Mass Schedule LIVE on Facebook Sunday: 10:15am Daily Mass - Monday-Saturday 7:30am Check our website for information and updates at MarchApril 26, 1, 2020 315 Prospect Street ♦ Midland Park ♦ NJ ♦ 07432 Parish Website: Church Office: 201.444.6362 FAX 201.444.5056 Email
[email protected] Religious Education Office: 201.447.1776 Email
[email protected] Third Sunday of Easter 2020 Confession - Reconciliation Nativity’s Lenten Penance Service Saturdays 4:15 pm in the church, or by appoint- ment. March 18th, 2020 - 7:00pm Jesus raises Lazarus from the dead (John 11:1-45) April 26, 2020 Page 2-689 Third Sunday of Easter During this time of pandemic all weekday Masses are at 7:30am and Sunday Mass is at 10:15am Week of April 27th Time Mass Intention Mass Requested By Saturday April 25th Easter Flower 12:10PM Fred Tinoso Linda Tinoso 5:00PM Eileen Smyth Donaghy Family Collection Al Melzl Mike & Karen Doherty In Memory of… Sunday April 26th 8:00 Mass Claire Saccomanno Saccomanno Family Laura Patterson 10:15 Mass Al Melzl Vincent & Paula Mollica Frank J Moore Rose O’Hagan Patrick & Janet O’Hagan Robert & Kathleen Scavone 12:00 Mass Michael Nagel Marilyn Nagal Ryan Daniel Peters Monday, Carin Leigh Cantilina Cantilina Family April 27th 55th Birthday with the Lord Deceased Members of the 12:10PM Walter & Judith Fitzgerald Tuesday, George & Josephine April 28th Thompson Thompson Family 12:10PM 63rd Wedding Anniversary Marilyn Jane Nichols Wednesday John Richard April 29th Fr. George & Fr. Jason 12:10PM Passant Thursday, April 30th Joanne E.