1 AP 5301/8301 Instrumental Methods of Analysis and Laboratory Lecture 11 Ion Beam Analysis Prof YU Kin Man E-mail:
[email protected] Tel: 3442-7813 Office: P6422 2 Lecture 8: outline . Introduction o Ion Beam Analysis: an overview . Rutherford backscattering spectrometry (RBS) o Introduction-history o Basic concepts of RBS – Kinematic factor (K) – Scattering cross-section – Depth scale o Quantitative thin film analysis o RBS data analysis . Other IBA techniques o Hydrogen Forward Scattering o Particle induced x-ray emission (PIXE) . Ion channeling o Minimum yield and critical angle o Dechanneling by defects o Impurity location 3 Analytical Techniques 100at% 10at% AES XRD IBA 1at% 0.1at% RBS XRF 100ppm TOF- 10ppm SIMS 1ppm TXRF 100ppb Detection Range Detection 10ppb Chemical bonding DynamicS 1ppb Elemental information IMS Imaging information 100ppt Thickness and density information 10ppt Analytical Spot size But IBA is typically quantitative and depth sensitive http://www.eaglabs.com 4 Ion Beam Analysis: an overview Inelastic Elastic Incident Ions Rutherford backscattering (RBS), resonant scattering, Nuclear Reaction Analysis channeling (NRA) p, a, n, g Particle induced x-ray emission (PIXE) Defects generation Elastic recoil detection Ion Beam Absorber foil Modification 5 Ion Beam Analysis 1977 2009 2014 1978 6 Why IBA? . Simple in principle . Fast and direct . Quantitative (without standard for RBS) . Depth profiling without chemical or physical sectioning . Non-destructive . Wide range of elemental coverage . No special specimen