s the nifnniile, cealered ^ ia n W ify ^ — ------TuTimiraimccd- —mudioval period^.- - brldesm nida. ------“ lja«ll of nowors. Siowers were (;iven for the Craig Wallin waaJKisLiniUL- Anne r im h a m . C n b iw p ll, — fcrretrTmil” Groonismcn wore Fred Quln- registered the guesLs. M artha. M arsha H artwell, Jerom e, and **4

S P IC Y n tU IT H A R S 'Tl»e Times-News will pay.tS Right iNow News! Ml cup margarine each week for Magic Valley -^i-cup grown sugar, ----- _ K liv orltcs. If you have a firmly packed fovorite recipe, Just moll it to Printed Pattern 2 teaspoons van(lla the Recipe Department, 1 egg Wom en’s Poge Editor. ’ The m eups-siftod flour --- ' recipe becomes the property of 1 teaspoon baking powder the Tlmes-News and cannot, be Ml teaspoon salt returned 1 teaspoon nutmeg 1 tfiftspoon cinnamon--- ^ — 2 cups seedless raisins -Hints 2 cups pitted dates, An offensive cooking odor, such as that of fish or cabbage, chopped usually fades if n dish of cloves Cream margarine until very is placcd in Uic oven at lilgh soft. Gradually beat In sugar, temperature with., the. door then vanilla and egg. Sift open. ______together flour, boking powder, salt, nutmeg and cinnamon.. When a painting Job is done, Blond into creamed mixture; paint a lino on the ouLside of Stir In raisins and dates. Press ilie can to indicate how much into well-grcosed 0 by 0 by 2- paint Is left. Inch pan. Doke at 350 degrees

beginning to pull away from low; A medium orange has fiO sides of pan.’Cool at leost 30 calories, a grapefruit.half has minutes before cutting. Makes S5, one whole lemon luis 20 and 24 bars. a.large tangerine luis 40. BAGK-TO-SCHOOl ^ u l l e ^

COLORS, PATTERNS, PRINTS, STRIPES, “^mGnr-NGW-NE^Wsjor^ CHECKS AND . teens! Button down a aliirl top -.-over shorts or pants for . great. lOTS MORE! — golng-plaoosl-C^bini^-oolors— or checks'n'solid. Printed Pattern 04C1; NeW Teen Sizes 10,12, 14. IG. Slue 12 -(bust-32) 8hlrt4op, shorts 2\k yards 45-inch fabric. Seventy-five cents for cach pattern — add 25 cents for each — VMtterii fui Air M a»-am Up»oial- Handling. Send to Marian Martin,. TimoS*News, 395 Pattern Dept.. 232 West IBth St;, ,_New_YQrk,-J^,y.^l0011. Print *^NBin«,TAddrcssrwlth’ZlprSli©‘ ' and Style Nunnber.—' ' ’ • “ Pk-ee Fashion .Offer 1 Oioose one patten) from 150 styles in New Fall-Winter Catalog. Send SEW & SAVE W — dO-rtrtS“ fof->CatalogJ-Jwtant- . Sewing Book sew today, wear 106 MoinfJo. D O W M TO W M w r^ ir tomorrow.' II. INSTANT OPEN MONDAY NITE TIL 9.00 ^ - FASHION BOOK - Himdreds of fashion facts; |1:- • )2 tlmt»-N«w», Twin F«U». Idaho Sunday, Auaus* 8. 1971 Miss Johansen, Gregory. "Bufi I CO up le ^ i H-q bse rv e ex e n .u promise

•- -GOODING- ___ Hnlrng Soloist wns Robin Johnson. golden Wedding annrversary J6han**n,‘daughtcr Qf Mr.’ and 'accompanied by'Donng-Hawks"'■ Mrs. Robert Johansen, Best man for his brother was Gooding, and Urry Gregory, Mike Gregory, Boise. Ushers / _ _ BUHL -M riand Mrs, H. II, •son -of M r. '-and-M rs.-C lint.- were Snm Jotmnsgn, brother of (H ap) Hughes trIU cdebrate -• ^Ircgory, lioise, exclyngcd the brldP7 Wayne Treat, David tbeir. GoHen Wedding An- njversary. with an open house doublmjng'wcddlng vows July 'Durfco nnfl Oavld \yilhltc, reception at the home of thefr. 24'at the First Clirlstian Q iu rch, Boise. ' * . New (roodlng. ' A reception for tiio 200 guesUj son, Qyde H u^es, Gear Lakes Cosmclic Kace Lift itev. llarblil' lliikc officiated w»s hold Iriuncdiately after the Road, Buhl, from 4 to 8 pjn . Originated in Kurope Sunday, Aug. IS. They request Jit the evening rites. bride ceremony In the church wa.s Riven in mnrrlage by her buscincnt, The refreshment no gifts, p (live.s Face fytlicr. , .tjible was covered with wliile Mr. and Mrs. Hughes came to,, •Floor baskets of orange Ince over oranj»o, ami featured Younfjcr Sniobihncss! ■ the Twin Falls a^ea in 19SS and Kludlollundycllow.daLslcs.stood. Iwo^Kllyer cahtlelniwa of triple _.t's v.iiit (,ici' '.lu'u "i»\cr 2^' f ■nlcach-sidirofthtnittJirrnnnkcd—ornnKc-tnnrilen—silver-puneh-’ Buhl area where they have by two candelabra, each l>owl and coffee service, \v| li.ifvh c\cf\. resided since.,-rfughes is »l,l\ n.tjlpni! IMII--..' |)i* \«MI IlMf . holding seven orange cahdle.*^. 'rtic fivo*llered wedditiK cake . engaged in buying and selling ' \iji,trlN , ' area of. C alifornia ^rtiere they 1— ulw.4iiu»d.Uic-aiurcli-aislcJniii_lOppcd_wiUUl]IlfiC_lari:C-Wlliii!— I dll' ci'u lcfiiii' c.in Iv iiiulcriuiiK'il. resl3e3 until coming lo laaho. "W(^(lii);li in sLin irc.i'lnii'ni in Twin Falls. s c a llo p cotton Venise lace. MnsrK. I>wain Butler, Gnwlln}:. . will l)o stationed with .the U.S. Jerome, Mo-scow, luike'Tahoe. h.iN 1'i’i'n .a'iM|l. I'rivMi .i One daughter, Mrs. Dale Ilie collar, cuffs and empire and her cousin. Mrs. Orville Air Force Security Police, S id t\jiVc City, Altamont, Utalt, l.llllL-.l I L'llllk'. .1 JiMil- •• McCulloch resides In Forest waistline .were edijed wltli the Henry Jr., Goown was assisted by women of the Goo Ii vM.tk' !>' M ii'i'U ini:' i Ik- Boise High School and attended tlie weddlnc, party and tlie c|>uk'ini>N l.iM'i ..to- Rinehart say vows Hoise,' 'am i' Diana Grogiin," orimgl* -nnd--cenlcrt!d 'with' thwe.st Clirl'itlnn College. ~ of'U ic bride had a persohal Califomia. Mrs. H u^es likes to M.'U iiU'n .<) I'llll.' Vl.l. JEROME • - Sheila length, empire-styled «own of Eugene. Ore. snifters holding orange water • Out-of*towt> gucsL'j attended sliower for her at Euj'ene. A ^ sew, knit and garden as well as Ill .ifi- ^Mtni'il I.' «!,.lUllt.ilVvl Woodland, daughter a{ M r. and CJjantilJy Jace and m ira mi.st from D ilifo rn ia, Boi.se. Glenns dinner at Uie JJncoln Inn was her welfare work with* the Qindlelighters were Jtobin and white chry.^nthernurn.'f; SIIII.IU' iV ll'. it•vii.ili/ii.i; Mrs. Willard Woodland, over lu'idal taffeta, flic bodice Ferry. Haj’erman, Meridian, hosted by Mr. atui Mrs. Clint Dorcas Society of her church. Johnsoin' and Mrs. Gary 'llie bridal couple's memory Iht' ...... l.-.-k.iiu became the bride of Ron was designed wlUi a .scooped Buhl, Wendell. Almo. Kimberly, Grei'ory after the rehearsal. -L'vvin;.: Niii.i.'lliiU 'N Hughes explains that he Pelerson, botli Eunonc. candle burned on a pedest^d at Rinehart, son of Mr. and Mrs. neckline and lantern sleeves. RuptTt. Corral.' Twin Falls. 11 \ ilk' .'ir 'iii il enjoys his work so m uch it is his Petite Dawn Bryan. dauj:hter tlie reception. Mrs. Paul Olson Her shoulder-lenKth veil of of Mr. and Mrs. John Bryan, was in charj;e of receivinf? the II. /■(.< '» illi .I I I MHI .M |MI>k ( I I 1 .'tilt. .1, •ul.k- S l 'c l r m o illusion w as held by a headpicce was flower (jirl and carrie pink Ml health and contribute it to the s m a ll basket of oranfjo ’ Twin Falls, wns in ch a n 'c of Uie n .h u i vkiM ..iU' r.,.,1lllvjN .111.1 Rev. John N. Garrabrandt crystalline And seed pearls. Slie good food M rs. H u ^ e s enjoys rosebuds. Her lirother. Sliawn guest book. Tlie gijest book 111,'i'iin- CMking :and consUnt' wor »‘«n«heftfer— «f»d— taU lo — wHH— whether for business carried the rings on a white crocheted cloUi over orange and setting o( blue and white lip.htcd ■ wiUi pink net nnd white riblxiri, j„ ,i„ pi||„^^, |,eij m, nriini;e plum ed |iLn. pleasure. . IJy M AU\ rAUCE n .O H E N C E trayedy in our hi.story. Tliey tell I / 1 i>nn. ( t y I.'00 fih,1,1.1.-1. , tapers lapcrs anuand uasneiabaskets oiof oiueblue .--uii:Slie worewuic n a nt-vMULu necklace belonKinKuviu — . . — ...... MhllrfJhrarv _ ; ^ t f ^ i S n 7 w ™ ^“ ti"t'd-slndioll-md-^ite-»nd-*l^l«r-Kre«t-flunt-Mr«H of N athan M w ker witit corn* meetirtg and renewing friend' passion.'He wns a brilliant ...... pink daisy pompons. G lavin.' TWIN FALl^ - Boys and ships at their reception. !t is writer and an outstanding ■ Glveh In marrlAge by her Alberta Woodland, sister of ('iris who like to read western being hosted by their children. .novels will enjoy "’nie Meeker agriculturalist who sincerely JaUitc^Uic^bddc. was m aid of honor. Mrs. Kenneth Meyer, Jerome, -Ma.wncrc7^^------started out-withn dream fo-help- Wayne Overholser and Ixw ls Uie Indians. Tlie best part of a and Mrs. Paul Ixwls. Twin P eterso n“ma m e d v,Hl, C K I ' F alls; wore bridc.‘unaids. Patten,l)olliwlnncrsoftheSpur really good historical novel Is Award ylven by tlic Western tliat It is ju.it a beglpnlnK. The______Pi^nny Carr^^j^'kerved as best' // ■ Writers of America for tlie Be«i~ rcador'w iu want to know iho’r'e man)'with Fred llarya and T E N N Y ^ f S E Johnin Ridj'wav, all Jerome. for "Who's Who Western Juvenile each year, juid-the . Twin Falls Public ^PKhurg:— ' ■ = = IC___ Tom Holtcr, organist, played . JERO.ME CliHon Peterson, Ten ure story of Srnuisi»aCteTlJ?ii auoui me ute Idians, Niillfan I,VIVWOt>l) the trnditlonal wedding music son of Mrs. Ruth M. Peterson , occurred on a Ute reservation in Cook Meeker and the Meeker 1079. Massacre. SIIOI'I'INGCENTKII and accoitipanied Mrs. Robert and the late Mr. Clifton U. Two teen-iiKo boys. Davo -Golay ..soloist, Peterson, lias l)een selected for - “ Madden and-the-Imllfln-Tono,— Steve Woodland and Dennis ■ Merits ‘'\Vlio’s“ Wlio ' /\inonfi~ ninehart, brothers of the Atnericaii Hi(0) School JU'e cauglit up In tlie conflict couple, served as tai>er lighters. Students." between authentic historial This honor 'was earned ■ characters, Natlian Meeker and ------HUDSON'S for “ mL‘diaicly'afler'Ure“ ceremoriy.’ -tJccaustrof-achiDvcm cnts-in^--- --Qiief-DouKlasrr'nio .story takes- pastor In « small church In a small town, so no names, Ttie bride’s table was covered hijthly competitive field where place in Colorado just tliree please. w ith a linen cloUi and centered less than two per cent of the years after the Cu.ster disaster When my wiife and I were married we were very much in w itli a four-tiered wedding cake Junior and scnior..dass Rtudenta -at-tlve-hittie-BiKrHorn: love, but liHIe by Uttle the romance went out of our marrige, ‘decoratqil witli pink and blue from 2.T.000 pul)Uc. private and Dave had never been away f q ^ lu)inc before; but, bccause until our cexuaJ relations became mechnnlcal and ftowers and stopped wiU> a p aro c h ia l hl^^h schools meaningless. Consequently I became very restless nnd miniature bride and tlirouKhout the country , are " his parents admired imd trusted frustrated. bridegroom . Two heart-shaped selected for this award Nathan Meeker, . they had allowed him to hire out at the ^Aiady who is a member-ol-my-c ehRiblc . , ------porentfl wouldj\exfr ^ad love ber.' Please understand, we have not committed any placed In the ceiiter front. Tlie for a scholarship i'ruht. Uielr con.'Uint had they know^ of wrong. We haven't even kissed, but we have talked about our decorated A' senior at Jerom e Mi^h the trouble building up between love and how happy we could be together,-ThU.has made us bridegroom’s moUier. School, Peterson lutterod more mlseraWe. Mrs. Bob Nuncolns and basketball and track,-ho -plays---- ci IPrON-PB'rPHSON- - - Slilrley Briggs cut and served first clarinet in concert band, Any suggestions you or a clergyman of any denomination adventure and the unknowTi the cake. Mrs. Oarence Sweet, pep band, marching band and can offer will be greatly appreciated. ANONYMOUS Tono' was Dave's friend. He Twin Falls, poured punch. All school m usicals and earned five had lived for a while with a D E A R ANONYMOUS: I offer the followlDg alternatlvei: are aunts o£ Uic ^ id e . Women superior ratings and one* gold white family in Utah after his 111 Sincerely try to repab- your warriage. The excitement of of the Women’s Society of cup in auditions in piano in the Energy father died. luiter his uncle a tired marriage eas be revived if boUi parties are willing l« Christian Service were in Junior Music. F e s iiv a k of the brought h im to the White River charge . of ' the reception National Federation of Music r n n f r D llp r l work at U. Yoa way have lo codsalt a qaallfled marriage Reservation. Tono, like all the arrangements! H ubs. toudteler, but dan't lei that dltcouraKe you. It Incilcatei Utcs, had a great love for his Guests were registered by Peterson attended Idaho Boys itrengUi. uol w eakaeu. 12] You CMiId ask for a traiufer to DALLAS (UPI)—"Augght!" Iwrse; and he and Dave spent Kathy Lassen, Filer, with State nnd held the office of another eomwuttlly,_Jennbiatiog your rjIaUwishlp with t)ie little boy yelled as he tried many happy times together Bccky Jackson. Mrs. Mike Suter member , of . House of Number Two. Or Number Two coold move away. I31 Auk to kick his teacher In tlic riding and hunting — until the and Stophgnlc Sweet, cou.qins of Rcprcsentalives. He is on the —KaMberOoW orw iifyuinniad'—a n y Wombcr Twtfrl itfipect" the bride and Mrs Bob Camn- I'ondr r611 wlUi ii 3.’J, 15 .‘JtUdCH! ■atomfteh:------tiHHiWe-6t«rt«l: tU i i i w bat yofl wodU like to do tlBce you are obviously tallta cha?K2o! u;eT ftr tmly president (or the 1971-72 ••Wnfs great. Noal," she -n.e trouble was that the ^hyalcaUy attracted lo eaeb other, bul the emoUoaal Guests ‘ attended from* the school year, active in scouting special reward Indian agent was going about repereuiBiobi would probibly eo»t you m ..e Uiaa you are surrounding Magic Valley and is organist and pianist for . .. all wrong. Even Dave;as . prepared to pay. towns ^ ^ his church. Neal, 10, hugged his pretty young as he was, could see tliat. karate teacher and wns so ' Meeker was forcing tilings too I recommend the flrtt allemaUVe. God bleil. "Hie couple took a Iwneymoon trip.tlu-ough ei/stern Idaho and r\ J'" 1 ' I proud of hlm.'iolf he grinned fast. .Mocker said Ujc Indians D U S witliairthc silver braces in his had to farm and raise catUo D E A H ABBV: My husband and I can nesler seHle our Jackson Hole, Wyo., and will mouUi'showing. inslead of Iwrses. Tliey would'"*'“— differences,by talking them over. To him any discussion is an reside at Route l, Jerome. TWIN FALLS — The Senior Neul Is one of four youngsters Imve to live the way the whites • ’ Tlie b r i ^ was honored at a ■rgtiment, and be hates arguments. He will say, "A ll right, Citizens Shopping Bus with learning disfunctions who did if they expectetj to survive •luUcellancoiissliowcr-glvcn.by- havc-il your way,^then be clamt-up and hardly spetiks to •scheduled forrTucsday jncludes-is“IenminB-to control-hlmsclf“ ln thc"yeara'to'cOme. But thb' Mrs. Kenneth Meyer. me for days. I always end up saying I am sorry in order to Canyon Villa ApiirbnenLs, 0:20 and his energy by studying Utes could not be changed coax him back Into a good m o^, a.m.; PioneerCour^,0:30a.m.: karate with Instructor Joy ' ovqmiglit — they wer^ hunters. I am sure both sides of the question arc wortliy of being Just.* a • Merc Inn, 0:40 a ,m .; Turl>evUlo, a 2B-year-old beauty Iwrse roccrs and warriors, not -_^Ar t • > 1 ! •'' i ^ argvtttf Bia. bdt (bey beat ulcerc. General Motors Imtitute, is on the Dean of Acadcmlc Affair's list. Tan Roughoul DEAR ABBY: How important Is dancing Irt a marriage? i — Brown-is ^ sponsored-by^J -J am «JgM «*W rtan'whd'loveno^anc^RoSHaKc^ ^ B t o w n ^ O i i tanned leather —Pontiflo-Motor—p lvisionr- P o i^ A-WED EXIMG-RINO-SAy-S-l befor« he met me. I have never danrod 6nd I'don't 'i*arfl'tp~ liict M(ch., ond''^lornates six ‘ W h it e / B lu e le a th e r , learn. You aee, I am sort of kgainat dancing. 1 am also weeks at Gcncrol Motors In-' •gainst going to plac«« where there Is drinking and Ron-goes 'stltute with alx weeks of^ "I LWE YOU" AC3AIN . . f to nightclub! so he can dance. He's not a big drinker but be planned work expcjlonco at lliiT M 7 ’ wiU have one or two because he h u lo order something, Pontiac Motor'Division. A beautiful thought for any gift occasion llte o 'tr ge l the Idea-I-am a stay-at-home.-I'm not.-I-jusl doo't care for nightclubs. Eoo is 2S and I am 19 and we love . each other, but I wonder If our marriage will work out with lAeee ulirerences between us. W O N D E IllN C

DEAR WOrbERINGt Hie big qaetlloa bcre U how Norman Norell, the New 4aBclBg U iB • marriage, hml bow imp^riaat it ia York designer, has done the _ fanciest iiatrlolic.ty|>c costume JJ*ltB&,|r>e>vM jUda^^ ue Borlul.agabut It^he. - ^ e l' scen' iri fall^nnd wintcr- w in either Im ve to fiv e - ip .d a n c io g .to.please !you« or go . collections. 'Itie designer pro­ dMcfag witboat 7« i. Either counM U Dnhealtby for year duced u fliirdignn, ".sweater"J MTfiage. I vole-for a teagcr eagagemoBt. — — ribbed vertically all ovcr"with ^ rn M )irio \ s/.vtluio rhlnestone.s and then outlined W ka(*i y|Mr problem r Vou'il feel betU r'if you get It off giant red, white and blue stars ' y v chert. WHU lo A B B V , Lo# .«agelei. C ii/ :• -lei main ave east ' PHONE 733-8033 appHqued to the fabric. He o«ip«dr-0d^M4— black jersoy dress. \

•‘Sorryi, /Wr. Viet' l‘rt‘sidvnt — tfau.dtnt'i <|iiofilfff,' .Sunday; Auguit B, 1971 -Tlmes Newi. T.win Fall*; Idaho 13 A^id«s told Deadlocked^Cdngress e f f e c t fakes monlH vacation W.\»iHINi;TON ( U P n - A t ai»- at least, elim inate dlBcrimlna> ramifications of a lawsuit filed Department on- tliu .(pu^ntly In duliie^in- rece.ssos, tlon in schools but watf' rccontlyn({ainst the State Land teciinlcalitiea involved In atato ■‘ Board. ’ land management. Slie Bald hIw the moath-lonif^dhlay which .. Uiwartcd.. when Ihe. Senate ■ The Icjjal action bcin« taken tliough} the department wna und.s Si*pl. n ' w jj.s. legally lipheld a ruling that U»e ___by tho’stato PTA claitna ‘'losaoa dolnK n. "num nlflcont job with 'wmcttoned hv a House, and nniontfancnt was not germane of school ondowuiont lands wluit you have to work wltli." Senate volt* for' the first tiino to tlie Iiljthcr education l)in. bonoficlary inatltutions due to Another conferenco . speaker hdi! last y«?ar. Although Congress c6mpleted tlie transfer and loaso of en- also asked for tho support of the A.S usual when Con|>res.s is 10 of the 14 major appropria* dowment lands without full and oducators In - presentlni; . atxuit to leave town, the House ■ tions blUs~a m uch faster pads had all Its work flnishee-«duc«torfl— Byron— JohnnonT— Bol -fajLoiLJtaaiisJQ JC lfL nltciidlnwHioflnnlB______!------___ ------ixidiLiuuLctub).;_____ ------fTTTTT an n u a l n d m ln lfltrato ra and IcKialntlve taak force, outlined lH\splte.long hours Autl»)rl;yitlori for onior|;»-'iicy ;iv;iil;ii)ii' i«i iIil'ii i.,.. ' ...... Wiii'kTiK'ti'U.lhat--authorlty- trustees c o n f e r e n c e - o f , o f five uruaK tlie -coiiuniltooi^is InU'ntion.H,- the— Krnntf-;:;^w lonna tri fnrnionnind niiit'luTf: l/i.iu;. ui;iy !»■ m u i Ic ' roi- '.i ".■('^ri:rajilln)j D nw ijoncy’loans Joix'otl to leave for Inter this ■'revenue to schools— transfer of concerned witli: school dUlrict M AcillllM VCI.AM in' Canuis and lOhiinre eoiiiitiin; widf \’;ii i.‘ty of pnr|niM's in- ilcli'jjaliMl to Iho fdato 'year a pro|M).sed two*ycar AUO, U T H - r 7 f M. land to tlie State Park Board roori^anizatlon, Vocational ' waa a|)provi;il Frid ay i)y Doimhl riiidinj'. r;(pil;il jmil ' l' v c I in 'conformity wilh exlensloM of the draft,'blocked Ragitlor Vih nnd lOlh illegally and the leasiriK of 400 educatlonr financo, . public r«(Kh«r ham Colilainia L. W inder, .statu diriM'lor for llu.' piir(,'li;i!;.' (jf fn-d and .'irt'd to I'n-sidi'iil IlicliH rd Nixon'a by a filibuster. It also refused - flcrea of valuable land to Boisu klndcr^'artons a n d iic- T R I A S U H I S T O P Fiiriner.s Ilotne Adnuiii.'itriition. rt.'placc cidjis lu.si III ihr Itiinlt':; pi’iinram of placinij policy for 112 per year. countjiljilky. to vote on whether to outlaw laOOKUUfly RmJ _ 'lluj }i|M?rial authority waii (if .\ |i[)lic a liu ii;. d»u|i.-mm.‘i in .t liu iilu id ;: o f lo c a l - • Slio said-every at^ite-in the Johnson nnld the task force is «(ix • dincrlmlnatli)n iri colleges (nuMt to Hondo ito im i _uninlcd^Windi;c-imid4n.vluvv-uL — pdiplc- Tindrnmivrrnitic!TTcccivim(-fc— “ — ^T^tmntry“wouidi>fi‘wflicniH(nhJrTijnreiitmT'fouirnrtiun=~timrnr tiu) heav^y .dania(;o to (>raln and test case > - tl)t! firat one of its atudy i;roup and that public idfalfa by a j'row ini; infi-.slatiiiii kind filed for possible educational ncatU already have (ff tli'a.sshoppci's in (Ikj two l)cen defined. countio.s. A .similar "N'ow It's a m atter of m aking lUJthorizatioa wa*i jtranti-d July tlie letilslutlve.wheels turn for Building W for Gern, Payotlo, Mojrii!, publlc-'oducatlon to better Adaui.s, and Wa.sliitijjlfn . pruparc ,our> chUilr-on for Ihu c o u n tle ‘1. ’ . ’ new future they hjivc fliclni' Affectcd farnutr.s and ran- figures them ." cijcrH iTiay apply for cinL'nicnty loan.s throiii'h county ofrici'.s of the Farjnerfi Home Atl- zoom Peru nods mlnl.stration, whetiier or not NEW YOUK - ContracLi for . ' future construction totaled W.08 | 0 billion in Juno, ^ per cont

wnsrcportttl'todiiybylhoF.W. Vii’lniM \4 TImos Nows, Twin Falls. Idaho Sunday, Auou»* 8,'1971 , ~ For~a landlubbeF-frke^ y ways of the sea are

"'. i7a'T^ y'r : -vT‘ 'v"'>.'.s'i>Vi’,*'.' ■ ■• ' / — "’7:” !:t i 'v.— ;— :— ------— " f a s c m a t i i ^ ...^rV r'v.- -••''•V.’v -j — ' A - ■:'•'’■•'■ ■ • ■ '■

- k o S

Tlie (og, like a mother hen, dnffS“ "stnr— Btrr~Ti5~ttre~vt5itor:rli7^is' in and squnls down on the sliore. fascinating, beautiful 'find in- — •TIie^over-iK-oomplotoJt-is-qUiel- c r e s t in g .------in a strange way for mountain The impression comes from the residents wlio liave come to the forces of nature not existing in -Bhore.-It ia different-in n-strange ^ -mountain-rogions-far-inland J'h o way. It is anotiier world. whole revolves around the sea, the Through the quiet comes the restless waves, the gliding gulls sound of wind but there' is no wind; and the drifting fog. - ~Tttjr~50urrd~is~titaf"uf.-, wnvcs— —The-inipreasion-eomea-from-the mwca — rnnning up and strangd — the unknown. uuvvii iiio slope of the beach. It iio ilie ' mouiilain piSipT F'^ff comes and goes liut never stops. drawn to the sea. And perhaps that High above, iis it looliing for a is as it should bo because that is familiar place, glides a solitary where it all started.______gull. . ' ■ And vacationers to Uie.Pacific To tlie nearby resident this is all Northwest and the shores of the a matter of fact. It might even be Pacific feel all tliis. irritating \ylieii the fog blots out the

I ' . .. »Sr«''"v;!,.,..'™ • '■fi .T.,..

~ ll^j(liingti»tt?$(-7% ^»i;«rBcacli>-jindir<»ckhoundsr Sunday, August B, lp l Tlme* New», Twin )6iiho 15 _■___ •:.-r "Idaho N a t i o n a l Tern peril III res [Teinperatures H igh Low Pep. P«EVIEWOFI<0*texturcd t ^ e s such as riowerln>{ plants. Cacti that are Honolulu • 87 • are cflsy to start and do look I-'ulkinK hnd Pennstar actually very thick stemmed and very Indianapolis 82 much of the tim e ]ll>oul the look bolter at an Inch than at an 8pl;iy usually como from desert Jacksonville 90 snme as would a blui‘t{raii.s turf. inch and 'a half. regions, und should not bo ■ Twin Falls Juneau _ NOTfC: You cun nc\^r make » FHI'ysziOJTOMAIOESi-Dld^ovcrwatered, -Knnsaifniy’ ryii jifass ‘spread by rliiiom es you know you cun rrodzo iu;oTemperatures best (or homos, cs^lnlly U ff Vegas (rootstocks) boctiusu It’s a tojnatoesV A.reader writes: In where dry conditions exist in bunchKrnss. Also, nohu of the fall we pick, tomatoes, wasJi our living rooms. The flat, thin- High Low ryfjrusses mow as cleanly as tljem off and place Uiem In stemmed cacti means they need Saturday 02 60 (k)OS bluc(;rass (Uiu leaf lips plHstlc liags. These are sealed, a richer soil and more humidity. Preolpltatloii ' tend lo fray, und jjot ‘'j;ray and placed in the freezer. W hen fflK S T IP N O F THK W E E K : ______N one ^17111“ T llkpfiU W W ^cnyiu^ ror uso, we remove lhe~IC k . of Twfln F a lls : '■ PlcasT tcircucern—down to-.16-ot-Homec Wrds. Save all your coffee grounds, N EW Y O R K (U P I)—H is local And If tiierb are bureaus so in Inadequately financed and by firm. Is personally responsible pointing out that lh« BBB provide quick cover that IS THERE A CHERRY corn cobs, leaves, gross clip- Bolter Business ilUreau Is. need of money that tlioy are tlielr local nature ill equipped for the quality of his product; handles about 7 million tele- ;-aiikod-lf^pingSj-woodchlps—sawdust----where-lhe-eonsumer-is-flup— afraid-to-proo^-ngalnsl-Uteir -to-fuftction-in-the-Tirea--of-WhcTrnhrhBndg-^f-compnnlcs-^ 7>nir-calls’- a yeai* frtoi ' Annual ryegrass docs not there Is a practical (and anything you can get your posed to be able to go witli own dues-payers, ho said, tho national b^lncM. got Uils phllosophy-wo’ll get consumers requesting Infoniui- completely die out in winter, inexpenshrt5) clierry pitter for - imnds on and uso them for.'a com plaints about bu-slness—but ability to got money from a Tlie auncll of Better somewhore. Uon or registering complalnta. and Ihe second year some of the the home ownor? Someone mulch or. in the compost pile, lately a lot of complaints have national organization, the IM ncaiJliiLQiuia_w|i.Uoanfie._conccrn of buLtliero allll la .aJot to be comiJainU and -desire -tor-- — foficua.-Peronnlol-ryegraafl (a docs any one know of 0 quicker ontljoboltomsidesofourmoplo Criticism of IKo hatioh's “Tlier^hre some excellbnt business leaders that Am erican tk)no." ______^ In lo i^ tlo iC L h e - Ju U iL - liA h o u tL different species from the way to pit cherries? Please send -leaves.-’nioy-iu-o-whlt©,-movo-Belter-:Busineafl-Buro6us-ha8 -buremiii,%Jot of good ones-and- buslhess was not ri3latlng lo Pbliner saltTUjo CBBB has a 40 per cent of the people who aiTnua]) does not behave dlls jne the nama of the .company slowly and don't seem to bo too como from such widely diver|K> some Uiat could stand Improve- consumer problems as effeC- 14-point program , w ith five tried to get the bureaus on the way jin d the m odern, selected which makes such a pilter if you Imrmful. Arc they?" sources ds disgruntled conau- ment,*' Palmer said in an lively and constructively as we priority projegts. telephone-: got- B - buay-algnal- -variatlfls.trao. from .tlift. .■know.-of ■ 4>no— M a a n w h lla ^ f------joU-at- ' '' "N uiiibpi OtipY n lw ily 'KwcB to' ryegrass "blood’’Tem4(n"finV you‘l(l liko a copy oflho Qierry we often attacked on the under and H. Bruco Palmer. Wliat tho Council of Better Business ‘ '‘There had been two national Ihe telephone system,"Vo fcald, textured imd much of the time Institute's'bulletin on cherry side by tho wooly maple scale, makes Palmer’s criticism note- Bureaus Is to , bring tho ’organizations, the National Bet- Indistlngulshnble from recipes, send me a self- Cottony masses cover the worthy Is thnl ho was named standard of perfonnancO or all ter Business. Bureau Inc., and bluegrass In tho sod. Pcrenniol addressed,. Ktnmped envelope females In July, while the meJes last January as President of bureaus up to tho standords tlib Association of Better rycgraHsc.s doliind'to grow a bit fOfybUr'Cfipy: Mlle c flri'th o crevices o f lH e“ the‘'CdUnc\rof Bctter” BU8lncss~they"'could~and‘ &hould“ malrt'- 'Business Buroaufl “ Tnc. They WE RE GOING TO PUT A - faster than bluegrassea and fine FORCINl^ STUBBORN, bark, giving It a white; chalky Bureaus (CBBB)...... tain." The CBBBwero has Ineffective,' ah and poorly LOCAL MAN IN BUSINESS fcscues, and make for a lltUo WISTERIAS: If your wisteria appearance. This pest has The accusallons have called amlbitlous programfinanced and by American a business. Whit«hlll a J7-y»a( oid lU o d y o'ou'ih naltonol (Ompony. U more frequent mowing, which— falls t6 bloom take-lho advice of several generations a year and tho Better Business Bureaus budget Uiat willRallier rl.se to tiian $24 crcato a now going lo pul a mon in butln«it. Buivtf on hli quolifkotloni, k« will kov« might be objectionable. this reader: ‘Tm 0 firm predacious insects such as lady- BBB inefficient, Indifferent to million annually byorganization, 1D74 to back wo felt wo should lolal ind«p*nd«n(«jinJ on poiltion from lk« ou>m >. H« muM ^ _ - Manhattan ryegrasfT Is the boliover In hard prwilngl Wo bugs feed on the egg masses: consumer problems and unwlll- It up. " build on U16'solid • foundation of tfobU. induitriout, r»tponilbl« onJ r«iou«*(ui. muti pr«v« to utliU most (Ustlnctlve of the now had five vines and they were nicre's also a pest known as Ing to battle somo of tliolr own Some of Uie BBB'sUie slmrtcom- B B B ." . objlit/ ond (apo«nil»«, d It la.sled like hot dogs. LW conscientious cat owners. Male you think they sold me ground DO YOU R EM E M BE R WHEN • cots get severe bladder up hot dogs?-H.n;.C., Buffalo, problems when there's loo N V'- much ash In the food. Canned Not likely. Q ieck the cat food only has 4.5 per cent prlce of hot dogs and you’ll see while dry food has 10.5 per cent, it wouldn't be practical. Tho Dry food m ay be cheaper, but U.S. D eportm ent of Agriculture _won:t-Ut_cosU_m{)cc_ln ryiuli:£iU uitjho_ii^ You could buy veterinnrian bills in the long the Ingredients. run? - Mrs. • II.T.Y.., Maybe some kind of tomato Gaithersburg, Md. sauce was added to the m e al A— You liMVTTboen confused loaf. Tliat might give it the by Uio so;nqwhM .rni.sleiullng color. Your local agriculture Jjxt6hslon oT^o should' In-'" 9-mill electricity? Ingrwlient' labchi.on'pot food.'i. Becaime there is so m uch more vestigalo If Igpv still Uilnk the water In the cjinned foods, it store is not listing the correct oppears Uiat the ash content is ingredients. liigher In the dry food. It's more Q ~ Twice now liia v e bought W e call it "Best Bargain Electricity,” concentrated. Put the same hams and, when I unwrapped. amount of water In the dry food Uiom at home, found 0 "water and It's still available to all electric water and you get about the same added" stamp conceled on the heater owners, and to ail otiiers who use amount of a.sh content. bottom of the package. It w as.' Also, Uiere Is no published covered with papeh and Uien more than 400 kiioWatts' of service in a climcTiif^uKhi^niiiilWlUiLTf-pln'^f;^ mbhthnt's the lowest rate step offered in - actuaily-caui!os-this . common.-M;[!jQ^<|n't Uils kind of label be_ "Clatfder Infe'ction-^liT can­ ^ifirtiiabe where U ean bo road? =aimost=^wentyTrears-tcrdariresttcrcastom0T tankerous toms. Vets suspect — Mrs. M.E., Kulpsville, Po. 6f Idaho Power'Company, and the BEST some lazy cals probably aren’t A - Absolutcly.-Tho law says gottinii enough liquid to flush Itm u st bo clearly labeled JP o ln t- - BARGAIN in your family .budget. oul sluggish urinary tracts. out .the hldijen label to your . Pul pler\Ly of water out for old store' manager. He should , tom and if ho still won't drink correct Uio practice. U he -- m uch, put salt in his food. U ia t .(toesn'i, report tho place and tho Idaho Power Company jiljoiild m iiI(ohim lap up enow|h p ro d u H[ [0to nnie— ie — noaris^noarftsl water to flusli his plumbing. ngricullurc extension offico. ■ Q- ^ 'lh ln k It'scrucl whiil yolT NEXT Flam d cH aladrlc water haatara ara (atl, said about Penn State »• American • AT NEXT touKlisluHoltlier.-Mrs.'ll.n., MulunI nsuraira 20 VEXT ______t-NorUi-Wacker Drive; Chicago, 3« . 1 0 0 animal D„ 00600, II expallm KWH * 1 0 0 . ALl 7 . . ■ ' T.Ta’.V.-V'?,; centers I mentioned only have guard against theft and give KWH Information form s to fill for the AT- ABOVE FINAL50P KWH | A ^ «|S T strong, healUiy animals, No a t ; ^UhsUi-problcma^NjiliiraUy.- police; ■.■■■ f . 9 * 400/Kwh < 400) AT 9 MIUS ■ shouldn't uso dry , chunky foou (Polpr - - Weaver weloqinfts 1.3* ter cats or dous thnl hnvo weak quesUons from , readers. lQ r_. ,;,_ _

S l ' "Fnr°rr°'-t other animals vcts'laT tarj. -^y-foed4s-|»Pol)ebly-goo

. y ; 7 TJmM^NewtrTwIn Pall», Idaho . Sunday, August b . 1971 Sudan leader blasts Reds

kH A H T O U M - (U P I)— -Preij----afphfr-govlel«^iiied-t<^thlnk-UieJi“ ^tiniiijkce a c o u p ji^ ^ C 0 M L ^ Ident Ja a fa r N um eiry has told Sudan Is a n&llon which follows cbujifercoup three weeks ago. a- labor organization that the ll, but we will tench tlicm a another sign ,'of return to S I I ^ V E I R Sudan "will not accept colonla- lesson > and show ■ Sudanese normal, tba-^ovemment shor-- ■liralIoOyTn8 SDvtBtTUnion-ot^origlflallty,::...Jiley_ (iuotcu’ro~~*'rm glad you adked ihnt," would not endanger U»e national. connected with the coup. . ■; I'sues our'senior Idaho senator; a two-pagc. legal'slzed news re­ m issing tho p oint,.,." . ho said, tho look of a happy may strain _econoiny, '• — In the parlance of the "now ” port of It. told us that, in "What point?" I asked, used car dealer In his eye...... Tlio .’government newspaper generation -f- is "out front." a no-nonaenao speech Id the "W hales Jive Jn tho .9oa — not “ That's wh»t m akes Frank Jf^0SC.OJ4^ tl4i Ayyam sjild production Having n\ade the wilderness Senate this post week, Qiurch in ffosh water. Wo’ll never BOO-Church one who, if you'll ex- , increased In Communist China Bccuscd Uie State Departm ent of CLEARANCE safe for the eastern establish* U>em in tho Snake lUver." cu.w an ecological cliche, can ny United Press International u^ter Soviet advisers departed. ment and some of his follow falling to take a firm stand "T h at’s just It," Fischback see tho forest for tho trees. ' r>resldcnt Anwar Sadat’s In- " I wonder whether tlie Soviet _se n a ^s and having protected again.qt indlscrim innte harvc.sts said. "If the.State Department "Wlille others worry about creasing slww of independenco bondflt from its GOOD USED WMDROWERS the “ wild r l ^ s ' ^ r Uiose who "orthismupinci-nrmHiiVttair'' •docsnTii.qicn*to-Frnnk-Church—mar6pr6vmclfliMnMrn5;in'flnk3^fhTi%5^t?ti'aack(lownTn~<^P®*'‘®"‘-‘^‘'*~ ^ prefet' to drown alone, Church And It was hif-h tim e, too, wo certainly w ill not. Q m rch sees tho long - range nro-Communlsts m av strain Its mistakes, in Su- 2-HESSm500’sTTrTl4FT7 V that ho did so. "Now, we all know Uiat slack view. For Instance, whilo you relations with tlie tlHn,’’ tho A1 Ayyam editorial I cljeoked with my old friend' water navigation to Uwlston is c r y o u t about salmon runs ho that Soviet aid and friendship and, secretary of stjito. returned to Snake River. / Ing to the futurd of tho mighty . Americans may havo to turn to tlie e.Htabllslunenf of commu­ Washlngtoj? from . Jerusalem -SPECttL tOW PRKESr ‘'After a ll.’’ Fischback sjjid,' whale; i)otroleiim for fuel?''* ho asked, nism in Egypt, Arab diplomatic Friday with assurances I.irael tapping his finger on m y che.st "F o r g o t about tlio salm on tugging at njy, .sleeve. "Sup- sources In Cairo said, Egypt wants a continuation of efforts Asia call to empliasizo his point,-"If you for a mlnuto. 'riilnk of the pose somo pro.s|)octor for an'oll opposes communism on reli­ to achieve an interim Middle GEMINTERNATIONALinc t^>kc tl)0se _ mighty whales ht" whale and Its potential Imjwr- company found a supply In tlio WASHINGTON (UPI)-vice gious, social and other grounds. EJ1.U peaco agreem ent, official will on tlio liigh seas tliere soon tance to Idaho — as.a game- Wlilto Gouds?’’ BURLEY, IDBHO-678 9057 President Spiro T. Agnow says Joseph J. Sisco, U.S. assistant .sources said ■ in Jerusalem . may be none left to sw im Into fish. Im a g in e gen eratio ns of'- — hfi-cndorsca-Piiosl/l^lNlKonia. - Id tth ...... -IdalwMms ■■ yet iinU)rn ...... Uirllllng-to- scheduled visit to M ainland "Now , -jtmt a m inute,'’ I Uio ancient, timc4ionored S|)ort China. But he cautioned against sald.-"A whole is a m a m m a l of of whaling and here in larid- owM ptlmism on the results,' tlie m arine order of cetacea. Its lockeorJa halt Internationa! gambling on *I1ic dollar recovered in terms they can give your kitchen a com pletely new look. with which the initiative was an upward revaluation of the of tho West German mark and received."______French franc. today was bringing 3.4455 T h^ vice president Uien ob- "DoalcrrBaidTnBrkcts-slaycd—marks^— At— one— stage— in- .served./'Wo’vc got a long way uncerlaln about Uie roAl effects itmrsday's confusion tho dollar to go. Bui a t least woVe m ade a’ of' the“ now“Frcrlch controls slum|>o(r~lo 3.44175 m arks. ^te p toward^scusslhjOhCM— announeed-WednesdayrOpcra* -Dealenrsaid-thftt-ln-SwltMrlBnd- Riatters. I don't think wo sliould tors seerncd reluctant to make Uie U.S. currency also strong- beconip so optimistic that any commit^cnt.s before Uie Uienod and rose above. lU

these discussions don't bring about an immediate resolution Perfect companion to of a ll difficulties they should bo Coming’s built-in cooktop discouraged.'’ ______* ^3„game_v_iolator& beeause-it-Gomplennents— it'in looks and efficiency.' Resource appear in courts The top oven is pyrolytic self-cleaning witti a ' j n n O M K - Forty-three, $35; Jam es G.Jonofl. 40. Oakloy. unit sets game viohitors wore cited Into $27.50; Diane Maynard. 2fi, conventional-baking oven court In Ju ly in tlie M agic R u p e rt, $12,50; A n tonio S. below. It even has a Valley, according to Idaho fisli C^irmona. 51, Burley, $25. ’71 tour and game department records. Reynoldo Torrez. 24. Rujwrt., rotisserie and a meat Thirty-nine others were $27.50; D avid R . lUco, 28. San Antonio, Tex., $27.50; Erriostlna probe for perfect roasting. ------GOQDING^-'niC-Wood Jliver Issued w arnings for alleged Rico, 28, San Antonio, Tex., Resource Area Association wll Infractions^ Tlio following list Also available-in-a-single* $17.60; Tomaslta G. Cantu, 29, . W ii.duct_ Its Bhnual tour of includes the nam o, age, ad­ BurllngtoV i, W ash., $27.50; self-cleaning oven model, pr^ects on'Tliursday. . dress. and fine 1mp6sed for tlie Donald J . M iller. 38, M ill Valley This year’s toup-cvill Involve particular violation. --- Come and see these Calif.. $25. the northern two counties of the Fishing wltliout 'a license: amazing Cprningappll- Ellen Sparks, 24. Rupert, asscfclatlon’s four-county area Brent G. Laws, 10, Ogden, $25; $17,50; S ally- J. M arquez,-19,, of Blaine. Cam as, Goodlntji and Ralph A. Hall, 24, Sun Valley. ancesJdo.u!ll fall in love M ountain Home, $27.50; Ronald Lincoln. Included on tills year’s $25; K a th e rin e C o lla rd . 27, w/ith them on the spot. tour w ill be a stop at Die Soldier Plioenlx, Arlz., |lfi.25; G all G. V. MoUne, 28. Burley, $25; Roscoe J. Rabingtpn, Spokane, Mountain Ski Aroa where now Hunt. 24rKetchum , $25; M arge Wash.<$35. facilities have been completed A. Norlyukl, 39, Rupert, $27.50; within the past year; a Wayne L. Kelley, 28, Jerome, discussion of the new Ketchuip $35. Other violations: James C. sewer system; a reseeding Joseph S ouza, . 3S, Jones, 4B, Oakley, falling to project nortli of Ketchum. and a Sacramento, Calif., $7.50; Paul o p p e ar on c ita tio n , $17.50; BLM seeding project In Camas D. Peterson, 27, Madison, Wls., Burton C. Sanders, W. Smiley , $25; Jerry Arnold, 33, Martinez, County. « .. «. «. „ Creek, purchase of the wrong The Corning Counterange'^ electric A bus will be furnished and Cnlir, $12,601 Jolm M, amoU. closs [Ishlng llccnso, t7.M; range It’s fantastic, yet so practical.There visitors are welcome to attend, « , Peru, Vt„ »25i Arnold ,D. Utmnlil P. Ijirncn. 40. Suit Ijkc - City, causing 0 child to come -is n ‘taburner-in sight-because-the heating .-chairman of ^ho association. .1 . .. . before Uie purview of the youtli units are hidden underneath. You cook ■ Tho bus will leave tho Gooding Kenneth F. Lofberg, 20. rehabilitation act. Soil Conservation Office ot 8 KotchUm, »26i _nobort L. noy Sporrow, 71, Hoeormun, . with thermostatically controlled heat on a.m . and will leave tlio Fairfield Sherman^.30,. Twin..Falls...chummlnfl,-|iOi.JosopJi .C... --;a;beauti,fully^moofh surfacer^in^pecially schoolgrounds at 9 n.m. wrillon theme; Prnnoiii E. JnkubowiikI, 23, C«ldwoll, Redfern, 48. Pasco, W ash, $35; wasteful destruction of game ■ designed Cookmates® cookware. For the Steven A. Durdan. 21. Corvallis. fish. $50; Ella,Bybeo. fll. Twin first time you have a perfecty matched Ore.. 425;-Ruth E. Perrin. 32. purchase a reslilont- Health Boise, $15; Barry N. Mastro, 30. licensc (or a nonresident, $25; ; system that takes most of the guesswork Santa Barbara. Calif., $20i Rodney L. Rushton, 23, Twin out of cooking ancf even helps you cook JameaL, Irwin,72, El Dorado, F a lls ,. fishing closed waters, Calif.. $7.50; 0 . M . Capps. 5fl, better than ever before. ' care bill $10; fJolih H. Burton. 23, Twin Richriold, $35;' Byron H. F alls. flshJng closed waters, no . This range is available O ’Reilly. 46, M cM innville, Ore., fine, -inaregulaf-free-standjng^ ::rn^qdel-wltti-pyro1fiic _^:^The-Cqunter That Codk^^cooktop by " WASHINGTON (UPI) -Tho •. self-cleaning oven; Corning. The remarkable cooktop that ------Health, Education and-Welfaro— I ALL REMAINING ^ th e same oven ^----- you can build right into your counter. It ______. Department said Thursday, the ,[ offers all the outstanding features of the- nation's ,healtH' care bill will Spring and Summer -comes In-Qur------Jump by 58 per cent lo $105.4 Al[P-in model that rangetpp: beauty, totaJ-cleahability bUllon In 1974 without Congres- WOMEN'S & YOUNG WOMEN'S and thermostatic control. Available with ______slonal passage of any national___I gives vour kitchen _ l^th Insurance plan. | _ t hat distinctive—- . two or four heating units. In accost analysis o f. 12’ — - national health'fnsurence loans- built-inlook. pending before Congress, In­ cluding the administration's .own bUl, HBW said each would - Increase health costs even more SPORTSWEAR IT-*-* “ _| DELAY PAYMENTS TIL FALL { 'n ie report was subm itted to nriembeni of Congress who have ICE COLD DRINKS SEIj^VBD DAILY requested it, including .Chair- Now 1 / 2 Price maj* Wilbur D. Mills, D:Ark., of Coolest Store in Town the House W ays’ and Mo'-ns ' Committee. H E W said taxpayers would , pay more in' 1974 for any health Insurance plan, but the adml* FREE PARKING ' nistratlon bi)l .Jj^ Jp c re a s e — private health ■lnaurafice.ggyii:==: M p e i f s IM OUR lOT BEHIND THE STORE ■ga of workpra would cost them il II i tronl H O l-l It'y, I t ' s H S I i l l T ; ; the leajit additional amount, RUPERT-BUHL BURLEY-TWIK FALLS — OPEN^SAONOA^IGHTS^ILL 9 13.6 Uilion. . '

_____ . Sunday, AuQUtt B, 1971 Tlm es N e w irT w In P a llt. Ictoho 17 Flirni Bureau JSfeiMLfungicide- ^ets federal okay growing W ILM IN GT O N , Del. — A now nctioii, protects present h s w o ll' funH.lclde with ‘preventive as as now growth when used as POCATEIJ-P-^ Wahtf Farmi''least two million families, will well as curative action ngalnst recommended. Bureau Fodoratlon’s president, belong to F arm B ureau.JIlere In .Cercospora-lcafspot-ln-sugar. — K o llar___ applkii lions— of- ’Dale''nbck’w ^ , Jpday' m W Hah'o all five districts' made beets has Just received federal .‘‘Bunlate" control leafspot member;,rutory,,imd time In tho past decade. "With the cost of living ' "B enlato" benomyl funKicidu field ‘tria ls by resciirchers at "Asof Jijly Sl,w(^hiid 13.144 continuing to'splrat. and Uto Is now available for control of university experlnipnt stations member families . In the cost of producL*} farmers buy leafspot, a ’disease which and sugar compnnies have federation." Hockwood . said, continuing* (o clim b, nil persons reduces beet yields as well as shown healtliler, more vigorous FARMERS AND RANCHERS " "This Is not Individuals* but Involved in. ’ ai({ricultural the porcentage of sugar, plants, better loafsiiot v«»lro l,* entire families. Tills year, 1971, i»ro(luctlon m i«t unite'In order licafspot usually occurs during lilgher yields and In niaiiy tests, PROTECT YOUR VALUABLE Is tho year the American F arm to bo hoard," Rockwopd said. wet, humid weather or In fields ’ higher sugar contont. CROPS BY SPRAYING NOW Bureau Federation predicts at under sprinkler Irrigation. ’nuT'dlsease rcduces yloTds — FOR GRASSHOPPERSTT^ through defoliation of tlie plant, leaves of Infected beet tops BltUSSEUS (UPI) - 'nireo FAST RESULTS call turn yellow and brown imd towns In Belgium have more Substitutes listed defoliate. As tho plant continues foreij?! resldetits, mostly Imml- FLYING to replace blighted leaves, root grimt workers, llimi nationals, growth nmi is nVm rdIng tn nm ^lnl n»ntlirflp.q._ JERVICfe---- - _retluceU.-jnic_rMulUl3.j0W-. -REEDER;; -Iiutlie.-foftl..ralnlwLJQ?-___I- for wtee^ program- ..tonnage and.low..8ugur:contont. ..Elsden, 80.40 per cent o f the ready yet "Benlato," with its systemic 3,240 population is foreign. B O IS E - Participants In the T RmCAIXSTRAINS grown la MperimenUl plots la Mcjjlco show-varlouii plant heights aad types. 1Q72 wheat set>{iside program may substitute barioy, corn qc grain sorghuin for wheat and ' still earn program.benefits and Research not protect their wheat allotment ~hl5tory77iccordlnfrto‘fltflt(rfnrm program official, ‘.I. A(lriaii Nelson. ended on crop Also, Uiere is no lim it on . wheat acreage, Nelson pointed .out that producers may grow MOSCOW - Triticnlto, a P lant breeders call Uils a Uielr full allotm ent or more potential now cercal crop which potential now crop becau.no It Is Uian tlieir allobnent and reimiln farmers have been reading Jrequently stated tliat a varelty -about for several years, is fitill a wlUiln, tho program ! Hc- cxr of'Trlticalo will be considered' plained Uiat "set*jisidc" docs few years away from sub­ tho first man-mado crop, not mean diverting land-from stantial commercial produc­ 'rriticalc is a cross between two production of a specific crop. It tion, reports Dr. U. D. Ensign, plant species, wheat and rye, means setting aside an acreage associate director of the Idaho and has many features of each. Agricultural Experiment from a farm’s total potential crop production. Station. Plant brooders have two Sel-nsido acreagc for the 1072 D r. E n s ig n had nn dp- major problems to overcome portunlty to review nn out- before Tritlcale actually w heal program w ill Iw equal to -stnndlng'T'FrHlcflle-hroodlng- )lo—oom - M per cent of_iLfami:s domestlc wheat allotm ent, tlie m axim um program in Navnjon, Sononi, mercial feed crop, Ensign said. allowable under Utc law. llils Mexico, In April. Tills program , Hie first Is tliat most hybrids probably the largest and most have excess sterility and maximum set-aside was establlslied of the ■y_pcQUucc_many. b'ecauBO cooperative program spon.w>rcd slirlvelled seeds. Fertility levels |X)sslbility of large grain su p - by Die Rockefeller and Ford arc Iwiiig Improved rapidly in plles from this ^ a f 's harvest.- .foundations and tlie Mexican many selections and lines. In 1071 wheat Hct-a.sldo acreage “Kovcrnm^onfn*lmrt“brcudDrs exhibited more thnn 200 ncres of crojs pollinM lo^''sffirnr'‘ i r i i ; DolJ-lis o/ U.o, pronrom wcrc- rows representing various kinds ryo parent nnil to obtain this nnnounccil ' rocmtly by -of'OrosMS jmd-vurlous stagcs-of— prcscnts-ji-somcwliat-dlfflcult— ... ABric^t.ure perfection for the new crop. Bcnotle altuntlon. alHord'M. Ilnrdln.



5 DAYS Tag No. DescripHon Price

80/ — Biutr Potato HiirvMi*r $1,800.00 iai7 . • Btu«r PoUio HuvM<*r $1,800.00 -$l7400;00- 1 118- I6S0 H>Uw&r 11 P o U o H u Y M l t r ...... $ 800.00 15U - 1S67 HaUway 11 Potalo >U rvM l*r ...... $3,600.00 3 IS ft^ - FOR* jiro 18U KaUway 11 PoU o HarvMtar ...... $2,400.00 1178 - 1965 bahlnkiui X M . Pol-ito Harv*»i*r $3,800.00 1375 - Idea Dahlmin P.T. PoUlo HiTvi.).r $4,500.00 « 3 0 - 1664 M arkailt Potato Harv«it«r $2,900.00 1454 ~ IM S Martc V I Potato H a rv a atar...... $8,300.00 NO COIM ERCIAL ADVERTISING 1473 - 1870 M ark V'l Potato H arvaitar $9,300.00 rrIBB9rMarkJVUPolata.Harvatfa«______=$B.3O0.1Jft: — 147« ^ 1U9 M irk .Vjn>otaio Harvaitar $8,300.00 ^E^eTTWEM-MUST iBE-PR-I€E-D-^ _ 1 « 3 - l97D^Maifk-VI-Potalo HarvwUr ^ $9,300:00: A iU - ._U70_M*rk_VXJ*al»la-Hju*.iU;>- (9,300.00- S N D N 0 I T E M M A Y D«mo - - 1970 Mark VI Polal6 Harvailar $9,300.00 15S0 . 196S Mark VI Polalo Harvaitar . $4,500.00 ______F-OaLOA^RiSO 1S37 - 1968 Mark 604 Poiaio Hm alar. Saif ..... i ;to ,ooo;oo nitz- ~1870 H ark»H a~Ptoiato~ H anftiar ...... 1...... - $ 6,000.00-

Wa Hnva A Large Selaction Of UwdI ' Potato Beds..r. Filers - Diggers In Stock! CLASSIFIED WANT ADS M m m BEFORE YOU BUY!

Hiwoy 24 ^ Ruparl - 436^ 701.

■V ■'.. a riir^e d it bfH c o m i o n J e « n

:i!3Y?fON~(tJrn~=r~^ulyi:pcdtiflbly*wtn5ornnothcr-homirmDrtagca.------House fnrm loaders, fnclnK urces s)dd b^islii into Bome now lcndinj{ schedule regular legislation this F riday. uroas. For tiio first tlmo under year unless the bills are Tlio bill, which has 'alreluly UVo biu; KCS unlb could make presented to the panel by Oct. 1. paiiscd the Senate, would loans for modest sinylc-fnnjlly nilsijieans that the Agriculture broaden______the lending powers______of homos for nonfarmcrs in rural Committee will have only a few >hnTnrm^r.n'^niiii'rTOn »ro«s. nmUould finance aome weeks in j*hlch to complete^ Farm Credit System JFCS), businesses whlcK perform on- acUononlhoci-edllblllaridgent which already provided iilwut a farn» agricultural services like to the rules committee, fifth of all loans to farmers and luirvcstlnK and sprayini;. FCS -officials, meanwhile, their co-opa. Tiie House • Agriculture said they were expecting Kdwln A. Jacnke, Kovcrnor of Committee last week completed completion of all Congressional tlto F a rm Credit Adm inistration itii public otficlal.sL'lals anda farm action on tlie bill by about mid- I — whrcinwerflTO?r~Bpcffliinnfl~trf~;5pokflsmcffrTypi.RS’pltff" , rttlclsi , -Octobci — UioTCS7fapmTOrihiBweel&ihnr"from home'prlvnte'^nrftnRe'qpii^ FCS lending in the 1070-71 fiscal Iwilikurs, Congres.sional aourcpH year reached an all-llmo high of predict Uio hoiiHc panel will DON BROWN’S S n .n hllllon, up m ore.tlian 10 follow the Senate's load- In pyiTcetUlrmiTUio prevlbiw-yelir. eirdor.4ln ir tlie bTTPtvllI? flomo SAFETY SERVICE Otlier offlcialH said lendlnK- In ulrinKS on how fjir the FCS can Uio 1971-72 year, whlcli began move into "now ” fleld.s like

^-JCAII OELCOHN grown In bis organic gbrdoa Is tllsplayod !>/- MUrl^tUoh T.L McCoye, Mallbu, Calif, lie has offered his organically Idaho Slalt lnip«(tlon Stotlan Utffln C r o w ir i ------. :.... - U 3 •-- 3.3S - -3 .3 S -- 3.3S 3.30 NnCOTIAilLE Loss threatened grown garden to the poor youth and fam ilies who can’t afford to • Mofof lont-op • Bfnkai r’ aul get out of the city for a vacation. (UIPI) IJOISK (U P I) - Tlie admln- tlie strike l>egan,^W^t esti­ • Ali(jnmant • Bnloncit>o • NO NQ NQ NQ ^ NQ NO NO NQ NQ i.«jtrator of tlio IdaJio Wheat mated Uie lo.HS a t over |10. m il­ 417 Main E, 733-831? R u iw rl Commission said Tliurwlay Ida- lion. C lm ilpr 0 . Firown • NQ NO NQ NQ NQ NQ NO 'NO n o ' Flovd tdin W rth r NQ NQ NQ NQ NQ NQ NO •NQ NQ Im) wheat farm ers tlireatened by thcWc.it Const dock'strike have'’ Shdihone"■ ao.ikon (loan no alternative mnri(ets to fall NQ NO NO NO NQ NQ NQNQ NQ back on. T w IiiP a U i BEAN COMBINE llarp id West, who is al.io-a Globo a'nfl f e m NO • NQ Oofln Crowors NQ NQ NQ NIiCpTIAULC NO NQ m em ber of Uiu Presldiint’s Ilc- Mnnuy Scftd 1.33 NO NO NQ NQ NO NQ NQ idalM) Clov. NO NO NQ NQ NO NQ NO NQ glomd Export Expansion Coun­ aoan S. NQ NQ CLEARANCE!! In tcrm tn. Uo.in NQ NQ NCGOTIAULC cil, (U)ld. Idaho w heat'farm ers NO NQ No NQ NCGOTIAUUli South SIdo lln.in Co: face Kcrious economic lo.>{s if T.P. Feed A Icn NQ NO NQ NQ NQ NO NQ NO NQ Uio dork atrikn J i flutJa-itfl-nrth- -24JSED-CASt660------week at West Coast porLs, is not NO , , NQ NQ NO NO fjQ NO . NQ NQ settled soon. •’ COMBINES WITH CABS Fowl suggestions ^Wcjit estimated Hint about fiO to 05 ]>orcentof the Idaho wheat' GRAIN & BEAN EQUIPMENT made on scourge crop goes to export markoL*< nnd -thero—are— no— alternatlve- — PRICEDiORilUICIlSALE!- Rup«rl BOISE (U P D - If malaUjlon "distress" call for Uie guinea marketing systems to send their RollAnd Jonot Produce doesn't work, Uiere’s always crop. to. Max Herbotd. In c. herw. ■ West said several large sales _Car.I-GJllj-Co______guinea hen.i.or_scajmnJJ. -IL -GEMINTERNATIONALinc. Ilicso two fowl suggestions to cal, then there’s this'professor Japan, Korea and Uie t)nd llpplncsj»|ve nlroadyiheen-lflat- QUOTATIONS A R E provldeen proposed by the USDA. IDAHO FALUS - Tlie Snake.' ' FAinFIBI.D - Tho n White club 1.&3 . ----- enough steerr or hcifcrn on of-' Im ported fihlons arc required River water report for Aug. 4 pllcatlotl of aluinlniim sheets Hard winter 1.54 . . fer for a m arket tegt. Tliree by Uifl Agricultural Marketing was released today by ArUiur L. Uie outalde walls of the Camas loads steer.H steady, ' Cows Agreement Act to meet the Uirson, watermaster. P rairie Grain GroU'crs elevator 1/2 PRIC E strong. Tliree load.s choice 1.050 Ag courses mime requirements. Ilie report Is given.In acre* in Fairfield is- nearing com­ CLOSE-OUT pletion. lb steers 33,25. Utility and com ­ Deginning Aug. 9, imports of^ feet or cubic feet per sccond and m ercial cows 20 JW-22.00; Conner yellow varioties would have to indicates dlscliarge or content.- llie wocwlen building was last and cutter lB.60.20.5ft. hit in talk ni6et:rcqulrcmcnts for. U.S. No. . Jackson loike, 79fl,B0fl a.f.; painted about 1944 and the PAINT SALE S3iccj) 100. Not enough on of­ 2 or better grade, and be a Moran, 4,120 c.f.s., Palisades bright new corrugated On Selected Colors fer for a m arket te.st.' m inim um of one and one-half R e se rv o ir (u s a b le ), 1,179- nlumlniui]..glvcs lt_a new ap­ on pearance. on the DENVER (UPD-Uvestock: at crusade Inches diameter; white million a.f.; Island Park Exterior & Interior In Quart Cans varieltlesmustbeU.S. No. 2or Reservoir, 127,000 a.f., Heise, main’ streat-^l^ r j pi^ tyj(|-oad Hogs 250. Barrows nnd gilts TULSA, Okla. (UPI) -Tlie better grade and be at least 1 13,200c.f.s.;Slielley,0,570c.f.s; tracks nea'i^-tfuSii^'.'9^||j7fi0e.' fully steady. U.S. l-2s20.50-21.25. way agriculture is taught in the aj Paint Reg. $1.65 Inch diameter. In addition, all Blnckfoot, 3,030 c.f.s.; _ to town. ' '• - U.S. 1-3 ia.25-20.25. U.S. 2-ls schools is an ecologlcal-blundor- onions Imported would have to Afriericari’ Falls Resbrvolr. 1.50 ia.75-10.7i. Sows steady, U.S. 1-3 and an assault,on nature, a • be at least “moderately cured.” million a.f.; Michaud Pump, 117 Produce Prices FIRST GALLON FULL PRICE health foods expert said Friday LmCACO(UPIl--ITocluc« As in recent years, an c.f,s.; Neeley, 13,000 c.f.s.; Chfsta i lu. procstleU iDit ii'iliU : NOW during the 13Ui annual Dirlstian average decay toleranco of not .Lake Walcott,' 90,390 a.f.; lirtck ifiunil*r 19'W0'«; cMeJ Crusade. [far kingtf claltix «4'> 70. Innaliorni more than five-per cent would Minidoka N.S. Canal, 1,000 40 II) tilnckt twill ‘‘It la destroying agriculture W oMde il il' i - R o t a t o c s . and will destroy this nation . „ ^ unle.*vS .it can tie c h a n g e d ,D r . -tr-analt-lO-or—mow-daya-fpont—1t4B0 -c-f.a.} Gnakfr—Rtvef-nor— country of origin. Minidoka, 9,f!00q.f.s.; Minidoka ow S llll A n d O n i o n s Joe-Nlchols aaUl. “ We mu.st go ______JJ.OO 31JH 371 Officials of USDA’s Consumer N .S . Pump 235 c.f.s.; Milner back to G od’s natural way of 13.30 JS3J.3> 3J.30 n « l ' W and Marketing Service said the S.S.Canal 3,fiC0 c.f.s.; Milner u«c ]1 7} 77 1110 II *7 )l 70 I5S ID A H O FA I.LS . ( U P I) — farm ing. We must leach the Foti 31.IS.W3l.fO 31.7} 11.7S 5» 1 / 2 PRICE proposed ‘ regulations are Low Uft, 270 c.f.s.; Gooding PROIBN PORK RDLLiet Western Idaho and Malheftr farmer how to restore and Auo JMS.10 1I50 3100 1107 30 County, Ore. — Potjitoea: of- m aintain the fertility of the similar to those of last fall and Project, 1,010 c.f.s.; N. S. in I'el) }S.7C . | i ] l l i 28 iO 31 45 4B1 Miir J|.*7 .tOM»Q » iU1 « /n n i . forings light, d em and soil, are necessary to assist Goodlng047c.f.s.; P.A. Ulcrol, CHICAOO lUI'l) - Wholttllf tellinu moderate’ . First report: . "You cannot do this with producers In orderly 74 c.f.s,; ' Milner N.SXannl, Norgolds, wa.stl'ed. two Ineli or modern scientific agricultural marketing. ; 3,140 c.f.s.; Snake River, 45 . »3 icof* 47.784, 93 icofe «7.7I4^»l#*uyi «0 tCOrB «S 7t4 four ounce m inim um , 100 pound chw nlcals,” said Nichols, pres- n ie proposal Is scheduled to c .f.s .; diversions Helae to , Coo*: P/ICBI palil llollverW .Clil EXTERIOR c*uo tiMilr,’ o n ti |iBr iinun IIO10 por NAME BRAND siicks, U:srNumbcrOnp-Siro'A7-ident--of- ti»o-Natural Foods be publj_shed In the Ju ly 31 Sliolloy, 9,055 c.f.s.; diversions —CBnt-A"‘Br ijelt»ri'“e«tfa“1ary» wIiH*' 2.C5-2.ft5, few^.OO non size A, too Association of Atlantai Ga, Federal 'RcglHter. Sficlley to'DlackYoot, 3,204 c.rs. it 3V, Urgi wMU 34 37; nixllumi 34'i- O r C T O S t " 3t. few sales to quote. Fifty pound “ Unfortunately, modern PAINT -cartons. 100 cwt. ImibIs, IW-lOOs, sclentlfieflgHeulturotechnology 4.50-5.00, mostly 4.05-1.05, Ten as taught In most of our -pound mesh sacks,- billed, ner-im lV Cr8ltle.rifrT m “ assaull~oir ATTENTION CLOSE-OUT hundredweight, U.S. Number nature,” he .said. .“ It • Is an • . One Size A, 4.00, Non-Sire-Ar-^cnlogical blundcr;*'‘ ------" rRetail $4.2d/G^llon 3.00-3.40, nio.‘;lJy_;!,0(V3,25i n » » Citrisllan Crusade usually Onions: offerings light, devotes its annual meeting to DISCOUNTED demand moderate. First • antI.Comm unlst, ultra- SALE ^ report: fifty pound sacks. U.S. con.«jorvativocpuscsdoci:ylngtlic ,, Number One, yellow sweet loss of Christian ethics. In BEAN GROWERS Spanlsli, three inches and American life and tho Innuonco UPTO larger,-1rtn .,2^’4-.T too few sales of ■■liberal loft-w lng” forces PRICE . quote. •, ln:KQVcmmcnt~‘ • ■ • ----- INOWAHD BULTACODEMO AUGUST lOfli IS THE MOST EFFECTIVE


.-ji- .'1 . y . Sundfly.-August 8,, I97r Timcs-News. TwIn Palls. Idaho 19. roper cycle use damages Whit

CHAI.US — Inipropcruse of Kurly sprlnK ,uac crcated Pcnce said. wlUle trulls arc, blocked by • Cross mmtry travel o(( trails and no erosion control design,, pubUc Itinda. to msichlnos sighs will, alsa.bc. in*-. trail ’ cycIcs TcsuUod ln ‘ np- conklderablft ".Uarn^jgo 'to ■‘.'Much’ of tlic damuRc -ls’ snowror*er«-loo-wet-to-Hc--‘ hns~iTciitcd''fipcdnt‘ prob1cmsr •Pencc Rindr"------T '...... is incronslnjf,';'Pence sai3. stalled alonjj nuiin entrance proclnblo duinot'os to on- WHtcrKlied, trail, acsthoUc and croatcd ^throuKb_ tbrco_ cominodato m ochankal Muchoniiisjclimujgo Is rolatod Trail cycle danuifje createtnn._ l’ortce.5nld the Fortst Servlce-.routes.rcuuesan*;-UwtaU-uscrs.... ~vironmcntat"vfliuc5 in the w nii« ratigo v^uos. XcTdlllonar dostfucUvo practiccs toihinsn wiuIpmcnrMudhoIcs.rut.s.afjd ' U^i;«rly_ u.s^^„ Ithe.Wlilte, Clouds is nolunlquc ta ':-:wlUit\lllalotieces»ar>’ action to f o l lo w '~ '8ra b lIS h o irr‘lr a IJ n " ' C1ou(K,Mountains arua 'thls' ref'ulaUoaoluUy-HlHnlflcant| huwuv«tr,--and—|,itt!e—Houlder—{‘rrrk—nvoid-TinTlopmcnt“ Df“ " 8hort~ IJan Ponco said today. cKjulpmont causlni{ the dam aco, region too early each sprinij; trail dam age," 1‘cnco said. doep ruLs tbrou{;b tucadow.s and because Of elevation, bljjh water (irainaKes to trail nuichine use cut" trails wi.Ui no erosion up hillsides to fjet closer to thoir yield, aiui sliort growlniJ season durinji tlie early, spring, to give design, objuctivi), ho wild. Jnvolved. Thu ranker said snow tline to melt, aiwl trails n Interim restrictions will not ■|‘he Uilrd pnjctlce occurs ori'anlzed trail machine -ciujj chance to dry oul. • preclude the comprejienslve wlu;n blkf riders attem pt to vikc int/mberH are generally more Additional regulations' will White Cloud-lioulder-IMoiieer trails in Uie White Clouds thiit aw w ro^of' dam ai’e they can restrict tr a il uVachlnes to Study now in proi»ri*s’s. He said were not designed for trail cause-aiul are wlllinK to nwike Kiletific trails tJiat can ac« tlie Sludy will be iise.LakcJaatjyeiik- .(.•auac., juoat - pr,obleim,-.I?cncc. J ! o r _ I l l - w a r said. Tiiey apparently began drinking' and went on a hill POP RECORDS p a p e r s o u t -climbiivi,-pistol-shouting-spree about m idnight, be sjHd. TIiey UOISK^tUPI) -,i>(i!npblets did a p p re cia b le d am ag e to giving details alxiut ji demon­ hillside vegutatlon and a good stration planned Sunday against nothing but ndverse public CASSETTES ed at M-K's world headquarters .'ientlmcnt toward trail cycle rid* 'Huirsday. ers a t a time when public pres* LATEST LP.'s Eleven persons, four of wliom sure for coinpleto closure of u ild they were airm en from tbe it's nearby ba.se, Imnded out the "STEAMWAY" material.'Hie piinipldets'appeai- Owned and Op«rat*d by (>

DAMAGE TIIAT MAY be caused by unregulalell trail m ochiae use, occordlng to forcKt service offlcUIfl, Is shown by deep ruts cut through wet meadow near Frng I.^kc In White Cloud Mountains. (1‘hotojcourtesy of U.S. Forest Service.) Slipping lands ^Hange slowly -“ -^^TTOIIINCTDNTOTI )-It Im.'i Ocean survey .studies of presto *6.98 Regular been known for some time now recent years indicate that the tliat the continents aren't Atlantic Coast from Portland, staying put. Tliey drift, rotate, Maine, to New York "has n .89 Value TOASTER slnK, rise, tilt. either sunk as much ns 10 'IIIOBO molions genernlly are inches in-thls century or the LEVrS uccnn tina ■rtr.Gti” liy~tRnn«Twr w l m V i w b t l — BUiw {^5 '~mun m im .' Comb & Brushest rboiI fr I • - North-America, for example, am ount.” ...... Sunday Only, rotates counterclockwise at the Tlio studies show that th6 I rate of five degrees in 10 New England Coast Is sinking Limited Sizes I m illion years. Tliis Is ’ not about a fourtli of an inch per shrink »o fit ■ - enough to givii anybody vertigo.. ycar,-or. 2li.fe c t .p e r. century. I ; - But somir continental capers, Nortliern Illinois, - liowever,- • tliough slow, m any generate appears to have risen at a rate 3 Uo 38 "scrlousliaznrds" in some U.S. of more than two feet in 100 coastal areas as cnrly as the years. Northern Michigan and next 50 to 100 years. northern Wisconsin arc being WITH I Tlds forecast comes from lifted up five feet per century. ; Cliarles Wliltlen, chief geode.sist nut to thV Soulh, along the COUPON • of the National Ocean Survey, Uuisiana Gulf Coast, the land • an agency of tlie National is subsiding at the rate of 1‘^ Oceanic and Atmospheric Ad­ feet in a centqry. ministration, Whitten said such,movement.s Values to ^2.49 ^5.98 Value According to Wliltten, North influence water levels, cspeclnl' Americn'a rotation is accnmpn- ly in tiic Cirent fjikes system .Plastic______• nied by sinking and rising and '•where the dralnnge of the RECORD ALBUMS : tilting, all of which create entire north-central area of Uie • subtle but marked clianges in country is l)eing affected." GARMENTBAG by the tlie land. llie rising water level of the "Evidence of this,” the souUi end of Ijik e M ichigan, 'Carpenters National Ocean Survey said, Storage Chest apparently caused by continen­ "can be seen...la the slowly but tal tilting, gives tlie false inexorably ri.slng waters which Shoe Bag Caddy illusion, Wliltten said, that imperil homes and industries metropolitan Cliicago is sinking. along tile Atlantic and Gulf, Hand Coast and some of the Great Because of this combination, Ijikes. and the spray which he sold, "Tliere will bo real and ^^rrcrTfflSlmjly^htpii^rDjirntnr ■probnbly Qiicago lakefront as the waters early as the next 50 to 100 years, of I^jike Michigan contlnuo to confronting these, coastal rise." regions." I Rent A i i Baldwin Pian^f

(^ ia u J e MUSIC-FURNITURE ~V43~Main Aye. East

. . V V---V 30 T|mos N_ews,_Twln.,F_»|ls, Idflhff ' Sunday, August B, 19n Lewiston drops T .F. to

C A I.O W K M .— TIjo I-owlston .U iw lston struck for thfco rally'.- Vounj{ T im K n m pn tcrnoon by d«fciilln|( Cooiir Twins ct»iinv(l Uioir' ll(h runs In thu first Uir«u lniiin|(s .s{.-att( stale AiiUirican »(>ainsl'rwinF»llsiinh hlfj w)r; F alls fl-0.. In 8{iturday tiit>hl'H finals, Twin Falls was ablu to scorc rne pA^es~J^£y^ oidy in.thu fifth and ninth in- ^>ln|(s. Miku Andorson'wont Ihu nratslK for Twin Falls nnd ijave

two. Nvt.son and Hick Wontwortii led 'IVin Falls with three hits eacli, Ntilson f>t}Uin({ a s|tit{le. double and triple and WunU iid ir t\f uliiirtiii 4UJd-J two-lia{!t;er. Atidenton tr ied to “Iteljnils 7)wn cuiwiPvnifi'two Tets lose lb Lions; Nainath hILs. IJul the oilier six men numa(!ud only two hits off -Kiinipu.. itm y sM eii ne dTf m-^s e a S® ItlKhlliandcr Jerry Harbour CATCIIKK CURTIS WARD of tw in Falls buries hU head aod .shut out Coeur d'Alene un two his kIovc Into Dennis Keadoll of the Boise r>emN for a putout TAMPA, Fla.' (UP.D—'llie Hill Ho.spital, A Jots spokesnuui ll-yard pasji from hits Saturday in a .1-0 victory Tackle or tag during *‘B" state Ixglon ociion In Eden Friday. Boise New York Juts lost (|iiarterh]ick u d d hi* would lut out' m x or Niniinth 'to M a ll Snell. In tho Uiat boosted T'win Falls into ihe eliminated Twfii Falls 11-9. ““Joi!~t^nmntlrfor~at'T^Rnst~;djf ■ f.^von"WOok.‘r and' perhaps the seconil (juartcr, N ainiitli took *finnl.'ninnlnst;i;cwlfiton; ; weeks and perhaps.the season .season. Uie Jots GT) yii^ds in hine plays liiirbour alsodrovo in the first Sjiturday niitlil in droppint; an Namatl) was nttemptini; a wiUi Georj'e Nock scoring from run wiUi.a sinfjlc in Uie sevenUi Lewiston tips Boise for B state title exhibition season 0|K.-rter lo the comeback after iniK.sini; nu>.-it six yard.s out. a.s the n ru im scored three times to break tlie scoreless deadlock.. Detroit IJons 2fl-24. of last season with a broken Callini; si{;nals durini; Uie R D R N — I.ewi.slon erupted rally in Uio fourtli.wiUi a Hinp.lc Boise’s first run came in the and followe

Heard tips lead to five shots iirgolfr^classtc ^ AKnONrtJW0"(UP!unK whopping Uvo-stroko lead after Jerry Hoard, Bunnln|{ for his three rounds of the $150,000 U-'— firat_vJctory-after-three-friu^Am«rloanGolf'Cla^e.------...... ^fl|in«ycarfl, stH>ta,lW(>-undor- Heard, refusing to bend under - - . pur G8 Saturday to grab a- pressure oven when Jack ■* Nlcklaus mounted ' a n cwrly chargor-had a record - nine- • under>par .tptal of Hm th rri»_2 jQ _w c riL S { ay iL Jk 4 d .u n d JM . rdalio collegMncmbers. It will Marti, who luid. 09 and 72 only help Iloiso SUitc ,nt this rcHpectlvely. time, Idaho SUite’a, arguments Nlcklaus last his moinentum for It can't bo solid now as tlioy . whon iiti.iook a doublo-bogcy -mlgljthuvobden-a-oouplo-years— ago and it threatens the very }‘i»inRhi.s approHch sliot into a bunker and 9!cn bliisting out survival of UnlvorHlly of ------V m G IL-?‘MAX??--ni)KFKK-*hflWi-how-lo phch-and p lijr — 7 - Idaho’s nthlollc strMcUire. Al over the green. (lenpltc a physical h o n ^ca p . Ho holds h li glove with his lehst, that's how It apt>ears " I was all pumpor^-W h«r. nnm lPiU a.iL- ______— -— — -----— ami—tie—-aml~J»o— made— made— «ve— five— DurfcCTDorn nurfcCborn wiUi wiUi hUTrlglii hl.u rlglit grade. stopwatch and. tim e oti tliat ■YumftsrT” POCA’nciJvO (U PI) - Idaho After 14 years as an assistant _ Now, consider the Boise SUitc «lrHlgljt bogles on tluj front nlnp Imrid malform ed, pitches for th e ' d idn't have a glove for fastest glove around. i lin k in g ovor the quarterback' Stale Bengal football coach, Ed at-Kansiw StJite, Arizona and situation. The Broncos will Curl Manufacturing Company awhile ijfcause we didn’t think I (>pot, filling the shoes of gradu-' Cavanaugh. sl/.es up his team s Ut^ih State, Cavatuiugh finally sooner or later be the reigning tliree-put greenS. team in tlje Atlantic division could use one.,Then my folks ated Jerry Dunne, m ay n o t be Iwpcs for tlie 1071 season wltli got Uie chance everyone siild lu5 fwwer as the one situated in and „ "'•‘ p *****' co-leader wltJi .a n d wiw Judged'gootl enough tfl lK)ught m e one anolo wlien lio also m ado Uw nll-.Hliir Icnin. pltdic,a," Diirfco said. " I I was to 6 ^ wm 16 games In hl5 three years oif breaks .last.year,..Including. offunalvcbackfleld,8Jild, “ Wo’ro quite afnuent enough to read) to * All I luid to do was loosen will IV luituv ll^ i;iiuui;ii lu i uiicii lu , — • , ...... u v<» »r» Injuries and' a boycoK liy H really aliort of backs yo»r 105 scholarship - or lari'or - .'"L t^‘'‘co-PU«od, _right_wrlst,_reIea.qqsjrip_bloop._Uiejfltrap-on-Uic-back.: ’ total'used by most mcmWrs. '[‘"‘•finished wlUi a 7B and pitch and In a bit of sleight of He also played a little football over Giaritsr Wack varsity pteyer^.-...... - it's really a Imzy area." Tom I« (M im ^ho h., ■nils- ...... urlll-clinnKo rapldly - If - it• lotal‘"SI'.------, r ^------[«na^ee«-tncSiovo— l«nd-Bots-thcrRlovo uuckbatkW on ln-ll»Tilii{' in darin,c IllsRls school days “ andand” CHICAGO (UPI) Gfena J { L " b a ? k 7 h r y 1 l i r ------si^rteon-e = »70,W8 this year on thostrensUi that liappona back up" the ajiy kimi of ba.ao'baii'when tho run witli a two^iut siaclo In the r.'.'-""' ~‘" r “ ______^ ^I'lornbly more.nttcndn'ico and °|,.| "y tmrtmntX'“lllJt-ki'iu^u 7"h KaturSay ana recu|)crntlnK’from Injuries, and reaSlhep^tSal <"uo"|^ ------currrapmramirTrsii Ih hnmlcdrtnn«irti!dwnwm!e or decldcd to not up a compimy FcrKuson Jonklfci became the|„i' .11 Portland State wlien ho Bcored recelpt.1,, nroaco haaketball at " " C n lff ^ afb„„le „r the team •■'n.oy went around and first National I.eai,uo pitcher to ||_'“‘"lll;jM>on.l on U,clr ability ^ tliree touchdowns. The B engab also have on hand an excellent '"S?KyforBSt:,lt * 1„W P 1 ' W toSC If fcLd be“on « “7eL“ drop back passer In Dan Halt, whoso best performance wad as , ^ne;vcu!S^W.Saer. Palmer, - ‘‘'?,S n o g ^rL ck lv !^^‘^?g;,S :!^^ ■B-Bophoroof o in IM P w h w ha - ... — ...... — &HUU, thu n 1 wiiV It"tt^fi6U5- coon:'------tossed 14_ touchdown._paw«s. a ftc lr"?,a e ll “ I" !!«•"»■, ...... looklnu RavanauBli. luw dH lned Wltkowskl ( M , 200) run for 'As It grows while filling in for the injured Baltimore "One of thb hli/ iSavs who i wide recoiinltlon as u coach lli-hunilrod yards W» senior in position of strength, It' will One oljhb hiK Kuyi.^wl'O (gJ,5j,ri,und^whoil,ll0--„|„e-fm,ll»ill~t«ims‘-!.corNational Football League. .. . of price will be saved In board Ian. - Chlcioo Heard's first bogie at No. 5 a walk to Mew Uotlonmwnd in •brhbl abrhbl Covnnaugh’s 1069 team sat 55 and room..l1iat means BSC Hie fourtli to fjrovldo all the IWinil* rl S 0 I 0 Kiiilno*r t« ) } 7 1 n^iUonal, conforehce and school came witcn hu drove Into past Sox Fu* 0-n*ckarl ll> .4 0 7 3 TAXI SERVICE assistance pm ^er needed; It AAayl Cl 4 17 0 Williams II 4.0 1 1 marks. Ills most notable season . — pcr.boy-so lodged and in rcallty- Mtcowav lb S O 7 1 PaptioA* lto-4 0 I 0 mlssl'd tlie putt. He made the was the second hit off stjjrter BOSTON (UPI) — Dick M*n{J«run 114 0 7 1 lllckmao r( 3 I I 0 liad to bo his flrstr Uio Bengals could bo giving three full rides 01*1] c 3 0 10 tanlo 3b 4 110 flnislied wlUi a 4-5 record* He This Sunday turn In 33, two-under-par, and Mike Keklch, who left for a McAullffc batting .185 entering Sp#l»r ti - 4 1 ) 0 Jamat cl 3100 at least for the price of two. tljen ran in anotlier birdie at pinch hitter in the sevenUi Uie game, drwe In sjx^runs Callao)«r 3b3 0 I 0 Marlin c 4 0 10 took over Uio team tliat liad Further, we believe that Rarr p - 0 0 0 0 OavU pr ' 0 I 0 o also limoiine service to Rodeo 'tlic 405-yard, par-4, tenth hole. inning. Saturday witi) a homer anfl two K.lnom»ft ph ) Q 0 0 C*(\nUl*r c 0 0 Q 0 only 10 lottormen-back from a Bol.ne State will "outgrow ” the .■tlhmort N* York bases-loaded hits to load tho MtMabofl p 0 0 0 0 J»»ikln» p .3-0 J 0 one iirtd nirto season and finish­ ask about our scenic tours^ He later bogeyed the 025-yard • brh bl Carriihar» p 1 0 0 0 — *------Big Sky more quickly than any par-5 ICtli holo. Hulord II 2 10 0 Ktnniy lu ' Detroit Tigers to o’IW victory (lari 3b 1)17 ed two touchilowhs'from' a C-3 pUier member. iiaUngtr ii 4 0 0 0 Munvon c Talali 3t 1 114 Telali 37 « 10 S season. Arnold P alm er, despite an FMobinin )b l 0 » 0 Murrtr cl over tho Boston B id Sox. lanl>r«n(U(« ‘ I0IW3MI- 3 Phone 733-1536 Idaho State can't cry naolilntn ]U ] 0 0 0 While u McAullffc hit a solo homer In Chlcaga lOD tO O U - 4 n io lOflO club sot 27. ISU and eagle on tho second holo, shot a UtllnmniJ c lj.l niomliiro ■ C tpaltr. Oackart, Carriinari LOO San economy now like it could a 0 0 two-over-par 72 and was in. a ' Jehnian Jb 4 » 1 J C»l«f 10, Uie tliird, sent home two runs Franclico 10. Chteauo I Big Sky records. couple of years ago when It had Moiion rf 3 0 0 0 Ci«rk« }u }n • GalUQhar, FuanUt. Handarton, group at 216. Shoa«v rl : 0 0 0 0 Michiti t% wltli a biises loaded single in nomjt. Mavi. Wllliamt 7. >IH Marl III. to fudge a HtUe to claim 8,000 at Elchtnrrn c I 0 0 0 Kikkh ii Uie slxU) and drove in Uireo SD Katilnoar. t Carrlliiar«, J»nkin» 5F Oalrympli c 0 0 0 0 riiiilii pi Rackarl. Handtruin .. -fan»-Uwn-big- -rwtrtBnj— ir v - r H v W ’ -double—Itt—the- --- =------ITTT now entices 12,000 to alm ost all Y rtili • ---- —• Carrllhtri L 7 7 population areas like Boise and i«lllrnart seventh Inning. . . Barr 71 3. I gam es a n d ' b ask e tb all at- Pocatello. 'N*w Vorh ...... __ Octroll e«|len McMahdn e curk* Lon naiii>nort.i. Ntw y< • brhbl »brhbl Janklni W II V - tijndanco also picked up sharply To bring the thing Into McAulilfs } 3 t CriMln SO M WM Jaflkin* T 7 JJ I Cnrown It 2 t 1 I Apirldo ll S I I 0 last year. Tlio Bengals also pcrluipis 0 sliarpei' focus of tlie (O) ;n RutorO Kalmo rl 3 0 11 Smilh cl 3 ) } 1 The age can't hold W yom ing on their Immediate cffccl,consider U\la: IP H R BB BS IQ .1' ^0 0 VHrimik II * > » 0 P»lfn*r W titles C«V1 II) i I I I Pflrociiu 3I>3 1 } I schedule by cutting back, Idaho w ill givo 70 football Ktbich L ■ I } 1 } 4 3 Norll’rup cl 4 110 Scoll lb 3 )3 3 1 ft n fl 1 n c 4 J J 0 Lihouil rl J 7 : 0 now"styling clowns n ig ht now University of Idaho scholarships, this year. It will Ak»r . 3 0 ,0 Ufldrlaui ID S 0 } 0 Talum p 't 0 I 0 Phils keep WP-i*»im»r J. Aktr T 7. 113 nrlnkm4n'M4 } ] 1 AAontamry c 4 0 0 0 has only ono m ajor selling point 'graduate 17 seniors. WlUi tho NIfkro p 7 0 0 0 Sl*b*fl p 10 1} wilh in going after "blue chip” promised. 12 reduction, Idaho Jcn»i pli 1 0 0 0 Kooric* p 0 0 0 0 Tlmmrmn p 7 10 0 ilrtlt p 0 0 0 0 Pirates athletes — its schedule. Moscow could recruit only five fresh Sclormin p 0 0 0'0 ConlalUro rll 0 I 0 T6IIII 41 1314 10 Ttl*!! 4 S I1 II can’t,provide off-campus jobs next fall — and would you bo Bills Stun 0»ti6VI » like Boise, Pocatello, Ogden and ono of only five? . aailan Mie)a«)3- I 1 U'-Ap»riclo 7, SmllM, CrIMin. V«l- on skids Missoula, Moscow can ’t provide Of necessity It would toko tho lrjam«kl DP-D«l'Oll 1. LOB-O«lron II. T w o - T o n e s lioHon t PITTSBUHGH (UPI) - He- Uio overall enduccment that schools bat;k eventually to the Saints in 7n~k.lhouil. Aparlco, UcAullll«i IB— Uever B illy Wilson slam m ed the The Innoyators are here. Styling jwpulatlpn cente^wltl!7‘^lnB»_ol(j_juril<>t--"C<>l)cgc:7:buslncMt. T3Tr*^'-J3J)H(--aaurlauti MHl-.McAiiliM*--- ()]).----- ORrown ' Wflytihoad-fronrPflUwlir': ui d o " can. So when Idaho goes Bring in 15-20 every year. Those rcirn^iyV jc.’ s ia ^r'- d o o r- WT Pittsburgh- for the, ~tt‘^s the two-toned look rewivod----- after’n'blue-thlpmanr^t has to who hove followed tliat know It period .tVlakro W . 1 S ...... 3 ] I second straight game, saving a Tininiarmar 3 7 3 I S S ) ) - In a boldly trimmed sUp on. talk schedule. Tlio l>oy !.<< told Just doesn’t work. This < ■’Scliarman 13 7 0 0 0 0 5-3 victory for the Phiifldelpliia ils Entire BUFFALO, N.Y.' (UPI) - ho'll play Washington State, state has only-one football Plilllles as Uie sputtering Try a pair; Your ago is now. Qunrterback'Jlm Harris fired a - ,-’M Pirates suffered Uielr sevcnUi TCCJ, Iowa Stato, etc. It Is playing Junior college. OuUan- nino-yard touchdown pass to,T«'>^'” } n 4 : ' difficult for tho Vandals to got dors don’t have Uie old school ^ f e a t In 'Uio last nine'gam es. Haven Moses wltli li55 gone In .Wilson,, who-won Friday schools llko that to talk a b o u t. spirit. U»e fourth quarter Friday' night 8cho d u lin K .._p »«e s. A do* night’s 3-2 gam e, pltchcd out of. Wlion tho to.glj^ U^e Buffalo Bills a 14-10 cm(^ia!)ls would almost curtail UvBlnJUtbttcU aiii^afov^oy _ a bases ly ded ianL^t^twlay.ln_, padisdilL '“lli'OevenlhiAfliBrran-error by ■ Tho All Stiira„ -UtJibwild-Umt go andJdflhQjjo.gjfl^6d^^dQn-t.aay-imythlnfr^ ^ l ^ -jf-^ - j^ ^ ^ H ^ v ^ S r ji^ ^ — rcdUcertninfeTipiluIo, (I would ugaln.it it" memorondum to aU #«- hn»h Nn Laci:y_Bowa-broke-UP-atattci undern it Itg Inst tfllklntf noint. " '----- ’ ' *’------' De-emphasls also appears, have to .be mum. Idaho's Don The Bills trailed 10^7 when SAN FRANCISCO (U PI)- iro m hero to bo a m atter of false Robbins and Wayne Anderson Harris hit Moses wlUi a 34-yard Head coach Nick Stoi Ute Inning, but Wilson escaped by fanning Robertson iuid economy and money Is said to stjulrmod and their eyes showed completion ■ aw l (oUowed two tnakes Kl* coaching d tb iit h«re ■be Uie•• underlying • lying f factor. Alt ogony but t^ioy kept quiet on Uio plays later with a^ lJ-yarder to Sunday when his Q eveland getUng Al Oliver to ground out. niUaM»t>>* ' ■ PIHaburtli Uiree Idaho schools have spent matter. Behind the scenes, one M arlin Briscoe o n T —v fie'S aints’ ______Browns meet______the San P r a n d ir o •brbW abrbbl Ooyla 30 10 10 Ca»H }b 4 0 3 > : or are spending a few million can be sure the athiotk ii7e*‘yaS‘llne to’ seT ur'the 49eVsrand”'^^^^ sim ple Bowa II .4 1 1 0 .Clln«« U I D 0 0 ■ bucks tQ lnrreasc-Uiclr seating denar^enta are fltfhtlng hrfck_^^^,------gnmp p la n - tftw ln ___ _ and ploying facUitlcs. WlUi the- at least for a compromise. Alvin Wyatt, acquired by tho “I want, establish a J ( M I 7 0 O llvK C< Atenay 3M H f TalaU it H i C O F F E E • l>tillaMM>l* a ilt M M * - t should result In a drop 6f gal6 list, one notes Uiat Uie Big Sky taken a 3-0 lead after 8:13, of ,ller’s retirem ent a t the end of, receipt at the other. *0181 moaiis suddenly has been accepted play on Tom Dempsey’^ 22*yaMT i^t jwason. CREAM/SANDPIPER Iho noxt Mop would U culbock preWy well as an esUUlshed fieU gSal.' ' ' ~ He did not llko la s fy e a r'« M ^ 1 A C K/V\/INIF pt acholar«hlp» and Ihe cvclo_lhllllL-Iha^Dresldel1L'^.»^ll-t»lle— 'nw-Mnta-regiihwd-lhrleaaTJii^ a ro irreiOT anH neirBM care o( that Mtlonnl publicity — io-7, when alartlne quarlerback the tuam'a aecond woral over 7- w iw w m ,, ...... I J * X y □gssGiiisn. WHiort , 310813' X / . ^ In the area of attendance at:.'includinH. TTT money — wiUi Ed Haegett dove over from the 7 re((ular season m^rlCkVnd has games, Idaho again Is most Uielr adiorT Someone should one after 8:59 ‘of the Uilrd told his players Uiey h ad better / /■ / / I -•vulnerBblasinceithastarely.on.-save.us-from education... ..^iquarter; . work al winning. a'srsrt.i-Arrw ."" ■ / . / / / i l l I I III . I TlmM-Newi, Twin Falls, Idaho Sunday, August I. H?l_ A fter three-year career^ T.F> lass

• S ^ IX IftOF€5-^Ol€l— "ventarB srint

Siinnn Aavis. prolly pnoiii;h t6 in tlio.state finals because four ,-fao"omtmtr~tho-fmntiM’r- in--n oUicrs had beaten hlm ^iiJ,.Thut_____ -'•''TintlflruJl ,t(oirinjiTaluI K^irn'iH’) '' left )Clls8 Davis as the pretllesl i , boiiuty conlcsl iind (loud tinouKH > Scoro«tkeoper-cbeer‘lcadcr • CAU, Colombia (UPD—The of San' Jose. Calif., won. the Cuba’s team wad joltikl said later hla fall was an . to luivo jlhol wlUi and ai'alast team njcm ber In history, of “ Uhiled'Slales Krabb«mvC‘Ollt~othEr tworEach also had two~durinR tho daywhcn thc'team—accidei^rThepresldent. Manucl - aorne of tho beal'youni'-femnk* Idaho atJUellcs. ------of 'seven gold m edals In silver m edals. ' m asseuri Oomln}{o'Gomez, fell G onzelei Ciucrra, adhfjltted for 'Kolfcrs In the country, will add "I've found some really good _avrimmint^atutdny_nliihtv.fQitf____ Sio_ JJnlteQL9LJh0 LlrM-Uniarticl|MileH In starUng with tho prep flvesome ’ . record —to take a huge lead in and 140 overall to Cuba's 75. the Cubim Olympic Committeo kidnapped. Uiu aimua) Trans-Mls.sL'iHlppi that went over two years the':.unMflclal._Pan-Aincrlcan------‘ ------— ------v ...... tourniimenl'in San Diego.— wlUiout a defeat. " ’Ilie boys games competition. ' Mls,s Davla, u sophomore-to- (Curt and Jeff 'riiomMn. Jln> Only two victories by .Cano- l)e at Arl/gnli Siate, has found Packard; Jim Blandford and an girls, who are ^gjng V Death, defection lead Cuba tiolf to he a reWanllnf' gam e. Ijirry Malone) didn't like to victory parade or Uielr own,•71, ' ; ■T ■“ ' ^ ^------Afler-juiiL-Uu:ce-ycurs..ahc-liua. luivc.to play wltlt me a t.flrst," , Interrupted the U.S. procession luirticliwitcd In tlw wonujn'H she reeaiis. "'l1icFu>ougIil“ I ; of gold miMlals b swim m ing,” to claim CIA Jkidnappings NCAA tournament, the was Just out there trying to do : which included: C a lifo rn ia w om en 's In- something smart. But when ' ttircolluf'latu nu^et and soipe tiiey reallzeil tliat I was serious ! • ...Mike Klnneran of SanU cAM. Colombia (UPI) - the Pan-American Village. to return liomo. other good collot'e cotnpetition, about w anting to help tlie team ,1 Qara, Calif., in men’s spring* Cuba’s team iwoblcms at the nic ma.sseur, Dotnlngq Go- Miitnial Gonwiloz Guorni, placed tlilrd lit Uie recent stJite and trying' to Improve m y I - board diving. Pj,n A m erican Ganjcs In*, m uz, fell to bis dcatJi froin the pre.siu)ur-.in a-u.uijncli ^h o • C»ibnrj--luam Is conhironco Saturday liTKht arid"^. ------tinwi>f-4t42;7-tn-the m en's the cH)nflrma-“ 'ho’u!:wrTnft^lluflnguTi}“motTlIn(f' Ktiitcd' th a t‘ tlic 'dcatlj o f‘‘ thi»‘ "“ eould.-’-i- SIk! admlt.s to "luicking tho No le.HS a critic tlum Dave ..... m bter Individual medley. tion that Uirec m em bers of the hours while several meml)erH of mas.suur, fiither of eijtbt liall" around the counie a.u -an Killen, Blue Ijikes pro and one ...K im Peyton of Portland, Q jh a n team are mi.salng from Uie C'uban lj;jun were packlri(( children, wa.s tho resiult of "an eloinentary-Ktudont-situJO-lioti) of the loughosl JiroUnd when it _____ , ___Orp.,_in_tho_women's 200.mctcr______!______------^------accident."...... • ' ‘ ..... lu;r iwirenLs play the game. » u t ' freestyle with a Pan-Am record At U»o same tl'mu, Gon74iIc.4 comcs to Judging talent, It wamj't until her Junior year Iwlleves Uiat Miss Davis can . — --or aioe.s.------^------—— - 1 ^ — ~ — C.uerra-connrnicd . tlu»_ oft: throe Hliereally played tlio-Kame become a very fine player. "She ...The m en's 400-meter freoft* J L f 3 W S O H r f l l l l G S rumored alwonce of got a late stjirt but she’s been tyle relay of David Kdger of Cuban athlete:, but nald that ho working hard and Is improving Fort I.auder(lale. Fla.. Sto’ thouijht only one of thorn was -^1 ^oriSliihllyVTn-ruiibUiorypar-ar— ■ Center; o f Ijikew ood. Call: tion’t Want to rem em ber now. two, she should bo abto to hold Jerry Heidenrelch-of Dallas, others had been kidnapped. But while tluit reiijion took her her own with Just about ~Tcx7,'“ find“ Franlc Heckl of An,autop.4y wjui iH-Tformed to HAI.TIMOTIR (UP!) - "U n tlielr exhibition .wa.'ion with a on the course. It was her anylxidy she'll ever run up Cerritos. Calif., In 3:32.2. (ietcrmlno the-cau.se of Gomez' D^iw.qon rallied tho Kan.ia.s City lft-7 victory over the Super promise In the game tluit kept ...And Ilcidl O'Rourke however. "I get excited about it «'•> -» "Pon handicaps) send . in ap* te„m» to put to„elllcr m,y .nrt Kometlme.s, like now wlien I'm plications. Tho tournament to take tho women's IWPmeter oroffonHc. ■n,e,lefen.«., sl.owed playing well and with this committee then accepLi (ac­ breaststroke final in 1:18.6, mid fla.Hhe.«i of mULseason form and (Trans-Mississippi) tour* tually Invites) IM to do battle in Donna-Marlo Gurr of Canada Mental err Uie Ganves pre.-w office alwut completely overwlielmed tlie njim ent coming up. It's easy to tlie meet. Miss Davis will cjirry also boat out two U.S. girls to Gom ez’ deatli said he )uid offon.ses. Ijo really interested tlien. R ut a seven liandlcap into the fray set a Pan-Am record of 1:07.2 “Inflicted denth upon hiin'ielf." lets Cards 'riie Colbi' only score was a Uien I start playing a little and win or Io.'ls, im prove herself In tiio women's 100 meter fjite r the head of the preas touchdown by linebacker Ted worse and 1 kind of lose interest tliat much more tlirough the Aokstrokoi office wild tho announcement iiniite‘i again.' experience. In heavywelglit weightlifting, ^ g e ETyt left in tlio gaiiie on a 17-yard intT!ur-~woman- •In-llie-mefintlmernhtrcnn-be' Gary Deal of Seattle, Wasli., ly prem ature," and said that return. golfer Is sort of In that neither found practicing two to four won two gold medal.and.!Limnl/lflH_n_ tfiji _liy flrmt Cnhnn.. athlcte.q.' n , n "Eocnndnry:— CALI, Colombia (UPI)-Two basem an n ic h lc Alleyn. Dodger Concerning rumorii that lirrTnr 11)0 Clilefi! drove to the Colts' liome runs by 'I'im Steqle of Infielders then gatliered near Cuban athletes have defected Ifi on the strengtli of two S e e lo r r y f o r Southern California led the (jccond base to argue witlwut during the games and sought Dawson-to-lloman pusses total­ SMlmmbcPeelSupplMS Unltetl StatCK baseball te a m to calling-tlm e and Alou .success­ pollticjil asylum here, Gonzalez ing 35 yards, but tlie Colts’ O f A ll K in d t a 10-4 victory over Puerto Rico fully stole second. confirmed tliat three atliletes defense held and A I . . . Hint kept oUvo Uie Americans' Dodger reliever Pete Mik- are indeed m issing from thu 4dul«uU-aa-ywd4W-uo4 ill ““ nopcr f o m Bnvi'r Hiw iim r n w r "WTiiaHv th^ tr m v cw thft"&mi~nno v L W D f c !> riED ™ono.Tiimoiv,;sT5;f9iM,^ r,: . toumfimont. slwrt-center field for an error only one of tiiom , wlio lins TWIN VAUS. IDAHO tJio halt Dawson engineered a Tho Vanks. whoso first-placo mid Alou raced for tlilrd. appeared at tlie Panam anian fi7-yard drive in 10 plays, -ljopcs-werc-virtually.-wiped.out Uoi AngvU* tl- LouU (.‘rnbtissy in Rogotn, was proba- ...... ■ «1. —“* KH*1 c ulm inating’ ■ if] u U-yard Friday when tlioy suffered a b-i WilU It bly a ilefector. Woia II touchdown pa.ss to f^w ls defeat by tlie Dominican 04VK Cl ‘"riie Am erican CIA lias Porter. nepubllc, also had homo runs AN*0 lb 0 0 Toffs ai) crcato 4 0 0 0 nRAchmn ii> 4 i i kidnap Cubans,’’ Gonzalez said. Crawlord r» J 0 0 0 llurdo lli 0 0 0 from Bucknell, Sam Havrilak. H e re is Ja rm a n ’s CaUfomla and Alan Bannister nrtwcr p 0 0 0 0 Cru( cl 10 0 "I believe the disappearance of quarterbacked the entire first of Arlioha State in their 12-hlt iluckncr pli 10 0 0 Maxvill it 2 0 0 MIkktlitn p 0 0 0 0 McN'lny ph 0 0 0 tlie other two was due to attack.' ■••fOuwin c 4 0 1 0 Kuiilik ' ‘

'4-2 rccord and put Puerto Hlco ’ Tolali It 1 « I Tr bb II ■' ’1-WIN FALI-S - Mar Rene cause of the "threat" of for three runs in Uie seventii. Oilten nrtwtr Ijittimec. 17, daughter of Mr. r kidnapping, Pete Helt of Michigan relieved Mikkolten L and MrV. A.M. Lattlmer, Gonzalez said he was not at that point. M urtaugh, becam e the second fore calling It. Slalil |>h 10 0 0 Wilwn p’ Svarlntkn'n 0 0 0 0 'CHiltlt II < , > > Tlie - Qrewers 7 . built . . a fl-0 load, H'vslui' Mitilitl S'4lin Mflfi?) ^0(in 9 Z4'\'n|iiitilv. L.P, fiiis,'aisliio[i tito. uiiii iDOTauii - -{icoring onc« in tho fourth on a - Ilvsler YC’-'IO Iinr)7n 0n0 III. i:fl[)ncil77Cilslii(ni liri5. ^ ' Hauuan^* oMoinox-i wlld pItch, two In tho fifth on QirdenaHs single and lliree llvsliit >1 nnil (IQGOI Gono r.ii|).icilv, !|> o^Kjo J. Mnuiion m orc In tho sixth on May's Cliirk Cl-I1!14<1) 2000 llicoi'i.iciiy. giis iinijiiu!. riishiiiinirii, JiQm or and Harper's slnide. Clnfk. Moilul fin2'l I in03) Gflfin 24" i:ij|nirilv, I. .P cusIik iiU h r H bi .Cliirk CP.’[i(l()-(tfl(L4l GOOO ruiiacily. nomniiutir. lifii, ■ Harper N 0 3 « " t o O K -A T rJ^ u t»-S H OES_.^i.i_A BE; 5ti 1 0 0 e-KMugn rf - J I |-t l lflftfil fionn lli.-coihinly, Ciuhmn-lint,...... -~7.----- Wtlun W 10 1 ilrigu« <■> 4 0 0 0 OlU cl 10 0 0 THEY A little; o t r r 0rF"SrY-CE-?" Cv\v*f Cardonal cl i 0 3 7 Hopkint 111 VO 0 I Cliirk Y (iO, fillOn caiiiicuv. [inoiiinnlic tiiot . i»v» Ciilvar O. May fi i J M (^maiia i' » J 0 1 0 Mlailar) WP Wil« WaUi'ck> }t) It) 1 I I 0 uoiat ]ii ) I ] 0 Tolvinntiir fiflO PI.P, iisl..3(]00 iMiiucitv. L P. G.n. iiiKHKiiiiiii: ino. KiiDHviMr f.isliion.'i nrr cluingiiig, .Virnh-mUny olhi’r Ihings. And whi';n . 1 ichiai 11] } 0 1 0 c 7 0 0 n padpki c 1 I 1 0 HosOBLH ii;i5 iMif)iiii!, cis IS. • Ihi? iHrtv | . i r n i; i i r f i l \ i r ‘j ih m v n I u m t h i i ' iionrrrnrjl. ifti a chiingo for tlu^ ■ 1 Q.Q.Wnulil 0,__l.O.O.O. T.F. sets N.iii)i;^i-2nnnC.i’ I'j"c;i|i.ic‘i‘fV^’iias.. h i’t tf r ! T r im , ( lit iliiir liv i'. iiu n li'r n . lijih lu r in w i'ig h l an d n m ro flt^xlhli^ Cliirk CPY 4011 MGG1) 4000 ciijiacity, |)iiiHjni.itii', fur »,M!.iiT \v.ilkiii}'..Si)Jo bi^ righi in litylc, juiil iixiiminr ym ir ciirn'jil Yiili! (i 51 nafil) ROnnih. . tuUmin tiriis. LP, ('i.is. As is. I? ,iu.nl,I idiDi' vv .ird rtib i'. lim n i:oini> iji iiiu l^ lrl iiiT liit lp y o u iiiHi

' I , ■ , I . . Bengals score two TDs Mct)owell decides Sui.dav, Aujuil », 1971 TlmM.N»wi,, Twin Fglli, Idaho 1 3 AVBhie^stuprSox for 20th in final quarter to to rejoin Indians OAKIJVNb(UPII-VlilaBlueVldoBIue had to pitch out-ofoul of a bases defeat, his nlnlH flgalmit six became the m nlor le a^uo's n u o '...... flrst loaded jonl tn the first and in victoria b« th» a *. .n p K w t a ..___ --- GI.KVBI.AND-(UPI)-Oleve---s,^ded7jalr31-nfler-(allliig ’ 2(|-“Binii8' -W IIlW r^ - modest threeitame wZmln! — land'Indlahs President Gnbo to' sho.w ,up for a weekend Saturday, pitching the') Oakland S6x had two m en qn wtlh one streak by the White Sox. Paul announced Saturday ^at Series. He contended., he' no A's to 1-0 victory over the out hut (ailed to score oyeJ'powef Miami OtnraM ....„- i0J>Uipnw S ara, McDowell haa.-loniicr h o d a v o lW c o n ttM ! .with. Chlcnga-Whlle^Soi.------,— :— I h e J U m anaijeii nnly to u r (leclded not to pursue lef(al the team because, baseball It'was'Blue’s eighth shutout hits off Joe Horlen and Bart Alvtrado }D i 0 I OC lt|^hle ^ Blue struck out « ^ e n walked .udvance him when catcher Tom ' ^ S.ViS r.,... n M t 1 ^ DolpWns. fullback Stan MitcheU;'Miami U’s 36and carried it lo the 25. Is retidy lo pilch, dicker with'other-clubs /or - two and gave up five hlla,-He Egan fielded hia bunt-io front '' Anderson, a six-foot-two • klcker'Caro • • ter *Garo.Yepremlan - Y< ...... - booted ,ncservequar|erbackJoJuKStof« ...... Pmil Hl«n rovnilofl'■‘'''V*'?' tluiMha «a tr«de.trade. . . . . ------“Ti—■---- . , ------— ' offf the plale.piale. But Green.wenl to . lob Loe^chic, chic.M7"o*ku^7^^ . 8trong*arm. thrower from Au- an 18-yard.field 18-j coal In .the ..hit Morcurv Morris with « 22- ‘'•owing lefty, who s Mc^wcll, believed to Iw a rejoin he/club Moridny, in tWrdwhenCampanerisground- ' -WiNUm*. tlande, Ofwn.' AMI«n. ±S22BiS«IX- ^-gustana-College-ln-Illlnoler-tecond)nd-ouarter— -— ^------yard-ftaaa-and-MUcheH-cnrrkHl-^^^^Ml^^3«“““'’^*““ -"‘ifced.lo_ljlfl-inltabur«h-honw,-could-not_Coopcrslown.. N.Y., .r'/We-rare. cdiout-and^hfen'flCOFeU'WlltHTTrrT > T v ; ^ tossed a 71-yard touchdown CinclnnaU's- ...... Horst M uhlm ann It over three olavi iulur for Ihe Iw r«nnhiwl reached, fnfor r imimmediate m tw llnlA hnnnwhappy Ihthat n l .CnmSam u>tnwill Knbo nUr».«nc»pitching HHorlen n rU n balked ...Ul.with Kick "for the 1072 .soiijion. Dluw WM« ttOO}* screen ftass to running back booted two field goals for the cotnmcnl Saturday. again.for the Indiana when ho Monday at bat. ll io tvni|>oniicr)lnl hurtcr-wns .» ;s : . Doug Dressier with 10:16 left in Bengals—a 42-yarder In the Paul Bald MCdowell would is ready," said Paul. Horlen was charged with the the game and a 7-yurd scoring first quarter, and a 40-yarder with 3:14 left in the gam e. Ho also made Cincinnati's three .--- conyerslons. —W^yrrnswap .. JWilobinsun.scorcd-Clndn% nail's first touch(jlown with 1:12 deriian^ left in the half on a 2;yBrd run -that -was sot-Up wheh-'Mlami safety Jake Scqtt fum bled a deaf ears punt on tho Dolphins' 22 and it was recovered by Chip Myers, HOUSTON (UPI)-Oulflelder Robinson carried it over four Jim Wynn's latest e^essed ,„uyj, _ plays later. ^,Jcslre,to,bc traded.br6ujait_jm - .^^- no|phint:^hBmpf^^ unM ncem ed "ho sa yT ll ovcry u,„ tw o - w S o w id o T o f power- * yebr” conunent from.Houston backs ■ • Jim - Kiick...... and Urry . ■ Astros General Manager H.B. C w ik a . m anaged only two first “ Spec" lUchardson Saturday. downs In the first half and only Wynn said prior to Friday 04 yards total yardage bofore .n ight’s Astro-San Diogo game Iho Intermission peric^. that ho thought there would bo Dressier caught a soft screen “a whole lot of changes" on tho pass from Ajiderson u t the 20,' Aslros in tlia winter and that ho picked up two key blocks, and "m ight see myself wiUi another club." . ' • He said hU preference would be elUier I^os Angelos or Now Senator York, hi.^ "idoal of two good ball club.'?." S A V E $ 5 S A V E - $ S S A V E $ 7 “Ho says it every year," rookie tips Richardson said when quos-

Saturday. "Ball players aro WASHINGTON (UPI)-Pete ^ always talking about being MW WAi.^: V. )d off tho cam pus lUiiiUr sAt.i: V. TlUr rrU* ^"trflUod. I don't pay any liVV Mi.v •>mI llir lil» StxM uhll- :io 2 3 - 2.ni Uynm n U » 2 5 ” team ," ho added. league shutout and drove In two 77r*Mr, , <.r.oxi:t WMr v ii I Gross, a San Diego Padro Senators lo o 7-O victory over 77r.xn announcer, Umt tl ic r e ______tho Cleveland Indians.______• -kjw ui— - i4— -ju.ug- 2 : i ! ^ ± i2 - _afi_ 1 7 ” sols of ‘rules on tho field under -year-old righthander HsriXi 1 7:».')\iV Siiprrirruil Manager Harry Walker. allowed only five' hits, struck •iruu'-’ liliirL ir.'to 1.7/. w hilr ^ : u . , ---- U-Thnt!flUl/alkof-'n-ti»rr»ftry- S|>rriitl 2i' I 2 " out nine' ^ d wallwd y n o In r -- the field and the clubhouse," evening his record at 3?T 1 lllwuy >>ut»*rlrra 2 !<.*>*) Richardson said, "bu t I certoin- 77r.VU 7<-rlr<-uil 3 .lt ru le s."- delivered a two-run sbigle to 711 ulillr :u> 2 7 " -i.ito II I.Urk a(> 21 I 7 ” 2 3 ^ 'nn. Who was Hnod 9100 ~TUBmIBnT" ^ ~ ^ g— . ....■ 1 ii2r>vir» twice by Wolker last month, inning rally against Mike Paul. 1 lllwny ...... llAHi * lm J 1 SiMTial blurL 21 a o r It.OI 7fl 36 1 3 ” maintained that "certain play­ Cl»v*liintf Wathlnalsn ; ^70X15 Mr •brhbJ abrhbl 1 ilh.'iXI.'i I 6S»Ki:i ers are given certain privileges Uhl««n(ir cl 4 0 I 0 Unt*r rl J 0 t I PInun rl 4 0 10 Uftndl* }l) 4 0 0 0 - pndT really don’t llke-that.^'- Chiimtilti tbl 0 } 0 How«rd 1b 3 0 0 0 ~ N*MIm 3b 3 0 0 0 McCraw lb 0 0 0 0 Walker fined Wynn for n«k*f rl 4 0 10 Burrouol’i 114 } 7 0 swinging at a 3-0 pilch against I'otM C 4 0 0 0 NalWfl 3t) 4 1 1 0 w m LowwMln 3b3 0 0 0 C*i*nov« c 4 } 3 3 Walker's orders and then LMfl l« 3 0 0 0 M«(idox cl 3 13 0 ntvacqua iiO 0 0 0 Harrati i i 3 111 G u a r a n te e d anoUwr $100 for cursing when Piul p 1 0 0 0 nrotxro p 4 0 1 ) notified of tho fine. — P»rm»/ p 0 0 0 0 Lamb p ) 0 * * V s ^ d T i r e l 40,000 Miles ph 1 0 S A V E $ 8 H*flnio*n p 0 0 . . Telili 1)010 ToUli ))ns) Steel Belted Indians CI*w*U»d ...... ----— a------r- rr^X' i n-Nalwn. LOll-Cltv«l»nd 4. WathInO' Ion 4. • HPtBr=5Fti*e V a r g m n s R jU n A K S )R—OurrouQht. Nilten,, Harrth. SF— , happy Harrah. Ip h rtrbbM \|... \U 1. 1 Piul L I 3 ) 4 i I 0 4 r»r IIW Ki'liil^i SALE .l>ll Iti"- Pfi.r QUAN­ f-irmw 0 I ) ) I 0 I'rl l.» ■ (. with Lipon Limb 4.11...1 r.i SIZE TITY PKICE Minnlgan I 0 0 0 I I a^obara W } 3 - - . - '9 t 0 0-0 Silrnt (iiinril ‘ CLEVELAND (U PI)-A pre-^ Paul pllchtd lo 3 balltr* In 4lh; IK iiu Gliikk l.itirL i . ' i j Farm»f plichad lo 3 b«tl«r« In 4lh. 111 2 5 ” diction by a Now Yqrk basebair HUP-by Drobarg (N«ltla«) W P - <)r*0\ l.i 1 600X15 liluck 2 1 0 “ writer that Baltimore Orioles tlrotoafo T - ) .n . A-I,3M. Sllrlll (illHTil 1) imi.lHk. . slugger Frank Robinson will bo t^llilr 10 iii.‘»'» 32 ” J .2 I 7: r.v 11 7 7 5 X J 4 w h ile 2 8 ” named manager of the Cleve­ ^i| rnl <>iiunl (>uarnnt<*« land Indians next season was IK hh (;!•)(<. lillirU in 30 ” 3.:IH h.'4ii i.ii.iiii»'<:>ui4iii>.' <;>ut.» l« IIMtrfUl "I denied Saturday by Indians 77.';\ ll II7 B X 1 .'; ...... 1,..i.,(.1Im IiI. i4iIi. 'm.iInij I* G im nl ^ s i d o n t Gab© Paul. - .„ J.. Will i).< K»i luuti.- IK im u liilc 111 I.I.O'I 3 7 ” 3 ...... I,. lll J ••‘••I -_l!Johnny Upon is nxanager of point mark, HWNH 91,5X 1 s ' w hile 2 ,1.1 (.".I n.j II,/ |.,.j.... lent Sllrnl <>itur<< t^elndians," Paul said. "Nobody I-I INI >|..I| . MI..1I'S> .II> Uill ll-< else Is under consideration at Dyiia (;iu o ultllc to 10” a.T i 4 » * 11.1.1X11 6 50 X 1 :i w h ile 2 illiri i«il> M till l"“l ttjlajlme,' rip Braves klUwl f.wui-J IK nu ulilltr 10 - Ui.O') 3 8 ” 3 .. u i'iX ir . 7 0 0 X 1 3 w h ile 1 , nviilluhU* that Hoblnson, M, would take ‘I™''” 1" five runs wltti a S^ilrnl Gtiurii Dyiia (ilukk. wliili- over the IndUns. Hoblnson has (trnnd slam homer and a double III II” 3.110 ».>rtXir> 6 9 5 X U w h ile 1 managed throe seasons In Saturday night as the New Puerto Rico during tho winter Vork Mets enloyed the^ most w d Young said ho would be a- productive game offensively to (kawlng card as tho first blapk their lO-yeor history by trounc­ manager in the majors. ing the Atlanta Braves, 20-6. ' Tho Mots previous record, 19 N t a i i K o n r l set M ay 2fiU), IDM, q ia u o a n a against the Chicago cubs. ^ The Mets collected 21 hits bi E j XDOS t O D • the game, two shy of their all- A limc-.r*cord. .Boswell led’Iho —- H ^ A ~^~"^y^tackrvr|U» fourhltSr^ ------—* - ^ e a s _ Boswell's double; a drive thoT All Prices w ilK'Trnlle - Except Used Tires CINCtNNATKUPD-Kusty *>??'' f *“■"«; >' Btaub drove-ln-what proved U) *’•8^1 fielder M ike Lum hadn’t be tho winning” riih "udth’T i lnm pedin^ second Inning single Saturday It from going over the fence, I S-AVJE and Mike Marshall turned In cllraaMd a three-run raUy tof 36-MONTH bur Innings of shutout relief to Ih® llftt Inning and his grand 1 ■parkthe Monteral E»pts lo a.4- , slmuner, his ..third homer of \ EXPERT W HEEL “ f^Iy “^'™rHlghllghtcd-ffjmr^ Beds^______run second tonhg oullilint,-- L\-lleg^l^99:Soi)e_6,00 BALANGINO N«W Ynfn Ml .ins , „ ab rh b l abr h M * ab r h bl &Mrl3 0 0 0 Hut>t]D HarralMo k«) 3 I 0 Mlllan )b 4 0 ) 0 |rb«ll 4 0 0 0 Pavel Poll u ) 0 I } Oarrldo 3b 0 0 0 0 R eg. Uylb 4 t t 0 iiaubri . Carrali )0 10 13 Carr II 4)10 r-anb .4 .0 I I Palrlylb AOM fB|»rTt« b«lM rf J ' Cllntphl 0 0 0 0 Orel* c 3 0 0 0 Searff Ualtery cruaronloc " with trade-in Marriilp 0 nyap p 4 3 3 0 Barb«r p 10 0 0 T h r i>r(|iin*l r«|Mlp ri< iirkl|(«»<|. for ma»l poptalar ■ppllralUH. TMBll. 4n*3l II Tatali M 4I4 p)a<^lhr Im llrr). If ttrffclitr. unii rhMrMf > ! )»•)) M)-» • m«hn«. • . M ill T«(aU ...... : r , : . r )* fH im —« »nl)'f>«r thr prri^. r^l^uUr p rlrr* Ipm. hi Ik r llm«* <•(jh** e0o6 )i66 o~ 3 v*rulla«.'D P-N tw Vork I. Allania ). ' lr~ -T |Tlwni> pniPblrtl i>«rr ik r. numlir'r of month* of Ikr* -Revolving^hapga- 1 « 3 3 1 4 Kranfoeal. Oarrall-IB>A«i« t e l l ' " 4 1 0 0 0 1 ' - b r* / M « McOlelhllnlLIAI 3 t 4 ,) » J ,liya«i«»f •!***: ^ r l i l 3 1 0 0 Q 0 Taylor ' I 0 0 0 0 < SHOP AT SEARS AND SAVE • ! 0 0 0 0 Baidt ni '!» } ! i 1 , M(Ou*«n . 3 1 1 t ‘ t I ) I ‘f^Ulactloii OuminUtii cr Vtur Wowy'siitt ; \ S ' -MioiijL McOhtlhllo IHtwU. by MtAWily IPMUrj. law*--T*yl#r I|». WP - MtAAally ). P i ” ■ Banch T •• ) 14 'WiiMimti WP-Bya SEARS, ROEBUCK AND CO. Tli* and Airta CdiMr Av'W.MI-.' - It* *-)0,«r •24 Tlpies-News', Tw in P a lls . Idaho Sunday, A u flu it B. 1971 Chemical s s steel firm S500 fine

DKTHOrr (UI’D-IJito last. $500 flno «Knlnsl McUulh In jajmnry »tx>ut 15,[K)0 gallons of tho only o tlw water pollution-^ V o u s llc chcinlcais dcjjiijnej to . case B«'nln.st tho company, ‘This soft dean up wastes flowi^Jl from a rcach court, wild he felt stiitc' ’ plpellno Intel a Ornln'and from law did not onlltlc him to WAKE UP FEELING LIKE ___ thcrc-lnlQ-lk Detroit H lv cran d ;os.scya:‘ HnV hoavicr' ponHltV._ bhe tcillnai even U k o Krir. ovon tliouKh the Mlchlj»nn Tlje Jipilln^e did tjot «o' Water Resources Commission make IHcLouth scratch’ — unnoUc«lrM eI>juth Kte«l C(»rjh,— (W IU ;) r«o<»iiin»ned been cited almost iofl times for enKlneerlnK," ho i sjdd. Tlie new 'HiIk tlino, unlike U»e others, lAto Uie river,...... * . nlr and water pollution. All the source contrasted' this' with' 53,000 fish, tnost of Uiern carp ‘'n io statute says a compnny water fx)tlutlflnproblcmsexcept oUicr pompanics which ho wild and itohlflsh, ilied.'H ie sfflte of niay be fined a inlnl/iium of tile on e .which killed the^f[sh sent top manaKoment m en’ In _S.„.U.fL,SL,ur — MR;lir|‘atrniCC!rtcrt-trri»o-tn-j50(nininiujy'l>0"nncd'$M0-f0T:- r«volved around allow In jTlnsuf^wlio "dia“rf0r ir y t 0~clrc!0‘ th{}” . court. each day Uu>t spillage con- flclontly treated hydrochloric .iiuuo with hl{{h pressure public Whcntlic case finally reached tinues.” McNally said.- ac|d, which Is used to wasli relations.” Ujo^ sentcrtclnjj sta«e in d(iwn- since the law sets nu off Btcel, to flow Into Uw Stanley Quackenbusli, clialr- river Trcnto/i July 10, District maxlinmti penalty, judKoshavo MATTRESS & river, a company spokesman »nan of tlic WRC, has called Judjie (Jerald S. McNally fined interpreted $500 as Uie maxi; s^ild. (Heck, however, said Mcl.«uth "callous and Indiffer- , Mcl-outh $500, and ordered it to m um , and huve not none above,, Uierc had luscn several cases of ent. Wo tlioujtlit at one tim e -Pfly-t2iit) court C 03l3 ^iim LILin - tliaU tlK ure^id- L cQ JuC Q hm i> - ^et4Hiv«'Oll'and-Klud|(o-dopo«—tliey- BOX SPRINGS Jud^emh;omcnt i fees.______dcputy.KttOrOoygeneral. , _ _ _ _ _ -S itfir)- ibon a- (idc- cf(o rt.^W e’rc ^Jusit ’Piepie didecision raised an quicry Uowover, cVirtls Beck, an lltc irony of the latest ease, very much disappointed and amoti(( conservationists, 'fhe assistjmt attorney ('cncral In^ -Uie-Mcuutluupokoifjjum-Juiidr -disgofllod—witl»:-U»elr—|H>rfor^ * K I N 0 « E v 7 7 t ; t t 7 ' ~ U n !tc d 'A u to Workers called Ihfl iho na(ural resources drvliiloti, was that the caustic chemicals m ance." $500 fine ‘'plddllnK." and " a fudd lc{/al precedent could Ikj —sodium hydrpxlde—were used liylo Johnson, a vice pres­ 1 4 9 5 0 powder puff penalty.". found by both Utose who viewed to ncutrnllzo the acid. ident of M clxu th , Wild tho aUEENSEE,...... * "TIjIs sort of flea bite will not tlie $500 as a m axltnuin penalty “ We’re doinK all we can," he accusations of stallinK were even m ake M cU u th scratch," and those who soui'ht stiffer "100 per cent untrue." PLUS FREE FRAME — Bflld-M nrccllu.rlvnryrdiroctor - lienaUios^------• -State' offlclal.q^- huvo— not — of— UAW — RoHlon— 1 A . _ -l^It---Othef^factorH—aff»outli a sheepskin lined strap witli a '' -cQrporate con.sclence." $4.10,000 to better control wastes self-holdinK bucklo passed EVERTOM MATTRESrCO has been "very poor." Ivory called on Frank Kelley, coming out of -Us offondini' "Bvery timo tho commission around tho Hank o( tlio l^ o n c ot* Uie Democratic attorney i;oner- plant in G ibraltijr; the operator wanted to talk to thc_company,. bralupa and tl»htencd as the _____32d^nd-Ave^So_T-WlN FALLS — ai— — MlchlHun— wIjo- . iu-re!Hi>onslblo for the spllluRO Had Uusjwujtit someone up hero witlt anim al loaves tho cliuto. In an ..cnnslderliiii _runnlnj' a(?ninst _bpo;i. fired; land ,McIx)uth hjid~ FLETCHER (URWTURE-RUnRT SKkGGS FURNITURE- BURLEY & GOODING public, relations man or a effort to rid itself of tlio flank, inciimlHJnt Sen. Itolwrt P. I In till spent over $20 million lawyer or a combination of tho the stock is apt to buck harder 0»IIBUSBUHL BANNER FURNITURE - TWIN FULLS Griffin next.year, to. seek jail la.it _ 15 years on pollution two who arc not competent in and higher. terms ‘.'in future prosecutions control equipment. sim ilar to the McIo)uth case.” In the past, McUutJi, which Uut McNally, who iilmost two produces about $200 million . years »Ko suspondud $200 of a worth of steel each year, has .WFRE WVALUE Time for living WSaECTN)N

By R^EU S FIUNKUI^ "Imo ’ on a inp and resrfronT" INSERVKE “ft^ysliouldwetakeatrlp?" overyday carea, wo should When Mrs. Franklin asked_ return mentally rejuvenated. P iiiS iiiiiS WTRBE” thlsthoother'nfghlrinoundered-^eM-vacaUons-oouW^range-- for an answer. Uke many of from a relaxing resort or health osco SHOPT)SCO:BUTTREY’mMILV VALUE CENTER!! you, I assumed a summer trip spa to more vigorous camping, — wa3-^nonnal".'..... to. "cscapc. “ m)elng,_orjiorsobackjrlps._ the heat," or "to see the kids," 5. Travel to take advaoU ge of 'or “ to sie tho sights." AUG. time. Tinfio.lB money. Witiiln But when you come d()wn to It, lim its, tho m ore we have of .the these aren’t the only reasons for SUNDAY ;DDB-tllC-lcM-WC-IlCCdL0lLthg_ gth oipcan! nnil oil. So 1 gn w It in^ii„i„ rw»y. BLUE LAK^S SHOPPING CENTER some Uiouiirt, uim cimitajntlth w w oi to to tlo T - “ OPEKr9;^r»(OKI, - SAT. -“fO-7 fd n ” ? " if ^ “ P“ --Ucul.rly In ru ra l areas and PRICES EFFECTIVE SUN., MON., ONLYII -9th

s s ' E i S S S - day. A trip can sliake us out of lor overyuunK. — tills-rut,, pkcc_ua_in_nQW. en-____ fl.. Travel to follow lo J j w ., vironmcnts, give us new ^ootitepi of your adoeiiori or C.C.I. challenges and aatUfnctlons.... <>oine famouv person. You gain COLEM AN make us feel end tliink dlf- sense of personal history If. ferently. you visit tho country (or 44 QT. LONG 2. Travel to gain a itew persp* . iumetown) of your ancestors, ectivc. Along will) Uio break In look up old homesteads und LOWBOY RIFLE routine, many of us ' facing burial grounds, perhaps even retirement need a fresh per: track down a distant relative. "p^rtivp-A trip-ghould giv» thi^— ^'o-rolivo history If wo ■ - wlUi free time to think and follow In tho footsteps of some p lan.. .totestoursolvesin now famous person or someone we sellings. admire. ICEXHEST And because purposeful I remember how mysterious M o d «l 5 2 5 4 — • Rad • GREEN • BUTTEHNUT travel stimulates an Interest in and oxcltlng London became as m f i E i i --leamlng.'it-cnn help uarreacfr- •! purflued-the-Toutes in-^‘The REGT----- REG. 89 new attitudoB on profitable Footsteps of Sherlock Holmes" retirement. — Uio streets and places that i l 9 . 9 7 . . . NOW 3. Travel to Btrcngtheii a figured prom inently in the great SUNDAY - MONDAY ONLY hobby. Doing-T participating— detcctlvels cases. And I know Instead of Just looking — adds folks who not only relived new dimensions to tlie pleasure liistory but explored charming of going places. If wo par- out*of*the.way ' places by Ucipate, wc'll be doing "our following in the fooUtepS of tiling" among exciting new such notables as Mozart and OSCO BARGAIN! OSCO BARGAIN! places, people, and ex­ Hannibal. periences. And we can en]oy the Summing It up, I think Mrs. RORER LABS same ihlngs____ _ traveling______.. as we . Franklin’s question convinced cn)oy ai'‘lwm'e~llTiying golH niirthflr^aWMarui U'avei, like OSPENSI gardening, fishing, painting, .successful retb-ement, needs a photography. B ut th rough goal to be m eaningful. Sight- travel we can enjoy them in Boeing Is only one way to spend different se'ttings. . troyel tim e. , Garden 4. Travel to rcfrckh m ind aud ^ Ralph W aldo E^mcrson MAALOX body.'If we trovel leisurely and onco w»ld: "Though wo travel ANTACID-DEMULCENT in more healtliy cllme.i, we the world over to find the NON CONSTIPATING ahould come back refreshod’and beautiful, we m ust curry It wiUi - HOSE relaxed. And If we let our m ind us or wo find it not." 12 O L-R EG .‘1.37 Fully Guaranteed REG. *2.99 W e D A R E to


"^h» no o Chttllona*'

N .w V...... i c n u z i m E Q OSCO BARGAIN! OSCO BARGAIN! '•‘"■tfr. .r L r — m f l R H K J O ...... ^ ^ W A T C O - S O U U I B i l l D l«-5‘-A5(t»Siie: • HEAH VOICES CLEARLYI • LESS BACKGROUND MOISEI HiXtH . » ‘FOCUS’ ON SOUNDSI HAMPSHIRE FERRULE FUUMMOJIEIALg ^AMlUr luclusm ly Imm AIK MAI IKLSS f f f l M A I C O HEARIMG AID . • 72" X 32" • REG. $1.19 FLY ROD NOW ONLY CENTIR jN dW ^ . DSMalnW.. ' -la.e , 13il, iGlassicIV Twlnfatli Buil«v AT :A Q < J -ws-yaao 6?8-95 i 2 - ! o s m ^ . ... ! REG. 4 9 .8 8 : B | SUNDAY - MONbAY ONLY SUNDAY - MONDAY ONLY ERNEST SUNDAV-MONDAY ONLY MICHENER Jero i — GOODINO*"-^—Judging * of— Axommlttec spokesman sald"'' S5~M-agic- livestock, horticultifre, and that Magic Valley cowboys can L in e o ln other exhibits will open the compete eveh if they are not ' I over water use on wrong days M lnldok Gooding County Fair here membertf'orthe Rodeo Cowboys Monday. of America. Itie rodeo queen ,1 ByMRI3ATl!0RNE good condition without usinK’others claim JuaUficution for . Bochuso a m ajo r p «rt of the T w in F a IIh Fair and rodeo activities will contest, which has drawn s« v m t Tlmet-News Writer water on "extra" days. using water on the wrotifj dotes Irrigation witliln tlje city limits Valley ‘ continue"through Wednesday' candidates. Is approved by the fj - SHOSHONE — The—ex- ’ni0~8ltaBtlon'cBinet(rB'head-bec8useofthetransgression9of-comcS'~from~tho sprlnkl6r Sunday, Auguit 9, 1971 evening, when the 1971 rodeo Mids Rodeo Anierica I ceptlonally hot weathor Ust Saturday — which hap> their neighbors. And the habit of system, via the city . wells, queen and her attendants will Association, I plaguinfj Mflgic Valley in past pened to bo July 31 — and ac- watering every other day persons whoso houses face the be selected. The g ir ls ' b a rre l rac in g 'j weeks brings additional cording to city ruling only simply was blamed in other south and cast are to irrigate on Highlights of Monday’s competition, added for the first headache to homeowners trying publiclaw n s are to be lrTlgate1 to keep their lawns looking on such dates. ' City officials explain the those with homes facing north Outstanding parade at 1:30 p.m., with an event, with entries limited to j green and springlike. Because of numerous com- excessive use of water by so and west are to use water on odd adult parade following at 2:30 association members. And In Shoshone fere's Uie plaints received'by tlio city, many residents during the hot (^ays. p.m. That afternoon, fun races Rodw queen contMtants m additional problem of being officials decided to crackdown weather causes thft water tank will be* conducted by the Melody Brown, K lm Rriy;’ allowed Id use Irrigation water on water violators and in a not to fill at night and thus the T!ie city has two wells and two youth nnm,f>d _ -Gooding County— Sharltl'B' UyAnn W^ftdrtir only on alternate days. Trouble short time M citations were ...... ______Tfiir^sadcrcaloan U.e city It It Is Gsed properly, ’ SHOSHONE - Roger Projects. Camp scholarships yZ'.y Krit^n*' water every day, especially If n .i,.. ITII. inw er. ’'^1^; . ! , ° ! " ! ! ! ° th'n n °i!°"'in‘ w n trn rt* n i m ’ ^ j W o c k f f i

the prcsmri! bo other violators said thoy simply When the tire siren sounds, on lrrl«atlVhas been set^'up to ,^nty Saturday afternoon at “"d younger, from the » . homeowners have telt It lorgot Uiey were not to Irrigate cltilcns are reminded to turn ot( servo all residents as fairly as the awards a^mbly which V.C, Reas family In memory of ^ttJ^a and showtaa com- neces«.ry tokeeptl,elr yards^ ln on thb atst Of any menu., hut their irrigation w p.s,,lble. _ _ SSI-£e>te J. Howard Mand^^ He received a wriatwalch rodeo, which drew S5 con- of America hors, show at 2 pin. le.lanUlnl»r0.ftrform «.c«! top TH»,sda,'. ^ « l d ..- ^ Idaho aide asks sharp curbs Foundation,- This award Is are planned for Tuesday ^ aji>roved quarter how «how, 4- w6ane8oay-evening8,'mw me n tam .rr n nmmva uaanuiMy, -girls In sureeedlnOMM. 1^ ? ^ fodeo committee adding >1,500 fat stock sale, and quarter hor« , lyenty-flve dollar schotar- Veterinarian competition are ships to the 1972-Idaho club ,, m in e y , ' «:heduled W edn«»lay. ^ii gem ^otajto future market pnntfl'egg Were in neiq_.newbv WaS—ulC. Km —. • Jenea Swalnston from Banquet fw®™ as first place winner In BOISE: — Idaho Com- the amaU number of the trading -market operaUons. including theVtcwt^ts'Si^^er^^^ Arsteln said, I ______1 missloner of Agriculture Oscar there have l»en contracts on the Idaho futures charges.ot manipuiaUon. Sf„!fWood River Soil and"Because Water L lH C O ilb " .,! O il m I Ai>aUin haa-aal>»d-the-ChloaBo ehangee-aftd reownmendatlBns niarkut- made It puwibto- foi--- Oen. Jmdair-sald- a - f uH Coc^a'jon ^ r iaT^rida' MerMntlle E»cbangp_toImpose, for changw rtiado. J_felt-that -krge-trad^.to i ‘corner''-the- Mngresslonal-alrlng-of- pntl Kelda" siiarp-I— curbs -..-I.-. on the.i._r.i Idaho Potato consideration . 1. -L-.tJishould be given I to market . . and . manipulate . ..t.*. prices . matter -** ...... wouldi j be |j^ "helpful"helpful" t , , ____ . _ vjV j Lu u . it ___ ’ __ r r.._____ ' ' Hain Haws'third Futures Market. limitations of car numbers that without regard to ordinary because of "problems with Mrs. Bertha Caldwell was gets new owner Arsteln told the Times-News could bo owned by both market forces. potato futures." that he had requested the speculators and hedgers, and One of those senslUve to the He said a hearing could“ln--“ ^ “/,.^™ ‘‘^““ “"- ‘=” ‘'‘‘ handiwork SHOSHONE ^ The Lincoln-worked for tlK U.s; iovem- - _ceillng: on speculative buying for this reason I offered those criticism, Sen. Len B. Jordan, vesUgate«i the problems Involved .. j ., .1. women's deoartment with Mrs County Journal has been pur- ment. He Is a veteran and has . and soUbig of futures contracts suggestions lor consideration R-ldaho, has co-sponsored and. result in protection be Imlvcd from the present 200 by the Chicago Exchange," ho legislation to eliminate Idaho potato growers. , cars to a new colling of 100 cars. said. future Grading entirely^ ^''th ' V cP u b r^ ^^nrstUecanning In addition, Arsteln requested The exchange had imposed According to James Jones, A ir m a n diC S that a maximum of 200 carlots the 200 car limit on speculators legislative assistant to Jordan, m o it m t a t w wnmc- u w cei^on of a few years in'the HI# wife Is the form«r Mary be traded by non-speculators. w »k» cither do not have potatoes the JordaivM uskle bill is now ¥ ' r » i IWO’s when John George took It Woolstenhulme, Victor, and Currerttly there Is no limit on for delivery or have no use for being considered by the Senate J i l l 1 1 1 1 6 0 CAP cadets on contract and then voided the they have two daughters. Hiey 3h£numl?o:r:orcarfl3^AdcdJ)y_^^ (lelN«lL Agriculture Committee. Sldav ^nrw htn ' contract in 1969. have rented the former Nina V. nonH.peculatflrs. , Hedgers, persons’? ^ either Jones said Jordan’s office had leave fo r “After roYlowlng all tlio have potatoes for delivery or received a number of com- COWDOV w l M * ? “ -siS'„“, M i l “ ’t ^ Wiu assist her problems wc have been con- can useT»tatoc8 oncc delivery plaints about the futures ° _ _ ' __ J _ „ ^ _____ S wn» ^ husband with th» busbiess. fronted with.l-lkclicvo-changes Is made, previously lu»d no su ch ' ------— ‘ -- - w io iioad-on. r i i e e t Walk«r mW th« only m«lor In the Cliicago Mercantile limitation. 1 d p Jp 03t*S ______The Walkers will take change'he anUdpates in Uw Exchange rules for Idaho potato The exchange rules had been TWIN FAU.S — Four possession of the business Aug. Journal at this Ume is to do the futures would bo very helpful," under fire because, critics said, Pesticide sales Falls Civil Air Patrol Cadets left 15. printing at the «hop. T1i« past FIl£R-Jim W a«l, A th^, &tiu;day for Mountain Home They came here from several year. It has been Ore., who qualified for the 1971 Air Force Base where they will Washiraton D.C., where he printed in Jerome, practice ‘illegal’ NaUonal^gh School Rodeo, be guesU of the Utah CAP ^ pruiiea u. jerwne, , Cam pbell kept butwas unable to comiKte after during the Utah state en- (Cootloi^ed from P. 1) w ill fill them wltl) a pesticide he Injured his arm about a week campment at the Idaho air Bloodmobile visit Last week, Walter Higgins, and sell it In that manner, ago in a rodeo m ishap, ap- base. - - pear^ on the scene Friday Paul.'^own, Sandy Ham* m anagei of the G ^ n g County w hen the Blaine County weed as rodeo head weed control office, told fte „ „ i„ i office was called, a mond, Judy Parrott and l^le arm was Speh-s will spend the coming set for Shoshone ?j'le»pers°n told t o Times- came to Filer ' ' ~______' _ F I L E R - ^ ^ n v o Cam pbell. thrQwn_Qpfin-fQr_hliia-frnm-BU_Qthec.ner.si -wnrr New MendoVs, was retained as member states. Including the Sabala cattle, died which. —lil.'J; JJI? ^ •* with his team iMtes is one of mmy actlv.»«. Ou..iinn« nts, Ages of tentative president of the Colorado. It Is eipected that was Uken from tho same 30 u ^ou th K y ‘ i'.'fr P“!'‘ toca CAP cadet, have ei^^ed 3 >5dio*m d '^ 'r r S a ’ln ^h^i lT “th l" iJmme'rTncludiJSg ■Iwiiy.froro 2to»pjn.althe ttase who may contribute are National HiRh School Rodeo Idaho will make a bid for the gallon drum. ’ “ it to you that woy. ,■ ? * “ I J ^ Association during a, delegate rodeo In 1872. According to M iller, it Is s till County weed of- Uirough the fln ^ U i ^ Ward parUcipatlon in the I d ^ .late Scrmpment alM X ld .1 - - Mt»; Zaole Alexander :I. , _A!»,,;.,l,tor ' meotffiB Saturday morning. A new presidont'will likely be Impossible to say for certain [)“ “" available u sUU packing his Inji Mountain Home AFB. acting as cbalman until a received for f®*** elected at the Septomb^ what kllle(( ■ Sadia's c a ttle . Saturday for comment. ■ in a sling. Campbell, whoj has boon repUMment can be found for (Maxlnel Umitla, who .wQl meeting. ' Howovor, tho practice of servlk^g as prdBldont, said ho Mrs.-Frank Dallas, chairman undergo heart Officers elected Saturday "bulking out" increases tho would step down from that sport were Walt Wlkham, Tooele, likelihood of accidentji because as soon as a 1072 site for tho 1072 Utah, first vice (Resident; John cross contamination with other rodeo Is selt'btod. Colorado had Hutson, Sparta, Wise., second presticldes Is possible. been selected us tho 1072 site, ,[ur.^„l,^m:i7helK ■ ’^“Times.New. hasl.amed Marker, Sauk Center, Minn., that irt addition to Gooding the rodeo here, Colorado was Kn/^uiiDA of ‘■olflined as s e c re ta ry ' County, the Lincoln and Blaine turned i dpwn Docauso 01 treasurcrv^______county weed control offices and :iTEIected-~ 0XDcutI^~'-com»—-tfw-Canwa;drain QVewers alM > o r e .7 ' mitteemen were John' llart, foUbw Ihe’i^acUce of'^'bulklng Hie executive committee will Conway, Ark.; Ellis Benken- out." Each office called allowed holdanothermeetlngonSept. 14 stein, Sulphur, La., and Ken customers to bring their own -when tho 1072-final*-wlU be Ivcrster, Douglas, Wyo.-- containers and the offlca help ' vCAP adopted

TWlN.FALlii — *An official ■ re^U of a contrpv^rsyjtvhich found JunCol^g*orgeU-itieged-reporteoi'a-low-flylnr the-CivU-Air-Patrolr^Idaho 4ralkner,-nu|totf^ W>h(r:wlrttf craft 'seen near’ Middle Wing, Capt. Hay Crandal, Twin1 commander, about information M ounts In November had not Falls, said Saturday, ' ^concerning location of Jet reached Mountain Homti AFB . Capt. CCrandal,>lng randal,: wing directordire aircraft wreckage near Oakley, although the .al-ea had , been' of information, said.a directive Capt. Crandi^, as infonr^t[on_. ^ th» gfn^jLji>arnh, " fr o m ttlfl C O n p iT lt e n f t e n f T l ^ P h ir g B : h h, niiiyri'nr.--C»a»>rtaUnKiartaf1 , lj» this In, the Idaho wing states the in* Col Faulk^ier acted without formation being releasM to the foiTfnaUpn.,officer. In each unit a u th ority in rele asin g in- press by Col.’ Faulkner, riuul be the,official spokeman formation to the press regard ' Ttw directive i^ard ln g , In­ fer hla.unit and liT responsible'ding the crash site ani.rcports a form itlon;-issued by Capt. for the release" of all In- low flying aircraft, had been Craiklal, on order from/the iormatfon-concernlng unit spotted in the are^ at the time commander “of the Idaho,Hflng, activities. AU information must ^e plane disappeared in states in the case of an be-approvedby th e c o m n ^n d e r |5ovember, 1970. . emergency mlsslort; only , one. prior to r^lMse. how ey.^and__Ihe.plan^ RF4Ciet-out-

BOISE (U E I)^ Directors o£ theDeswt Land-Acf •. thflSoutbwesteroldAho Develop-— MeanlimeraBsooiatlon-preei-T---- f ----v ------—' Committee o ^o^isti^fetress - mont Association have dentQcorgcH.Binning.Wdser, C t U O S C t S ejcprtfssed*‘ylgorous” oppasltion branded "IrresponaTble' , to a bill creating ja_Snake statement by ihe. vice president pienie-slated Kjver and Recreaiion of the Idaho Environmental \orth“ Srde-siudy Area on tbe Middle Snalco. , Council that Idaho’s future does ptcnic „ ____ , ______r- -,---- WASHINGTON, D.a~W alu)- -wcst-of-Rupert-______probl?n^..whlch.-Can_only-:be- Plans for a picnic ngnggn Qnj james The two eongr'essmen ex- solved by the proposed . “i * ™ “ . . u » “ "■ I, " ‘T ' i Bob Packwood, Il-Oro., on Iho Dlnnlni! jiold Uio council olfl- . picnttsu II Htuutu (vifujiv « i-«i , ii^iu tii wuvia, iXJiav, .flLa:M p4n.^da)i.tod^jiL£h^^’^,,C,^„^„^„^^-priday pressedsatisfactlonlhdtthesub— feaftiblUty.Btudy,---they said.— Stan Melton homo were made at „ (x)minittco hod ilpprovqd the ' • n ^ -4 * iw ' i"'j';'.— minimum flow of such propor- vi/ould “ tilny to all Idahoans Uie - L»nrli.next‘- ...... • •• • • • • ** •legislation.______of tho Filer Civic a n d ^ t 6i^ o Pun,pln|( Division, of the "T h is pro ject Is urgently rSmTArcL/ , ■“ -I'pi"*' tpr.Snomlo^OKrcMtorlhoRnko Kxtenslon C lub at ll)o Itomo of Minidoka Project has boon needc<) by tJio people of the S a le s m e n ! Toflstmnqtors und nurlov »h/.rf. consuniptive uso In the Snake of whut he calls,/prescrvinK Mrs. I,.oren Holloway. favorably reported by the area, not only because of Mrs. Don Gibbs presented u soythcrn Idaho. House' Interior Subcommittee resulting irrigation benefits but Sell more! parUlcrs oro Invllod; , Prosldcnls of tho clubs arc ^zh2. cultural arts program on tho Dlrcclors of the association on Irrigation and Heclpmation. because of seribus druinnge Mrs, T. Wayns Woodland, asked to noUty Mrs, Woodland Cui^siu chaplcr auU,or C. Northcoat Parkinson...... also roKistcred Uioir opposition Tlio subcommittee approved M a k e more! Ilurloy, Is scrvlnB as Kcnoral or Mrs. Manning tho ap- Mrs. ton Llcr..uin recjjlved a legislation will now 1(0 to U.e full Kridfay to a measure by Hep.- chalrmon of tho "joint ovontr froxlmato number niannlnif to prize. Mrs, Alico Hcod, homo ,„(„rlor Committee for Wayne Aspinall, D ^lo ., and slates mccl _ii3slstcd_by_j»!rsj__ !;’roldj!_iittcnd.from-ciich-club______extension nRont, presented tho „,^ r o v a l before belnii sent No sweat MnnninK, president of tho ono-^ScnrHcnry-JackBonr^ ---llUltl;Ey^-Tho-Cns5in esson-ony^'Tond ("r— ------DALE.CARNEGIE W a^„ which would re«ulato Chapter of tho American Hopartlcularly. Am A~2rBind^yriiiEii~i:]^

UUHI-.KY — Two young car. Neither he nor Millar was Burley men are reported in injurid. satisfactory condition at Cassia Millar was cited for drunk acquired Memorial hospital Saturday driving, police said. They w ith in ju rie s received In estimated dam age to tiie cur ut separate motortycle accidents $100 and the motorcycle was F rida y and e a rly S a turd ay desb-oyed. by firm ^ i n g r — ------:— ------Woodbary's^mDtorcycU.- Injured were Dennis C. collided with a legally parked’ ■ RUPERT - Dan Howarth, -Butcher,. 22, 'and . Lyle J. voJiicl«~own©d-by-Uo-But- President of Big 0 Tires of Woodbury, Ifl. Butcher's . jerfield, Paul, on Overland ^aho. Inc., headquartered at motorcycle collided witli a car avenue flt 11:27 p.m. Friday. .Rupert, announced today that driven by Benjam in S. M illar, Burley police said there was ISO his firm had acquired H ill's Tire 18. Acequla, as tho cycle turned damage to Uie motorcycle and right onto Alfresco Rood from $75 to Ujc, parked ciu-. Howarth said this brings to 13 Highway 27 at 3:20-a.m. ' . tlio number pf stores owned and Saturday. . ' operated by Big 0 fires of Burley police sjtid tlio car and Idaho, Inc., in addition to 19 i| motorcycle were locked t U l t . y other franchised outlets located POTATOES togctlier from Uie im pact and U ta h , W y om in g New Russets. traveled 000 feet from tlio iwlnt " < > / « < ? « COMontana a n d Id a h o . The BJ0 SavJn0l ^ f of Im pact. Bob Step.>ion, '10, MM Hoybum, a passenger In the luncheon meet B U R L E Y - George For- jhier7 Burloy7Kucst‘B pcakcnii

HIGH UFE. Thtt Cham- . - p a g i f o l - pfa-n-ned-4&P£rf-?^i-— | | - $ | MILLER^S Bettlad Saerl ^ discus^d J.rMworld conditions. '• retreading system. Mrs. Peggy Porker was S Inch Size. >leomed-tts-a-new-member-fll- —Servicemen-- - Hom em ade- 1 2 o * . thc meeting at tho Ponderosa UURUiY-Marino S«t, Eric B o t H e s Inn, according to Mrs.' Sondra BURLEY - Tlio Form and R Jiaag. son of Mr. and Mrs. 5kl^EER~6 Grilchfield,'president;----- ^--- -Hom

TO "nxnR CIsn reaif.nBl)lo''Judgmcnt in the selection bf h A U C H is Secret Code huiband. d' linRle girl requirci ilx yean* experience in diting -win—nlso~»ce—that-*-ho--cRn ..boyfriends.-If slie •(aiteilaiingal o#e-Urihc «hotild be able to - NORTH handle till four In the West pick oill the rijglit rdtow hy nge 20 If she waits »t 16, dte * Q J 7 3 ' Imnd by tlic simple expedi­ sho\dd postpone licr wedding dccujon until 22. Six year* of V A 7 S ent of pluyln(( his kint< of roipnntlc appientlccship, that’s what’s needed to be a ' ♦ K J C Z ♦ Bq Joutneymnn wife. Ilo insiiU. hi', tiudies of happy marriage* WKKT KAST Amtflea'$ top tuplaln. ihti/ /LlL.AftNER prove it. . , i A 1 0 02' A V o id (ournomenf-wtnninff ficiiniguei In o ‘ V 0 R 3 V 1082 r.*wJ?«-pci0< beoh en JACOBY -1?> TH' ACRi: VO'OWKi. V O L) OWKi T M I'i A C R K ? IT'S, (X S /I.R tD W IT H ARtjUMIiNT CONTINUF.S ai to whether an ambidextrous ♦ 107S ♦ Q 0 8 4 MODfKN. For you/ copy ien< SI WHICH ISS'POSt-D TO OU R KID S, w t uivFi Ni;>.r DOOK- - rufe.'v'vi; _ haieball pitcher is ollowcd to throw first w ith one hand and imKMUGlMBlTA’-jAPLA'/GROUMD,'.'' OUK * Q J 1 0 4 0 H 7 S 4 2 with you/ namt, oJJteii and ilp, Dli COVliRIZD then with the other, to thr wmc batter Chocked this out with SOUTH (I)) KiAMi: IS 6 PLD - P..J.GOLP-AI-1P rm s, IS coJ» io: "Win ol Biidga," (t/o Jfcil G O LD - r \ sports nuthocltlcs. They tgid no rule prevents it. Rut the ■ * K f f ir 5 T nuwipap^, P.0~ Bom 4S9JJtaJloXHf -^ltuatinn-nBvcinirJMrTirJ51isc“ hb“ plt^er can do it. they V K Q J 4 Station, New York, RV . 10019. ♦ A 3 contend. Tlint’s wrong, Doesn’t happen much. But that 4 > A K famous fellow P,iul Richards, now of Atlanta, pitched ' Eant'W ciil vuliioriihto ■K|>2iduN, not a sniull .spado, numerous p m M with l»oih arms in liis Wnxahachie school WvKt NorOi fUst Siiutli at trick two. d.-’VI- -l-A- -lIa-doeii.cxauUy-Uial^Wtiiil_ pHwi____: i V Phi;*. 4 N Tj_ . [Hits his aco on thu klpt? an - '■"“■piJi.u itlasl shows oiit. ' .. ______■ to strnnBB’ li.inds. Thfii*:; why”tltc shinri dairymnn pays high Pnii'i ' Puss — Fun;;— ■' Now it is a Kiinplc matter , wages tn keep a p,nod «trin«mill:er An oldtimcr familiar with a OjKtninjl loiid—* Q for South to win the next trick In his lu’ind and lead a hnppy herd c:ut jict )»alf again as much niilk ac a new barn'- hand. Or so a farmor of lengthy experience tells me. IJy O sw ald & James Jiicoby sonde throu|*h We.st's 10-0-2. , Weiit will covcr, South wlU * The co?/A/e44 men did General Sherman lose diirins his march tcrthe sea?" South to use C and Count his A . H x n ctly 10.1 d e a d , 428 w o im d e d , 2T8 niissing ... 0- to.iurs': I(c c an 't find any The liiddiiiK luin bocn: "What's the densest thirg on earth'.’' A, Not counting bill losers outside the trump suit WtrU NorUi fMui collectors, il'R something called osmiiun, which is 22 'tim e s and, if he is carcloss, he denser than water. w on 't slot) to sec Is tlierc arc two-possmle lo.scrs there, NOW Y O U CAN take out im insurance policy a^amst ratny Trumps break 4-0 a trifle weniher dirrlrtg yhitr virtJatIon''SBy'ymi’rergning oh a"'four- K n i;t i^inorcs tiint po.ssibility will four dnys, for three days. A daily premium of 34 will get you make tijc slam more than' Whiil rio you do imw? SIOO-aHlay rcimhurscmcnt, if tho drizzle exceeds .01 of an nine times out of 10. A—!U(I kiK h|iadc<.. Tli«*ri* U inch hetwern 10 a,m. and 4. p;m in accordance with the A careful player will at- lui rcukon iicil to Khtiw y«iiir foregoing fine print. Mother of this maneuver, I'm told, is the .low for that possible ‘l-O kliiU K. “ TjTeak and see that, ll JiJasl' Atnerie«tt-Homo~lTwiinincB"Curnp.inyV’ RciTTCtnlJBntrarr time you choose to yisit Mt. Wniideale.m llnwali Annual holds all four trumps, he won't be able to make liis average rainfall there iiuis47 |,68 incihus.^— contract, regardless of how he handles the trumps, lie QUI^RIHS: Can you confjrm the Chase Manhattan Bank's Tontpnrinn~thnt~ThtnmnTiB

Yotit nueitioni^nd-cami»citJi^ar£-^\\‘clcoiiied-and.will-.b£j^ iiu’U in J’ASS IT ON wlii'n'vcr possible Please address vour h'tlers w.L.M . Hovd. P O ,Vov Fntt Worth. Texas Idaho— Sunday. AuouiJ'a,.-l?n. •forVn Work Wanted 73 Homo* For Sol* SO Farm* Sol« sa H *lpW dnt«d H «tpW ont«d fOR CORRECTIONS OR Hornet For Solo CUSTOM SWATHING and harrow “ NOnFrCATTON'Dr- 3 OEDROOM ORJCK, large living 330 ACRE rFARM . gOOd livestock TYPIST; Highly qualllled, marc ... BARTENDER, man o BY OWNER I Raiictil lype, 4 room. D u / equity, ottume low telup complately fenced.. bed stacking, } wide- Rod Smith . bedroom ^jome In the country, »54S m iddi* aged pe n on from Twin Het)ly to noM L 10. S43 4771. ■ 1 IT^MS rented o r sold, monthly pavm enlt. 370 Caswell. kv«/v ell6rl It m«de to flilmlnftli ' Fsllt. MutI potw ii above average . Newt. «q, M. LoU ol living space. From 1 ' SS73 evenings. '..PLEASE NOTIFY lo S acras available. Room for kids I*IM «nd mlil««dlrva advforlttlno •blllly and ikllUn lyplng. tpelling, •CUSTOMCREENHAY to.roam , *14,500. 733 )5B3 or 733- 3 DEDRpOMSy fireplace, lully Adt tlwi.inconvinlenco or ditap artd n ta ln e ii ol work. Logal RESTAURANT WORKERS, top , CLASSIFJED BY 9 AM- PRIC E REDU CED to 140.000 on this waget, permanent potlllont, C H PP PIN G ' 1493 . tarpelfd, 1 car garage, lenced •■frinB*" t3enettTij"'fuli p ay “ wtjlle - yardrcorner'4»i.-Attuma-eaultV.0i columnft, V E R N O N O U A N D E R ■WE CAN THEN CORRECT training. No phone callt pleate. S43 4S77. Hu«r '/-J- j DY OWNER; 3 bedroom home . 6>4 per cnni loan. 11)5 per miyilh In th« *v *n t of a rro r, nollty the workload. Reterencw requlrifd. YOUR AD OR MARK IT Newly remodeled kitchen pay m e n lt. 731 1049 lor ap- bedroom home. STOCKMEN'S Please reply Immediately ig Oox Apply TrI perton. La Catltif, )U R E A L T Y , 600 Soulh lln c o ln , , Ct«lilll«d Department at once. (lasemenl, 3 lots and large g ardn jiolntnm i l . ______i«pe£tsi^ Jo-chack. /uul^«-ilm#t-New»------._5outh.Pjck-Awc(iliB.- 4— -i’RENTE-O^OR-^OlD^ —Jwemer-»U-4»4t.—«4.t7)t, J ”* ip K ij;“n 4 374T."...... 5573 * .i^EN.0R.wflmen..llocr.liaiirj3lus. JiiLS-T LI N E___ D ISXR-l Q U TO ftS _FmihlAI.-DAY:5J^SU£._-. the llrti day. car expente, lull or part time. Mor needed. V^llow Pagef under GREEN HAYCHOPPING RRICK NE art - T “ ^ r e a g e ^ )4S ACRE COMBINATION larm When phoning In « Clattlflmf Ad private Interview call 733 4MI. houtewaret, roiall, (uirt or full Lllllbrldge Cutlum NORTHEAST ol'Twin Falls, 3'- wllh 340 ton harvester, automatic alwayt a»k lor the wording to be lim n. 71) I6S]. . . 'Marmlng Homes.For.Sale.. - 5 0 «crM.-beauillul and..lUBClout 4- leedtr. .Numerous . buildings. - 3 “ repM lM B«C»( to V6U- no corVain to e X P E R t E N C e D ’ C O O K M J ---- MlTfMm P1UI 77 X-74* fam ily room^ - ■now«i~i7S'.ooor'»«nnir:F’AR~ Check the tlrit day *d *pi>Mr«-lo — houtekeepef.-for t lady* t.lve In nullt in appliance*! 3 fireplacet,^ MBR'S REALTY. Buht. 543 4450, make M re It l« right. Cipeclady drive. Salary open. Writn, giving INDUSTRIALNURSE CUSTbM HAY tiacklng. anywtiere. batl»t, loallng ttied, all '•hC®d. S43 4)B0. (hech phone number and addret%. age and relerencei, Dox Retnnntlblp lor plant dlipontary Messenger and Lewis. Phone 334 3 ’OCDROOMS. 3'> baths, main YOUR DEALER ' much,much more. Flrtt t ime lltted 334S, Ifoor. 1 bedroom In loll batemoni, Al( "H elp W anted" nd« m uit tlnte Ketchum. Idaho B3340. plut procettlng all Workmen's — really priced to »®ll- 173 ACRES Close to Gooding, A lair 3 ■ « the nature o( the svork '‘Sale* Mnlp" C om pontA iiuii and gruup In *37.500. 733 3534. FOR-BOISE'i.. bedroom home, outbuildings, good CAREER OPPOHTUNITV. rotall HAY STACKING, 7 automatic 3 IJEAUTIFUL Cinfly Drive. adt m utt rutme the product to bo turancc clalmt. Good lypli(u cascaBe h6Mes stock farm with lots of water. told, and it the pay It tainry or m anagement. Nelall oMperl»nCe roQjIrcd, Apply In porton or write - wide inachiitet. Phone 433 M34, OWNER ANXIOUSI ^ .icre with-4 Spacious 4 bedroom and laml y 150.000,' M U F F L E Y REALTY- coiWmittlon or both. detlraU e. Seod retUmo to 700 LAM il W IiSTON. Inc.. ilox ^31, HAY TILLEY ft SONS. bedKionit, 3 batht, lormiti dining room, lllelimo tile roof, built in A ND.INSURANC E, 934 47S1. Ken The p u b llth e r a ttu m o i ; no Southwetl HIggInt, MIttoula, Amurlcan > allt. Idnlio 813U. room. 3 Ylropiacet, large roc. appliances, double garage, M alone 934 5010. . • ' llnanclal . retpontlblllly lor Montana, soeoi. • * "An Htdfll OTIoortonlly R m ployrr" .room, your owit well. Nuar collcgo. BARNESREALTY lireplBce, 3 »)alt«t. Tt»lt It lovely. lypographUal errort, errort In W E S T E R N r e a l t y 733 3145. U5.500, negotiable lerm t. duration ol publlCAllon, wrong Alter Hours Gou. Gould 733 V443. JUST UISTED. )S) acres, full Twin clanH lcallont, the om iitlon of copy Work Wonted -J^agicV alley. Pailt water. Large 7 bedroom “XolHBr^!ariiroH^«r*8nd^ooi) H etyM earning tIOOn monlh or more, part pi'ele ornltilon ol tlio total Ad ’ In 3700 uiuare leet liveable space. 4 corralt, mactiinery thed and . lime. Call M rt. l oilnr at 73J IM S largo bodroom t (3 U|), 3 downi, 3 R e a l t y granery. All lor 177,SOO. WEST • either the ctatiilied or diiplny ad OUS G IR L WANTC-D: M utI be over liotwr-fln 7 and 4 l',M . O N l.Y . K's Specials wertltlng tecttoni ol the papef U . Apply In perton, Kolo't Cali lull iM lht, large living room wllh E N D ' REALTY, )30 Broadway dining arua, 1 llrepincnt, louuiy 181 North HlueLaket 731-S5fl0 Soulh, Ruhl. 543 4409. Liabliltv for errort or om lttlon thall No phone c a lli. TREl’ TOPPING, trimming, lamlly room, gorgmut kllchiin. P R IC E SLASHEDI Roomy older Gordon L.Crot;kett,(lrok Sacjru tfllocind lor Itils npporlimlly. l-or ANY KINO ol hom« repairs, luxtirloiisl W ESTERN REALTY, RBAITV e OEDHOOMSI -Lovely large 3 romndollng. painting, concroto. additional leased land and 100 . Receipt! m utt be prcvenlod lor catM k>bt. High tlarting pay. Short inlornwillnn phonit 73J MW ln*l- 733 3145. Alter hours Gio. Gould 7 3 3 - 2 3 ? ? ilory lamlly homo in excellent .drv w.>li, .iccutlic ceilin gs.. 733 .. DLAA. vnlll....Newer-^lOm B._W lll_ relimdi t«grt. Advancement. IVeparatory witMi V rt"" «*id V p m . . 733 9443. Iralnlng a i long a t required. 37fl3. DorolhyKolor.. 733-604H carry 300 head wllh nilnlm um ol coit and management. 175,000. We Thoutandi of lobt open. Ex­ WANTliD: Indutlrial nleclriclan, 3 DEDROOM HOM E plu t 3 bedroom G«n« Cot»n*»f 733-4019 Ixilh-in kitchen, den, utility room must qu.ilillory. water. Price H3,»0. Call Nadine one; TWIN FALLS REALTY AND large lam lly room plu t 3 additional INS., 733-3663. Eveningt and reoulrementt. Write TODAY manulaclurlng uquipmcni. Idaho FOR SALt- by owtior; 6 1 Iwdrc Koepnick 733-7397, Eunice Cooper NEW3 BEDROOM Iwdrooomt and balh. Dithwaslier, ninctrician'n license required. Thit 733 4960 or LAND OFFICE OF Sundays; Dill Ralphs 733 M33. glvlns name, addrett and ptione- apartntenis, 13 hodrOoni vtp dlspotal,.garage, large corner lot. o n d f e u n d iwtlllon will jr Esther Boyle 733 5 400. Lincoln Service, nox R-19, c o ' meiil. 334 4V71. IDAH,OVlL’ ALTOH5 733 0716, GOLDMEbALLION Only 130,700, T Im eiN ew t. nding cc XO Tin ici-Nows--- WHY SETTLE, lor. last? Own Ihll. HOMES betweefi_twln.F.alli and- .F.OUNO;-,. German CUSTOM tll4A DISTHIhUTOWn. From »l7,000 Up— Shepherd, blactt and fan with lovely 3 bodroom home, I' } iMlhi, —Jerom erO teta-ftf- Improvem eoti.' D R IV ER S or helpers wantfld on hay Secured Invetlmenl. Rapidly .3 In .300 block Bracken Street blackcoKAT wllh illwer iludt- Call large recreation room. Luxurious Full water right. Land. Is trucks. Experience neoded..nhane oxpandino corporation ollert 3 In 400 block Pierce Street roof. Only »10,000. City Pound, n3'7 ai Immedlatelyl 034 4014. carpeting, beautllul drapes, pt’oductivfl as slock or row crop EXPERIENCED ground lionr-npportunlly. 733 AS40. lastelully decorated. Covered 4‘hedroom 3 bath on Lawndale operation. 117,500. TWIN FALLS- LOST: FHOM 1 mile Norih ol patio, large landtc.iped back yard AVMII T A Y LO R A G EN C Y REALTY AND INS., 733 3463. I) Readylo-wear talotlady. 3) I>Y OWNER: 10 unit motni, and E venings an d S u n d a y tl BUI Jerome, 300 pound black. Angbi Young m an, Uiarp drotter, lor MECHANIC and sprinkling system. You'll like M emliorolTwin Fails living quarlcrii. doing nxcoilent what you seel Assume partial 6 - R alph! 711 8033, Etther Boyle 733 heiler. 334 coilecllont. Good potlllon. 3) NnnJ . businois. 334 W33 Fiior. "M L S " Sm */Ic« per cent loan. Qwner will finance - 5408. Stenographer In lab oilier. 4) wrU nt. -W.uikinu . Donald Taylor, lUoker 431 5369 TV(3Itf.--& « r w p n — roqulrotr S)~ ■'iTOf.'TDH I V t lNN al reduced price. - remainder aller reasonable itown------E V T N IH C Ji------paymont. Call 734 3143. D A IRY SITE, 40 acret and now Woman cook. A) S«n ut lor othnr Owner ie.ivlng Slate. Completely Ron Taylor 433-5403 home, by owner. I'hono evenings WE WISH TO extend our heartlelt openlftgtl equipped aild in butinnss now. C.ill RETIRING??? 543 4833. thanks to all Ihe kind friends, 733-S974 M OU N T AIN STATES _ BAiLfe_YJ?OBEFy:S reiatlyti «nd orgonliaHons whose DeETT A CAMPBELL. Agantt-Soletmen Wcint«d 22 R O A L T Y :------CoxVr ciMrt -3-ltodroom>— l-halh - ■)rOVErY"(rb'eHfo^'l»b/no'' near 40ACRES.5 m ilM louttiealt.of Twin expresilons oi sympathy m eant to tum o, small yard. 111,350. ' ■ ’ REALTY, Inc. Lincoln tchool. 3 balht. lull Falls. Older 3 bedroom home, will much to us uporf'lhe death ot oor Owner,and Manager DLACKSMITII and Wnlding U>op. FELDTM AN'REALTORS 733-l9fla )030Norlh lllunl .iknt 731-4343 luiSDtnent. tl3,000. -supp()rr30 head m ilk cowt. walk­ loved one. N. V. Sharp. SALESMENOR PrlciKl lo toll Immndiatoly. tS,000 Al M organ 733 3149 through m ilk b « rn . 133,000. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Sharp and Pal Shaw 731 1603 MAGIC VALLEY REALTY, 731 P rrS onn t'f S>i‘rvit <■ inciudi'b building and ail equip- NEWLY REMODEL e' d t»ome. lamlly. Mr. and Mrt. Glenn SALESLADIES mont. t3,SOO down wllh good Lila McKinney 734 3354 carpeted, 3 l>odroon)t, now luith 5580. EVES: Larry Jonet. 433-5950. (Irene) Wyatt and lamlly, Mr. and o / W u ^ i , to (I'll now homut in M agic V.illoy. terms. Cali Haroiil Keilhl«iy. 733 AidaSlrong 733 0905 And kitchen llxturot. t) 1,900. M ri. Waller (Helen) Harris and 3400, Joan Schwar/ 1135 SAOfl or 61* Blue In le i Norll. 733^563 liiOh commitsions, IrilininQ family, Mr. and Mrt. Loren (Lura). program. Call or wrilc: LAND OFFICE OF -IDAHO 3 OEDROOM HOME, nice shaded NEW EXCLUSIVE Parmer and (amjly. Mr. and Mrs. RCSPONSIHLC oldor m an. living RCALTORS, 733 0714. across Irom yard, lull b a u m e n l. See at 5)0 3nd ChariM Alien, and fam ily, M r. & Soars. Avenue West anytime. LISTING •■)30 acret, tub-dlvltlon and com­ Allen) and family, Mr. and Mrt. “ R E X T A I FLASH — DIRECT G. 1. loans ai daily. MutI have health card, A REAL'OPPOHTUNITY'Io out Into GEM STATE REALTY m ercial polentlal. Good 3 bedroom Howard Allen and lam lly, M r. and again available. Just inlorme 10 Acnn iraclt, bare land .0714-______L'vcry room nicely carpei«drr«*dy n o l- —Piumb«r^Pr»IW4blo4ooi-3S4i..U “ upwihimeiir:------: ---- - tooth w«t-t)r~jororiur~nveeiisnT“* hour. Hione riolte, 341-W311 or M ODERN COA'STAL m olel, Hwy. lor occttpancy, pretly yard, garage monthly termt. 10). l3ronlAit.olllce.home. (^rott NEW LISTING. Acreaue out of city agd small t)>op. Let ut show Ihete. REDUCE wllh .RCDOOSE,. t.H write ACECO Plumbing, )B41 t33,000, ide.il lor coupiu. tM.'OOO; limllt. 3 bedroom, 3 batht, 3 RUN A lew calvM to pay for 6 . Remove excess lluldt wllh Uroadmooro, lloite, idnlio g370S. llreplacet. Rullt l" — * pj;c»-ili toninacL -■ LXhlW QQaflEALT.Y-:- --...... F aico n burg , 334 3H44. ^lU . Waidporl, TjrToSivrnrffnTprMBiv' at only t1S,SOO. Call Joan Scttwari to u th w e tl of Twin F a llt. Alt W ISE DRUG. TAXI D R IV ER S w.>ntcd. Apply In carpetod and drnged. ’ Family 6IOniue Lakes North Oregon. •35-54M or LAND OFFICE OP planted to g ratt. , person. Yellow Cab Company- 3iO room in basement. Double garage. 731 9311 UNWED MATERNITY care, IDAHO REALTORS 733 0714. Main Avenue Soulh- Lovely Landscaping. Call Eunice AFTER HOURS: Call Ipday doctoe, hospllal and living plan In CUSTOM THRASHING, grflin I UNIT MODERN MOTEL. 4 way bennt. Swalhino. arain and ha inierslAte let. Oregon-Wash. Cooper 733 4940or LAND O FF IC E Q. J. Schwondlman 73 37)00 ' Mountain Manor, Inc., P. O. Dox IIUSINESSOFFICE CLERK, typing Harley Mathert 733 9473 STROUT REALTY John Triplett, 734 3753. Dorder. Call Fields Collect, OF IDAHO REALTORS, 733 07)4. 49) Shotltone street North - - 310. Mountain Home, Idaho B3A47, ettenllal, hotpilal oxpcirionce Jac k n ith o p 731 7761 Phone M7-50I. detlrod, Oaid vacation, tick leave. evenings 509 394 410B. H u tte ll Twin Fails, Idaho - 733 04)1 CUSTOM— tXiATUING.- ,Rp.3itv.:r-ui Washington Tw il l NOT be responsible'lor any good terms- *8-500. No. 3-Sharp 3 GOId. M edallion.hom e, fully car! " debt* other tharf m y own:— ' t3-A C R 6S-farm -clot« to Twir> bedrooms, nice carpet, teheed BUHLER REALTY “ polod. In oxceliont condilion, Ideal Fallt- includet' barn, machine'' Billy Joe Rost. 733-1511 for appoinir I AM lorcod to toll my coppor and location. 543-5)44, Duhl. gold mining claims at Salmon, yard, price *9.600 Call Nadine 507W. Addison Avo. Uied, coup, corralt, garage, and 3 Koepnick 731-7397 or LAND OF- bedroom home. *44.000. iAATURE LADY lor day caro, Udaho, due to ill hoallh. I have FOR SALE: 3 bodroom Itome. mado *3,700 on tUom thit year. I FICEOF IDAHO REALTORS 733- Good income proporly In fop BOWL & BOARD housecieaning, and cooking for 3 WANTED: Cuslom baling. Phone 07)4. location with )<4 per cont por Electric heal, large lot, good area. weeks, 835-5083. noKj *3.500 10 go into n tm ali GEM STATE REALTY ISOPEN Kimboriy, 433-4349. _butlnett-l-can-lundlo.~ll--vou-«ra montdj-.ofurrt.AliO-OOOd-butlnost _'Submorged liump. .Car’petad. 433 DIue Laket North 733-5134 t»Y-oW N eRr n0W"3 bedroom, 1' j fronlage on buty highway. . Priced lor hnm udlaio tale al — ------‘ TVJfch'foi'------inlorottod in a good invoslmcnt, Dick AAetsersmilh, broker 733 9049 OFFICE MANAGER; Ambitious. CUSTOM HAY t baths, carpet Ihro ug hou t. Im- t)9,900. Plione >68 4588.______Hrt.0:3O-^4i.:OO Sal.9:«V-4:00 • don't pass those by. W rlle Box 93- modl^ilo occupancy, *33,500. 733- SALESM AN: Travel this area. Declq, Idaho 01333. , Ofie, two to lour bodroom homos. GRANDOPENING INSURANCE SALES: Top Career, 756U. Wo havo tom e real good buyt lor soon USTOM BALING, new Freeman BODYMAN: Experienced 8, twine tie baler. The bigger job Ihe your money. HAGERMAN VALLEY 480 ACRE row crop farm, 355 311 Main Avenue Wett mature. SNAP ON TOOLS GOLD MEDALLION throo bodroom Good 3 bedroom tiome, balht, stiaret Norihtide canal water. better. 733-1990- H at denlcr& hlpt ava'iiablo in LIVE IN HOUSEKEEPER: S300 home, double garage. For (julck .lull basement, carport, on . ap- L arg e m ortgage m ay b« Pocatello and Twin Fallt. Perton Now Lisllngli 5 acret, oatl tido. CHRISTIAN HOUSE HOTLINE. 147 and up. sale, roasonabie. 733 14)4. Lovoiy 3 Story. 3 bodroom, 3 balh proMirnateiy 3 acret land. atsumed. Blue Laket Noi'th. Phone 733 9998. RECEPTIONIST FOR DR: 1300 awarded a Iranchiso will havo an oxciutlvo torrltory lo soil a lino ol Iwmo. Formal dining room, dOf», and-up.' BY OWNER: 3 bedroom, carpoled, WENDELL REALTY DRYDENAGENCY 0,000 itomt. Prolit ol *13.000 to corralt 8, outbldg. PRIVATE Investigator — 34 Hour SALES C L ER K : S1.65 p. hr. CUSTOMGREEN CHOPPING llrepiaco. Rellnanco or 5'> por 334-5333 • 403 So. Lincoln Sitrvlce. All confidential. Phone *30,000 possible on an lnvi>nlory Call Sneliing L Snelllno 734-?4in cent loan. 733 0538 alter 4. Nood a taw m ill. <& logging E veningt: 134 4813or 534-3404 733 6631 — night 731 5773. LEO'S CUSTOM invoslmonl o». *1-000 to *B,000. For EVEN PICKY nU Y ER S will love inlormalion write Snap on Tools,. --- BBDPOOM ---- eomplelely- JEROME, IDAHO DATING BVI computer. Single • _ 'FARMING 105 W. 3950 S., Salt Lake City. Ulah odocorated. 3 bodro om .. good adullt only, for fun, Irlendthip or 04115. Mr. Employee . . . ocation. easy terms, Immodiale jrcial frontago wllh 733 0911 nowl marriage. For free, conlldenliai lossossion. 731 B53fl. t n Twin Fails busiosi lots and Acroogoi 54 Information tend name, addrett STOP! Farm* For SoU S3 and age to COMMAT, P, 0 . 30413, CUSTOM- GRAIN^ Ihrashtng 110.B00. buys 3 bedrooms large lot LO V ELY SPLIT level hor^e with 3- Blllingt, AAontana, 59103. K's Specials ASK T 7 .------cutlom .hay h.iuilng, 3-v and lovely willow tree. Owner will Call or drop by -731 5395 130 ACRES, Gooding area. 4 bedrooms and 3 baths located on harrow bod. M ark Thoener. pay points on G I loan. Hurry, 731- EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY I ************ bedroom home. Productive land 4'/iacreieasl of.tlulil. FARMER'S LATEST lashlont In lingerie by YOURSELF 5033. Combination stiop and 3-budroom 5974, Frank Boolh, MOUNTAIN and ample water. t43i000. Terms. REALTY I. IKJS., 543-4450. 543- LtVoyt. Call Cherl Konicek, 733- home, good corner location in STATES REALTY. Ideal lor tiock or dairy. TWIN 4180. 6548.______, - ■ "Whoro will 1 bo and CUSTOM BALING, 1971 'Now nofcrby town. *34,500. FALLS REALTY AND INS., 733- Holland 3B3 balor. 16 x 10 Incli $23,500 0\^ER ANXIOUS to tell 3 1443. Eveningt and Sundayt: Dill A PP RO XIM A T ELY 3 acres, milk ' HOTLINE aller 9:00 p.m. 733 0133. what will I bo doing 5 bales,-vour iongih and Weight. (Full Price) HARRISON iiadroom brick tiomeon ' j acre lot. Ralph! 733 8633. Esther lloyl 733- parlor barn, corrals, 3 bedroom Howard DuHols. Jerome, 134-3040. JUST LISTED, thiK lovoiy brick years from today, If I 3 batht, 3 fireplaces, carpoled and 5408. home, *)4,000. 733-7548. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS, Twin REALTY draped. Exceptionally clean. Call •tome — and i*. O ‘ “'I * K iodrooms . • - ^ V V . s . The huge HAY HAULING — 733 0439. Falls Courlhouse, Wednesday al continue what I at^ doing 7 3 3 23^ ? Eunice Cooper 733 4960 or LAND HACIENDA MINI-RANCH Idlt, 8:30 p.m. Al-Anon 3rd Floor. 731- OFFICE OF IDAHO REALTORS, 'ocroatio CXJ - very atlractive. »UHL AR EA. 80 acres, lays good. 10 now?" Dorothy Kolar 733 6n.tH Attachoo ^.,age and choice stanchior« m ilk barn. Good out- acre lols.newdevelopmeni 3 miles , 7913. For further information, 731- 733-0714. across Irom Soars. north ol Kimberly 733-7548. 4030. L> Conner 733.10)9 location m ar High School. You . buildlnot and fences. Complelely We hovo 3 sales posi* 3 DEDROOM- HOME Closo 10. may already bo loo lale — but call remodeled 3 bodroom home, all ACREAGE; 4 bedroom modern EXERCISE the new way. Rant Shopping. Ground lloor utility us Immodlatoiy. flewcarpallng. new furnace. Only tions. which con develop HAY ST A C KIN G W ITH 3-wide OthoV Inilruetlon *47,500. Call Gene Hopkins, 543- home on 13 acret, acreage in new exercise end health equlpmant. iiarrowbod- 734 3769. II no answer, room, part basnmont, garage. pasture. Duhl, 543-4770, sp*«d bike, massage roller, belt $11,900 4445orLANDOFFlCEOF ibAHO into managomQ.nt lor the call 733 0437. LCARNTO FLY) Roasonablo ralos, Immediate possession. Out ol state vibrator, actioncyclt,. DANNER owner anxious lor last tale. Priced ^^I^LlQRSaj3;fiZJ4xJ5rc VA approved: Rental and dtarter. EXTRAnic*'?bedroom homrw lt^ f u r n it u r e , 731 )431!______right men. You can im- CUSTOM COMBINING, poas,' al only *9,750. See and m ake oiler. SKYW AYS, 479 7473, Burley. ■'plush carpeting." Now lufnace modiotoly expect: nonns. and grain. Can L. R, Call iHarold Kellhloy 731-3400 or and garage. Good location and .3PEN ‘TILL 9 every day. ET Sorenson, 73) 4441. LAND OFFICE OF IDAHO room for a garden. Owner It 349 ACAES B O RD E R IN G Wood CETERA SHOP, 438 Soulh Main. REALTORS. 733 0/16, acrott from R iv e r. Running 335 head ol '■ ;ious. Opportunlly krucksi M OVING - 3 iargelolt on Highland Local arts. EARNINGS AT MOTEL Sears. llvoslock now. Water- right plus lots ol waslo - water. Recently Drive. MutI ucrlflcel Phone 734- EXBCUTIVe LEVEL' \ MANAGEMENT MAKEOFFER 3344 or 734 371). Boby SllUrl— Child C o ,. )6 LOTS OF ROOM for Ihe kidt on Ihis remodolod 3 bedroom home. Call “ 4 wBfllts training with pay Mon — Women — Couples STATELYOlder homo in Qxceiiont Joan Schwarj 835 5408 or LAND largo lot In the counlry. 3 bedroom location. 3 bodrooms, don and HAY TRUCKING and hand Hold •Q>n Molpi Opttalion w.li> our tlio.l. ho/ne, attached onrago, wur. own OFFICE OF IDAHO REALTORS, 3 ACRES with 400' Irontago on Deep I DO BABYSITTING lor working o Q u a lifio d le a d s • >ai d in in g room . Double Stacking, anywltoro. Call 734-3088 ineipoiuivo (ourie al liomv loiiowsd well'and ditch water. For ap­ 733-07)6, across Irom Sean, Creek. Nice view ol Snake River. women- Address acrots from or 635 5547. ige and covered patio. Warm artesian water avaliablo lor Keliwood. Phone 733-4949. by two wcoW RftiJenI Training in a pointment call Nadine Koepnick To Qualify; Beaulilui yard and shrubs. You )0 QARE ACRES at n salable price. catfish ponds, swim pool, etc, 3 loloi opD'aloiJ by ut Aq( no bntri«>. 731-7397 or LAND OFFICE OF HOUSER BROTHERS CUSTOM can m ake a “ torriric buy" on this Pasture now. Call 731-5974 miles Soulh of Danbury's or write JACK I, j Il L Nurtary. Llcented Must be Ambitious reo ntilmnwidp pliicvmcnt oilillOnc* ID A H O R E A L T O R S ,' 733-0716. property— bul hurryi immodiato rototlilinu and.blade work. 731- across Irom Soars. MOUNTAIN STATES REALTY. Ed Kerpa, Route 3, Uuhi, Idaho. child care. C hildren 3Vi - fjon cornpiolion. possession 1 Listed at *14,000. - prM chool.’l)04 toth Ave. E a tl, 733- ■ Willing to Work 3163, 734 3444. UJT i BEDROOM S, 3 liroplaces, 3 batht,- Cam pon 63 C o u p o n 63 Ago 24 or over GREilN CHOPPING, hny, grain, VA APPROVED tprinkiing tystem', huger. boaulifui ^ M C E T T ' - ^ I L D R E N 'S Villi Ow n g good cqr_ corn, Now lArQo equipm en t. or compivi* Inlflrmollon wrilt, giving now lam lly room, Thit m utt be LIcenud. 7'^ up. 441 Norm l-OCUIt.- — Plckelt Cutlon*-WOrk, 316-5183, .odd»»i*-(MU-|>liontmjmbpr..to:...... soldi Atklng «35,j00_C^coUant- nefr” l,Vnwiod Shopping Center- High School Groduattf —rttorr"' 4 Eigculiwp Tfoiniiig Dinilijlii negotlabio lorm t Choice K im ­ -7U-MW. 7J37795. EALTY — or_bottor------—— Ainbauaclor Mnl«it. Incnrrin'riilail berly localion. M AGIC VALLEY •HA V-HAUUI NO-wtlh-»:widB-h«rrow D«pi nsVw coiin* REAL-TV-71J 5580.'BVKNINOS*8, ...... 0fivlf»lornt.ffn!.7.l*7------OYERiStOCKED-SALE Life Insurance exper­ 'bed. Will goanywhoro. Cido Niold, SUNDAYS; 433-5950, 733-453), 731 Pio(Hi.cnll 73.1 4079 (nnviin'.-' A W lL DOZEN USED TRAVH TRAILBRS , 713 5744 or 839 5309. Oonvor. Colorodo 110215 5B10. ience helpful, but not Ana llollmoiir.'733-7l) 10 l'.on.», THAT MUST CO... WILL BABYSIT 3 children. Twin SPACIOUSILOVELY Butinott Opporlunitiot 30 Builnoic Opportqnllio* ' 30 TAXES GOING'u p , GETTING Falls, weekdays, alltg^ugusl J . n^tessory. 4.bedroom, 3-bath homo, fxmlly From 13 foot 21 foot in size Call colled 736 SS40. room, line fealuret. *31,900. TOO CROWDED, WANT TO >0 ...... 0- 1 ^ rA H M 7 'M 0 V E TO IDAHOI "COOKIE SHACK" FELDTMAN-REALTORS 733.1988 From $495 to $1995 in pricol bnpUymonl AgoncUi THIS IS A LIFETIME AlA/organ 733 3149 •EKCELLENTl 330 acre farm, opportunity of a lifetime Pal Shaw 733 )403 Iwan ground, hay, orain, cattle. -peB10MNei_lERVlC£-oi^Magic- -CAREBiUWim- ■pon»“ 4;t56droorn~ttomor V allty. 494 Blue tak as North, Aida Strong 7330905 Termt S31“Mbbll6-StOTtT . . ^'1195 phone 733-M4}. OPPORTUNITVUN- R.conin- iinrliinri wi(U n‘ lainilv aw n ul H im wlio FinMLV .OCLl£\yG—U>al-:VOU-iel«to« - p4><>pl-u|>on-'tlieir—parionnt -U--1446rSanta Fo t t : . LIMITED. QU A LIFICA T IO N K . not ’upon what ihoy know ai>out Ihe VENDING OUSINtGS. ■ -»>rovemenft!-WILt; TRADCV -U4 488-Jewel-^.-— =Fr .-$-1995- - w c ^ o p p c n : ------;------"W rREQUIRE: HeipTiVenfeJ* "Coirfor oppoinlmoni ^ CRCAM P U F F . 33) ACret, nico U-1535 id e al...... $ 1 8 5 0 *A snlid growth iiuiino'it •lt»wettmenl S700 S1700 ' between 10 a,m. & 7 p.m. Itoma and bulldlingt, 7500 leal M A L E , loiVie college education • Locations o b iain ul hy company 'H ours to service accounts U-1548 Shasta ...... ,$ 6 5 0 A u gu st 9tli & lO lh . -cement difch, 1S00 feel un­ preferred bul not essential, to 'C om plete traininQ front A.U.C 'A b ility to leirn derground plpp. Excellent la>^d. work 30 to 30 hours weekly in ’ U nuiually clejienilable eciuipment 'F ollo w proven program U-1S49 Travel926 . . .'.$1 69 5 . credit and tale«. Contact Mr. Phone-. . . 733-0650 'Nationally wlvertuod productt ‘ Desire lo r success SUN VALLKY - THE NAME H u » e s, 334 Blue Lakes Boulevard 'W ill veiul conkiei, cendy. peariuti THAT M AKES YOUR SKIS ITCHI U-.15^47 Arrowhead . — ttLfnr, Mf„.l. Nalinn _ i t/j acrei, 0 cabins,- lovely home, U .1517^.Ki!nn.. - ^ .I t 4Lm, to .12 f>ooni , $650, •Trtll (fta lelophone ajilstence " - " ------>qiiii Cu eaiiHii< ni i v Ti l K m il e in vacation landl 'Com pai»y financino fn i expansion U-1502.Siesta . $495 EXCELLENT COMMERCIAL oun SUCCESS IS IIA SED U I'O n 'v o UR 8UCQES8 U-1553 Roadrunner...... , W A N T E D PROPERTY cotltltling of retail $ 9 9 5 IVo invite you «o vorify otu cQmpat\v't'backoroiiml. as we shall ttore, olllce Kpace and ,U-1479 Max C ro lt...... , . $995 Y O U nS , Local dutnhutors are caiefullv selecle AGENCY" 'Ednolriih , Rdlph Simmon) "^S^TEW AYTR^bK CtNTERT Llhep bupply i j c r i ' 8 7 )450 Overland Blake at A(|dl«on 733*3410 S43-3777 e39-36AA- 478-3SS4 '■ ■ ,';5i

Supdjy. Aufluit-B. 1971 — TJm e»^w>r-twln-Faln/ldaho .W ■ •. 6? Campers Mobile Hem«» 'OtfMr R«ai Ettal* 601 Camper* Cam p«ri 64 A p a -Urifurn. 71 yprm Im plem enti I) ACRES, corntr of Shoup' «nd ON THE COLORADO BlVE« In »U% CAAAPl'H tV\V lord. s. ATTENTION TRA ILER mowers or TWO ACG G L E X n E R combinaa! Ktyburn Avenus West. Sew*r. anvone Jn tiMd ol tandem vihIo LADY'S. Redecorated 3 rooms, Willow Valley. Arliorja,’ Two SO m COnI.iMlrd. fill* I .iinlirt; K M-l carpeted, salt water. eKceilenf with cetit. Practically new. - w lw , ACE REALTY 5JU. , ARRIVING tralltr under,carriage. Wheels, too. Improved lo ii 'w lid mobile lur i«U Ih iiiIxxj Mubl I condition. sJ] 7nd Avenue East- B arg eln t B olsf '.374.1M7 or home*. 73A-9S00. C|vde Hawk, EXCEPTIONAL In n|)))'C< i<>lii .Vl.7V^. l.M tf K,SI a ilo i and liras new (ondltlon. Orovada, Nevada, bon 33. 77}>33U. PALCSAVENUE acreaggnBar Turl TODAY! Kelchum, MOIOW. /.13 JiJtiU Eloctrk braket and spare tires. -,„C!pb, PQjjiblB, commBrcliI.-Of. -TRAV£L---^: - a NHw-PROWltHii -OB— aeN-T-r— i»f i«k- - muTTlple. houiino. Call AAOUN r^d. IJOO.J74 S5«3 /- - bedroom, call daily 7 to S. 433 SSI4- MO^EL ,13 Massey-Perguaon JA«*^ATES REALTY, 7n-i9U. R«a) Ettal* Wanted Kl.M WVI Vi'lif ... combine, 13 loot g/aln he^d, 3 roW> TRAILER c«rn head.'c^b, new rhofor, SI,450. V .ll.ili'n ti Ir .iili'r iiDi ' IV V, llfn,.l,|>.H..I >: K 35' AIR . 'f LOAT ' Aluminum Make up a "s e ll" list and selt ;-aKfciU6 Dr' “ rnmpir>Hv~" n f ••tr-at>crr-Ooett~yonilitnin:—Caff»r*i ~7mrir.ruiiru7ii^Ti V . wervmmjrwim~»"a«irHed'Aaf buV, M »o J3 acre! paifi're land — B U Y S t- ^ - •rMAn.r.w '..Ai r ',, r;.. lu ll lijv b rttti. b<>AUtltv>l .i(H><‘ances. ------(UWJuiJWAWLiML- -ACREAOE- CLEAN. SPACIOUS 3 bedrooms, all 19; 1 KIT Spoftumiiltir utilities paid. Nice location. AdCiits O VER t aero with charmlnu 3 WANT TO nUV: t acre of Itind n«ar VACATIC5m .MHi DROCKMANJ'S • bedroom home. 9 txth t, llreplnce, only. 73J09J4. ■— KJf!>»fffly-o'U-win.!Lflii<:.i» «is;. V-^foot »U coritaiiiod -TRAlUR-SAtilS— ‘-femiiyTeemrW bi# oarBafl.'vear otif v.ilvhl KH ili'.ih'f - 1 9 7 - 2 - -rCRAIN“Si jemiTfief~roSg~5ir around tlream. LoU ol ihruh* and 1971 TtlRHY . nil M.,„. A... fu\i,iii /:i4 IIA'/ < Houses— Furnlthexd Wheels. 1.0 ) bushet granary. 733- C om p era Wll.KlN', UMIII.M '.All*. trees —owner tranilorrod quick 74 loot >*)U rnnUtiniid Cxuxlinij- V M VVV, I nil .mhI Ilu,l..y 6/K n/4 5741. potmslon. PricDd’ at 13S.OOQ for 7 PEDKOOM Marlelte Mobile quick lale*. 8' C A M P E R .‘i ' hloti. SlovB. hv«-n, \V 6 ‘J SHASTA (Uu/tl) CiOSf:D SUNDAYS MODEL Home. HelerrnCM Heqii.rciJ. No 3 MASSEY (^EHCUSON 510^om- link, IceboM. bulaoo tank and 15 foul CMMfW a c a d e m y by Skyline pels. #93 l-ilpr Avpnue West. bines lor sale. Diesel and gas. lacki. 733 IS70. Mobile Homo* 64 Ueady lo go. Call alter SiOO p m. S43S409. SMALL lU R N IS H E O liouse lor B' SLID E IM CAMPCH. WIdtr door. < Al 1. Cl.i:AkANC|. <.,ilt> (W)' .111 S300. 73} 03Ua(l«r 1:00 weobdavi IS HERE! rml. us Ulilltlrs lurnlshrd H3 llilliiitiri' .irul r.ttilrv •''"d .14 11S»or >33 9436. • . wiili- iiiiiK. 1)1(1 s.ivlrftii;. low d(iwt). DUY THE DE5T. All model! Travel - DollvoriKl & sot up I’li'.y ii.iiik liiiiiiu inu- rritii NOTHADE IN SPECIAL LOOK! Qim'* camnnrn. iJo w In slock. .^lumiuum-i.ktnii ijo u »»t=.UnfaiinUhei 'Sonrf^mflnLlAioi*. IMn' SurJr -' ...... 'r>r7iirriu.;i Mi.ijil.ixi ' l-OR LEASE: 3 bedroom 4pleM. Stove, re lrig e ra lo r, new car- IHUCkV.ii, •.ir iij.illo f’uo.oor ' *7595 pi*tlng. Near,' Lynwood- 77 .IH ractwirDellvery nil iMOHi: t? « m 3 «r 3 ^0 years to finance ?33 3433 days or 733 S4S;, evenings iitC.UUUM,«pl„uik«mi I4\R hn lm om r,. HHtfS. !ilo|), SlHin and ■ NEW Jbedroom unit*. superb> :-»v.'i M A V M o in n : nciM t::., T^ie nl>ov9 tfe m i m u if m o ve/ V A U E Y good return. «I17,000. AGIC Rooms— Board and Room 76 ' .M o lie O f h r , P£L0TMAN-REALT0RS 733 19M m Q B M £ M O M £ £ ^ -st.-BepiN0 'rr>Tv{i (.iVn; L(ittii>lt III*. air Conditioned. 137. ■ 4ih Avtoue Intiliiiiil . . . CommorcUt P roperV --- -- "#‘rr-f'iftn?fTTTTrotrHnCT=rv ASHIiCIALTY reldlmanKoallors 731 1988 !>ir»ulii Widfli'otid D.u.IiIk WhIbi . 7.13 0017 .MobltB.Hom0 .Pmklng— ^7 0 0 |in ii V'A. unlflit Ly (iilvnno Hov. Grain and Feed 94 CXCELLENT HU5INESS pj^pcrly 3 SMALL trailer spaces'for rent. t35 located In Jera m n for sale. cip|inii>ln.«nt. ' I'ltoiio ;;i3 6141 each. S]i39IO, M argaret or John. -JEROME REALTY>a34 Jiaa. 17/11 VAN nVk.i; 1J » AO, PImn.' *;8‘ aoil-l .11 iJivvfvi.-w Ir.iiirr Court, TWODUPLEXtS: 4rofitaf^nllson IV. Murli'v. large lul. Eucnilnnt ^nrm s. W CSTGHN R C A L T Y ' 733,7345. Till* (|u,ilily r.iiiijii^r ti_Kelchum^oHerj __ shop and olllce spaces available Servlce it'allon building op w i c E i r s - MOBIIE HOMES October. Heated parking plus. 734 W ANTED; 300 Ions baled hay. *37 ' ' properlV' 3S.OOO gallon un­ All 1971 Models. M(iclnH«'Caiilufy-Tnn>aia(t>-Sli*ll)y 3SM. delivered. Call 733-7504. derground slorage. Sacrifice MOBIli HOMES “ prtcB. SCO biocK-Minldokjr.'Av»“ irrsto^-MUST&Ot '11? Ailfifstiti Ay(uui.-''W.-M TRAV^Et TRAILERS Olher RentaU 86 A ntm oi fcir— dlwfl • T(Ovnt«ia - T#rtv - Ro(i- Curly American Hr with very, very low mileagp, in dbsolutely IV/l Itj- .I-H foni.liiic'cl IJAV, 4NEW&1USED CHAROLAIS aULLS lor sale. 350 epiace ■ beamod'celllnus. Located ----- t,vvv- — DISELAY-MODEL ' and up. Larry PIrviey. But>rS43- ■~aT”5mTIerCrBbk-YubdIVindA7 “ iT O W T O T T d itia r r ;------r ~ I'/ri J4' M‘ii iDntmnrcl IMV*. r CAMPERS'LEFTll 471S, Deautllul view of Sawtootli CLOSEOUT. Mountains. Call Tod Sclilermeler. --- Mnkruran-o//arr:. A( A t ION M 'l I I.--1 s I Ui I, ^.l I r.' J lii-cliiiain lirnndiiMitiT H E R D O P cows for sa(i. 40 Hoitleln -T3J^St7rW«BK«n0r7inSB^. Reduced . .■■^l-00^S-&-^VP9S- Tlio/'vw u / / g o ffa go// ' \ s r : ': : z ^ 72 50 f “ F x l rBlTTMOR r 1 l-LLx WelobI 1,000 lo I,ISO pounds, two USED INDUSTRIAL ways lo finance. X}ne to lour years. ii. y ji /o V 2 9 5 Cows Insured against death. All J...V IVM .'i, Inyl ► . unr.i.ni'il Ol JlY 4 • 1-1 111,.111,’will. HACIENDA MoT i LE ^EQUIPMENT hellers guaranleed. EUGENE ' I M SI i n ...... s;' HUGHES, 334-34(5. Jarome. Cemelery le ft - MOBILE HOMES HOME SALES UliiilyTrtiiUrwilhDuaU S450 WILKINSTRAILER ...... V 2 5 0 W est AcJdison-Twin Follt CASE Mo(Ul 310 Tfottof SSOO Good baby end pasture calvet'for 4FA M ILY spaces Intholco location 412 Addison Avonuo Wosl Oiilr M) • V.1 V hfidtoom willi . ^ S A LES 733-7568 sale. All kinds. Pnone 334-4Ua or n( Sunset Memorial Park, IISO r Kj r-.^A.. • UAKC n c ttp m jo ai. .ternme ------^ - 9 9 5 0 ------“ rrrr ~ann:ir~/i n ;ij »^6nings, Aityirrn* ------jnuT -.OPLN I A.M.lo lU.I’-.Vi. UAILV — m -rSO Q - WMkamJi^-r-...... -ALSQ-IOTS-IN-BURIE-Y- ii;IHC:tfOPEl 4}Q0. •♦'wheel drive—~ -R^meiieb buiir, vZ ., 5 1 4 4 0 JEROMC, G O O D IN G , 113.000 service ege. Excellen t blood lln»d fl: tnipeixi MO&UE PMONC CUSTOM Bu»l«y Ateo Twin Falli A>«a , 734-3331 REETW O O D $6995 Unil3157 'Unit 3157 M HEAD raglslared and grede Termi Holslein rnllK cewi.-U vein. 12' FRONT KITCHEN Cache Valiay .Breeding, '334-BSI, 1 2 Bedrboni BROCKMAN'S Jerome. Form Impiemeist* "55 Furnislti.'d TRAILER SALES 34 HOLSTEIN sprtngar helfara. m (I Below you will find many ■ services available (roiii 'Moqic' Full Corpetinn (lin Moim Ave. South 734-3167 3010 JOHN D E E R E with 3030 kU "iTiir?riKrcrr^crmiri'5JU7^_7n737a' —oood 'coiidltlort7~p«ona~w#rt0#ir. -ia'T itt.’fe.KJ.'l't!- Valley Businesses. Check with our Servke DirVctory when 5347351. ‘ 5 9 9 5 mllet louth of Moter-Vu tJgn. you're In need of c; professional. The firms below offer Iho 1 Arronofjd Aparlmenli—FurnUhed 70 WANTED: T-54 INTERNATIONAL F R E S H S P R IN G E R cowt. >ieifer«> baler. U u b le or (or p a rii. Phone bulls, horset. Loen or sell. Derreil finest in service and quality products. Check with one and 455 4341, Hollister. Lyon 543 M34, S43^in4. seel 1941 MASSGY f^erauion model 45 WISCONSIN HOLSTEIN end beef APPLIAMCe REPAIR dleiBl tractor, good ^shapa, HORSESHOEING repainted, 73)-3513. crosshelfar and bulicelvet. 3te 30 weeks old. AJao/ open bred end REFRIGERATORS, WASheri, Horsoslioelng. SInnloy nr.inch, Tri;i irut;'. Springing helfert. Oetlvared on dryers, ranges. Reasonable rales. w e BUY, letl or tetl ^or you ali approval. HRDLICKA BROS.. Rt. Jerome, Phono 324 47U or 324 (or c.r\- - Furm linplemanU Farm Imptemenlt 30* yeiirs eMperlence. C a ll' SBV4. kinds of used farm machinery. No. 7. Chippewa Pallt.-W lKoneln 5HUMWAY APPLIANCE , <;i ;r v MOLYNEUX MACHINERY^-lm R E P A IR , 733-A147.- Floral Ave., 733-7547. MOBILE HOME TRANSPORTING TRASM 1. GAUIIACE SH N V IC t REFRIGERATORS. Freezers. IDAHO TRACTOR talvega. C«»h (or COW PO R S A L E . Can be ae ^RN rG HUGHES. AAoljIlp Homes. Locally • PARKS AND SOrj'’. .;j3.^44l ^ G ooding Ford Tractor an e t 430 rrm Tirfrvr; Gooding, Icioho , 934-4322 S' long distance. 733 1773. conici ’ discounts. 7331393. 545*. , [ -:P- B7S Filer Avenue West. E PAINT CONTRACTING MASSBY HARRIS Super 37 com J E R S E Y COWS and heifers for u le . B I G S P E C I A L ! . blna 13 fool, rebuilt englnBi ready Buhl, J43 $413. V SEM I-RETIRED, need carpenter Paint contracting and rool tro.ii TREE I LAWN SEUVICL I 1 '/f.'J CoriibcMF 6^0 Ciivo. 1)«CII> l|)«cini with to . B25-S534 avenlnoi. ment. Free osllmales. Call 334 00 R w ork, foallng, fencing, anu home , Giv<- IJ'. A I 4 wln i-i (|ti»o Supcj 4 forti T. C) -EXCAVATION ^ COMCRBTB- Across from the Bowladrome. 733- "MOYO hd o T C H sewer s i r ^ e T ' OOU. . - O N E 4 -veer old r«glitared heir VACUUM CLEANIIRS Arabian mere, One regiitared ' Excavallng and concrete forming. Sewer lines and septic tan>< .'•i .-'•TV.'. 1 Cleining. A lio, all types ol ex- we«nllng.Areb.Wal»h horse^ell, Dick's Ewcavallon and Concrete. VACUUM SflKVlCi; (i.irf,. X »34.JI73. . ' DICK POOUCR IJi.SONS. 733 cavallon. 733 3SJ1 or 7i3 3S09. — rwpairs on K.rby tftcnpnct. \Vist X • 7H.P. IRRIGATION R OHlnrv. Twki f-Alli,'/J.l ftUJi j:! HXCBRT TRBB IBRVICB CRAVEN'S Sewer .Service. Septic PUMPS . 0 *' lank • sewer line cleaning- I'ower 3INCHCBNTRIPU0AL ■ > E equipment, Iree inspection 733 VACUUM CLHANEI^'i 01 m AHQ TREE Trlmmino. removal and — Dofllt-r lor kirl>/, Hrjovor and v 300G A LLO N S P E R M IN U T E Idaho Street, Wendall. Ideho. or , lopping. Shrubbery irlrftmed. Free 30S3. Flllen. Hags nnil vrrvicc (nr fno^T X 1119 EA CH l?R E IG H T P R E P A ID phene Rennie Koil. SU’i W or 9M. C ' estimate, lully Insured. No lob loo SICK ROOM B Q U IPM BNT makes 731 in?j______Assam bled to new Brlgga k r*phonr'54S'«6t -rsirtnoar«nnln».Tre*«V-»e:, ptock Whilefacc j^24-HaUR SERVICE 1; J.l. Coie Lote Model 660 10 foot grain dnd l»o n with cb^ ■ John Deere — 1954 Model 55 12 fool with bean oNachmenl ■ STEERS QR HEIFERS, I II the telephone. o( any odvertiier in (hisj ' John Deere 1960 Model 55 1 ^ ^ ^ t groin ond been 150-400 LBS., BEST OUAUTY , L \ V ! ’ V PIRECTORY is not apswered, DIAL 733 J John Deere )S^57Model '55 13 grain and.bean MinfH Yaur farM John Deere — I960 Model 55 12 joot grain and.ieed 2386,’ Telephone Answering Service in| ... . . , . . ^ GALi..vr>'.. I f JlSMR FQlls-Dny.r^r N iqhl Tha nfiyaVtUftr:---- ^ E,Z. CAHLE COMPANYi;W1 lU, MffkW*, J l^^ll^e^tilio^to cdjjou; 1 ' ' ■ T iij ' Twin Falls 733-7272 BghI 343’-5453, ■. of'ouf o((tn»li^j»our.orf^

;rU — JOy-flpp Nowi, T w in Fills.ldal™ Sunday. August Brl»71-

1 3 W Q R

No Commercial Advertising —- Each iipm must sell for $50 or less and the THRIFT price must-be..included^witk.e.achJt.em. Ads may be charged and will-.run,in ADS . proper classifications.

Beat! For Sale 169 Motorcycle* Truck* T ru c k i S h e e p Furniture & HH Goodt . 133 Antiques Miuelloneeui Wanted 141 7-CHBVROL-e,T'trt unV-&L6R-bo«it= ?cca5E~auTr“ j oiHv mrr -m-TCHfeN-CliPBOAm)»n-Ch)n* Hrt:f*l?COCOOV—^—rpcyctp-mir ...... Starcraft boals. Camper Irallert beet and orain bed. Steel floor, ’ furniture Appliances odds & ends. _l\rJ(l r t one 100 TMX'S. %366. No tfO CUOSf>tm>:0 vvnrlinu tfwoi. closots, untlnlstiod. vxrlout sl/u& s lu d ll Pein Johiislon, 304'Souffi Harley-Davidson mot«cycl«s. 0 1 good motor. u lJrP h o o e 334 4173,- Arul ttylAS. Complolo llnv of un- Wnililnuloii (Alrporl Noa(I). 733 Snake River Auction. 733-7754. Irade. Cycle and Trailer Citnler, ' And ' > l)loo>onir iU A776, JEROME IMPLEMENT B. 733-5567, Twin Fa|l*. , IdAho. ' ‘flnlshprl, _____ OLD COINS - Hougli] and sold. Ilox MARINA. 30 FOOT. LOCKWOOD potalo beds, WANTED to buy 16' itidlal stock and nlturo 733 UJt. t6 to 70 foot flat bed*. 839 5007, 679- grain truck bed. Phone nuhl, 543- fl03. Twin- fa ils , Idaho. 1969 C. 0. i;s HONDA. Only. BSO THHEC SUPFOl-K Yfirtrlino tiuck, MED IIAUN, )':< North Wasliiitgron miles, electric start. Just like new 5934. 4918. 197) NEW ARRIV ALS: Fllierlocm Scott MCMAllof- Pliono 43] S0fl4. IronwAru. ditlitis, rurniture. (luy (395. 733-1457. after 5 p.m . kimborly. PUBLICNOTICE And sell. Rnstorn. CASH FOR SCRARMETAL and Sidewinder Iwals. Cvinrude TOSATI5I-YCHEDITOH5 Copp.'T, brass, Aluminum, and Mercury motors. nUD AND Radiators, hallerlits. Elc. IIALDW IN Trail CVCle. uood —P«ik.ancLRat-SuppliBi--- 1.1 O' ---- ^TMC-COUUOWJNG----- _fi.LU_T-Y.titi-anUaua-Jurnll Jtoyc-,tvliirutjc-jniJ: — dillorrr* tOO-734'3AM;------MrWCHANDISCOHDI;«nO clocks, sorn* gUsswArn Mercury D ^ o f , ii63 (Hue Lakes 153 ?nd Avenue ikoulh North, 733-1194, ------—LJQUIOAreO ------.-Reflsonat)lo_otlc«J^5AL.!.XIi ANTIQUES 4ly.iVM.“ , ALLMEHCHANDISE IS WANT T O - llU V : 30-foot . StiUil SUPER SPORTS •NEWANDSTILLIN IS rOOT tJvdrptwill- Fiberglass W arinur w eaihor lirinu* ’ •'agv'' cntilAinod Iravoi Ir.iiior. Call 334- boal. .100 tioriepower, itew Mei*- DEAUTIFUL HAitflt Hoixui Uup oihginalcahtons ■ YAMAJJM p le i, AKC rP0l»1crti(J And buyprt for out(ioor lornllure.- It •5131,, J*!ron»e. . - cury mgine. U kcoIIn i I condilion. peJlorcixJ. »3S And up. 434 63M- snils wllh a ClASSidod Adi 336 5767. - , ' Complelo selecllor;^ Enduro and Tull or Twin Slio box sprlnut ond Atolocroii, Expert lervlce all ' R u t» rl. - . nriAllfrss sets. I-Irm with quilt Fuel ond Wood. . 143 USED TRUCK VALUES ANTIQUES soli! m con(.iui'"'fint makes of bikes, Tmq miles loulh of . - lops. Rro, tnO.OO, NOW ISP.SO Your price guArnntetid. So** our Motorcycle* Ketchum. 7363139. IHC Cnhni/er— I mi, tWA V Tnnd.iti I r\' .1 Hutt, kITr”NIC ^-3351^ r^i,Mnlinl Cumniim. 4 A 4. AKC M INIA'^UHE SclmAUjer, Alio, largo collection.-Miiy<-^ h IR E WOOD tor sale At WendoN in.OOO^ t«o» endt. pow.f »U««ing-Hni 1fl‘ ,. J V C orown doat. AAv a iI.i . CVCLG AND TRAILER CEN- AUTo ’aAOTIVE. 731 4395- "Twin Siiu DOK sprinu, NOW»19r3(3 (3r-(i Jn(l'IIO(l«(>ot)dIiio-(wt4lJa-i>l- JiQDQ'x - re<]<()erod GorniAjl ShepK^rd pups — reR-rWetl- '^OI^CtA'^U fARl • i’ower ila«nng.N«w 77 " lirai. - ‘ 1 2 7 5 0 0 “ Inick. lull-ilme m ecl^nlcs ciln lurn oul -.-US..riio(ic-y34.5i07.-GtKJtiiim_____ ANT IQ U ES A. CO LLE CT IBLI; S. New and Used. Sales parts service. “ WELCH TRANSFER lur blk« f a i t . ' If 'p a r ti are large vAriely, Isuys'^ll. Citalol We iHiy—sell—Irado. Open Sun­ 1967 IHC F-1II50 TomUm d<««l frutl I)V4AJ/llV5 H.^. tngin#.-5 A., M INIATURE PINSCMtlHS. c.illecl Biket & Melor'Scootera 157 available. We special'___ - & STORAGE AnIiODflS. Sho!iho(ii>, Idaho. ilD4 days. Open evenings by ap- U«ifino. Cngiiii. . $ 7 Kina ol Toyt. Juno litter now Hridoestone. HndnLti, Yam aha, pow»f 30.^SlhAvnnurWnit 7573. poiiilmeni. j.nlniii|o»»d.305’'W H ...... ■ , / O U U rnady lo qo. 73] &3B4. TwInTAlls TWO STANDARD girls' bicycles, llultaco. Suiukl. and all other MILUERHONDASALES I. MUcetlaneouVFor'Sale MO' --Wii*rJ.ctiwinnrnreeo-J.-C. Higgins.- — poputar-lwo-cycle engines. Free ‘9:(}0-r00Mon(J.iv-rrB-«V . pickup anddellve!« truck 345 V-ll, 5 A 3. Air Rrokai. Faclory Poodles, CiormAn Slinphnrds. NCW YAMAHA pl»r»os, lisinJ pianos, ELECTRIC GOLF carl wilb (iii|>eniion. GttodlOOO tirai i< r tC O O GerrriAn SharttiAlrs, Pointer- YAointiA o ulM rs , KLH stwreo M ILK ROUTE with truck van tor cliaroer^ no batleries.- Gopd ShortliAir cross. Also, llrltlnnvs. rwordplayor». WARNER MUSIC, condilion. See 1337 Yale, (lurley. 1970 HONDA 100. Street model. ond 10’ R uiliar...... sale. Close In. Cross tIAOO per CxcellenI condition. Phono 733 HOOKER HEA D ER'S Huy before Soofi Colllut And’SpllJ 131 Shoshone Norlh. nionlh. tS.pOO, Phone 334 4718 or COLT 3n Diamondhnck, new never 7403. August 15th. From »99 D «. G I960 Dodg. 3-fon dump Irutk. 310 V-ll, 5 A 7. 313''j WpsT V d , Jdromo. AUTOMOTIVE, 733 4395. H AM M O ND ORGAN, hotnn mOJlel fired. Cost »135 Want t«5 with 5-yO tionip li«d niul h o iH ...... 1967 SUZUKI ISO. good coiidilion. w ilijs p o a k e r. Soldnow t3,610. SaIp HOLLISTER WATHR tharet lor liolslor, 733 0707- p rice tl,7 gs. PhOiie » . M- R i'oie, only 3300miles. Phono allcr 6p.m . 1967 ford 7-Ion dump trijcl. Il*g 6 Bt^oinn. litasn. Inquire Mr:,. Carter, &SS- B39-S450. POOOUn GHOOMING, stud spr 733 3601 or 736 3 9 3 D ...... ' - • . 4333, Hollislur. . Boolt For Sole 5 A 2. 5 yoiil dump h»d niiil lioul I m c k l- . WURLITZCR CONSOLE piano. ALUM INUM PLATITs: "W ciiTls IULTACO DliMONSTHATOfr!' '^vmj;rdg¥T)5D{rt7^Mifimv W alnut tinlsh. 733 W48. Cash or ilOSTON WHAEER, 40 horse, nach or 15 cents in lots ol 50 or electric motor. Trailer. All like I9SCC — Siocc. Save I NOW I D VO 1964 FORD pickup with cab high 5 A 7. good (1.75 lirai. t^Jsw pi>ii> assume low monthly payments _ morn. See Dale Thompson, Timos^ camper, 3 extra snow tires and new. 334 741S. AUTOMOTIVE. 136 3nd Avenue 1941 CMC lfa6 Iruck witit good ' AKC CHIHUAHUA puppies, very News, Twin Fails. South, 733 439S. rim s, oxlra gns tank. All for t985. S I 4 9 5 0 0 small,re«(ly now. Heduced pricns. E X P E R T Piano tonirxj, and organ 436 6037, Ruporl. 17 'ilsal plolliiim . repair, RICE'S MUSIC. US »luo MUST SELL 1971. 15 tool Fiberlorm 43)S7AJ. ■ boat, traiier, 75 horsepower 1968 350 X 6 HUSTLER. Cali after S 1954 IHL V-lon, 6 cyiiiulai', Lakes Norlh, 733 0040. n . B39-S3SS. 3 TON, 1957 OODGC V 8, 7 speed 5 A ?. 13' (U«l [ lA d ...... HLACK LAORADOn puppiui. 6 Johnson with 10 horsopoWer M 9 5 °° wNki'oid.'CAM m sDJjrxnun- FOR IIETTER clAaniixj. to keep Radio and TV Sell colors Qlnaming,. usu lliuo Lusire 1951) Auiotof Idotlnm ilintal. 267 Cunimiiiv. FOH SALE: Srnlpoint .Slflmosr carpet cleAiivr. Reni oleciric 4 A 1, limlien worm-driwo...... ‘ 4 5 5 0 ° ° killeot. «14'401S or see At 93] 31 INCH Curtis MAlhes co[or con­ ShAmpooer 11. GREEN AW ALT'S. FOR SALE: 1964 Ford 'H o n , long sole, walnut. recondilioneJ and 16 FOOT TAhili ski boal with 135 ___19611 IHC frlBQQ duul:d.iyc,392 V-Q fiii(jitic^ip tc d_ CAllfornlA Stronl, Coodmo. — Mercury—DUtboardr- excellent- -*boir— standard— transmii*iof»T- nuarantnixf, 1370 al Cain's 733- trnnimiivion. 4 tp««il ouiilKiiy. FOR SALE: Hand cranked cash condition, phone 733-1646.- Exceiient copdillpfi.' Phone 733 3 WHITE TOY poodle puppies. 8 7111. register. Heieo's Record Shop. 331 3W3, ‘ ______powor tl0Ating ‘ 7 0 0 0 — WMutuiarTjnMJr-^------TW3imr7i5fT— ■ ■ ' ------3 INCH' Admiral homo . en- Auto* For Sale' Auto* For SaU A utoi For Sale ”iW7 IHC r»)ob (oo-o.i*. lyjv Q» TiT57,>e.934 5414 — Gooding WE R EB U ILD hydraulic jacks at 1968 0LDSM0BILE AimOTT'S-AUTO-SUHPL-VT-305 — ------DELTA 88 339 Center East, Kimberly, August Shoshone St. South. Appliancet & HH Equip, 130 10. TV aerial, bedding, furniture, 2 door tiordlop, V-D engine, automatic transmission, clothing, household Items'. GUNS - CAMERAS - TOOLS - power stDoring, wiro wiiools, ioadsd with extras. KEL V IN A T OR rn g rioo ra to r, t75 , MISC. Now in dur now iocalion Pliiico 40 inch range, 160. 733 0361. Good Thingi To Eot 1517 Kimberly Road. Jack's Pawn Shop 733 5794. “ ^....,^“ ..,.^888 SAVE JlOO on school plan ap TRANSPARENT apples, red spuds piiances,.Cain's iuM received the beginning August 6, Rodonstab's 3 UAOIES LOVE clean carpels to lAsi lor' this yi-ar, ranges, North. 1 West of Wesi 5 Points. crawl on. NEW HOST lols them rvlngeralors. disrt was hers, crawl rignt aflor cleaningl Rent wasnors. and Oryor, brnna nc^ LA R G E APKtCOTS, *1.50 you pick. our machine »1, W ILSON HATES, CALL TODAY warranty. Cain’s 733 71H, Dring conlainerS- Call 543-4763 Twin Fails and Jerome. 1968 CHEVROLET 1969 CHEVROLET after 3 p.m. only. BEL AIR CAPRICE HOTPOiNT automatic washer, POR.TAnLE _FA1IJ. cnncessior) V965 BUJCK- 4 doo' ledcm. power Heering, i 4 door li0rdl0|V, power equippod U9 50 APRICOTS, pie cherries and some booth. Fully equipped. Gas rnnge, ToSAQRE oatino puachos. McColium- dishes, cupboards, shflves. lomnlic lin, V,8 engm*. rAKING O R D tlRS for early I - RANCH WAGON , pow«L-b(ul>ri...ciiL^ Jack Walton ...... call 733-7415 -Trdrn-nnnrrmr----- ^ M EXICAN And Taiwan frames All -Smtiorr-woO**^-*^ engine, j ii W as $395 cohdilioning. vSnyl lop ,-. MOYESSEWINGCGNTER DEITA 80 -SlotkNo 719« , ■ Slock No. 71-31. Rodio, tto r tpaoVer. while- ' 7 doo[ »port coupe, V-B UACK TO SCHOOL spt Avenue East 733 7479 wnll lirat. ipaed iilad, tinled gina, oulomnlic fronim imon. desks, many different sijes and Hiixllnp ladon cutloin. oi> g ln ii.'i woy power leo l. paw- rodio, w liiU w nll’ lirei, >anr 'tly le t, finished and unfinished ’ tondiliomrig, imlad w.ndowi tr window*, powtr trur>k ta- ip sn le r, rnihn, liniad gloit. PricwJ from V32VS.»Bnner Fur Building M ol.M oli ______1 4 4 B u l l d l n o i ^ a l ^ l l q l l ______L46 JjoJud Woie. tKrowe -wK*eli,-:.uiBvL -liln ie flfin o .. electtic tr>ml re- -^ lturt..f» ------" . rofir tpaoker, niony olhir it- lOp, (^ilortt Irint. oir condi:.. laote, (Urom* plolad w lia^i. U,STOW AW AY bud. 145- Chtltl S I'ur vi»vlioof.-. ‘•~trib, good (naitros'.. t30 llnth itke i ? 7 0 WiM«. tl". S3 V9 Ciaoxinca ' new 734 3054 . . li.ilinrjtuli'O S3 9V Foi.irGrc.., S3 09 i'rica , ' 4 4 3 5 40 S3 99 Rcijc S3 99 . ‘ 6 6 8 7 = 5 M672“ SAVR'UP lp'iOV(.T-cent on carput llrirk D/u«n S3 49 remnarHs at c.Mn's 731 7111. ___ m tP iO H PlYWOOD , .. 5 ’ ift” rnr''-,Q a‘'' t ‘ . .rJJSED CARPIj T. oni/ l3.f.0 '.cjuvire 1 4'irjf'(/«(l jhop' . SAW THEISEN , YJ^.yard al Cam's 731 7Ui CitlPHOAWO A MED, full s ue , good and . 51 tiy 1 It Ch,(.bo..rr) I 'd rliipl.c.uril 52 56 ABBIE URIGUEN - clean. 19B,«I Cam's 731 7111 • lUV.lll“.... MAGIC VALLEY'S FINEST: . ..IdAHO.'S LARGEST . - 7 PIECE O A k ’UIning SuiHr I frr.no IPl IV 'jid W i.K>v 'fi.I .. J .U MOTORS >o?riW ESTTtywoDir;rSAlEST" -OL-BS--- BUia<-- -QPEL-DEALBR-I-U------T/ie-£oiie

■A- ...... ■■ ■- fv-.rvT.- .f I ■Sunday, A u g u it 0.,1971 T tm ft-N !|w i, T w in F a lli. Id ah o . J1 ; . Truckft ) 9 6 T ruckt 196 AutotFarSaU 200 AulotHrteU 1 0 0 A u t M Fttr S o l* ^ 300; Aulo^ F«ir SoU----- ■—300 Au«Mf«rSal> '"200'lOBif5i1F5rSeRF^ .l9^.TUiXi4&£AaitoO^M«*(1ent 'ifsrrrADltCSe ledan. goOd t,94a 5 C 0 U T 4x4 Fu llto p . 4 cy lin d e r. t^4I .CHEVROLET. * Cylinder, J '' >ieWDUNEBUGOVwltnfop.radlo, condition. N ew .tlrtt. lull power, . condition contidering age. U U MIchetIn tires, encellent condlllon. )ull air. S Ip*ed with 3 •pe«d ...... * pickup style. •1,4*3. Call 73J-75«5 ■all reatonable olfirft eontldered. Poplar. 73)-3M7. S43 S049 or 543 4079. or 431 Jackson. auxiliary. l3,W 0of b «it offer, SV- Goodlna. 9J4 $74»r iU 9 d ay i, SJ7 i«74 w anlngt. FOR SALE; t9W-Pord Mon t\»v truck or \UJ Dodoe J-ion hav 1941 T E M P ES T 4 door, automatic, r^OR SALE: 194^ Ford Country two lone,new tIrM . 1200. 7U-34Sa. VOLKSWAOEN, I m V. t79S, P ut »400 /i«4# CHBV/R0L?T V B, truck. 48/.2as. Richfield, . Sedan ^tatlon Wagon, 3 M ater. V-l engine In last February. See at 3U auiomatlc. new lire*. PhortB S43' with air condltlortlng. Vary clean. 14ft» A venue N orth. B u h l. 543-4750, — is r f;— ------r ------rAVwO¥'E»n,Twin E.O.M, Y .ild O f Model Year) SALE V*/. ._ii 1« ___ _ .r. .1, . I , , . ’ . Falls. Phone 733 B404. DODOE, 1947ftwei--*l»erlny,"Verv' ■CXTFFTfONATCV—ctean— -194S—P O N T « A € - ^ » O N M 6 V tU .^ : jlohn^h^Ma?ortl6dby,on£mq^lhel)*^ —, “ hi. i i j .reaionabi*. Phone Duhl.“ hi. i i j .reaionabi*. 1»;i DO DC e TRADESMAN, Will Volkiwaaen. SI39S. Phone 7M n o i hardtop, air. iteerlng. brakes, Arl teleelion wlitle the ttock It greott / ______— trada for-old«r-e*r-or-mo»orcyci« -o rr3 3 ei54.------• ...... — Marttnt.-^3J4 n4*-*r»«y«,—SJ4-S57I- OT.X^HpoKtf_HMt(ei:»...l.oL*c*- or tell. S43 S4BS. mags. White letterM tires. 733- 1970 CHEVROLET pickup, air eve^ilug*. 944S. 7)3 I7H. condllloner< .cab over couer. ilt- 7937 afli^ A f) tn A utetfor Sale 1949 CHEVY Nova V S. aulomalic I947 C H E V E L L E SS 394. Chrome PONTIAC PONTIAC BONNEVILLE wheflSi real sharp. Call alter- 4 .»?40 .TOyOTA, C lean, .excellent p.m .. •W S415, Maielton...... condlllOnr Lovi/ m lle*o e^^i’IuInar LeMANS’Coupe • ; 4 Door I I9i7 CHEVROLET black 4 door 1944 OLD&MOOILE Delta U con< • • 3 5 0 V-8, w h ile w oH . Wh.iawall I.U rgluii ll.ai. Rodwi ond cellenl condition ______. . . vertlble. Power steering, power iror t|ia<>L*<. Cutliiin t>*llt. Ill* tiaaring w t^ l, Pow- 4 i;3aft«r 5. 108 OUi Avmtu* South • Fiborglast Tiret, Power Steering, Ollde- 433 41B4. b ra ke s. C all 733i»in0 . Powi>r.tla# air brake*, (:M -uosLSmUtviu^ ---- zaa = 2fi22- ■----- tW>err*Hy-tteim7-Bvhtr*541-i4?3 power iteerinu. faclory —eiDSE-OUT- E.O.M.Y. Price.f* 4 5 8 - 3 0 “ air, exlra cltaln. excellenl tirrt, COR SALE: IP/I »^ord Jlw t truck 733 9100. PONTIACS combination »|ock or u r^‘n bed V ti I I 1 T* . SALE flU IC K S 4U&)93, CHEVROLETS PONTIAC LeMANS PONTIAC DRAf TED. M oit leMI 1947 Corwet BUY NOW WHILE THE COLOR S. MODEL OLDSMOBILES convertible. 477 cu. In., 4 ipeed. . l9AlCAAC'.^'^on.iwhMldrlvu,bodv excellent condition. »J,000 934- SELECTION IS BESTI 3 Seat Stationwagon VENTURA II rouuh Ixjt ru ia tfood. tSOO. 334 S4]! .ISO V (I, Wlxlownll r.l>»>uloti Th . i . Cu iIo«< wlt.>fl 307 V-8 engine. White W ollt, Wheel trim INTt!RNATIONAL 4 door 1947 CHC\?Y VAN. Cooit condlHon. -(owart, Powar tlaarmg. Soil toy ()li>ti, (Miivit linn rings, Cuitom corpelt, Turbo hydromalic “ lnmfrr^urtio~tiyrtrninnTlr~tmnoninlntf“ *nTtijTrf>nHv-- — Trm«wi«r5iCRcrdib7Po'UyirM*in^nae *' till* HMHililiriqi, Tilr tla iiiin j wli»»l. Al< nnnlilioniiui ■ C o a t e d ...... — 194A MUSTANG, air condlllonlnfl, Auto« For Salr~ iland.ird traiitmlnlon. oxcellent ■Utt 1 4 8 0 3 .2 0 —-, $ 4 - 1 9 6 0 0 ~ lu l J324B:54 ■■ • condltlnn.'looo.'7J]447S. ' --- ; $ 2 9 9 6 0 0 E.O.M.Y. Prico E.O.M.Y. Price.


1969 BOlCk ELECTRA Hardtop Coupe PONTIAC CATALINA 4 DOOR SCDAN -PONTIAC UM ANS HAHDTOP-COUPE- Bi'Onyd flhlih wlt)i (j'old lop. power tloerlng. powar brokbt, — Twanfii^a Biiii------^ rf Oraan^rcrtotfd— “POMTfWrC‘^l(K rX 7 'D 0d R HARDTOP . *' “ powor windowi; pownr veat. now tifoi, oir colicJniomnQ. " PONTIAC BONNEVILltHardlop coup* A ilac Cold and Whilff ^ li^talkilt C(a«rt and Graan Co'do*o PONTIAC CATALINA BROUGHAM 1970 PONTIAC CATALINA Sport Coupe PONTIAC GRAND VIllE Hardlo^ 4 door Htirdlop (oup«. limakiit nnd Whila lii)ii>kilt C«a*n «ml Craan Cordovo ‘ --- Gold liniih wilh Qold viny) lop, matcliinQ gold laothar inter­ PONTIAC CATALINA BROUGHAM ior^ power itnering, power brnkej. oir c6ndilioning. Ace Hansen 4 door llnrdlop. Rluatlona C ray ond Itlnd Cnrdovn 1970. FORD.GALAXIE 500 4 Door Sedan-^ —Chevrolet- -ALL-DEMO^S-AREaOADED-WITH-EXTRAS-AlJD-HAVE-VERV-lOW MILEAGE!.. V-B ongine. outomatic Irantmiiiion, power tteering, power Open Eveninat brakoi, factory air conditioning, lolid while wilh marbon 1968 BUICK RAMBLER 770 1969 FORD leather interior. 313 Mnin Wetl 733-3.033 4 door ladiip, 6 cylindar angina, Au’ gar, A laol iitluog truck CONVERTIBLE 1969 OLDS 98 Luxur'y Sedan REDUCTION Vista Cl'uiser V ’B. oulomhtic tiorttmiition, Powar 4 door ifldan. power iteerinQ, power broket, power win- ^PBGiAL-PRiGBSf!------$ ilaating, oir condiitoitlitg. 8o3Io"8" Rudio nnd liaolar, Powar tiaarirtg. 9 9 ^ 5 0 0 haolar, lilt wkael, Sharp o i a todi. dowi, power teat, factory oir condilionKig, beautiful green SALE Good lirai, Eatallani condilion. finiti), new liret. like new. -IN-F-ULLSWING — Phon«733-1S33 M 4 8 0 " ' Youree M otor Co. Witts WFORtO^ —^We wanMo trade— -6it_4_Mqin_Avfln u Q_Soutk- -236 Sho*hoirt sr. W. 254 4lh Av«. W. your w ay" * Olenri’Jenkint ' Kelly Houk * Jack Cox ‘ . Dole Sorenton 4 733-2891 & 733-7365 1968 FORD JOHN CHRIS —F-AlCOtd— 4 door ladon. 6 cylindar angina. Sliindnrd Irantm iiiion, Radio nnd lianlar, Whila wall lirai. W O BKM A N B R O T H E R S BOB REESE MOTOR DOES ITU! Pontiac-Cadillac ^ 9 9 Q o o i.TRIED -IT . BUT W E-DO-|.T4^ ‘ n u o « i.iS S S Ui-lVIJ- WE GIVE YOU PRICES THAT CAN'T BE.BEAT ON TOP QUALITY CARS.

Is this the perfect

1970 CHRYSLER IMPERIAL D a t s u n ? 'Proud! Diilinctivel Powerfull Thit,1970 Chrysler Imperial leBoron four door hofdtop local executive car driven only 6037 milet lince new it equippe'd with 440 cubic inch engine wilh 4 barrel corburetor lorqueflile Irantmitsion. lure-grip differential, tinted glatt all windowt. has air conditioning with autom atic temperature control, hot tix way power split bench teatt,' electric- door lockt, tfodto »ouch tuning, tilt ond telotcope steefing wheel, vinyl q Jp t C ^ ^ r ^ e “ ^ 7 --xoofr-gloiibollcd-tiffli-and-mony^many.mofa-ex!rot,------S X T E T R IC t-----^---- i------'--- ^ SOLD NEW FOR $7841 .25 nolon<. ol 5 v .o f 50.000 MII* Worronty

Hard to find! Family Car / : 1967FQRD , 1968 PODGE’ Muttong fastbock with a - Polara 4 door ledan, : _3gO_V-8 enainfl^4 ipAfld.: —083-V>d-engin*r- tronimUtion, excellent , to run on regular gat, tiret, radio, sharp' hat auto transmittion, throughoul. 1970 DODGE Monaco power steering, four n«w No cnolltr How mucli you can ollo'd to tptnd / ■ SALE PRICE , .tire t. on o car, ipa'nj.it wiitly Monaco—llit ulN' m nli in Oodo* loau'y com Tliii 1970 •■•culivt lour door liardlop ciriven only 10,976 miUi ii f M 2 1 7 M 2 4 7 •quipp*d w>ll< lAXtutllitr t>ai>tmiiiian, 3U3 cubi< ■ncl> Q cylindir enQin* willi fo|i> borrtl catbu'ai- or. Koi oilroplionic radio, power ti*«tir>Q, pow»i brokei. tinlad glavv. rsur window dal'otlar. loc- 1200 Sedan lory otr condilioning, to way powar ttoM. pow- or windowt, vinyl rool and fibarQioit balled iiret SOLD NEW FOR $5443.30 * 1 8 7 6 0 0 ~S;^lEPRicE"T :^ r r * .3 8 8 7 2 ' D*ftv*/*<^ /n 'fw ln f a l k ^— . noloncs qI S'^eor SO.OOO Mila Wn>rar>ly For Tho Young AiHBARTI 1966Cheyelle- A s k t h e .. Malibu ConvarltbU. power iteying. ChTct' 1970 DODGE ' (hit one tooni for III* paopt* who laolly like lo JriCe, tbit 1970 / - ONLY Ca/or>*l B/I tpil-io-yoor * y i gfaol looking brute wilh 0 ,ClD engine B cyllntJar 4 borrel <0/- Hero’H tho Rinnll car tlmt’a big 'I1ie 1200 Sedan has n Hporty ...... >odtd7lJaw (!nronatJouf-dQQt~tadnit-looU-lili»-a-«i*~ glut baltad iTfa't, Uit" ihort 500 riiila'i 'toV^lK*" (nr lor n mon with o fjltrnd or o Tiouplt ufart" unhao'd of prka'TT:— V - - more oxpenaive uinall caro. A s th« , ^sc brakenrAvailablr^ ol handing ovar tor llit licit Tl970 Coronat Smnll Cnr Bxjiort can show you, with 4lh iQrquallila IrnntmitkiOn, ]IG culxc indi angma.'omyl bartdi * 3 3 8 8 ^ ' ' tho Dataun 1200 Sijdan is tho lenat slick shift or optional 3'Speed taalti pnwar tl*ariny,-M uti( Moilar «ailaal tovart. oil tiniad gloit. rafrigarnlail mr {nndi»nningrun(Ja>' corhoH fully oqui|)))od with all:vin yr Small Car Expert.' Your Dhtsua' . cooling (ind liood (nkuU^lor pod. tibaigloi ballad bucket B o a t s , . . Idia-of littlo extraa denlbr. The 1200 Sedan miiy be the lirat Eitrapltanolly low milaoga , - ■ 'I .*'32 Tlmn-New*i Twin Fslli. lii«ho Sunda/, Auousi B, mi rei

UNTrED NATIONS (UPD— govenunent. Bui 11 fell far por5on«lly do not lh(nk that the China N«w« Agency (NCNA) Somatlme In lata October or «hort of the two-thirds raalorlty Involvement of the People’s prompUy rejected the "two aw ly Nowmber the Genera) required by a moUon put Republic of China In U.N. China" (onnula proposed by -T-JTOIlMrwlirwrart0 1 t« n n 0 1 --tiinraiih-brthrBnltod-StatBraa-»ctlTttleai«riU<»lieplac»esrller-” ------__ o o ita agenda-“reatiiraUo* of a p re c iiu U o n .^ thanNthan N o v ^ b e r or D ecem l^ of “ Etogers' 8tat«menl, whiclj “ the Uwfnl rights of the Peoiie'a---^11il»--y«»*r (he - p o lltlc a l- ^ ^ ' ' 1m the preposterous propo- -Raoublio__ . . . ot-Oilna . _ a In th fi^Jn «* lA lt^ - .a wftiinHlnga — apparently convincedter t *1 r Amtmi NlxQn*8 announcement sltion yf tW_Chln98i gai_diBhe

UnKn*backed the move untii (the TBlwan-govenunent of 6iart«r that a two-thirds In ■' the General Assembly — - MOSCOW’S relations with'Peking a ia n g Kai-shek) or otherwlM . majority would be necessary to J collapsed. Now for the past few deprive it of representation in, .expeUt. ,, ---- ^-^srfA Jbanlrand Algerla have^lhe Unite

APPLIANCE STORES INC. Uie your ROPER'S Option Ch^ge or your Bank Cards JEROmE TWmFALLS BURLEY -^STAA^EST^MAIN 7Q2 MAIN AVE.-SOUTH - 1250 ALBION AVE. If it's from ROPER'S . .. it's RIGHT! -^ 7 3 ^ 2 7 0 2 - -733=6146- - 6 7 8 - 3 3 S 2 - Tw in Falls - Burle,y.» Rupert - Buhl

r - T : -

■"iW U>0IUN6 fOi SOMiTOIHG fO» X UVat Ai-yiAR-OLDf-

C A.PXA.XN SA.SV Ciroohs & X^aw rence


PR XS C ZZ.lLiA’S 1 ? 0 1 ? " h y A t V e r m e e r L A S i T C E L O T “b y C o lse r & Pen .ii,


W I N T I X X i O P b y Piclc C availli I\ d e a r POLLY-! fJlKoyirtl « W DEAR POLLY— 1 Kavt 0 poT« Tamp uUb flccldcnt (hot- tfi« ihlny >id« of a tooiUi* motel een«*shop«vi(k. Jutt DEAR POLLY—Tfi« buHoitfl on my etilT. claon ond Ihey work y«ry vtroll. LUH« dr«n*« ploy coats wort always comlna liandf do not get so mossy with paint. off so 1 found o noot ond DEAR POLLY—WhtN palnllna and I — W IH D A connpt a9t »h« braih inl« all th« crackf, , k>ut thorn bock without sa^ ...... tiny holo whoro tho button wgf, thread 8 1 2 9 ^ I fill « spray boftU with Mm* of »h« RuffrM lnKnlt (Mint end spray it In Hto«« liard-to- a plpo cUonar thraugh Hio button and M w l i i tl»« ca p *. T ttf . . push tho two onds of tho plpo cloonar Yoor fovori(« youngmlM vSf-Afort to p p f tof C0«1 NtfMliMr. N«...... « - « > -wach pIa«»^OXANNE thraugh tho holo; giv* tha ondi fivo 9f wooring thU chonning dron. N«. 950t 8119 with fNOTO-GUIDEbU A Mo^am Mi'ti ^ N.W Siu«7 l«1 S . huttil t» htoro good twiiti, and cut off tho OX^ hoi compUto knit d irK tio u Iw 37. SJxi 9,32 butt, 4 yerJt «f fU4 tfHOft !•« %ni Iof« Hm Ii«w l«ok of tk« w U T m t 6^ DEAR POLLY— A^ipHof paiU nf can cau^PAULIN^^ 4 to 10/ 5^lKcli;limBa,3H^i. •b^ b*UM »v«f mhH. a •11m iliirt It qIm K 0.- wear 8il)a(f>ilip pullad^ up und«r frh*- •l29«Mt H40T0-GUIDE k in SIim « ta IB (b«>tr 3 ^ 4 4 ) .' a r m f b«nBorh'thbs« ih « ^ nightgowns DEAR POLLY— If'you hov« frotiMo SJt« )0, buit, I H y m li ol f«r lo«0 m t ; 1H for eompl«U-mod«ity-and-t(iU~look yardl ht TTo fir oii oii ed^>sii*d pr«l»y.->MR$. IL T . toblo, buy on Inoxponiiva mottrais pod, caroflillv ley it on top of tho tablo and MfSWMNnPWr • ’•■Iw I «9 in i ■ ^ I ■

OUT OXJ» WAY by Ed Sullivan.

JO H N N V WOX^^DER, b y X>iclK B o g e y s

BBIIfBi tilTflRSt, a9N6>^ruv AemetroRV . •••^ f w r f

I dANST MACKIE^WIC2) ■ STAtnW ? U.ONfi'i.LONfS' : U C S0S6, W l., A «j;;W H 6N .»fw aB -, ■ ------■•““ ■' AMLHtZPmrt ■ A S K ^ . ; ^ fAlC^KeSFWCTifO • V " ■ ■ fVl^pP6jUepNSi. ‘'•v/HeN'Pii? r ':''^"

WM k l v

The Thrills And Trials Of Being

IVIicc A m o rw 'o i. m.1 i i \^i i V / C i ^

By Phyllis George

O f T e x a s

" H O W 1 ^urvivea The First Six Months Of My Widowhood”

How To Make A Truly Great Spanish Omelet

ivieet ues! Arnaz, .sr., The Independent Son Of Two Rich Parents FORJRElEKJaODGSON, 'tft£ man w h o ‘ 'discovered” SUly Putty gmund sport" Ihal U occasiotully raided F O R C H A //A M K E /in , ' by police, cockflghting is so popular that ■ ~ f r y ‘a GiUopIng Goiirmel tio w tDM Smiy Putty invcntedP—R. it supports three magazines and an an- '^Cdtol,Columbu8;Ohior-:— ----- ...... '■ h u a l^ o r l^ Series -]Ste ______% t>tolU taks, NS>. matra and cut off our supply of rubber. Our government be­ tliat llto m w t intense competition is in It depends on ttic area in tho U.S., but \ gan working to develop a'synthetic replacement for rubber, ll»o South and Appalachians. one, French numbci* two. South Ameri' based on siIiconcsTOireTtayrtolltastTatcTrthcoretical-means- ’can hum’bcrthFc^Chlncsc-Eastcrn num-" drconverting a niolTCular structure into a useful substance, a Aa o nalit>« o f U o n ir ^ l, bcr four. A nd how's (hat for a Galloping chemist named James Wrij^it tossed a handful of boric acid iohy donU you t o t mak*- Poll? ' - ______into some silicone oilr;Thc result was a gooey substance lappeotancea in Canada? I —Mrt. E, Lawrence, — TFCfmfEssmrEnsoN-crtXNT ;— ■— ■which-bQunccdJike-rubber. but which refused to harden. No 4fmetrCamcda------Commlsshntr oj CQtiium*r one could understand it; it was sent all over the world for A0alrt.N^u> York CUy evaluation. Unanimous vcrdict: It was useless because it • 1 would like very m uch to appear in ~WiltthiTda\r«inurwh«n- l^ k e d r?tress strength. Some yeai^~7at^7rwas producing Uic “ T Canada, tjut slrtce'tho'beglnningTjfTny” catalog for a toy shop, and"! had a piice of thls'goo qn top of — -:.r!ir. , media ignore native talent when it isn't 'v goocfids_BUcntion_ mixet, etc., to the hou*etvi/e wtu ba I realized it might be a good ^adult toy. 1 named it $illy Putty, and support This forces Canadian en> eul/Ied accorJinglyP— Mr#. M chard C. wrote some copy and put it into tlio-catalog at two dollars a tertainers to find a carettr in the United Minter, L ow ell, Mata, ‘ package. The "useless” stuff outsold everything else—proving States. Then, when we do make it big, the • I iiope so. Consumers liave tlie right to Canadian press gets dn the bandwagon know how long a product has been sitting that fun is also a usel (It grosscs $6V6 million a year.) and treats us like conquering heroes. I ’m on tho groccrs* shelf and jo n g it can proud to be a Canadjan. and I always he kept in tiie home before it spoils. In mention ji wi»cn i p e r fo r n f^ u l“i “Uon*t“ New York City, several bll/s have been FOR'AL MCAIJNE^ F O R BIL L SVRVACE, author of think Canada does much to encourage introduced dealing with open dating for i Detroit Tlgeri^ outfielder "The Hollow'' her own native talent. another bill which mi tooiddlike toim ow tohai In your book about life in At>txdachia, deals "w ltfTperl^fijniirfo^s-aiuIiriinoW " I ti {tOiat a manager iaJ£f^ ~6ne of your chaf^leri~le1U'h6ui~iniich' r O R ART UNKtS!TTEn~ awaiting action by the Council. about to hie team in a he~enioye the **Saturday night rootter Actor * locked ^ clubhouee after fights." t»n't cockfighting illegalP^J. C. What are your views on F O n DOC SKVEniNSEN, loeing a gam e.— Bmctf H. rhompaoH, Key We$i, Fla. nwoie censorship \and . \ bandleader on the Dyieetna, Crdhd Rapids, Mich. • Cnielty-to-animal and antisambling mooie ratings?—Kathy *Tort/flA/ Show." • Wlten a manager locks tho clubhouse laws make cockfighting-or "rooster McEIroy,napidCUy, S.D. afl«r-a-game, it is usuaUy-booause-Ke--- fighting»^astome cali it—iltogal-in-allbut-— > [ eft influence men in their thinks some players are making mental a few states. However, cockflghting con> I approve o^ movie ratings and only 1 purchaee of clothing? Or mistakes or that they are not giving 100- linues to grow all over the countiy. You wish tliey would be enforced more strict­ my men ignore their ■ pcrcc'nrcffort.Tn the privacy of the club- ' can even find cocknghts In Niew Y ork ly by theatre owners. But I'm not for toioet* adoice in thie matter?— M n , L . Itouse, llie manager will remindjowryone and Chicago, ^ o u g h it's an “ under'' movie censorship. * . ‘ , Martin, Chattanooga, Tenn. tlmt winning is a team effort and that all • I try on a coat wlien I'm alone, and players must concentrate and put fortfi --- T:z:r~ if I'm not completely satlsfled, I don't maximum effort. Anything less is com> M«nt to Mk ■ fMTMHM Vm can thrauch tMa MtumM. mmI y«ur buy it. If my wife is with mo and says, pvnAn m 8 pletely unacceptable. |Hr*f«nibly 0. Silversteln had sought suggestions ny«Mt Sou(h«#n Adv. Ugr.: ItoMM J. Ahmutf Food editor: MSlJUlie DC rHOrY their miuio la produced by a studio Aaaoe^tofdMmt Hal for a program name, but, in his opinion, Publlafc*r IMjit/oni; ItobW D. CariMy and group. Regarding Tlie Monkee*, tl>eir notiilng suitable was offered. So ^ con­ jOlla, V.P.m and Co-OIrMiora; Rot>M« • Art Baton Hamilton jsound was studio-made only until the sulted a book o f mytlu>logy. Sllvertteln Z fp p tlc K D lf* e to fl boys learned to make hiusic together. said, thought the image of the god r/A fiSr “1 •«nlEMT U*rctftndl4itte.CM*m V »«r Ess:.a&c‘s:xri^ W ithin B year, The Monkces sold eight Apollo riding his chariot acrou the sun wrtialrtM H aaW ^wartor«f«4l Laidnd NawV*Ht,N.V m illion records. The Arcliies, inciden­ gave the best representation of the grand e iw r, rAMiLV wen^y. inc. aa tally, on our first try, “Sugar, Sugar,” scale, of the /proposed program. So 1 Vou am Invilad to mali your auaatlona 1st In ramliy Waalify. Writo to Sarvlea editor, ramify WaaliJy. « •« Vorfc, N.y. 10023. lold tlx million. d io ie it." a sm oother mentho

(BmBnwnaWilianuiinrobtccoConi. . Kub Sin. 10 1.4 W nfcoiim, Lo ^ Sin. 19 mo. "tit." 13 nlcotliM • ' ■ ' w.facio.;a .nnFkwiti«u7o.L TF k r Thrills an JInals

Phyllis George, who wi-ote this article espe- ! d aily for Family Weekly, (eaves Monday for Viet^ nam with a supporting cast of six

Nevada^ New Jersey and Texas. The beauties will I entertain U.S. troops on a 22»day tour. Then it's back to America, where PhyJNs will pass along her crown at the 1971 pageant. Finale----- — will be telecast live fr6m Atlantic City Saturday night; Sept. llVon NBC.

“Miss America, what about havht{'. a chap- laa. O c ( yiy professors to cxciisc m e w hile I left erom everywhere you for “Rig D " (about a 4S-n)lnuic drive). Audition, "Miss /imerica, whaf ecc)i ~ j’orhs annowicettlhat y o W ; ~hoilding~for~n~wock>y~gi‘otn>^ iscuw ion:^M y— "PhylUs, what do you. think about the war in speech training wus an enormous. ossct during Vietnam?" this yoar, since 1 was constantly being askcd'lo ------“I3rit'lrue~7harhfhs 'Americas are allaUke--^ “ make lmpronnfptinolkr)*Rctunrhomemnd study— stereotyped?'.' _ _for a.couplc.of hours. G o to ^Icep by midnight -Auonc_ timd-QLJinoUig m y. ninny or 12:30a.ni. travels as Miss Anicrica, I was osked these quesr This may sound hechc nnd'tiring—Irdocs even--- -tions,eci\use they were good preparation HasTR^atholic^Churcli other questions now: how can a co-ed from for living almost any day In. the life of Miss Denton, Texas, ever become Miss Amcrica? A m crica. deserted the Catholic Faith? Wlrnt does the title rcnlly offer? As Miss Am«rica, the houn are generally the Well, my life as Phyllis George, resident of same, but my pace is much foifcr. A couple of Many sincoro poople who lor^ rogordod the' Un!h6il£' iJci»ion._»nd'_ni>'-lliiL-iU-insyuirrpc'srfi5r^iDr= -iituFnliligiS-l'l^e-hitd-io got'Up at 4- a .m . (O caicn a Church ns n pillar of stabilify now (listur|}odiand con- America, 1971, arc quite dilTercnt-and yet, in plane from Dallas, with u cimnge in Atlanta fu s e d b y rep o rts o f ch a n g o s in th o C h u ro li einoo th o S o c o n d some ways, not as dirfcrent as you might sup- (where can you go in the South without stopping ---- VaticnrrCounciI.'Thoy w ondorif tho Church'hns'dovlntod" pose. n n ^tIa n i”a?)7TJien IV olild c d l c h 'u plurib lo my‘ ‘ from tho folth ontrustod to it by tho Lord. Or if oil boliovors The most obvious change is probably the daily destination, i>ossibly N o rfo lk , fust in time to of Qood-will w ho sook fidolity to God's truth, may still find traveling I do from one end of the land to the'' freshen up for scheduled pre-u coDfcr^nce (I it in tho Cntholic Church. other. Hut the biggest changc, really, is that average five press conferences a week). Tlicn o n Our. now pnmphlot ontHlod “To Undorstondinn Thu everyone expects me to Iw n universal authority to a cerem ony nt w hich I was given the key to the - Church Todoy" points out that nothing substnntiol has changod. Tho changos aro in tho monnor of oxprossing —not only on leen problems and fashions but city. I have keys from cities in more than 40 basic btilioffi through now language and coromonios, to- on A m e ric an and world afTaira. As a student at states. 1 , pronnoto bottor undorstonding and moro rospongo. ______North Texas State University in Denton (which I Then mliybc I’m off to a tea somewhere. To undorstand tho Church as it i& today, wrilo rot* our aiicnded roRlueeycurs'iwforti winning my title). “XuYciTl’aclt in ln y V ^ m . i r'rc.er of Commerce ban­ I— F R E E — Mail Coupon Today!------— ing I ever said was astoundirlg enough to l>e quet, followed by a brief autograph session. printed! —AtlcrJhaL-LJuiYC-lD-pack-iind-get-rettdv for the p/ease send ma_F.me Pamphlot pntilJod You know , I im^l a-career as a part-time next day’s trip. Thus ends a different kind of day "To Understanding The Church Today." model and workeil-liH-lndustrial promotional ...=b»ilil's still plenty hectic. films before I Iwcamc Miss Amcrica. And I have There‘.'J certainly variety In my personal np- a given name, Phyllis George; so I really am an • pearances. I've participated in snow rpobile races, individual, something people nowadays occa­ the first helicopter flight inside Convention Hall C lty _ -Z »p_ sionally forget. My ideas and opinions were in Atlantic City, N.J., a day on the U.S.S. form i'd Iveforc I. won the title. Out it c am e as a America. I’ve done TV shows and commercials. CATHOUC INFORMATION SERVIce ^ shocK to me when I realized that whatever I said I ’ve ae printed almost as soon 'over pageants and festivals of all sorts, and p . O . Box 1071, NttW H av«n , C on n . 0 0 8 0 9 asjthe words fell out of my mouth. So the old visited Mexico and the Grand Dahamas (alas, clich6, ’T hink l)eforo you speakl" has become .it rained tho only day I was in rrceport.) 'vpry important to me, and I’m sure it will re- And then there ore those press conferences I • m a in so I'ho rest o f my life. was telling you about. Sometimes’I really do H ow ToH pId Dut n o t everything about l>eing M iss A m erica enjoy them. But at other times,* I don’t. Tlic FALSE TEETH RARIN’TOGO is different from being Phyllis George of Den­ questions I told you about are the ones most 4 Securely w ithout NsKcinu DuckMcha ton, Texas. For inslance, hack in Denton, a o ften ft&ked. R u t there’s alw ays a ••wngcr” - a . D o fftiM iM th •mbarrMM you bjr With typical day (and none wore typical) would Im : quc&lion that I least expect to bo aKked. Some of Mmlnc loow wbw you Mt. Uush. ll.M .•l« Arise at 6:30 (always too.early!), eat breakfast o r U lt^ A ho1p...... U tl.U ilMlC these aro repeatable and ttomo just aren't. But FABTBBTII* cIv m e in class by 8:00. Attend three classes the zingci;^keep the pre.u conferenccR moving, •r, OriMr. hold. iiltiiiiM. U >1111 iiiit, iiinklokr >i>ii mrity iiiul >lirn‘< will). Ilk' l>efore lu n clv G rab a bite to eat w ith friends. challenging and alive. rill* - iil> u IMilii >'•<■ yA ST B C T li bon- n»'> |inlii-ii-hi'\'lliu ii.'llnii ..IT Get a message thnt I'd l>ecn invited to audition A n d tJtere is one question that bothers me tMr« Adbotiv* Powd*r.. D«nturM iiiiuiriiiK liiii'kix-lin li Hit' iin»w<-i, th a t fit MMMitJkl to h M lth . Saa lU-l I'ill- - ll>ll II Illlllll-rirl'lllillU for a comhtcrciat hy a ntodeling agency In Dal- most. Itjs the one that goes (with variations), your doBtiat refulftfiy. . ill iiK lull n ktt'M-biiiiii n Hinmliiril ii'iiicilk' u-i'>| muvr.>Hriijli' liv ...... r»r iivi'i- lii ><-iiru. K

ThoTen ~ M dsninoi^ing~Febpla

Jlve-M eitJrhis^year By Phyliis George

1. John Wayne: He's greail T n ily .u h Idol lo f > many Americans. I met him at Nciman Marcus in Dallas for a l>cncni for the Peruvian disaster. Someone had told him that I do an impersona­ tion of him , and he dared me to do it. I did it. Tlien he said he’d like to do an impersonation of me, hut he couldn't l>ccausc he didn’t have o crown lo drop. (I had dropped my crown on the __ runway the night I won myJUjc in-ConycjjIipn |,i. H all before millions of television viewers.)

2.~Lyntfonrgr~Johnson:~I~met-hini-n3 KOas Texas, and the night after I becamo Mi&s Amcr> ica he callcd mo in New York and extended his lungrm ulnilons.' Hc~hlftr surpriscu me many times this year not pnly through unexpected, correspondence but by dropping In nt m y home­ coming in Dallas. Truly, an outstanding Amer« ican and an intltvldunl thAt 1 deeply respect. 3. Lady Bird Johnson: I met her the mime time I n ^ t Lyndon Johnm h—uj_thj?_t{e4|icHnpn cprf- -numIi;i:M.likJNlaliQniir-Pnrk jn StOHCWflUr.______She gave n»e a personally uulogruphed copy o f . iier i»«ok. "ihd White HD05B” Dlary:**“ If yuu have any doubts al>out the greatness of this Tha ■uthor, arul most fcmout product of D*nton, T « u t: AmsHcas vhouid ba rawardad lady. I ’d suggest you read thni l>ookI for ttialr yaar'ft raign with a Ph.D. in Hur 4. Bert Park^ Tlie MJss Amcrica Pageant ircii^ wH-MiggT nicaratereo«ypcvft»on€lecause I d idn't It's bean qiiite an education. I've learned a lot A fier being a guest on his slop to analyze il. - . about humility and self-di5cipllnc_And I'm 7. Johnny Carson: show three times, I can certainly see how he has One press conference in Joliet, 111.; lusled 90 probably learning more about life and people in rumHined popular for so many years.’ A lot of minutes. Radio, newspaper and even high-school one year than I would.otherwjseJinygJpamC'^Jn___ rpeople-lhlnkThis-job-looks-cftsyj-after-meclIng .reporters were prcscnl,“ asking niany qucsllons ’ n llfeiime. ■ ^en Miss Americas get together, liim, yoii realize what an intelligent and dedi­ about current -problems. And I did have the they occasionally say thut they should be rc- cated professional ho really is. chance to speak out. ("S|teaking out" mcaiujust wardeil for their year's reign with a Ph.D. in Mr. Nelson lives on a ranch that. There arc no Miss America Pageant re­ Human Relations. Did you know that the.Miss 8. Byron Nelson: outside Denton, Texas (my home), and surprised Amcrica Pageant is the world's largest scholar­ strictions.) mo by showing up at m y homecoming. This is M y contemporaries are very concerned over ship f6undation for young women? All ‘the typical of his thoughtfulness. N ot only is ho a the rising drug problem. I tried to answer Ihelr scholarship money awarded Inst year by local, goinng great, he's olso a warm and congenial questions cand id ly . M y standard (and very truth­ state and national Miss America Pageants-over, • ... ful) answer'uboul the driig question is.‘ “I don't $850,000-was given In order to help girls com­ 9. D oc S«verinsen: I had the pleasure o f meet­ need anything artincial to turn me on. When I'm plete their education. I won $10,000 of that ing Nancy, his daughter, in Dallas and had the amount, which will certainly help further my fortunate enough lo have such tremendous ex­ pleasure o f seeing Doc when I appeared on the _n_periences as seeing, hearing, tasting and smell- own learning process, ' 'T onight" show. Excdlent m iaician. a totally ’‘'alive" m a n '.... and w he relrT thirv/orld 'd^ he opi of living." the Pageant to stop and think about what I've get those wild clothes? Then there's that old standby, "D o you really . sai l. To me, it’s rewarding to know that 70,000 10. Capt. Ed Mitchell: One of the astronauts feel Ihot you're representative of today’s youlh?" g'l^ (^Mery year participate in on organization on the last Apollo flight, ho and I met during the wh ch.nas iKcn admired and respected for SO Let’s be rcalistic-I couldn't pretend to represent recent Em my Awards program on N BC . He was all of my generation. But I do believe I represent years past and will be for many more. And. certainly a highlight of my trip lo Oillfornla. those who are concerncd altout. maintaining a of course, it's also great to bring more than 72 "When I ihink back on all the questions I asked. good im ag^ for o u r country, IhoSe w h o arc sensi­ million TV viewers together for two hours of hini'-questions whjch to him must have s^med tive tq the need for-peaceful change, and those fun and excitcijient on a September Saturday boring and sllly-you know what I admire about who are willing to strengthen our Government night. In today’s troubled world, that’s accom­ him most? His patience! and society without wanting lo dissolve it. plishing a lot! I.....i-' ______

FumUu Wteklu. Auputit K, CRYSTAL GLOW Cy l in d e r OR ORGANIZATION S o I l i T ^ CANDLES $1.5(T

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BOXED STATIONERY 4-PC. SATIN SET MAIL TO : IIUHBON FUN» RAISING. DKPT. 11F>112 Solis for $1.B0 10 M artina A va ., W hito Plaina, N. Y . 10CAO Sells for $2.00- jliifc»r»_cirdnrlnn, iny itruun would lilio in nn«r ii Iraa 8 im i|in i"o r7 .. T.'. ” ‘.7777::v."777:. .^ T r rr. r.-r.-.-.. ., (iniKi: BAMPI.rJ DRBIUUn) □ In iiddlllon In my Iriui anmpli’, I oni nnclaolnu $1.00 nnch for otluir aunipli iliiinn w Ii IrIi I iinvii cluiukiiil iinlow: Q Cryotnl C low Cylindttr t;nn«llct , □ ^ Pc, flntin Sot □ noxiid nintlonitry Q CnIlindrnI Cnndlna □ RnRnI CnndloR

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BUSINESS REPLY Im AIL I'irat ClnuB Purinit No. nno, W hito Pialna. Now Y o rk

They'arc iialnanltln-lrlmiiiod. with n anft vnloiir T h e lewflleci lonm l ulaaa B(it into n dtdicaltily finiah and opoii Cothic urcliou all around thiilr HUDSON FUND RAISING fdlgrflfld haaff cran(«t< « flti|inri< ollticti Ih im a tar hnndiomn ovlindricnl ilinpn. Wliiin lit, thn emu IB hour* and wiinn finlulind yoti ■imply wuali die caa|a n rodlant, iti>Id

By Harriet La Barre ■ People offer you advice of oil kinds—mostly involved

- “H ow arc you?" ,a casual friend you w ith changing your life. 'nin into says checrfully. "M ove into another "Fine, thanks.'* ap a rtm e n t". ■ ■ ‘‘WTiy not «et ’'And how’'s your" iiiuband7 a jo b in tho C ariS b e M ?" Y ou hesitate. How do you answer —Wiicn-you_mecL-aQ-ac4ualQlBnec-wbQ. .. ■ A re they really being______doesn't know you're o new widow? Who of help, or are they doesn’t know that sovcrul months ago, at only projebting their own . Iho Qfto of your husband had.a.sud-. dreams and desires?^ den fatal heart attack? You’re tempted' to answer. “O h, he’s flhc.” But, instead, not get a job Iri the Caribbean?",. .“Get of coursc, you tell her. A nd invariably out o f the suburbs"...“Sell the car’’. . . her words of sympathy make you realize "D o n ’t sell the* car-ut-eftdle— lems: where are tho tax records kept? forced myself (it wasn’t easy!) to do the Where's Iho key to the safe-deposit box? tues, wept a little . . . ond I went home I discovered that some men really do asking, and soon 1 began going with “Wlicre's the will? D o I need a lowyer? feeling wretched. Never again# I swore; believe all the myths about widows. At other unmarried women to a movie or I realize now that these headache- N o more wallowing in bathoSi______^______flrst»-l-war^ffended^thea-only. irritate d in w r. But I made tho mistake o f avoid­ creating problems were really emotion- Yet a month Uletr I was lured again whenever a married man, who'd never ing f6irm«nT{a~iVie9~ friends. Then, 'one oily beneficial—they demanded so much by A sad-Voiced new widow. This one paid.ariy special attention to me before, day', a .^ r r i e d friend called and hesi­ concentration ond work timt I didn’t turned out to mix alcohol with her tears. would telephone and suggest wo meet /or tantly asked whether I'd “m in d" coming have time for an emotional breokdown. A n d she was determined not to'drink a drink. X hated the implication that 1 to dinner.. M y partner, she aald, woidd nut in those early m ontlu I learned alone. That was my last vejUure into was in need o f casual comfort or even be an unnurried man. That's how I dis­ how incredibly money-lgnornnt I was. I sympathy-aharing. in need o f being kept sexually alive. But covered tKat those married couples' had had never in m y life even read a bank Drinking, by the way, can be a real « after a m onth or so, th6 invltatlgns been w ailing for m e lo »ay 1 wanted to statement, i liad never balanced a check- hazard for a new widow. During the first dwindled, then stopped. meet people, see new people. They'd . book. 1 W ^ m o d e tlie lazy, common, weeks,, sympaihetio relatives were con­ U melineM traps were everywhere. been afraid to aakf mistake of “leaving all that to my hut^ stantly pressing “just one little drink** on . **Take a trip,’* a sympathetic friend ad­ in tho«e months of widowhood, band.” N ow I had to learn to take care me, presumably to cheer me up. 1 began vised right after m y husband's death, the worst temptation is to retreat, to o f my finances. It was like making a to wonder how many lonely widows drift “- a cruise. Just go, and relax." But ... wuTow one’s world. Self-pity is enor- nai«Iftjrc5inh«rmoorf into alcoholism.' LuckllyTl had a^jolilind luckil^I couIdnVgo; 1 was too busy mous. it Is wise to c S ^ l e ' steady­ Meanwhile, I was receiving some dis­ didn’t really coro-fbr drinking; but what struggling through m y financial maze, ing interests during marriage; yeM, it Is maying kinds of sympathy. My tele- obout women who JMn'i work? It struck and I couldn't leave my job. W hich was smart to understand finances during your ^ phone rang one evening, and a woman’s me that it's terribly important for every good. One widow 1 know who recently married life. Yes, it U important to know ' voice said, “I'm a neighbor of yours, and wom an to have serious intertional and social hazards to ex- I've recently become a widow, too . . . job. Children.aren’t enough, since most days at sea with nothing to do but think pect.as a widow. But the Im M iU n t th in g ,. could we get to ^th dr?” 1 agreed. That widows* children are either teen-agers obout her misery. I found. U lo keep (Ke wheels turning evening, at her apartment, the new ac­ with their own private Interests, or^ People offered m e all kinds of advice even after the machlitery seems broken— quaintance >and I commiserated With they're already married. ‘ —mostly involved with changing m y life. to keep them tum ii^ until they start to each other, described our husbands’ vir­ ' M en posed another awjcward problem. “Move into a e th e r apartment‘\..'*Why mesh again. 4

• 1 • Family Wetkiy, Augtut«. f BIairV$12;eoeiftofGlamdur COOKBdOlk/By Melanie De Proft can be yours FREE. G *( compl*t* infonnaiiM on how 'you u n ,m ak* •Ktra mon«y •Mry'WMk.iNo •ipcrlaoc* nwdtd. ’ No' , How to Make a Truly . We'li^Und.y(M*ev»rYthln8.vou imm I to _m«kB.UQ.to.S26..S5Q 0 1 mora.«-iMBk- In youf ftpara llm« ■ Bl- «l you dMivi>lnn<«rl with ^Jointpsins- \k ctjp sliced plmlento^tuffed olives ICjUMBOPniNTS PLUS 1 tablespoon sliced green onion •ven temporarily until tha cauw 12 FREE Matching Wnllel Prints | It cleared up. ro f pallUt>v*> O' Whole plmlento'Stuffed oKvea temporary, pain ri^lef trv^aWitt'e ______- - ---j-harwlth irin'o'bowiri>cat*cg8 yolkii, sulfri>usiI7 Spanish olives lend anlnterestlng to reduce pain and-e-very mild and Rcnsoned pepper until very thlcic..Sct flavor blend to this filled omelet. diuretic to helpellmlnate retained fluid*______thua_ riuahing______^ ,_out t Irritating UNidc. pjila_fiiuiinft-blBdd'!la_fiiuiinft-blBddtLJfMitcQ(cn egg yolks. 7, Place, omelet under broiler about 4 in. LDeWitt'sPills- “ J.-JHfcnt-lhc b utter or m argH fiiic.iii u~10'in. frutfi lieut und liroil 2 to Slnln. skiMet Im ving 'a Iicatproof or removable 8. Remove from broiler and run spatula handle. Tilt ih p Kkillct to grcosc Hides. nronnd edge to loosen; tip the skillet L X u m _ j -l>andle-up-aQd-fold-uppoi^lwlf-of-otnelet— cook over low hent.lO min., or until lightly over lower half.^Slide onto a heated serving browned on bottom. (Lift edge of omelet plate. Garnish with whole olives and serve with u spntuln to judge the color.) Transfer at oilce. ^ serviiiKS- Drain Flooded C ellarf asj ---- -nh< -M*, Hlf-1 r-HWIhr w oT oa^ iriiKb¥^¥Al}t»ra^'l^ -fiurffloo of omelet iJi dry;— ^------movable ■ 9<0 Ui.Comm*nio> htMtjr laHart h*«wMfi Iw* l*n«ihi bT «iraM rml( soih ■niilv«riBry o( lli* Uatiiili* Iw4« anJ allav t« faUMi. AjvhM ynu lui> at top o f om elet th rou gh the center nt right before putting irv hot oven. ., Uc of Chlit* ira rm n a**.. .only one >■1 IK* rauMl. Wwial *aUr hf**V 10«. nU IT I.V MMtTKD'. HKNO uui. ihily if.s i Dlu* l u iMp^Ina atui l.t^lllKtf TODAY. Ynu will «tii> irc«ltr llir MiAil u'oixifrful CkUlou of rnln iiHvik - iit^invrlo a. U llala hunilr#wrM MadrJi. an A-llno skirt with short-sloevod, WfMe h t tr** e a t o l e # ______collared bodice,.gets it tailor-mado ^ r » i o » s details with simple top stitching. 801BEN : i . p o D-isi I v »r cm s M ake.lt. in a light-weight wool, a loaatf. HobsTOH. t». >yya l«*« WUOV rVLLMMHIP doubloknit, or linen fabric. To get 9 4 1 t MOMTAM. eo«H. your pattern for this style, simply (ill out the coupon below.

FIX BROKEN Size 14 takes 2V» yard& of 44- Porlnitanfl>iUnfiftIl«T uhtll you inch fabric. Standard body mea­ DENTURES can Mio yourd«i>tlB( — G«t ’ i m surements for size 14 are: Gust 36, AthMMtajnlmitas F-900 lllualratlon B y Richard Thorton Waist 27,Hlps38r~ ------Am *linj( new Qnlk' Kll. S lie i 10, ia , U , ^6 Maat« jUlow up fo lour waakt fi F-900 llvary. fiU adi v a piKad by raputabla (New Slilnfl) K»a««glse

IM . Yat w ith (houaandi o f e fd a rt eoniln< In utuaily b eur •tfvartlMra, tomatlmtf unlntafiMonai dalaya 'ecetir. A lttii^ h

a tu tt as m uch a * poasli^la. If you va ^end $1.00 p^ut 35 c«nl« lor p o tla o * and HEASe NINT any quastlM about msll erdar. lust- tandllrvgj c«ih, ch*«li< or money order. Se lure >o give nip coda wriUi suun Palna, ramlly Waahly, 641 Laxlnfton Avanua. r^awVorK »Ty. ! 6o 22. Presenting som ejie w clich^

noOulu&Miinilid. 18 mgrtniru m j, rimtiM BV.pM cIsmdiiiFTC Rrnun NMCTO ARE YOU PLAGUED BY WORRY

it's, a good Idea to create-« **kld8* AND FEAR BECAUSE YOU CANT sbcir*~'a cection of^the kitchen Ihet "that-hopefully-has h-icparato door. Bli^Jctljr for the kids. Cocktail foods for parties are just' QUIT CIGARETTES? Easy Ways to Protect Asainst Skin as tempting. You can avoid snacking Canc«r on them by keeping them in a lower, Skin cancer is the most comm on can- far comer of -the refrigerator in ccr-also thp most curoblo and most opaque coati^itien. Otherwise, if you Kick the habit.. easily preventable. Yet 115,000 Amer- glimpse a glass jar of macadomia nuts — ;— icans'nre «pectcd to"Bctit' this year “ (iwb~nursT^O cilloriest)' toVfcr>i' lime * Sm oke the — and more than 5,000 to die-but 9S you open the refrigerator, one of percent can be cared by d medical those times youV mouth will water, ^afer Smoke. checkup. Bo particularly watchful of . and guess what will happen! any sore, pim ple or oth er skla U em kh Variety, even at breakfast, helps By E. A. Carey which growi or dooui’t heal« keep you from being bored by the Avoiding ezce« son prerente moei - same com flakes or toast. Keep a This new kind of makes r « U iir < b pipe more lusceptM e; the doser euch, wear tightly woven clothing, ns apple or apricot. Try toasted raisin —big-hat«-glovca-and-mosquito=nctUng____ brcad-(75-ca]orics)_Xor change,_____ have nothing to lose. to protect your face and let you see. O r UM niuficreens-heavy pancake

'A ll'l'W d n t l»~your‘(ic«m6 So l“£an“writo drtd toll you w h y erinary petrolatum or the new chemi­ I'm willing to make this unusual offer. cals for this purpose. Iteing undc*^

Iforo’s ’whnt'n pointln|]r years Jater. nlmont by ' I screen while j nln g 'an d reapply Why Parents May Act Differvntly nccldont, I h it \ipon a woluugn. A nolu- ' Toward Each Child In tfieir Family - rtn n .It'H .theJltfltJlnfi-ln-thowpr,)iLtf>_ ----- afienvai : UNO on cntiroly now principlo for urivinK iU)ii no Rimnio burTftPflffMtlVff'thBtrlt"" Guess what: cfaBdrcn affect parcaV mntio Bmoklnjf n nipo an ontlroly new unn in Jry]Jro m the f\rfft_ i i ’h d iir^^u n t i\\AW MV tivor In- puff It afhokoB coo!— it Rmolco* m ild — Ik Now re^rch financed by a grant v o n trd . I t HwokftH O O O IjK R — MRI»- hnmkbd right down to tho lajit bit of Tips on Taking Your Dog to The . LOWER — SWEETER — and DUIER. from the N ational Institute of Mental tobacco w ithout bitd. It novor hai to lw> _ S « a th o re ^ __ Even dyed in tho wool clRnrotto uwok- routed, and it never han to bo eloanod; Health proves that behavior b ■ two- •rn find it oatilor to anioko nnd Vnjny yot it is utterly impoBBlble for goo or Mot all dogs take to the water with n way affair. Mothers wlu> worked on th a n a n y pipe, ojr any tiR a r t h o y ’vo ovo*’ nliidffo to roach y o u r toneuo, hflcauBO glad A rf A rf. Some nrc terrified of it. tasks with stubborn. dq>endent, and- tillsInvontion-doob notnllow.tho goo ta . - ..trie d . Som e iiu y .lt’A-os-caay awitch- ~1f yoU"XVunrio”!ukc7ydiiirir6g^o^ tlu P ins; from ono brand oV clgnrottoB to forni. • independent children all ntodifled a n o th e r. In apnonrance and In quality, tho l>enc|) with you, Introdace him to (he Ihelr bchavlo^^ adjust (o each chad's Cnroy P ipe Is lik e any o f tlie two. or lake or ocean with soue caudon. If he actions. A t the end o f the experiment Give H SO d«y»— throe liMidlhff W orld brands. The bowl bounds iV'after you and starts pad­ Y ou'll nevor go back to elp;ar«tteH is made of thb flneat selected premium it xvas clear to tlie researchers that aurain. No clgarotto, no clear,, nor any briar, imported oBpociallv for thifl ubo. dling,, your problems are minimal. different children In the same family Tlio bit Ih conventional in appearance other plpo can glvo you tho full yich Just be sure he doesn't go out beyond can cause their parents to treat them flavor," aroma, deep taato that resulta f vom amok> you m ay keep it. Ilu t if you are w illing ' A . Ttiere is no safe woy to dispose of iniir an onllnary pipe. As a resiAt I dodi> to go hack to yoqr old smoking habit, catMl hundreilB of hours aoarching for break the Carey into bita, return tho pesticides yourself. If you try to put tho ideal pipe—buying nil the disap* pieces and tho trial will have coat you Threa Trick* to Help [Meat nothing. them in the garbage can or the in­ po in tin g ffadgetfl. anil novor finding a Before I aend-you your pipe I would TemptatkM cinerator, you are likely to expose B in g lo , BOlitary pipe that would amoke like to know the atylo you prefer so aend If you're* dieting and there are no hour after hour, day after day, without them in a way that could contaminate mo your name TODAY and I'll aend you children at your house, you can more bittom oaa, bite or sludge. In disiruBt 1 abBolutoly free my complote trial oflfel' local air and water supplies. The best gave up and went back to clgiirottes— Including dpacriptlvollterature and pipe easily banish high-calorie foods from thing (o do is to eoa(ac« yo«r lo cd are and olt courae back to C OU G H IN G , ■ atylea bo you can decide for youraolf tlie table. But with kids around, (hat's manKaL Pesticides Can be dispose of WIIEEZING, CHOKING. whether or not thousanda of Cawy, impossiUe: No seIf

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James Taylor \OM/ f r P E A I ^ s > L i u t SHE'S A JANIS SLIM LADY JOPLIN And * The Blue Me and \ V •' W iM Horizon Bobby S ■ Let Me Ride McGee m Highway Song

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IjkH* lo o rd ar. If you do n ol want any aalacilon In any_ liunlh'— maraly ralurn tha apaclal card by tha dal<> 0H«...... '•...... apaclflad. If you want only IIm ragular talacilon, do D« yM M m ■ UUotoMT (tU ck □ VCI □ HO ' .nothlno - It will t>« ahlpp^ to you aulomatlcally. Or UM tha card to ordar any of tha altarnata aalactlona »Ua wav ilIX*'. »ll«kllv W lW . In offarad. And from tlma to lima, w« will olfar aome apa- cJaLMlactlona^ which you may rajMt by ralurnino th« ■ apaclal dalad form providad — o> acc^n>y dolnfi nothing . . . tha cholcaja flwaya up lo youl Y e u r e It clurt II ba opanad upon enroll' tmi cuu mani . . . you pay for your aalacllona only »tt»f you M«. 1090 ttave racalvad lham. Thay will ba mallad and blllad lo you at our ragular pricaa: oartrldgaa and caaaaltaii. ' M .M ; r»aMo-»a> tai>M. $7.9S; racorda, f4.M o r >5.90 BUSINESS REPLY MAIL . . . plus • malilng and handling charga. (Oc^atfonal Poatao* 8Ump MaoakMry if MalUd Ia iHa UnlWd »UUa apaclal aalaollona may ba aomawhal highar.) <

ipiinlMboJboiiw only" obllgalibn'la to buy aaverl aalactlona (at regular Club pricaa) during tha coming yaar. After doing ao. you have .no further obll' Po9taQ9wlUb€p9Jdby Oatlon - and you may cancel mambarahlp at any time.. If you decide to cdntlnue, you will be eligible (or ouf COLUMBIA HOUSE aaneroua bonua plan — which can aavri you at tout 33K' on all your future ^urchaaaal Thia la the moat Tarr* Hautf, Indiana oonvan/anf way poaalbla to build « mualo cullecllon a t. the o^wefesf ••vlng poulbJ0l Bo don't delay >>,malllh« 47808 poatpald coupon today! I Columbia iHouse in iTiiaziJi^ {tine for on]y^2,98 CeTaSniirBlue OnionTea Kettle DECORATED WITH AUTHENTIC BLUE ONION PATTERN AND HOLDING FULL QUART

The famous antique Blue Onion pattern delighted hostoss.The prlce is extremely I------M AinO DAY NO-mSk COUPON TODAVI------1 Is derived tron^ ancient Chinese porco- good at $2.98 . I GREENUAND-STUDIOS- . — lain. l')ow it adorns our lovely ceramic THIS OFrCK WILL N 01-nc ---- — — — S72a'6nnn(»nli*i« und nil . . . ■ T.» Kalllo (»*3>a0) « »2.00 plili BSil tured In ttie authentic original cobalt- I potUg* I'UncicnUnd If I tm not d«li8ht«(J, I m»y rsturn (or a (oil Supplies are limited on this very popular wfurHj. EnclOMd It ch#cU or m .o. lo t — ------blue, the color most often used by the Item and orders will be filled on a first ancient Chinoserartlsans., This charming come, first served basis. We urge you to kettle Is as cute as they come at any price o rd e r rig h t how to avoid d is a p p o in tm e n t. and will grace your tea fray or table with This offer will not be repeated this sea­ _^uaJ,lal6ganco. Holds a full quart for a son in this magazine. I------_: STAR PRpntJE jBy Peer J, OppenhelnMr *l¥hat in the^orld! y' Desi,Ir.: Rebel with T w o ' «’ome 200 (ormcrly Unemployed Welsh­ DATES: Sunday, Augu);t is Family men ipcaking in (heir own hccenix as Reunion Doy. The Hall,of. Fame Buso' Ffiimilies they portray the flgbting Boer (Dnich) , hall G tim c , C le ve lam r Ihdiarts vs,. C h i­ commandos. „ cago Ciibs, at Cooperstown, N .Y., will be played Monday. Dolphins da Iho’darftdest (hings. Three -o£-thcm»JQrandy.-Spafky-and,Donny.—- — A N N IV E R S A R IE S ; Jestc O w ens l>j?camo ure in show biz. Their specialties are the flrti mah in history to win four playing water football »nd brushing gold m edals in the O ly m p ic gam es, con* their teeth (o neat trick for Dolphins). foundirig Nur.i propugnnda against Here, two of them (we can't tell which Negroes, 35 year* ago Monday. Com ­ is w hich , but they can) 'test between- munist-East Germany erected the Ber- 11 n W all 10 years a go Th 11 rsd ay. V J n>ay (Ja p a n ’s surrender in W o rld W a r ___ SPITTIN* IMAGE? II) was 26 years ago Saturday. ChurchlnriettrSimon wirdTTtBttT BIRTHDAYS: Sunday-DuKtin Honfman Whal? The reincarnaHon of Winston is 34. Esther Williams 48. Uudi Gcrn- Ho was w^ring4)luc denims, ten- Churchill? W ell, almost that. TIks Brit- reich 49. Monday—Connie Stevenx is • nis shoes and a Mickey MoUsot-shirt — isii movie company_whlch.ls_Rhw(lnfi_ ("Lpjcked it odt myself...*•). Lunch_ 33,-Halph Houk 52. Tuesday-Jtmmy Ihc life of the young Wlniton had to ' tonsisted of hair a grapefruit and a Dehn is 43. Wedneaday-ril« the Hoer fewer cavitie s His father, of couhe, is Desi Ar- ___WaE-in^uth.AfricJt<-(Churo>til J- w o6^ _nay.. Sr.; his mo^hef, jLucillo Ball. wnr correspondent foru I^ndon paper.) acts with their human co-star, Marion Frinkly, rdidn’Pihihli:~hc“ lttiJkfcd” Tlic nctor said that just before his West. Tlic act is acquiring a I’ourth like cither of tWem.'Elghtccn-year, scrcen test, he co u ld sec no rest:m- dolphin, so that they cnn alternate on old Desi, Jr., may have inherited blnnce. But—with make-up—why, he the nine or 10 ixirformanccs per day talent and looks from his- famous parents, but ho struck mo' os being -kiimiLlicliI.alwnvt looted like Winnie! without Retting overtired from all that BIRTHDAY PEOPLE: - v e ry m iwh h is « As for the others in the cast-fherc arc • hnishinfr. D ean a n d C w nio Steveng Desi, Jr., was atw a^ destined to be“difrercnt.’* HIk bli4h wasprobahly more public and better publicizcil -.tlutn-that o f.u n y other heir in A m e l^ ica. W h e n he vvas rivd, his'p are n ls- w Ijo had moved their happy married llpiips (& Quotes: lifo' into big business-got divorced. According to Dosl, Jr., the split worked out to his advantage: !‘I saw - w lot more of my fotliei' afterward Pill you hear about Ihr RuxMlan th an I* ever d id w hen wo lived ___ -burJcr-i’uarJ.who ys'w.rccently arrested lo g c lh e rr’--- • ---- hy the Coinm hsar o f DankiHC? It jee/tj.f Although he’s done all right with he was cauf:ht Red'hartded passhia l>ad tutors, Desi found school rather Czechs. —Tom Alexande^ tedious. “1 riovcr got a(ong too v/iM with the teachers. I was suspended ..." H it worst year was at a Catholic school run by Jesuits. ‘The peoplo ut school didn't like me, and I didn't -caroforthefH ;'’-He-reca|ls-how-one— boy wailed for him outside the locker room and called his mother ~dlftjnrittmtS7~Buf I got even. ! caught-hlm-ono. day after s c j^ , Ihe > «ay. Bad yet a n d bangeU his head o n the lockers!" Sail nndf prpp^r*» w h a t 1 get. Financially, DesJ, Jr., has few If “P a a the pepper** I thould yeU. worries. M uch of the money he has Sait w ould com e a lo n g as 'tfvell. made has been put into bonds whicb Mke man and wife, like ikter, brother, he can 't touch iJntll he’s 21. H e Uvea at home with hii mother and step­ “— thrwHier;----- '■—^Llje is like a taxl^ihe meter keeps father, In his, o w n separate scctlOn T bo ueh Kalt h a i m a n y times the takers, r'\ituiiun whether you are-nettlnf} some’ o f the house. H e has his otvn lawyer, Pepper’s In as m a n y shakers. where or fust stamling still. business m a n a ge r *'and a lo t o f other -Lucille J.Coo

FBm lly, frlends, deliclons food a n d »nlaxed cook These nelniportiant In e re d le n ta to a b a p p r tim e In y o u r own backyard. Add one^o,re. Reynoldfl W rap. You run cook in it, jL njdJre^inJ(.Jt.inplds.tishtzto. any shape, seallnc in Juices and flavors. Arid It keeps food iiot until ready to Berve. Strong. denenJahle ___ Reynolds W raB. TherB's nit hannlor-


twlnkt«4 with

b«rH«rirt H«9vy Duty lUywM* Vrwp P l^ c o 'a 30*^. le n g th o f H e a v y D u t y ynoldfl W rap on a oookifi whitf t>M«rk.— .0 , cirdo on tho foil. Spread wafers, ono by|Ofao. w ith w hipped tpin< an d

w ith romnining whipped topping. Bring ^ fo il up o ver top , tNoIng c a re fu l not to touch tho w h ip i^ temping, nefrigorato V ' LINE YOUR GRILL overnight Then place in freezer and V m Heavy Duty licynolda Wrap. The freeze until luud. When froxenrWrap fo il' ~/oItVe/lccla~lhFl^r^vcnly over the en- more cloeely around ring. When ready to tire tirilL Foods cook euanly. Faater, too. servo, unfold foil and crim p edge& Thaw At clean-up time, just bundle up the 20 minuted at room temperature. F ill aahea in the foil and throw them away, center w ith deolred fru it. Cut into oerv- in g p ie ce a . FROZEN FRUIT SALAD nade ingredients. Pour over moat» cover HICKORY PARMESAN LOAF and refHg<>rHto~2~to~4~houra.'AltDmat«~% 1 pK lu ia 0 of.) lamon meat, vegetables and pineapple on 1 lour Fr«Mh bratd lip . hickory imoktd l«la(m I cup QialnMl whol* y> cup butlar or mariarlrw Mit Vicup bflllinc walar maraichino skewers. Place- each kab^ on sheet of rup i r t M Parmauh ^ tip. WoretiUiihlra 1 cup miwutnalu or ’chM ia Saucf u la d dratilnc v z K t r * ' Heavy' Duty Hoynolds Wrap. Spoon 1 cup dralnad plnaapplt remaining morinade over kalx^s< Bring chunk* up foil, double-fold .tope and en^ to Cut broud diagonally into 1 incU b Ucoh, D la a o lv in in water. Cool. Fold in seal. Place on grill about y above hot not quite through bottom' cniBt. M ix nuiyonnnise. Chill until alightly thick- grey coals. G rill 30 minutes, turning ___ aining'ingrodioniH-nnd Hpread- "onodrl^6ld lh"whlppbd cream and fru lL" firtiiuenHy. on sliceo. Wrap loosely in a 28" Lino 2 ico cube troys with Heavy D uly length of Heavy Duty R e y n o ld s W ra p . 1^1 w ith fru it m U iu tt),. -Heynolds-WmpT-Plnctr Freeze until Imrd, remove from tray and about 6" above hot over-wrap in foil. When ready to servo. grey coala; Cook~ -unwrap.and.thAW -10.mlnutos..Cu(.into iB ”to 2b mih- serving piecco. place on lettuce. I^rve utea, turn* wJU) ndditiomd mayonnaise, if deairt)d. gonco. BEEF KABOBS ik«yMuur«l|aciMai

\ ^u^ckl«r vIm s ^ M ix V t cup tpmato puree w ith beef, cup eaUup < cruMbfl, onion, egg and sa lt Pat meat .IBcharry hMiiato** into a 10" circle on 18" square Heavy 3 n ip « . aoy (iue« 1 can (30 0}.) p l M i ^ a Ui Itp. Tabauo &m c« Duty Reynolds Wrap making tho crust Naavy Doty Raypo^JVrpfi^.. for your pizza. Turn up odge about V4" D rain pineapple. Add eiWHigh water to to hold filling. Turn foU up and crimp juico to mako 1 cup and add to mari-' edges about 1" away from meat to catch drippings. Spoon rem aining tomato puree mixed with garlic, oregano aivl - Reynolds Wrqp... Tabasco Sauce over meat. Top with Oven-temperQd.for flexible strength Reynolds Wrgp g cf|eose slices. Place pizza on g rill 6 inches a way from ho tgroy'coalB: Cook 20 ' «: C u t in tu fa K v n > 7 7 — r r s a l e ; WOMEN^S NYLON DRESS SLACKS

W j IU oway with yroa» savlngsl Chock our JACKETS GIRLS^ JACKETS . supofstylod Dacron polyaster double knit sUcks. Ihoio hahdvomo, wrinkle-resistant pants U (l! 27" to\* co.it pt-}OQVo,nylon with ""TiOlcJ tliclr shape ... . wearing alter wearing. lilddurt hood,' iwo~side /ip pncknt'.- and Choose .yours from continental nr balt_ hidden wristloti. Polyititor tibur fill. Si/os 7 loop stylos in Navy, gfoy, wine, brown, camel Tho lonoo(, luanor look’ in .1 sturdy nylon to 14 10 navy, alo or plum. or rod. Sl/os 29 to 40. jackul for cjll outdoor occ.iiions. Th ii o»'oal looking stylo foaturos a warm polyo'itor fibor Right: A smartly slylod no w.ilo cotton ^ fill, hidden hood ond wrisilots ond st^nd up corUufoy itorm coat with acrylicipllo lining collar. Navy,.pink, plum, powdor or lomon. ------:______ond u'.iyon'polyursthano trim. SiOtilo —br«a5tod-withboH-Bnd-hood.-3‘iolotvlf>-9tres- ^ lo - X d . ______Regularly $22 w

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• 3 S H O R T SLe!eVE styles ! SALE! NOVELTY HASSOCKS BEST BUYS FOR SCHOOL MEHITT^ABLE . ... •X THE SITTABLE G I R U ' PANTIES ‘ Regula/iy 49c A fun nddillon to any Back-to'school savings on girls' cotton panties. Throe room! Our 10 Inch high and 9 styles to choose from . .. dimple weave, puff weave or Inch diamolor hassock has an Eiderloh. SIzos 4 to 14 in white, pastels and prints. adorabl« puppy (aco with long -floppy- ears-TTT-JissoV-tBd-brlghtly------3il” .coiored plia cowors.— •r-:':rr.''r7::7 Jl.. ''GIRLS' KNEE HIGHS ■ If perfect y______Classroom-basia.^^lOO%.cotton.rIbbBdJmiLknaeihlghs- In white and colors. Very slight Irregutars-of a famous _R*aul»rly-*7_ I f narvie b ran d. Sixes 6-6Vr. 7.7«A, 8-8Wr.'9-9yi. 3 WAYS TO BUY •^ASH"^^ARGE • LAYAWAY


An ox.icl copy of ono of A m o r ic a 's n;\.ost f

Comparo at $S f r 1 SALEf HOSE-HUGGER GIRDLE

W ith schpol d.?ys Appi'oachjng, odd this now .ind M unlquo t^oso huQQor ulrtHo 16 your w.irdrobn al 'm nrA.'«f c.ikfJnnc Jnnftr .jp LOItipBtO W $G SALE! ACTION lEtACK GIRDLE For tho comfort and conlrol you nood, soloct a long log p.inty glrdlo with on action b^icU that . SALE! WOMEN'S rolaxos and strotchos whon you do. Strotch c E i'n p n ro ' 3 4 7 ..DJinoi-.Jhiahs.. no..Jldino -o r. blndlnu.--Slzai _ . tfl $ 7 . S-M-L-XL. 3-^PC. SLEEP * LOUNGE SET HOSIERY DORM-WEAR-FOR-RElrAXlhiG— SPECIALS! OR STUDYING .... Off to campus? Add this 2-pc. nylon tricot paj.im.i sot with matching nyion PARK AVENUE <|uiMud short robo to your fashion wiirdrobo. Porfoct for^hoso ovodings of relaxing or studyingr^Soft and pretty PANTY HOSE colors witti .ipniiqii ”



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8 8


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Tuarn up (or (un with an outfit stiloctod from our two pioco potyoster —k n it s .----- c o n s is t jrtg-— - o f - buttonod or tied woskot with matching skirt. So oasy to caro for, com- plotoJy washab/o. Th» looks ore groat so hurry in now and select yours \

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"SALETFLOURTSACK SStErSTAM PEDF =SAtK=FOAM ^^ BED PILLOWS DISH TOWELS »Pl£tOW CASES )^or the most rettfuj sleep ever, choose one of our fine quality ' oba-plece verttilated /oam _5i>uo-now-orrourbjJdBBff1oUl' i*JrcV'dl^ (

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MEN'S AND BOYS' JACKET SALE! A. MEN'S TOW COAT woathor~wiih—you-w hen—you~#ftcc'- wintur in this ruogoci 4ow co.it. A liiddon hood iind wristlots mjiko it wondorfijlly warm on Iho coldest dnys. Comhin.ition zip .ind snap front . . . sido 2ip pocUois. Navy, Qtoon dnd bluo Jn slios S-M -L-XL.

1 / ? U