1964 No. 31


Price Six Shillings Published August, 1965 £ A Tree-Creeper photographed in the Wyre Forest by R. J. C. Blewitt.











1952-1963 8

KESTREL ENQUIRY, , 1964 . 15








President : THE LORD HURCOMB, G.C.B., K.B.E. Vice Presidents : A. J. HARTHAN, 80A Green Hill, Evesham Worcestershire. e. A. NORRIS, Clent House, Clent, Worcestershire. Chairman : P. W. HINDE, 14 Goldthorn Road, Wolverhampton. Secretary : A. J. RICHARDS, 1 St. Asaphs Avenue, Studley, Warwickshire. Editor : J. LORD, "Orduna," 155 Tamworth Road, Sutton Coldfield. Treasurer : L. SMITH, 27 Sunnybank Road, Wylde Green, Sutton Coldfield. Field Meetings Secretary : A. F. JACOBS, 46 Bernard Road, Birmingham 17. Assistant Secretary : J. SEARS, 21 Lynbrooke Close, Hollywood,, Worcestershire. Ringing Secretary : C. D. T. MINTON, 65 St. Johns Hill, Shenstone, . Conservation Secretary : G. C. LAMBOURNE, Cottage Farm, Ipsley, Redditch. Branch Representatives : Kidderminster: A. E. DAVIES, 47 Roden Avenue, Kidderminster. Stafford: N. R. WENT, Horsley Lane, Garmelow, Eccleshall. Committee : A. R. M. Blake, M. M. Campbell, W. B. Charlesworth, E. S. Clare, G. Heath, T. E. Parker.

EDITOR'S REPORT Most of the residents which suffered in the 1962/3 severe winter have now largely recovered although reports indicated that the Heron and the Kingfisher were still below their usual numbers. Unusual records included Red-necked Grebes at Belvide and Blithfield, the latter the first July occurrence in the Club's history; Red-crested Pochard, believed wild, at Gailey; Brent Geese at Blithfield; Hen-Harriers at Cannock Chase and near Yoxall; a Dotterel on the Clent Hills; a Temminck's Stint at Blithfield; a Grey Phalarope at Bittell and a Red-necked at Blithfield; a Golden Oriole at Packington; and Bearded Tits at Alvecote, a first appear- ance there.

5 The Hobby and Pied Flycatcher bred in Warwickshire and the Black Redstart in a Black Country site. It was a good Quail year, with breeding records, and Crossbills also bred. There was only one report of a diver at the reservoirs during the winter, an unusual dearth, but the recent increase in Eider occur- rences continued. The Wood-Lark now seems lost, only temporarily it is hoped, as a resident. On the other hand, the Collared Dove continued its triumphant progress and is well-established in all three counties. Very many localities within the Club's area receive little atten- tion. While the reservoirs remain, understandably, the focal points of interest in the passage periods and to a considerable extent in the winter I hope members will spread their wings in the summer months. More information is required on the breeding birds of areas such as South Warwickshire, the Teme Valley and the Cheadle district. J. LORD.


Indoor Meetings A measure of the support given to the Club is surely demonstrated by the attendance at indoor meetings, which continues to increase. An audience of 200 at a meeting is now not unusual and in the year under review this number and often more have been informed and entertained at each of the monthly meetings. A great deal of credit is due to the Chairman in obtaining the first-class speakers which have made these functions such an attraction. In 1964 these included P. Conder, W. M. Condry, F. C. Gribble, F. C. Hollands, Dr. G. V. T. Matthews and W. B. Yapp. A. F. Jacobs, C. D. T. Minton, C. A. Norris and P. W. Hinde, members of the committee, also added to the year's pro- gramme. All these meetings were again held in the City of Birming- ham Art Gallery and once more we record our appreciation of the facilities made available. Enquiries All members are thanked for the support they have given to enquiries undertaken in 1964, particularly the Kestrel Enquiry, which is set out in detail elsewhere. The Birds of Prey Enquiry and Tawny Owl Survey, both sponsored by the Nature Conservancy, were two other projects in which many members participated. A. J. RICHARDS.


Reference to the accounts for 1964 on page 64 shows that the decline in our reserves, which has been taking place during the last

6 few years, has been halted. The increased subscriptions have more than covered our expenditure, thanks being due to the various officers whose great efforts have kept the costs down. Further sales of copies of "The Birds of Staffordshire" have helped to take our balance towards the figure at which it stood a few years ago. Although administrative and printing costs are likely to increase, the present subscription should be adequate for a few years. Now that the Club has been registered as a charity many members are helping to defer the date of the next increase by covenanting their subscriptions. There are probably many more who could help in this way. During 1964 the membership increased from 611 to 673 after taking into account 43 who failed to pay and 46 who resigned. L. SMITH.

FIELD MEETINGS SECRETARY'S REPORT During the year, full-day field meetings were held at Bittell and the Lickeys, Belvide and Gailey, Blithfield, Slimbridge, Cannock Chase, the Long Mynd and West Kirby. In addition, the first of a series of half-day meetings took place at the Wyre Forest. These have been arranged on Saturday afternoons mainly in the interests of members who find it difficult to get away on Sundays. All meetings were well attended and a wide range of birds (and bird- watchers) were encountered. A. F. JACOBS.


1964 saw a further increase in ringing activities in the West Midlands, largely as a result of the greater number of qualified ringers. Finches, thrushes, hirundines and Starlings continued to be the most widely ringed species and the increased concentration on these groups is illustrated by the wealth of recoveries (pages 52 to 55). A feature of all the ringing was its co-operative nature, teams of ringers frequently assembling together on occasions where a joint operation was beneficial. Examples of this were for mist netting at the extensive thrush roost at Sandon (270 Redwings were ringed one afternoon) or the finch roost at Trickley Coppice, Middle- ton (1,000 birds ringed in Autumn, 1964), for batfowling at Starling roosts (over 1,000 on one night) or for rounding up Swans (310 one week-end). A further contribution was also made to the national Sand-Martin Enquiry with ringing at newly-found colonies in Worcestershire and at Sutton Coldfield and at roosts at Alvecote and Westwood Park. The number of recoveries of some species which have gradually accrued over the years is already enabling a provisional pattern of

7 movements to be outlined. For instance, the extent of movement of Mute Swans in the West Midlands is now fairly clearly understood, the dispersal area of the Gailey Herons in their first year is known, the apparently random wanderings of Greenfinches during the winter is revealed, and the continental breeding areas of Starlings visiting the West Midlands in winter is defined. The Starling recoveries in 1964 were largely of birds ringed in the severe weather of January and February, 1963, and bring to thirteen the number of foreign recoveries of Starlings ringed in this period. The most notable feature of the 1964 recoveries was the marked exodus of British Linnets into France in the autumn, a movement noted also in other parts of the British Isles. This dispersal, an irregular occurrence, was well documented for the Club's area with six such recoveries including three Linnets ringed at Brandon in the space of two days. Other interesting recoveries included a Whitethroat from Brandon in Portugal, a Fieldfare from Hartshill in Finland, a Snipe from Blithfield in N. Italy, and a Swallow, also from Blithfield, which was caught by a schoolboy in the Ashanti region of Ghana. Full details of the main ringing activities of members are given on pages 57 and 58 and all recoveries over 10 miles (40 miles for the Mute Swan) on pages 52 to 56. C. D. T. MINTON.

SOME BIRDS OF BLITHFIELD RESERVOIR, 1952-1963 Blithfield Reservoir is located near in Stafford- shire. It is a drinking water reservoir with a capacity of 4,000 million gallons, a top water area of 790 acres and a perimeter of about 8| miles. There is no public access to the reservoir but a main road crosses the centre and another road runs along part of one side. The South Staffordshire Waterworks Company is thanked for their helpful co-operation in making this survey possible. Filhng commenced in 1952 and the first systematic duck counts in the autumn of 1954. In the survey of the winter distribu- tion of the anatidae and their conservation in Great Britain, pre- pared by the Wildfowl Trust and published in 1963, Blithfield is shown as the third most important of the reservoirs judged on the total number of birds and on the value of individual species. Regular duck counts at the reservoir, organised by T. W. Ford, cover the months of September to March inclusive. The average pattern is for the September total to reach about 1,800 and for the figure to rise to around 2,800 by the end of the year, decline slightly to approximately 2,500 by February, and drop to about 1,600 in March. The lower September total is accounted for by the absence of Wigeon, which begin to arrive in force a little later, and the low March figure by the dispersal of most of the Mallard. Totals

8 fluctuate considerably and on occasions have reached the 4,000 mark. The two arms of the northern end of the reservoir often have exposed areas of mud and afford excellent feeding and resting places for waders on passage. 30 species have been identified up to 1963. It is hoped that the summary which follows of the status of what are loosely called water-birds, mainly divers, grebes, ducks, geese, swans, waders, gulls and terns, will be useful for com- parison in later years. For completeness a brief summary of other birds reported at, or around, the reservoir, is included. The records are based on information in Annual Reports of the West Midlands Bird Club and on personal observations from some 300 visits, in fair weather and foul, and often in the pleasant com- pany of T. W. Ford and L. Smith.


BLACK-THROATED DIVER. Scarce and irregular visitor in spring and winter. Single birds seen during period March 13th to April 14th, 1955; two on February 19th, 1956; and one March 6th to 11th, 1962. GREAT NORTHERN DIVER. Scarce and irregular visitor in winter- One seen on October 30th, 1956, in full summer plumage, remained until December 9th; two seen on February 19th, 1956; and one on December 23rd, 1959. RED-THROATED DIVER. Scarce and irregular visitor in winter. Three of the four records have been in November. Two seen on March 9th, 1955; one November 4th to 25th, 1956; one November 18th to 23rd, 1957; and one November 18th, 1961. GREAT CRESTED GREBE. Breeds regularly. In 1954 a breeding colony of at least 30 nests was found and an autumn peak of 335 was counted on August 25th. In 1955 about 100 were present on July 31st, but since then peak numbers have usually been about 50 at the end of the year and in March. RED-NECKED GREBE. Scarce and irregular visitor in winter. Single birds recorded on October 21st and November 14th, 1954, December 27th, 1961, and December 1st, 1963. SLAVONIAN GREBE. Irregular visitor in winter. Single birds reported on December 19th, 1954, December 22nd, 1957, February 1st, 1959 and February 12th, November 20th and December 2nd, 1961. BLACK-NECKED GREBE. Irregular visitor, most often in early autumn. Single birds occurred in 1954 on August 14th, October 9th and 16th, in 1960 on August 13th, and in 1963 on

9 September 8th. Three reported on November 18th, 1961. One summer record on June 14th, 1955. LITTLE GREBE. Breeds irregularly. An annual influx in August, when usually about 30 present. The most reported was 90 on August 15th, 1955. GANNET. Vagrant. Single birds reported on November 19th, 1961, and April 17th, 1962. CORMORANT. A regular visitor in all except summer months, with 15 on March 18th, 1962, the maximum. Some evidence since 1960 of a roosting site being established in tall oaks on bank of reservoir. Bird with characteristics of southern race present on April 8th, 1963. SHAG. Scarce and irregular visitor. In 1954 one or two reported on several dates from September 30th to October 31st and again on December 9th. Since then only one record, on January 9th, 1957. SPOONBILL. Vagrant. One on June 25th, 1955. MALLARD. Common winter visitor. Breeds regularly, 11 broods being seen on the water and two nests found on May 22nd, 1955. The late autumn and winter population is usually about 1,000 with a sharp decline in March to around 200. Highest count 1,500, October 16th, 1960. TEAL. Common winter visitor. Some present in summer and probably bred in 1955. The most difficult of the ducks to estimate in numbers owing to its feeding habits and behaviour and the population fluctuates far more than for Mallard. Usually around 500 present in late autumn and winter. Highest count 1,400, December 17th, 1961. GARGANEY. Regular on passage in spring and autumn in small numbers. Most reported 12, August 11th, 1963. GAD WALL. A few recorded each autumn since 1961 after only one previous record in 1955. A pair remained from May 5th to 20th in 1962. WIGEON. A common winter visitor and odd birds often remain in the summer. Numbers build up steadily from September and usually total around 1,000 in December, January, February and March. Highest count 1,600, January 6th, 1957. PINTAIL. A regular winter visitor in small numbers, the most seen being 36 on December 30th, 1954. Summer records of three on July 7th, 1957, and one on July 12th, 1959. SHOVELER. Breeds regularly. Most birds, averaging around 75, usually seen in September, October and November. Highest count 230, October 15th, 1961. 1957 was an exceptional year with around 20 in September, but 150 on December 22nd.

10 RED-CRESTED POCHARD. One seen on October 9th and October 23rd, 1955. SCAUP. Fairly regular visitor in winter although less frequent in recent years. In the period 1959-1963 only three records of single birds. Most seen was four on February 26th, 1956. TUFTED DUCK. Breeds regularly. Numbers increase in autumn and winter population averages around 250. Highest count 600, January 7th, 1962. POCHARD. Regular winter visitor with a few remaining most summers. Numbers fluctuate more than those of Tufted Duck but average about 200 in late autumn and winter months. The numbers present in 1954, when 600 counted on October 30th and 800 on December 19th, have never since been equalled. GOLDEN-EYE. Regular winter visitor, averaging around 30 in late autumn and winter with rather more in early spring. Highest count 60 on March 2nd and April 13th, 1958. LONG-TAILED DUCK. Irregular visitor in winter. Single birds November 19th, 1954; February 6th, 1955; January 10th, 1960; and two on November 22nd, 1959. COMMON SCOTER. A regular visitor, most often in November. Recorded in all months except March, June and August. Usually single birds, but 10 on April 2nd, 1956, and 9 on November 18th, 1962. GOOSANDER. A regular winter visitor averaging about 60 in January, February and March. Highest count 120 on January 7th and March 18th, 1962. SMEW. A regular winter visitor in small numbers, the most being six on January 15th, 1956. SHELD-DUCK. Regular visitor, usually up to three, and most often in the August to December period and in February. Records for all months except May and July. Most seen 20 on Septem- ber 12th, 1955. WHITE-FRONTED GOOSE. Regular winter visitor in very small numbers, the most being 14 on October 11th, 1959. 100 "grey geese" beUeved to be of this species flew over to the east on March 18th, 1962. PINK-FOOTED GOOSE. Scarce visitor. One on December 30th, 1955, and two, possibly more, on December 30th, 1957. BRENT GOOSE. Scarce visitor in winter. Two records of the pale- breasted race on December 18th, 1955, and January 5th, 1958. CANADA GOOSE. Visits the reservoir regularly, the largest numbers usually being in early autumn. Highest count 150, September 1st, 1957, and August 30th, 1962. [ SNOW-GOOSE. Three birds, believed to be escapes, seen on September 8th, 1957.]

11 MUTE SWAN. Breeds fairly regularly. Numbers build up in late summer, the most recorded being about 150 on August 30th, 1959, and July 16th, 1961. BEWICK'S SWAN. In recent years has become a regular visitor in winter, the most reported being 43 on December 27th, 1961. MOORHEN. Breeds regularly. Numbers not easily assessed as avoids open water. COOT. Breeds regularly. Numbers increase in early autumn when usually about 900 present. Highest count about 1,500 on September 17th, 1961. OYSTERCATCHER. Regular in small numbers on passage in spring and autumn. Most often in April and August. Maximum eight on May 29th, 1955, and August 8th, 1962. LAPWING. Breeds regularly. Large flocks gather in autumn remaining in winter if weather mild. Around 6,000 present on October 21st, 1956. RINGED PLOVER. Common and regular passage migrant in spring and autumn with a few records in other months except for January. Largest numbers occur in August, around 70 in recent years. Highest count 165 on August 20th, 1962. LITTLE RINGED PLOVER. First recorded on passage in 1957 and now regular on autumn passage, usually up to about 10, but with 25 on August 15th, 1962. Two spring records on May 28th, 1961, and March 30th, 1962, were followed in 1963 by a colonization in late June, when three pairs bred. Birds on passage usually frequent drier parts of reservoir shore and keep apart from other waders. GREY PLOVER. Irregular in autumn on passage, usually single birds. One spring record, May 6th, 1956, and one winter record, December 2nd, 1962. GOLDEN PLOVER. Regular spring and autumn passage migrant in small numbers up to about 10. TURNSTONE. From 1956 has been regular on autumn passage in small numbers up to six, with no records later than mid- September. Spring records are three birds, May 6th to 21st, 1956, and one, May 26th, 1957. One summer record of a bird from June 3rd to 5th, 1963. COMMON SNIPE. Present throughout the year and probably breeds in small numbers. Largest concentration in late autumn, when around 100 usually counted. JACK SNIPE. A regular winter visitor in very small numbers. Records in all months from October to March, inclusive. WOODCOCK. Has probably bred in neighbouring woods. Single birds seen at or near the reservoir on December 18th, 1955, and March 24th and April 8th, 1956.

12 CURLEW. Probably bred in vicinity in 1953 and 1955. Biggest numbers seen in spring and autumn and a winter flock of up to 100 often present. 210 counted on April 2nd, 1956. WHIMBREL. Regular early autumn passage migrant in small num- bers, 11 on September 4th, 1961, being the maximum. Two spring records of single birds, May 1st, 1956, and May 9th, 1962. BLACK-TAILED GODWIT. Fairly regular autumn passage migrant in small numbers, most often in August. Less regular in spring. Most seen, four on May 3rd, 1953. BAR-TAILED GODWIT. Irregular spring and autumn passage migrant in small numbers, nearly all records being in May and September. Maximum, three from September 7th to 15th, 1963. GREEN SANDPIPER. Regular autumn passage migrant, usually up to 12 as maximum, but 23 on July 29th, 1956. A few winter records but only one for spring, on March 14th, 1953. WOOD-SANDPIPER. Regular autumn passage migrant in small numbers, the maximum being eight on September 19th, 1954, and September 20th, 1962. One spring record, May 29th, 1955, and one in summer, June 6th, 1958. COMMON SANDPIPER. Common spring and autumn passage migrant. Peak numbers usually in late July, the most seen being 40 on July 29th, 1956. REDSHANK. A few breed regularly. Not often seen after September but odd winter records. SPOTTED REDSHANK. A regular autumn passage migrant in small numbers, six on September 5th, 1954, being the maximum. Only one spring record, May 11th, 1963. Two summer records. June 26th, 1960, and June 16th, 1963. GREENSHANK. A regular autumn passage migrant, with up to 15 in most recent years. Spring records only in 1957, when single birds recorded from April 28th to June 6th. KNOT. Regular passage migrant in small numbers in autumn and early winter months. Scarce in spring. 11 on August 19th, 1962, was the most recorded. LITTLE STINT. Regular autumn passage migrant in small numbers, most often in September, with six on September 8th, 1959, the maximum. One summer record, June 26th and 27th, 1960, and two spring records, April 8th and May 26th, 1963. TEMMINCK'S STINT. One, September 7th, 1963. PECTORAL SANDPIPER. One present from September 23rd to 30th, 1962. DUNLIN. Common and regular passage migrant in spring and autumn, peak numbers being usually in late July or early August. The most was 120 on July 29th and August 2nd, 1962. A few winter and summer reports and has been seen in all months except February.

13 CURLEW-SANDPIPER. Regular autumn passage migrant in small numbers, with up to 10 in period August 21st to September 22nd, 1963. Only one spring record, May 20th, 1962. SANDERLING. Fairly regular passage migrant in small numbers in late spring and irregularly in autumn. Most seen, 22 on May 21st, 1956. RUFF. Regular autumn passage migrant, with increased numbers in recent years, when around 25 have been seen regularly. Scarce on passage in spring. One summer record of two on June 3rd, 1963, and winter records of one on November 23rd, 1952, four on February 11th, 1959, and one on November 29th, 1959. GREY PHALAROPE. One on October 29th, 1961. RED-NECKED PHALAROPE. One on September 1st, 1963. GREATER BLACK-BACKED GULL. A few, usually single birds, seen each year in spring, autumn and winter. LESSER BLACK-BACKED GULL. Regular on passage in spring and autumn and also present in winter roosts, 1,200 on November 19th, 1961, being the most reported. A bird of the Scandinavian race seen on March 23rd, 1956. HERRING-GULL. Occurs mainly in spring, autumn and winter months, with 1,200 on March 11th, 1962, the most reported in winter roosts. COMMON GULL. Regular on passage in small numbers in spring and autumn and also occurs in winter roosts, 150 being reported on November 3rd, 1963. GLAUCOUS GULL. Vagrant. One on February 18th, 1962. ICELAND GULL. Vagrant. One on February 25th and March 11th, 1962. LITTLE GULL. Irregular in autumn on passage, usually single birds, but more regular in recent years. Three on September 3rd, 1954, and September 1st, 1963, were the most seen. BLACK-HEADED GULL. Present in all months, 6,000 on December 22nd being the most estimated in winter roosts. KITTIWAKE. Irregular visitor. The six occurrences in three years have been in five different months—March, April, August, September and December. Seven reported on September 7th, 1961. BLACK TERN. Regular spring and autumn passage migrant. Only one June record but this produced the maximum seen at the reservoir, 120, on June 3rd, 1963. COMMON TERN. Regular spring and autumn passage migrant in small numbers, 17 on August 22nd, 1953, being the maximum. ARCTIC TERN. Not often identified amongst the terns on passage and then more often in spring. Probably regular in spring and autumn.

14 ROSEATE TERN. Scarce passage migrant. One seen on May 7th, 1955, and on August 8th, 1957. LITTLE TERN. Irregular passage migrant. One on April 27th, 1955, two on August 3rd and 5th, 1959, and six on September 4th, 1961. In addition to those mentioned in the systematic list, the following species are believed to have bred at, or around, the reservoir:— Sparrow-Hawk, Kestrel, Red-legged Partridge, Partridge, Pheasant, Stock-Dove, Wood-Pigeon, Turtle-Dove, Cuckoo, Barn- Owl, Little Owl, Tawny Owl, Kingfisher, Green Woodpecker, Greater Spotted Woodpecker, Lesser Spotted Woodpecker, Skylark, Swallow, Carrion-Crow, Rook, Jackdaw, Magpie, Jay, Great Tit, Blue Tit, Coal-Tit, Marsh-Tit, Willow-Tit, Long-tailed Tit, Nut- hatch, Tree-Creeper, Wren, Mistle-Thrush, Song-Thrush, Blackbird, Whinchat, Redstart, Robin, Grasshopper-Warbler, Sedge-Warbler, Blackcap, Garden-Warbler, Whitethroat, Lesser Whitethroat, Willow-Warbler, Chiffchaff, Goldcrest, Spotted Flycatcher, Hedge- Sparrow, Tree-Pipit, Pied Wagtail, Grey Wagtail, Yellow Wagtail, Starling, Greenfinch, Goldfinch, Linnet, Bullfinch, Chaffinch, Yellow Hammer, Reed-Bunting, House-Sparrow, Tree-Sparrow. The following species have also been reported:— Buzzard, Hobby, Peregrine Falcon, Merlin, Quail, Short- Eared Owl, Nightjar, Swift, House-Martin, Sand-Martin, Fieldfare, Redwing, Wheatear, Stonechat, Black Redstart, Wood-Warbler, Meadow-Pipit, Richard's Pipit, Rock-Pipit, White Wagtail, Siskin, Twite, Redpoll, Brambling, Snow-Bunting. J. LORD.


In 1964 the Nature Conservancy initiated a national enquiry into the breeding distribution of our commoner birds of prey in which many members of the Club participated. It was considered, however, that the complexity of the work involved would discourage many from taking part and it was decided by the committee to select one of the species and simplify the recording procedure related to this bird. The bird selected was the Kestrel, a species which would be familiar to all and by its behaviour readily observed. Members were asked to record every sighting of a Kestrel during the six-week period May 16th to June 30th giving any evidence of nesting if available. Over 60 forms were completed and the returns related to more than 300 individual sightings. The results from this enquiry do not present a complete picture of the breeding distribution of the Kestrel in the three counties but

15 it certainly reveals that the Kestrel is still relatively common. Many records come from industrial areas, particularly Birmingham and its environs. A good example of the utilisation of man-made habitat was the nesting of a pair in the retort house of Walsall Gasworks. Other cases of nest sites on buildings were given. All members who took part in this enquiry are thanked for their efforts, and the co-operation of the Coventry and District Natural History Society, the Nuneaton Bird-Watchers' Club and the Warwick Natural History Society was greatly appreciated. The analysis of the records is as follows:—

No. of No. of No. of other County breeding probable areas where records breeding records birds sighted Warwickshire 12 16 12 Worcestershire 7 7 7 Staffordshire 10 12 11

I. Localities from which positive evidence of nesting obtained: Warwickshire—Alvecote area, Austrey, Bedworth, Birming- ham—(Bordesley, Bournville, Edgbaston, Yardley, Witton), Brandon, Kenilworth, Lapworth, Wilnecote. Worcestershire—Bewdley, Bittell, Kidderminster, Netherton, Pensax Wood, Ripple, Ryall (Upton-on-Severn). Staffordshire—Bagots Park, Brewood, Hampstall, Keele, Kings Bromley, Radford, Tamworth area, Tettenhall, Walsall, Walsgrave.

II. Localities in which probably bred (sighted more than once during period):— Warwickshire—Birmingham (Garretts Green, Kings Heath), Coleshill, Coombe, Coventry, Elmdon, Exhall, Hams Hall, Little Packington, Maxstoke, Meriden, Minworth, Solihull, Sutton Coldfield, Thurlaston, Walmley. Worcestershire—Church Lench, Malvern Hills, Oldbury, Spetchley, Tardebigge, Tenbury, Wychbold. Staffordshire—Bassets Pole, Belvide area, Bilston, Blithfield, Chillington, Gailey, Lichfield area, Meaford, Stoke-on-Trent, Wednesbury, West Bromwich, Wolverhampton.

III. Localities in which single sightings recorded:— Warwickshire—Baginton, Birmingham (various areas), Cough- ton, Gorcott Hill, Long Compton, Mappleborough Green,

16 Middleton, No Mans Heath, Nuneaton, Spernall, Stone- bridge, Welford-on-Avon. Worcestershire—Clent, Frankley, Nafford, Redditch, Stour- bridge, Wadborough, Wyre Forest. Staffordshire—Coombes Valley, Goldsitch Moss, Great Barr, Kinver, Penkridge, Rushall, Stafford, Swinehole Wood, Trescott, , Warslow. A. J. RICHARDS. J. LORD.

STATUS OF THE BLACK-TAILED AND BAR-TAILED GODWITS IN THE WEST MIDLANDS The Club's records have been analysed over the 30 years, 1934-1963, and the histograms show the spread of the occurrences over different months. The Black-tailed Godwit occurs most often in August, and the Bar-tailed in May. The numbers of birds involved in the different occurences are as follows:—

No. of birds in party Black-tailed Godwit Bar-tailed Godwit 1 39 18 2 7 6 3 5 1 4 3 0 5 0 0 6 2 0

The Black-tailed Godwit has been recorded in 22 of the 30 years covered and in 18 of the last 20. The Bar-tailed Godwit has been recorded in 14 of the 30 years covered and in 12 of the last 20. The Handbook gives the following descriptions of status:— BLACK-TAILED GODWIT. "Fairly regular and often by inland waters, with small parties up to half a dozen not rare." BAR-TAILED GODWIT. "Seldom inland and usually single, hardly ever more than two or three. As far as the counties of the Club's area are concerned, the Black-tailed Godwit can now be regarded as regular on passage and the Bar-tailed occurs more often than "seldom." Otherwise the Handbook statements are an accurate assessment. J. LORD. A. J. RICHARDS.




Diagrams showing how the total number of occurrences during the period 1934-1963 were distributed between different months of the year.


(The number preceding the name of each bird refers to the Check-List of the Birds of Great Britain and Ireland.) I. Warwickshire. II. Worcestershire. III. Staffordshire. (See pages 62 and 63 for key to contributors.) 1. Black-throated Diver. I. One seen at Bartley on October 31st (A.R.D., P.D.H.). 5. Great-crested Grebe. I. At Alvecote, where maximum recorded was 74 in early April, 19 broods were known, totalling about 42 young (G.A.A.). In Sutton Park bred at Wyndley and Brace- bridge Pools (M.J.A., A.R.M.B.). 22 at Earlswood on April 3rd was the most seen there (A.R.D.). About 10 pairs bred at Coombe (N.S.). II. The maximum reported from Bittell was 36 on March 1st (K.C.). Bred at Upton Warren (F.F.). III. The most reported at various waters was 37 at Gailey on April 12th (A.R.L.); 52 at Blithfield on July 12th (J.L.); 16, including eight young, at Patshull on July 27th (C.H.); 44 at Belvide on August 29th (C.H.); 12, including young, at Great Wyrley on September 12th (D.J.S.); and 33 at Tittesworth Reservoir on September 28th (F.C.G.). Several pairs bred at Beteley Pool (A.S.). 6. Red-necked Grebe. III. One in full summer plumage seen at Belvide on July 2nd was the first Club record for this month (G.M.I., M.J.W.). A bird noted at Blithfield on December 28th (A.R.M.B.). 7. Slavonian Grebe. III. One seen at Blithfield on February 2nd (J.L.). 8. Black-necked Grebe. II. Reported at Bittell on September 8th (W.G.T.) and October 11th (A.M., W.F.S.). III. Single birds seen at Belvide on August 22nd (A.F.J.) and 30th (R.B., P.G.D.) and from October 10th (R.J.B.) to 24th (A.F.J.). One at Blithfield on August 23rd (R.B., P.J.M.). 9. Little Grebe. I. The most recorded at Alvecote was 10 on November 29th (G.A.A.). Bred at Bodymoor Heath, Windley Pool in Sutton Park, Hams Hall (D.A.) and Bruton Park, Solihull, the first time noted by observer (P.D.H.). II. 14 on September 11th was the peak reported at Bittell (K.C.). 10 counted at Upton Warren on September 7th (J.L.). III. There was the usual autumn influx at Blithfield and 41 were seen on August 30th (G.M.I.). Five noted on River Stowe at Stafford throughout December (G.S.). Bred at Stubbers Green, seven birds being noted on September 13th (A.E.C., T.E.P.) and at Patshull (C.H.). Said to have decreased in North Staffordshire in last few years (K.A.P.). 16. Manx Shearwater. II. One picked up at Redditch apparently undamaged on September 29th (per F.F.).

19 27. Cormorant. Recorded from a number of waters in spring, autumn and winter months. III. The most reported at Blithfield was 11 on October 10th (G.B.); at Belvide 22 on November 21st (G.B.); and at Gailey 22 on December 23rd (A.R.D., P.D.H.). 30. Heron. I. Numbers at Alvecote still below those recorded prior to severe 1963 winter (G.A.A.). II. Four nests reported at Croome and one at Westwood (C.J.S.R.). 13 birds on September 13th was the maximum around Bittell (A.R.D.). III. Eight pairs at Enville heronry on April 5th, with two occupied nests (G.M.I.), and 21 nests in use at Bagots Park on May 13th (T.W.F., J.L.). The most seen at BUthfield was 20 on August 27th (A.R.D.) ; at Patshull 17 on July 27th (C.H.); and at Tittersworth Reservoir 12 in early October (A.S.). 38. Bittern. I. A bird found recently killed at Alvecote on December 30th (G.A.A.). 45. Mallard. I. At Alvecote, where at least 12 pairs bred, rearing about 100 ducklings, the maximum recorded was 200 in early January (G.A.A., M.J.A.). The maximum in Sutton Park was about 270 on December 13th (T.M.T.). II. The most reported at Bittell was about 250 on November 11th (D.M.H.). III. Maxima at various waters were 1,900 at Blithfield on November 15th (T.W.F., J.L., L.S.); 1,050 at Belvide on November 14th (R.G.K.F.); 720 at Chillington on October 18th (G.M.I.); and 250 at Gailey on January 11th (P.G.D.). 46. Teal. I. Said to have declined at Alvecote in recent years, maximum being about 100 on January 26th (G.A.A.). 300 noted at Middleton Hall on April 6th (M.G.) and 150 on October 31st at Brandon, where probably bred (N.S.). II. 120 present at Bittell on January 26th (A.R.L.). III. 850 on November 15th (T.W.F., J.L., L.S.) was the most counted at Blithfield and 80 on October 22nd (P.D.H.) at Belvide, where nest with nine eggs seen on June 21st (T.A.H.). 47. Garganey. I. Single birds seen at Alvecote from September 6th to 16th (G.A.A.), a pair at Brandon from May 4th (A.J.R.) to 10th (G.B.) and two drakes at Edgbaston Park Pool, Birmingham, on March 10th (Y.M.W.). II. Single birds seen at Upton Warren on March 15th and August 29th (A.R.L.). Six drakes and several ducks visited Chesterton Pool on April 4th (M.I.L.). III. First seen at Belvide on April 18th (L.F.D.) and one or two pairs present throughout the summer. 10 birds present on August 2nd (A.F.J., P.J.M.) and last seen, two birds, on September 20th (G.M.I., R.G.M.F.). Five present at Blithfield on June 26th (J.L.), several in August (several observers) and a late bird on

20 October 10th (A.F.J.). Two seen at Great Wyrley on August 1st (C.D.T.M.) and at Gailey on August 16th (A.R.M.B.). 49. Gadwall. I. A pair seen at Alvecote on April 19th (H.R.P., J.Wa.). One visited Cannon Hill Park, Birmingham, for short time on May 10th (N.A.) and one on Handsworth Park Pool on September 22nd (J.F.H.). II. A bird seen at Bittell on October 31st (H.T.L.) and November 4th (D.M.H.). III. At Belvide single birds seen from April 5th to 16th (R.B., P.G.D.), two on the 27th (N.A.), one on September 4th (A.R.D., B.R.D., P.D.H.) and two on November 21st (R.J.B.). One seen at Blith- field on November 29th (H.T.L.). 50. Wigeon. I. 105 on March 22nd (G.A.A., M.J.A.) was the most seen at Alvecote, where a party of nine appeared on July 4th (G.A.A.). 74 noted at Bartley on November 15th (A.R.D., P.D.H.). II. 130 reported at Bittell on January 6th (A.R.D., P.D.H.) and 70 at Upton Warren on February 23rd (A.R.L.). III. The maximum seen at Belvide was about 100 on January 19th (R.G.K.F.) and December 23rd (A.R.D., P.D.H.) and at Blithfield 975 on December 13th (T.W.F., L.S.). 52. Pintail. I. At Alvecote one seen on January 2nd (D.A.); at Brandon one on February 29th (G.B., A.J.R.) and two on March 14th (A.J.R.); and two at Bodymoor Heath on October 4th (G.A.A.) and 10th (H.T.L.). 12 flew over Bartley on November 8th (M.P.B., A.R.L.), seven on December 6th (A.R.L.) and three seen on the 28th (A.R.D., P.D.H.). II. Two seen at Bittell on January 5th and three on November 3rd (K.C.). One or two reported at Upton Warren between January 12th and March 15th (A.R.L.) III. Small numbers reported at Blithfield in spring, autumn and winter months, the most being 15 on January 5th and 11th (R.G.K.F., G.M.I., A.F.J.). Up to four seen at Belvide between January 12th (P.P.) and March 8th (P.G.D.) and two on September 27th (F.C.G.). A drake seen at Aqualate on the unusual date of May 3rd (P.J.M.). 53. Shoveler. Small numbers at many waters. I. Brood of 10 seen at Hams Hall in early June (H.T.L.), probably bred at Coombe (N.S.) and attempted to do so at Brandon (G.B.). Seen at Alvecote during summer (G.A.A.) and three at Coleshill Pool on June 25th (A.R.D.). Eight noted at Bodymoor Heath on September 27th (D.A.) and up to seven at Bartley on June 14th (A.R.L.) and in November (A.R.D.). II. 10 seen at Bittel on March 15th (A.R.L.). III. Bred at Blithfield and Belvide. Maxima reported at various waters were 110 at Blithfield on November 15th (T.W.F., J.L., L.S.), 40 at Belvide on April 5th (P.G.D.) and December 23rd (P.D.H.) and 36 at Chillington on November 15th (G.M.I.). 54. Red-crested Pochard. III. A drake seen at Gailey from Novem- ber 15th (E.S.C.) until end of year (several observers).

21 55. Scaup. I. A duck seen at Bartley on December 20th (A.R.D., P.D.H., A.R.L.). III. Three ducks recorded at Blithfield on March 15th following east coast gales (T.W.F., J.L., L.S.) and one at Cannock Reservoir on December 27th (A.R.L.). 56. Tufted Duck. I. At Alvecote, where breeding not proved this year, the decline in numbers continued, 42 on October 4th being the most seen (GA.A.). Bred at Bodymoor Heath, where 21 ducklings reared (D.A.), Coombe (N.S.), Coleshill Pool (A.R.D., P.D.H.), Hams Hall (D.A.), Packington (K.H.T.) and probably at Packington Gravel Pits (J.L.). Maximum seen at Edgbaston Park was 43 on February 16th (A.R.L.), at Sutton Park 22 on March 15th (T.M.T.) and at Bartley 56 on January 19th (A.R.L.). II. Bred at Newpool (C.T.S.R.) and at Upton Warren where three broods totalling 26 ducklings seen on July 27th (K.H.T.). III. Five broods totalling 26 noted at Belvide on August 16th (A.R.M.B.) and bred at Hanyards near Stafford (per K.H.T.) and Patshull (C.H.). Maxima reported at various waters were 40 at Patshull on February 9th (R.G.K.F.); 200 at Blithfield on Febru- ary 16th (T.W.F., J.L., L.S.); 225 at Gailey on August 31st (F.C.G.); and 100 at Belvide on September 4th (A.R.D., P.D.H.). 57. Pochard. I. Maximum seen at Alvecote was 250 on October 11th with more present than usual in summer and two broods reared (G.A.A.). Three broods noted at Chesterton Pool on July 25th (E.J.B.). 61 birds seen at Edgbaston Pool on February 16th (A.R.L.). III. Influx noted at Belvide in early October with 250 present on October 9th (J.L.) and 280 on December 5th (G.B.). Maximum reported at Blithfield was 300 on January 5th (P.G.D.) and at Gailey 180 on December 6th (J.L.). 49 seen at Stubbers Green on March 22nd (A.E.C., T.E.P.). [Ruddy Duck. Noted at various times at Belvide with seven on December 28th (A.F.J., P.J.M.) and less frequently at Blithfield and Gailey.] 60. Golden-Eye. Odd birds at a number of waters. I. Only one reported from Alvecote in spring and winter months (G.A.A.). Three present at Bodymoor Heath from November 15th to end of year (H.T.L.). III. Maxima at various waters were 70 at Belvide on February 23rd (E.S.C.); 25 on March 15th (T.W.F., J.L., L.S.) at Blithfield, where a duck seen on June 13th (G.B.); and 11 at Chillington on Decem- ber 13th (G.M.I.). Eight reported at Gailey on February 19th (A.R.D.) and three at Copmere on March 30th (K.A.P.). 61. Long-tailed Duck. I. An immature seen at Bartley on Decem- ber 13th was the first occurrence there (A.R.D., P.D.H., A.R.L.). III. A duck present at Blithfield on February 1st (A.F.J.), 2nd (J.L.), 22nd (G.B., A.F.J.) and again on March 16th (J.L.). 64. Common Scoter. I. Seven, four ducks and three immature,

22 present at Alvecote on January 12th (G.A.A., M.J.A.) and two at Blackroot Pool, Sutton Park, on the same date (T.M.T.). One seen at Bartley on October 31st and November 1st (A.R.D., P.D.H.). III. At Blithfield one noted on July 4th (F.E.P.), 10 on the 5th (A.F.J.) and one on November 8th (P.J.M.). One seen at Belvide on April 16th (P.G.D.), and eight on June 28th (P.J.M., L.S.). One noted at Cannock Reservoir on December 19th and 24th (A.R.D., P.D.H., A.F.J.). 67. Eider-Duck. III. An immature drake remained at Belvide from January 16th (W.B.C.) until April 19th (D.J.B.) and one at Gailey on April 12th (A.R.L.) may have been the same. An adult duck seen at Belvide on December 26th (D.J.B.). A duck noted at Cannock Reservoir between December 20th (J.L.) and 26th (A.R.M.B.). 70. Goosander. III. Smaller numbers than usual reported at Blithfield, 63 on March 27th (G.B.) being the most reported. The maximum seen at Belvide was 23 on December 23rd (A.R.D., P.D.H.). 71. Smew. Nearly all records of single birds. I. At Alvecote a drake seen from January 2nd (D.A.) until the 12th, a duck on the 26th (G.A.A.) and a pair on February 1st (M.J.A.). A drake present at Shustoke on January 5th (A.R.D., P.D.H.). III. Single drakes reported at Blithfield between January 11th (A.F.J.) and February 22nd (G.B.) and also on December 28th (A.R.M.B.). At Belvide a duck noted from January 2nd (L.S.) until February 2nd (A.E.C.) and again between November 21st (G.B., G.M.I.) and December 28th (A.F.J., G.M.I., P.J.M.). 73. Sheld-Duck. I. One noted at Alvecote from August 23rd to 25th (G.A.A.) and also on December 20th (G.A.A., M.J.A.). At Brandon one present on March 1st, two on the 8th and one on April 18th (G.B., A.J.R.). One seen at Bartley on March 3rd (A.R.L.), one at Little Packington on April 20th (R.B.) and two at Hams Hall from September 17th to October 17th (H.T.L.). II. At BitteU one seen from January 7th (C.T.S.R.) to the 10th (K.C.), three on September 18th (K.C., R.M.) and one on dates between October 2nd (K.C.) and November 20th (J.M.H.). One present at Westwood Park on May 9th (J.D.M.W.). III. At Belvide one or two noted between February 2nd (E.S.C., R.G.K.F., G.M.I.) and May 5th (R.G.K.F.), single birds on August 30th (E.S.C., L.F.D., G.M.I.) and October 4th (P.G.D.) and eight on November 28th (A.F.J.). At Blithfield one seen on February 2nd (P.J.M.) and one or two on dates between October 4th (G.S., P.J.M.) and December 6th (J.L., P.J.M.). On December 20th a party of nine seen in the morning at Cannock Reservoir (J.L.) later flew into Blithfield about mid-day, joining another five on the water (E.S.C., J.L.). Six reported at Great Wyrley on March 15th (C.D.T.M.).

23 75. Grey Lag-Goose. I. One at Alvecote on May 14th was thought to be an "escape" (G.A.A.). III. Single birds seen at Gailey on February 26th (F.F.) and April 12th (A.R.L.). 76. White-fronted Goose. I. Six headed north-east over Alvecote on March 15th (G.A.A.). III. At Blithfield one present on January 5th (several observers) and 10 between the 18th (F.E.P.) and 26th (R.G.K.F., J.L.). Five noted at Belvide on March 15th and 12 on December 31st (R.J.B.). 75/78. Grey Geese. I. About 100 flew north-west at Nuneaton on January 2nd (C.L.). II. Four flew over Worcester on January 5th (C.T.S.R.). 80. Brent Goose. III. Following gales on the east coast two of the dark-breasted species seen at Blithfield on March 15th (T.W.F., J.L., L.S.). 82. Canada Goose. I. Much flighting reported between Birmingham waters. 175 present on October 4th (G.A.A.) at Bodymoor Heath, where bred successfully (D.A.), and 180 at Middleton Pool on November 1st (M.G.). Bred at Trittiford Park, Birming- ham (D.R.M.). II. Nested at Pirton Pool (C.T.S.R.) and near Wythall (B.B., D.M.T.). III. Bred successfully at Gailey, Enville and Chillington. Largest numbers of birds reported were 146 at Chillington on October 18th (G.M.I.); 115 at Belvide on the same date (P.G.D.); 100 at Branston on July 2nd (R.B.); 81 at Blithfield on August 27th (P.D.H.); 57 at Gailey on October 23rd (G.S.); and 16 at Bromley Pool on August 29th (K.A.P.). 84. Mute Swan. I. Six broods totalling 20 cygnets were reared at Alvecote (G.A.A.). III. 75 present at Blithfield on August 27th and 52 at Cannock Reser- voir on December 19th (A.R.D., P.D.H.). 85. Whooper-Swan. II. One reported at Bittell on January 1st (K.C.) and 2nd (D.M.H.). III. Two seen at Longdon, near Rugeley, on March 21st (C.D.T.M.) and one at Alrewas on January 1st (M.G.). 86. Bewick's Swan. I. 10 seen at Alvecote from March 20th to 22nd and four on December 20th (G.A.A.). 14 noted on flooded meadows at Churchover on March 22nd (G.B.) and two at Body- moor Heath on December 19th and 20th (per H.T.L.). Nine arrived at Bartley on January 11th (G.C.L.), two reported on March 1st and 11 from the 16th to 19th (A.R.L., K.H.T.). II. Five flew south over Bittell on January 25th (A.F.J.) and two present on April 5th (K.C., D.M.T.). III. Present at Blithfield from January 5th (several observers) until April 4th (M.J.A.). Numbers fluctuated considerably with 57 on February 23rd (F.C.G.) the most counted. Six seen on December 20th (L.S.) and eight on the 28th (A.R.M.B.). Two seen in flight over Bagots Park on February 9th (J.L.). At Cannock Reservoir

24 10 noted on December 24th (A.F.J.), 14 on the 26th (A.R.M.B.) and eight on the 27th (A.R.L.). 17 noted at Belvide on December 27th (A.R.L.), seven at Gailey on March 1st (M.J.I.) and 22 at Great Wyrley on March 15th (C.D.T.M.). 91. Buzzard. I. Bred in mid-Warwickshire (per R.G.S.). One seen over Olton on May 29th (S.L.S.) and at Coombe during October and November (D.E.J.C.). Two observed over Alvecote on August 30th were the first recorded there (G.A.A., H.T.L.). II. Single birds seen on Bredon Hill on July 16th (T.C.S.), at Sheriffs Lench on three dates in September (A.J.H.) and over the Lickeys on October 10th (C.C.). III. Several records in spring and autumn from Enville and Aqualate. Single birds seen at Great Wyrley on May 31st (D.J.S.), Blithfield on October 10th (T.W.F.), Chillington on same date (G.M.I.) and Cannock Chase on November 22nd (A.F.J.). Two seen over Brancote on August 30th (J.S.B.). 93. Sparrow-Hawk. I. One seen at Erdington on January 1st (H.M.M.), at Solihull several times during February (B.R.D.) and at Wilnecote on April 20th (M.A.A.). Pair seen during summer at Bentley Park Wood (D.L.). II. A bird reported at Sheriffs Lench on January 24th and 29th (A.J.H.) and at Upton Warren on February 22nd (M.F.T.). Pair seen around Earls Croome and Ripple during summer (F.C.). III. One seen at Roche End, near Leek, on April 11th (R.B., M.W.B., P.G.D.) and another on north Staffordshire moors on June 14th (P.J.M.). Single birds reported at Wrottsey Park on July 23rd (C.H.); on Cannock Chase on August 12th (P.B.T.) and October 11th (J.L.); Hopwas Wood on November 15th (M.J.A.); at Sandon on the 21st and 28th (C.D.T.M.); and at Enville on December 6th (A.F.J.). 100. Hen-Harrier. III. A female seen in Sherbrook Valley, Cannock Chase, on October 3rd (A.F.J.) and a cock bird around the , near Yoxall, during late October (per J.L.). 104. Hobby. I. Bred successfully in the county (E.J.B.). Single birds seen at Bartley on May 14th (A.R.L.) and at dusk amongst Swallows at Alvecote on August 31st (G.A.A.). 105. Peregrine Falcon. The melancholy decline in numbers is illustrated by the following list of records of visitors to the Club's area:—1960—6 +; 1961—3; 1962—2; 1963—1; 1964—nil. 107. Merlin. I. One seen flying south near Southam on September 20th (R.B.) and one reported at Bartley on December 13th (A.R.L.). III. Single birds seen on Cannock Chase on January 18th (A.F.J.) and October 15th (F.C.G.) and two on December 6th (M.J.W.). One noted at Blithfield on February 2nd (J.L.) and at Chillington on December 13th (G.M.I.). 110. Kestrel. See article on Kestrel Enquiry. 111. Red Grouse. III. Usual records from north Staffordshire moors

25 but no clear evidence that the small population on Cannock Chase still survives. 113. Black Grouse. III. Usual records from north Staffordshire moors. At lek, near Roche End, 16 cocks seen on April 11th and 18, with four hens, on the 12th (R.B., M.W.B., P.G.D.). 115. Red-legged Partridge. I. Probably bred at Alvecote (G.A.A.). Said to be scarcer than usual at Brandon (G.B.). II. Bred at Hollow (C.T.S.R.). Recorded at Cofton Richards (J.M.H.). III. Recorded from Belvide (A.E.C., T.E.P.), Perton (G.M.I.), Blith- field (J.L.), Knighton Reservoir (K.A.P.), Clay Mills (L.S.) and Rickerscote, where nest seen in June with 13 eggs (F.C.G.). 116. Partridge. No changes to report. 117. Quail. I. Nested at Austrey, near Tamworth (per G.A.A.). Heard at Tiddington on July 25th (C.D.T.M.). Two called at Attleborough Fields on June 10th (J.Wa.). II. Heard at Clent on June 13th (L.A.C.); in June at Cotteridge, Spetchley, Sheriffs Lench (A.J.H.); at Hagley from July 4th (J.G.S.) to August 9th (W.A.P.); at Besford on July 24th (W.J.L.); and in July at Pedmore (A.J.H.). Six or seven heard at the end of July around Worcester (J.H.R.). III. Bred in the Yoxall-Hamstall area and two bevies of five and seven seen in August and September (per T.W.F.). Reported near Pattingham on August 13th (R.J.B.) and at Shipley, near Patting- ham, on the 15th and 21st (G.M.I.). 118. Pheasant. No changes to report. 120. Water-Rail. Autumn and winter records from several waters. II. Seen and heard near Ripple during summer months. An ex- hausted bird picked up in Royal Porcelain Works, Worcester, on November 19th (F.C.). 125. Corncrake. I. One seen on two occasions at Austrey in first half of September (per G.A.A.). Heard in barley field at Body- moor Heath on June 23rd (E.A.H.). III. A bird seen near Hampstall in September (per T.W.F.). 126. Moorhen. I. 36 on November 29th was the maximum seen at Alvecote (G.A.A.). 127. Coot. I. Maxima at various waters were 200 at Bodymoor Heath on September 27th (D.A.); 182 at Alvecote on August 16th (G.A.A.); 65 at Middleton Pool on December 13th (G.A.A.); and 41 at Wyndley Pool, Sutton Park, on June 22nd (M.J.A.). II. 150 noted at Bittell on February 23rd (A.R.D.) and 96 at Upton Warren on March 15th (A.R.L.). III. At Blithfield numbers rose from about 350 in July to 1,080 on November 15th (T.W.F., J.L., L.S.). Maxima reported at various waters were 127 at Cannock Reservoir on February 2nd (J.L.); 200 at Gailey on February 19th (A.R.D., P.D.H.); and 300 on August 15th (P.G.D.) at Belvide, where a nest with 17 eggs seen on May 7th (J.L.).

26 131. Oystercatcher. Fewer records than usual. I. Single birds seen at Bartley on March 8th (R. J.C.B.) and Septem- ber 27th (M.P.B.); at Alvecote on March 22nd (A.E.C., T.E.P.); and at Bodymoor Heath on September 12th (G.A.A.). II. One reported at Bittell on March 29th (A.R.D., P.D.H.). III. A bird flew over Belvide on January 6th (R.J.B.) and two seen at Gailey on August 3rd (P.G.D.). 133. Lapwing. No spectacular weather movements reported this year. I. About 500 on November 15th was the most reported from Alvecote (G.A.A., M.A.A.). Two pairs nested on 100 acres of farmland at Fillongley (W.E.M.). II. About 200 at Beckford and Sheriffs Lench on January 1st were higher than usual there for time of year (T.C.S.). 700 present at Bittell on October 26th (A.R.D.). No breeding reported at Cofton Richards as against six pairs in 1962 (J.M.H.). III. The most reported at Belvide, where fewer than usual nested (J.L.), was about 3,000 on November 24th (G.B.) and at Blithfield at least 2,000 on the 21st (G.M.I.). About 1,500 at Belvide and 1,200 at Blithfield on February 2nd (G.M.I.) were high for time of year. 134. Ringed Plover. I. Up to eight seen at Alvecote between July 9th and September 1st (G.A.A.). At Brandon first noted on March 1st (N.S.) and 8th (A.J.R.) and then from April 29th to May 31st with a peak of 24 on May 13th (G.B., N.S.). Two present at Packington Gravel Pit on May 11th (R.B., H.T.L.), one at Hams Hall on May 10th and September 13th (D.A.) and one at Hartshill Sewage Farm on July 26th (J.L.B.). II. One reported at Bittell on May 3rd (J.H., M.J.I.) and up to five between July (M.J.I.) and October 6th (K.C.). One seen at Wychbold on September 4th (C.T.S.R.) and at Upton Warren on the 15th (A.R.L.). III. No spring records at Blithfield. In autumn passage first recorded on July 4th (C.D.T.M.) and influx around August 2nd, when 50 present (R.J.C.B.) and 80 reported on the 23rd (A.E.C., P.J.M., T.E.P.). Numbers dwindled after early September, with up to five in October and finally one on December 11th (J.L.). One noted at Belvide on March 15th (R.G.K.F.) with up to 11 until May 23rd (A.F.J.); one present on June 20th (A.R.M.B.) and one or two from July 18th (A.F.J.) until August 16th (A.R.M.B., A.F.J.). Up to 12 seen at Cannock Reservoir between May 2nd (A.R.M.B., A.F.J.) and the 14th (A.R.M.B.), one on August 1st (P.P.) and six on the 18th (A.F.J.). 135. Little Ringed Plover. I. Seen between April 8th and August 4th at Alvecote, where two broods were reared and the maximum number of adults was nine on July 19th (G.A.A.). First bird seen in Tame Valley on March 28th (H.T.L.) and nine pairs bred in the Tame-Anker-Packington-Brandon areas, at least one pair being double-brooded (H.T.L.). The maximum seen at Hams Hall

27 where last seen on October 4th (D.A.) was 10 on July 27th (H.T.L.). Bred at Brandon, where first birds seen on March 29th, up to five adults in early May, and last seen on August 16th (G.B.). One or two seen in spring at Bodymoor Heath, where bred successfully (D.A.), Middleton Pool and Polesworth (G.A.A.) and Baginton Marsh (G.B.). Two pairs seen at Clay Mills on May 10th (L.S.) and a pair seen on May 19th (J.L.B.) and 30th (N.W.) at Hartshill Sewage Farm, where last recorded on August 5th (J.L.B.). II. One or two reported at Bittell between August 26th and Septem- ber 20th (A.R.D., P.D.H., R.M., D.M.T.). III. Nested at Branston and single bird seen on June 10th and 25th at Rugeley Power Station but breeding unlikely (R.B.). At Blithfield one present on May 18th (A.R.L.) and June 7th (A.F.J.) and passage noted from July 4th (C.D.T.M.), with peak of 15 on August 4th (A.F.J.), around six until early September and the last record on September 29th (L.S.). One or two occurred at Belvide on a few dates in May, June and mid-July (several observers. Two seen at Cannock Reservoir on May 13th (A.R.M.B.) and one on August 25th (A.F.J.). 139. Grey Plover. I. One seen at Alvecote on April 19th (H.R.P., J.Wa.) and at Bartley on December 27th (A.R.L.). II. Single birds noted at Bittell on January 12th and May 17th, a late date (A.R.L.). III. A bird seen at Belvide on September 20th (P.G.D.). 140. Golden Plover. Small numbers at several localities in Warwick- shire and Staffordshire. I. About 75 noted at Little Packington on March 12th (R.B.) and 50 at Brandon on December 13th (G.B.). III. Nest with four eggs seen on north Staffordshire moors on May 17th (L.S.). At Drayton Bassett about 300 present on March 29th (G.A.A.), about 800 on April 5th, with many of the Northern race, and 300 on the 12th; noted again in autumn, with five on August 23rd and about 350 by October 25th (L.S.). Approximately 300 seen at Pillaton on March 20th (T.E.P.), about 40 near Lich- field on September 1st (F.E.P.) and 32 at Essington on November 18th (P.P.). 142. Dotterel. II. A very tame bird watched for about 30 minutes on Walton Hill, Clent, on September 24th (L.A.C.). 143. Turnstone. I. Two present at Alvecote from August 3rd to 9th and one until the 13th (G.A.A.). II. One reported at Bittell on September 27th (A.R.D., P.D.H.). III. At Blithfield one present on June 7th (A.F.J.) and July 14th (C.D.T.M.), three from August 2nd (T.W.F.) to 8th (G.B.) and one between the 9th (several observers) and 25th (C.D.T.M.). A bird seen at Cannock Reservoir on May 11th (A.R.M.B.). 145. Common Snipe. I. At Alvecote numbers still lower than usual (G.A.A.) and similar report from Tame Valley areas (H.T.L.)

28 21 at Yardley Sewage Farm on March 1st was exceptional for the locality (H.T.L.). II. At least 50 present at Upton Warren on November 16th (R.L.S.). III. 60 on November 8th was the most reported at Blithfield (L.S.) and also at Belvide on February 29th (P.G.D.). Said to have decreased in Barlaston-Tittensor area in last five years (K.A.P.). Believed to have bred in Bagots Park (J.L.). 147. Jack Snipe. Small numbers reported from many waters, par- ticularly in March. I. Five at Brandon on March 15th (A.J.R.) and April 1st (G.B.) was the most reported in the Club's area. 148. Woodcock. Autumn and winter records from various areas. I. Roding noted at Wootton Wawen (D.M.T.) and at Bentley (J.L.B.). Seen in Sutton Park on April 2nd (F.F.) and 5th (A.R.D., P.D.H.) and at Packington on the 23rd (E.S.C.). II. Roding observed at Randan Wood from spring until July 3rd (F.F.), at Devil's Spittleful, near Kidderminster (R.M.) and in Wyre Forest, including one in broad daylight on May 7th (A.R.M.B.). Seen in Chaddersley Wood on April 5th (F.F.). III. Roding seen on Cannock Chase and at Enville (several observers) and bird with young seen at Chillington on May 17th (A.E.C., T.E.P.). Seen at Copmere on April 10th (P.J.M.). 150. Curlew. No significant changes in breeding status reported. Spring and autumn occurrences from many areas. I. Two at Alvecote on February 29th (G.A.A.) was the only winter record reported for the county. II. Winter records reported from Bittell on January 6th (A.R.D., P.D.H.) and from Coome on February 26th (C.T.S.R.). III. A flock wintered at Whittington Sewage Farm, where 59 counted on December 20th (J.G.S.). At Blithfield numbers in early June reached 30 on the 14th (C.D.T.M.) and smaller numbers seen on various dates up to December 28th (A.R.M.B.). 151. Whimbrel. Fewer records than usual. I. One heard over Coventry at night on May 5th (A.J.R.). III. Five reported at Blithfield on July 26th (C.D.T.M.) and one on August 20th (T.W.F.). 154. Black-tailed Godwit. III. Single birds seen at Belvide on March 22nd (P.G.D.), April 16th (J.L.), April 28th (R.J.C.B.), August 15th (R.B., P.G.D., W.E.M.), August 16th (A.R.M.B., G.M.I., A.F.J., M.J.W.) and September 12th (M.P.B.). One seen at Blithfield on July 4th (C.D.T.M.) and three on the 28th (C.R.). 155. Bar-tailed Godwit. I. One seen at Powells Pool, Sutton Park, on March 15th (T.M.T.) was the first record from there. III. Single birds seen at Blithfield on July 25th (C.D.T.M.), August 16th (R.J.C.B.), 18th (A.R.L.) and December 6th (J.L., N.S.), the latter being the first December record in the Club's area. 156. Green Sandpiper. Very few spring records.

29 I. Single birds noted at Alvecote between August 27th and October 1st (G.A.A.). Occurred at Brandon mainly between June 21st (N.S.) and August 30th (A.J.R.), with six on August 2nd (G.B.) and the last bird on November 28th (N.S.). Eight seen at Packington on July 30th (D.M.T., K.H.T.), three at Baginton on August 16th (G.B.) and one near Chesterton Church on the 30th (E.J.B.). Present at Hams Hall from July 12th to October 4th, with six on August 24th (D.A.), and at Bodymoor Heath during autumn (D.A.) with one in winter months (H.T.L.). II. Single birds occurred at Bittell between August 11th (D.M.H.) and October 27th (K.C.). Up to three seen at Pirton Pool from August to late September (C.T.S.R.). 12 seen at Upton Warren on July 25th (A.R.L.). III. One at Blackbrook Sewage Farm site on March 22nd and 28th (P.W.H.) was the only spring record in the Club's area. Noted at Blithfield from June 26th (J.L.), around six during July and August, and 13 on August 14th (T.W.F.); mainly single birds during September and a late record on November 15th (P.J.M.). At Belvide three seen on August 30th (R.B.), two on September 20th (P.G.D.) and one on the 27th (A.R.M.B.). 157. Wood-Sandpiper. I. One seen at Alvecote from August 13th to 16th (G.A.A.) and three on the 30th (H.T.L.). Single birds noted at Hartshill Sewage Farm on August 30th (J.L.B.) and September 11th (H.R.P.). III. A single bird seen at Blithfield on May 18th (A.R.L.) and usually up to three birds, on dates between August 6th (R.J.C.B.) and September 4th (A.F.J.). One at Belvide on April 26th (R.B.) and May 14th (G.M.I., M.J.W.) were the only spring records received. 159. Common Sandpiper. Isolated records from many waters on passage. I. At Alvecote up to three noted in spring between April 12th (M.J.A.) and May 18th (G.A.A.). Autumn passage occurred from July 5th, with peak of seven on the 25th (G.A.A.) and last bird noted on September 27th (M.J.A.). One or two seen at Brandon between April 18th and May 10th (G.B.) and up to six (N.S.) on return passage between July 9th (G.B.) and August 24th (A.J.R.). Single birds seen at Bartley between August 19th and October 10th (A.R.D.). Six noted at Coton on April 30th (H.T.L.), at Shustoke on May 10th and at Hams Hall on July 24th (D.A.). Four seen at Chesterton Church reservoir on July 12th and at Leamington on August 22nd (E.J.B.). II. Up to seven noted at Bittell from April 19th (A.R.D., P.D.H.) to May 17th (D.M.H., A.R.L.) and up to seven on dates between July 8th (K.C.) and September 6th (A.R.D.). Two seen at Upton Warren on the early date of March 17th (A.R.L., D.M.T.) and seven on July 27th (D.M.T.). III. At Blithfield six seen on April 26th (G.S.) and one on May 17th

30 (J.L.). Autumn passage started with six on June 30th (C.D.T.M.) and around 12 noted until mid-August, with 25 on August 18th (A.R.L.). Smaller numbers followed, apart from 14 on August 27th (P.D.H.) until a last record of three on September 20th (J.L.). One or two noted at Belvide from April 12th (A.E.C., P.G.D., T.E.P.) until May 17th (J.L., G.S.). Return passage started with two on June 28th (L.S.) and up to nine observed until early August and then one or two until August 25th (A.F.J., G.S.). 14 seen at Gailey on June 28th (L.S.). 161. Redshank. I. Only one seen by observer in Tame Valley area, where six or seven usual (H.T.L.). No definite breeding reported at Alvecote, where noted from March 1st to September 17th, with five on May 18th the most seen (G.A.A.). Did not breed at Brandon, where up to five seen on dates between March 29th and August 2nd (G.B.). II. Several spring and autumn records from Bittell (several observers) and from Upton Warren, where several noted on December 8th (F.F.). III. Two seen on February 29th (P.G.D.) at Belvide, where fewer than usual nested and where the most seen was about 12 on May 31st (A.R.D., P.D.H.) and June 20th (A.R.M.B.). At Blithfield 10 present on July 12th (J.L.). Two pairs believed to have nested at Rickerscote (F.C.G.). 162. Spotted Redshank. I. Seen at Alvecote, usually three, on dates between August 29th and October 5th, with peak of five on September 6th (G.A.A.). One at Brandon on August 23rd (A.J.R.), Baginton on October 1st (R.W.M.L.) and Bodymoor Heath on October 4th (G.A.A.). II. A bird seen at Upton Warren on September 13th (W.G.T.). III. Single birds, sometimes two, seen at Blithfield on dates between July 12th (J.L.) and September 20th (R.J.C.B., G.M.I.), with a peak of five on August 27th (R.B., F.C.G.). One reported at Belvide on August 30th (E.S.C., G.M.I.) and October 17th (G.B.). 165. Greenshank. I. At Alvecote first noted on July 2nd and then from August 15th (G.A.A.) to September 13th (H.T.L., L.S.) with five on August 10th (G.A.A.) and 30th (L.S.). One or two seen at Brandon on April 18th (R.B., A.J.R., N.S.) and 19th (N.S.) and up to three between August 9th (G.B.) and 27th (R.B.). One seen at Chesterton Church on August 30th (E.J.B.), at Hams Hall between July 12th (H.T.L.) and October 4th (D.A.), at Bartley on October 4th (A.R.L.) and heard at night over Walmley on August 5th (B.W.J.) and over Hall Green, Birming- ham, on October 4th (D.M.T., K.H.T.). Up to six seen at Hartshill Sewage Farm between August 20th and 25th (J.L.B.). II. At Bittell one or two present on May 13th and 16th (P.D.H., M.J.I.) and on a few dates between July 15th and October 26th (K.C.). III. One on April 12th (A.R.L.) was the only spring record at Blith-

31 field, where autumn passage started on July 20th (L.S.) and up to six seen until end of August and then single birds to September 12th (P.J.M., K.A.P.). Two seen at Belvide on April 10th (J.L.) and one on October 10th (R.G.C.). Two noted at Cannock Reservoir on May 2nd (A.F.J.) and one or two on August 1st (C.R., P.P.) and 2nd (A.R.M.B.). 169. Knot. I. One seen at Brandon on February 15th (A.J.R.) and November 8th (G.B.). II. Single birds noted at Bittell on January 11th (P.D.H.) to 16th (K.C.), March 2nd (K.C.) and from October 1st (R.M., D.M.T.) until the 12th (P.D.H.). III. At Blithfield up to four as a maximum seen on dates from July 23rd (P.J.M.) to September 7th (F.E.P.). One present at Cannock Reservoir on September 7th (A.R.M.B.). 171. Little Stint. II. A bird seen at Bittell on August 12th (D.M.T.) and from September 12th (M.J.I.) to the 19th (L.F.D.). III. One seen at Blithfield on August 18th (A.R.L.), six on August 22nd (L.S.) and one or two subsequently up to September 18th (J.L.). Two noted at Belvide on October 17th (L.F.D.) and 18th (P.J.M.). 173. Temminck's Stint. III. One seen at Blithfield on August 25th (R.Ba.) and on the 27th and 28th (A.R.D., T.W.F., A.F.J., P.D.H.). 178. Dunlin. Isolated records from a number of waters. I. Eight present at Alvecote on March 15th and up to five in mid- April. One seen on June 28th and then from July 2nd to October 11th, the peak being 11 on July 28th (G.A.A.). At Brandon one seen on January 4th (N.S.) and three on February 29th (G.B., A.J.R.). Up to 11 noted from March 14th until May 16th (A.J.R.) and a few autumn records, with seven on August 2nd (G.B., A.J.R.) and September 3rd (N.S.). A maximum of 10 noted at Hams Hall from late July through August (H.T.L.), the last bird being on October 4th (D.A.). II. One seen at Bittell on February 9th and March 1st (several observers) and small numbers, up to five, in late April and from July 5th (P.D.H.) until October 30th (K.C.), with late birds on December 3rd (K.C.) and 6th (A.R.D., P.D.H.). 24 at Upton Warren on March 15th (A.R.L.) was the most recorded there (A.R.L.). III. Five seen at Blithfield on April 12th (A.R.L.), where autumn passage first noted, with one on July 4th (C.D.T.M.). 30 by July 11th (A.F.J.) had increased to about 60 by end of month and early August. About 30 present throughout August, decreas- ing to 20 in September. Numbers in later months were con- stantly higher than usual, 55 being recorded on December 11th (J.L.) and finally three on the 28th (A.R.M.B.). Noted at Belvide from April 4th (P.D.H.), with up to 15 in first half of May. One present on June 28th (L.S.) and then small numbers up to eight from July 12th until September 20th (A.F.J.) and late birds on

32 October 17th (L.F.D.) and November 22nd (A.R.D., P.G.D., P.D.H.). Seen at Cannock Reservoir from May 2nd to 14th, with 13 on the 13th (A.R.M.B.), and again from July 31st (A.R.M.B.) until August 8th (A.F.J.), with 10 on August 1st (P.P., C.R.). 179. Curlew-Sandpiper. I. Two seen at Alvecote on September 1st and one from the 7th to the 10th (G.A.A.). One reported at Brandon on May 10th (A.J.R.). II. Three noted at Upton Warren on August 20th (F.F.) and one at Bittell on September 16th (K.C.). III. Single birds reported at Bhthfield on August 8th (P.D.H.) and 27th (A.R.D.) and up to three from September 11th (J.L.) to October 18th (A.F.J.). 181. Sanderling. I. One or two reported at Brandon from May 11th (A.J.R.) to 13th (G.B.) and two at Bartley on October 3rd (A.R.D.) and one on May 25th (R.Ba.). III. Noted at Cannock Reservoir, up to four, from May 2nd (A.F.J.) until the 14th (A.R.M.B.) and one on July 31st (A.R.M.B.). One or two seen at Belvide between May 8th (J.L.) and 13th (E.S.C.), with seven on the 14th (G.M.I., M.J.W.). Single birds occurred at Bhthfield on August 2nd (A.E.C., T.W.F., T.E.P.) and 19th (J-L.)- 184. Ruff. No spring records. I. Single birds seen at Alvecote from July 23rd to August 29th (G.A.A.) and two at Brandon on August 15th (G.B.), three on the 17th (R.B.) and one on the 30th (A.J.R.). One present at Harts- hill Sewage Farm from August 20th to 25th (J.L.B.). II. One or two reported at Bittell on a few dates from July 29th (P.D.H.) to October 4th (A.R.D., P.D.H.). One seen at Upton Warren on March 15th (A.R.L.) and noted in autumn with seven on August 30th and finally two on November 28th and 29th (M.P.B.). III. At Bhthfield one reported on June 18th (P.J.M.). Autumn passage noted from July 5th (J.L.), up to four until early August, and larger numbers later in month, with 20 on the 23rd (several observers). Single birds then from early September, with the last record on October 10th (A.F.J.). First bird observed at Belvide on June 30th (A.F.J.) and up to four seen on several dates until August 30th (E.S.C., P.G.D., L.F.D.) and then single birds on October 24th (A.F.J.), November 9th (L.F.D.) and, with damaged wing, December 20th (G.M.I., M.J.W.) and 27th (A.R.L.). One noted at Cannock Reservoir on August 1st (P.P., C.R.). 187. Grey Phalarope. II. An exhausted bird examined at Bittell on September 17th was found dead the following day (R.M.). 188. Red-necked Phalarope. III. One seen at close range at Blith- field on June 28th in full summer plumage (R.Ba.). 198. Greater Black-backed Gull. I. One or two reported on a few dates in winter and autumn months from Alvecote (G.A.A.),

33 Bartley (A.R.D., A.R.L.), Packington (H.T.L.) and eight at Shustoke on January 19th (H.T.L.). II. At Bittell one or two noted in winter and autumn (A.R.D., P.D.H.). III. One at Blithfield on April 19th (J.L.) and at Cannock Reservoir on May 10th (A.R.M.B.) were the only spring records. One or two birds reported in winter and autumn from Blithfield (G.S.), Cannock Reservoir (A.R.M.B.), Essington (P.P.) and four at Belvide on January 5th (G.M.I.). 199. Lesser Black-backed Gull. I. Seen in all months at Alvecote (G.A.A.) and at Tame Valley gravel pits (H.T.L.). At Hams Hall roost 1,800 on August 25th was the maximum, reducing to about 200 by end of September (H.T.L.). 290 counted at Packington on July 30th (D.M.T.), 170 at Coleshill Pool on August 13th (P.D.H.) and 86 at Fort Dunlop on July 30th (B.W.J.). One of Scandinavian race identified at Bartley on December 6th (A.R.L.). II. Up to 100 seen during winter months at Westwood and Bittell (C.T.S.R.). III. Movement, probably to and from Blithfield, observed over Lichfield throughout the year, north and north-west in the evenings and the reverse in the early morning (M.J.A.). About 800 estimated at Blithfield roost at 4 p.m. on December 11th, with birds still arriving (J.L.). 200. Herring-Gull. Records mainly in autumn and winter months and roosts reported at Belvide, Blithfield and Cannock reservoirs. 201. Common Gull. Small numbers reported from various waters, mainly spring and autumn. I. 20 flew east over Alvecote on March 29th (G.A.A.). 207. Little Gull. I. A bird seen at Alvecote on August 13th (G.A.A.) was the first record from there. III. One seen at Belvide on April 9th (T.E.P.) and 11th (M.P.B., M.J.W.) and on September 12th (M.P.B.). A bird noted at Blithfield on September 2nd (A.R.D., P.D.H.). 208. Black-headed Gull. Noted throughout the year. I. About 3,000 roosted at Shustoke on January 19th (H.T.L.). II. About 2,000 estimated at the Bittell roost in early January (A.R.D., P.D.H., A.R.L.). III. At Cannock Reservoir roost 2,200 counted on December 19th (A.R.D., P.D.H.). 211. Kittiwake. I. Five noted at Bartley on January 1st (R.Ba.), one on January 5th and December 6th (A.R.L.). One seen at Brandon on April 7th (G.B.). III. One seen at Belvide on January 5th (G.M.I.) and an ailing bird on May 30th (M.J.W.). 212. Black Tern. No spring or autumn concentrations reported. I. At Alvecote two seen on May 18th, three on July 5th and one from September 17th to 20th (G.A.A.). One seen at Earlswood

34 on May 17th (E.C.N., J.E.N.), Middleton Pool on the 23rd (G.A.A.), two at Coombe Pool on the 31st (D.E.C.), one at Bartley on June 14th (A.R.L.) and at Elmdon Park, a new locality, on August 17th (P.D.H.). II. Single birds seen at Bittell on July 18th (J.M.H.), August 14th (A.R.D., J.M.H., P.D.H.) and August 17th (R.M.). One at Upton Warren on August 20th (J.L.). III. At Blithfield one present on June 30th (K.A.P.), July 19th (J.L.) and 20th (L.S.) and then up to seven reported between August 16th (A.F.J., T.W.F.) and September 26th (J.L.) with nine on August 28th (A.F.J.). Noted at Belvide in spring from May 22nd (F.E.P.) until the 31st (A.R.D., P.D.H.) with five on the last date; three on July 5th (P.W.H.) and up to seven then reported between August 15th (R.B., P.G.D., W.E.M.) and September 27th (several observers). One reported at Cannock Reservoir on August 18th (A.F.J.). 217. Common Tern. I. Single birds seen at Alvecote on April 19th, June 3rd, 14th and 28th (G.A.A.). II. Up to eight noted at Bittell between July 9th (J.M.H.) and 12th (A.R.D., M.J.I., R.M.) and single birds between August 12th (A.R.D., P.D.H.) and September 21st (J.M.H.). One seen at Netherton Reservoir on May 19th and on September 7th (P.B.T.) and at Upton Warren on the 15th (A.R.L.). III. At Blithfield one seen on April 19th and July 12th (J.L.), five on the 20th (L.S.) and up to three between September 13th (P.J.M.) and 20th (several observers). One or two present at Belvide on April 26th (several observers), May 20th (E.S.C.), 31st (A.R.D., P.D.H.) and then single birds from July 5th (G.M.I., L.S.) to September 27th (A.R.M.B., P.J.M.). 218. Arctic Tern. I. One noted at Alvecote on August 13th (G.A.A.) II. One at Bittell on September 8th (W.G.T.). III. Single birds seen at Blithfield on April 19th, August 13th (J.L.) and September 27th (P.J.M.). At Belvide four identified on April 19th (R.B.), two on May 21st (G.M.I., M.J.W.) and single birds between September 7th (G.M.I.) and 20th (A.F.J.). 217/218. Common/Arctic Terns. Reports from several waters from mid-April until early October. III. 13 present at Blithfield on April 19th (J.L.); a party of 11 passed over Lichfield on May 24th (F.E.P.) and the same number over Rugeley, to the north-west, on July 5th (J.L.). 222. Little Tern. II. One at Upton Warren on August 20th (F.F.). III. A bird seen at Blithfield on September 13th (several observers). 223. Sandwich Tern. II. Two identified at Bittell on April 13th (K.C.). 232. Stock-Dove. I. Eight seen at Polesworth Sewage Farm on March 29th (G.A.A.), the same at Brandon on August 16th (G.B.) and 10 at Bartley on December 13th (P.D.H.). Three pairs nesting near Austrey on May 31st (per G.A.A.).

35 II. Did not breed at Sheriffs Lench this year (T.C.S.). Flock of 25 present at Hagley during late December (J.G.S.). III. Not seen in Walsall area by observers this year (A.E.C., T.E.P.). Six seen at Blithfield on June 15th (J.L.). 234. Wood-Pigeon. I. Reported as being less numerous in Tam- worth area since 1962/3 winter. About 600 noted in fields at Solihull on December 7th (A.R.D.). III. Flocks up to about 250 seen at Blithfield in March, November and December (J.L.). 235. Turtle-Dove. I. Said to be decreasing in Coventry area (G.B.). Heard in Sutton Park in early June (A.R.M.B.). At least 10 at Trickley Coppice, near Sutton Coldfield, on May 17th (M.G.). III. Well established in Enville plantations and 11 noted there on May 31st (G.M.I.). Eight seen at Hopwas on May 10th (M.J.A.) and seven at Essington on August 15th (G.M.I.). Collared Dove. I. Noted at Bartley, usually around eight, from October 24th to December 6th (A.R.D., P.D.H., A.R.L.) with a maximum of 15 on November 8th (M.P.B., A.R.L.). A pair, occasionally three or five, seen in Edgbaston, Birmingham, garden from early in the year (E.C.). Two noted in Coventry on May 20th and one on July 9th (R.B.) and four at Roseycombe Wood, near Coventry, on September 19th (A.W.E.). II. Colony at Spetchley, near Worcester, now up to about 50 (C.T.S.R.). Bred in various parts of Kidderminster (R.M.). Three pairs bred in Evesham gardens, leaving the area at end of October (A.J.H.). One or two noted at Bittell on October 1st (R.M.) and 10th (M.J.I.); a pair at Clent on April 18th (J.S.); a pair at Stourport on May 9th (F.J.W.); a pair at Hagley on September 22nd; and three regularly in autumn at Cofton Richards (J.M.H.). III. Bred in the Yoxall-Hampstall area, where maximum seen together was 18 (per T.W.F.) and several young reared by three pairs at Haselow Hall, Tamworth (F.C.G.). Two present at Coven on April 14th and June 14th, five at Essington on August 15th (G.M.I.), one at Blithfield on July 25th and August 16th (P.J.M.) and in Tamworth on October 9th (G.A.A.). 237. Cuckoo. I. At least seven present at Bartley on May 17th (A.R.L.). III. Fewer than usual reported in Great Wyrley area (D.J.S.). Young bird reared in Reed Bunting's nest at Belvide (G.M.I.), where bird of rufous phase seen on July 19th (P.J.M.). 241. Barn-Owl. I. Absent from usual site at Hockley Heath (D.W.) and one at Walsgrave on November 14th was observer's only record in the Coventry area (N.S.). Nested at Sutton Coldfield (M.G.), Arbury (M.L.) and Austrey, and noted at Alvecote in autumn and winter (G.A.A.), at Brandon—where unusual—on April 5th (A.J.R.) and near Alcester on May 10th (G.C.L.). II. Seen at Frith Common in mid-June (J.G.S.).

36 III. Reported, during spring and summer, from Belvide (N.A.), Blithfield (G.B., P.J.M.), Knighton Reservoir (K.A.P.), Chilling- ton, Enville (G.M.I.), near Rugeley (P.J.M.), Brownhills (P.G.D.) and Boscobel (C.H.). 246. Little Owl. I. Has not yet recovered from the 1962/3 winter in the Tamworth area (G.A.A., M.A.A.) and not seen by observers in Coventry area (G.B.). Noted at No Mans Heath (J.L.), Hampton-in-Arden (J.D.M.W.), Northfield (G.E.L.) and Elmdon Park (P.D.H.) and bred at Bartley (A.R.L.). II. None seen at Sheriffs Lench (T.C.S.) and said to be scarcer than last year in Worcester area (C.T.S.R.). Five reported near Besford on July 24th (W.J.L.) and a family party of four at Frith Common on August 3rd (J.G.S.). Noted at Westminster Farm, Frankley, Blakeshall (J.R.M.), Bell End (R.L.), Hallow (C.T.S.R.) and Cofton Richards (J.M.H.). III. Reported as being more numerous this year in Tutbury and in Yoxall-Hampstall areas (T.W.F.) and three or four pairs bred in the Darlaston-Tittensor area (K.A.P.). Fewer than usual reported in the Great Wyrley area (D.G.S.). Reported from Chilhngton (G.M.I.), Great Barr (R.L.), Belvide, Penkridge (P.J.M.), Bishops Wood, Knighton Reservoir, Blithfield (K.A.P.), Seighford (G.S.), Mile Oak, Wigginton (G.A.A.), Normans Heath, Fradley Aerodrome (F.E.P.), Lichfield, Swinfen (M.J.A.) and the Roches (R.B., M.W.B.). 247. Tawny Owl. Reports from most areas. II. A pair noted at Rednal in daylight on September 23rd and 25th perching on chimney pot with smoke issuing (J.R.M.). 248. Long-eared Owl. III. One seen on October 3rd at noon on Cannock Chase being mobbed by Jays (A.F.J.). 249. Short-eared Owl. III. Single birds seen at Bagots Park on February 9th (J.L.), on north Staffordshire moors on March 21st (L.S.), April 11th (R.B., M.W.B., P.G.D.), September 28th and October 24th (F.C.G.) and at Belvide on October 4th (P.G.D.). 252. Nightjar. II. No birds heard this year at Old Hills (C.T.S.R.). Heard in Wyre Forest on August 3rd (A.F.J.). III. Up to four heard churring in Sherbrook Valley, Cannock Chase, on May 29th and June 20th (A.R.M.B., A.F.J.) and one at Brindley Heath on May 12th (M.J.A.). Five birds heard at Hopwas on May 23rd and two at Brereton Hayes, in young conifer plantation, on the 30th (M.J.A.). Suitable areas of young conifer investigated unsuccessfully at Fradley Wood and Weeford (M.J.A.). Four singing at Enville on June 11th (G.M.I.) and one in July at Kinver Edge (R.M.). 255. Swift. I. Movement mainly to the south-west noted in Alvecote- Wilnecote area from July 19th until September 13th and was marked on August 4th and 15th (G.A.A., M.A.A.). At a Hall Green, Birmingham, colony birds arrived on May 1st, an average date, and left mainly on the night of August 5th/6th, a little

37 later than average but five days earlier than in 1963 (R.L.S.). III. Arrived on May 11th at a Burton-upon-Trent colony, where the average date is May 4th (B.A.). 258. Kingfisher. I. Has not returned to Alvecote (G.A.A.) since 1962/3 winter and one at Brandon on September 5th was the first since then (A.J.R.). Single birds seen at Solihull on July 18th (A.R.D.), Middleton Hall in August and September (per (G.A.A.), and Hams Hall and Bodymoor Heath in August (D.R.L.). II. Single birds seen at Bittell in February and March and again from August to October (several observers). Seen at Dowles Brook, Wyre Forest, in May and June (R.J.C.B., C.T.S.R.), on River Teme, near Tenbury, in mid-September (R.L.S.), and on River Alne, near Wootton Wawen, in August (J.P.). Still scarce around Kidderminster (M.S.U.). III. Now rare in Stafford area, where one seen at Brancote on July 26th (J.S.B.) and one, occasionally two, seen at Bhthfield from July 25th (R.J.C.B., P.J.W.) until November 1st (P.J.M.). Autumn and winter records of single birds from Grindley (J.S.B.), Cop Mere (P.J.M.), Dimmingsdale (R.J.B.), Chillington (G.M.I.), Shenstone (N.Sw.), Belvide, Netherton Reservoir (P.B.T.), Dovedale (T.C.) and Rugeley (J.A.B.). 261. Hoopoe. I. A bird reported at Leek Wootten in May (per E.J.B.). II. One seen at Upton-on-Severn from May 6th to 10th (C.A.N.) and on Malvern Hills on the 15th (V.M.J., W.W.J.). III. A bird reported on April 24th between and New- borough (E.L.W.). 262. Green Woodpecker. I. Said to have decreased at Coombe (N.S.). II. Still absent from Sheriffs Lench (T.C.S.) but apparently back to strength in most areas of the county. Five recorded in Wyre Forest on May 3rd (N.S.). III. Four noted on October 24th during afternoon's walk on Cannock Chase (A.F.J.). Two seen in late August at Saltwells Wood, Netherton, where unusual (P.B.T.). 263. Greater Spotted Woodpecker. Records from many areas. II. Five noted in Wyre Forest on May 3rd (N.S.) and three on Lickey Hills in early April (A.R.D., P.D.H.). 264. Lesser Spotted Woodpecker. I. One seen at Ullenhall, where unusual, on January 18th (A.T.C.). Seen in breeding season in Sutton Park (A.R.D., P.D.H.), Austy Wood (D.M.T.) and at Baginton (R.W.M.L.). II. Three seen at Randan Wood on April 30th (F.F.). Reported in breeding season from Stourport (R.M.), Bittell (R.M.), Woodcote (F.F.), Wyre Forest (A.R.M.B.), Old Hills, Pirton Pool (C.T.S.R.) and, three, including a juvenile, at Coughton Wood (K.H.T.). III. Reported in breeding season from Bhthfield, Enville, Belvide (A.F.J.) and Fradley (M.J.A.).

38 271. Wood-Lark. Apparently almost extinct in the area. II. One, which flew over Sheriffs Lench on March 13th (A.J.H.), was the only record for the year. 272. Skylark. I. Autumn passage not very well marked in Tame valley area but noted, to the south, from September 20th to October 24th (G.A.A., M.A.A.). Marked movement to the south reported at Bodymoor Heath on October 4th (H.T.L.). About 130 present at Bartley on February 16th (A.R.L.) and autumn passage recorded to south-west during October and early Novem- ber (A.R.D., P.D.H.). II. About 150 noted at Upton Warren on October 31st and at Bittell on February 16th (A.R.L.). Peak numbers in Hagley district were 116 on December 26th (J.G.S.). III. Flock of up to 150 present at Keele from September to December (A.S.), 200 seen near Stafford on December 27th (J.S.B.) and 550 at Dimmingsdale on the 28th (R.J.B.). 274. Swallow. I. Main autumn passage noted at Wilnecote around September 10th (G.A.A., M.A.A.). The maximum roosting at Bedworth Sloughs was about 5,000 on September 7th and about 1,000 were at Arbury Park on August 27th (H.L.). About 13 square miles of farmland at Nuneaton supported 138 breeding pairs and 725 nestlings were ringed in 189 broods (H.L.). II. 150 passed south-west over Bittell on August 14th (A.R.D., P.D.H.). III. Heavy passage to south-west noted at Sedgley during last week in September (P.G.D.). 276. House-Martin. I. At Alvecote, where breeding recorded for first time, little autumn passage noted (G.A.A.). One at Birch- field on November 21st was a late occurrence (C.R.). III. At Lichfield where flock built up to 60 by August 14th the last bird departed on October 2nd (M.J.A.). 277. Sand-Martin. I. 1500 noted at roost at Alvecote on August 20th (C.D.T.M.). II. Only a few pairs bred at the Old Powick bridge colony and owing to increased disturbances none at former colonies at Worcester Waterworks and Pirton Pool (C.T.S.R.). Pronounced passage recorded in Bittell area from July 26th to August 7th (J.M.H.). III. About half of 150 nest-holes occupied on July 2nd in excavated ash-pit at Meaford, a site subsequently flooded. Colony on roadside at Leek still persists, 30 nesting holes being counted (K.A.P.). Breeding success in Wombourne and Seisden areas said to be lower than usual (P.G.D.). 278. Golden Oriole. I. A cock bird which first attracted attention by call-notes was watched for some time on May 17th feeding in tall oaks near Packington Park (A.T.Collins). 279. Raven. II. Two seen on Malvern Hills on January 25th (A.F.J.). 280. Carrion-Crow. I. Parties up to 10 seen frequently in Alvecote

39 and Wilnecote areas (G.A.A., M.A.A.). II. 65 counted feeding around Bittell on September 27th (A.R.D., P.D.H.). III. Flock of 36 seen foraging on mud at Blithfield on December 6th (J.L.). 282. Rook. I. 500 reported at Two Gates on February 1st. Fewer in Austrey area and no shoot organised by farmers in the spring (G.A.A., M.A.A.). 283. Jackdaw. I. Roosting flocks with Rooks noted of about 300 at Maxstoke on July 18th and 350 at Hams Hall on December 31st (H.T.L.). III. Flock of about 500 seen near Keele on January 4th (A.S.) and of 350 near Bagots Park on December 11th (J.L.). 284. Magpie. No pronounced changes in status reported. 286. Jay. I. Increase reported in Birmingham suburbs (E.D.C., R.G.S.). Concentration of up to 20 birds noted in spring in Trickley Coppice, Sutton Coldfield (D.S.). At Ullenhall on August 14th bird seen to seize Blue Ti tand be in turn robbed of prey by Jackdaw (A.T.C.). II. Four birds present throughout year at Leasowes, Halesowen (B.B.). III. Noted regularly in Weeford area with five on February 29th (M.J.A.). Frequent on Cannock Chase particularly in autumn months (several observers). 290. Goal-Tit. No changes in status reported. 292. Marsh-Tit. No changes in status reported. I. Two pairs resident in Sutton Park (A.R.M.B.). 20 counted in flocks at Middleton Hall on November 27th and Trickley Coppice on December 13th (M.G.). 293. Willow-Tit. No changes in status reported. I. Breeding reports from Alvecote (G.A.A.) and Brandon (G.B.). II. Reported in breeding season from Kidderminster, Lickey Hills, Randon Wood and Knightwick (F.F.). III. Reported in breeding season from Belvide, Kinver Edge (G.M.I.), near Netherton (P.B.T.) and Gailey, where party of five seen on July 5th (L.S.). 294. Long-tailed Tit. Reported in good numbers from many localities. I. 46 counted in Trickley Coppice, Sutton Coldfield. on November 8th (M.G.); 14 at Alvecote on October 4th (G.A.A.), and about 12 in Sutton Park on January 17th (J.H., E.L.W.) and October 4th (N.A.). II. 11 noted at Bittell on November 14th (A.R.D., P.D.H.); eight in Wollescote Dingle on the 15th (J.G.S.); nine on Lickey Hills on December 4th (J.W.). III. Flocks noted of 24 at Baswick on July 3rd (J.S.B.); 20 on Cannock Chase on August 30th (G.S.) and October 17th (W.E.M.); 17 at Hopwas on January 26th (M.J.A.); 16 at Belvide on December 23rd (A.R.D., P.D.H.); 12 at Blithfield on December 26th (C.R.);

40 12 at Tittensor on February 6th (K.A.P.); 11 at Chillington on October 18th (G.M.I.); and 10 at Enville on March 31st (G.M.I.). 295. Bearded Tit. I. Two cock birds seen in reed-mace at Alvecote on December 27th (G.A.A.) were the first recorded there. 296. Nuthatch. I. About 12 reported together at Arbury on January 29th (R.H.). III. 12 seen during morning walk at Enville on January 12th (A.F.J.) and at least 12 noted at Chillington on June 30th (A.E.C., T.E.P.). Four seen on Tittensor Chase on August 17th but said to be an uncommon breeding bird in area (K.A.P.). In Lichfield area only record by observer was a pair at Fradley Wood on November 22nd (M.J.A.). 298. Tree-Creeper. Recorded from many areas. I. About seven seen at Earlswood on January 12th (F.B.). II. None seen in woods at Sheriffs Lench since 1962/3 winter (A.J.H.). III. At least six pairs noted in woods around Blithfield Reservoir on April 12th (A.R.M.B.). 299. Wren. I. Some recovery at Alvecote since 1962/3 winter (G.A.A., M.A.A.) but still scarce at Brandon (A.J.R.). 10 recorded in Coombe woodlands on May 10th compared with one on same date in 1963 (N.S.). II. Distinct recovery noted at Sheriffs Lench by late November after hard weather of 1962/3 (T.C.S.) and said to be back to normal in Worcester (C.T.S.R.) and Kidderminster (M.S.U.) areas. 15 recorded in Wyre Forest on May 3rd compared with two on same date in 1963 (N.S.). III. Still scarce in Meaford-Hanchurch areas (K.A.P.) but said to have recovered in Keele area (A.S.). 13 noted in Fradley Wood on May 9th, eight at Hopwas around same date (M.J.A.). Noted frequently on Cannock Chase in autumn and winter (J.L., G.S.). Four pairs noted in Saltwells Wood as against one in 1963 (P.B.T.) and good breeding season reported in Seisdon-Wombourne areas (P.G.D.). 300. Dipper. I. One seen at Combroke on March 30th was first recorded there by observer (F.B.). II. Three or four pairs noted on Dowles Brook, Wyre Forest (several observers). Believed to have bred at Belbroughton (R.M.) and nest seen at Mathon on April 18th (C.T.S.R.). Three seen near Bewdley on January 18th (W.E.M.), one at Dodford on the 29th (F.F.), five at Stanford Bridge and two at Tenbury on October 18th (W.J.L.) and two near Alfrick on December 30th (C.T.S.R.). III. Single birds seen at Solomons Hollow, near Leek, on February 10th and in Dovedale in November (K.A.P.). Two nests with young seen on Blake Brook, north Staffordshire moors, in May (H.T.L.). 302. Fieldfare. Feeding on fallen apples recorded from several areas. I. Numbers lower than usual in Tam worth area, 50 moving north- north-west at Alvecote on March 22nd being the most seen

41 (G.A.A., M.A.A.). An early bird seen at Alvecote on September 13th (H.T.L.). Reduced numbers reported in Tame valley, maximum being 10 on November 8th (H.T.L.). About 150 at New Hall Farm, Sutton Coldfield, on November 15th (M.G.). II. Departure witnessed to east and south from roosting area at Sheriffs Lench on evening of March 21st (T.C.S.). Scarce around Worcester in early months of year but commoner in autumn although late in arriving (C.T.S.R.). III. Flock of about 100 near Elmhurst on March 7th (T.C.). Large flocks of many hundreds noted collecting on March 22nd (D.T.S.) around Little Wyrley, where up to 200 noted during early months of year outnumbering Redwings by about five to one (A.E.C., T.E.P.). Influx with Redwings observed in Netherton area on November 7th (P.B.T.), about 250, with a few Redwings, seen at Blithfield on November 8th and many around Yoxall on same date (J.L.). Noticeable movement to the west over Sedgley on November 12th and 13th (P.G.D.). 303. Song-Thrush. II. Nine pairs bred at Cofton Richards as against ten last year (J.M.H.). 304. Redwing. I. Numbers still lower than usual in Alvecote area (G.A.A., M.A.A.). Nocturnal passage heard at Hall Green, Birmingham, from October 16th to 28th (R.L.S.). At least 300 noted at Trickley Coppice on November 8th (M.G.). II. Around Worcester same observations as for Fieldfare except that numbers less (C.T.S.R.). III. At Sandon roost 250 present on January 19th, 350 on the 26th, 400 on November 29th and 800 on December 20th (C.D.T.M.). Fewer than usual noted on passage in Sedgley area (P.G.D.). 307. Ring-Ouzel. II. A cock bird on passage seen at Bittell on April 10th (A.R.D., P.D.H.). III. Breeding records from Roches (K.A.P.) and Swallow Moss areas (H.T.L.). Single birds seen on passage on Cannock Chase on October 4th (J.L.) and at Essington on the 10th (P.P., C.R.). 308. Blackbird. I. Influx recorded at Sutton Coldfield around October 7th (J.L.) and at Alvecote on the 11th (G.A.A., M.A.A.). Of 30 nests noted at Yardley Sewage Farm only two were successful and late growth of foliage was believed to be a factor in this high rate of predation (H.T.L.). 15 pairs believed to have built 22 nests on 150 acres of farmland near Fillongley over the period March to end of June (W.E.M.). II. Unusual concentrations noted at Bittell on November 4th and again on December 18th (D.M.H.). 19 pairs bred at Cofton Richards as against 18 last year (J.M.H.). III. Influx noted at Lynn on October 13th (T.E.P.) and at Hopwas Wood on November 15th (M.J.A.). In garden at Great Wyrley on March 31st a cock bird with mate sitting on eggs was seen to attack a Song-Thrush sitting on a neighbouring nest with eggs,

42 drag it on to the ground and peck it continuously; the Song- Thrush then returned to its nest (D.J.S.). 311. Wheatear. Records on passage from various places including urban localities. II. Bred as usual on Malvern Hills, where five adults and six juveniles seen on June 28th (A.R.D.). Not seen on Clent Hills this summer (J.G.S.). III. Seen at Morridge on July 5th (K.A.P.). Noted on spring passage at Aldridge in same field where recorded annually for more than 30 years (A.E.C., T.E.P.). Greenland Wheatear. I. One identified at Bartley on May 12th (A.R.L.). Two birds with characteristics of this race seen on May 14th at Minworth (H.T.L.). 317. Stonechat. I. One seen on allotments at Kings Heath, Birming- ham, on February 28th (D.M.). II. A bird noted on Castlemorton Common on June 24th (K.H.T.). III. Three seen on Cannock Chase on October 3rd (A.F.J.) and 7th (W.E.M.). 318. Whinchat. I. Breeding reported from Alvecote (G.A.A.) and Brandon (R.B., N.S.). II. Breeding reported from Hartlebury Common (R.M.) and River Severn meadows (C.T.S.R.). Eight reported on passage at Bittell on September 4th (C.T.S.R.). Said to be increasing in Kidderminster area (M.S.U.). III. Breeding reported from Cannock Chase, where six pairs seen on May 23rd (A.F.J.), Netherton (P.B.T.), Bagots Park (K.A.P.), Blithfield (G.B.), North Staffordshire moors (G.B.), Enville Common, where six pairs noted along one mile of road (R.M.), and (A.E.C., T.E.P.). 320. Redstart. I. Three pairs noted during April and May in Sutton Park (A.R.M.B.). II. At least 15 singing birds recorded around Dowles Brook, Wyre Forest, on May 14th and six pairs on the Lickeys on the 21st (R.M.). Several seen on June 14th at Eckington and Nafford (G.B., N.S.). III. Breeding records from Hanchurch, where uncommon (K.A.P.), Blithfield (several observers), Blake Brook (G.B.), Cannock Chase (several observers), Trentham Park (G.S.), Bagots Park (J.L.), Enville, Kinver, (G.M.I.). Probably bred at Hopwas Wood (G.A.A.) and at Lynn, where unusual (T.E.P.). At least eight noted on passage near Wolverhampton on September 2nd (P.G.D.). 321. Black Redstart. I. Pair seen near Birmingham city centre from late May until mid-June (N.A.). II. A female seen at Malvern on March 28th (J.H.R.). III. Bred at Bilston where now known to have done so in previous years. Cock bird arrived on April 6th and the hen about a week later. After the first clutch had been destroyed, probably by

43 rats, three young reared from second brood and birds last seen on August 29th (P.G.D,. J.E.G.). 322. Nightingale. I. During the second half of May seven birds heard singing at Wappenbury Wood, three at Waverley Wood, two at Long Itchington Wood, three at Ryton Wood (N.S.), four near Wootton Wawen (A.R.L.) and Austy Wood — three pairs (D.M.T.). II. Birds located at Hanley Castle, Old Hills—four or five on May 15th (C.T.S.R.), Droitwich (F.F.), Cofton, Dowles Brook (R.M.), and near Bewdley (F.B.). Song heard for a few seconds near Dowles Manor on unusual date of July 10th (R.L.S.). III. One sang frequently between middle of May and early June in (T.W.F.). 327. Grasshopper-Warbler. I. Heard in summer months and believed to have bred at Coleshill Pool (A.R.D.), Four Oaks, Sutton Park (A.R.M.B.) Ullenhall—seven singing after May 1st (A.T.C.), Tanworth-in-Arden (R.L.S.), Wootton Wawen—six singing on April 24th (A.R.L.), Danzey Wood (E.C.N., J.E.N.), Spernall (D.M.H.), and Trickley Coppice (M.G.). At least five pairs located in young conifer plantation in Austy Wood (D.M.T., K.H.T.). II. Six singing birds in Hagley Wood was an increase on last year (J.G.S.) and said to be more numerous in Lenches (A.J.H.) and Worcester districts (C.T.S.R.). Breeding season reports from Frith Common (J.G.S.), Sheriffs Lench (T.C.S.), Devils Spittleful near Kidderminster—four singing birds (R.M.), Dowles Brook, Bittell, Hartlebury Common (R.M.), Chaddesley Wood (F.F.), Evesham (A.J.H.), Pirton Pool, Malvern Hills, Old Hills (C.T.S.R.), Besford, Hallow and Bransford (W.J.L.). III. Breeding season reports from Blithfield—three singing birds (C.D.T.M.), Cannock Chase—up to four in song (P. J.M.), Aqualate, Shugborough Park (P.J.M.), Bagots Park (J.L.), Kinver Edge and Perton (G.M.I.). 333. Reed-Warbler. Records from usual areas. I. Increased at Alvecote with the extension of the reed-beds (G.A.A.). Six pairs located at Brandon in June (G.B.). 334. Marsh-Warbler. II. Birds reported in June from Tewkesbury (A.F.J., N.S.) and from several river Avon localities (G.B., G.M.I., N.S.). 337. Sedge-Warbler. No changes in distribution reported. I. A good breeding season reported at Alvecote (G.A.A.). III. Similar reports from Belvide (P.G.D.). 343. Blackcap. I. At least 15 in song in Brandon Woods on April 19th, 10 at Coombe on May 10th and three in Waverley Woods on the 18th (N.S.). Three singing birds located in an area of Sutton Park in May (A.R.M.B.). A hen bird seen in early February in garden at Yardley, Birmingham (W.A.N.), an injured cock bird at Coombe on November 7th (N.S.) and a hen

44 at a bird-table at Harborne, Birmingham, on December 3rd (M.W.). II. 10 heard in Wyre Forest on May 3rd compared with five Garden- Warblers (N.S.) and in Dowles Brook area on the 7th A.R.M.B. reported five Blackcaps singing and two Garden-Warblers. On May 14th in latter area R.M. considered the ratio reversed, six Blackcaps to 12 Garden-Warblers. Four heard in Lickeys on May 21st compared with six Garden-Warblers (R.M.) and on June 28th A.F.J, reported three Blackcaps to four Garden- Warblers. III. Four in song at Swinfen on May 2nd compared with three Garden- Warblers and four heard at Lynn in May and June (T.E.P.). At Fradley Wood two heard on May 9th compared with three Garden-War biers. Nine sang at Hopwas Wood on the 10th compared with 12 Garden-Warblers (M.J.A.) but on the 16th G.A.A. reported two Blackcaps to six Garden-War biers. 346. Garden-Warbler. See Blackcap notes for some comparisons. I. Two singing birds located in Sutton Park where it is not a usual breeding species (A.R.M.B.). One seen on August 7th in garden at Hah Green, Birmingham, was the first there for 12 years (R.L.S.). 348. Lesser Whitethroat. I. Breeding season records from Alvecote (G.A.A.), Bodymoor Heath (D.A.), Bartley (A.R.L., G.E.L.) and from Ullenhall, where three pairs were resident in overgrown hawthorn hedges (A.T.C.). II. Breeding season occurrences from Hagley (J.G.S.), Worcester (G.M.I.), Dowles Brook, Stourport, Devils Spittleful, Cofton and Bittell, where three pairs probably bred (R.M.) and 15 birds present on April 26th (A.R.L.). III. Summer records from Weston-under-Lizard, where three singing in 200-yard length of hedgerow (P.G.D.), Cannock Reservoir (A.R.M.B.), Hopwas, Walsall, Gailey (A.E.C., T.E.P.), Kinver Edge (R.M.), Belvide, Perton, Enville (G.M.I.) and Blithfield, where nest with four eggs seen on June 26th (J.L.). 354. Willow-Warbler. I. Good breeding numbers reported at Alvecote and Wilnecote (G.A.A., M.A.A.) and five pairs bred on 150 acres of farmland at Fillongley (W.E.M.). II. 35 heard in song during walk in Dowles Brook area, Wyre Forest, on May 3rd (N.S.). Six heard on June 28th in two-hour transect of Lickeys (A.F.J.). III. Influx noted at Keele on April 17th (A.S.). 44 singing birds counted in Hopwas Wood on May 10th (M.J.A.). 356. Chiffchaff. II. In Kidderminster in contrast to Willow-Warbler said to frequent only wooded gardens (L.R.B.). 14 heard in song during walk in Dowles Brook area, Wyre Forest, on May 3rd (N.S.) and two on June 28th in two-hour transect of Lickeys (A.F.J.). 357. Wood-Warbler. I. Singing bird reported in Sutton Park during

45 May but no evidence of breeding (A.R.M.B.). One sang at Bentley Park Wood on May 19th (H.L.), three in Long Itchington Wood on the same date and two in Ryton Wood on the 24th (G.B., N.S.). Two in song on June 14th (A.L.) at Bartley, where very unusual. II. Between 12 and 20 singing birds reported in May at Dowles Brook, Wyre Forest (several observers). Other breeding season records from Lickeys—two or three pairs (several observers), Dudley, Malvern (G.M.I.), Frith Common (J.G.S.). III. Breeding season records from Hopwas (M.J.A., G.A.A.), Chilling- ton (A.E.C., G.M.I., T.E.P.) and Cannock Chase (A.F.J.). One in song at Blithfield on May 18th (A.R.L.). 364. Goldcrest. I. Party of 25 seen in Trickley Coppice, Sutton Coldfield, on November 8th (M.G.). Open cup-shaped nest noted against trunk of small spruce at Bentley Park Wood (H.L.). II. Said to be still below strength in Worcester area after 1962/3 winter (C.T.S.R.). Up to 12 recorded in the Lickeys in autumn and winter months (A.R.D.). III. Common on Cannock Chase in autumn and winter months (J.L.) and seen frequently in Weeford Park on October 27th (F.F.). At least 10 seen in Hopwas Wood on October 25th (G.A.A.). 366. Spotted Flycatcher. I. Maximum in autumn at Bromwich Wood, Bartley, was 45 on August 31st (A.R.L.). II. 25 counted in Lickey Woods on July 5th (A.R.D., P.D.H.). III. 35 seen on passage at Perton in hedgerow and shrubs on August 22nd (C.H.). 368. Pied Flycatcher. I. Pair seen at Offchurch in June and July and bird seen to visit hole in tree on July 3rd (E.J.B.). II. Five nests inspected in Wyre Forest on May 31st (E.S.C., M.M.C.). 373. Meadow-Pipit. I. Concentration reported at Minworth on April 14th (H.T.L.). Passage to south noted at Alvecote from September 4th to October 24th, but less than previous years (G.A.A., M.A.A.). Passage to south or south-west observed at Bartley between September 19th and October 28th with peak in first half of October (A.R.D., P.D.H.). II. Marked passage to south noted at Bittell on September 28th (D.M.H.) and concentration noted on October 11th (J.M.H.). III. About 100 seen round Belvide on April 7th (A.R.D., P.D.H.) and flock of about 130 noted on October 11th (J.L.). Movement over Bilston to south-west at rate of about 65 per hour noted during mornings from September 12th to 15th (P.G.D.). 376. Tree-Pipit. I. Seven singing at Brandon on May 17th (N.S.), four in Sutton Park on the 23rd (A.R.M.B.) and four at Ufton Fields on July 2nd (G.B.). One in song at Tanworth-in-Arden on May 24th was the first seen there by observer (R.L.S.). II. One pair bred at Sheriffs Lench (T.C.S.). Few reported in Worcester area (C.T.S.R.).

46 III. Recorded from many areas, with 10 at Kinver Edge on April 26th (G.M.I.) and seven at Hopwas on May 10th (M.J.A.). 379. Rock-Pipit. I. Single birds reported at Alvecote on October 11th (G.A.A.) and at Bartley on December 13th (A.R.D., P.D.H.). III. Single birds seen at Blithfield on March 15th (T.W.F., J.L., L.S.) and November 14th (G.B.); at Gailey on September 20th (A.F.J.); and at Belvide on October 24th (A.F.J.), December 20th (A.R.L.) and 28th (G.M.I.). 380. Pied Wagtail. III. Flock of about 100 seen at dusk at marsh near Tipton on October 29th (P.B.T.). White Wagtail. Records from various waters from mid-April to mid-May. III. Seven reported at Belvide on April 19th (P.G.D.) and six at Cannock Chase on May 2nd (A.R.M.B., A.F.J.). 381. Grey Wagtail. Single birds, occasionally two, reported in autumn and winter months from various waters. I. Pair with young on the wing seen on August 26th near Chesterton Church (E.J.B.). II. Bred as usual in Wyre Forest area (several observers). III. Pair with young seen at Blake's Brook, north Staffordshire moors, on June 27th (G.B.). 382. Yellow Wagtail. No changes reported in breeding distribution. I. Marked passage noted in Tame Valley on September 20th with several parties of around 25 in riverside meadows (H.T.L.). III. 76 noted at Blithfield on May 18th (A.R.L.). Blue-headed Wagtail. II. One seen at Upton Warren on May 3rd (A.R.L.). III. A bird, with Yellow Wagtails, identified at Blithfield on May 18th (A.R.L.). 383. Waxwing. I. Two seen at Sutton Coldfield on January 6th (F.W.G.C.), one at Bartley on the 19th (A.R.L.) and one at Edgbaston, Birmingham, on February 10th (per H.K.). II. Two noted at Great Witley at beginning of year (C.R.L.R.). 384. Great Grey Shrike. I. One reported in Sutton Park between October 17th (R.G.C.) and November 29th (T.C.). III. Single birds seen at Pattingham on February 16th (P.G.D.) and on Cannock Chase on October 4th (J.L.) and 10th (A.F.L.). 388. Red-backed Shrike. II. A cock bird seen at Devil's Spittleful, Kidderminster, on June 8th (R.M.). 389. Starling. II. About 5000 present in roost at Lenchwick on July 20th and numbers increased until mid-November when birds left (T.C.S.). III. Roost at Hopwas formed in early October estimated at 250,000 on October 18th and was present until end of year (M.J.A.). A huge roost of between a quarter of a million and a million birds located at new site at Sandon from about November 20th to end of year (C.D.T.M.).

47 391. Hawfinch. I. Two seen in Sutton Park on February 8th (R.G.K.F.). II. Two reported at Bittell on May 24th (W.F.S.) and one at Far Forest on August 31st (R.M.). One seen at Malvern on June 21st (K.H.T.). III. At Enville two present on March 21st (A.F.J.) and three on April 6th (R.J.B.). One seen at Chillington on May 1st (G.M.I.). 392. Greenfinch. I. Slight increase in breeding numbers reported in Tamworth area (G.A.A., M.A.A.). About 100 noted in Sutton Park on January 17th (J.H., E.L.W.), 170 at Bartley on February 16th (A.R.L.) and a flock seen near Coventry was about 600 strong at beginning of October (A.W.E.). About 1000 roosted at Trickley Coppice on December 20th (M.G.). II. Flocks reported were about 50 at Hagley on October 4th (J.G.S.), 60 at Frankley on January 5th (A.R.L.) and 75 at Devil's Spittleful, Kidderminster on October 22nd (R.M.). III. Flock of 150 seen near Trescott on December 21st (R.J.B.) and of about 200 at Keele during December (A.S.). 393. Goldfinch. I. Big increase reported in autumn numbers in Coventry area (N.S.). At least 15 roosted at Bracebridge, Sutton Park, on February 8th (A.R.M.B.), 21 seen at Bartley on January 19th (A.R.L.), 25 at New Hall Farm, Sutton Coldfield and 20 at Trickley Coppice on December 13th (M.G.). II. 20 located in roost at Sheriffs Lench on March 21st (T.C.S.). Increase reported in Worcester area where parties of about 20 seen in autumn (C.T.S.R.). Around 20 seen at Bittell in September and October (K.C., J.R.M.). III. Largest flocks reported were 75 at Essington on September 5th (P.P., C.R.); 50 at Blithfield on December 26th (C.R.); 50 at Belvide on October 6th (W.E.M.); and 20 on Barlaston Down on February 14th (K.A.P.). 394. Siskin. I. Parties of up to 25 noted at Ullenhall in winter and early spring (A.T.C.). 15 seen on November 28th at Bartley, where irregular, (A.R.D.) and 10 at Bracebridge, Sutton Park, on April 18th (A.E.C.). One in suburban garden, Hall Green, Birmingham, on October 31st was unusual (D.M.H.). II. 45 counted in Wyre Forest on February 2nd (A.F.J.). Many reports from Bittell, the most being 45 on November 29th (A.F.J.) and December 6th (A.R.D., P.D.H.). III. Records from various areas, the largest parties being 50 on January 25th at Hopwas (M.J.A.); 80 on Cannock Chase on February 22nd (A.F.J.); 16 at Blithfield on November 29th (J.L.); and 30 at Copmere on January 11th (P.J.M.). 395. Linnet. I. Present throughout year at Alvecote (G.A.A., M.A.A.). Flocks of about 100 seen at Hartshill on February 2nd (H.L.), 150 in Sutton Park on August 12th (W.E.M.), 350 at Brandon on September 27th (G.B.), and 75 at Bartley on October 24th (A.R.D.). 50 in roost at Trickley Coppice on November 1st

48 had increased to 400 by the 24th (M.G.). About 100 roosted at Hartshill Hayes on December 3rd (H.L.). II. 120 noted near Arley on September 4th, 150 at Devil's Spittleful, Kidderminster, on October 22nd and 100 at Eymore Wood in early December (R.M.). III. Flocks noted of up to 200 at Blithfield in autumn and winter months (several observers); 100 at Kinver Edge on April 12th (G.M.I.); 300 at Seisdon on September 11th (P.G.D.); 150 at Keele on October 20th (A.S.); and 100 at Hopwas in autumn and winter (G.A.A., M.J.A.). 396. Twite. III. Apart from a bird seen at Blithfield on October 10th (A.F.J.) all records came from Cannock Reservoir where birds reported from January 4th (A.F.J.) until February 7th (J.L.), with a maximum of 38 on January 26th (A.F.J.), and five on December 19th (A.R.D., P.D.H.). 397. Redpoll. Records from many localities. I. About 100 on January 5th was the most seen at Brandon Woods (N.S.) and in Sutton Park 80 on March 8th (A.R.M.B.). About 50 seen at Arbury in early January (R.H., D.H.N.), 40 noted at Coleshill Pool on April 1st (A.R.D.) and one at Trickley Coppice, near Sutton Coldfield, on May 20th suggested breeding (D.S.). II. About 100 seen near Bewdley on January 18th (W.E.M.) and 40 at Rhydd Covert, near Kidderminster, on February 8th (F.F.). 50 on April 2nd was the maximum reported in the Lickeys (P.D.H.). Pair seen in Saltwells Wood, Netherton. on May 20th and 35 there on October 4th (P.B.T.). Few reported in Randan Wood in autumn in contrast with previous season (F.F.) and similarly in Hagley Wood (J.G.S.). III. Bred at Enville (G.M.I.), Kinver (R.M.) and Bagots Park (J.L., L.S.). 220, in two parties, on April 25th was the maximum reported on Cannock Chase (A.F.J.) and 75 on October 11th the most at Hopwas Wood (G.A.A.). Other numbers recorded were 150 at Gailey on March 31st (M.J.B.); 50 at Blithfield on January 12th (T.W.F., J.L., L.S.); 50 at Enville on April 18th (J.L.); 50 at Kinver Edge on April 12th (G.M.I.); 40 at Cop Mere on January 11th (P.J.M.); and 40 at Keele on October 25th (A.S.). 401. Bullfinch. I. Party of 22 seen in Sutton Park on January 4th and 5th (A.R.M.B.) and 15 at Middleton Hall on February 22nd (M.G.). Noted for first time by observers in two different parts of King's Heath, Birmingham (J.H., C.M.N.). Well over 100 birds counted in four square miles in Brandon - Baginton area on Nov- ember 29th (A.W.H.W.). II. 20 seen at Devil's Spittleful, Kidderminster, on October 22nd R.M.); 28 on November 29th around Bittell (A.R.D., P.D.H.); and 30 near Worcester on November 30th (C.T.S.R.). III. Parties of between 10 and 20 seen commonly in Tame Valley in autumn (H.T.L.). 404. Crossbill. I. 18 noted at Caldecote on January 20th (A. Sheasby).

49 II. One or two seen in the Lickey Woods in January (A.F.J.); seven in Hurcott Wood on February 1st (C.A.N.); several in Ribbesford Wood on the 14th (F.F.); five at Bunkers Hill, Stourbridge, on the 26th (C.A.N.); several in Rhydd Covert, near Kidderminster, on April 12th (F.F.); and 25 near Clent on May 16th (D.J.B.). 18 noted in Wyre Forest on February 2nd (A.F.J.) and 10 on May 23rd (L.F.D.). III. Up to 20 reported at Enville from January 12th (A.F.J.) until May 19th (J.L.) when young seen on the wing. 21 seen at Kinver on April 12th and four on the 26th (G.M.I.). Ten noted on Cannock Chase on April 25th (A.F.J.). 407. Chaffinch. I. Only small numbers seen at Alvecote and Wilnecote in winter months (G.A.A., M.A.A.). II. At Sheriffs Lench flock of about 100 seen on March 21st (T.C.S.) and also at end of year (A.J.H.) but only three cock birds seen in the summer and no nests found (A.J.H.). Reported to be scarce in the Worcester area (C.T.S.R.). III. Only small numbers reported in Lichfield and Fradley areas apart from 50 at Hopwas on March 14th (M.J.A.). 408. Brambling. I. One or two seen in Sutton Park on February 27th (N.A.) and March 8th (A.R.M.B.) and at Bartley on March 3rd (A.L.). II. Up to 20 noted in Lickeys from October 11th to end of year (A.F.J.). Small numbers seen at Bittell on February 15th (R.S.K.-F.), Hagley (J.G.S.) in spring and at Sheriffs Lench (T.C.S.) and Clent Hills (J.G.S.) in autumn. III. Small numbers mainly in autumn reported from Belvide (G.M.I., R.G.K.F.), Chillington (G.M.I.), Enville (R.M.), Hopwas (M.J.A.), Blithfield (P.P.), Sedgley (C.R.), Cop Mere (M.J.W.) and Essing- ton (P.P.). 409. Yellow Hammer. I. Breeding numbers in Alvecote - Wilne- cote area reported to be almost back to normal (G.A.A., M.A.A.). Party of 20 noted at Bartley on January 26th (A.R.L.). 100 roosted at Trickley Coppice during winter months (M.G.). II. Flock of 20 noted at Devil's Spittleful, Kidderminster, on October 22nd (R.M.). III. Flock of 20 seen at Keele on January 16th (A.S.) and 30 at Enville at end of March (R.M.). 410. Corn-Bunting. I. Nine seen at Alvecote on March 22nd and singing birds noted in spring or summer at Polesworth Sewage Farm (G.A.A.), Brandon (R.B., M.W.B.) and Ilmington (F.F.). Two seen in Sutton Park on April 5th (A.R.D., P.D.H.) and one at Bartley on November 8th (M.P.B., A.R.L.). II. Singing birds noted in summer at Powick, Bewdley (C.T.S.R.). Ripple (A.F.J.), Sheriffs Lench (T.C.S.), Besford (W.J.L.). About 20 reported in song around Worcester at end of July (J.H.R.).

50 III. Heard in song throughout June near Branston (R.B.) and at Drayton Bassett (G.A.A.). 415. Cirl Bunting. II. Reported from Malvern where nest with young seen June 21st (G.M.I.). 421. Reed-Bunting. III. About 50 present at roost at Belvide throughout the winter (P.G.D.). 423. Snow-Bunting. I. One recorded at Bartley on November 8th (A.R.L.) and two on December 28th (A.R.D., P.D.H.). II. Five seen at Bittell on February 2nd (W.G.T.) and one on December 6th (A.R.D., P.D.H.). III. One or two seen at Blithfield between November 4th and 28th (G.B.). 424. House-Sparrow. I. Four nests were built in the plane trees in the Bull Ring, Birmingham (A.J.R.). III. Flock of 1200 counted with Wood-Pigeons near Lower Penn on December 28th (C.H.). 425. Tree-Sparrow. I. After nest-boxes at Ullenhall had been cleaned out in September several birds (and also House-Sparrows) had built nests in them by late October (A.T.C.). Flocks of about 100 seen at Brandon on March 21st (A.J.R.) and at Body- moor Heath during December (H.T.L.). About 200 seen at Bartley on January 5th (A.R.L.), 300 at Hartshill in January and February (M.L.) and about 200 at Arbury on March 8th (B.H.W.). II. Has increased around Sheriffs Lench where flock of about 500 seen in plum orchard during January and of about 300 in kale field during December (A.J.H.). Increase reported in Worcester area (C.S.R.). Flock of 150 seen at Devil's Spittleful, Kidder- minster, on October 22nd (R.M.). III. Flock of about 50 reported at Bagots Park on February 29th (J.L.); 100 near Fradley Wood on December 13th (M.J.A.); and 150 at Keele during December (A.S.).

In addition to the birds mentioned in the classified notes the following species are known to breed in the Club's area:—

Great Tit, Blue Tit, Mistle Thrush, Robin, Whitethroat, Hedge-Sparrow.

1963 Report, Errata. The Gannet record for April 17th on page 18 and the Short-eared Owl record for January 27th on page 36 are for 1962. On page 33 the Black-headed Gull roost at Bartley totalled 12,000.

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56 RINGING ACTIVITIES OF MEMBERS IN 1964 (For key to initials of members see pages 62 and 63.)

Species Aspect of Study Place Ringer Heron. Dispersal of young. Gailey, Staffs. C.D.T.M. Mute-Swan. Breeding, biology and S. Staffs., C.D.T.M. movements. N. Warks. Movements. Stratford, Warks. J.A.H. Worcestershire. H.S.H.H., G.H.G. Stoke, Staffs. A.P.B., B.D.B. Swift. Feeding and Minworth S.F., E.J.P. movements. Warks. Swallow. Return in subsequent Blithfield, Staffs. C.D.T.M. years. Nuneaton, H.L. Warks. Roosting and Napton, Warks. J.A.H. movements. Bedworth, H.L., M.J.D. Warks. Alvecote, C.D.T.M., J.A.H. Warks. Minworth, E.L.W. Warks. Westwood Park, G.H.G. Worcs. Little Wyrley, P.G.D. Staffs. House-Martin. Return in subsequent Maxstoke, H.T.L., D.R.L., G.G. years. Warks. Sand-Martin Dispersal from Sutton Coldfield, E.J.P., G.J.M. colonies. Warks. Newnham, G.H.G., J.A.H. Tenbury Wells, Worcs. Whittington, P.G.D. Worcs. S. Staffs. P.G.D. Roosting and Alvecote, Warks. C.D.T.M., J.A.H., movements. P.G.D., E.D.P. Westwood Park, G.H.G. Worcs. Tits. Dispersal of young. Cannock Chase, W.M. Bird Club. Staffs. Movements. Coventry area. A.W.E. Nuneaton, H.L. Warks. Blackbird. Return in subsequent Yardley, S.F., H.T.L., D.R.L., G.G. years/seasons and Warks. weights. Warblers. Movements. Coventry area. A.W.E. Sutton Coldfield/ D.S., M.G., J.R.M. Middleton. Westwood Park, G.H.G. Worcs. Pied Wagtail. Roosting and Sparkhill, Warks. E.J.P. movements. Starling Roosts. Movements. Sandon, Staffs. Many ringers.

57 Greenfinch. Movements. Sutton Coldfield, E.J.P., D.S. Warks. Stratford, Warks. J.A.H. Nuneaton, H.L. Warks. Coventry area, A.W.E. Warks. Linnet. Movements. Brandon, Warks. A.W.E. Westwood Park G.H.G. and Echington, Worcs. Reed-Bunting. Roosting and Pirton and G.H.G. movements. Westwood Park, Worcs. Belvide, Staffs. P.G.D. Copmere, Staffs. B.D.B. House-Sparrow. Moult. Castle Bromwich, H.T.L., D.R.L. Warks. Tree-Sparrow. Movements. Hartshill, Warks. H.L. Thrush and Movements. Nuneaton, H.L. Finch roosts. Warks. Middleton, D.S., J.R.M., M.G. Warks. E.L.W., E.J.P. Sandon, Staffs. Many ringers. Great Barr, E.L.W. Staffs.

MIGRANTS The average arrival or departure date given below after the name of each bird is based respectively on the first and last dates given in the Annual Reports up to 1964. The figure in brackets is the number of years on which the average is based.

ARRIVALS DEPARTURES Chiffchaff. Av.= March 19 (30) Av.= October 7 (30) March 21 Welland (J.H.R.) Oct. 6 Worcester (C.T.S.R.) 23 Drakelow (E.A.H.) 5 Stoke Prior (F.F.) 25 Leamington (E.J.B.) 3 (several records)

Sand-Martin. Av.=March 26 (29) Av. = October 1 (29) March 27 Belvide (A.R.D., P.D.H.) Oct. 14 Bittell (J.M.H.) 28 Bittell (J.M.H.) 10 Bodymoor Heath 29 Churchbridge (T.E.P.) (H.T.L.) 8 Solihull (R.B.) Wheatear. Av. =March 26 (27) A v. = September 28 (28) March 17 Old Milverton (E.E.G.) Oct. 4 Sutton Park (N.A.) 19 Bittell (K.C.) Sept. 27 Malvern Hills (C.P.B.) 22 (Many records) 27 Belvide (F.C.G.)

Willow-Warbler. Av.=March 29 (30) Av. = September 25 (30) March 29 Leamington (E.J.B.) Sept. 20 Bittell (A.R.D., P.D.H.) 29 Brandon (G.B.) 18 Worcester (C.T.S.R.) April 6 Bodymoor Heath 17 Sedgeley (P.G.D.) (A.R.D., P.D.H.)

Ring-Ouzel April 10 Bittell (A.R.D., P.D.H.) Oct. 10 Essington (P.P., C.R.) 4 Cannock Chase (J.L.)

58 ARRIVALS DEPARTURES Swallow. Av.= April 3 (30) Av. = October 23 (30) March 27 Bittell (J.M.H.) Nov. 15 Coombe Pool (D.E.J.C.) 29 Kidderminster (B.B.) 15 Nuneaton (C.S.W.) April 8 Belvide (D.M.T.) 6 Alvecote (G.A.A.) Oct. 27 Baginton (R.W.M.L.)

Blackcap. Av. = April 6 (30) Av.= September 20 (27) April 9 Westwood (C.P.B.) Oct. 14 Solihull (P.D.H.) 12 Trescott (R.J.B.) 3 Clent Hills (J.G.S.) 12 Belvide (R.B., P.G.D.) Sept. 27 Brandon (N.S.)

Garganey. Av. = April 7 (22) Av. = September 9 (21) March 10 Edgbaston Park Oct. 10 Blithfield (A.F.J.) (Y.M.W.) Sept. 20 Belvide 15 Upton Warren (A.R.L.) (R.G.K.F., G.M.I.) April 4 Chesterton Pool (M.I.L.) 16 Alvecote (G.A.A.)

Yellow Wagtail. Av.= April 9 (28) Av.= October 2 (27) April 8 Croome (C.T.S.R.) Oct. 11 Baginton (A.W.E.) 8 Belvide (P.W.H.) 11 Bartley (P.D.H.) 8 Cofton Richards Sept. 27 Bickenhill (J.M.H.) (E.C.N., J.E.N.)

Tree-Pipit. Av. = April 10 (27) Av.= September 13 (26) April 7 Salwarpe (C.P.B.) Aug. 27 Malvern (C.P.B.) 11 Ullenhall (A.T.C.) 16 Blithfield (G.M.I.) 12 Bodymoor Heath 15 Essington (G.M.I.) (P.D.H.)

Redstart. Av. = April 11 (28) Av. = September 10 (27) April 9 Chawson (C.P.B.) Sept. 21 Droitwich (C.P.B.) 10 Bittell (K.C.) 19 Selly Oak (G.E.L.) 11 Enville (R.J.B.) !5 Belvide (P.J.M.)

Common Sandpiper. Av. = April 12 (28) March 17 Upton Warren (D.M.T.) Av. = October 9 (25) April 11 Upton Warren (F.F.) Oct. 11 Bartley (P.D.H.) 12 (Many records) 3 Bodymoor Heath (H.T.L.) Sept. 27 Alvecote (G.A.A., M.J.A.) 27 Pirton (C.T.S.R.)

House-Martin. Av.=April 12 (30) Av.= October 24 (30) April 12 Churchbridge Nov. 21 Birchfield (C.R.) (A.E.C., T.E.P.) 7 Belvide (R.J.B.) 12 Brandon (N.S.) Oct. 23 Welland (J.H.R.) 12 Chesterton (E.J.B.) 21 Leamington (E.J.B.)

Cuckoo. Av. = April 13 (28) Av.= September 17 (26) April 16 Lapworth (per E.J.B.) Sept. 12 Cubbington (B.J.A.) 17 Ullenhall (A.T.C.) 12 Hartshill (J.L.B.) 17 Priors Marston (B.O.S.) Aug. 30 Wyre Forest (W.F.S.)

Whitethroat. Av.= April 16 (30) A v. = September 19 (30) April 11 Westwood (C.P.B.) Sept. 27 Bittell (A.R.D., P.D.H.) 18 (Many records) 18 Alvecote (G.A.A.) 18 Worcester (C.T.S.R.)

59 ARRIVALS DEPARTURES Nightingale. Av. = April 20 (28) April 17 Wootton Wawen Aug. 20 Hanley Castle (C.T.S.R.) (D.M.T., K.H.T.) 18 Hanley Castle (C.T.S.R.) 21 Westwood (C.P.B.)

Sedge-Warbler. Av.=April 20 (28) Av.= September 20 (21) April 18 Alvecote (H.T.L.) Sept. 28 Hatton (E.A.E.) 18 Westwood (C.P.B.) 27 Baginton (G.B.) 19 (Several records) 26 Brandon (A.W.E.)

Wood-Warbler. Av. = April 22 (28) Av.= August 9 (19) April 18 Wyre Forest (M.J.I.) Aug. 30 Wyre Forest (W.F.S.) 19 Arbury (D.H.N.) 21 Randan Wood (F.F.)

Grasshopper-Warbler. Av. =April 22 (28) April 17 Wootton Wawen Av. = August 17 (13) (D.M.T., K.H.T.) Aug. 30 Alvecote (M.J.A.) 19 (Many records) 21 Bittell (A.R.D., P.D.H.)

Lesser Whitethroat. Av. = April 23 (28) April 16 Lickeys (J.M.H.) A v. = September 13 (28) 18 Bodymoor Heath Sept. 21 Yarningdale (J.H.L.) (E.A.H.) 15 Belvide (P.J.M.) 22 Wilnecote (G.A.A.) 12 Bittell (K.C.)

Pied Flycatcher. Av.=April 23 (17) April 19 Wyre Forest (A.J.R.)

Garden-Warbler. Av. = April 24 (27) Av. = August 23 (26) April 19 Ullenhall (A.T.C.) Sept. 5 Belvide (P.J.M.) 27 Hatton (E.A.E.) 3 Chesterton (E.J.B.) May 1 Randan Wood (F.F.) Aug. 31 Enville (C.R.)

Whinchat. Av. = April 25 (28) Av.= September 20 (25) April 19 Belvide (D.J.B.) Oct. 3 Cannock Chase (A.F.J.) 20 Enville (J.L.) Sept. 28 Essington (P.P.) 25 Bodymoor Heath 27 Bartley (M.P.B.) (H.T.L.) 25 Welland (J.H.R.)

Swift. Av.= April 25 (30) Av.= September 7 (30) April 19 Bodymoor Heath Sept. 16 Westwood (C.P.B.) (E.A.M.) 15 Bittell (D.M.H.) 23 Bittel (C.T.S.R.) 15 Leamington (N.S.) 24 (Several records)

Turtle-Dove. Av.=May 1 (29) Av.= September 16 (29) April 23 Enville (R.J.B.) Sept. 21 Welland (J.H.R.) 27 Alvecote (G.A.A.) 17 Alvecote (G.A.A.) 28 Hurley (E.A.H.) 15 Aqualate (P.J.M.)

Reed-Warbler. Av.=May 1 (24) Av. = September 12 (16) April 21 Pirton (C.T.S.R.) Sept. 27 Yardley (H.T.L.) May 2 Gailey (A.F.J.) 27 Baginton (G.B.) 3 Alvecote (G.A.A.) 26 Brandon (A.W.E.)

60 ARRIVALS DEPARTURES Spotted Flycatcher. Av.=May 6 (27) Av. = September 20 (27) May 5 Tachbrook Mallory Sept. 20 Salwarpe (C.P.B.) (B.J.A.) 19 Bartley (A.R.D.) 7 Leamington (E.J.B.) 18 (Several records) 9 Wyrley (T.E.P.)

Nightjar. Av.=May 17 (24) Av. = August 16 (13) May 12 Brindley Heath (M.J.A.) Aug. 11 Cannock Chase (G.S.) 16 Enville (D.J.B.) 3 Wyre Forest (A.F.J.) 19 Hopwas (M.J.A.)

Red-Backed Shrike. Av.=May 18 (13) (No records) Marsh Warbler. Av.=June 2 (19) No records

Golden Plover. Av. =September 7 (19) Av.= April 6 (19) Aug. 4 Blithfield (C.R.) April 15 Sutton Coldfield (R.B.) 23 Drayton Bassett (L.S.) 5 Drayton Bassett (G.A.A.) Sept. 1 Lichfield (F.E.P.) 4 Marston Green (P.D.H.) 6 Belvide (D.G.C.)

Wigeon. Av. = September 9 (26) Av. = April 28 (30) July 4 Alvecote (G.A.A.) April 25 Bodymoor Heath Aug. 30 Blithfield (H.T.L.) (several observers) 19 Belvide (R.B.) Sept. 13 Alvecote (G.A.A.) 19 Blithfield (J.L.) 26 Bittell (M.J.I.) 19 Alvecote (G.A.A.) Redwing. Av. = October 4 (30) Av.= April 10 (30) Oct. 2 Tame Valley (H.T.L.) April 18 Ettington Park (E.J.B.) 3 (Many records) 12 Weston-under-Lizard (J.L.) 7 Sutton Coldfield (M.G.) Pintail. Av. = October 8 (19) Av.= April 11 (24) Aug. 21 Blithfield (A.F.J.) May 3 Aqualate (P.J.M.) Sept. 27 Belvide April 12 Blithfield (A.R.M.B.) (several observers) March 7 Brandon (N.S.) 27 Blithfield (A.R.M.B.) Oct. 4 Bodymoor Heath (G.A.A., H.T.L.)

Jack Snipe. Av. = October 11 (23) Av.=March 30 (20) Sept. 21 Pirton (C.T.S.R.) April 26 Bittell (M.J.I., A.F.J.) Oct. 10 Belvide (R.J.B.) 10 Brandon (R.B.) 11 Bittell (W.F.S.) 7 Upton Warren (F.F.)

Brambling. Av.= October 13 (30) Av.= April 4 (29) Oct. 10 Cannock Chase (A.F.J.) April 12 Frankley (D.J.B.) 11 Enville (R.M.) 4 Cofton Richards (J.M.H.) 11 Lickeys (A.F.J.) March 21 Hagley (J.G.S.)

Fieldfare. Av.= October 15 (29) Av. = April 26 (29) Sept. 1 Acocks Green April 20 Ullenhall (A.T.C.) (E.C.N., J.E.N.) 19 Belvide (D.J.B.) 13 Alvecote (H.T.L.) 18 Brandon (G.B.) 19 Cannock Chase (R.W.)

61 ARRIVALS DEPARTURES Golden-Eye. Av.= October 18 (26) A v. = April 24 (27) Aug. 9 Belvide (G.M I.) April 27 Belvide (N.A.) 9 Blithfield (F.C.G.) 19 Blithfield (J.L.)

Siskin. Av. = October 22 (27) Av. = April 4 (28) Sept. 27 Hams Hall (D.A.) April 26 Kinver Edge (G.M.I.) Oct. 10 Cannock Chase (A.F.J.) 26 Hopwas (M.J.A.) 11 Hopwas (M.J.A.) 25 Sutton Park (A.R.M.B.)

Goosander. Av. =November 15 (25) Av. =March 31 (25) Nov. 8 Blithfield (J.L.) April 19 Blithfield (J.L.) Beivide 7 Belvide (A.R.D., P.D.H.) (several observers)

Smew. Av. = December 16 (21) Av.= March 3 (19) Nov. 21 Belvide (G.M.I.) Feb. 22 Blithfield (G.B.) Dec. 23 Bittell (P.D.H.) 2 Belvide (A.E.C.) 28 Blithfield (A.R.M.B.) I Alvecote (G.A.A.)

KEY TO CONTRIBUTORS (The following members and non-members have forwarded material for the Report.) tB. J. Abbott D. Broom fMrs. E. A. Eattell Miss B. Aldred R. Brownsword K. S. Edwards G. A. Arnold M. W. Brownsword A. W. Evans M. A. Arnold J. F. W. Bruhn fMrs. I. M. Evans N. Arnold D. J. By the way R. G. K. Farmer D. Astin *J. L. Burton F. Fincher M. J. Austen C. Cadbury T. W. Ford fMrs. R. Austen L. A. Cadbury M. George fS. G. Austin M. M. Campbell G. Goold fC. D. Baker D. G. Cashmore G. H. Green F. Baldry R. G. Chaffer Miss J. E. Green R. Baron W. B. Charlesworth F. C. Gribble L. R. Bayes Mrs. F. W. G. Church fMiss E. E. Gutch A. P. Bell E. S. Clare J. A. Hardman B. D. Bell A. T. Clay A. J. Harthan J. S. Bennett K. Clifford D. M. Hawker W. B. Bensley Mrs. E. Cloake J. F. Heath B. Bentley A. E. Coles H. S. Helmsley-Hall J. A. Best F. Colley •Mrs. N. Hepburn M. J. Billington A. T. Collins Mrs. J. M. Heynes M. P. Bishop D. E. Court *R. Higginbottom A. R. M. Blake T. Cripps P. W. Hinde Banbury Ornitholog- M. C. Crump T. A. Hobday ical Society (B.O.S.) L. F. Dale S. D. Hodgetts R. J. C. Blewitt fl. K. Dawson J. Hooper fE. J. Bradford J. M. Deag E. A. Hopkins fMrs. W. G. Bradford A. R. Dean C. Hutton R. J. Bradney B. R. Dean P. D. Hyde G. Bromfield P. G. Deans M. J. Inskip C. P. Brooking M. J. Drakeley G. M. Ireson


i A. F. Jacobs D. Morgan R. L. Smallwood B. W. Jones G. J. Mortiboys L. Smith Mrs. R. Jones J- R. Mountford W. F. Smith P. Jones G. Nail T. C. Smout V. M. Jones W . A. Nail D. Stanyard Mrs. W. W. Jones F. C. Needle G. Summers fD. W. Keighley J- E. Needle N. Swindells M. Kenrick *D. H. Nettleton L. J. Talbot R. S. King-Farlow C. M. Newcome P. B. Taylor G. C. Lambourne C. A. Norris D. M. Thomas R. Lane T. E. Parker K. H. Thomas J. M. T.angford F. E. Peach R. S. Thomas *D. Lapworth W . A. Peplow W. G. Thomas *H. Lapworth J- Philips *R. G. Thompson *Miss C. Lee *H. R. Player T. M. Thursfield R. \V. M. Lee K. A. Pod more M. F. Tritsch D. R. Lees F. D. l'onting fT. Trought H. T. Lees M. Potts M. S. Upsall G. F. Lewis P. Porter *J. Wagstaff (J. Wa.) Miss W. J. Lewis F. J. Pratlev F. J. Walker J. Lord C. R. L. Reece D. Warden A. R. Lowe C. M. Reynolds M. J. Warren fj. H. Lowe A. J. Richards E. L. Watterson M. I. Lucas J- H. Robinson Miss V. M. Way H. M. MacGregor R. Rooke C. S. Webb J. R. Miller C. Rutter J. Wedgbury R. Maskew C. T. S. Ryder L. Wheeler J. Maybury s. L. Salt ' G. Williams A. Meldrum R. G. Salter M. Williams W. E. Merrill H. K. Saxby *B. H. Willson P. J. Milford J- Scott R. Winstanley J. R. Miller A. Shaw * A. W. H. Wincott Miss F. Millington *A. F. Sheasbv R. Woods Miss G. Millington N. Sills *Miss N. Worthington C. D. T. Minton D. J. Simkin J. D. M. Wright D. R. Mirams J. G. Skidmore *Nuneaton Bird Watchers' Club member, f Warwick Natural History Society member.

63 WEST MIDLAND BIRD CLUB INCOME AND EXPENDITURE ACCOUNT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31ST DECEMBER, 1964 1963 £ £ INCOME £ s. d. £ s. d. 363 Subscriptions received for 1964 ... 527 14 3 7 Sale of Reports 215 0 23 Sale of "Birds of Staffordshire" ... 49 6 3 3 Field Meetings 5 13 0 7 Proceeds of Lecture—Town Hall ... — — — 3 Interest on Deposit Account ... - - -

406 585 8 6 Less: EXPENDITURE 28 Indoor Meetings 20 2 9 215 Reports 220 4 8 "Birds of Staffordshire"—Part 112 Printing Costs ...... — - — 1X4 Bulletins 172 3 1 37 Printing, Stationery, etc 31 12 8 12 Subscriptions to Associates ... 12 15 6 5 Insurance and Reservoir Hides ... 4 12 0 593 461 10 8 EXCESS OF INCOME OVER • (£187) EXPENDITURE £123 17 10


197 Surplus at 1st January, 1964 10 14 11 187 I.ess: Deficit for year ...... ___ Add: Surplus for year 123 17 10

10 134 12 9 92 Subscriptions in advance ...... 47 10 0

£102 £182 2 9

Represented by:—

£102 Cash at Barclays Bank Ltd £182 2 9

L. SMITH, Hon. Treasurer.

WALL & TANFIELD, Chartered Accountants, Hon. Auditors.

We have examined the above Income and Expenditure Account for the year ended 31st December, 19G4, and Balance Sheet at that date and we certify that, in our opinion, the said Income and Expenditure Account gives a true and fair view of the Club's Excess of Income over Expenditure for 19S4, and the Balance Sheet gives a true and fair view of the state of the Club's affairs as at 31st December, 19(i4, in accordance with books, vouchers and information given to us.

L. SMITH, Hon. Treasurer. WALL & TANFIELD, Chartered Accountants, Hon. Auditors,

64 Hudson & Son (Printers) Limited, Edmund Street, Birmingham 3.