Phillip Valentine Tobias 1925–2012: A Personal Reminiscence ALAN MANN Department of Anthropology, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08544, USA;
[email protected] OBITUARY A late photo of Phillip (courtesy of Milford Wolpoff). hillip Valentine Tobias was born on 14 October 1925. fessional and personal association with Phillip. More con- PHe often pointed out that being born in the same year ventional discussions of his professional work and con- (1925) that Raymond Dart published his description of the tributions to human biology and evolution can be found child from T’aung with the first mention of Australopithe- elsewhere (Grady 2012; White 2012; Wood 2012). His mem- cus africanus, linked him in some important way with these oir (2005) describes in some detail many of his most mem- early hominins. In his memoir (Tobias 2005: 211) he goes orable travels and experiences. A series of conversations on to note that “With some small smattering of the gesta- with two colleagues appeared in 2008 (Tobias, Strkalj and tion period in humans, I worked out that, if my birth on 14 Dugard 2008), in which Phillip roamed over a vast realm October 1925 followed an average duration of my moth- of intellectual, professional, and personal ideas, views, and er’s second pregnancy, I would have been conceived on or opinions. about 3 February, the very evening on which the Star of I first met Phillip in 1966 when I was a graduate student Johannesburg carried the first exciting announcement of at the University of California, Berkeley. Phillip visited the the discovery of the Taung skull”.