View December 2013 Report
MOBILE SMART FUNDAMENTALS MMA MEMBERS EDITION DECEMBER 2013 messaging . advertising . apps . mcommerce NEW YORK • LONDON • SINGAPORE • SÃO PAULO MOBILE MARKETING ASSOCIATION DECEMBER 2013 REPORT A Year of Transformation The new-year invariably kicks off with a slew of predictions, many of which are being usefully defined and shared by our global and regional board members, and many of which are likely to come to fruition or certainly build in momentum. The one area that we feel is certain to gain momentum and have a huge impact on how the mobile industry develops in 2014 is the number of brands that we will see moving from the sidelines and fully into the game. The impact of this will be seen both in the gains in mobile spend as brands move away from the 1% average that we’ve been seeing and start moving towards 10-15% mobile spend with increased ROIs as a result. We will also start to see how mobile is driving both innovation in marketing and transformation of business. As always, the MMA will be providing support and guidance for the entire industry, shining a light on inspiration, capability development, measurement and advocacy allowing all constituents to continue building their businesses, with mobile at its core. We look forward to supporting you and the industry. I wish you much success in 2014. Onwards, Greg Stuart INTRODUCTION 2 MOBILE MARKETING ASSOCIATION DECEMBER 2013 REPORT Table of Contents EXECUTIVE MOVES 4 PUBLIC COMPANY ANALYSIS 7 M&A TRANSACTIONS 9 FINANCING TRANSACTIONS 13 MMA OVERVIEW 25 HIDDEN RIVER OVERVIEW 26 Greg Stuart Todd Parker CEO, Mobile Marketing Association Managing Director, Hidden River MOBILE MARKETING ASSOCIATION DECEMBER 2013 REPORT Executives on the Move Name New Company Old Company New Company Summary Date T-Mobile is a mobile telephone operator headquartered in Gary King Chief Information Officer, T-Mobile Chief Information Officer, Chico's FAS 12/20/13 Bonn, Germany.
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