*•“*» 83706 .^.AUOAKIl-IHEJJSS.QKlNA-_JluUSiiacavour.jllt jha_Wiac! WA (UPI)—America's Irlum- scorchcd-bottom first with u Mission Control In Ho)jston Hiree cosnu)nauts .liinu 30 when Apollo. 15 also featured the pliant Apollo 15 oiplorors trcmcmious splnsh. but It {U\ld Apollo lS/)iit (he ocean at tlielr Soyuz-spacecraft cabin first use. of a moon car, which splashed tloOT safely but wlUi a .st^jyed upright. 21,fl miles |)er hour instead.'ftf ■aildilenly deprtssurlzed 'return* cftrrled Scott and Irwin 17.4 kethJarrlntf‘Jolt.ln-thE-PtfdUc--..^TTils-ls.Apollo..l5.’:.r«dioed thBlplMnnciLJ9_n!4)J>,J)ciN>usc_ luK from a record ‘ 24-dav -miles alun|t-tiio-{aiotlUlll-o( Uu>— Sjiturday, cndlni' a 12-dny Scolt while the ICndcavour was one of the 64-root-wldi* chutes spaceflJjihl. ancient Apennine Mountains,' journey to the moon acclaimcd still bobbluK. "Kverybody's in was not fully deployed anil it ’Hie splashdown and success­ Uu* fl'-Ht ouUl'ii* :r by-sdenllst9-a8-‘-u»jj)roccden*—j{otHl-sliapcJl smacked'down rij'ht or\ Us ful recovery Wrapjwjd up the .<ipjici*crafl in deep spa^Or first tedfy successful.”’ Fifteen minutes later, one of blmit bo (lonr,~ --- - - -Unlteil-States-rourth luannwl -iin»TTrWn(» of a satellite in nuMitj One of tlfree huf'o oran{»o-nnd* throe recovery • swimmers f'ievertheless. the Kndcavour latulin|{ on Ute moon, a 1445' , orbit, and flrs.t look.oiftjhe top white parachutes failed to oi>en reached the Kndeavour, lK>b- l«nde(f only ',fi.32 miles off million extrnvaf'anza which set of a luniir iiiodiite, to survey a completely abovc—Uio- sp^jco- bini{_ In - sun'<lrenchcd tari'ct. after slammlnii liito the a host of space records no less l;mdlju; Kite. craft Kndenvour after It .seas, and |)e(.red into a hatch at atmosphere at 4:32 p.m. KUT • Impressive thnn tlie "extraor­ '11)0 two final moon missions slammed UiroUKh the eartli’M Uio astronauts. iit 24,545’miles |>er hour. dinary scientific yield" j'eolo- are to take place next year — atmospliere and headed toiyard Ttiey K«ve him an “okny" Helicopters from (he Okituiwa I’ists had »dd It promised. A(>ollo Ki In March and Apollo ■5h>n imH thp frOLMnan L«ave a lifted the astronauts one-bv'-<ine llie astronauts surpassetl 17 In IVc(»ml>t‘r - but |«eolo}»lcal Ihiwaiian Island of Oahu. tlmmbs-up signal to show the fronj titeir floatlnji spacecran pre'viiuis Aixiiin ml«flinmrnTr inves(i|;ators at (he Houston “ Stand by for a hard world they were aH rij'ht. and flew them to (ho carrier total' titne o/t the moon f»|)ace Center were ecstatic at Impact," the recovery ship 'Hie faulty middle parachute flll'iit deck. hours, 55 minutes), linio A|M)11^ 15*s achlevtmi?Dts, and Okinawa radioed astronauLn allowed the ICtuleavour to drop Hie entire . drama was explorlnc the lunar surface ( in ,tiiey said so even Ix'fore the David II. Scdtt,'James II. Irwin faster , and almost straiuht observe<l by a Hus.'^lan ocean- hours, ;i7 ndnutes), rock and i Kndenvour came htime. and Alfred. M. Worden at 4:45 down, conkpared <to the gentle t’oini; tut'txiat which traUed the soil samples collected (171 Snnt^.-sit’ps from hatch Lu.m.-EDT^A.haU*mlnuto Inter sloplni* coast of previous Ap«]hL Okltuwii alxnit two to thi- jviunds) arid time In liuuir orbit _tl*ontlnurd on l*.2l r Mafj'ic Valley^s llonu* Ninvtipaper TWIN FALLS, IDAHO. SUNDAY, AUGUST 8, 1971 TWENTY PIVE CENTS vol. 68 NO. 102 S V tflsit bid Spray N ational to ApoUo cretv sales rodeo final ' SUN VALLBY (UPI) - 11>e "That's like Sun Valley, tJirco Apollo 15 astronauts and Jitn," tlie coimnunicator in their fnmillos have l)fcn invited Houston remarked, ■WIN KAIJii - Ttlo GooillnK to Sun Valley next winter. Jansa’ telegram said, "Mrs. The----Invilatjon----and—Jnns.vBnd'the-staff-joln-me'ln- J^ujLly_w«(KLconlroUrnccJms— ' violated stiito and federal laws set con^ratulations were in a cont^ratulatint; you and Colonel by selling pesticide in an un* teleurnm sent by William Scolt and Major Worden on your marked container, according to. Janss, chalnnnn of the Iwnrd most successful journey to the nyllllTHMIIXKU second, and Handy Koehn, AI Miller, pesticide investigator for' Sun........... Valley Co.," ■Inc., as soon moon. We were Utrilled lo learn TImes-Ncws Writer Dodge City, Kan„ and Kim wlUj tlic Idaho Department of FILER-T»»o National High Beridickson, Fallon, Nov.. lied as the crowmenjbers were U reminded you of Sun Valley. Agdculturo and Dr. C. Cueto, of ■3arciy~nVifflrd“ tJic-a(rtrnft- School Hodeo at Filer winds up for third and iourtli. ‘in hopes you would.llklT!w~iK(rEnvironmemflr rrotcction— »-t^p-lO-contostiinla— Iiat0backzz.tldln6; Hart carrier Okinawa. •- t . show vour tviro colleaguog .Agency's pesticide regulation nio Invlliition was prompted* . In each eventsnts bailie It put for_ l y j a ^ Thormopolls, Wyo., exactly what you meant, thoufenncbpofTtellara'ifTtellara*-inT>rfteaf-firsfr^— Wendell---GUmwjw- by Lt. Col. James D'. Irwin's tuld-Ukfl-you-and-Mrs^Ir C rotviti^nf first comment on the moon a ^v-h«w-dfftwn—WcBttierf<»rdr coiidrAiul- Colonel and Mrs. Scott'. I CINDV HAGEN, 11, liuEt capnclly crowds durlriK tho Inal Iton Lynch, Uwrnnco, Kan., weok>-^go when ho made Worden and your eight children Hint many dealers and weed portormanccs, liaa Uilrd. reference to tlie Idaho ski to be dur gucsM the week of Jan. resort. S J u u t h .I l™ f n r “v M r a S ‘hc WIZ NaUonalHIgh boon doclarcd a rcaoundlna Saddle hronc riding: Jolui 10,1972, when Sun ValleyJ holds T “ W ■<"**" . Micccas by.alUnvolvcd. KlnK, Sliorldan, Wyo., Ural; Irwin «ild. "Oh boy, it’s Its annual reunion. I look for- beautiful QutJiccc . remimU .. .ill- '“I* conloilanls. Dodo Givens, Arapahoo, Wyo., waJiHo hearing fron» you..Until ™ , I, I Ncld« Robtaon, II, Hcdlo, La. dctcrmlniK) by combined scorca Bccond,nnd M arkin , Goodlnii, mo of Sun Valley.” Uien welcome homo." Seconds. later, ho described '*”>'■ **'” * « “ “ >1W. , Die moon dust as "llko about six LI. Col. and Mrs. Irwin vlslM K ^ r l n g ot wa. (Ir.l runner-up H«De arounds, will be«ln compiling Calf roillnu; Paul Hughea, inches 'dooTOrf^BnftTnntcrial;''' a in J / a llo y - ln 4 J c c o m b iu v J M 7 . _ 3 ; ^ 7 „ ^ / & Valley, at 2 p.n>. OIney Springs, Colo.,/irsl! Bob Ore., wa. cho.cn .cconS run-- -TITo |Si‘-pcr(or,;,aHc^-sllOw-Watldn,^ Kim, C»lo., second^^ ^yono (ound selling pe.allcldL. ^ will begin'at l:30p.ii>. Today Is anB Jim Smeenk, Newell, S.D., naniuimurkcdconUilncr-or e|,„,o ncverly Konkcl. "oll-Idaho” day. Uilrd. *■ ^ •■bulknBoutVaaltlsconrjmonly „ ^olo., as Mlai Uio rodeo, which has con- Steer wrestling: Dan Klnsel, cnlled - can liave Ills llccnsc conccnlallty. testants from 24 states par- Cotulla.TeXMflrst; Dick Bauch, taken away. ____!________ ^________ Plane, pickup, tlclpatlng,b only eight students Council Bluffs, Iowa, second, According to Miller, Uie fact' sri^allor Ilian last year's rodeo, and Joe Sagers, Gooding, thirdi ' Umt 27 cattle died in Gooding Bride, despite un ouibrcrt o/ ~ Boya cotr~cuttingr~Micfeflel- County less than two weeks ago V en ezuelan , oquln o ■ on- Mo’wery, Mesii. A rh ., first; piitjm pm m de^^^ *makes'thc-practice-of~“ bulking* _____(^bphalom yelills which caused O a i g Itittenliouse, Woo;dward, out" extremely serious. He said- many siudenta to come toTKo” Okla., second, and Lonnie DATTLE MOUNTAIN, Nev.' Schwinn said his invesHButlon ho anticipates Uiafn bearing cyclist rodeo wiUioulUieli^own mounts. -Asliley, A da, Okla., third. (UPI) — Tlie wreckage of a Indicates tlw. piano crasljed will bo called to look Into the Several Ida}u) entries will be’ Pole bonding: Kathy Wloland, stolen twin • engine plane, eltljcr late Tuesday or early matter. Anotlier alternative, he • J ■ In thoiinnlsrunlcss'thoy wcrc -Hattinger.N.D,TflratrJill Jana.- 1125,000 wortl»\)f marijuana and Wednesday morning. Ho said. Is... for............. the sliito to Uiku lll|IJLl!*0C l moved down by contestants Wood, S.D., second, and ' participating in tlio last per- Rebecca Fuchs, Berthoud, a pickup truck were broughtbelieves Uie aircraft was at* direct legal action. “ hero and are being held as templing to land on Uie dry lake JERO M E-A young husband formance of Uio second go- Colo., Uilrd. evidence, Lander County either to refuel or to unload Itp According to Oscar Arslein, of one day was cltcd for Inat- Slieriff George Schwinn said cargo of marijuana. • Idaho commlaaloncr of Icnllvo driving and his. bride . Wa'14 Walla, W aJi., first; Janet Saturday. FBI agents said the $50,000 agrlculiuro, Iho "bulking out" aliffcro'd minor Injuries In a '".°u Ellenahurg, W^ash., Schwinn said ho was con- aircraft was reported stolen In practlcd Is agalnat both the old single cor accident on ■ In- lUchflold, who was fifth In bull ^ n d , and Sandl Capehart, tinulng his Investigation Into Iho Ml. Vernon, Wasli., Friday, two and new state lows. teratiito Highway 80 while n riding after- Saturday af- Prlnevllle, Ore., third. Twin Falls bicyclist •»'''?o"n's show; Helen Porke, Breakaway roping: Shelly crash of « Cessna 310 and the days after tho crash, e s c a p o d Drifting down discovery of ten 50-kllo sacks of The . plane Is registered to Dr.-Cuoto told tho Times- |„ „ „|,onplng Malta, who waa third In cow Haskins. River Palla, Wise., il.«f "Kii11/lnr»' nll»" .
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